Пример #1
def OptzymeGroups(experiment):
    """Describe the objectives and Molecule present in the system"""
    # Validate the Optzyme Groups
    error = VALIDATE.OptzymeGroups(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the text here
    text = "\nThe Optzyme Groups\n"
    # Go through the groups
    for group in experiment["Optzyme Groups"]:
        RHS = group[1].capitalize() + " " + group[0].capitalize()
        if group[0].capitalize() == "Kcat":
            RHS += " with a weight of " + str(group[2])
        for i in range(len(group[3])):
            RHS += " using "
            if group[3][i][0] == "improve":
                RHS += "TSA Molecules:"
                RHS += "ground Molecules:"
            for mol in group[3][i][1:]:
                RHS += " " + mol
            if len(group[3]) == 2 and i == 0:
                RHS += " and"
        text += standard_format("Optzyme Group", RHS)
    return text
Пример #2
def Molecules(experiment):
    """Describe the Molecules being used in an experiment"""
    # Validate the Molecules
    error = VALIDATE.Molecules(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the text here
    text = "\nThe Molecules used in the experiment\n"
    # Go through the Molecules
    for data in experiment["Molecules"]:
        # Create the LHS of the text
        LHS = "Molecule"
        # And the RHS
        RHS = "Molecule "
        # If the Molecule's name is a blank, use '_'
        if data[1] == ' ':
            RHS += "_"
            RHS += data[1]
        RHS += " from file " + data[0] + " is "
        if data[2].design:
            RHS += "Design Molecule "
            RHS += "Target Molecule "
        RHS += data[2].name
        # Add this to the text
        text += standard_format(LHS, RHS)
    # Add text listing Dimers, if there are any
    text += Dimers(experiment)
    return text
Пример #3
def load_Experiment_Details():
    """Try to load the Experiment_Details.txt file"""
    # Store the information from the file here
    data = {}
    # Try to open the file
        f = open("Experiment_Details.txt", "r")
    except IOError:
        text = "There is no Experiment Details file"
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
    # Go through the contents of the file
    for line in f:
        # Get the index of the first ':'. If there isn't one, skip this line
            i = line.index(':')
        except ValueError:
        # Split the line on that value
        attribute = line[:i].strip()
        info = line[i + 1:].strip()
        # Store the attribute in data, as appropriate
        # If this is the first instance of this attribute occuring, store it as
        # a string
        if attribute not in data:
            data[attribute] = info
            # if the current value is a string, change it to a list
            if isinstance(data[attribute], str):
                data[attribute] = [data[attribute]]
            # Store the new information in the list
    # close the file and return the data
    return data
Пример #4
def rotamer_info(experiment):
    """Describe how to use rotamers"""
    # Validate the rotamer information
    error = VALIDATE.rotamer_info(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store formatted text here
    text = "\nHow to use rotamers\n"
    # Go through the attributes
    for name in ['Rotamer Library', 'Rotamer Window', 'Max Rotamer Number', \
                 'Packing Cutoff', 'Packing Method', 'Packing Selection']:
        text += standard_format(name, experiment[name])
    return text
Пример #5
def IPRO_info(experiment):
    """Provide a description of how IPRO should be run"""
    # Validate the IPRO information
    error = VALIDATE.IPRO_info(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the formatted text here
    text = "\nHow to run IPRO\n"
    # Go through the attributes
    for name in ['IPRO Iterations', "IPRO Annealing Temperature", \
                 "Annealing Sharing", "Energy Calculation"]:
        text += standard_format(name, experiment[name])
    return text
Пример #6
def Restraints(experiment):
    """Create text describing the 4 types of structure restraints"""
    # Validate the restraints that exist
    error = VALIDATE.Restraints(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the formatted text here
    text = ''
    # Add the text for each type of restraint
    text += fixedAtoms(experiment)
    text += position_restraints(experiment)
    text += distance_restraints(experiment)
    text += dihedral_restraints(experiment)
    return text
Пример #7
def DesignGroups(experiment):
    """Describe what Molecules are simultaneously present in the system"""
    # Validate the Design Groups
    error = VALIDATE.DesignGroups(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the text here
    text = "\nThe Design Groups\n"
    # Go through the groups
    for group in experiment["Design Groups"]:
        RHS = group[0].capitalize() + " binding to Molecules:"
