Пример #1
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Allows someone to add material onto a factoid (that isn't locked) by
		saying "foo is also bar", for example"""
        import priv
        from irclib import Event
        from time import time
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        # args["text"] should look something like:
        #  "moobot: foo is also bar blatz qux"
        # Grab the factoid to change:
        factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" is ")[0]
        # Grab the stuff to tack on:
        to_add = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" is also ")[1]

        # Check if the factoid is locked or not
        locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
        if locked_by == None:
            message = "Factoid '%s' does not exist." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "delete_priv") == 0 and (
                locked_by != "" and locked_by != args["source"]):
            message = "You do not have permission to delete factoid '%s." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # Since we don't have delete_priv, we just delete and recreate the factoid
        orig_factoid = FactoIds.getValueByKey(factoid_key)
        new_factoid = orig_factoid + ", or " + to_add
        FactoIds.update(factoid_key, new_factoid, args["source"])
        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Пример #2
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ replaces an existing factoid (no factoid is text> """
        import priv
        from irclib import Event
        from time import time

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        # Strip the bot name and "no" from the factoid
        factoid_text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

        # Separate the factoid_keu (the word(s) before "is") from the
        # factoid value (anything after the first "is")
        data = factoid_text.split(" is ", 1)
        factoid_key = data[0]
        factoid_value = data[1]

        locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
        if locked_by == None:
            message = "Factoid '" + factoid_key + "' does not exist."
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # Check if they can modify factoids, and if they can modify THIS
        # particular factoid (ie, it's not locked)
        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"],
                          "delete_priv") == 0 and locked_by != "":
            return Event(
                "privmsg", "", target,
                ["Factoid \"%s\" locked by %s" % (factoid_key, locked_by)])

        FactoIds.replace(factoid_key, factoid_value, args["source"])

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Пример #3
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Allows someone to add material onto a factoid (that isn't locked) by
		saying "foo is also bar", for example"""
		import priv
		from irclib import Event
		from time import time
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		# args["text"] should look something like:
		#  "moobot: foo is also bar blatz qux"
		# Grab the factoid to change:
		factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" is ")[0]
		# Grab the stuff to tack on:
		to_add = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" is also ")[1]

		# Check if the factoid is locked or not
		locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
		if locked_by == None:
			message = "Factoid '%s' does not exist." % factoid_key
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "delete_priv") == 0 and (locked_by != "" and locked_by != args["source"]):
			message = "You do not have permission to delete factoid '%s." % factoid_key
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
		# Since we don't have delete_priv, we just delete and recreate the factoid
		orig_factoid = FactoIds.getValueByKey(factoid_key)
		new_factoid = orig_factoid + ", or " + to_add
		FactoIds.update(factoid_key, new_factoid, args["source"])
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Пример #4
    def handler(self, **args):
        """adds a factoid link"""
        from irclib import Event

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        #  Strip the bots name
        text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1)

        linkfrom, dummy, linktype, linkto = self.rMatch.match(text).groups()
        linkfrom = linkfrom.strip()
        linktype = linktype.strip()
        linkto = linkto.strip()
        weight = 100
        if linktype.find("*") != -1:
            linktype, weight = linktype.split("*", 1)
                weight = int(weight)
                if weight < 0:
                    weight = 0
                elif weight > 1000:
                    weight = 1000
            except ValueError:
                weight = 100

        #  Check and make sure the factoid isn't there
        for factoid_key in [linkfrom, linktype, linkto]:
            if not FactoIds.exists(factoid_key):
                message = "Factoid \"%s\" must be defined first." % factoid_key
                return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        FactoIds.link(linkfrom, linkto, linktype, weight, args["source"])
        FactoIds.link(linkto, linkfrom, linktype, weight, args["source"])

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Пример #5
	def handler(self, **args):
		""" replaces an existing factoid (no factoid is text> """
		import priv
		from irclib import Event
		from time import time

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		# Strip the bot name and "no" from the factoid
		factoid_text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

		# Separate the factoid_keu (the word(s) before "is") from the
		# factoid value (anything after the first "is") 
		data = factoid_text.split(" is ", 1)
		factoid_key = data[0]
		factoid_value = data[1]

		locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
		if locked_by == None:
			message = "Factoid '" + factoid_key + "' does not exist."
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

		# Check if they can modify factoids, and if they can modify THIS
		# particular factoid (ie, it's not locked) 
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "delete_priv") == 0 and locked_by != "":
			return Event("privmsg","", target, [ "Factoid \"%s\" locked by %s" % (factoid_key, locked_by)])

