class TestFlightGraph(TestCase): def init_tests(self): f = open('data.json', 'r') parsed_JSON = json.loads( self.graphs = Graph() self.graphs.construct_nodes(parsed_JSON['metros']) self.graphs.contstruct_edges(parsed_JSON['routes']) self.stats = StatInfo() def test_init(self): assert (self.graphs.nodes.get('SFO').name == 'San Francisco') def test_longest_flight(self): assert (self.stats.longest_single_flight(self.graphs) == ('SYD', 'LAX', 12051)) def test_shortest_flight(self): assert(self.stats.shortest_single_flight(self.graphs) == ('NYC', 'WAS', 334)) def test_average_dist(self): assert (self.stats.average_network_distance(self.graphs) == 2300) def test_largest_pop(self): assert self.stats.largest_population(self.graphs) == ('TYO', 34000000) def test_smallest_pop(self): assert self.stats.smallest_population(self.graphs) == ('ESS', 589900) def test_average_network_pop(self): assert self.stats.average_network_population(self.graphs) == 11796143
def Create(self, theGraphEditor): theGraphEditor.config(cursor="watch") dial = Dialog(theGraphEditor, 0, 0, "Create Complete Graph") if dial.result is None: theGraphEditor.config(cursor="") return n=dial.result[0] direction=dial.result[2] layout=dial.result[3] G=Graph() G.directed=direction for v in range(0,n): G.AddVertex() Edges=CompleteEdges(G,n,direction) for e in Edges: G.AddEdge(e[0],e[1]) if layout==0: if RandomCoords(G): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) else: if CircularCoords(G): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) theGraphEditor.config(cursor="")
def graph(self): ''' Graphs the current functions and plots the user has entered. ''' #Get x range for y to be calculated off of x = Graph.get_x_range(Graph.xmin,Graph.xmax,Graph.x_increment) #Get all functions to plot functions_to_plot = Graph.get_on_functions() for fx in functions_to_plot: fx.update_function(x) #Now set up and plot the functions fig = self.graph_2d_plot_panel.get_figure() axes = fig.gca() # clear the axes and replot everything axes.cla() for fx in functions_to_plot: axes.plot(fx.x_values, fx.y_values,fx.get_color()+fx.get_line_style(), linewidth=1.0, label=fx.function_name) #Set the limits for the graph TODO get this working #axes.set_xlim((-100,100)) axes.set_ylim(-1,1)
def initGraph(data): g = Graph() for i in range(len(data)/2): g.addNode(i) for j in range(i): g.addEdge(i, j, distance(float(data[i * 2]) * scale, float(data[i * 2 + 1]) * scale, float(data[j * 2]) * scale, float(data[j * 2 + 1]) * scale)) return g
def Create(self, theGraphEditor): theGraphEditor.config(cursor="watch") dial = Dialog(theGraphEditor, 0, 1, "Create Random Graph") if dial.result is None: theGraphEditor.config(cursor="") return n=dial.result[0] m=dial.result[1] direction=dial.result[2] layout=dial.result[3] G=Graph() G.directed=direction for v in range(0,n): G.AddVertex() Edges=CompleteEdges(G,n,direction) for i in range(0,m): pos=random.randint(0,len(Edges)-1) G.AddEdge(Edges[pos][0],Edges[pos][1]) del Edges[pos] if layout==0: if RandomCoords(G): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) else: if CircularCoords(G): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) theGraphEditor.config(cursor="")
def saveFriesFaceFFCC(graph1,graph2,count): g1 = graph1.getFaceGraph() g2 = graph2.getFaceGraph() v1 = makeVertexGraph(g1) v2 = makeVertexGraph(g2) G1 = Graph(g1,v1) G2 = Graph(g2,v2) structures1 = assignMatching(G1) structures2 = assignMatching(G2) Graph.comparison = 'fries' structures1.sort() structures2.sort() h1 = structures1[-1] h2 = structures2[-1] if not os.path.exists("FFCCConjectureConflicts"): os.mkdir("FFCCConjectureConflicts") folderName = "FFCCConjectureConflicts/" + str(G1.getNumVertices()) + "_" + str(count) #setup folder if not os.path.exists(folderName): os.mkdir(folderName) #print "adding" fileName1 = folderName + "/fries1" + ".png" fileName2 = folderName + "/fries2" + ".png" #print fileName1 saveSinglePNG(h1,fileName1) saveSinglePNG(h2,fileName2)
class graph_creationF(object): def __init__(self, weighted, wgraph): self.fname = wgraph self.wg = weighted self.g = Graph() def get_file(self, which_alg): self.g.alg = which_alg try: #self.fname = raw_input("Enter graph file: ") #self.wg = raw_input("Do you want to create a weighted Graph? ") file = open(self.fname, 'r') if self.wg[0] == 'y' or self.wg[0] == 'Y': for line in file: s = line.split() self.g.addEdge(s[0], s[1], int(s[2])) elif self.wg[0] == 'n' or self.wg[0] == 'N': for line in file: s = line.split() self.g.addEdge(s[0], s[1], 1) file.close() return self.g except: print "-----Graph File does not exist-----"
def main(files): cfg = Config() graph = Graph(cfg) for file in files: print file qaida = readFromXmlPrePhrase(file) for parta in qaida: for matra in parta: for i in range(len(matra)-1): graph.createEdge( graph.createNode(matra[i]), graph.createNode(matra[i+1])) # for node in graph.nodes: print node # for edge in graph.edges: print edge # dist = Distort(graph=graph, argo=DistortRandomSimple) dist = Distort(graph=graph, argo=DistortRandomWeight) patt = [] i = 0 while True: e = s = EdgesToStr(e) if s not in patt: patt.append(s) print "%3d %s" % (i, s) i += 1
def small_example(): graph = g.Graph('Small example graph') graph.add_node((0,1)) graph.add_node((0,-1)) graph.add_node((2,0)) graph.add_node((4,0)) graph.add_node((6,0)) graph.add_link(1, 3, 1, delayfunc=g.create_delayfunc('Polynomial',(1.0, 1.0, [0.0]))) graph.add_link(2, 3, 1, delayfunc=g.create_delayfunc('Polynomial',(2.0, 1.0, [0.0]))) graph.add_link(3, 4, 1, delayfunc=g.create_delayfunc('Polynomial',(2.0, 1.0, [1.0]))) graph.add_link(3, 4, 2, delayfunc=g.create_delayfunc('Polynomial',(1.0, 1.0, [2.0]))) graph.add_link(4, 5, 1, delayfunc=g.create_delayfunc('Polynomial',(1.0, 1.0, [0.0]))) graph.add_od(1, 5, 2.0) graph.add_od(2, 5, 3.0) graph.add_path([(1,3,1), (3,4,1), (4,5,1)]) graph.add_path([(1,3,1), (3,4,2), (4,5,1)]) graph.add_path([(2,3,1), (3,4,1), (4,5,1)]) graph.add_path([(2,3,1), (3,4,2), (4,5,1)]) return graph
def genrate_actualtour(self, StartCity): """ This method generates the graph of the bestTour. It calls the move_branch method with a given StartCity. From the bestTour stack it filters out only the interestCities by leaving out all the intersection points. It then creates an instance of graph class in the same order as in bestTour. """ tour = Stack() # create a new stack self.currentTour.push(StartCity) # push the startCity in currentTour stack self.mark_visit(StartCity) # mark it visited self.move_branch(StartCity) # call move_branch recursive function, with the given city # The following block of code removes vertices from bestTour and filters out # only the interest points and adds it to tour Stack while self.bestTour.size() != 0: city = self.bestTour.pop() if city in self.interestCities: tour.push(city) # The following block of code generates a Graph object from the tour Stack newGraph = Graph(tour.items) # adds only the vertices in the graph for i in range(len(tour.items)-1): newEdge = Edge(tour.items[i], tour.items[i+1]) # create an edge within two consecutive vertices newGraph.add_edge(newEdge) # add the edge to the graph return newGraph
class Application: #. Contructor .# def __init__ (self): self.interface = Interface(self.ButtonCallBack) # Create an interface self.graph = Graph() # Create a graph self.graph.formGraph() # Form the graph #. Call back function when button is pressed .# def ButtonCallBack(self): startName = self.interface.getStartEntry().encode('gbk') destName = self.interface.getDestEntry().encode('gbk') start = self.graph.findVertex(startName) # Find the start vertex dest = self.graph.findVertex(destName) # Find the dest vertex # If start or dest are not found if start == None: result = startName.encode('utf8') + ' doesn\'t exist' elif dest == None: result = destName.encode('utf8') + ' doesn\'t exist' else: # Normal case self.graph.BFS(start) result = self.graph.shortestPath(dest).encode('utf8') self.interface.updateText(result) #. Run the program .# def run(self): mainloop()
def create_Graph_from_file(file_name): graph = Graph() with open(file_name) as inputfile: next(inputfile) for line in inputfile: graph.add_node_to_Graph(line) return graph
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 4: print "usage: python numNodes, numWins, sizeWin" return # Call our initialize test function with Graph.testInitialize(int(sys.argv[1]), \ int(sys.argv[2]), \ int(sys.argv[3]))
def tridiagonalGraph(rows): g = Graph(rows) for i in range(rows): g.insertIndex(i, i) if i > 0 : g.insertIndex(i, i-1) if i < rows-1: g.insertIndex(i, i+1) return g
def EmotionAnalysis(epsilon, figure): global news, CED EM.setEpsilon(epsilon) # for each new compute the emotional value and show it output = [] # output is a list of tuples with [day,CED of that day] for i in range(0, len(dayinterval)): EM.computeday(news[i], negativeLex, positiveLex, CED) output.append([news[i], CED.copy()]) Graph.plotallfigure(figure, output, dayinterval) # after the execution we need to clean the values of the CED so they doesnt iterfere with next execution for word in cedwords: CED[word] = 0
