Пример #1
 def OnFilter(self, event):
     """ This method, required by TextReport, implements the call to the Filter Dialog.  It needs to be
         in the report parent because the TextReport doesn't know the appropriate filter parameters. """
     # Define the Filter Dialog.  We need reportType 9 to identify the Keyword Summary Report and we
     # need only the Keyword Group Filter for this report.
     dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(self.report, -1, self.title, reportType=9,
     # Populate the Filter Dialog with the Keyword Group Filter list
     # If the filter is defined and accepted by the user ...
     if dlgFilter.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
         # ... get the filter data ...
         self.keywordGroupFilterList = dlgFilter.GetKeywordGroups()
         # ... and signal the TextReport that the filter is to be applied.
         return True
     # If the filter is cancelled by the user ...
         # ... signal the TextReport that the filter is NOT to be applied.
         return False
Пример #2
    def Export(self):
        """ Export the Analytic Data to a Tab-delimited file """
        # Initialize values for data structures for this report
        # The Episode List is the list of Episodes to be sent to the Filter Dialog for the Library report
        episodeList = []
        # The Document List is the list of Documents to be sent to the Filter Dialog for the Library report
        documentList = []
        # The Quote List is the list of Quotes to be sent to the Filter Dialog
        quoteList = []
        # The Quote Lookup allows us to find the Quote Number based on the data from the Quote List
        quoteLookup = {}
        # The Clip List is the list of Clips to be sent to the Filter Dialog
        clipList = []
        # The Clip Lookup allows us to find the Clip Number based on the data from the Clip List
        clipLookup = {}
        # The Keyword List is the list of Keywords to be sent to the Filter Dialog
        keywordList = []
        # Show a WAIT cursor.  Assembling the data can take noticable time in some cases.

        # If we have an Library Number, we set up the Library Analytic Data Export
        if self.libraryNum <> 0:
            # Get the Library record
            tempLibrary = Library.Library(self.libraryNum)

            # obtain a list of all Documents in the Library
            tempDocumentList = DBInterface.list_of_documents(
            # initialize the temporary Quote List
            tempQuoteList = []
            # iterate through the Document List ...
            for documentRecord in tempDocumentList:
                # ... and add each Document's Quotes to the Temporary Quote list
                tempQuoteList += DBInterface.list_of_quotes_by_document(
                # Add the Document data to the Filter Dialog's Document List
                documentList.append((documentRecord[1], tempLibrary.id, True))
            # For all the Quotes ...
            for quoteRecord in tempQuoteList:
                # ... add the Quote to the Quote List for filtering ...
                    (quoteRecord['QuoteID'], quoteRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Quote Number keyed to the Quote ID and Collection Number ...
                    quoteRecord['CollectNum'])] = quoteRecord['QuoteNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Quote ...
                quoteKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(
                # ... and iterate through the list of Quote keywords.
                for quoteKeyword in quoteKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1],
                            True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                            (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True))

            # obtain a list of all Episodes in that Library
            tempEpisodeList = DBInterface.list_of_episodes_for_series(
            # initialize the temporary clip List
            tempClipList = []
            # iterate through the Episode List ...
            for episodeRecord in tempEpisodeList:
                # ... and add each Episode's Clips to the Temporary clip list
                tempClipList += DBInterface.list_of_clips_by_episode(
                # Add the Episode data to the Filter Dialog's Episode List
                episodeList.append((episodeRecord[1], tempLibrary.id, True))
            # For all the Clips ...
            for clipRecord in tempClipList:
                # ... add the Clip to the Clip List for filtering ...
                    (clipRecord['ClipID'], clipRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Clip Number keyed to the Clip ID and Collection Number ...
                            clipRecord['CollectNum'])] = clipRecord['ClipNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Clip ...
                clipKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(
                # ... and iterate through the list of clip keywords.
                for clipKeyword in clipKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1],
                            True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                            (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True))