		FactoIds.replace(factoid_key, factoid_value, args["source"])

		return Event("privmsg", "", target,  [ "ok" ])
Пример #6
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""adds a factoid link"""
		from irclib import Event

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		#  Strip the bots name
		text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1)

		linkfrom, dummy, linktype, linkto = self.rMatch.match(text).groups()
		linkfrom = linkfrom.strip()
		linktype = linktype.strip()
		linkto   = linkto.strip()
		weight = 100
		if linktype.find("*") != -1:
			linktype, weight = linktype.split("*", 1)
				weight = int(weight)
				if weight < 0:
					weight = 0
				elif weight > 1000:
					weight = 1000
			except ValueError:
				weight = 100

		#  Check and make sure the factoid isn't there
		for factoid_key in [linkfrom, linktype, linkto]:
			if not FactoIds.exists(factoid_key):
				message = "Factoid \"%s\" must be defined first." % factoid_key
				return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ message ])

		FactoIds.link(linkfrom, linkto, linktype, weight, args["source"])
		FactoIds.link(linkto, linkfrom, linktype, weight, args["source"])

		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "ok" ])
Пример #7
    def handler(self, **args):
        """searches factoid keys"""

        from irclib import Event

        # Strip bot name and "list*" from the text we get
        # Grab what kind of list(foo) thingy we are doing as well.
        search_string = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)
        type = args["text"].split()[1]

        limit = 15
        keys, matchcount = FactoIds.search(type[4:], search_string, limit,
        # Add a nifty little preface to the list showing what was searched
        # and how many match and (if applicable, how many we are showing)
        text = "%s search of '%s' (%d matching" % (type, search_string,

        # If we match more than fifteen, they only see fifteen (LIMIT 15,
        # above), so we'll tell them there are more there, but they only see
        # fifteen
        if matchcount > 15:
            text += "; 15 shown"
        text += "): "

        #  Append on each of the fifteen terms and a separator
        for key in keys:
            text += key + " ;; "
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)
        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [text])
Пример #8
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""searches factoid keys"""
		from irclib import Event

		# Strip bot name and "list*" from the text we get
		# Grab what kind of list(foo) thingy we are doing as well.
		search_string = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)
		type = args["text"].split()[1]

		limit = 15
		keys, matchcount = FactoIds.search(type[4:], search_string, limit, True)
		# Add a nifty little preface to the list showing what was searched
		# and how many match and (if applicable, how many we are showing) 
		text = "%s search of '%s' (%d matching" % (
			type, search_string, matchcount)

		# If we match more than fifteen, they only see fifteen (LIMIT 15,
		# above), so we'll tell them there are more there, but they only see
		# fifteen 
		if matchcount > 15:
			text += "; 15 shown"
		text += "): "

		#  Append on each of the fifteen terms and a separator
		for key in keys:
			text += key + " ;; "
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ text ])
Пример #9
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""adds a factoid"""
		from irclib import Event

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		#  Strip the bots name
		text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1)

		# Figure out what to split the string on -- _is_ and _are_ can be used
		# to force the split at a certain point, instead of the first "is" or
		# "are"
		if text.find(" _is_ ") != -1:
			splitString = " _is_ "
		elif text.find(" _are_ ") != -1:
			splitString = " _are_ "
		elif text.find(" is ") != -1:
			splitString = " is "
		elif text.find(" are ") != -1:
			splitString = " are "

		# Separate the text into two parts, one is the factoid key (before
		# "is"), one is the factoid value.  "foo is bar" will result in foo
		# being the key and bar being the value.  Also, many is's will get
		# joined together in the factoid value, the first is separates the key
		# from the value 
		data = text.split(splitString, 1) # only split once
		factoid_key = self.strip_punctuation(data[0])
		factoid_value = data[1]

		msg = "ok"
		if len(factoid_key) > self.FACTOID_KEY_LENGTH:
			old_key = factoid_key
			factoid_key = factoid_key[:self.FACTOID_KEY_LENGTH]
			msg = "WARNING: The factoid key '" + old_key + "' is" + \
				" too long, using this truncated key '" + factoid_key + \
				"' instead."

