Пример #1
def main():

    # It gives the user the option to choose the (odd) level up to where he will come to explore the minMax
    level = input("Choose the depth you want to get to explore the tree : ")
    # From the rules of Othello the starting player is always black
    # Remember: k--> black, w--> white, '-'--> empty cell
    turn = 'k'

    print("All the moves of the play are saved in the file.\n")

    # Each play is saved on a file
    file_name = input("Choose a name for the file: ")
    file_path = "output/{}.txt".format(file_name)
    print("Please, wait...\n")
    out = open(file_path, "w")
    start = t.time()

    out.write("Starting player is: {}\n".format(turn))
    out.write("Level: {}\n\n\n".format(level))

    heuristic = he.OthelloHeuristic()
    othello = g.OthelloGame(heuristic)

    # Initial state of the game
    ix = othello.state
    out.write("\nInitial configuration: \n {}\n\n".format(

    #Start the game
    while True:
        # Save the states that it's possible to reach from the current state knowing the current turn
        states = othello.neighbors(turn, ix)
        # Initial value gives to find a better heuristic value (it is valid only in the first iteration, in next
        # iterations will be save the best heuristic value compute)
        mx = -9999
        # Save the last state in ix on prev because we must denied to stay always in the same state at least it is the
        # only possible move
        prev = ix

        # Start to explore the states
        for s in states:
            # for each state in states
            # if the state is the previous one make it less valuable (so you will not choose always the same state at
            # least it is the only possible move)
            if s == prev:
                # set h to -500 (arbitrary low)
                h = -500
            # if the state is not equal to the previus one
                # compute the heuristic on the state s
                h = heuristic.MinMax(othello, s, level, turn)

            # if the returned value from the heuristic method is grather than mx
            if h > mx:
                # save the new value in mx
                mx = h
                # save the state associate to the best heuristic value found
                ix = s

        # Write the move's player on the file
        out.write("\nplayer {}, move:\n {}\n\n".format(
            turn, ix.representation.board))
        print("player {}, move:\n {}\n\n".format(turn,

        # Return the winner of the game
        winner = ix.is_final()

        # If ther's a winner
        if winner is not None:
            print("The game is finished! The winnwr is: {}".format(winner))
            # write the winner in the file
            out.write("The winner is player: {}\n".format(winner))
            end = t.time() - start
            # close file
            out.write("The time spent is: {}".format(end))

            print("The time spent is: {}".format(end))
        # otherwise give the control to the other player
        turn = he.OthelloHeuristic.get_enemy_color(turn)
Пример #2
def main():

    level = input("Insert level (odd number): ")

    # the play will be saved in this file
    file_name = "_plays/othello_{}.txt".format(
    out = open(file_name, "w")

    heuristic = heur.OthelloHeuristic()
    othello = game.OthelloGame(heuristic)

    # k start first
    turn = 'k'

    logging.info("starting player: {}, initial board:\n {}\n\n".format(
        turn, np.array(cp.copy(game.initial_board))))

    ix = othello.state

    start = time.time()

    while True:

        states = othello.neighbors(turn, ix)
        mx = -9999
        # store previous board
        previous = ix

        # cycle through the neighbors
        for s in states:
            # if the state is the previous one make it less valuable (so you will not get stuck)
            if s == previous:
                h = -1000
                # compute the heuristic value of the state s
                h = heuristic.Hl(othello, s, level, turn)

                "possible move for player {}; state = \n {} \n heuristic = {}\n"
                .format(turn, s.representation.board, h))
            if h > mx:
                mx = h
                ix = s

        # at the end ix will contain the best state of the neighbor, log the state and write it in the out file
        logging.info("MOVE: player {} = \n {}\n\n".format(
            turn, ix.representation.board))
        out.write("MOVE: player {} = \n {}\n\n".format(
            turn, ix.representation.board))

        # check whether the state is final
        winner = ix.is_final()

        # if there is a winner print it and quit
        if winner is not None:
            elapsed_time = time.time() - start
            logging.info("The winner is player: {}".format(winner))
            logging.info("Elapsed time: {}".format(elapsed_time))

            out.write("The winner is player: {}\n".format(winner))
            out.write("Elapsed time: {}".format(elapsed_time))

        turn = heur.OthelloHeuristic.get_enemy_color(turn)