Пример #1
def main(inputFile, classificationType=1, dataType=1, programType=1,Train=False):
    #inputFile is full path + file name as a string
    #classificationType is 1=support vector machine, 2 = naive Bayes, 3 = trees
    #dataType is 1 = magnitudes of band reflectivity, 2 = ratios of band reflectivity
    #programType is 1 = R, 2 = Python

    #The first input of trainingSet.main is a string containing the full path to training image data
    #The second input of trainingSet.main is a list of names corresponding to land cover types, which 
    #need to be the names of sub-directories in the training image data directory.
    if Train:

    geoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(open(inputFile))

    if programType==1: 
        #install the required R package
        if classificationType==3:
        #load module
        #load module

    #construct the newBand module
    loadedModules = []
    if modules is not None:
        for module in modules:
            globalVars = {}
            exec(compile(open(module).read(), module, "exec"), globalVars)
    for newBand in loadedModules:
        geoPicture = newBand(geoPicture,classificationType,dataType)

    #image processing#
    #class image
    imageArrayClass = numpy.array(geoPicture.picture[:,:,-3:]*255, dtype=numpy.uint8)  #Compress to 3 bands for RGB image
    imageClass = Image.fromarray(imageArrayClass)
    imageClass.save( "tmpClass" + ".png", "PNG", option="optimize")

    return geoPicture
def map_bright_pixels(inputStream, outputStream, band, threshold, modules=None):
    loadedModules = []
    if modules is not None:
        for module in modules:
            globalVars = {}
            exec(compile(open(module).read(), module, "exec"), globalVars)

    while True:
        # load a picture
        line = inputStream.readline()
        if not line: break

            geoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(line)
        except IOError:

        # generate new bands
        for newBand in loadedModules:
            geoPicture = newBand(geoPicture)

        # prepare a transform function for this picture
        tlx, weres, werot, tly, nsrot, nsres = json.loads(geoPicture.metadata["GeoTransform"])
        spatialReference = osr.SpatialReference()
        coordinateTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(spatialReference, spatialReference.CloneGeogCS())

        # get the relevant band
        picture = geoPicture.picture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index(band)]

        if isinstance(threshold, basestring) and threshold[-1] == "%":
            threshold = numpy.percentile(picture, float(threshold[:-1]))
        # loop over indicies that are above threshold
        for i, j in numpy.argwhere(picture > threshold):
            longitude, latitude, altitude = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + j*weres, tly + i*nsres)

            timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(json.loads(geoPicture.metadata["L1T"])["PRODUCT_METADATA"]["START_TIME"], "%Y %j %H:%M:%S").timetuple())

            # ultimately, longitude/latitude points should map to different keys, one key per reducer
            # for now, there is only one key: world
            sys.stdout.write("world\t%g %g %d %g\n" % (longitude, latitude, timestamp, picture[i,j]))
def inputOneLine(inputStream):
    line = inputStream.readline()
    if not line: raise IOError("No input")
    return GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(line)
def inputSequenceFile(inputStream, incomingBandRestriction):
    # enforce a structure on SequenceFile entries to be sure that Hadoop isn't splitting it up among multiple mappers
    name, metadata = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split("\t")
    if name != "metadata":
        raise IOError('First entry in the SequenceFile is "%s" rather than metadata' % name)
    metadata = json.loads(metadata)

    metadata_noUnicode = {}
    for key, value in metadata.items():
        metadata_noUnicode[str(key)] = str(value)
    metadata = metadata_noUnicode

    name, bands = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split("\t")
    if name != "bands":
        raise IOError('Second entry in the SequenceFile is "%s" rather than bands' % name)
    bands = json.loads(bands)

    bands_noUnicode = [str(b) for b in bands]
    bands = bands_noUnicode

    name, shape = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split("\t")
    if name != "shape":
        raise IOError('Third entry in the SequenceFile is "%s" rather than shape' % name)
    shape = json.loads(shape)

    if incomingBandRestriction is not None:
        # drop undesired bands
        onlyload = sorted(incomingBandRestriction.intersection(bands))
        shape = (shape[0], shape[1], len(onlyload))
        onlyload = bands
        shape = tuple(shape)