		#  Check and make sure the factoid isn't there
		if FactoIds.exists(factoid_key):
			message = "Factoid \"%s\" already exists." % factoid_key
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ message ])

		FactoIds.add(factoid_key, factoid_value, args["source"])

		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])
Пример #10
    def handler(self, **args):
        """adds a factoid"""
        from irclib import Event

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        #  Strip the bots name
        text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1)

        # Figure out what to split the string on -- _is_ and _are_ can be used
        # to force the split at a certain point, instead of the first "is" or
        # "are"
        if text.find(" _is_ ") != -1:
            splitString = " _is_ "
        elif text.find(" _are_ ") != -1:
            splitString = " _are_ "
        elif text.find(" is ") != -1:
            splitString = " is "
        elif text.find(" are ") != -1:
            splitString = " are "

        # Separate the text into two parts, one is the factoid key (before
        # "is"), one is the factoid value.  "foo is bar" will result in foo
        # being the key and bar being the value.  Also, many is's will get
        # joined together in the factoid value, the first is separates the key
        # from the value
        data = text.split(splitString, 1)  # only split once
        factoid_key = self.strip_punctuation(data[0])
        factoid_value = data[1]

        msg = "ok"
        if len(factoid_key) > self.FACTOID_KEY_LENGTH:
            old_key = factoid_key
            factoid_key = factoid_key[:self.FACTOID_KEY_LENGTH]
            msg = "WARNING: The factoid key '" + old_key + "' is" + \
             " too long, using this truncated key '" + factoid_key + \
             "' instead."

        #  Check and make sure the factoid isn't there
        if FactoIds.exists(factoid_key):
            message = "Factoid \"%s\" already exists." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        FactoIds.add(factoid_key, factoid_value, args["source"])

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
Пример #11
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ lock and unlock factoids """
        import priv, time
        from irclib import Event, nm_to_n

        # Change the target based on how we were called
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        # Strip off the first word and then take the first word of
        # what's left to get our action, lock or unlock
        action = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" ", 1)[0]

        # Every word after the first two is the factoid key
        factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

        if action == "lock":
            # We allow people to lock their own factoid, or, if they have
            # lock_priv, whatever they want
            if factoid_key == nm_to_n(args["source"]) \
            or priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "lock_priv") == 1:
                FactoIds.lock(factoid_key, args["source"])
                msg = "Factoid \"%s\" locked." % factoid_key
                msg = "You can't lock this factoid."
        elif action == "unlock":
            # For unlocking, first check who locked the factoid we are
            # talking about
            locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
            if locked_by == None:
                msg = "Factoid \"%s\" not found." % factoid_key

                # if we aren't locked, tell them, otherwise, check if the factoid
                # is for the requester's nick or if they have lock_priv (which
                # allows unlocking as well)
                if not locked_by:
                    msg = "Factoid \"%s\" is not locked." % factoid_key
                elif locked_by != args["source"] and not priv.checkPriv(
                        args["source"], "lock_priv"):
                    msg = "You cannot unlock this factoid."
                    FactoIds.unlock(factoid_key, args["source"])
                    msg = "Factoid \"%s\" unlocked." % factoid_key

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
Пример #12
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""adds a factoid link"""
		from irclib import Event

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		#  Strip the bots name
		text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1)

		factoid_keys = self.rSplit.split(text, 1)
		if len(factoid_keys) != 2:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "Usage: unlink factoid1 <-> factoid2"])

		#  Check and make sure the factoid isn't there
		FactoIds.unlink(factoid_keys[0], factoid_keys[1])
		FactoIds.unlink(factoid_keys[1], factoid_keys[0])

		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "ok" ])
Пример #13
	def handler(self, **args):
		""" lock and unlock factoids """
		import priv, time
		from irclib import Event, nm_to_n

		# Change the target based on how we were called
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		# Strip off the first word and then take the first word of
		# what's left to get our action, lock or unlock 
		action = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" ", 1)[0]

		# Every word after the first two is the factoid key
		factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

		if action == "lock":
			# We allow people to lock their own factoid, or, if they have
			# lock_priv, whatever they want 
			if factoid_key == nm_to_n(args["source"]) \
			or priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "lock_priv") == 1:
				FactoIds.lock(factoid_key, args["source"])
				msg = "Factoid \"%s\" locked." % factoid_key
				msg = "You can't lock this factoid."
		elif action == "unlock":
			# For unlocking, first check who locked the factoid we are
			# talking about 
			locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
			if locked_by == None:
				msg = "Factoid \"%s\" not found." % factoid_key

				# if we aren't locked, tell them, otherwise, check if the factoid
				# is for the requester's nick or if they have lock_priv (which
				# allows unlocking as well) 
				if not locked_by:
					msg = "Factoid \"%s\" is not locked." % factoid_key
				elif locked_by != args["source"] and not priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "lock_priv"):
					msg = "You cannot unlock this factoid."
					FactoIds.unlock(factoid_key, args["source"])
					msg = "Factoid \"%s\" unlocked." % factoid_key

		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])
Пример #14
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ gets a random factoid """
        from irclib import nm_to_n, Event