def parse_topology(generate_json): """"generate JSON file for visualization if generate_json == True""" tree = ET.parse("abilene-TM" + os.sep + "topo" + os.sep + "Abilene-Topo-10-04-2004.xml") root = tree.getroot() topology = root.find("topology") node_list = [] link_list = [] graph = Graph(node_list, link_list) if generate_json: f = open("data.json", "w") output = {"nodes":{}, "links":[]} for node in topology.iter("node"): new_node = Node(node.attrib["id"]) node_list.append(new_node) if generate_json: location = node.find("location") new_node.set_location(float(location.attrib["latitude"]), float(location.attrib["longitude"])) output["nodes"][new_node.node_id] =\ (float(location.attrib["latitude"]), float(location.attrib["longitude"])) for link in topology.iter("link"): link_id = link.attrib["id"] link_from = graph.find_node(link.find("from").attrib["node"]) link_to = graph.find_node(link.find("to").attrib["node"]) bw = int(link.find("bw").text) new_link = Link(link_id, link_from, link_to, bw) link_list.append(new_link) if generate_json: output["links"].append(\ ((, link_from.lng), (, link_to.lng))) igp = root.find("igp").find("links") for link in igp.iter("link"): link_id = link.attrib["id"] link_obj = graph.find_link_by_id(link_id) if link_obj != None: link_obj.metric = float(link.find("static").find("metric").text) if generate_json: json.dump(output, f) f.close() return graph
def drawWithGraph(window, audioData): global p graph = Graph( Point(75, 50), 50) graph.draw(window) #p = None for d in audioData: if p: p.undraw() bx, by = normalize(d[0], d[1], d[2]) p = graph.createPoint(bx, by) p.draw(window)
class Control: def __init__(self): print "Control __init__" self.Access = Access() self.Graph = Graph() self.Player = Player() #self.Xml = Xml() self.Access.classAddresses(self.Graph,self.Player,self) self.Graph.classAddresses(self.Access,self.Player,self) self.Player.classAddresses(self.Graph,self.Access,self) #self.Xml.classAddresses(self.Graph,self.Access,self.Player,self) self.Access.start() self.Graph.getCode()
def parse(self): path = raw_input("Bitte Pfad zur csv-Datein angeben: ") fobj = open(path, "r") for line in fobj: line = line.strip() stratum = line.split(";") later = set(stratum[5].split(", ")) earlier = set(stratum[6].split(", ")) equal = set(stratum[7].split(", ")) partof = set(stratum[8].split(", ")) nodes[stratum[0]] = Node(stratum[0], stratum[1], stratum[2], stratum[3], stratum[4], later, earlier, equal, partof) fobj.close() graph = Graph(nodes) graph.printGraph()
def Create(self, theGraphEditor): theGraphEditor.config(cursor="watch") dial = TreeDialog(theGraphEditor, 0, "Create Complete Tree") if dial.result is None: theGraphEditor.config(cursor="") return degree=dial.result[0] height=dial.result[1] direction=dial.result[3] layout=dial.result[4] G=Graph() G.directed=direction nodes={} nodes[0]=[] G.AddVertex() nodes[0].append(G.vertices[0]) for h in range(0,height): nodes[h+1]=[] for v in nodes[h]: for d in range(0,degree): new_v=G.AddVertex() if direction==0: G.AddEdge(v,new_v) else: if random.randint(0,1): G.AddEdge(v,new_v) else: G.AddEdge(new_v,v) nodes[h+1].append(new_v) if layout==0: if RandomCoords(G): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) elif layout==1: if CircularCoords(G): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) elif layout==2: if TreeCoords(G,G.vertices[0],"vertical"): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) else: if BFSTreeCoords(G,G.vertices[0],"forward"): DrawNewGraph(theGraphEditor,G,direction) theGraphEditor.config(cursor="")
def empty_tour(self): ''' Clears all the edges of the current tour ''' self.best_tour = Graph(self.vertices) # resets self.best_tour to an empty graph containing vertices self.best_label = [] # empties self.best_label self.best_coordinates =[] # epmties self.best_coordinates
def __init__(self): self.graph = Graph() self.start_node_index = None self.goal_node_index = None self.obstacles = None self.shortest_path = None self.wall = None
def __init__(self, filename, k, errorcorrect=False): #loads file reads = Loader.load(filename) #gets graph self.graph = Graph(reads, k, errorcorrect) self.k = k
def generate_rand_graph(self): ''' Pre: A list if lables and coordinates Post: Updates self.tour with a randomly generated graph and and updates self.costOfTour with the cost of that generated tour ''' copyOfLabels = copy.deepcopy(self.labels) # creates a copy of labels copyofCoordinates = copy.deepcopy(self.coordinates) # creates a copy of coordinates self.tour_edges = [] # reset tour edges self.tour_vertices = [] # reset tour vertices i = random.randrange(0, len(copyOfLabels)) # generate a random first city start_city = Vertex(copyOfLabels.pop(i)) start_city.pos = copyofCoordinates.pop(i) previous_city = start_city # assign start city to previous city self.tour_vertices.append(start_city) # append it to tour vertices for x in range(len(copyOfLabels)): # find the next random naumber i = random.randrange(0, len(copyOfLabels)) v = Vertex(copyOfLabels.pop(i)) # pop that vertex at that random number v.pos = copyofCoordinates.pop(i) # pop out the coordinate for that vertex and create that new vertex self.tour_vertices.append(v) # append it to the list e = Edge(previous_city, v) # create a new edge between the previous city and new randomly generated city self.tour_edges.append(e) # append the edge to edge list self.costOfTour += self.cal_distance_of_edge(e) # update the cost of the tour for travelling to the new city previous_city = v # assign the new city to previous city e = Edge(previous_city, start_city) # join the last edge to go back to the start city self.tour_edges.append(e) self.tour = Graph(self.tour_vertices, self.tour_edges) self.costOfTour += self.cal_distance_of_edge(e) # update teh cost of the tour for going back to the start city
def init_tests(self): f = open('data.json', 'r') parsed_JSON = json.loads( self.graphs = Graph() self.graphs.construct_nodes(parsed_JSON['metros']) self.graphs.contstruct_edges(parsed_JSON['routes']) self.stats = StatInfo()
def moyenne50(n,p,algo) : if algo == 0: print("algoNaif") elif algo == 1 : print("algoDSATUR") elif algo == 2 : print("algoWelshPowel") temps = [] couleurs = [] for i in range(50) : graph = g.graphAlea(n,5,p) if algo == 0 : start_time = time.time() graph.algoNaif() elif algo == 1 : start_time = time.time() graph.algoDSATUR() elif algo == 2 : start_time = time.time() graph.algoWelshPowel() interval = time.time() - start_time temps.append(interval) couleurs.append(graph.totalColor()) sommeT = sum(temps) sommeC = sum(couleurs) return (float(sommeT)/50.,float(sommeC)/50)
def checkConnected(d, g): totalFaceCount = getNumFaces(g) queue = [] #make faceGraph faceGraph = [] y = 0 while y < len(g): row = g[y] for x in row: faceGraph.append((Face(int(x), y))) y += 1 vg = makeVertexGraph(faceGraph) graph = Graph(faceGraph, vg) queue.append(graph.getFaceGraph()[0]) visited = set() while len(visited) < len(graph.getFaceGraph()): face = queue.pop(0) while face in visited: #print "in while" if len(queue) > 0: face = queue.pop(0) else: break #this means that the face is visited and grpah is disconnected if face in visited: break nextGroup = face.getNeighbors() if len(nextGroup) == 0: break else: queue.extend(nextGroup) #print "stats" #print len(graph.getFaceGraph()), len(queue), len(visited) visited.add(face) #print "graph" #print graph #print "-------------------" return len(graph.getFaceGraph()) == len(visited)
def readGraph(filename): noNodes = 0 with open(filename) as f: for line in f: if (noNodes == 0): noNodes = int(line.split()[0]) graph = Graph(noNodes) else: data = [] for x in line.split(): data.append(int(x)) if len(data) == 3: edge = WeightedEdge(data[0], data[1], data[2]) elif len(data) == 4: edge = WeightedDelayedEdge(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]) graph.add(edge) return graph
def __call__ (self, reduced_parameter_index): """ The query returns a graph which contains the poset of gene parameter indices corresponding to adjusting the parameter by changing the logic parameter associated with the gene being queried. The graph is as follows: * The vertices of the graph are named according to Gene Parameter Index (gpi). * There is a directed edge p -> q iff p < q and the associated logic parameters are adjacent. * The graph is labelled with pairs (Parameter index, Morse graph index). In addition the following extra structures are provided: * `` is a dictionary from gene parameter index to (hex code, parameter index, morse graph index) * `graph.mgi` is a function which accepts a gpi and returns the associated Morse graph index * `graph.num_inputs` is the number of network edges which are inputs to the gene associated with the query * `graph.num_outputs`is the number of network edges which are outputs to the gene associated with the query * `graph.essential` is a boolean-valued function which determines if each vertex corresponds to an essential parameter node """ c = self.database.conn.cursor() c.execute("select GeneParameterIndex,ParameterIndex,MorseGraphIndex from " + self.gene + " where ReducedParameterIndex=?" , (str(reduced_parameter_index),)) gene_index = factorgraph = self.database.parametergraph.factorgraph(gene_index) Q = { row[0] : (factorgraph[row[0]], row[1], row[2]) for row in c } vertices = set(Q.keys()) edges = [ (gpi1, gpi2) for gpi1 in Q.keys() for gpi2 in Q.keys() if isAdjacentHexcode(Q[gpi1][0], Q[gpi2][0]) ] graph = Graph(vertices,edges) = Q graph.mgi = lambda gpi :[gpi][2] graph.label = lambda gpi : str([gpi][1]) + ':' + str([gpi][2]) graph.num_inputs = len( graph.num_outputs = len( graph.essential = lambda gpi : essential([gpi][0],graph.num_inputs,graph.num_outputs) return graph