        # If we have a Document Number, we set up the Document Analytic Data Export
        elif self.documentNum <> 0:
            # First, we get a list of all the Quotes for the Document specified
            tempQuoteList = DBInterface.list_of_quotes_by_document(
            # For all the Quotes ...
            for quoteRecord in tempQuoteList:
                # ... add the Quote to the Quote List for filtering ...
                    (quoteRecord['QuoteID'], quoteRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Quote Number keyed to the Quote ID and Collection Number ...
                    quoteRecord['CollectNum'])] = quoteRecord['QuoteNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Quote ...
                quoteKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(
                # ... and iterate through the list of Quote keywords.
                for quoteKeyword in quoteKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1],
                            True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                            (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True))

        # If we have an Episode Number, we set up the Episode Analytic Data Export
        elif self.episodeNum <> 0:
            # First, we get a list of all the Clips for the Episode specified
            tempClipList = DBInterface.list_of_clips_by_episode(
            # For all the Clips ...
            for clipRecord in tempClipList:
                # ... add the Clip to the Clip List for filtering ...
                    (clipRecord['ClipID'], clipRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Clip Number keyed to the Clip ID and Collection Number ...
                            clipRecord['CollectNum'])] = clipRecord['ClipNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Clip ...
                clipKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(
                # ... and iterate through the list of clip keywords.
                for clipKeyword in clipKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1],
                            True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                            (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True))

        # If we don't have Library Number, Document Number, or Episode number, but DO have a Collection Number, we set
        # up the Clips for the Collection specified.  If we have neither, it's the GLOBAL Analytic Data Export,
        # requesting ALL the Quotes and Clips in the database!  We can handle both of these cases together.
            # If we have a specific collection specified ...
            if self.collectionNum <> 0:
                # ... load the specified collection.  We need its data.
                tempCollection = Collection.Collection(self.collectionNum)
                # Put the selected Collection's data into the Collection List as a starting place.
                tempCollectionList = [
                    (tempCollection.number, tempCollection.id,
            # If we don't have any selected collection ...
                # ... then we should initialise the Collection List with data for all top-level collections, with parent = 0
                tempCollectionList = DBInterface.list_of_collections()
            # Iterate through the Collection List as long as it has entries
            while len(tempCollectionList) > 0:
                # Get the list of Quotes for the current Collection
                tempQuoteList = DBInterface.list_of_quotes_by_collectionnum(
                # For all the Quotes ...
                for (quoteNo, quoteName, collNo, sourceDocNo) in tempQuoteList:
                    # ... add the Quote to the Quote List for filtering ...
                    quoteList.append((quoteName, collNo, True))
                    # ... retain a pointer to the Quote Number keyed to the Quote ID and Collection Number ...
                    quoteLookup[(quoteName, collNo)] = quoteNo
                    # ... now get all the keywords for this Quote ...
                    quoteKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(
                    # ... and iterate through the list of Quote keywords.
                    for quoteKeyword in quoteKeywordList:
                        # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                        if (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1],
                                True) not in keywordList:
                            # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                                (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True))

                # Get the list of Clips for the current Collection
                tempClipList = DBInterface.list_of_clips_by_collection(
                    tempCollectionList[0][1], tempCollectionList[0][2])
                # For all the Clips ...
                for (clipNo, clipName, collNo) in tempClipList:
                    # ... add the Clip to the Clip List for filtering ...
                    clipList.append((clipName, collNo, True))
                    # ... retain a pointer to the Clip Number keyed to the Clip ID and Collection Number ...
                    clipLookup[(clipName, collNo)] = clipNo
                    # ... now get all the keywords for this Clip ...
                    clipKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(Clip=clipNo)
                    # ... and iterate through the list of clip keywords.
                    for clipKeyword in clipKeywordList:
                        # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                        if (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1],
                                True) not in keywordList:
                            # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                                (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True))

                # Get the nested collections for the current collection and add them to the Collection List
                tempCollectionList += DBInterface.list_of_collections(
                # Remove the current Collection from the list.  We're done with it.
                del (tempCollectionList[0])

        # Put the Quote List in alphabetical order in preparation for Filtering..
        # Put the Clip List in alphabetical order in preparation for Filtering..
        # Put the Keyword List in alphabetical order in preparation for Filtering.