        # Standard return_to_sender target, talk to who talks to us
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        factoids = FactoIds.getRandoms()
        if not factoids:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["no factoid defined"])

        factoid = factoids[0]
        factoid_key = factoid[0]
        factoid_value = FactoIds.parseSar(factoid[1].lstrip())
        factoid_value = factoid_value.replace("$who", nm_to_n(args["source"]))

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, \
         [ "Random factoid: %s is %s" % (factoid_key,
          factoid_value.strip()) ])
Пример #15
	def handler(self, **args):
		"Remove a factoid"
		import priv
		from irclib import Event

		# If we got this via a /msg, /msg back, otherwise back to the channel
		# it goes 
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		# We are normally called with "moobot: forget foo", but the factoid key
		# is just the part after "moobot: forget", so we strip that here 
		factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

		requester = args["source"]

		locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
		created_by = FactoIds.getCreatedBy(factoid_key)
		if locked_by == None or created_by == None:
			msg = "Factoid \"%s\" does not exist." % factoid_key
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])

		self.debug("created_by = ", created_by)
		self.debug("requester = ", requester)

		# If the factoid is locked, or the person doesn't have the right to
		# delete things anyway, tell them they can't.  ... unless they created
		# it. 
		if locked_by:
			msg = "Factoid \"%s\" is locked." % factoid_key
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])

		if (priv.checkPriv(requester, "delete_priv") == 0) \
		and (created_by != requester):
			msg = "You do not have delete privileges."
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])

		# If we made it here, they can delete it.  So delete it, and tell
		# them.

		msg = "Factoid \"%s\" deleted." % factoid_key
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])
Пример #16
    def handler(self, **args):
        """adds a factoid link"""
        from irclib import Event

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        #  Strip the bots name
        text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1)

        factoid_keys = self.rSplit.split(text, 1)
        if len(factoid_keys) != 2:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         ["Usage: unlink factoid1 <-> factoid2"])

        #  Check and make sure the factoid isn't there
        FactoIds.unlink(factoid_keys[0], factoid_keys[1])
        FactoIds.unlink(factoid_keys[1], factoid_keys[0])

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Пример #17
    def handler(self, **args):
        "Remove a factoid"
        import priv
        from irclib import Event

        # If we got this via a /msg, /msg back, otherwise back to the channel
        # it goes
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        # We are normally called with "moobot: forget foo", but the factoid key
        # is just the part after "moobot: forget", so we strip that here
        factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

        requester = args["source"]

        locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
        created_by = FactoIds.getCreatedBy(factoid_key)
        if locked_by == None or created_by == None:
            msg = "Factoid \"%s\" does not exist." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])

        self.debug("created_by = ", created_by)
        self.debug("requester = ", requester)

        # If the factoid is locked, or the person doesn't have the right to
        # delete things anyway, tell them they can't.  ... unless they created
        # it.
        if locked_by:
            msg = "Factoid \"%s\" is locked." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])

        if (priv.checkPriv(requester, "delete_priv") == 0) \
        and (created_by != requester):
            msg = "You do not have delete privileges."
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])

        # If we made it here, they can delete it.  So delete it, and tell
        # them.

        msg = "Factoid \"%s\" deleted." % factoid_key
        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
Пример #18
	def handler(self, **args):
		""" gets a random factoid """
		from irclib import nm_to_n, Event

		# Standard return_to_sender target, talk to who talks to us
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		factoids = FactoIds.getRandoms()
		if not factoids:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "no factoid defined" ])

		factoid = factoids[0]
		factoid_key = factoid[0]
		factoid_value = FactoIds.parseSar(factoid[1].lstrip())
		factoid_value = factoid_value.replace("$who", nm_to_n(args["source"]))

		return Event("privmsg", "", target, \
			[ "Random factoid: %s is %s" % (factoid_key,
				factoid_value.strip()) ])
Пример #19
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Return information about a factoid to the person requesting it"""
        import time
        from irclib import Event

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)
        # Grab the factoid_key name requested
        factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

        factinfo = FactoIds.getFactoInfoByKey(factoid_key)
        if not factinfo:
            return Event("continue", "", target, [""])
        # Convert timestamps to ASCII time strings
        # Makes "1030123142124L" into a long int
        # That gets converted into a special time tuple
        # That gets converted to a nice ASCII string
            requested_time_str = time.asctime(
            requested_time_str = "never"

            created_time_str = time.asctime(
            created_time_str = "never"

            modified_time_str = time.asctime(
            modified_time_str = "never"

        #if locked_time == None:
        #	locked_time_str = "Not locked."
        #	locked_time_str = time.asctime(time.localtime(locked_time))

        reply = factoid_key + ": created by " + self.str(
            factinfo["created_by"]) + " on " + created_time_str
        if (factinfo["modified_by"] is not None):
            reply += ".  Last modified by " + self.str(
                factinfo["modified_by"]) + " on " + modified_time_str
        reply += ".  Last requested by " + self.str(factinfo["requested_by"]) + " on " + requested_time_str + \
         ", requested a total of " + str(factinfo["requested_count"]) + " times."
        if (factinfo["locked_by"] is not None
                and factinfo["locked_time"] != None):
            reply += "  Locked by " + self.str(
                factinfo["locked_by"]) + " on " + time.ctime(
                    factinfo["locked_time"]) + "."

