def recieve_msg(self, msg): if msg == "win": pass elif msg == "": pass else: try: msg = msg[1:] print(msg[1:]) sub_object = json.loads(msg[1:]) print(sub_object) if "reward" in msg: object = Factory.challenge() object.deep = sub_object["deep"] object.treeType = sub_object["treeType"] object.order = sub_object["order"] self.challenge = object print("a3") else: object = Factory.token() object.int_value = sub_object["int_value"] object.tree_type = sub_object["tree_type"] self.tokens.append(object) print("a4") except json.JSONDecodeError: print("error") pass finally: pass
class RadioVars: static = Factory.IntVar() speed = Factory.IntVar() def __init__(self): self.speed.set(10) self.static.set(0)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(KeymapMenu.Tetris, self).__init__("KeymapMenu.Tetris", header_font=MENU_HEADER_FONT, option_font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, xcenter=True, **kwargs) self.header = "Tetris-map" = Factory.textBoxes( [("Player 1", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Tetris player 1 keymap")), ("Player 2", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Tetris player 2 keymap")), ], self, font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, colors={"background":self.colorscheme["background"], "font":self.colorscheme["option"]}, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, xcenter=True, ) [( action.replace("_", " ").capitalize() + ": {key}", ## Nested lambdas are used here to cirumvent an issue with python closures. ( ## Basically if you don't nest the lambdas, you will end up with every single functions having the last action in ## the list of dictionary keys. {"key": (lambda action_: lambda _: Utils.keyToString(Shared.keymap["game"][action_]))(action) }, lambda: modifyKeymap(self, Shared.keymap["game"], action)) for action in Shared.keymap["game"] if isinstance(Shared.keymap["game"][action], int) ## Skip the player1 and player2 sub-dictionaries ], self, font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, colors={"background":self.colorscheme["background"], "font":self.colorscheme["option"]}, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, xcenter=True, )) self.setupObjects()
def test_bunch_recursive(): b = Factory.Bunch(pants="jeans") b.sub = Factory.Bunch(shirt="buttons") b2 = b.harden() assert b is not b2 assert b == b2 assert b.sub is not b2.sub assert b.sub == b2.sub
def __init__(self): self.planimetry = Factory.create_planimetry() self.column = Factory.create_column() self.gorgeous_column = GorgeousColumn(5, 18) self.top_triangle = Triangle(42, 10) self.lateral_roof = Triangle(52, 201) self.main_roof = Roof(72, 65.16, 16) self.arch = Arch(4, 15, 1.5)
def addSprite(self, myDict, myGroup, specificGroup, sprite=None, factoryFlag=0): x = 0 y = 0 if not factoryFlag: x = sprite.x y = sprite.y else: x = y = checkIfOccupied = myDict.get((x, y)) # print(checkIfOccupied) if not checkIfOccupied: if factoryFlag: checkIfLeftNeighborOccupied = myDict.get((x - 1, y)) checkIfRightNeighborOccupied = myDict.get((x + 1, y)) checkIfTopNeighborOccupied = myDict.get((x, y - 1)) checkIfBottomNeighborOccupied = myDict.get((x, y + 1)) if not checkIfLeftNeighborOccupied: print(10) sprite = Factory(self,,, - 1,, self.emotion.value) self.spriteDict[( - 1,] = sprite elif not checkIfRightNeighborOccupied: x += 1 sprite = Factory(self,,, + 1,, self.emotion.value) self.spriteDict[(,] = sprite elif not checkIfTopNeighborOccupied: sprite = Factory(self,,,, - 1, self.emotion.value) self.spriteDict[(, - 1)] = sprite elif not checkIfBottomNeighborOccupied: y += 1 sprite = Factory(self,,,, + 1, self.emotion.value) self.spriteDict[(,] = sprite else: return self.allSprites.add(sprite) myGroup.add(sprite) specificGroup.add(sprite) myDict[(x, y)] = sprite if sprite.type == SPRITETYPE.SEA: return self.constructionList.append(sprite)
def CopyAndUnzipLatestDevSandbox(): fullSourcePath = Factory.CombinePath(Config.RevitDevSandboxDestination, Config.RevitDevSandboxFolderName) Factory.DeleteFolderAndContents(fullSourcePath) Factory.CreateDirectory(fullSourcePath) zipfile = Factory.GetLatestZipFileWithMaskInDir( Config.RevitDevSandboxMask, Config.RevitDevSandboxSource) fullzippath = Factory.CombinePath(Config.RevitDevSandboxSource, zipfile) Factory.CopyFileToDir(fullzippath, Config.RevitDevSandboxDestination) Factory.Unzip(fullzippath, fullSourcePath) journalsFolder = Factory.CombinePath(fullSourcePath, "Journals") Factory.CreateDirectory(journalsFolder)
def getProfiler(): try: name = package_home(".", 'SysProf', platform.system().lower(), 'profiler.Profiler') istance = Factory.class_forname(name) except FactoryException as e: raise LocalProfilerException(e) return istance
def getRisorsa(path,name): try: ris= Factory.class_forname(path) ris.setName(name) except FactoryException as e: raise RisorsaException(e) return ris