        for i in range(1, len(group)):
            RHS += " " + group[i]
        text += standard_format("Design Group", RHS)
    return text
Пример #8
def basic_info(experiment, data):
    """Load the basic information into the Experiment"""
    # Store any generated errors here
    errors = ''
    # Go through the basic pieces of information for the experiment
    for attribute in ['User', 'Type', 'Name', 'File Format', 'Force Field', \
        errors += standard_load(attribute, experiment, data, "string")
    # Make sure the Folder is valid
    if errors == '':
        if os.getcwd() + "/" != experiment["Folder"]:
            errors += "\nThe Experiment is not located in this folder:\n"
            errors += experiment["Folder"]
    if errors != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(errors)
Пример #9
def docking_info(experiment):
    """Create text describing how to run docking"""
    # Validate the docking information
    error = VALIDATE.docking_info(experiment)
    # If there's a problem, raise an error
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # STore the text here
    text = "\nHow to run Docking\n"
    # Go through the attributes
    for attribute in ['Docking Frequency', 'Docking Iterations', \
    'Docking SD Movements', 'Docking SD Rotations', 'Docking Start Temp', \
    'Docking End Temp']:
        text += standard_format(attribute, experiment[attribute])
    return text
Пример #10
def PermittedKinds(experiment):
    """Specific limits on how Residues may mutate"""
    # Validate the permitted kinds
    error = VALIDATE.PermittedKinds(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the formatted text here
    text = ''
    if "Permitted Kinds" in experiment and experiment["Permitted Kinds"] != {}:
        # Create a header for the information
        text += "\nPermitted Kinds of Amino Acid Mutations\n"
        # Get the Molecule names
        mns = list(experiment["Permitted Kinds"].keys())
        # Go through the Molecules
        for mn in mns:
            # Get the Residue names
            rns = list(experiment["Permitted Kinds"][mn].keys())
            # Sort the Residue names manually
            # Ironically, the first step is to sort them automatically
            # Now sort them manually
            sorted = False
            while not sorted:
                sorted = True
                for i in range(len(rns) - 1):
                        n1 = int(rns[i])
                    except ValueError:
                        n1 = int(rns[i][:-1])
                        n2 = int(rns[i + 1])
                    except ValueError:
                        n2 = int(rns[i + 1][:-1])
                    # If appropriate, reverse the order of the entries
                    if n2 < n1:
                        temp = rns[i]
                        rns[i] = rns[i + 1]
                        rns[i + 1] = temp
                        sorted = False
            # Output the information about each Residue
            for rn in rns:
                RHS = 'Residue ' + rn + " in Molecule " + mn + ":"
                for aa in experiment["Permitted Kinds"][mn][rn]:
                    RHS += " " + aa
                text += standard_format("Permitted Kinds", RHS)
    return text
Пример #11
def position_restraints(experiment):
    """Describe position restraints"""
    # Error checking is done in the restraints function. Store the text here
    text = ''
    # If there are position restraints
    if "Restraints" in experiment and "Position" in experiment["Restraints"]:
        # go through the restraints
        for restraint in experiment["Restraints"]["Position"]:
            # Create the text
            RHS = ""
            if restraint[3] == 'all':
                RHS += "All Atoms in "
                RHS += "Atom " + restraint[3] + " in "
            if restraint[2] == "all":
                RHS += "all Residues in "
                RHS += "Residue " + restraint[2] + " in "
            if restraint[1] == 'all':
                RHS += "all Molecules in "
                RHS += "Molecule " + restraint[1] + " in "
            if restraint[0] == 'all':
                RHS += "all Design Groups"
                RHS += "Design Group " + str(restraint[0])
            # Have a different method for each force field
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                RHS += ", using a force constant of "
                RHS += format(restraint[4], '.3f') + ", to "
                if len(restraint) == 6:
                    RHS += "Design Group " + str(restraint[5])
                elif restraint[3] == 'all':
                    RHS += "their initial positions"
                    RHS += "its initial position"
                text = "The I/O OUTPUT position restraints function does not "
                text += 'support the ' + str(experiment["Force Field"])
                text += " force field."
                raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
            # Store the information in the text
            text += standard_format("Position Restraint", RHS)
        # If there are position restraints, modify the text
        if text != '':
            text = "\nRestraints on Atom Positions\n" + text
    return text
Пример #12
def OptCDR_info(experiment):
    """Provide a description of how OptCDR should be run"""
    # Validate the OptCDR information
    error = VALIDATE.OptCDR_info(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the formatted text here
    text = "\nHow to run OptCDR\n"
    # Output the home OptCDR directory
    text += standard_format('Home Directory', experiment['Optcdr Path'])
    # If it is a path within the home OptCDR directory, save the path relative
    # to the home directory
    for LHS, name in zip(['Canonical Folder', 'Clash File', 'Position File', \
                           'Cluster Folder'], ['Optcdr Canonical Path', \
                           'Optcdr Clash Path', 'Optcdr Gaussian Path', \
                           'Optcdr Cluster Folder']):
        value = experiment[name].replace(experiment['Optcdr Path'], '')
        text += standard_format(LHS, value)
    # Go through the other attributes
    for name in [
            'Optcdr Chains', 'Optcdr Positions', 'Optcdr Libraries',
            'Optcdr Usage Patterns'
        text += standard_format(name, experiment[name])
    # Since the 'OptCDR Rotations' attribute is a dictionary, split the data
    # by molecule name
    for mn in experiment['Optcdr Rotations']:
        LHS = "Antigen Rotation: "
        RHS = experiment['Optcdr Rotations'][mn].capitalize() + " in Molecule"
        RHS += " " + mn + "\n"
        # Add this to the existing text
        text += standard_format(LHS, RHS)
    # Similarly, split the 'OptCDR Frameworks' dictionary by the chain type
    for chain in experiment['Optcdr Frameworks']:
        LHS = chain.capitalize() + " Framework: "
        RHS = "MOLECULE "
        # If the Molecule's name is a blank space, use an underscore
        if experiment['Optcdr Frameworks'][chain][1] == ' ':
            RHS += "_"
            RHS += experiment['Optcdr Frameworks'][chain][1]
        RHS += " from file " + experiment['Optcdr Frameworks'][chain][0]
        RHS += " is Design Molecule "
        RHS += experiment['Optcdr Frameworks'][chain][2].name
        # Add this to the text
        text += standard_format(LHS, RHS)
    return text
Пример #13
def refinement_info(experiment):
    """Create text describing how to run structure refinements"""
    # Validate the refinement information
    error = VALIDATE.refinement_info(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the formatted text here
    text = "\nHow to do Structure Refinements\n"
    # Go through the attributes
    for name in ['Do Refinement', 'Refinement Iterations', \
                 'Ensemble Number']:
        # If this is a mutator experiment, skip the do refinement attribute
        if "Type" in experiment and experiment["Type"] == "Mutator" and name \
        == "Do Refinement":
        text += standard_format(name, experiment[name])
    return text
Пример #14
def Dimers(experiment):
    """If there are Dimers in an experiment, list them"""
    # Validate the Dimer information
    error = VALIDATE.Dimers(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the text here
    text = ''
    # Go through the dimers
    if "Dimers" in experiment:
        for pair in experiment["Dimers"]:
            RHS = "Molecules " + pair[0] + " and " + pair[1]
            text += standard_format("Dimers", RHS)
    # If there is Dimer information, give a heading
    if text != '':
        text = "\nMolecules that are Dimers\n" + text
    return text
Пример #15
def Mutants(experiment):
    """List the mutations of each mutant"""
    # Validate the mutants
    error = VALIDATE.Mutants(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the text here
    text = "\nMutants\n"
    # Go through the mutants
    for i, mutant in enumerate(experiment["Mutants"]):
        # Go through the mutations
        for mutation in mutant:
            RHS = "Mutant " + str(i + 1) + ": Mutate Residue "
            RHS += mutation[1] + " in Molecule " + mutation[0] + " to "
            RHS += mutation[2]
            text += standard_format("Mutation", RHS)
    return text
Пример #16
def CHARMM_info(experiment):
    """Create formatted text describing how to use CHARMM."""
