Пример #1
def move_list(data):
    move_list = []
    curr_move = Move()
    curr_frame = Frame()

    last_frameid = None

    for row in range(0, len(data)):
        if (data[row]):
            #Each row represents a finger in a frame
            curr_finger = Finger(data[row])
            #Handle the first entry
            if (row == 0):
                curr_frame.id = curr_finger.frame
                curr_frame.numFingers += 1
                #A new frame has begun
                if (curr_frame.id != curr_finger.frame):
                    #Check if the old frame was still or stopped (i.e. fingers lifted off)
                    #and if so, end the last move and add it to the list of moves.
                    if (curr_frame.is_still()) or (curr_frame.is_stopped()):
                        #We don't care about collecting still-frame data so just disregard it
                        #but end the move accordingly.

                        #We know the current move has ended so added it to the list of moves
                        #but only if there are frames in it, this is to mitigate the fact that
                        #WHENEVER there is a still frame a new Move obj is created, but
                        #we don't care about these.
                        if (curr_move.Framelist):
                            curr_move.endAngle = curr_frame.Fingers[
                                0].angle  #Only looks at one finger
                            curr_move.endXVel = curr_frame.Fingers[
                                0].xvel  #Only looks at one finger
                        curr_move = Move()
                    #The last frame was neither still nor stopped, but we need to add it
                    #to the current move.
                        if (not curr_move.Framelist):
                            curr_move.startAngle = curr_frame.Fingers[
                                0].angle  #Not actually accurate e.g. it only looks at one finger
                            curr_move.startXVel = curr_frame.Fingers[
                                0].xvel  #Not accurate, see above.
                        if (curr_frame.numFingers > curr_move.maxFingers):
                            curr_move.maxFingers = curr_frame.numFingers
                        if (curr_frame.numFingers < curr_move.minFingers):
                            curr_move.minFingers = curr_frame.numFingers
                    #Update the current frame
                    curr_frame = Frame()
                    curr_frame.id = curr_finger.frame
                    curr_frame.numFingers += 1
            #A new frame has not begun but there are more fingers to add to it.
                    curr_frame.numFingers += 1
    if (curr_move.Framelist):
        curr_move.endAngle = curr_frame.Fingers[
            0].angle  #Only looks at one finger
        curr_move.endXVel = curr_frame.Fingers[
            0].xvel  #Only looks at one finger
    return move_list
Пример #2
#print "Puerto serie: {0}".format(serial_name)

#-- Open the serial port
#-- Abrir el puerto serie. Si hay algun error se termina
    s = serial.Serial(serial_name, 115200)

    #-- Timeout: 100 ms
    s.timeout = 0.1

except serial.SerialException:
    #-- Error al abrir el puerto serie
    sys.stderr.write("Error opening the port {0}".format(serial_name))

#-- Mostrar el nombre del dispositivo
print "Puerto serie abierto: {0}\n".format(s.name)

#-- Create the servos to use
#s1 = Servo(s, 2)
#s2 = Servo(s, 4)

f1 = Finger(s, 2, up=68, down=76)
f2 = Finger(s, 4, up=65, down=74)

#-- Put the fingers in the up position