def Evaluate(self, pop): #print "ChainResEval: evaluating pop" assert (len(self.Exps) == 0) self.Individuals = pop nextID = Context.Database.NextAvailableID() exps = [] for indi in pop: exp = Factory.ExperimentFromIndividual(Context.SimulationChain, indi) exp.ID = nextID indi.ID = nextID Context.Database.append(exp) exps.append(exp) self.Exps.add(exp.ID) nextID += 1 for exp in exps: self.PostMessage({"what": "EVALUATE", "exp": exp}) while not self.AllDone.is_set(): #print "ChainResEval: waiting" self.AllDone.wait(1.0) #print "ChainResEval: waiting over" self.AllDone.clear() self.Individuals = None Context.Database.Export(open("%s.tmp.plan" % Context.Name, "w"))
def test_bunch_equals(): b = Factory.Bunch(pants="jeans", shirt="dressy") c = b.harden() assert c is not b assert c == b c.shirt = "sloppy" assert c != b
def test_missing_attr(): fac = Factory.Factory(lambda x: x) assert_raises(AttributeError, getattr, fac, 'x') assert_raises(AttributeError, getattr, fac, 'y') fac.x = 'x' obj = fac() assert obj == 'x'
def test_getattr(): def do_stuff(x, y): return x, y fac = Factory.Factory(do_stuff, x=1) assert fac.x == 1 assert_raises(AttributeError, getattr, fac, 'y')
def getRisorsa(path, name): try: ris = Factory.class_forname(path) ris.setName(name) except FactoryException as e: raise RisorsaException(e) return ris
def test_bultin_instancemethod(): L = [1, 2, 3] fac = Factory.Factory(L.append) fac(4) assert L == [1, 2, 3, 4] fac.bind(5) fac() assert L == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def test_subclass_of_builtin(): class MyList(list): pass fac = Factory.Factory(MyList) fac.bind((1, 2, 3)) L = fac() assert L == [1, 2, 3] assert isinstance(L, MyList)
def updatestate(self): if not self.state: return state = self.state if not self.first_state_loaded: state = self.first_state self.first_state_loaded = True ##get all objects and set new position and speed for id in state: val = state[id] if id not in ScreenObject.screenObjs.keys(): Factory.MakeScreenObject(self, val, id) else: obj = ScreenObject.screenObjs[id] Factory.LoadScreenObject(obj, val) self.state = None
def test_delattr(): def called_with(x='pants'): return x fac = Factory.Factory(called_with) fac.x = 'shirt' assert fac() == 'shirt' del fac.x assert fac() == 'pants'
def initializeTerrain(self): # initDict contains the initial terrain, and has the same structure of "myDict", # but the values are int instead of booleans # e.g: 1=water, 2=building, 3=tree, 4=land... # We will be needing a dictionary for every kind of terrain, or we may need to change the value type of myDict # into integers (and modify the ) initTerrin = [] # print("initialize") with open("Terrain.txt", "rt") as File: line = File.readline() while line: initTerrin.append(line) line = File.readline() File.close() # print(initTerrin) for x in range(0, SCREENWIDTHBYTILES): for y in range(0, SCREENHEIGHTBYTILES): type = int(initTerrin[y][x]) # print(SPRITETYPE.SEA.value) if type == SPRITETYPE.TREE.value: tree = Tree(self, x, y, -1) self.addSprite(self.spriteDict, self.allSprites, self.allTrees, tree) # self.Treedict[(x, y)] = tree elif type == SPRITETYPE.SEA.value: sea = Sea(self, x, y) self.addSprite(self.spriteDict, self.allSprites, self.allSea, sea) self.seaX = x self.seaY = y # self.Seadict[(x, y)] = sea # print("sea") elif type == SPRITETYPE.FACTORY.value: factory = Factory(self, x - 1, y, x, y, -3) self.addSprite(self.spriteDict, self.allSprites, self.allFactories, factory) self.spriteDict[(x - 1, y)] = factory # self.factoryCount += 1 # self.facTorydict[(x, y)] = factory elif type == SPRITETYPE.HOUSE.value: house = House(self, x, y, -2) self.addSprite(self.spriteDict, self.allSprites, self.allHouses, house) # self.houseCount += 1 try: checkSpritesCompletion = lambda sprite: not sprite.nextTurn() self.constructionList = list( filter(checkSpritesCompletion, self.constructionList)) except (): pass # self.dict[(x, y)] = house # print(self.treeCount) self.startTreeCount = self.treeCount self.seaX = 0 self.seaY += 1
def test_callable_object(): class CallMe(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def __call__(self, y): return self.x + y fac = Factory.Factory(CallMe(1)) assert fac(1) == 2
def test_bind_varargs(): def mysum(*args): return sum(args) fac = Factory.Factory(mysum) fac.bind(1, 2, 3) fac.bind(4, 5, 6) fac.bind(7, 8, 9) assert fac() == 45 assert fac(10) == 55
def test_karusel(self): factory = Factory.Factory_converter() obj = Person("Amongus") factory.convert_obj_to_file(obj, "test.json") factory.convert("test.json", "test1.pickle") factory.convert("test1.pickle", "test2.yaml") factory.convert("test2.yaml", "test3.toml") obj2 = factory.convert_to_obj("test3.toml") self.assertEqual(,