    # Store the formatted text here
    text = ''
    # Only do this if the Experiment is using the CHARMM force field
    if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
        # Validate the force field information
        error = VALIDATE.CHARMM_info(experiment)
        if error != '':
            raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
        # Give the text an appropriate header
        text = "\nHow to use CHARMM\n"
        # Since the information is all correct, loop through the attributes
        for name in ['CHARMM Topology Files', 'CHARMM Parameter Files', \
                     'CHARMM Energy Terms', 'CHARMM Iterations', 'Lj Phi']:
            # Include each piece of information
            text += standard_format(name, experiment[name])
    return text
Пример #17
def solvation_info(experiment):
    """Provide information about how to use implicit solvation"""
    # Validate the information
    error = VALIDATE.solvation_info(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the formatted text here
    text = "\nHow to use Implicit Solvation\n"
    # Go through the variables one at a time...
    text += standard_format("Use Solvation", experiment["Use Solvation"])
    # If solvation is being used, say the type
    if experiment["Use Solvation"]:
        text += standard_format("Solvation Type", \
                                    experiment["Solvation Type"])
        # If LK solvation is being used, list those file
        if experiment["Solvation Type"] == "Lazaridis-Karplus":
            text += standard_format("LK Solvation Files", \
                                        experiment["LK Solvation Files"])
    return text
Пример #18
def basic_info(experiment):
    """Check that the Experiment has all basic information."""
    # Store any generated errors here
    errors = ''
    # Loop through the attributes
    for name in ['User', 'Type', 'Name', 'File Format', 'Force Field','Folder']:
        # If the attribute is missing
        if name not in experiment:
            text += "\nThe " + name + " attribute is missing."
            # If it's not missing, check its value
                CHECK.basic_info(name, experiment[name])
            except FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError as error:
                errors += str(error)
    # Unlike in other validation functions, if there is a problem with basic
    # information the experiment should immediately die instead of searching for
    # other errors
    if errors != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(errors[1:])
Пример #19
def DesignPositions(experiment):
    """List what Residues are permitted to mutate"""
    # Validate the Design Positions
    error = VALIDATE.DesignPositions(experiment)
    if error != '':
        raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(error)
    # Store the text here
    text = ''
    # If this isn't an OptMAVEn or OptCDR experiment, list the Design Positions
    if "Type" in experiment and experiment["Type"] in ['OptMAVEn', 'OptCDR']:
        text += "\nResidues that are Permitted to Mutate\n"
        # Go through the Molecules
        for mn in experiment["Design Positions"]:
            # Go through the Residues
            for rn in experiment["Design Positions"][mn]:
                # Create the RHS
                RHS = "Residue " + rn + " in Molecule " + mn
                text += standard_format("Design Position", RHS)
    return text
Пример #20
def distance_restraints(experiment):
    """Create text describing distance restraints"""
    # Error checking is done in the restraints function. Store the distance
    # restraints here
    text = ''
    # If there are restraints
    if "Restraints" in experiment and "Distance" in experiment["Restraints"]:
        # Go through the restraints
        for restraint in experiment["Restraints"]["Distance"]:
            # Start creating the RHS
            RHS = "Between "
            # List the two atoms
            for i in range(1, 3):
                RHS += "Atom " + restraint[i][2] + " in Residue " + \
                       restraint[i][1] + " in Molecule " + restraint[i][0]
                if i == 1:
                    RHS += " and "
            # Say the Design Group
            if restraint[0] == 'all':
                RHS += " in all Design Groups"
                RHS += " in Design Group " + str(restraint[0])
