Пример #1
	def get_sigs(cls, dest_base_rpath):
		"""Yield signatures of any changed destination files

		If we are backing up across a pipe, we must flush the pipeline
		every so often so it doesn't get congested on destination end.

		flush_threshold = Globals.pipeline_max_length - 2
		num_rorps_seen = 0
		for src_rorp, dest_rorp in cls.CCPP:
			if (Globals.backup_reader is not Globals.backup_writer):
				num_rorps_seen += 1
				if (num_rorps_seen > flush_threshold):
					num_rorps_seen = 0
					yield iterfile.MiscIterFlushRepeat
			if not (src_rorp and dest_rorp and src_rorp == dest_rorp and
				(not Globals.preserve_hardlinks or
				 Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp))):

				index = src_rorp and src_rorp.index or dest_rorp.index
				sig = cls.get_one_sig(dest_base_rpath, index,
									  src_rorp, dest_rorp)
				if sig:
					yield sig