def __init__(self, spec): Method.__init__(self) self.Chromosome = Factory.Chromosome(Context.SimulationChain) self.ResEval = ChainResponseEvaluator() self.ResEval.Start() self.PenEval = Factory.CreatePenaltyEvaluator(spec) self.FitnessEval = EA.FitnessEvaluator() optiConfig = spec["OptimizerConfig"] popSize = optiConfig["PopulationSize"] self.OptimizerConfig = optiConfig postIterCallback = lambda gen, pop: self.PostIteration(gen, pop) self.BestExperiment = None if spec["Optimizer"] == "GA": self.Optimizer = EA.MonoObjectiveGA(self.Chromosome, self.ResEval, self.PenEval, self.FitnessEval, popSize, 2) self.Optimizer.PostIterationCallback = postIterCallback self.HistoryFile = open("%s.history.dat" % Context.Name, "w") elif spec["Optimizer"] == "SurrogateGA": Context.Database.Import(open(optiConfig["DOE"])) pop = Factory.PopulationFromPlan(self.Chromosome, Context.Database) self.Optimizer = EA.MonoObjectiveSurrogateGA( self.Chromosome, self.ResEval, self.PenEval, self.FitnessEval, pop) elif spec["Optimizer"] == "ParetoGA": self.Optimizer = EA.SPEA2(self.Chromosome, self.ResEval, self.PenEval, optiConfig["PopulationSize"], optiConfig["ArchiveSize"]) elif spec["Optimizer"] == "ParetoSurrogateGA": Context.Database.Import(open(optiConfig["DOE"])) pop = Factory.PopulationFromPlan(self.Chromosome, Context.Database) self.Optimizer = EA.ParetoSurrogateGA( self.Chromosome, self.ResEval, self.PenEval, pop, popSize, optiConfig["ArchiveSize"], optiConfig["Update"], optiConfig["UpdateTruncation"])
def test_bind_varargs_preserves_order(): # Now for a non-commutative operation. def join(*args): return ''.join(args) fac = Factory.Factory(join) fac.bind('a', 'b', 'c') fac.bind('d', 'e', 'f') fac.bind('g', 'h', 'i') assert fac() == 'abcdefghi' assert fac('j', 'k', 'l') == 'abcdefghijkl'
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(OptionsMenu, self).__init__("OptionsMenu", header_font=MENU_HEADER_FONT, option_font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, xcenter=True, **kwargs) self.header = "Options" self.options = Load.loadOptions() = Factory.textBoxes([ ("Keymaps", lambda:, caption=self.caption)), ], self, font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, colors={"background":self.colorscheme["background"], "font":self.colorscheme["option"], }, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, xcenter=True, ) ## >inb4 immature jokes def turnOn(option, options): Log.debug(option) if options.get(option) != None: Log.warning("Turning on non-existent option: {}".format(repr(option))) options[option] = True Save.saveOptions() def turnOff(option, options): Log.debug(option) if options.get(option) != None: Log.warning("Turning off non-existent option: {}".format(repr(option))) options[option] = False Save.saveOptions() Factory.basicSwitches([ ("Uber-Tetromino", "uber_tetromino"), ("Flip tetromino", "flip_tetromino"), ], self, turnOn, turnOff, Shared.options["gameplay"], font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, colors=SWITCH_OPTION_COLORS, boxwidth=8, box_center=True, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, ) ) self.setupObjects()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MainMenu, self).__init__( "MainMenu", onHeaderClick=lambda:, header_font=MENU_HEADER_FONT, option_font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, isroot=True, xcenter=True, soundtrack=Path.join(Load.MUSICDIR, "jazz_cat_infinite_loop_cut.ogg"), sound_enabled=SOUND_ENABLED, **kwargs) self.title_blocks = BlockText.render(TITLE_TEXT, font=Load.loadBlockFont("standard")) blockwidth = (self.width) // len(self.title_blocks[0]) Log.debug("title_board.blockwidth = {}".format(blockwidth)) self.addJob("title_board", Jobs.Board( self, y=SPACER, height=len(self.title_blocks), width=len(self.title_blocks[0]), blockwidth=blockwidth, bgcolor=self.bgcolor, queue=100, draw_grid=False, draw_border=False, ) ) = (self.width // 2) - ( // 2) for x, y in Matrix.matrixToSet(self.title_blocks):[(x, y)] = (0xaa,0xaa,0xaa) self.options_pos[1] = + + SPACER*2 = Factory.textBoxes([ ("Single Player", lambda:, caption="Loltris")), ("Two Player", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Two Player")), ("LAN Play", lambda:, caption="Loltris - LAN play")), ("Options", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Options")), ("Creative", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Creator")), ("Scores", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Highscores")), ("Credits", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Credits")), ("Homepage", lambda:, ("SandBox", lambda:, caption="Loltris - SandBox")), ("Exit", self.quit), ], self, font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, xcenter=True, colors={ "background":self.colorscheme["background"], "font":self.colorscheme["option"], }, ) self.setupObjects() #self.loadHighscores() ## XXX: Temporary bugfix, scroll_filler is drawn on every frame while the board is not. del
