Пример #1
\033[1mHow to play:\n\033[0m
Move all the discs from the first pole to the third one by one.
Rule: a larger disc cannot be placed on top of a smaller disc.\n
Coded by Avery

# populating stack with discs
# only caters to 2 and 4 atm because of the layout 
# but algo will work for any number of discs
disc = h.prompt_start("Number of discs (min: 3, max: 10): ")
for i in range(disc, 0, -1):

while 1: 
    h.view_all(disc, a, b, c)
    x, y = h.prompt("Type \"0 0\" to auto-solve. \nDisc to move (eg type \"1 2\" to move disc from pole 1 to pole 2):\n")

    # user entered auto-solve
    if x == 0 and y == 0:
        h.view_all(disc, a, b, c)
        h.backtrack(disc, poles, moves)

    # user entered pole numbers to move
        # if move is valid
        if h.move_disc(poles[x - 1], poles[y - 1]) == 1:
            moves.push([x, y])
            h.view_all(disc, a, b, c)