def computeFromLogs(self, log, mac_filter, pwr_thresh=28, beacon_thresh=5, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=4, output_file="flight.html"): """Compute the geolocalization from the log files""" global app self.feedData(log, mac_filter) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: if app == None: app = QtGui.QApplication([]) self.gMapDisplay = GoogleMapDisplay(46.518550, 6.562460, zoom=18, output_file=output_file) ############################ lastGPS = None for user in mac_filter: guess = self.localize_user(user, pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int, sort_tuple) refPosition = GPSPosition(mac_filter[user][0], mac_filter[user][1]) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: self.gMapDisplay.addLabel(guess[0], guess[1], text=user, fontFamily='sans-serif', fontSize=18, fontColor='#00ff00', strokeWeight=8, strokeColor='#00ff00', align='center', marker=True) ################################## error = GPSUtil.haversine_meter(GPSPosition(guess[0], guess[1]), refPosition) #print "Accuracy of %s : %fm." % (user, error) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: for (lat, lon) in mac_filter.values(): self.gMapDisplay.addPoint(lat, lon, radius=5, fillOpacity=1.0, fillColor='#000000', strokeColor='#0F000F') self.gMapDisplay.drawMap() ################################## return error
def computeFromLogs(self, log, mac_filter, pwr_thresh=28, beacon_thresh=5, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=4, output_file="flight.html"): """Compute the geolocalization from the log files""" global app self.feedData(log,mac_filter) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: if app == None: app = QtGui.QApplication([]) self.gMapDisplay = GoogleMapDisplay(46.518550, 6.562460, zoom=18, output_file=output_file) ############################ lastGPS = None for user in mac_filter: guess = self.localize_user(user, pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int, sort_tuple) refPosition = GPSPosition(mac_filter[user][0], mac_filter[user][1]) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: self.gMapDisplay.addLabel(guess[0], guess[1], text=user, fontFamily='sans-serif',fontSize=18, fontColor='#00ff00', strokeWeight=8, strokeColor='#00ff00', align='center', marker=True) ################################## error = GPSUtil.haversine_meter(GPSPosition(guess[0], guess[1]),refPosition) #print "Accuracy of %s : %fm." % (user, error) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: for (lat,lon) in mac_filter.values(): self.gMapDisplay.addPoint(lat, lon, radius=5, fillOpacity=1.0, fillColor='#000000', strokeColor='#0F000F') self.gMapDisplay.drawMap() ################################## return error
class Sniffer(): """This class contains the core algorithms reponsible for geolocalizing people on the ground, using the beacon frames received by their smartphone and sniffed by a radio interface. GPS position (lat, lon, alt, heading) should be passed through stdin. It also provide a communication channel (TCP) with the base station. If you want to use this script on the plane (gumstix) you should set FLIGHT_MODE to TRUE. If you want to compute the localization from the log file, you should set it to False. """ def __init__(self): #Detected wireless clients and their signal's power + coordinates of the plane self.clientsSignalPower = {} #Decrease search area (radius, in meters) self.reducing_search = False self.search_radius = 249 #Min acceptable power to localize users self.MIN_POWER = 0 #Coordinates self.coord = (0, 0, 0) self.angle = 0 #Logging system self.logfile = "" def readSTDIN(self): """ Read STDIN until EOF char received Receive plane's coordinate from the GPS """ try: buff = '' while True: buff += if buff.endswith('\n'): buff = buff[:-1].split('\n')[-1] buff = buff.split(', ') self.angle = float(buff[5]) self.coord = tuple( (float(buff[0]), float(buff[1]), float(buff[2]))) t = Thread(target=self.send_position_to_station, args=(self.coord, self.angle)) t.start() buff = '' except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout.flush() pass def reduceSearchArea(self, target='c4:88:e5:24:3d:83'): """ Route the plane on a smaller circle each 2 minutes And localize the target user. The latest localization will be the new center of the next circle. """ while True: (lat, lon) = self.localize_user(target, 30, 