    # make a master image to fill
    geoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.GeoPicture()
    geoPicture.metadata = metadata
    geoPicture.bands = onlyload
    geoPicture.picture = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=numpy.float)

    # load individual bands from the SequenceFile and add them to the master image, if desired
    bandsSeen = []
    for line in sys.stdin.xreadlines():
        band, data = line.rstrip().split("\t")

        if band not in bands:
            raise IOError('SequenceFile contains "%s" when it should only have %s bands' % (band, str(bands)))

        if band in onlyload:
            index = onlyload.index(band)
            oneBandPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(data)

            if oneBandPicture.picture.shape[0:2] != geoPicture.picture.shape[0:2]:
                raise IOError(
                    'SequenceFile band "%s" has shape %s instead of %d by %d by 1'
                    % (band, oneBandPicture.picture.shape, shape[0], shape[1])

            geoPicture.picture[:, :, index] = oneBandPicture.picture[:, :, 0]

        if len(bandsSeen) == len(bands):

    for band in bands:
        if band not in bandsSeen:
            raise IOError('SequenceFile does not contain "%s" when it should have %s' % (band, str(bands)))

    return geoPicture
def inputOneLine(inputStream):
    sys.stderr.write("reporter:status:inputOneLine, calling readline")
    line = inputStream.readline()
    if not line:
        raise IOError("No input")
    return GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(line)
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, inputStream):
     "Load a picture from a serialized stream (pass a file-like object or a serialized string, but not a fileName).  Takes 30 seconds."
     self._geoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(inputStream)
Пример #7
def reduce_tiles(tiles, inputStream, outputDirectory=None, outputAccumulo=None, configuration=[{"layer": "RGB", "bands": ["B029", "B023", "B016"], "outputType": "RGB", "minRadiance": 0., "maxRadiance": "sun"}]):
    """Performs the part of the reducing step of the Hadoop map-reduce job that depends on key-value input.

    Reduce key: tile coordinate and timestamp
    Reduce value: transformed picture
    Actions: overlay images in time-order to produce one image per tile coordinate.

        * tiles: dictionary of tiles built up by this procedure (this function adds to tiles)
        * inputStream: usually sys.stdin; should be key-value pairs.
        * outputDirectory: local filesystem directory for debugging output (usually the output goes to Accumulo)
        * outputAccumulo: Java virtual machine containing AccumuloInterface classes
        * configuration: list of layer configurations with the following format
                         {"layer": layerName, "bands", [band1, band2, band3], "outputType": "RGB", "yellow", etc.,
                          "minRadiance": number or string percentage, "maxRadiance": number or string percentage}

    If configuration is incorrectly formatted, the behavior is undefined.

    while True:
        line = inputStream.readline()
        if not line: break

        for config in configuration:
            layer = config["layer"]
            bands = config["bands"]
            outputType = config["outputType"]
            minRadiance = config["minRadiance"]
            maxRadiance = config["maxRadiance"]

            if isinstance(minRadiance, basestring) and minRadiance[-1] == "%":
                    minPercent = float(minRadiance[:-1])
                except ValueError:
                    minPercent = 5.
                minRadiance = None

            if isinstance(maxRadiance, basestring) and maxRadiance[-1] == "%":
                    maxPercent = float(maxRadiance[:-1])
                except ValueError:
                    maxPercent = 95.
                maxRadiance = None

            tabPosition = line.index("\t")
            key = line[:tabPosition]
            value = line[tabPosition+1:-1]

            depth, longIndex, latIndex, timestamp = map(int, key.lstrip("T").split("-"))

                geoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(value)
            except IOError:

            if (depth, longIndex, latIndex, layer) not in tiles:
                shape = geoPicture.picture.shape[:2]
                outputRed = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
                outputGreen = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
                outputBlue = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
                outputMask = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
                tiles[depth, longIndex, latIndex, layer] = (outputRed, outputGreen, outputBlue, outputMask)
            outputRed, outputGreen, outputBlue, outputMask = tiles[depth, longIndex, latIndex, layer]

            if outputType == "RGB":
                red = geoPicture.picture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index(bands[0])]
                green = geoPicture.picture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index(bands[1])]
                blue = geoPicture.picture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index(bands[2])]

                if maxRadiance == "sun":
                    l1t = json.loads(geoPicture.metadata["L1T"])
                    sunAngle = math.sin(float(l1t["PRODUCT_PARAMETERS"]["SUN_ELEVATION"]) * math.pi/180.)
                    maxRadiance = sunAngle * 500.
                    if maxRadiance < 10.:
                        maxRadiance = 10.