def __init__(self, cities=[]): self.currentTour = Stack() self.bestTour = Stack() self.currentCost = 0 self.bestCost = 10000000000000000000000000000000 self.interestCities = [Vertex(city) for city in cities] self._map = Graph() self._visitedPoints = [] self._visitedCities = []
def test_getMostGross_k(self): data = load_data("data.json") movies_data = data["Movie"] actors_data = data["Actor"] graph = Graph() graph.setMovieData(movies_data) graph.setActorData(actors_data) graph.setMovieNames() graph.setActorNames() graph.getMostGross_k(2)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): Graph.SetActionAttr(, **{name: value})
def __init__(self, caption, event, **keywords): object.__setattr__(self, "id", Graph.CreateAction()) Graph.SetActionAttr(, caption=caption, event=event, **keywords)
class World(object): def __init__(self): self.entities = {} self.entity_id = 0 self.obstacles = [] self.background = pygame.image.load( "assets/grass_bkgrd_1024_768.png").convert_alpha() self.graph = Graph(self) self.generate_pathfinding_graphs("pathfinding_graph.txt") self.scores = [0, 0] self.countdown_timer = TIME_LIMIT self.game_end = False # --- Reads a set of pathfinding graphs from a file --- def generate_pathfinding_graphs(self, filename): f = open(filename, "r") # Create the nodes line = f.readline() while line != "connections\n": data = line.split() self.graph.nodes[int(data[0])] = Node(self.graph, int(data[0]), int(data[1]), int(data[2])) line = f.readline() # Create the connections line = f.readline() while line != "paths\n": data = line.split() node0 = int(data[0]) node1 = int(data[1]) distance = (Vector2(self.graph.nodes[node0].position) - Vector2(self.graph.nodes[node1].position)).length() self.graph.nodes[node0].addConnection(self.graph.nodes[node1], distance) self.graph.nodes[node1].addConnection(self.graph.nodes[node0], distance) line = f.readline() # Create the orc paths, which are also Graphs self.paths = [] line = f.readline() while line != "": path = Graph(self) data = line.split() # Create the nodes for i in range(0, len(data)): node = self.graph.nodes[int(data[i])] path.nodes[int(data[i])] = Node(path, int(data[i]), node.position[0], node.position[1]) # Create the connections for i in range(0, len(data) - 1): node0 = int(data[i]) node1 = int(data[i + 1]) distance = ( Vector2(self.graph.nodes[node0].position) - Vector2(self.graph.nodes[node1].position)).length() path.nodes[node0].addConnection(path.nodes[node1], distance) path.nodes[node1].addConnection(path.nodes[node0], distance) self.paths.append(path) line = f.readline() f.close() def add_entity(self, entity): self.entities[self.entity_id] = entity = self.entity_id self.entity_id += 1 def remove_entity(self, entity): if == "base": self.game_end = True self.game_result = TEAM_NAME[1 - entity.team_id] + " wins!" self.final_scores = ("Time left - " + str(int(self.countdown_timer)) + " (base destroyed)") if in self.entities.keys(): del self.entities[] def get(self, entity_id): if entity_id in self.entities: return self.entities[entity_id] else: return None def process(self, time_passed): time_passed_seconds = time_passed / 1000.0 for entity in list(self.entities.values()): entity.process(time_passed_seconds) # --- Reduces the overall countdown timer self.countdown_timer -= time_passed_seconds # --- Checks if game has ended due to running out of time --- if self.countdown_timer <= 0: self.game_end = True if self.scores[0] > self.scores[1]: self.game_result = TEAM_NAME[0] + " wins!" self.final_scores = str(self.scores[0]) + " - " + str( self.scores[1]) elif self.scores[1] > self.scores[0]: self.game_result = TEAM_NAME[1] + " wins!" self.final_scores = str(self.scores[1]) + " - " + str( self.scores[0]) else: self.game_result = "DRAW" self.final_scores = str(self.scores[0]) + " - " + str( self.scores[1]) def render(self, surface): # draw background and text surface.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) # draw graph if SHOW_PATHS is true if SHOW_PATHS: self.graph.render(surface) # draw all entities for entity in self.entities.values(): entity.render(surface) # draw the scores font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 24, True) blue_score = font.render( TEAM_NAME[0] + " score = " + str(self.scores[0]), True, (0, 0, 255)) surface.blit(blue_score, (150, 10)) red_score = font.render( TEAM_NAME[1] + " score = " + str(self.scores[1]), True, (255, 0, 0)) surface.blit(red_score, (870 - red_score.get_size()[0], 730)) # draw the countdown timer timer = font.render( str("Time left = " + str(int(self.countdown_timer))), True, (255, 255, 255)) w, h = timer.get_size() surface.blit(timer, (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - h // 2)) # game end if self.game_end: end_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 60, True) msg = end_font.render(self.game_result, True, (255, 255, 255)) w, h = msg.get_size() surface.blit(msg, (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - h // 2 - 200)) msg = end_font.render(self.final_scores, True, (255, 255, 255)) w, h = msg.get_size() surface.blit(msg, (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - w // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - h // 2 - 100)) def get_entity(self, name): for entity in self.entities.values(): if == name: return entity return None # --- returns the nearest opponent, which is a non-projectile, character from the opposing team that is not ko'd --- def get_nearest_opponent(self, char): nearest_opponent = None distance = 0.0 for entity in self.entities.values(): # neutral entity if entity.team_id == 2: continue # same team if entity.team_id == char.team_id: continue if == "projectile" or == "explosion": continue if entity.ko: continue if nearest_opponent is None: nearest_opponent = entity distance = (char.position - entity.position).length() else: if distance > (char.position - entity.position).length(): distance = (char.position - entity.position).length() nearest_opponent = entity return nearest_opponent
graph.placeObstacle(start, (0, 0, 0)) ################################################################################# # Main Functionality ################################################################################# pygame.init(); screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sheepImage = pygame.image.load('sheep.png') dogImage = pygame.image.load('collie.png') bounds = Vector(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT) # Setup the graph graph = Graph() # Setup the dog dog = Player(dogImage, Vector(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH * .5, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT * .5), Vector(Constants.DOG_WIDTH, Constants.DOG_HEIGHT), (0, 255, 0), Constants.DOG_SPEED, Constants.DOG_ANGULAR_SPEED) print ( # Setup the sheep (only 1 for now...) herd = [] sheep = Sheep(sheepImage, Vector(randrange(int(bounds.x * .4), int(bounds.x * .6)), randrange(int(bounds.y * .6), int(bounds.y * .8))), Vector(Constants.DOG_WIDTH, Constants.DOG_HEIGHT), (0, 255, 0), Constants.SHEEP_SPEED, Constants.SHEEP_ANGULAR_SPEED) #sheep = Sheep(sheepImage, Vector(100,200), Vector(16,32), (0,255,0), 5, 5) herd.append(sheep) # Setup the gates and obstacles buildGates(graph) buildObstacles(graph)
if not start_vertex: # chosse a vertex from graph as a starting point start_vertex = vertices[0] vertices_encountered.add(start_vertex) if len(vertices_encountered) != len(vertices): for vertex in gdifrom graph2 import Graph g = { "a" : ["d"], "b" : ["c"], "c" : ["b", "c", "d", "e"], "d" : ["a", "c"], "e" : ["c"], "f" : [] } graph = Graph(g) print(graph) for node in graph.vertices(): print(graph.vertex_degree(node)) print("List of isolated vertices:") print(graph.find_isolated_vertices()) print("""A path from "a" to "e":""") print(graph.find_path("a", "e")) print("""All pathes from "a" to "e":""") print(graph.find_all_paths("a", "e")) print("The maximum degree of the graph is:")