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [reply])
Пример #20
    def __init__(self):
        self.priority = 20
        self.regex = ".+ (is|are|_is_|_are_) .+"
        # --- Get the max factoid key length ---
        # I insert a 255-char long string of a's with "factoid-length-check" as
        # the created_by field.  Since this created_by isn't a valid nickmask
        # on IRC, it can't be duplicated by anyone.  However, if the all-"a"
        # factoid is already there, we will see how long it is anyway and not
        # have to delete anything anyway when we just delete all factoids
        # created by "factoid-length-check"

        self.FACTOID_KEY_LENGTH = FactoIds.getMaxValueLength()
Пример #21
	def __init__(self):
		self.priority = 20
		self.regex = ".+ (is|are|_is_|_are_) .+"
		# --- Get the max factoid key length ---
		# I insert a 255-char long string of a's with "factoid-length-check" as
		# the created_by field.  Since this created_by isn't a valid nickmask
		# on IRC, it can't be duplicated by anyone.  However, if the all-"a"
		# factoid is already there, we will see how long it is anyway and not
		# have to delete anything anyway when we just delete all factoids
		# created by "factoid-length-check"
		self.FACTOID_KEY_LENGTH = FactoIds.getMaxValueLength()
Пример #22
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Return information about a factoid to the person requesting it"""
		import time
		from irclib import Event

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		# Grab the factoid_key name requested
		factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

		factinfo = FactoIds.getFactoInfoByKey(factoid_key)
		if not factinfo:
			return Event("continue", "", target, [""])
		# Convert timestamps to ASCII time strings
		# Makes "1030123142124L" into a long int
		# That gets converted into a special time tuple
		# That gets converted to a nice ASCII string
			requested_time_str = time.asctime(time.localtime(factinfo["requested_time"]))
			requested_time_str = "never"

			created_time_str = time.asctime(time.localtime(factinfo["created_time"]))
			created_time_str = "never"

			modified_time_str = time.asctime(time.localtime(factinfo["modified_time"]))
			modified_time_str = "never"

		#if locked_time == None:
		#	locked_time_str = "Not locked."
		#	locked_time_str = time.asctime(time.localtime(locked_time))
		reply = factoid_key + ": created by " + self.str(factinfo["created_by"]) + " on " + created_time_str
		if (factinfo["modified_by"] is not None):
			reply += ".  Last modified by " + self.str(factinfo["modified_by"]) + " on " + modified_time_str
		reply += ".  Last requested by " + self.str(factinfo["requested_by"]) + " on " + requested_time_str + \
			", requested a total of " + str(factinfo["requested_count"]) + " times."
		if (factinfo["locked_by"] is not None and factinfo["locked_time"] != None):
			reply += "  Locked by " + self.str(factinfo["locked_by"]) + " on " + time.ctime(factinfo["locked_time"]) + "."

		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [reply])
Пример #23
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Allows someone to alter material in a factoid by using a regular
		expression.  Invoked like: "moobot: foo =~ s/moo/bar/"."""
		import priv, re, time
		from irclib import Event
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		# Grab the factoid to change:
		# first, drop the bot name
		factoid_key = " ".join(args["text"].split()[1:])
		# Now split on " =~ " and take the left half
		factoid_key = factoid_key.split(" =~ ", 1)[0]
		locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
		if locked_by == None:
			message = "Factoid '%s' does not exist." % factoid_key
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

		# Check for the appropriate privilege (delete_priv, even
		# though we aren't deleting - we are modifying, and there
		# is no modify priv)
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "delete_priv") == 0 and (locked_by != "" and locked_by != args["source"]):
			message = "You do not have permission to modify factoid '%s." % factoid_key
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