                if minRadiance is None:
                    for b in red, green, blue:
                        bb = b[b > 10.]
                        if len(bb) > 0:
                            r = numpy.percentile(bb, minPercent)
                            if minRadiance is None or r < minRadiance:
                                minRadiance = r

                    if minRadiance is None:
                        for b in red, green, blue:
                            r = numpy.percentile(b, minPercent)
                            if minRadiance is None or r < minRadiance:
                                minRadiance = r

                if maxRadiance is None:
                    for b in red, green, blue:
                        bb = b[b > 10.]
                        if len(bb) > 0:
                            r = numpy.percentile(bb, maxPercent)
                            if maxRadiance is None or r > maxRadiance:
                                maxRadiance = r

                    if maxRadiance is None:
                        for b in red, green, blue:
                            r = numpy.percentile(b, maxPercent)
                            if maxRadiance is None or r > maxRadiance:
                                maxRadiance = r

                if maxRadiance == minRadiance:
                    minRadiance = min(red.min(), green.min(), blue.min())
                    maxRadiance = max(red.max(), green.max(), blue.max())
                if maxRadiance == minRadiance:
                    minRadiance, maxRadiance = 0., 1.

                red = numpy.minimum(numpy.maximum((red - minRadiance) / (maxRadiance - minRadiance) * 255, 0), 255)
                green = numpy.minimum(numpy.maximum((green - minRadiance) / (maxRadiance - minRadiance) * 255, 0), 255)
                blue = numpy.minimum(numpy.maximum((blue - minRadiance) / (maxRadiance - minRadiance) * 255, 0), 255)
                mask = numpy.minimum(numpy.maximum(geoPicture.picture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index("MASK")] * 255, 0), 255)

                condition = (mask > 0.5)
                outputRed[condition] = red[condition]
                outputGreen[condition] = green[condition]
                outputBlue[condition] = blue[condition]
                outputMask[condition] = mask[condition]

                b = geoPicture.picture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index(bands[0])]

                if minRadiance is None:
                    bb = b[b > 10.]
                    if len(bb) > 0:
                        minRadiance = numpy.percentile(bb, minPercent)
                        minRadiance = numpy.percentile(b, minPercent)

                if maxRadiance is None:
                    bb = b[b > 10.]
                    if len(bb) > 0:
                        maxRadiance = numpy.percentile(bb, maxPercent)
                        maxRadiance = numpy.percentile(b, maxPercent)

                if maxRadiance == minRadiance:
                    minRadiance = b.min()
                    maxRadiance = b.max()
                if maxRadiance == minRadiance:
                    minRadiance, maxRadiance = 0., 1.

                b = numpy.minimum(numpy.maximum((b - minRadiance) / (maxRadiance - minRadiance) * 255, 0), 255)

                mask = numpy.minimum(numpy.maximum(geoPicture.picture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index("MASK")] * 255, 0), 255)
                condition = (mask > 0.5)

                if outputType == "yellow":
                    outputRed[condition] = b[condition]
                    outputGreen[condition] = b[condition]
                    outputMask[condition] = b[condition]

                    raise NotImplementedError

            image = Image.fromarray(numpy.dstack((outputRed, outputGreen, outputBlue, outputMask)))
            if outputDirectory is not None:
                image.save("%s/%s.png" % (outputDirectory, tileName(depth, longIndex, latIndex)), "PNG", options="optimize")
            if outputAccumulo is not None:
                buff = BytesIO()
                image.save(buff, "PNG", options="optimize")
                outputAccumulo.write("%s-%s" % (tileName(depth, longIndex, latIndex), layer), "{}", buff.getvalue())
Пример #8
def main(trainingDirectory, landCoverList, band_list=[], band_weight_list=[]):