def find(data, i): if i != data[i]: data[i] = find(data, data[i]) return data[i] def union(data, i, j): pi, pj = find(data, i), find(data, j) if pi != pj: data[pi] = pj def connected(data, i, j): return find(data, i) == find(data, j) if __name__ == "__main__": # G = nx.Graph() # G.add_edge(0, 1, weight=4) # G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=4) # G.add_edge(1, 3, weight=2) # G.add_edge(3, 2, weight=3) # G.add_edge(2, 4, weight=4) # G.add_edge(4, 5, weight=10) # mst = minimum_spanning_edges(G) # edgelist = list(mst) # print(edgelist) G = Graph.build_G1() start = time.clock() minimum_spanning_edges(G) print(time.clock()-start)
edge_weight = lambda: random.random() print "Ratio of largest to smallest edge weight = infinity.\n" # # Do the testing for grid graphs. # print "GRID GRAPHS:" for size in range(20, 101, 20): # Make the edges for a rectangular grid graph. num_vertices, edges =\ graph_generator.rectangular_grid( size, size, edge_weight ) # Make a graph from the edges. graph = Graph() graph.make(num_vertices, edges) # Compute the shortest path tree with vertex 0 as the source. print "\nFor the", size, "x", size, "rectangular grid graph:",\ len( graph.vertices ), "vertices,",\ len( graph.edges ), "edges." ideal, actual = graph.determined_vertices(0) print "ideal fraction = ", ideal, " actual fraction = ", actual # # Do the testing for sparse graphs. # print "\n\nSPARSE GRAPHS:" for size in range(200, 1001, 200):
# # newgraph.addedge('A', 'B', 20) # newgraph.addedge('A', 'C', 10) # newgraph.addedge('A', 'E', 30) # newgraph.addedge('B', 'F', 6) # newgraph.addedge('B', 'D', 6) # newgraph.addedge('C', 'F', 5) # newgraph.addedge('C', 'G', 4) # # newgraph.addedge('G', 'E', 12) # newgraph.addedge('F', 'D', 10) # newgraph.addedge('E', 'D', 13) # newgraph.createVisitedNodes() # newgraph.UCS('A', 'D') newgraph = g.Graph('A', True) newgraph.addvertex('B') newgraph.addvertex('C') newgraph.addvertex('D') newgraph.addvertex('E') newgraph.addvertex('F') newgraph.addvertex('L') newgraph.addvertex('O') newgraph.addvertex('M') newgraph.addvertex('J') newgraph.addvertex('H') newgraph.addvertex('I') newgraph.addvertex('K1') newgraph.addvertex('K2') newgraph.addvertex('K3') newgraph.addedge('A', 'B', 10)
def setUp(self): self.graph = Graph.Graph()
return lS def draw(G, lColor): fig = pylab.figure() nx.draw(G, node_color=lColor, pos=nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'Position'), with_labels=True) fig.canvas.draw() pylab.draw() pause(2) pylab.close(fig) mtk = makeMatrix("venv/mat.txt") lS = makeList("venv/test.txt") # lG = [] G = Graph.Graph(lS, mtk) pylab.ion() print(G.listValue) start = G.listValue[0] goal = G.listValue[4] T, sol = aBintang(G, start, goal) print(T) print(sol) dis = 0 for i in range(0, len(sol) - 1): dis += G.getDistance(sol[i], sol[i + 1]) print("Distance from " + start + " to " + goal + " = ", dis)
class Robot: def __init__(self, sensors, motion, initialPosition, name): self.sensors = sensors self.motion = motion # initialize the graph self.graph = Graph() = name # create a first node for the initial position node = Node(initialPosition, "position", 0) node.robot = self.graph.addNode(node) # add a prior edge = PriorEdge(initialPosition, node, np.diag([1e-20,1e-20,1e-20])) self.graph.addEdge(edge) # keep track of the most recent position for dead reakoning self.pos = initialPosition self.posNode = node # node of the current position def move(self, cmd): """create a new node and edge with dead reakoned initial value""" nextPos = self.motion.move(self.pos, cmd) # create a new node for the next position # the descriptor is the index in time nextPosNode = Node(nextPos, "position", self.posNode.descriptor + 1) nextPosNode.robot = self.graph.addNode(nextPosNode) # create a new edge between them edge = MotionEdge(self.motion, cmd, self.posNode, nextPosNode, "motion") self.graph.addEdge(edge) # update internal state self.pos = nextPos self.posNode = nextPosNode def simSense(self, simMap, simPos): """ Simulate sensing landmarks on a map. The simulator gives the robots actual position. Create a new node for the landmark if necessay with a dead reakoned initial value with respect to the position node. """ for sensor in self.sensors: sensorObsverations = sensor.simSense(simPos, simMap) for lmObs in sensorObsverations: # check if this landmark has been observed before lmNode = self.graph.getNodeOfTypeAndDescriptor(lmObs['sensorType'], lmObs['descriptor']) if lmNode == None: # if this landmark hasn't been observed before # create a new node lmPos = sensor.deadReckon(self.pos,lmObs['obs']) # print self.pos # print lmPos # print lmObs['obs'] # wait() lmNode = Node(lmPos, lmObs['sensorType'], lmObs['descriptor']) self.graph.addNode(lmNode) else: # update landmark guess as the average lmPos = sensor.deadReckon(self.pos,lmObs['obs']) lmNode.value = (lmNode.value + lmPos)/2. # create an edge between the nodes edge = ObservationEdge(sensor, lmObs['obs'], self.posNode, lmNode, "observation") self.graph.addEdge(edge) def reset(self): # initial position node = self.graph.nodes[0] # prior edge = self.graph.edges[0] self.posNode = node self.pos = node.value self.graph = Graph() self.graph.addNode(node) self.graph.addEdge(edge) def trajectory(self): positions = self.graph.getNodesOfType("position") sortedPos = sorted(positions, key=lambda x: x.descriptor) traj = map(lambda x: x.value, sortedPos) return array(traj) def trajectoryXY(self): positions = filter(lambda x: x.nodeType == "position" and x.robot ==, self.graph.nodes) sortedPos = sorted(positions, key=lambda x: x.descriptor) traj = map(lambda x: x.value, sortedPos) traj = array(traj) return traj[:, 0:2] # hack off the angle def position(self): traj = self.trajectory() pos = traj[-1] return pos def positionXY(self): traj = self.trajectory() pos = traj[-1] return pos[0:2]
def test_getPrintAllActorYears(self): data = load_data("data.json") movies_data = data["Movie"] actors_data = data["Actor"] graph = Graph() graph.setMovieData(movies_data) graph.setActorData(actors_data) graph.setMovieNames() graph.setActorNames() graph.getPrintAllActorYears()
def test_printActorsInYear(self): data = load_data("data.json") movies_data = data["Movie"] actors_data = data["Actor"] graph = Graph() graph.setMovieData(movies_data) graph.setActorData(actors_data) graph.setMovieNames() graph.setActorNames() graph.printActorsInYear(2018)
Func.To = 6.28318530717 if self.CircleItem: Graph.FunctionList[Graph.FunctionList.index( self.CircleItem)] = Func else: Graph.FunctionList.append(Func) Graph.Redraw() self.Close() def execute_action(action): d = CircleDialog() d.ShowModal() def OnEdit(Item): if "CircleExample" in Item.PluginData: d = CircleDialog(Item) d.ShowModal() return True Action = Graph.CreateAction(Caption="Insert circle...", OnExecute=execute_action, Hint="Create circle from center and radius.", ShortCut="Ctrl+Shift+C", IconFile="Circle.bmp") Graph.AddActionToMainMenu(Action) Graph.OnEdit.append(OnEdit)
def setCase(self, case_id, act_name, act_timestamp, event_index): """ The core function in the Process class. Sets a new case and controls the check point. If gpCreation is True, calculates the case metrics and uses them to train DenStream, recalculates the Nyquist and releases old cases if necessary. """ self._event_count += 1 self._total_cases.add(case_id) # check if case exists and creates one if it doesn't index = self.getCase(case_id) if index is None: self._cases.append(Case(case_id)) self._cp_cases += 1 index = self.getCase(case_id) # add activity self._cases[index].setActivity(act_name, act_timestamp) # act_conv = act_name act_conv = self.convertAct(act_name) self._cases[index]._trace.append(act_conv) self._cases[index]._timestamp.append(act_timestamp) # reorder list, putting the newest case in the first position self._cases.append(self._cases.pop(index)) current_time = dt.strptime(self._cases[index].getLastTime(), '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if ((current_time - self._check_point).total_seconds() > self._th and not self._gpCreation): """ Checks the first check point for CDESF initialization """ self.initialiseCDESF(current_time) elif self._gpCreation: """ If we are past the first check point, graph distances are calculated and DenStream triggered """ gwd, twd = Graph.computeFeatures(self._process_graph, self._cases[index]._trace, self._cases[index]._timestamp) self._cases[index].setGwd(gwd) self._cases[index].setTwd(twd) # DENSTREAM self._denstream.train(self._cases[index]._point) # plots if self._gen_plot: self.genPlots() # metrics if self._gen_metrics: self.genClusterMetrics() self.genCaseMetrics(event_index, index) if (current_time - self._check_point).total_seconds() > self._th: """ Check point """ self._cp_count += 1 if len(self._cases) > self._nyquist: """ Recalculates nyquist, releases cases, updates model (merges graphs) """ self.delCases() self._nyquist = self._cp_cases * 2 tr, ti = self.getList() cp_graph = Graph.createGraph(tr, ti) Graph.mergeGraphs(self._process_graph, cp_graph) self._cp_cases = 0 # metrics if self._gen_metrics: self.genPmgMetrics()