        # Prepare the Filter Dialog.
        # Set the title for the Filter Dialog
        title = unicode(_("Analytic Data Export Filter Dialog"), 'utf8')
        # If we have a Library-based report ...
        if self.libraryNum != 0:
            # ... reportType 14 indicates Library Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 14
            # ... the reportScope is the Library Number.
            reportScope = self.libraryNum
        # If we have a Document-based report ...
        elif self.documentNum != 0:
            # ... reportType 20 indicates Document Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 20
            # ... the reportScope is the Document Number.
            reportScope = self.documentNum
        # If we have an Episode-based report ...
        elif self.episodeNum != 0:
            # ... reportType 3 indicates Episode Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 3
            # ... the reportScope is the Episode Number.
            reportScope = self.episodeNum
        # If we have a Collection-based report ...
            # ... reportType 4 indicates Collection Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 4
            # ... the reportScope is the Collection Number.
            reportScope = self.collectionNum

        showDocuments = (len(documentList) > 0)
        showEpisodes = (len(episodeList) > 0)
        showQuotes = (len(quoteList) > 0)
        showClips = (len(clipList) > 0)

        # If we are basing the report on a Library ...
        if self.libraryNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We want to include the Episode List
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None,
        # If we are basing the report on a Collection (but not the Collection Root) ...
        elif self.collectionNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We want to be able to include Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None,
        # If we are basing the report on a Document ...
        elif self.documentNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We DON'T need Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None,
        # If we are basing the report on an Episode ...
        elif self.episodeNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We DON'T need Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None,
        # If we are doing the report on the Collection Root report, which MUST have nested data) ...
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We DON'T need Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None,
        # If we have a Library-based report ...
        if self.libraryNum != 0:
            if showDocuments:
                # ... populate the Document Data Structure
            if showEpisodes:
                # ... populate the Episode Data Structure
        # Populate the Quote, Clip and Keyword Data Structures
        if showQuotes:
        if showClips:

        # ... get the list of existing configuration names.
        profileList = dlgFilter.GetConfigNames()
        # If (translated) "Default" is in the list ...
        # (NOTE that the default config name is stored in English, but gets translated by GetConfigNames!)
        if unicode(_('Default'), 'utf8') in profileList:
            # ... set the Filter Dialog to use this filter
            dlgFilter.configName = unicode(_('Default'),
            # Temporarily set loadDefault to True for the Filter Dialog.  This disables the Filter Load dialog.
            # (We don't use the FilterDialog parameter, as that disables loading other Filters!)
            dlgFilter.loadDefault = True
            # We need to load the config
            # Now we turn loadDefault back off so we can load other filters if we want.
            dlgFilter.loadDefault = False

        # restore the cursor, now that the data is set up for the filter dialog

        # If the user clicks OK ...
        if dlgFilter.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            # Set the WAIT cursor.  It can take a while to build the data file.
            # If we have a Library-based report ...
            if self.libraryNum != 0:
                if showDocuments:
                    documentList = dlgFilter.GetDocuments()
                if showEpisodes:
                    # ... get the revised Episode data from the Filter Dialog
                    episodeList = dlgFilter.GetEpisodes()
            # Get the revised Quote, Clip, and Keyword data from the Filter Dialog
            if showQuotes:
                quoteList = dlgFilter.GetQuotes()
            if showClips:
                clipList = dlgFilter.GetClips()
            keywordList = dlgFilter.GetKeywords()
            # If we have a Collection-based report ...
            if self.collectionNum != 0:
                # ... get the setting for including nested collections (not relevant for other reports)
                showNested = dlgFilter.GetShowNestedData()
            # If we have a report other than based on a Collection ...
                # ... nesting is meaningless, so we can just initialize this variable to False.
                showNested = False

            # Get the user-specified File Name
            fs = self.exportFile.GetValue()
            # Ensure that the file name has the proper extension.
            if fs[-4:].lower() != '.txt':
                fs = fs + '.txt'
            # On the Mac, if no path is specified, the data is exported to a file INSIDE the application bundle,
            # where no one will be able to find it.  Let's put it in the user's HOME directory instead.
            # I'm okay with not handling this on Windows, where it will be placed in the Program's folder
            # but it CAN be found.  (There's no easy way on Windows to determine the location of "My Documents"
            # especially if the user has moved it.)
            if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # if the specified file has no path specification ...
                if fs.find(os.sep) == -1:
                    # ... then prepend the HOME folder
                    fs = os.getenv("HOME") + os.sep + fs
            # Open the output file for writing.
            f = codecs.open(fs, 'w', 'utf8')  # file(fs, 'w')