    # If bandList is empty, i.e., no band grouping list was input at command line. A default list, contained in FloodClassUtils.py,
    # will be used.
    # Note that if a "band_weight_list" is input, it should correspond with the band_list, and it should be known apriori that
    # all serialized files input to this code contain the required bands.

    if band_list == []:
        band_list = FloodClassUtils.bandList()

    landCoverTypesListLength = 10 ** 50
    landCoverTypes = {}

    flagTwo = True

    for landName in landCoverList:

        flagOne = True

        fileList = os.listdir(trainingDirectory + "/" + landName)
        for serialFile in fileList:

            # read in and deserialize
            geoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(open(trainingDirectory + "/" + landName + "/" + serialFile))

            # do radiance correction on bands
            geoPicture = FloodClassUtils.radianceCorrection(geoPicture)

            # find bands common to training set and requested set
            finalBandList, bandsPresent = FloodClassUtils.commonBand(geoPicture, band_list)

            # Combine bands
            geoPicture.picture = FloodClassUtils.bandSynth(geoPicture, finalBandList, band_weight_list)

            # The band list of common bands are added to the geoPicture to replace the original
            geoPicture.bands = bandsPresent

            missingBandList = []
            for i in numpy.arange(len(FloodClassUtils.bandList())):
                missingBandSet = set(FloodClassUtils.bandList()[i]) - set(finalBandList[i])
                "\nThe following requested bands are missing from serialized file "
                + str(serialFile)
                + ":\n"
                + str(missingBandList)
                + "\n"

            # Need to create a mask of locations where all pixels are nonzero.
            alphaBand = geoPicture.picture[:, :, geoPicture.bands.index(geoPicture.bands[0])] > 0
            for band in geoPicture.bands[1:]:
                numpy.logical_and(alphaBand, geoPicture.picture[:, :, geoPicture.bands.index(band)], alphaBand)

            # Make bands into 2-d array
            # Find size of the image array
            rasterXsize = geoPicture.picture.shape[1]
            rasterYsize = geoPicture.picture.shape[0]
            rasterDepth = geoPicture.picture.shape[2]

            # Reshape all arrays
            geoPicture.picture = geoPicture.picture.reshape(rasterXsize * rasterYsize, rasterDepth)
            alphaBand = alphaBand.reshape(rasterXsize * rasterYsize)
            geoPicture.picture = geoPicture.picture[alphaBand, :]

            if flagOne == True:
                landCoverTypes[landName] = geoPicture.picture
                flagOne = False
                landCoverTypes[landName] = numpy.concatenate((landCoverTypes[landName], geoPicture.picture), axis=0)

        # Note that the classification digit is tied to the order of the landCoverList, i.e., classification digit = landCoverList_position + 1
        landCoverTypes[landName] = numpy.concatenate(
                (landCoverList.index(landName) + 1) * numpy.ones((landCoverTypes[landName].shape[0], 1), dtype=int),
        landCoverTypes[landName] = landCoverTypes[landName][
            numpy.random.permutation(landCoverTypes[landName].shape[0]), :
        landCoverTypesListLength = min(landCoverTypes[landName].shape[0], landCoverTypesListLength)

        if flagTwo == True:
            sampleLength = numpy.minimum(5000, landCoverTypesListLength)
            train = landCoverTypes[landName][:sampleLength, :]
            flagTwo = False
            train = numpy.concatenate((train, landCoverTypes[landName][:sampleLength, :]), axis=0)

    numpy.savetxt("trainingSet.txt", train, fmt=rasterDepth * "%-12.5f " + "%-d")
Пример #9
import math
import random
import time

import numpy
from PIL import Image

from cassius import *
import GeoPictureSerializer

pictureName = "Australia_Karijini_bigger"
# pictureName = "fresh_salt_water"
# pictureName = "PotassiumChloridePlant_topQuarter"
# pictureName = "NamibiaFloods-EO1A1800722011074110KF"
# pictureName = "GobiDesert01"
picture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(open("/home/pivarski/NOBACKUP/matsu_serialized/%s.serialized" % pictureName))

numberOfClusters = 20
seedSigmas = 2.5

def wavelength(bandNumber):
    if bandNumber < 70.5:
        return (bandNumber - 10.) * 10.213 + 446.
        return (bandNumber - 79.) * 10.110 + 930.