100) self.writeFileForPilot(lat, lon, self.search_radius) print "Reducing search area to circle : %f,%f radius : %f" % ( lat, lon, self.search_radius) self.search_radius = self.search_radius * 0.5 #reduce radius for next iteration if (self.search_radius < 20.0): sys.exit(0) #End of search ! time.sleep(1 * 60 * 2) def readRoutingInstructions(self): """ Wait for routing instruction send by the base station on the TCP connection. """ while True: instructions = self.sender.receive() if not instructions == None: (event, lat, lon, radius) = instructions print "Received routing instructions ! %r %r %r" % (lat, lon, radius) #compute the center: radius = float(radius) radius = min(radius, 249) self.writeFileForPilot(lat, lon, radius) self.t = Thread(target=self.reduceSearchArea, args=('')) self.t.start() def writeFileForPilot(self, center_x, center_y, radius, altitude=50): """This is the command that allows to pass a new waypoint to the plane's autopilot""" command = "/smavnet/gapi_sendcoordinates %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f" % ( float(center_x), float(center_y), altitude, float(radius)) os.system(command) def compute_center_of_mass(self, samples, sort_tuple, map_pwr_func, pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int): """Compute the geolocalization of every user that the plane is aware of Keyword arguments: samples -- the list of beacon frames received following the format : ( sort_tuple -- number of the tuple by which the samples should be sorted map_pwr_func -- mapping function of the power pwr_thresh -- power threshold (min power) beacon_thresh -- number of beacon frames considered beacon_rpt_int -- unused """ usr = list(set(samples)) usr.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[sort_tuple], reverse=True) usr = GPSUtil.remove_duplicate_GPS(usr, beacon_rpt_int) allLat = 0 allLon = 0 pwrs = [] for (lat, lon, alt, pwr, mac) in usr[0:min(len(usr), beacon_thresh)]: if pwr >= pwr_thresh and lat > 0.0 and lon > 0.0: pwr = map_pwr_func(pwr) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: self.gMapDisplay.addLabel(lat, lon, text="%f %f" % (lat, pwr)) ############################# pwrs.append(pwr) allLat += pwr * lat allLon += pwr * lon if sum(pwrs) == 0: return None return (allLat / sum(pwrs), allLon / sum(pwrs)) def localize_user(self, user, pwr_thresh=20, beacon_thresh=15, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=3): """Compute the localization of a specific user """ samples = self.clientsSignalPower[user] pwr_func = lambda x: x * 2**math.log(x / 10.0) # if x > 30 else x return self.compute_center_of_mass(samples=samples, sort_tuple=sort_tuple, map_pwr_func=pwr_func, pwr_thresh=pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh=beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int=beacon_rpt_int) def send_beacon_to_station(self, user, coord, pwr): self.sender.send("[beacon]%s\t%s\t%s\t%f" % (user, coord[0], coord[1], pwr)) print "Sending beacon !" def send_position_to_station(self, coord, angle): self.log.writePlanePosition(self.planeID, coord, angle) self.sender.send("[plane]%s\t%s\t%s\t%d" % (self.planeID, coord[0], coord[1], angle)) def send_localization_to_station(self, user, coord): self.log.writeLocalization(user, coord) self.sender.send("[user]%s\t%s\t%s" % (user, coord[0], coord[1]), retry=True) def cleanLogFile(self, log): """ It happens that log files generated by the planes are somehow corrupted (null bytes, empty lines etc...) This method tries to correct the format of this log file """ clean = [] with open(log) as tsv: for entry in csv.reader(tsv, dialect="excel-tab"): if len(entry) == 0: continue if entry[0] == "[BEACON]": if not len(entry) == 7: if not len(entry) == 13: print "Unrecoverable line in logfile. Skipped..." else: (event0, ts0, mac0, lat0, lon0, alt0, pwr0MixEvent1, ts1, plane1, lat1, lon1, alt1, angle1) = entry pwr0 = float(pwr0MixEvent1.replace("[COORD]", "")) #print "Invalid line recovered" frame0 = (event0, ts0, mac0, lat0, lon0, alt0, pwr0) frame1 = ("[COORD]", ts1, plane1, lat1, lon1, alt1, angle1) clean.append(frame0) clean.append(frame1) else: clean.append(entry) return clean def feedData(self, log, mac_filter): """Load the data from the logs""" minPower = 100 maxPower = 0 for entry in self.cleanLogFile(log): if entry[0] == "[BEACON]": (event, ts, mac, lat, lon, alt, pwr) = entry