            prompt = unicode(
                _('Collection Name\tItem Type\tItem Name\tSource File\tStart\tStop\tLength'
                  ), 'utf8')
            # Write the Header line.  We're creating a tab-delimited file, so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
            # Add keywords to the Header.  Iterate through the Keyword List.
            for keyword in keywordList:
                # See if the user has left the keyword "checked" in the filter dialog.
                if keyword[2]:
                    # Encode and write all "checked" keywords to the Header.
                    kwg = keyword[0]
                    kw = keyword[1]
                    f.write('\t%s : %s' % (kwg, kw))
            # Add a line break to signal the end of the Header line.

            # Now iterate through the Quote List
            for quoteRec in quoteList:
                # See if the user has left the Quote "checked" in the filter dialog.
                # Also, if we are using a collection report, either Nested Data should be requested OR the current
                # Quote should be from the main collection if it is to be included in the report.
                if quoteRec[2] and ((self.collectionNum == 0) or
                                    (showNested) or
                                    (quoteRec[1] == self.collectionNum)):
                    # Load the Quote data.  The QuoteLookup dictionary allows this easily.
                    # No need to load the Quote Text, which can be slow to load.
                    quote = Quote.Quote(quoteLookup[quoteRec[0], quoteRec[1]],
                    # Get the collection the Quote is from.
                    collection = Collection.Collection(quote.collection_num)
                    # Encode string values using the Export Encoding
                    collectionID = collection.GetNodeString()
                    quoteID = quote.id
                        document = Document.Document(quote.source_document_num)
                        documentID = document.id
                        quoteSourceFilename = document.imported_file
                        # If we're doing a Library report, we need the Quote's source document and Library for Document Filter comparison.
                        if self.libraryNum != 0:
                            library = Library.Library(document.library_num)
                            libraryID = library.id
                    # If we have an orphaned Quote ...
                    except TransanaExceptions.RecordNotFoundError, e:
                        # ... then we don't know these values!
                        documentID = ''
                        quoteSourceFilename = _('Source Document unknown')
                        libraryID = 0

                    # Implement Document filtering if needed.  If we have a Library Report, we need to confirm that the Source Document
                    # is "checked" in the filter list.  (If we don't have a Library Report, this check isn't needed.)
                    if (self.libraryNum == 0) or (
                        (documentID == '') and
                        (libraryID == '')) or ((documentID, libraryID, True)
                                               in documentList):
                        # Write the Quote's data values to the output file.  We're creating a tab-delimited file,
                        # so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
                            '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d' %
                            (collectionID, '1', quoteID, quoteSourceFilename,
                             quote.start_char, quote.end_char,
                             (quote.end_char - quote.start_char)))

                        # Now we iterate through the keyword list ...
                        for keyword in keywordList:
                            # ... looking only at those keywords the user left "checked" in the filter dialog ...
                            if keyword[2]:
                                # ... and check to see if the Quote HAS the keyword.
                                if quote.has_keyword(keyword[0], keyword[1]):
                                    # If so, we write a "1", indicating True.
                                    # If not, we write a "0", indicating False.
                        # Add a line break to signal the end of the Quote record