class MyAppAction: algo = [ "DFS", "BFS", "iterative_deepening", "uniform cost", "best_first", "Astar", "iterative_a_star" ] algorithms = [ Algorithms.dfs, Algorithms.bfs, Algorithms.iterative_deepening, Algorithms.uniform_cost, Algorithms.best_first, Algorithms.a_star, Algorithms.iterative_a_star ] ''' define the selction of the algos, delay, start and finish node specify the stop, play, pause , save button and define the methods corresponding to the clicks on the corresponding buttons ''' def __init__(self, algoSelect: QComboBox, delaySelect: QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox, startSelect: QComboBox, endSelect: QComboBox, textarea: QTextBrowser, playbt: QToolButton, stopbt: QToolButton, pausebt: QToolButton, view): self.algoSelect = algoSelect self.delaySelect = delaySelect self.startSelect = startSelect self.startSelect.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.endSelect = endSelect self.endSelect.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.textarea = textarea self.playbt = playbt self.stopbt = stopbt self.pausebt = pausebt self.view = view self.setAlgorithmList() self.setDelaiList() self.playbt.clicked.connect( self.pausebt.clicked.connect(self.pause) self.stopbt.clicked.connect(self.stop) self.result = False '''define the algos list''' def setAlgorithmList(self): self.algoSelect.addItems(MyAppAction.algo) '''define the delays possibles list''' def setDelaiList(self): self.delaySelect.setValue(1) '''display the updates of the graphs image according the delay sepecified''' def display_image(self, img): self.view.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(img)) QCoreApplication.processEvents() # let Qt do his work if hasattr(self, 'delay'): time.sleep(self.delay) '''create the graph and get the data from the files xml or txt''' def createGraph(self, name): edgesdata = [] heurisiticdata = [] d = DataFromFile() if ("txt" in name[1]): (edgesdata, heurisiticdata) = d.getDataFromFileTXT(name[0]) if ("xml" in name[1]): (edgesdata, heurisiticdata) = d.getDataFromFileXML(name[0]) self.graph = Graph(display=self.display_image, edgesdict=edgesdata, heuristic=heurisiticdata) def cmp_to_key(): 'Convert a cmp= function into a key= function' class K(object): def __init__(self, obj, *args): self.obj = obj def __lt__(self, other): try: return int(self.obj) < int(other.obj) except ValueError: return self.obj < other.obj return K self.graph.nodes.sort(key=cmp_to_key()) self.startSelect.clear() self.endSelect.clear() self.startSelect.addItems(self.graph.nodes) self.endSelect.addItems(self.graph.nodes) self.endSelect.setCurrentIndex(0) self.startSelect.setCurrentIndex(0) self.graph.display() self.textarea.setText(self.graph.__str__()) def display_result(self, text): self.textarea.setText(self.textarea.toPlainText() + "\n" + text) self.result = True def saveTrace(self, name): if (self.result): with open(name[0], 'w') as f: f.write(self.textarea.toPlainText()) self.textarea.setText(self.textarea.toPlainText() + "\ntrace saved (y)") else: self.textarea.setText("no trace found") def pause(self): self.t.pausef() def stop(self): self.t.killf() self.result = False self.graph.display() self.textarea.setText(self.graph.__str__()) self.disable_enable(True) def play(self): self.result = False self.disable_enable(False) self.textarea.setText( self.textarea.toPlainText() + "\n" + MyAppAction.algo[self.algoSelect.currentIndex()] + ":") self.graph.init() self.curAlgo = MyAppAction.algorithms[self.algoSelect.currentIndex()] a = self.startSelect.currentIndex() b = self.endSelect.currentIndex() self.startNode = self.startSelect.currentText() self.goleNode = self.endSelect.currentText() self.delay = self.delaySelect.value() self.t = MyThread(self.display_result, self.curAlgo, self.graph, self.startNode, self.goleNode) self.t.start() def disable_enable(self, state): self.playbt.setEnabled(state) self.algoSelect.setEnabled(state) self.startSelect.setEnabled(state) self.endSelect.setEnabled(state) self.delaySelect.setEnabled(state)
if self.CircleItem: Graph.FunctionList[Graph.FunctionList.index( self.CircleItem)] = Func else: Graph.FunctionList.append(Func) Graph.Redraw() self.Close() def execute_action(action): d = CircleDialog() d.ShowModal() def OnEdit(Item): if "CircleExample" in Item.PluginData: d = CircleDialog(Item) d.ShowModal() return True _ = Graph.CreateTranslations(TranslationTexts).gettext Action = Graph.CreateAction(Caption=_("Insert circle..."), OnExecute=execute_action, Hint=_("Create circle from center and radius."), ShortCut="Ctrl+Shift+C", IconFile="Circle.png") Graph.AddActionToMainMenu(Action) Graph.OnEdit.append(OnEdit)
from Graph import * from Matrix import Matrix graph = Graph() ############################################################ vertexes = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] edges = [ ("1", 2, "2"), ("1", 4, "6"), ("1", 12, "7"), # (<start_node>, <int>, <end_node>) ("2", 10, "3"), ("2", 9, "7"), ("3", 2, "4"), ("4", 1, "5"), ("6", 11, "5"), ("6", 2, "8"), ("7", 15, "8"), ("8", 9, "5"), ("8", 1, "9"), ("9", 4, "3"), ("9", 7, "4"), ("9", 3, "7") ] graph.vertexes = vertexes for edge in edges: graph.edges.append(Edge(edge[0], edge[2], edge[1])) # Edge(start, end, cost) matrix = Matrix(len(graph.vertexes), len(graph.vertexes)) for row in range(len(graph.vertexes)): for column in range(len(graph.vertexes)):
import Graph import networkx as nx import datetime if __name__ == '__main__': g = Graph.ActivityGraph() g.ReadEdgeList('HydroElectric.txt') # g.GetAttribute('label') # g.DrawGraph() datestart = input("Enter start date (mmm dd yyyy format): ") startdate= datetime.datetime.strptime(datestart, '%b %d %Y') g.FindDistCost('a','n', startdate ) CPL, CPC, CP = g.FindCriticalPath('a','n') print("The critical path is: ") print(CP) enddate = startdate + datetime.timedelta(days = CPL) print(enddate.strftime('End date: %b %d %Y')) print("Total cost along critical path in thousand INRs is: "+str(CPC)) duration = input("Enter the number of days since project start: " ) print("The nodes that are presently awaiting completion are: ") print(g.FindStatusReport('a', int(duration)))
class CompleteController: def __init__(self, plane1, plane2): # Two aircraft self.plane1 = Aircraft(plane1.getXPos(), plane1.getYPos(), plane1.getXFinal(), plane1.getYFinal()) self.plane2 = Aircraft(plane2.getXPos(), plane2.getYPos(), plane2.getXFinal(), plane2.getYFinal()) self.safetyMonitor = SafetyMonitor() # External safety monitor self.graph = Graph(plane1, plane2) # Empty graph self.last1X = True # Plane1 last moved in the x-direction self.last2X = True # Plane2 last moved in the x-direction # Main algorithm def run(self): # Aircraft in communication zone if self.communicationZone(): # Neither plane's final destination is in other's communication zone if not self.plane1Check() and not self.plane2Check(): if self.plane1.xDistance() != 0 and self.plane2.yDistance( ) != 0: self.setXAngle1() self.setYAngle2() elif self.plane1.yDistance() != 0 and self.plane2.xDistance( ) != 0: self.setYAngle1() self.setXAngle2() elif self.plane1.yDistance() != 0 and self.plane2.yDistance( ) != 0: # Head-on, y-direction self.setXAngle2() # Plane 2 moves out of the way elif self.plane1.xDistance() != 0 and self.plane2.xDistance( ) != 0: # Head on, x-direction self.setYAngle2() # Plane 2 moves out of the way self.plane1.advance() self.plane2.advance() # Plane2's final destination is in plane1's communication zone elif not self.plane1Check() and self.plane2Check(): if self.plane2.angle == 0 or self.plane2.angle == 180: # X-direction self.setYAngle1() else: # Y-direction self.setXAngle1() self.runPlane2() # Plane2 continues, plane1 moves self.plane1.advance() # Plane1's final destination is in plane2's communication zone elif self.plane1Check() and not self.plane2Check(): if self.plane1.angle == 0 or self.plane1.angle == 180: # X-direction self.setYAngle2() else: # Y-direction self.setXAngle2() self.runPlane1() # Plane1, continues, plane2 moves self.plane2.advance() # Aircraft cannot communicate, run normally else: if self.plane1.xDistance() != 0 or self.plane1.yDistance() != 0: self.runPlane1() if self.plane2.xDistance() != 0 or self.plane2.yDistance() != 0: self.runPlane2() # Send output to safety monitor, add points to graph self.safetyMonitor.error(self.plane1, self.plane2) self.graph.addPoints(self.plane1.getXPos(), self.plane1.getYPos(), self.plane2.getXPos(), self.plane2.getYPos()) self.showPlot() # Set angle in x-direction for plane1 def setXAngle1(self): if self.plane1.getXPos() - self.plane1.getXFinal( ) > 0 or self.plane1.angle == 180: self.plane1.setAngle(180) # Left else: self.plane1.setAngle(0) # Right # Sets angle in y-direction for plane1 def setYAngle1(self): if self.plane1.getYPos() - self.plane1.getYFinal( ) > 0 or self.plane1.angle == 270: self.plane1.setAngle(270) # Down else: self.plane1.setAngle(90) # Up # Sets angle in x-direction for plane2 def setXAngle2(self): if self.plane2.getXPos() - self.plane2.getXFinal( ) > 0 or self.plane2.angle == 180: self.plane2.setAngle(180) # Left