mac = mac[1:-1] if lat == 0 or lon == 0 or pwr < 0 or not mac in mac_filter: continue lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) alt = float(alt) pwr = float(pwr) ts = int(ts) if not mac in self.clientsSignalPower: self.clientsSignalPower[mac] = [] self.clientsSignalPower[mac].append( (ts, lat, lon, alt, pwr, mac)) maxPower = max(pwr, maxPower) minPower = min(pwr, minPower) def computeFromLogs(self, log, mac_filter, pwr_thresh=28, beacon_thresh=5, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=4, output_file="flight.html"): """Compute the geolocalization from the log files""" global app self.feedData(log, mac_filter) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: if app == None: app = QtGui.QApplication([]) self.gMapDisplay = GoogleMapDisplay(46.518550, 6.562460, zoom=18, output_file=output_file) ############################ lastGPS = None for user in mac_filter: guess = self.localize_user(user, pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int, sort_tuple) refPosition = GPSPosition(mac_filter[user][0], mac_filter[user][1]) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: self.gMapDisplay.addLabel(guess[0], guess[1], text=user, fontFamily='sans-serif', fontSize=18, fontColor='#00ff00', strokeWeight=8, strokeColor='#00ff00', align='center', marker=True) ################################## error = GPSUtil.haversine_meter(GPSPosition(guess[0], guess[1]), refPosition) #print "Accuracy of %s : %fm." % (user, error) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: for (lat, lon) in mac_filter.values(): self.gMapDisplay.addPoint(lat, lon, radius=5, fillOpacity=1.0, fillColor='#000000', strokeColor='#0F000F') self.gMapDisplay.drawMap() ################################## return error def main(self): if len(sys.argv) == 2: computeFromLogs(sys.argv[1]) elif len(sys.argv) == 4: self.planeID = sys.argv[1] iface = sys.argv[2] self.logfile = sys.argv[3] self.log = Log(self.logfile) #TCP sender for communication with base station self.sender = TCPSender() self.sender.start() #Thread responsible for reading GPS coordinates self.t = Thread(target=self.readSTDIN, args=()) self.t.start() self.receiver = Thread(target=self.readRoutingInstructions, args=()) self.receiver.start() sniff(iface=iface, prn=self.trackClients, store=0) else: print "Invalid arguments" print "\tUsage live mode : ./PlaneSniffer <planeID> <interface> <logfile>" print "\tUsage replay mode : ./PlaneSniffer <logfile>" def trackClients(self, p): """Listen for probe requests/response in the network""" #We're only concerned by probe request packets #Also, sometime, addr2 is NoneType (don't know why actually) #p.type = 0 -> management frame if not p.haslayer(Dot11) or p.addr2 is None: return #Ensure that this is a client if p.type == 0 and p.subtype in (0, 2, 4): #Signal strength #if not p.addr2 == 'c4:88:e5:24:3d:83': #return sig_str = 100 - (256 - ord(p.notdecoded[-4:-3])) self.send_beacon_to_station(p.addr2, self.coord, sig_str) t = Thread(target=self.send_beacon_to_station, args=(p.addr2, self.coord, sig_str)) t.start() self.log.writeBeacon(p.addr2, self.coord, sig_str) if not p.addr2 in self.clientsSignalPower: self.clientsSignalPower[p.addr2] = [] self.clientsSignalPower[p.addr2].append( (self.log.ts(), self.coord[0], self.coord[1], self.coord[2], sig_str, p.addr2)) center_of_mass = self.localize_user(p.addr2, pwr_thresh=26, beacon_thresh=26, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=3) if not center_of_mass == None: t = Thread(target=self.send_localization_to_station, args=(p.addr2, center_of_mass)) t.start()
class Sniffer(): """This class contains the core algorithms reponsible for geolocalizing people on the ground, using the beacon frames received by their smartphone and sniffed by a radio interface. GPS position (lat, lon, alt, heading) should be passed through stdin. It also provide a communication channel (TCP) with the base station. If you want to use this script on the plane (gumstix) you should set FLIGHT_MODE to TRUE. If you want to compute the localization from the log file, you should set it to False. """ def __init__(self): #Detected wireless clients and their signal's power + coordinates of the plane self.clientsSignalPower = {} #Decrease search area (radius, in meters) self.reducing_search = False self.search_radius = 249 #Min acceptable power to localize