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(KeymapMenu, self).__init__("KeymapMenu", header_font=MENU_HEADER_FONT, option_font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, xcenter=True, **kwargs) self.header = "Keymaps" = Factory.textBoxes([ ("Tetris", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Tetris keymap")), ("Menu", lambda:, caption="Loltris - Menu keymap")), ], self, font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, colors={"background":self.colorscheme["background"], "font":self.colorscheme["option"], }, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, xcenter=True, ) self.setupObjects() self.getting = None
def test_basic_use_with_cooperative_constructors(): fac = Factory.Factory(C) fac.z = 'z' fac.y = 'y' fac.x = 'x' obj = fac() assert obj.x == 'x' assert obj.y == 'y' assert obj.z == 'z' fac.bind(x='xx', y='yy') obj = fac() assert obj.x == 'xx' assert obj.y == 'yy' assert obj.z == 'z'
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PauseMenu, self).__init__("PauseMenu", header_font=MENU_HEADER_FONT, option_font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, isroot=True, xcenter=True, **kwargs) self.header = "Pause" = Factory.textBoxes([ ("Continue", self.quitGame), ("Exit to main menu", lambda: self.quitGame("MainMenu")), ("Exit Game", self.quit), ], self, font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, colors={"background":self.colorscheme["background"], "font":self.colorscheme["option"], }, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, xcenter=True, ) self.setupObjects() self.running = self.mainLoop
def test_permits_varkwargs(): def f(**kwargs): return kwargs # This accepts any and all args. fac = Factory.Factory(f) fac.bind(x='x', y='y') assert fac() == {'x': 'x', 'y': 'y'} class A(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): pass class B(A): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(B, self).__init__(**kwargs) class C(B): def __init__(self, b=None): super(C, self).__init__({'b': b}) B_fac = Factory.Factory(B) # Should accept variable kwargs. C_fac = Factory.Factory(C) # Should not accept variable kwargs. assert B_fac(x=1) assert_raises(AttributeError, C_fac.bind, x=1)
def generator(self): ''' :return:产生一个符合要求的随机整数,浮点数,或字符串 ''' if self.eleType is int: factory = Factory.elementSamplingFactory(self.condition, 1) while 1: ele = factory.randomIntSampling() for x in ele: yield x if self.eleType is float: factory = Factory.elementSamplingFactory(self.condition, 1) while 1: ele = factory.randomFloatSampling() for x in ele: yield x if self.eleType is str: factory = Factory.elementSamplingFactory(self.condition, 1, self.len) while 1: ele = factory.randomStrSampling() for x in ele: yield x
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(KeymapMenu.Graphics, self).__init__("GraphicsMenu", header_font=MENU_HEADER_FONT, option_font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, xcenter=True, **kwargs) ## >inb4 immature jokes def turnOn(option, options): options[option] = True Save.saveOptions() def turnOff(option, options): options[option] = False Save.saveOptions() = \ Factory.basicSwitches([ ("Fullscreen", "fullscreen"), ], self, turnOn, turnOff, Shared.options["gameplay"], font=MENU_OPTION_FONT, colors=SWITCH_OPTION_COLORS, boxwidth=8, box_center=True, fill=MENU_3DBORDER_BACKGROUND, )
import Base import Factory import Layout from MethodUtils import CallBack Factory = Factory.Factory(Base.Invalid, name="Printing") class PageBreak(Layout.Box): """ Will force a page break before printing any additional elements """ def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): Layout.Box.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, parent=parent)['page-break-before'] = "always" Factory.addProduct(PageBreak) class HidePrint(Layout.Box): """ Will hide any child elements from printing """ def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): Layout.Box.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, parent=parent) self.addClass('hidePrint') Factory.addProduct(HidePrint)
""" def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): WebElement.__init__(self, id, name, parent) self.tagName = "h2" def loadFromDictionary(self, valueDict): pass def content(self, variableDict=None, formatted=False): """ Overrides content to return 'Invalid element' string """ return "Invalid Element" Factory.addProduct(Invalid) class TemplateElement(WebElement): """ A template WebElement is a web element that uses a template for its presantation and structure """ factory = Factory template = None def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None, template=None, factory=None): WebElement.__init__(self, id, name, parent) self.tagName = 'div' if template:
def addChildElement(self, childElement): if not self.toggle: return self.setToggleButton(Layout.Box.addChildElement(self, childElement)) elif not = Layout.Box.addChildElement(self, childElement) if = + ":Content""WebElementMenu")'onclick', 'isPopupOpen = true;') return else: return Layout.Box.addChildElement(self, childElement) Factory.addProduct(DropDownMenu) class CollapsedText(DropDownMenu): """ Shows a limited amount of text revealing the rest when the user hovers over """ properties = properties['lengthLimit'] = {'action':'classAttribute', 'type':'int'} properties['text'] = {'action':'setText'} def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): DropDownMenu.__init__(self, id, name, parent) self.lengthLimit = 40 self.label = self.addChildElement(Display.Label)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import Factory if __name__ == '__main__': string = str(input("Please type the animal's name: ")) ResultAnimal = Factory.get_classAnimal(string.upper()) print(ResultAnimal)
self.statusBar.addClass("WStatusBar") self.statusBar.hide() self.dropIndicator = self.statusBar.addChildElement(Display.Image()) self.dropIndicator.setProperty('src', Base.IMAGES_URL + 'throbber.gif') self.dropIndicator.addClass("WDropIndicator") self.dropLabel = self.statusBar.addChildElement(Display.Label(id + "DropLabel")) self.dropLabel.setText("Drop Files Here") self.dropLabel.addClass("WDropLabel") self.files = self.addChildElement(Layout.Horizontal(id + "Files")) self.files.addClass("WFiles") baseFile = self.files.addChildElement(Layout.Vertical(id + "File")) baseFile.addClass("WFile") imageContainer = baseFile.addChildElement(Layout.Box()) imageContainer.addClass("WImageContainer") preview = imageContainer.addChildElement(Display.Image()) preview.addClass("WThumbnail") name = baseFile.addChildElement(Display.Label()) name.addClass("WFileName") baseFile.hide() self.addScript(CallBack(self, 'jsConnections')) def jsConnections(self): return "WebElements.buildFileOpener('%s');" % self.fullId() Factory.addProduct(FileUploader)
from MethodUtils import CallBack Factory = Factory.Factory("Printing") class PageBreak(Layout.Box): """ Defines an area where a break in the page would be logical """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None, **kwargs): Layout.Box.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, parent=parent)['page-break-before'] = "always" Factory.addProduct(PageBreak) class UnPrintable(Layout.Box): """ Defines content as being unprintable and therefore should be hidden from printing """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None, **kwargs): Layout.Box.__init__(self, id=id, name=name, parent=parent) self.addClass('hidePrint') Factory.addProduct(UnPrintable)
class NotEmpty(Validator): messages = {"notEmpty": "Please enter a value"} class ClientSide(Validator.ClientSide): def validate(self): with self.element.forElement.clientSide.value().IF == "" as context: context(self.showError(self.element.message("notEmpty"))) return context def validate(self): if not self.forElement.value(): self.showError(self.message("notEmpty")) Factory.addProduct(NotEmpty) class Int(Validator): messages = {"notInt": "Please enter an integer value"} class ClientSide(Validator.ClientSide): def validate(self): assignment = self.assign("value", self.element.forElement.clientSide.value()) with self.value.IF != do.parseInt(self.value, 10) as context: context(self.showError(self.element.message("notInt"))) return assignment(context) def validate(self): try:
def toHtml(self, formatted=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Changes toHtml behavior to only generate the html for the visible element """ if self.stackElements: return self.visibleElement().toHtml(formatted=formatted, *args, **kwargs) or "" return "" def addChildElement(self, childElement, ensureUnique=True): self.stackElements.append(childElement) childElement.parent = self if len(self.stackElements) == 1: self.__setChildren__() return childElement Factory.addProduct(Stack) class Box(DOM.Div): """ A container that allows child elements to be contained within the border of the container. """ __slots__ = () Factory.addProduct(Box) class Flow(Base.WebElement): """ A container that does not impose a border around its childElements
Factory = Factory.Factory("DOM") class A(WebElement): """ Defines a link that when clicked changes the currently viewed page """ __slots__ = () tagName = "a" properties = properties['href'] = {'action':'attribute'} properties['media'] = {'action':'attribute'} properties['rel'] = {'action':'attribute'} properties['target'] = {'action':'attribute'} properties['type'] = {'action':'attribute'} Factory.addProduct(A) class Abr(WebElement): """ Defines an abbreviation or an acronym """ __slots__ = () tagName = "abr" Factory.addProduct(Abr) class Address(WebElement): """ Defines contact info for the author of a document or article