else: self.plane2.setAngle(0) # Right # Sets angle in y-direction for plane2 def setYAngle2(self): if self.plane2.getYPos() - self.plane2.getYFinal( ) > 0 or self.plane2.angle == 270: self.plane2.setAngle(270) # Down else: self.plane2.setAngle(90) # Up # Runs plane1 normally def runPlane1(self): if self.plane1.xDistance() != 0: self.setXAngle1() if not self.last1X or self.plane1.yDistance() == 0: self.plane1.advance() # Move in x-direction self.last1X = not self.last1X if self.plane1.yDistance() != 0: self.setYAngle1() if self.last1X or self.plane1.xDistance() == 0: self.plane1.advance() # Move in y-direction # Runs plane2 normally def runPlane2(self): if self.plane2.xDistance() != 0: self.setXAngle2() if not self.last2X or self.plane2.yDistance() == 0: self.plane2.advance() # Move in x-direction if self.plane2.yDistance() != 0: self.setYAngle2() if self.last2X or self.plane2.xDistance() == 0: self.plane2.advance() # Move in y-direction self.last2X = not self.last2X # Determines if one plane is at its final destination def finalDestinations(self): return (self.plane1.xDistance() == 0 and self.plane1.yDistance() == 0) and \ (self.plane2.xDistance() == 0 and self.plane2.yDistance() == 0) # Check if planes are within a 2km square of each other def communicationZone(self): return abs(self.plane1.getXPos() - self.plane2.getXPos()) <= 2 and abs( self.plane1.getYPos() - self.plane2.getYPos()) <= 2 # Check if plane1's final position is within plane2's communication zone def plane1Check(self): return abs(self.plane1.getXFinal() - self.plane2.getXPos( )) <= 2 and abs(self.plane1.getYFinal() - self.plane2.getYPos()) <= 2 # Check if plane2's final position is within plane1's communication zone def plane2Check(self): return abs(self.plane2.getXFinal() - self.plane1.getXPos( )) <= 2 and abs(self.plane2.getYFinal() - self.plane1.getYPos()) <= 2 # Show plot of run def showPlot(self): self.graph.createCompletePlot() def checkSafety(self): return
for city_name_src in graph.cities: print("-----------------------------------------------------------") for city_name_dest in graph.cities: show_result_all_heuristics(graph, city_name_src, city_name_dest) def show_result_all_heuristics(graph, city_name_src, city_name_dest): city_src = graph.get_city_from_name(city_name_src) city_dest = graph.get_city_from_name(city_name_dest) way_h0, counter_0 = graph.a_star(city_src, city_dest, heuristic_0) way_h1, counter_1 = graph.a_star(city_src, city_dest, heuristic_1) way_h2, counter_2 = graph.a_star(city_src, city_dest, heuristic_2) way_h3, counter_3 = graph.a_star(city_src, city_dest, heuristic_3) way_h4, counter_4 = graph.a_star(city_src, city_dest, heuristic_4) show_way("Heuristic 0: ", way_h0, counter_0) show_way("Heuristic 1: ", way_h1, counter_1) show_way("Heuristic 2: ", way_h2, counter_2) show_way("Heuristic 3: ", way_h3, counter_3) show_way("Heuristic 4: ", way_h4, counter_4) if __name__ == "__main__": graph = Graph() if bruteforce_mode: show_brute_force_a_star(graph) else: city_name_src, city_name_dest = ask_user_input() show_result_all_heuristics(graph, city_name_src, city_name_dest)
import Graph graph = Graph.Graph() graph.extend([Graph.Node(x + 1) for x in range(4)]) graph.add_edge(graph[1], graph[0], 5) graph.add_edge(graph[0], graph[2], 4) graph.add_edge(graph[1], graph[2], 6) graph.add_edge(graph[3], graph[1], 8) graph.add_edge(graph[2], graph[3], 12) for island in range(1, 4): # calculate min dist from server to island graph.dijkstra(graph[0], graph[island]) min_dist = Graph.Graph.INFINITE max_dist = 0 dists = [] for vertex in graph: dist = vertex.get_data() # read distance result if (dist != 0) and (dist < min_dist): min_dist = dist if (dist != Graph.Graph.INFINITE) and (dist > max_dist): max_dist = dist dists.append(max_dist - min_dist)
def main(): graph = Graph(8, [(0, 2), (2, 3), (2, 1), (2, 6), (3, 0), (4, 2), (5, 2), (5, 7), (6, 1), (6, 7), (7, 4)], True) graph.make_adjacency_list() print(graph.get_cycles())
class SOM: def __init__(self, data, connexion_matrices, eps_s=epsilon_start, eps_e=epsilon_end, sig_s=sigma_start, sig_e=sigma_end, ep_nb=epoch_nbr): self.epsilon = eps_s self.epsilon_stepping = (eps_e - eps_s) / ep_nb self.sigma = sig_s self.sigma_stepping = (sig_e - sig_s) / ep_nb = np.array(data) self.vector_list = None data_shape =[1] data_max = np.max( data_min = np.min( # Initializing the neural grid self.nodes = np.empty((neuron_nbr, neuron_nbr), dtype=Neurone) for x in range(neuron_nbr): for y in range(neuron_nbr): self.nodes[x, y] = Neurone(x, y, data_shape, data_min, data_max, connexion_matrices[x][y]) # Generating Connexions self.global_connections_graph = None self.neural_graph = None self.neural_adjacency_matrix = None self.neural_dist = None self.distance_vector = None self.refresh_distance_vector = True self.generate_global_connections_graph() self.neural_graph = self.global_connections_graph.extract_neurons_graph( ) self.compute_neurons_distance() if log_graphs: self.neural_graph.print_graph() print(self.neural_graph.to_string()) print(self.neural_dist) def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def generate_global_connections_graph(self): self.global_connections_graph = Graph() for x in range( neuron_nbr): # Creating the links between inputs and outputs for y in range(neuron_nbr): if y != 0: self.global_connections_graph.add_edge( Edge("No" + str(x) + "," + str(y), "Si" + str(x) + "," + str(y - 1), 0)) if y != neuron_nbr - 1: self.global_connections_graph.add_edge( Edge("So" + str(x) + "," + str(y), "Ni" + str(x) + "," + str(y + 1), 0)) if x != neuron_nbr - 1: self.global_connections_graph.add_edge( Edge("Eo" + str(x) + "," + str(y), "Wi" + str(x + 1) + "," + str(y), 0)) if x != 0: self.global_connections_graph.add_edge( Edge("Wo" + str(x) + "," + str(y), "Ei" + str(x - 1) + "," + str(y), 0)) for x in range(neuron_nbr): for y in range(neuron_nbr): for i in range(5): for j in range(5): if self.nodes[x, y].connection_matrix[i, j] != 0: input_vertex = SOM.get_index( i, 'i') + str(x) + ',' + str(y) output_vertex = SOM.get_index( j, 'o') + str(x) + ',' + str(y) e = Edge(input_vertex, output_vertex, SOM.neurons_only_weight(i, j)) self.global_connections_graph.add_edge(e) def compute_neurons_distance(self): self.neural_adjacency_matrix = self.neural_graph.get_adjacency_matrix() self.neural_dist = self.neural_graph.get_all_shortest_paths() self.neural_dist = self.neural_dist.astype( int ) # /!\there is a numpy bug that converts inf to a negative value self.distance_vector = np.empty(np.max(self.neural_dist) + 1, dtype=float) self.refresh_distance_vector = True @staticmethod def uniform_weight(i, j): return 1 @staticmethod def neurons_only_weight(i, j): if i == 4 or j == 4: return 0.5 return 0 @staticmethod def get_index(index, type): return { 0: "N" + type, # North 1: "E" + type, # East 2: "W" + type, # West 3: "S" + type, # South 4: "n" # neuron }.get(index) def winner(self, vector, distance=dist_quad): dist = np.empty_like(self.nodes, dtype=float) for x in range( neuron_nbr ): # Computes the distances between the tested vector and all nodes for y in range(neuron_nbr): self.nodes[x, y].t += 1 dist[x, y] = distance(self.nodes[x, y].weight, vector) return np.unravel_index( np.argmin(dist, axis=None), dist.shape) # Returning the Best Matching Unit's index. def winners(self): datacomp = np.zeros( len(, dtype=int ) # datacomp est la liste du numero du neurone vainqueur pour l'imagette correspondante for i in range(len( bmu = self.winner([i]) datacomp[i] = bmu[1] * neuron_nbr + bmu[0] return datacomp def train(self, iteration, epoch_time, vector_coordinates, f=normalized_gaussian, distance=dist_quad): if iteration % epoch_time == 0: self.epsilon += self.epsilon_stepping self.sigma += self.sigma_stepping if psom and iteration > 0: self.pruning_neighbors() self.refresh_distance_vector = True if self.refresh_distance_vector: for i in range(len(self.distance_vector)): self.distance_vector[i] = f( i / (len(self.distance_vector) - 1), self.sigma) if log_gaussian_vector: print(self.distance_vector) vector =[vector_coordinates] # Getting the Best matching unit bmu = self.winner(vector, distance) self.nodes[bmu].t = 1 self.updating_weights(bmu, vector) return bmu[0], bmu[1] def updating_weights(self, bmu, vector): for x in range(neuron_nbr): # Updating weights of all nodes for y in range(neuron_nbr): dist = self.neural_dist[bmu[1] * neuron_nbr + bmu[0], y * neuron_nbr + x] if dist >= 0: # exploiting here the numpy bug so that negative value equals no connections self.nodes[ x, y].weight += self.epsilon * self.distance_vector[ dist] * (vector - self.nodes[x, y].weight) def pruning_neighbors(self): for x in range(neuron_nbr - 1): for y in range(neuron_nbr - 1): self.pruning_check(x, y, x + 1, y) self.pruning_check(x, y, x, y + 1) self.compute_neurons_distance() def pruning_check(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): one = y1 * neuron_nbr + x1 two = y2 * neuron_nbr + x2 if self.neural_adjacency_matrix[ one, two] != 