		# get the original factoid value
		factoid = FactoIds.getValueByKey(factoid_key)

		# Grab the regex(es) to apply
		# First split on =~, then split on spaces for the RHS
		regexes_str = args["text"].split(" =~ ", 1)[1]
		# Now we can't split just on spaces, because the regex itself
		# can have spaces in it.  We gotta grab each one individually
		# because a regex to get them all (potentially each having 
		# unique separators, like "s/foo/bar blatz/g s:moo:mooooo!:i
		# s%this%makes it hard to parse%".
		# The basic algorithm is:
		# 1 - find out the separator character (2nd)
		# 2 - find the index of the third occurrence of this character
		# 3 - find the next space, chop off everything before it and
		#     append it to the regex_list
		regex_list = []
		# regex for removing leading spaces, compiling it first
		lead_spaces = re.compile("^\s+")
		while len(regexes_str) > 2:
			# Strip leading spaces first (so regexes with many spaces
			# between them don't mess things up when we assume the separator
			# is the second character)
			regexes_str = lead_spaces.sub("", regexes_str)
			# Separator = 2nd char
			separator = regexes_str[1]
			# Find it once, then use that as a low range
			# NOTE - if there is garbage at any point, ignore everything
			# after it
			second_sep = regexes_str.find(separator, 2)
			if second_sep == 0:	break
			third_sep = regexes_str.find(separator, second_sep+1)
			if third_sep == 0: break
			# now the space
			space_index = regexes_str.find(" ", third_sep)
			if space_index == -1:	# no space found
				regexes_str = regexes_str[space_index:]

		# apply each of the regexes in order
		# For now we are assuming all of the regexes are search and replace
		# s/foo/bar/[gi]
		for regex_string in regex_list:
			# Split the regex into parts - strictly, we split on the second
			# character, as s:foo:bar: is valid as well
				parts = regex_string.split(regex_string[1])
			except IndexError:

			# If we don't get four parts (even if the last is empty)
			# then it's not a valid regex - chastise them ... also,
			# if it's not one of the valid prefixes/suffixes, chastise them :)
			if len(parts) != 4 or \
			parts[0] not in ACCEPTABLE_PREFIXES:
				message = "Invalid regular expression: " + regex_string
				return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
			for letter in parts[3]:
				if letter not in ACCEPTABLE_SUFFIXES:
					message = "Invalid regular expression: " + regex_string
					return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

			# Get some flags before we compile a regex
			if "g" in parts[3]: count = 0
			else: count = 1
			if "i" in parts[3]: case_sensitive = 0
			else: case_sensitive = 1

			# Make a regex object for the first pattern
				re_str = parts[1]
				if case_sensitive:
					regex = re.compile(re_str)
					regex = re.compile(re_str, re.I)
			except re.error:
				message = "Invalid regular expression: " + regex_string
				return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
			# Actually perform the transformation
			if parts[0] == "s":
				factoid = regex.sub(parts[2], factoid)
			elif parts[0] == "y":
				message = "This regex not yet supported.  Sorry :("
				return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
		# When all the regexes are applied, store the factoid again
		# with the new date as the modification date.
		FactoIds.update(factoid_key, factoid, args["source"])
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Пример #24
	def handler(self, **args):
		""" gets the factoid_value field """
		import time
		from irclib import Event, nm_to_n

		# Store the ref
# 		ref = args["ref"]()

		# If we were /msg'ed this, /msg it back, otherwise send it to the
		# channel
		# (set up here because there are some rather early returns for the
		# continue handler types and whatnot)
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		factoid_key = args["text"]
		factoid_key = self.strip_words(factoid_key, 1) # removes "moobot: "

		# By default we want to parse the factoid value after grabbing it from
		# the db, but certain flags along the way may set this flag so that we
		# don't do so (e.g., "literal").
		dont_parse = 0

		# If we are called with something like "moobot: literal foo", we want
		# to strip the "literal" from it as that is not part of the
		# factoid, unless of course nothing follows "literal", in which
		# case we would be looking for the factoid for "literal" 
		if len(args["text"].split(" ")) > 1 and \
			args["text"].split(" ")[1] == "literal":
				dont_parse = 1	# set for later, when we spit the value back
				factoid_key = self.strip_words(factoid_key, 1)

		# Strip trailing ?'s and !'s (so asking for "moobot: foo?!?!?!???" is
		# the same as just asking for "moobot: foo" 
		factoid_key = self.strip_punctuation(factoid_key)

		text = FactoIds.getValueByKey(factoid_key, args["source"])

		# If the factoid doesn't exist, simply continue trying
		# to match with other handlers using the continue event type 
		if not text:
			return Event("continue", "", target, [""])

		### The new length stuff
		# Here we check to see if the total message length would be greater
		# than irclib.MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT, and if so, split it up accordingly
		# and return the requested one, or print out a warning.