Base.WebElement.__init__(self, id, name, parent) def setDestination(self, destination): self.attributes['href'] = destination def destination(self): return self.attributes.get('href', "") def setText(self, text): self.textBeforeChildren = text self.emit('textChanged', text) def text(self): return self.textBeforeChildren Factory.addProduct(Link) class PopupLink(Link): """ A link that will open the new page in a popup window """ properties = properties['width'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} properties['height'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} # the 'normal' flag allows you to retain the menu/toolbar properties['normal'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} properties['windowTitle'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} properties['separateWindow'] = {'action':'classAttribute', 'type':'bool'} def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None):['float'] = align if width:['vertical-align'] = 'middle'['width'] = width def toHtml(self, valueDict=None, formatted=False): oldChildElements = self.childElements self.reset() for childElement in oldChildElements: self.__modifyChild__(childElement) lineBreak = Box.addChildElement(self, LineBreak()) returnValue = Box.toHtml(self, valueDict, formatted=formatted) self.childElements = oldChildElements return returnValue Factory.addProduct(Horizontal) class Vertical(Box): """ A container that encourage elements to be added vertically with minimum html """ def __modifyChild__(self, childElement): height ='height', '') if not childElement.displayable: self.childElements.append(childElement) elif not childElement.tagName or height: container = Box()['height'] = height['height'] = "100%"
def start(self): """ Starts the main loop of the interactive shell. """ # Command entered by the user cmd = "" self.logger.print_info("Type 'help' to show a list of available commands.") while (cmd.lower() != VmfShell.CMD_QUIT): try: self.output.write(VmfShell.PROMPT) user_input = sys.stdin.readline() tokens = user_input.rstrip().split() cmd = tokens[0] if (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_QUIT): pass elif (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_HELP): if (len(tokens) == 1): self.logger.print_info("{:s} <field>|all".format(VmfShell.CMD_SHOW)) self.logger.print_info("{:s} <field> <value>".format(VmfShell.CMD_SET)) self.logger.print_info("{:s} [field] {{bin, hex}}".format(VmfShell.CMD_HEADER)) self.logger.print_info("{:s} <field>".format(VmfShell.CMD_HELP)) self.logger.print_info("{:s} <field>".format(VmfShell.CMD_SEARCH)) self.logger.print_info("{:s} <file>".format(VmfShell.CMD_SAVE)) self.logger.print_info("{:s} <file>".format(VmfShell.CMD_LOAD)) self.logger.print_info("{:s}".format(VmfShell.CMD_QUIT)) else: param = tokens[1] if (param in Params.__dict__.keys()): help_msg = Params.parameters[param]['help'] self.logger.print_info(help_msg) if (len(Params.parameters[param]['choices']) > 0): choices_msg = ', '.join([ choice for choice in Params.parameters[param]['choices']]) self.logger.print_info("Available values: {:s}".format(choices_msg)) else: self.logger.print_error("Unknown parameter/option: {:s}.".format(param)) elif (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_SHOW): # # Displays the value of the given field # if (len(tokens) == 2): param = tokens[1] if (param in Params.parameters.keys()): value = Params.__dict__[param] if (isinstance(value, int)): value = "0x{:02x}".format(value) self.logger.print_info("{} = {}".format(param, value)) elif param.lower() == "all": for p in Params.parameters.keys(): value = Params.__dict__[p] self.logger.print_info("{} = {}".format(p, value)) else: self.logger.print_error("Unknown parameter/option {:s}.".format(param)) else: self.logger.print_error("Usage: {s} <field>".format(VmfShell.CMD_SHOW)) elif (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_SET): # # Sets a field with the given value # # TODO: Issues with parameters with boolean values if (len(tokens) >= 3): param = tokens[1] value = ' '.join(tokens[2:]) if (param in Params.__dict__.keys()): if (Params.parameters[param]["choices"]): if (value in Params.parameters[param]["choices"]): Params.__dict__[param] = value new_value = Params.__dict__[param] self.logger.print_success("{:s} = {:s}".format(param, new_value)) else: self.logger.print_error("Invalid value ({:s}) for field {:s}.".format(value, param)) self.logger.print_info("Values for field are : {:s}.".format(','.join(str(Params.parameters[param]["choices"])))) else: Params.__dict__[param] = value new_value = Params.