users self.MIN_POWER = 0 #Coordinates self.coord = (0,0,0) self.angle = 0 #Logging system self.logfile = "" def readSTDIN(self): """ Read STDIN until EOF char received Receive plane's coordinate from the GPS """ try: buff = '' while True: buff += if buff.endswith('\n'): buff = buff[:-1].split('\n')[-1] buff = buff.split(', ') self.angle = float(buff[5]) self.coord = tuple((float(buff[0]), float(buff[1]), float(buff[2]))) t = Thread(target=self.send_position_to_station, args = (self.coord, self.angle)) t.start() buff = '' except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout.flush() pass def reduceSearchArea(self, target='c4:88:e5:24:3d:83'): """ Route the plane on a smaller circle each 2 minutes And localize the target user. The latest localization will be the new center of the next circle. """ while True: (lat,lon) = self.localize_user(target,30,100) self.writeFileForPilot(lat,lon,self.search_radius) print "Reducing search area to circle : %f,%f radius : %f" % (lat,lon,self.search_radius) self.search_radius = self.search_radius * 0.5 #reduce radius for next iteration if (self.search_radius < 20.0): sys.exit(0) #End of search ! time.sleep(1*60*2) def readRoutingInstructions(self): """ Wait for routing instruction send by the base station on the TCP connection. """ while True: instructions = self.sender.receive() if not instructions == None: (event, lat,lon ,radius) = instructions print "Received routing instructions ! %r %r %r" % (lat,lon,radius) #compute the center: radius = float(radius) radius = min(radius, 249) self.writeFileForPilot(lat,lon,radius) self.t = Thread(target=self.reduceSearchArea, args = ('')) self.t.start() def writeFileForPilot(self, center_x, center_y, radius, altitude=50): """This is the command that allows to pass a new waypoint to the plane's autopilot""" command = "/smavnet/gapi_sendcoordinates %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f" % (float(center_x), float(center_y), altitude, float(radius)) os.system(command) def compute_center_of_mass(self,samples, sort_tuple, map_pwr_func, pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int): """Compute the geolocalization of every user that the plane is aware of Keyword arguments: samples -- the list of beacon frames received following the format : ( sort_tuple -- number of the tuple by which the samples should be sorted map_pwr_func -- mapping function of the power pwr_thresh -- power threshold (min power) beacon_thresh -- number of beacon frames considered beacon_rpt_int -- unused """ usr = list(set(samples)) usr.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[sort_tuple], reverse=True) usr = GPSUtil.remove_duplicate_GPS(usr, beacon_rpt_int) allLat = 0 allLon = 0 pwrs = [] for (lat,lon,alt,pwr,mac) in usr[0:min(len(usr),beacon_thresh)]: if pwr >= pwr_thresh and lat > 0.0 and lon > 0.0: pwr = map_pwr_func(pwr) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: self.gMapDisplay.addLabel(lat, lon, text="%f %f" % (lat, pwr)) ############################# pwrs.append(pwr) allLat += pwr * lat allLon += pwr * lon if sum(pwrs) == 0: return None return (allLat / sum(pwrs), allLon / sum(pwrs)) def localize_user(self, user, pwr_thresh=20, beacon_thresh=15, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=3): """Compute the localization of a specific user """ samples = self.clientsSignalPower[user] pwr_func = lambda x : x * 2**math.log(x/10.0)# if x > 30 else x return self.compute_center_of_mass(samples=samples, sort_tuple=sort_tuple, map_pwr_func=pwr_func, pwr_thresh=pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh=beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int=beacon_rpt_int) def send_beacon_to_station(self, user, coord, pwr): self.sender.send("[beacon]%s\t%s\t%s\t%f" % (user, coord[0], coord[1], pwr)) print "Sending beacon !" def send_position_to_station(self, coord, angle): self.log.writePlanePosition(self.planeID,coord, angle) self.sender.send("[plane]%s\t%s\t%s\t%d" % (self.planeID, coord[0], coord[1], angle)) def send_localization_to_station(self,user, coord): self.log.writeLocalization(user,coord) self.sender.send("[user]%s\t%s\t%s" % (user, coord[0], coord[1]), retry=True) def cleanLogFile(self,log): """ It happens that log files generated by the planes are somehow corrupted (null bytes, empty lines etc...) This method tries to correct the format