0 and self.neural_adjacency_matrix[one, two] != np.inf: diff = manhattan_dist(self.nodes[x1, y1].weight, self.nodes[x2, y2].weight) probability = np.exp( -1 / omega * 1 / (diff * self.nodes[x1, y1].t * self.nodes[x2, y2].t)) if np.random.rand() < probability: print("Removed (", x1, ",", y1, ") - (", x2, ",", y2, ") probability : ", probability) self.remove_edges((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) def remove_edges(self, v1, v2): # remove_edges((x, y), (x2, y2)) inp = "n" + str(v1[0]) + ',' + str(v1[1]) out = "n" + str(v2[0]) + ',' + str(v2[1]) self.neural_graph.remove_edge(inp, out) self.neural_graph.remove_edge(out, inp) def create_edges(self, v1, v2): # create_edges((x, y), (x2, y2)) inp = "n" + str(v1[0]) + ',' + str(v1[1]) out = "n" + str(v2[0]) + ',' + str(v2[1]) self.neural_graph.add_edge(Edge(inp, out, 1)) self.neural_graph.add_edge(Edge(out, inp, 1)) def fully_random_vector(self): return np.random.randint(np.shape([0]) def unique_random_vector(self): return self.vector_list.pop(0) def generate_random_list(self): self.vector_list = list(range(len( np.random.shuffle(self.vector_list) def compute_mean_error(self, datacomp): SOMList = self.get_som_as_list() error = np.zeros(len(datacomp)) for i in range(len(datacomp)): error[i] = np.mean(np.abs([i] - SOMList[datacomp[i]])) return np.mean(error) def peak_signal_to_noise_ratio(self, datacomp): SOMList = self.get_som_as_list() error = np.zeros(len(datacomp)) for i in range(len(datacomp)): error[i] = np.mean(([i] - SOMList[datacomp[i]])**2) return 10 * np.log10(1 / np.mean(error)) def get_som_as_map(self): result = np.empty((neuron_nbr, neuron_nbr), dtype=np.ndarray) for x in range(neuron_nbr): for y in range(neuron_nbr): result[x, y] = self.nodes[x, y].weight return result def get_som_as_list(self): result = np.empty(neuron_nbr * neuron_nbr, dtype=np.ndarray) for x in range(neuron_nbr): for y in range(neuron_nbr): result[y * neuron_nbr + x] = self.nodes[x, y].weight return result def set_som_as_list(self, list): for x in range(neuron_nbr): for y in range(neuron_nbr): self.nodes[x, y].weight = list[y * neuron_nbr + x]
def run(self): # define local variables fps_clk = pygame.time.Clock() user = ai = # main routine while True: # set maximum fps fps_clk.tick(MAXFPS) # draw map now_map = map_img.copy() draw_screen([self.gunfire1, self.gunfire2, self.Team1, self.Team2], now_map) # draw screen self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.screen.blit(now_map, (-user.p[0] + 400, -user.p[1] + 300)) pygame.display.update() # handle bullets temp_fire = while temp_fire != self.gunfire1.tail: next_fire = if self.out_of_map(temp_fire.val): if not temp_fire.val.move(): self.gunfire1.delete(temp_fire) else: self.gunfire1.delete(temp_fire) temp_fire = next_fire temp_fire = while temp_fire != self.gunfire2.tail: next_fire = if self.out_of_map(temp_fire.val): if not temp_fire.val.move(): self.gunfire2.delete(temp_fire) else: self.gunfire2.delete(temp_fire) temp_fire = next_fire # handle team1 bullets temp_unit = while temp_unit != self.Team2.tail: cur_unit = temp_unit.val temp_fire = while temp_fire != self.gunfire1.tail: if (cur_unit.p[0] - temp_fire.val.p[0])**2 + ( cur_unit.p[1] - temp_fire.val.p[1])**2 < UNIT_RAD2: -= 1 # print('life is :', temp_fire = self.gunfire1.delete(temp_fire.prev) else: temp_fire = temp_unit = if <= 0: self.Team2.delete(temp_unit.prev) # handle team2 bullets temp_unit = while temp_unit != self.Team1.tail: cur_unit = temp_unit.val temp_fire = while temp_fire != self.gunfire2.tail: if (cur_unit.p[0] - temp_fire.val.p[0])**2 + ( cur_unit.p[1] - temp_fire.val.p[1])**2 < UNIT_RAD2: -= 1 print('life is :', temp_fire = self.gunfire2.delete(temp_fire.prev) else: temp_fire = temp_unit = if <= 0: self.Team1.delete(temp_unit.prev) # handle events and user unit for event in pygame.event.get(): # when click x button on window if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # when press the keyboard elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: sys.exit() if event.key == pygame.K_w: user.act[0] = True if event.key == pygame.K_s: user.act[1] = True if event.key == pygame.K_a: user.act[2] = True if event.key == pygame.K_d: user.act[3] = True if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: sys.exit() if event.key == pygame.K_w: user.act[0] = False if event.key == pygame.K_s: user.act[1] = False if event.key == pygame.K_a: user.act[2] = False if event.key == pygame.K_d: user.act[3] = False # update user attribute if user is not None: user.atk = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] user.look = (user.p[0] - 400 + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0], user.p[1] - 300 + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]) # update AI attributes # we will make this as function and more intelligent if ai is not None: # ai.atk = not ai.atk ai.look = user.p arr = [ (126, 112), (125, 525), (563, 523), (569, 113), # 0 ~ 3 (230, 604), (232, 1077), (403, 1075), (396, 607), # 4 ~ 7 (791, 422), (553, 695), (767, 874), (1029, 575), # 8 ~ 11 (794, 85), (698, 247), (986, 416), (1070, 249), (982, 83), # 12 ~ 16 (980, 823), (1040, 1160), (1454, 1088), (1388, 742), # 17 ~ 20 (1167, 290), (1523, 458) # 21, 22 ] # 0 e = [[1, 3], [0, 2, 4], [3, 7, 8, 9, 13], [0, 2, 12, 13], [1, 5, 7], [4, 6], [7, 5, 9, 10, 18], [2, 4, 6, 9], [2, 9, 11, 13, 14], [2, 6, 7, 8, 10], [6, 9, 11, 17, 18], [8, 10, 14, 17, 20, 21], [3, 13, 16], [2, 3, 8, 12], [8, 11, 15], [14, 16, 21], [12, 15], [10, 11, 18, 20], [6, 10, 17, 19], [18, 20], [11, 17, 19, 22], [11, 15, 22], [20, 21]] d = [] for i in range(len(arr)): dd = [] for j in range(len(e)): if j in e[i]: dd.append(dist(arr[i], arr[j])) else: dd.append(None) d.append(dd) if ai.path_find: arr2 = [dist(ai.p, arr[i]) for i in range(len(arr))] arr3 = [dist(user.p, arr[i]) for i in range(len(arr))] start = arr2.index(min(arr2)) ai.dest = arr3.index(min(arr3)) ai.path = Graph.Graph(d).dijkstra(start, ai.dest) ai.path_status = 0 ai.path_find = False now_dest = arr[ai.path[ai.path_status]] ai.act[0] = ai.p[1] > now_dest[1] ai.act[1] = ai.p[1] < now_dest[1] ai.act[2] = ai.p[0] > now_dest[0] ai.act[3] = ai.p[0] < now_dest[0] if ai.p[1] == now_dest[1] and ai.p[0] == now_dest[ 0] and ai.path_status != len(ai.path) - 1: ai.path_status += 1 # move, change direct, attacks cur_node = while cur_node != self.Team1.tail: cur_node.val.update() if cur_node.val.atk: new_shot = M_gun() new_shot.p = cur_node.val.p = self.gunfire1.insert(new_shot) cur_node = cur_node = while cur_node != self.Team2.tail: cur_node.val.update() if cur_node.val.atk: new_shot = M_gun() new_shot.p = cur_node.val.p = self.gunfire2.insert(new_shot) cur_node =
def __getattr__(self, name): return Graph.GetActionAttr([name]
clf = LinearRegression(learning_rate=1) clf.train(x_train, y_train) price_prediction = clf.predict(x_pred) df.dropna(inplace=True) df['Prediction'] = np.nan last_date = pd.to_datetime(dt.iloc[-1]) last_sec = last_date.timestamp() one_day_sec = 86400 next_sec = last_sec + one_day_sec for i in price_prediction: next_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(next_sec) datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(next_sec) next_sec += 86400 df.loc[next_date] = [np.nan for _ in range(len(df.columns) - 1)] + [i] df = pd.DataFrame(df) pred_df = df[-120:] copy_df = copy_df.set_index('Date') pred_df = pd.DataFrame(pred_df['Prediction']) return pred_df, copy_df pred_df, df = calPred('ADANIPORTS') stkdt.storeData(pred_df) plt.plot(df, pred_df, "Stock Price Prediction of RELIANCE", 'Date', 'Price', 'blue')
def test_vertices(self): g = Graph() g.add_edge('a', 'b') g.add_edge('b', 'c') g.add_edge('c', 'a') self.assertEqual(['a', 'b', 'c'], g.vertices())