__dict__[param] self.logger.print_success("{:s} = {:s}".format(param, new_value)) else: self.logger.print_error("Unknown parameter {:s}.".format(param)) else: self.logger.print_error("Usage: {:s} <field> <value>".format(VmfShell.CMD_SET)) elif (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_HEADER): field = "vmfversion" fmt = "bin" if (len(tokens) >= 2): field = tokens[1] if (len(tokens) == 3): fmt = tokens[2] vmf_factory = Factory(_logger=self.logger) vmf_message = vmf_factory.new_message(Params) vmf_elem = vmf_message.header.elements[field] if (isinstance(vmf_elem, Field)): vmf_value = vmf_elem.value elif (isinstance(vmf_elem, Group)): vmf_value = "n/a" else: raise Exception("Unknown type for element '{:s}'.".format(field)) vmf_bits = vmf_elem.get_bit_array() output = vmf_bits if (fmt == "bin"): output = vmf_bits.bin if (fmt == "hex"): output = vmf_bits.hex self.logger.print_success("{}\t{}\t{}".format(field, vmf_value, output)) elif (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_SEARCH): keyword = ' '.join(tokens[1:]).lower() for p in Params.parameters.keys(): help = Params.parameters[p]['help'] if (p.lower() == keyword or keyword in help.lower()): self.logger.print_success("{:s}: {:s}".format(p, help)) elif (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_SAVE): if len(tokens) == 2: file = tokens[1] tmpdict = {} for param in Params.parameters.keys(): value = Params.__dict__[param] tmpdict[param] = value with open(file, 'w') as f: json.dump(tmpdict, f) self.logger.print_success("Saved VMF message to {:s}.".format(file)) else: self.logger.print_error("Specify a file to save the configuration to.") elif (cmd.lower() == "test"): if (len(tokens) == 2): vmf_params = tokens[1] else: vmf_params = '0x4023' s = BitStream(vmf_params) bstream = BitStream('0x4023') vmf_factory = Factory(_logger=self.logger) vmf_message = vmf_factory.read_message(bstream) elif (cmd.lower() == VmfShell.CMD_LOAD): if len(tokens) == 2: file = tokens[1] with open(file, 'r') as f: param_dict = json.load(f) for (param, value) in param_dict.iteritems(): Params.__dict__[param] = value self.logger.print_success("Loaded VMF message from {:s}.".format(file)) else: self.logger.print_error("Specify a file to load the configuration from.") else: self.logger.print_error("Unknown command {:s}.".format(cmd)) except Exception as e: self.logger.print_error("An exception as occured: {:s}".format(e.message)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
def _getLexer(self): return get_lexer_by_name(self.lexer) def _render(self): """ Renders the code with pygments if it is available otherwise with a simple pre-tag """ if not hasPygments: self._textNode.setText(self.code) return self._tagName = "span" formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos=self.showLineNumbers) self._textNode.setText(highlight(self._getCode(), self._getLexer(), formatter)) Factory.addProduct(CodeSnippet) class SourceFile(CodeSnippet): """ Enables adding a formatted source file directly to a page. """ def _getCode(self): if self.code: with open(self.code, "r") as openFile: return return "" def _getLexer(self): if self.lexer:
def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): ScriptContainer.__init__(self) self.addClass("onLoadJavascript") self.hide() def content(self, variableDict=None, formatted=False): """ Overrides the base WebElement content method to replace non-safe characters """ script = ScriptContainer.content(self, variableDict, formatted=formatted) script = script.replace("&", "&") script = script.replace("<", "<") script = script.replace(">", ">") return script Factory.addProduct(AJAXScriptContainer) class AjaxController(Layout.Box): """ Abstract Page Controller Definition, separates a section of the page to update independent of the rest of the page using prototype.js AJAX convenience functions. """ jsFunctions = ["ajaxUpdate", "ajaxDo", "ajaxParameters", "ajaxParametersMultiple", "applyAjaxUpdate", "applyAjaxUpdateMultiple", "ajaxSubmit", "_ajaxGet", "_ajaxGetMultiple", "abortAjaxUpdate", "_ajaxFields", "_ajaxForms", "_ajaxSerialize"] autoload = True autoreload = False # set to a number of milliseconds if you want it to periodically reload callFunction = None # javascript function to call with JSON data
""" return def setName(self, name): """ Sets the name of the meta tag """ = name def shown(self): """ Meta tags are never visible """ return False Factory.addProduct(MetaData) class HTTPHeader(MetaData): """ A webelement that represents an http header meta tag """ __slots__ = () def getName(self): """ Returns the headers name """ return self.attributes.get('http-equiv') def setName(self, name): """
self.connect('rendering', None, self, '_updateReadOnly_') def _updateReadOnly_(self): """ Update readonly attribute to reflect editable status """ if not self.editable(): self.attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly' def setDisabledJs(self, disabled): ''' Returns javascript to disable this input clientside ''' return 'WebElements.get(\'%s\').disabled = %s;' % (, str(disabled)) Factory.addProduct(InputElement) class CheckBox(InputElement): """ Defines a checkbox '<input type="checkbox">' webelement """ __slots__ = () properties = properties['valueAttribute'] = {'action':'setValueAttributeFromString'} class ClientSide(InputElement): def showIfChecked(self, elementToShow): return ClientSide.showIfChecked(elementToShow, self)