of this log file """ clean = [] with open(log) as tsv: for entry in csv.reader(tsv, dialect="excel-tab"): if len(entry) == 0: continue if entry[0] == "[BEACON]": if not len(entry) == 7: if not len(entry) == 13: print "Unrecoverable line in logfile. Skipped..." else: (event0, ts0,mac0,lat0,lon0,alt0,pwr0MixEvent1,ts1,plane1,lat1,lon1,alt1,angle1) = entry pwr0 = float(pwr0MixEvent1.replace("[COORD]","")) #print "Invalid line recovered" frame0 = (event0,ts0,mac0,lat0,lon0,alt0,pwr0) frame1 = ("[COORD]", ts1, plane1, lat1,lon1,alt1,angle1) clean.append(frame0) clean.append(frame1) else: clean.append(entry) return clean def feedData(self, log, mac_filter): """Load the data from the logs""" minPower = 100 maxPower = 0 for entry in self.cleanLogFile(log): if entry[0] == "[BEACON]": (event, ts, mac, lat, lon, alt, pwr) = entry mac = mac[1:-1] if lat == 0 or lon == 0 or pwr < 0 or not mac in mac_filter: continue lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) alt = float(alt) pwr = float(pwr) ts = int(ts) if not mac in self.clientsSignalPower: self.clientsSignalPower[mac] = [] self.clientsSignalPower[mac].append((ts, lat, lon, alt, pwr, mac)) maxPower = max(pwr, maxPower) minPower = min(pwr, minPower) def computeFromLogs(self, log, mac_filter, pwr_thresh=28, beacon_thresh=5, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=4, output_file="flight.html"): """Compute the geolocalization from the log files""" global app self.feedData(log,mac_filter) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: if app == None: app = QtGui.QApplication([]) self.gMapDisplay = GoogleMapDisplay(46.518550, 6.562460, zoom=18, output_file=output_file) ############################ lastGPS = None for user in mac_filter: guess = self.localize_user(user, pwr_thresh, beacon_thresh, beacon_rpt_int, sort_tuple) refPosition = GPSPosition(mac_filter[user][0], mac_filter[user][1]) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: self.gMapDisplay.addLabel(guess[0], guess[1], text=user, fontFamily='sans-serif',fontSize=18, fontColor='#00ff00', strokeWeight=8, strokeColor='#00ff00', align='center', marker=True) ################################## error = GPSUtil.haversine_meter(GPSPosition(guess[0], guess[1]),refPosition) #print "Accuracy of %s : %fm." % (user, error) ###DISABLED IN FLIGHT MODE ! if not FLIGHT_MODE: for (lat,lon) in mac_filter.values(): self.gMapDisplay.addPoint(lat, lon, radius=5, fillOpacity=1.0, fillColor='#000000', strokeColor='#0F000F') self.gMapDisplay.drawMap() ################################## return error def main(self): if len(sys.argv) == 2: computeFromLogs(sys.argv[1]) elif len(sys.argv) == 4: self.planeID = sys.argv[1] iface = sys.argv[2] self.logfile = sys.argv[3] self.log = Log(self.logfile) #TCP sender for communication with base station self.sender = TCPSender() self.sender.start() #Thread responsible for reading GPS coordinates self.t = Thread(target=self.readSTDIN, args = ()) self.t.start() self.receiver = Thread(target=self.readRoutingInstructions, args = ()) self.receiver.start() sniff(iface=iface,prn=self.trackClients,store=0) else: print "Invalid arguments" print "\tUsage live mode : ./PlaneSniffer <planeID> <interface> <logfile>" print "\tUsage replay mode : ./PlaneSniffer <logfile>" def trackClients(self, p): """Listen for probe requests/response in the network""" #We're only concerned by probe request packets #Also, sometime, addr2 is NoneType (don't know why actually) #p.type = 0 -> management frame if not p.haslayer(Dot11) or p.addr2 is None : return #Ensure that this is a client if p.type == 0 and p.subtype in (0,2,4): #Signal strength #if not p.addr2 == 'c4:88:e5:24:3d:83': #return sig_str = 100-(256-ord(p.notdecoded[-4:-3])) self.send_beacon_to_station(p.addr2, self.coord, sig_str) t = Thread(target=self.send_beacon_to_station, args = (p.addr2,self.coord,sig_str)) t.start() self.log.writeBeacon(p.addr2, self.coord, sig_str) if not p.addr2 in self.clientsSignalPower: self.clientsSignalPower[p.addr2] = [] self.clientsSignalPower[p.addr2].append((self.log.ts(), self.coord[0], self.coord[1], self.coord[2], sig_str, p.addr2)) center_of_mass = self.localize_user(p.addr2, pwr_thresh=26, beacon_thresh=26, beacon_rpt_int=5, sort_tuple=3) if not center_of_mass == None: t = Thread(target=self.send_localization_to_station, args = (p.addr2,center_of_mass)) t.start()