def incidentSolar(wavelength):
    return 2.5e-28/(math.exp(0.0143878/(wavelength*1e-9)/(5778)) - 1.)/(wavelength*1e-9)**5

Пример #10
def map_to_tiles(inputStream, outputStream, depth=10, longpixels=512, latpixels=256, numLatitudeSections=1, splineOrder=3, modules=None):
    """Performs the mapping step of the Hadoop map-reduce job.

    Map: read L1G, possibly split by latitude, split by tile, transform pictures into tile coordinates, and output (tile coordinate and timestamp, transformed
 picture) key-value pairs.
        * inputStream: usually sys.stdin; should be a serialized L1G picture.
        * outputStream: usually sys.stdout; keys and values are separated by a tab, key-value pairs are separated by a newline.
        * depth: logarithmic scale of the tile; 10 is the limit of Hyperion's resolution
        * longpixels, latpixels: number of pixels in the output tiles
        * numLatitudeSections: number of latitude stripes to cut before splitting into tiles (reduces error due to Earth's curvature)
        * splineOrder: order of the spline used to calculate the affine_transformation (see SciPy docs); must be between 0 and 5
        * modules: a list of external Python files to evaluate as analytics

    loadedModules = []
    if modules is not None:
        for module in modules:
            globalVars = {}
            exec(compile(open(module).read(), module, "exec"), globalVars)

    while True:
        line = inputStream.readline()
        if not line: break

        # get the Level-1 image
            geoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.deserialize(line)
        except IOError:

        inputBands = geoPicture.bands[:]

        # run the external analytics
        for newBand in loadedModules:
            geoPicture = newBand(geoPicture)

        # convert GeoTIFF coordinates into degrees
        tlx, weres, werot, tly, nsrot, nsres = json.loads(geoPicture.metadata["GeoTransform"])
        spatialReference = osr.SpatialReference()
        coordinateTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(spatialReference, spatialReference.CloneGeogCS())
        rasterXSize = geoPicture.picture.shape[1]
        rasterYSize = geoPicture.picture.shape[0]
        rasterDepth = geoPicture.picture.shape[2]

        # get the timestamp to use as part of the key
        timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(json.loads(geoPicture.metadata["L1T"])["PRODUCT_METADATA"]["START_TIME"], "%Y %j %H:%M:%S").timetuple())

        for section in xrange(numLatitudeSections):
            bottom = (section + 0.0)/numLatitudeSections
            middle = (section + 0.5)/numLatitudeSections
            thetop = (section + 1.0)/numLatitudeSections

            # find the corners to determine which tile(s) this section belongs in
            corner1Long, corner1Lat, altitude = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 0.0*weres*rasterXSize, tly + bottom*nsres*rasterYSize)
            corner2Long, corner2Lat, altitude = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 0.0*weres*rasterXSize, tly + thetop*nsres*rasterYSize)
            corner3Long, corner3Lat, altitude = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 1.0*weres*rasterXSize, tly + bottom*nsres*rasterYSize)
            corner4Long, corner4Lat, altitude = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 1.0*weres*rasterXSize, tly + thetop*nsres*rasterYSize)

            longIndexes = []
            latIndexes = []
            for ti in tileIndex(depth, corner1Long, corner1Lat), tileIndex(depth, corner2Long, corner2Lat), tileIndex(depth, corner3Long, corner3Lat), tileIndex(depth, corner4Long, corner4Lat):

            for ti in [(depth, x, y) for x in xrange(min(longIndexes), max(longIndexes)+1) for y in xrange(min(latIndexes), max(latIndexes)+1)]:
                longmin, longmax, latmin, latmax = tileCorners(*ti)