def sampling(settings, types_dict, types_dict_c, out, ncounterfactuals, clf, n_batches_train, n_samples_train, k, n_input, degree_active): argvals = settings.split() args = Helpers.getArgs(argvals) # Creating graph sess_HVAE = tf.Graph() with sess_HVAE.as_default(): # args.model_name: excluded tf_nodes = Graph.C_CHVAE_graph( args.types_file, args.types_file_c, learning_rate=1e-3, z_dim=args.dim_latent_z, y_dim=args.dim_latent_y, s_dim=args.dim_latent_s, y_dim_partition=args.dim_latent_y_partition, nsamples=1000, p=2) # start session with tf.Session(graph=sess_HVAE) as session: # Add ops to save and restore all the variables. saver = tf.train.Saver() print('Initizalizing Variables ...') tf.global_variables_initializer().run() # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Apply on training data print('Training the CHVAE ...') if (args.train == 1): start_time = time.time() # Training cycle loglik_epoch = [] KL_s_epoch = [] KL_z_epoch = [] for epoch in tqdm(range(args.epochs)): avg_loss = 0. avg_KL_s = 0. avg_KL_z = 0. samples_list = [] p_params_list = [] q_params_list = [] log_p_x_total = [] # Annealing of Gumbel-Softmax parameter tau = np.max([1.0 - 0.001 * epoch, 1e-3]) # Randomize the data in the mini-batches train_data = out['training'][1] train_data_c = out['training'][2] random_perm = np.random.permutation( range(np.shape(train_data)[0])) train_data_aux = train_data[random_perm, :] train_data_aux_c = train_data_c[random_perm, :] for i in range(n_batches_train): # Create inputs for the feed_dict data_list = Helpers.next_batch(train_data_aux, types_dict, args.batch_size, index_batch=i) # DONE data_list_c = Helpers.next_batch(train_data_aux_c, types_dict_c, args.batch_size, index_batch=i) # DONE # Create feed dictionary feedDict = { i: d for i, d in zip(tf_nodes['ground_batch'], data_list) } feedDict.update({ i: d for i, d in zip(tf_nodes['ground_batch_c'], data_list_c) }) feedDict[tf_nodes['tau_GS']] = tau feedDict[tf_nodes['batch_size']] = args.batch_size # Running VAE _, X_list, loss, KL_z, KL_s, samples, log_p_x, p_params, q_params = [ tf_nodes['optim'], tf_nodes['X'], tf_nodes['loss_re'], tf_nodes['KL_z'], tf_nodes['KL_s'], tf_nodes['samples'], tf_nodes['log_p_x'], tf_nodes['p_params'], tf_nodes['q_params'] ], feed_dict=feedDict) # Collect all samples, distirbution parameters and logliks in lists if i == 0: samples_list = [samples] p_params_list = [p_params] q_params_list = [q_params] log_p_x_total = [log_p_x] else: samples_list.append(samples) p_params_list.append(p_params) q_params_list.append(q_params) log_p_x_total.append(log_p_x) # Compute average loss avg_loss += np.mean(loss) avg_KL_s += np.mean(KL_s) avg_KL_z += np.mean(KL_z) # Concatenate samples in arrays s_total, z_total, y_total, est_data = Helpers.samples_concatenation( samples_list) # Transform discrete variables back to the original values train_data_transformed = Helpers.discrete_variables_transformation( train_data_aux[:n_batches_train * args.batch_size, :], types_dict) est_data_transformed = Helpers.discrete_variables_transformation( est_data, types_dict) # Create global dictionary of the distribution parameters p_params_complete = Helpers.p_distribution_params_concatenation( p_params_list, # DONE types_dict, args.dim_latent_z, args.dim_latent_s) q_params_complete = Helpers.q_distribution_params_concatenation( q_params_list, # DONE args.dim_latent_z, args.dim_latent_s) # Compute mean and mode of our loglik models: these correspond to the estimated values loglik_mean, loglik_mode = Helpers.statistics( p_params_complete['x'], types_dict) # DONE # Try this for the errors error_train_mean = Helpers.error_computation( train_data_transformed, loglik_mean, types_dict) error_train_mode = Helpers.error_computation( train_data_transformed, loglik_mode, types_dict) error_train_samples = Helpers.error_computation( train_data_transformed, est_data_transformed, types_dict) # Display logs per epoch step if epoch % args.display == 0: print_loss(epoch, start_time, avg_loss / n_batches_train, avg_KL_s / n_batches_train, avg_KL_z / n_batches_train) print("") # Plot evolution of test loglik loglik_per_variable = np.sum(np.concatenate(log_p_x_total, 1), 1) / n_samples_train loglik_epoch.append(loglik_per_variable) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Apply on test data for i in range(1): samples_test_list = [] test_params_list = [] log_p_x_test_list = [] data_c_list = [] test_data_counter = out['test_counter'][1] test_data_c_counter = out['test_counter'][2] y_test_counter = out['test_counter'][3] n_samples_test = test_data_counter.shape[0] # Create test minibatch data_list = Helpers.next_batch(test_data_counter, types_dict, n_samples_test, index_batch=i) data_list_c = Helpers.next_batch(test_data_c_counter, types_dict_c, n_samples_test, index_batch=i) # DONE # Constant Gumbel-Softmax parameter (where we have finished the annealing tau = 1e-3 # Create feed dictionary feedDict = { i: d for i, d in zip(tf_nodes['ground_batch'], data_list) } feedDict.update({ i: d for i, d in zip(tf_nodes['ground_batch_c'], data_list_c) }) feedDict[tf_nodes['tau_GS']] = tau feedDict[tf_nodes[ 'batch_size']] = ncounterfactuals # n_samples_test # Get samples from the generator function (computing the mode of all distributions) samples_test, log_p_x_test, test_params, theta_test, normalization_params_test, X, delta_kl = [ tf_nodes['samples_test'], tf_nodes['log_p_x_test'], tf_nodes['test_params'], tf_nodes['theta_test'], tf_nodes['normalization_params'], tf_nodes['X'], tf_nodes['delta_kl'] ], feed_dict=feedDict) samples_test_list.append(samples_test) test_params_list.append(test_params) log_p_x_test_list.append(log_p_x_test) data_c_list.append(data_list_c) # Concatenate samples in arrays s_total_test, z_total_test, y_total_test, samples_total_test = Helpers.samples_concatenation( samples_test_list) # Transform discrete variables back to the original values est_samples_transformed = Helpers.discrete_variables_transformation( samples_total_test, types_dict) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Find k Attainable Counterfactuals print('[*] Find Attainable Counterfactuals...') counter_batch_size = 1 # counterfactual batch size (i.e. look for counterfactuals one by one) data_concat = [] data_concat_c = [] counterfactuals = [] latent_tilde = [] latent = [] search_samples = args.search_samples p = args.norm_latent_space for i in tqdm(range(ncounterfactuals)): s = (k, n_input) # preallocate k spots; # inputs sz = (k, args.dim_latent_z) s = np.zeros(s) sz = np.zeros(sz) ik = 0 # counter l = 0 step = args.step_size x_adv, y_adv, z_adv, d_adv = None, None, None, None #scale test observations scaled_test, scaler_test = Helpers.standardize( test_data_counter) # get one test observation data_list = Helpers.next_batch(test_data_counter, types_dict, counter_batch_size, index_batch=i) data_list_c = Helpers.next_batch(test_data_c_counter, types_dict_c, counter_batch_size, index_batch=i) hat_y_test = np.repeat(y_test_counter[i] * 1, search_samples, axis=0) test_data_c_replicated = np.repeat( test_data_c_counter[i, :].reshape(1, -1), search_samples, axis=0) replicated_scaled_test = np.repeat(scaled_test[i, :].reshape( 1, -1), search_samples, axis=0) # get replicated observations (observation replicated nsamples times) #replicated_scaled_test = Helpers.replicate_data_list(data_list_scaled, search_samples) replicated_data_list = Helpers.replicate_data_list( data_list, search_samples) replicated_data_list_c = Helpers.replicate_data_list( data_list_c, search_samples) replicated_z = np.repeat(z_total_test[i].reshape( -1, args.dim_latent_z), search_samples, axis=0) h = l + step # counter to stop count = 0 counter_step = 1 max_step = 500 while True: count = count + counter_step if (count > max_step) == True: sz = None s = None z = z_total_test[i].reshape(-1, args.dim_latent_z) break if degree_active == 1: #choose all latent features for search delta_z = np.random.randn( search_samples, replicated_z.shape[1] ) # d = np.random.rand(search_samples) * ( h - l) + l # length range [l, h) norm_p = np.linalg.norm(delta_z, ord=p, axis=1) d_norm = np.divide(d, norm_p).reshape( -1, 1) # rescale/normalize factor delta_z = np.multiply(delta_z, d_norm) z_tilde = replicated_z + delta_z # z tilde else: delta_z = np.random.randn( search_samples, replicated_z.shape[1] ) # d = np.random.rand(search_samples) * ( h - l) + l # length range [l, h) norm_p = np.linalg.norm(delta_z, ord=p, axis=1) d_norm = np.divide(d, norm_p).reshape( -1, 1) # rescale/normalize factor delta_z = np.multiply(delta_z, d_norm) mask = np.tile( delta_kl[3][0, :] * 1, (search_samples, 1)) # only alter most important latent features delta_z = np.multiply(delta_z, mask) z_tilde = replicated_z + delta_z # create feed dictionary feedDict = { i: d for i, d in zip(tf_nodes['ground_batch'], replicated_data_list) } feedDict.update({ i: d for i, d in zip(tf_nodes['ground_batch_c'], replicated_data_list_c) }) feedDict[tf_nodes['samples_z']] = z_tilde feedDict[tf_nodes['tau_GS']] = tau feedDict[tf_nodes['batch_size']] = search_samples theta_perturbed, samples_perturbed = [ tf_nodes['theta_perturbed'], tf_nodes['samples_perturbed'] ], feed_dict=feedDict) x_tilde, params_x_perturbed = Evaluation.loglik_evaluation_test( X_list, theta_perturbed, normalization_params_test, types_dict) x_tilde = np.concatenate(x_tilde, axis=1) scaled_tilde = scaler_test.transform(x_tilde) d_scale = np.sum(np.abs(scaled_tilde - replicated_scaled_test), axis=1) x_tilde = np.c_[test_data_c_replicated, x_tilde] y_tilde = clf.predict(x_tilde) indices_adv = np.where(y_tilde == 0)[0] if len(indices_adv) == 0: # no candidate generated l = h h = l + step elif all(s[k - 1, :] == 0): # not k candidates generated indx = indices_adv[np.argmin(d_scale[indices_adv])] assert (y_tilde[indx] != 1) s[ik, :] = x_tilde[indx, :] sz[ik, :] = z_tilde[indx, :] z = z_total_test[i].reshape(-1, args.dim_latent_z) ik = ik + 1 # up the count l = h h = l + step else: # k candidates genereated break data_concat.append(np.concatenate(data_list, axis=1)) data_concat_c.append(np.concatenate(data_list_c, axis=1)) counterfactuals.append(s) latent_tilde.append(sz) latent.append(z) cchvae_counterfactuals = np.array(counterfactuals) return cchvae_counterfactuals