def findKthLargestElement(nums: list, k: int):
    The problem here is to find the Kth Largest Element from the array.
    to solve this we could've used sort and given the answer but it would've cost us O(N*logN) where N is the number of elements in the array

    to even optimize that solution we can use heaps.
    the idea here is:
    1. create a min-heap with adding all the values as negative to it
    2. deleting till second last step
    3. returning the element at the last step as the answer

    T - O(N +K*log(N)) where K is the position of Kth largest element and N is the number of elements in the array

    h = Heap.BinaryHeap()
    [h.insert(-num) for num in nums]
    [h.delete() for _ in range(k - 1)]

    return -h.delete()