		# Message format:
		# nickname!username@localhost privmsg #channel_name :factoid_text
# 		self.debug("%s!%s@%s" % (ref.connection.ircname, 
# 			ref.connection.username, ref.connection.localhost))
# #		msg_length = len(text) + len(" privmsg # :") + len(target) + \
# #			len(ref.connection.nickname) + len(ref.connection.username) + \
# #			len(ref.connection.localhost)
# #		self.debug(msg_length)

		# by default we will just say something to the target, but if the
		# factoid contains an <action> tag, we will make it an action
		# eventtype 

		# If the person says something like "moobot: literal foo", we don't
		# want to parse the factoid, we just want to spit it back in its raw
		# form.  Otherwise, we want to replace parentheses and pipes as well
		# as see if we need to change the eventtype 
		if not dont_parse:  # awkward, but supports the more general case,
							# instead of having to set a flag for every case
							# where we DO want to parse, only set a flag where
							# we do NOT parse
			# Strip spaces from the left-hand side
			text = text.lstrip()

			# Parse parentheses and pipes to come up with one random string
			# from many choices specified in the factoid 
			text = FactoIds.parseSar(text)

			# Replace $who and $nick with the person requesting the factoid
			text = text.replace("$who", nm_to_n(args["source"]))
			if args.has_key("channel"):
				text = text.replace("$chan", args["channel"])
			text = text.replace("$nick", nm_to_n(args["source"]))

			# If the new string (after previous replacements) begins with
			# "<action>" or "<reply>" (case insensitive), then we strip them
			# and possibly change the eventtype if necessary.  Otherwise, we
			# simply say "foo is bar" back to the target. 
			if text[:8].lower() == "<action>":
				text = text[8:]
			elif text[:7].lower() == "<reply>":
				text = text[7:]
				text = factoid_key + " is " + text
		return Event(eventtype, "", target, [ text.strip() ])
Пример #25
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ gets the factoid_value field """
        import time
        from irclib import Event, nm_to_n

        # Store the ref
        # 		ref = args["ref"]()

        # If we were /msg'ed this, /msg it back, otherwise send it to the
        # channel
        # (set up here because there are some rather early returns for the
        # continue handler types and whatnot)
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        factoid_key = args["text"]
        factoid_key = self.strip_words(factoid_key, 1)  # removes "moobot: "

        # By default we want to parse the factoid value after grabbing it from
        # the db, but certain flags along the way may set this flag so that we
        # don't do so (e.g., "literal").
        dont_parse = 0

        # If we are called with something like "moobot: literal foo", we want
        # to strip the "literal" from it as that is not part of the
        # factoid, unless of course nothing follows "literal", in which
        # case we would be looking for the factoid for "literal"
        if len(args["text"].split(" ")) > 1 and \
         args["text"].split(" ")[1] == "literal":
            dont_parse = 1  # set for later, when we spit the value back
            factoid_key = self.strip_words(factoid_key, 1)

        # Strip trailing ?'s and !'s (so asking for "moobot: foo?!?!?!???" is
        # the same as just asking for "moobot: foo"
        factoid_key = self.strip_punctuation(factoid_key)

        text = FactoIds.getValueByKey(factoid_key, args["source"])

        # If the factoid doesn't exist, simply continue trying
        # to match with other handlers using the continue event type
        if not text:
            return Event("continue", "", target, [""])

        ### The new length stuff
        # Here we check to see if the total message length would be greater
        # than irclib.MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT, and if so, split it up accordingly
        # and return the requested one, or print out a warning.

        # Message format:
        # nickname!username@localhost privmsg #channel_name :factoid_text

# 		self.debug("%s!%s@%s" % (ref.connection.ircname,
# 			ref.connection.username, ref.connection.localhost))
# #		msg_length = len(text) + len(" privmsg # :") + len(target) + \
# #			len(ref.connection.nickname) + len(ref.connection.username) + \
# #			len(ref.connection.localhost)
# #		self.debug(msg_length)

# by default we will just say something to the target, but if the
# factoid contains an <action> tag, we will make it an action
# eventtype
        eventtype = "privmsg"

        # If the person says something like "moobot: literal foo", we don't
        # want to parse the factoid, we just want to spit it back in its raw
        # form.  Otherwise, we want to replace parentheses and pipes as well
        # as see if we need to change the eventtype
        if not dont_parse:  # awkward, but supports the more general case,
            # instead of having to set a flag for every case
            # where we DO want to parse, only set a flag where
            # we do NOT parse

            # Strip spaces from the left-hand side
            text = text.lstrip()

            # Parse parentheses and pipes to come up with one random string
            # from many choices specified in the factoid
            text = FactoIds.parseSar(text)