            # Now iterate through the Clip List
            for clipRec in clipList:
                # See if the user has left the clip "checked" in the filter dialog.
                # Also, if we are using a collection report, either Nested Data should be requested OR the current
                # clip should be from the main collection if it is to be included in the report.
                if clipRec[2] and ((self.collectionNum == 0) or (showNested) or
                                   (clipRec[1] == self.collectionNum)):
                    # Load the Clip data.  The ClipLookup dictionary allows this easily.
                    # No need to load the Clip Transcripts, which can be slow to load.
                    clip = Clip.Clip(clipLookup[clipRec[0], clipRec[1]],
                    # Get the collection the clip is from.
                    collection = Collection.Collection(clip.collection_num)
                    # Encode string values using the Export Encoding
                    collectionID = collection.GetNodeString()
                    clipID = clip.id
                    clipMediaFilename = clip.media_filename
                    # If we're doing a Library report, we need the clip's source episode and Library for Episode Filter comparison.
                    if self.libraryNum != 0:
                        episode = Episode.Episode(clip.episode_num)
                        library = Library.Library(episode.series_num)
                    # Implement Episode filtering if needed.  If we have a Library Report, we need to confirm that the Source Episode
                    # is "checked" in the filter list.  (If we don't have a Library Report, this check isn't needed.)
                    if (self.libraryNum == 0) or ((episode.id, library.id,
                                                   True) in episodeList):
                        # Write the Clip's data values to the output file.  We're creating a tab-delimited file,
                        # so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
                        f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%10.4f' %
                                (collectionID, '2', clipID, clipMediaFilename,
                                 (clip.clip_stop - clip.clip_start) / 1000.0))

                        # Now we iterate through the keyword list ...
                        for keyword in keywordList:
                            # ... looking only at those keywords the user left "checked" in the filter dialog ...
                            if keyword[2]:
                                # ... and check to see if the Clip HAS the keyword.
                                if clip.has_keyword(keyword[0], keyword[1]):
                                    # If so, we write a "1", indicating True.
                                    # If not, we write a "0", indicating False.
                        # Add a line break to signal the end of the Clip record

            # Flush the output file's buffer (probably unnecessary)
            # Close the output file.
            # Restore the cursor when we're done.
            # If so, create a prompt to inform the user and ask to overwrite the file.
            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
                prompt = unicode(
                    _('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".'), 'utf8')
                prompt = _('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".')
            # Create the dialog to inform the user
            dlg2 = Dialogs.InfoDialog(self, prompt % fs)
            # Show the Info dialog.
            # Destroy the Information dialog
Пример #3
    def OnFilter(self, event):
        """ This method, required by TextReport, implements the call to the Filter Dialog.  It needs to be
            in the report parent because the TextReport doesn't know the appropriate filter parameters. """
        # See if we're loading the Default profile.  This is signalled by an event of None!
        if event == None:
            loadDefault = True
            loadDefault = False
        # Determine the Report Scope
        if self.reportType == 'RootNode':
            reportScope = 1
        elif self.reportType == 'LibraryNode':
            reportScope = 2
        elif self.reportType == 'EpisodeNode':
            reportScope = 3
        elif self.reportType == 'TranscriptNode':
            reportScope = 4
        elif self.reportType == 'CollectionNode':
            reportScope = 5
        elif self.reportType == 'ClipNode':
            reportScope = 6
        elif self.reportType == 'SnapshotNode':
            reportScope = 7
        elif self.reportType == 'DocumentNode':
            reportScope = 8
        elif self.reportType == 'QuoteNode':
            reportScope = 9
        # Define the Filter Dialog.  We need reportType 13 to identify the Notes Report, the appropriate reportScope,
        # and the capacity to filter Notes.
        dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(self.report,
        # Populate the Filter Dialog with the Notes Filter list
        # If we're loading the Default configuration ...
        if loadDefault:
            # ... get the list of existing configuration names.
            profileList = dlgFilter.GetConfigNames()
            # If (translated) "Default" is in the list ...
            # (NOTE that the default config name is stored in English, but gets translated by GetConfigNames!)
            if unicode(_('Default'), 'utf8') in profileList:
                # ... then signal that we need to load the config.
                # Fake that we asked the user for a filter name and got an OK
                result = wx.ID_OK
            # If we're loading a Default profile, but there's none in the list, we can skip
            # the rest of the Filter method by pretending we got a Cancel from the user.
                result = wx.ID_CANCEL
        # If we're not loading a Default profile ...
            # ... we need to show the Filter Dialog here.
            result = dlgFilter.ShowModal()

        # If the user clicks OK (or we have a Default config)
        if result == wx.ID_OK:
            # ... get the filter data ...
            self.filterList = dlgFilter.GetNotes()
            # Remember the configuration name for later reuse
            self.configName = dlgFilter.configName
            # ... and signal the TextReport that the filter is to be applied.
            return True
        # If the filter is cancelled by the user ...
            # ... signal the TextReport that the filter is NOT to be applied.
            return False