                # find the origin and orientation of the image (not always exactly north-south-east-west)
                cornerLong, cornerLat, altitude   = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx, tly)
                originLong, originLat, altitude   = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 0.5*weres*rasterXSize, tly + middle*nsres*rasterYSize)
                leftLong, leftLat, altitude       = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 0.0*weres*rasterXSize, tly + middle*nsres*rasterYSize)
                rightLong, rightLat, altitude     = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 1.0*weres*rasterXSize, tly + middle*nsres*rasterYSize)
                upLong, upLat, altitude           = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 0.5*weres*rasterXSize, tly + bottom*nsres*rasterYSize)
                downLong, downLat, altitude       = coordinateTransform.TransformPoint(tlx + 0.5*weres*rasterXSize, tly + thetop*nsres*rasterYSize)

                # do some linear algebra to convert coordinates
                L2PNG_to_geo_trans = numpy.matrix([[(latmin - latmax)/float(latpixels), 0.], [0., (longmax - longmin)/float(longpixels)]])

                L1TIFF_to_geo_trans = numpy.matrix([[(downLat - upLat)/((thetop - bottom)*rasterYSize), (rightLat - leftLat)/rasterXSize], [(downLong - upLong)/((thetop - bottom)*rasterYSize), (rightLong - leftLong)/rasterXSize]])
                geo_to_L1TIFF_trans = L1TIFF_to_geo_trans.I

                trans = geo_to_L1TIFF_trans * L2PNG_to_geo_trans

                offset_in_deg = numpy.matrix([[latmax - cornerLat], [longmin - cornerLong]], dtype=numpy.double)

                # correct for the bottom != 0. case (only if section > 0)
                truncate_correction = L1TIFF_to_geo_trans * numpy.matrix([[int(floor(bottom*rasterYSize))], [0.]], dtype=numpy.double)

                # correct for the curvature of the Earth between the top of the section and the bottom of the section (that's why we cut into latitude sections)
                curvature_correction = L1TIFF_to_geo_trans * (geo_to_L1TIFF_trans * numpy.matrix([[leftLat - cornerLat], [leftLong - cornerLong]], dtype=numpy.double) - numpy.matrix([[(middle*rasterYSize)], [0.]], dtype=numpy.double))

                offset = L1TIFF_to_geo_trans.I * (offset_in_deg - truncate_correction - curvature_correction)

                offset = offset[0,0], offset[1,0]

                # lay the GeoTIFF into the output image array
                inputPicture = geoPicture.picture[int(floor(bottom*rasterYSize)):int(ceil(thetop*rasterYSize)),:,:]
                inputMask = None
                for band in set(inputBands).intersection(geoPicture.bands):
                    if inputMask is None:
                        inputMask = (inputPicture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index(band)] > 0.)
                        numpy.logical_and(inputMask, (inputPicture[:,:,geoPicture.bands.index(band)] > 0.), inputMask)

                outputMask = numpy.zeros((latpixels, longpixels), dtype=geoPicture.picture.dtype)
                affine_transform(inputMask, trans, offset, (latpixels, longpixels), outputMask, splineOrder)
                if numpy.count_nonzero(outputMask > 0.5) == 0: continue

                offset = offset[0], offset[1], 0.
                trans = numpy.matrix([[trans[0,0], trans[0,1], 0.], [trans[1,0], trans[1,1], 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

                outputPicture = numpy.zeros((latpixels, longpixels, rasterDepth), dtype=geoPicture.picture.dtype)
                affine_transform(inputPicture, trans, offset, (latpixels, longpixels, rasterDepth), outputPicture, splineOrder)

                # suppress regions that should be zero but might not be because of numerical error in affine_transform
                # this will make more of the picture eligible for zero-suppression (which checks for pixels exactly equal to zero)
                cutMask = (outputMask < 0.01)
                outputBands = []
                for i in xrange(rasterDepth):
                    outputBands[-1][cutMask] = 0.
                outputBands[-1][cutMask] = 0.

                outputGeoPicture = GeoPictureSerializer.GeoPicture()
                outputGeoPicture.picture = numpy.dstack(outputBands)
                outputGeoPicture.metadata = geoPicture.metadata
                outputGeoPicture.bands = geoPicture.bands + ["MASK"]

                outputStream.write("%s-%010d\t" % (tileName(*ti), timestamp))
                except IOError: