Пример #1
 def _expandQueries(self, queries):
     ''' expands the list of queries where necessary, e.g. queries that are just predicate names are expanded to the corresponding list of atoms '''
     equeries = []
     for query in queries:
         #print "got query '%s' of type '%s'" % (str(query), str(type(query)))
         if type(query) == str:
             prevLen = len(equeries)
             if "(" in query: # a fully or partially grounded formula
                 f = FOL.parseFormula(query)
                 for gndFormula in f.iterGroundings(self.mln):
             else: # just a predicate name
                     for gndPred in self.mln._getPredGroundings(query):
                         equeries.append(FOL.parseFormula(gndPred).ground(self.mln, {}))
                     raise #Exception("Could not expand query '%s'" % query)
             if len(equeries) - prevLen == 0:
                 raise Exception("String query '%s' could not be expanded." % query)
         elif isinstance(query, FOL.Formula):
             raise Exception("Received query of unsupported type '%s'" % str(type(query)))
     return equeries
Пример #2
    def _infer(self, verbose=True, details=False, fittingMethod=InferenceMethods.Exact, fittingThreshold=1e-3, fittingSteps=100, fittingParams=None, maxThreshold=None, greedy=False, **args):
        # add formulas to the model whose weights we can then fit
        if verbose: print "extending model with %d formulas whose weights will be fit..." % len(self.mrf.softEvidence)
        for req in self.mrf.softEvidence:            
            formula = FOL.parseFormula(req["expr"])
            idxFormula = self.mrf._addFormula(formula, 0.0)                        
            gndFormula = formula.ground(self.mrf, {})
            self.mrf._addGroundFormula(gndFormula, idxFormula)
            req["gndExpr"] = req["expr"]
            req["gndFormula"] = gndFormula
            req["idxFormula"] = idxFormula     

        # do fitting
        if fittingParams is None: fittingParams = {}
        results, self.data = self.mrf._fitProbabilityConstraints(self.mrf.softEvidence, fittingMethod=fittingMethod, fittingThreshold=fittingThreshold, fittingSteps=fittingSteps, given=self.given, queries=self.queries, verbose=details, fittingParams=fittingParams, maxThreshold=maxThreshold, greedy=greedy)
        return results