self.tagSelfCloses = True elif extension == "png": self.tagName = "link" self.attributes["rel"] = "icon" self.attributes["type"] = "image/png" self.attributes["href"] = fileName self.resourceType = "css" self.tagSelfCloses = True else: self.tagName = "h2" self.textBeforeChildren = "Invalid Resource: %s" % fileName self.resourceType = None self.tagSelfCloses = False Factory.addProduct(ResourceFile) class ScriptContainer(Base.WebElement): """ All scripts should be stored in a Script Box object """ displayable = False tagName = "script" properties = properties["script"] = {"action": "addScript"} def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): Base.WebElement.__init__(self) self.attributes["language"] = "javascript"
elif unit.unit_type == bc.UnitType.Rocket: Rocket.manage_rockets(gc, unit) elif unit.unit_type == bc.UnitType.Healer: Healer.manage_healers(gc, unit) elif unit.unit_type == bc.UnitType.Knight: Knight.turn(gc, unit) # Knight.manage_knights(gc, unit, Globals.earth_enemy_center, earth_enemy_map, elif unit.unit_type == bc.UnitType.Mage: Mage.manage_mages(gc, unit) # Mage.manage_mages(gc, unit, Globals.earth_enemy_center, earth_enemy_map, elif unit.unit_type == bc.UnitType.Ranger: s = time.time() Ranger.turn(gc, unit) Globals.rtime += (time.time() - s) elif unit.unit_type == bc.UnitType.Factory: Factory.factory_manager(gc, unit) print("Workers: ", Globals.wtime, "Rangers: ", Globals.rtime, "Find Karb: ", Globals.ftime) Globals.radar.remove_dead_units() Globals.radar.clear_being_shot_at_cache(bc.Planet.Earth) Globals.radar.clear_being_shot_at_cache(bc.Planet.Mars) Globals.radar.enemies_killed_this_turn = {} Globals.radar.enemy_center = None Globals.radar.enemy_center_found = -1 # Globals.income = gc.karbonite() - Globals.prev_karb_amount # Globals.prev_karb_amount = gc.karbonite() print("----------------") # Allows us to locate errors in the code except Exception as e: print('Error:', e) traceback.print_exc()
self.setValue(text) self.emit('textChanged', text) def shown(self): """ A hiddenInput is never visible """ return False def text(self): """ Returns the hidden inputs value """ return self.value() Factory.addProduct(HiddenValue) class HiddenBooleanValue(HiddenValue): """ Defines a hidden value which accepts true or false values """ def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None, key=None): HiddenValue.__init__(self, id, name, parent, key=key) self.attributes['value'] = '' def setValue(self, value): """ Sets the hidden inputs value to 1 or '' to represent true or false """["float"] = "right" class InputField(BaseField): """ A field using an input element """ __slots__ = () inputElement = Inputs.InputElement properties = Base.addChildProperties(properties, Inputs.InputElement, "userInput") properties["type"] = {"action": "userInput.attribute", "name": "type"} Factory.addProduct(InputField) class TextField(BaseField): """ A field with a textbox as the input """ __slots__ = () inputElement = Inputs.TextBox properties = Base.addChildProperties(properties, Inputs.TextBox, "userInput") Factory.addProduct(TextField)
allowsChildren = False tagSelfCloses = True properties = properties['src'] = {'action':'setValue'} def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): ValueElement.__init__(self, id, name, parent) def setValue(self, value): """ Sets the location from which to load the image """ ValueElement.setValue(self, value) self.attributes['src'] = value Factory.addProduct(Image) class HoverImage(Image): """ Defines an image that changes on mouseover """ properties = properties['imageOnHover'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} properties['imageOnClick'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} imageOnHover = None imageOnClick = None def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None): Image.__init__(self, id, name, parent)
from Inputs import ValueElement from MethodUtils import CallBack Factory = Factory.Factory("Display") class Image(DOM.Img): """ Adds an image to the page """ __slots__ = () allowsChildren = False tagSelfCloses = True Factory.addProduct(Image) class HoverImage(Image): """ Defines an image that changes on mouseover """ __slots__ = () properties = properties['imageOnHover'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} properties['imageOnClick'] = {'action':'classAttribute'} imageOnHover = None imageOnClick = None def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, parent=None, **kwargs):