            # Replace $who and $nick with the person requesting the factoid
            text = text.replace("$who", nm_to_n(args["source"]))
            if args.has_key("channel"):
                text = text.replace("$chan", args["channel"])
            text = text.replace("$nick", nm_to_n(args["source"]))

            # If the new string (after previous replacements) begins with
            # "<action>" or "<reply>" (case insensitive), then we strip them
            # and possibly change the eventtype if necessary.  Otherwise, we
            # simply say "foo is bar" back to the target.
            if text[:8].lower() == "<action>":
                eventtype = "action"
                text = text[8:]
            elif text[:7].lower() == "<reply>":
                text = text[7:]
                text = factoid_key + " is " + text

        return Event(eventtype, "", target, [text.strip()])
Пример #26
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Allows someone to alter material in a factoid by using a regular
		expression.  Invoked like: "moobot: foo =~ s/moo/bar/"."""
        import priv, re, time
        from irclib import Event
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        # Grab the factoid to change:
        # first, drop the bot name
        factoid_key = " ".join(args["text"].split()[1:])
        # Now split on " =~ " and take the left half
        factoid_key = factoid_key.split(" =~ ", 1)[0]

        locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
        if locked_by == None:
            message = "Factoid '%s' does not exist." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # Check for the appropriate privilege (delete_priv, even
        # though we aren't deleting - we are modifying, and there
        # is no modify priv)
        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "delete_priv") == 0 and (
                locked_by != "" and locked_by != args["source"]):
            message = "You do not have permission to modify factoid '%s." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # get the original factoid value
        factoid = FactoIds.getValueByKey(factoid_key)

        # Grab the regex(es) to apply
        # First split on =~, then split on spaces for the RHS
        regexes_str = args["text"].split(" =~ ", 1)[1]
        # Now we can't split just on spaces, because the regex itself
        # can have spaces in it.  We gotta grab each one individually
        # because a regex to get them all (potentially each having
        # unique separators, like "s/foo/bar blatz/g s:moo:mooooo!:i
        # s%this%makes it hard to parse%".
        # The basic algorithm is:
        # 1 - find out the separator character (2nd)
        # 2 - find the index of the third occurrence of this character
        # 3 - find the next space, chop off everything before it and
        #     append it to the regex_list
        regex_list = []
        # regex for removing leading spaces, compiling it first
        lead_spaces = re.compile("^\s+")
        while len(regexes_str) > 2:
            # Strip leading spaces first (so regexes with many spaces
            # between them don't mess things up when we assume the separator
            # is the second character)
            regexes_str = lead_spaces.sub("", regexes_str)
            # Separator = 2nd char
            separator = regexes_str[1]
            # Find it once, then use that as a low range
            # NOTE - if there is garbage at any point, ignore everything
            # after it
            second_sep = regexes_str.find(separator, 2)
            if second_sep == 0: break
            third_sep = regexes_str.find(separator, second_sep + 1)
            if third_sep == 0: break
            # now the space
            space_index = regexes_str.find(" ", third_sep)

            if space_index == -1:  # no space found
                regexes_str = regexes_str[space_index:]

        # apply each of the regexes in order
        # For now we are assuming all of the regexes are search and replace
        # s/foo/bar/[gi]
        for regex_string in regex_list:
            # Split the regex into parts - strictly, we split on the second
            # character, as s:foo:bar: is valid as well
                parts = regex_string.split(regex_string[1])
            except IndexError:

            # If we don't get four parts (even if the last is empty)
            # then it's not a valid regex - chastise them ... also,
            # if it's not one of the valid prefixes/suffixes, chastise them :)
            if len(parts) != 4 or \
            parts[0] not in ACCEPTABLE_PREFIXES:
                message = "Invalid regular expression: " + regex_string
                return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
            for letter in parts[3]:
                if letter not in ACCEPTABLE_SUFFIXES:
                    message = "Invalid regular expression: " + regex_string
                    return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

            # Get some flags before we compile a regex
            if "g" in parts[3]: count = 0
            else: count = 1
            if "i" in parts[3]: case_sensitive = 0
            else: case_sensitive = 1

            # Make a regex object for the first pattern
                re_str = parts[1]
                if case_sensitive:
                    regex = re.compile(re_str)
                    regex = re.compile(re_str, re.I)
            except re.error:
                message = "Invalid regular expression: " + regex_string
                return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

            # Actually perform the transformation
            if parts[0] == "s":
                factoid = regex.sub(parts[2], factoid)
            elif parts[0] == "y":
                message = "This regex not yet supported.  Sorry :("
                return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # When all the regexes are applied, store the factoid again
        # with the new date as the modification date.
        FactoIds.update(factoid_key, factoid, args["source"])
        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])