            # Have a different method for the remaining values based on force
            # field
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                names = ['KMIN', 'RMIN', 'KMAX', 'RMAX', 'FMAX']
                for j in range(len(names)):
                    RHS += " " + names[j] + ": " + format(
                        restraint[3 + j], '.3f')
                text = "The I/O OUTPUT distance restraints function does not "
                text += "support the " + experiment[
                    "Force Field"] + " force field"
                raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
            # Include the text
            text += standard_format("Distance Restraint", RHS)
        # If text was created
        if text != '':
            text = "\nRestraints on Atom-Atom distances\n" + text
    return text
Пример #21
def dihedral_restraints(experiment):
    """Create text describing dihedral angle restraints"""
    # Error checking is done in the restraints function. Store the text here
    text = ''
    # If there are restraints
    if "Restraints" in experiment and "Dihedral" in experiment["Restraints"]:
        # Go through them
        for restraint in experiment["Restraints"]["Dihedral"]:
            # Start creating this restraint
            RHS = "Between "
            for i in range(1, 5):
                if i == 4:
                    RHS += "and "
                RHS += "Atom " + restraint[i][2] + " in Residue "
                RHS += restraint[i][1] + " in Molecule " + restraint[i][0]
                if i != 4:
                    RHS += ", "
            # Say the Design Group
            if restraint[0] == 'all':
                RHS += " in all Design Groups"
                RHS += " in Design Group " + str(restraint[0])
            # Have a different method for the remaining terms based on force
            # field
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                RHS += " using a force constant of " + format(
                    restraint[5], '.3f')
                RHS += " to a minimum angle of " + format(restraint[6], '.3f')
                text = "The I/O OUTPUT dihedral restraints function does not "
                text += "support the " + experiment[
                    "Force Field"] + " force field."
                raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
            # Add the restraint to the text
            text += standard_format("Dihedral Restraint", RHS)
        # If there are restraints, give htem a header
        if text != '':
            text = "\nRestraints on Dihedral Angles\n" + text
    return text
Пример #22
def Molecules(experiment, data):
    """Load the information about which Molecules are being used"""
    # Store errors here
    errors = ''
    # If there is no Molecule information
    if "Molecule" not in data:
        errors += "\nThere is no Molecule information"
        # If the information is a string, change it to a list
        if isinstance(data["Molecule"], str):
            data["Molecule"] = [data["Molecule"]]
        # Store the Molecules in this list
        molecules = []
        # Go through each entry in that list
        for line in data["Molecule"]:
            # Split the line on whitespace
            items = line.split()
            # The line should be organized as follows
            # Molecule mn1 from file fn is DESIGN Molecule mn2
            # 0        1   2    3    4  5  6      7        8
            if len(items) != 9:
                errors += "\nThe following is not a properly formatted Molecule"
                errors += " declaration:\n" + line
            # Get the information
            mn1 = items[1]
            fn = items[4]
            ds = items[6]
            if ds.lower() == "design":
                design = True
            elif ds.lower() == "target":
                design = False
                errors += "\n" + ds + " is not a declaration of a Molecule's " \
                       + "Design status."
            mn2 = items[8]
            # Try to load the relevant Molecule. Generate its expected name
            fileName = "Molecule" + mn2
            if experiment["File Format"] == "PDB":
                fileName += ".pdb"
                text = "The LOADING Molecules function does not support the "
                text += experiment["File Format"] + " file format."
                raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
            # Load the Molecule
                f = CHECK.for_file(fileName, "./", True)
            except FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError as error:
                errors += str(error)
            lines = f.readlines()
            # Try to make a Molecule
                molecule = MOLECULES.Molecule(lines, None, None, mn2, design, \
                           experiment['Force Field'], experiment['File Format'])
            except MOLECULES.MoleculeError as error:
                errors += str(error)
            # Store the molecule in the list
            molecules.append([fn, mn1, molecule])
        # Store the Molecules in the Experiment
            experiment["Molecules"] = molecules
        except IPRO_Error as error:
            errors += str(error)
    return errors
Пример #23
def OptCDR_frameworks(experiment, data):
    """Load the specific frameworks specified within OptCDR"""
    # Store the errors here
    errors = ''
    # If there is no framework information, store an empty dictionary
    if "Heavy Framework" not in data and "Light Framework" not in data:
        experiment["Optcdr Frameworks"] = {}
        # Store the framework information in this dictionary
        frameworks = {}
        # Go through the specifications
        for kind in ["Heavy", "Light"]:
            # If this kind of framework is not specified, skip it
            name = kind + " Framework"
            if name not in data:
            # Otherwise, store the information
            # If the information is a string, change it to a list
            if isinstance(data[name], str):
                data[name] = [data[name]]
            # Store the Molecules in this list
            molecules = []
            # Go through each entry in the data
            for line in data[name]:
                # Split the line on whitespace
                items = line.split()
                # The line should be organized as follows
                # Molecule mn1 from file fn is DESIGN Molecule mn2
                # 0        1   2    3    4  5  6      7        8
                if len(items) != 9:
                    errors += "\nThe following is not a properly formatted "
                    errors += "Molecule for framework specification:\n" + line
                # Get the information
                mn1 = items[1]
                fn = items[4]
                ds = items[6]
                if ds.lower() == "design":
                    design = True
                elif ds.lower() == "target":
                    design = False
                    errors += "\n" + ds + " is not a declaration of a " + \
                    "Molecule's Design status for framework specification."
                mn2 = items[8]
                # Try to load the relevant Molecule. Generate its expected name
                fileName = "Molecule" + mn2
                if experiment["File Format"] == "PDB":
                    fileName += ".pdb"
                    text = "The LOADING Molecules function does not support " +\
                    "the " + experiment["File Format"] + " file format."
                    raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
                # Load the Molecule
                    f = CHECK.for_file(fileName, "./", True)
                except FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError as error:
                    errors += str(error)
                lines = f.readlines()
                # Try to make a Molecule
                    molecule = MOLECULES.Molecule(lines, None, None, mn2, \
                               design, experiment["Force Field"], \
                               experiment["File Format"])
                except MOLECULES.MoleculeError as error:
                    errors += str(error)
                # Store the molecule in the list
                molecules.append([fn, mn1, molecule, 'Antibody'])
            # Store the molecules in the framework dictionary
                frameworks[kind.lower()] = molecules
            except IPRO_Error as error:
                errors += str(error)
        # Store the framework dictionary in the experiment
        experiment["Optcdr Frameworks"] = frameworks
    return errors
Пример #24
def position_restraints(experiment, data):
    """Load information restraining Atom positions"""
    # Store errors here
    errors = ''
    # This information does not have to exist
    if "Position Restraint" in data:
        # Make sure it is a list
        if isinstance(data["Position Restraint"], str):
            data["Position Restraint"] = [data["Position Restraint"]]
        # Store the restraints in this list
        restraints = []
        # Go through each line
        for line in data["Position Restraint"]:
            # The line formatting depends on the force field, so here are the
            # options
            # CHARMM
            # Atom an in Residue rn in Molecule mn in Design Group gn, using a
            # force constant of fn, to Design Group gn2
            # 0    1  2  3       4  5  6        7  8  9      10    11  12    13
            # 14    15       16 17  18 19     20    21
            # Currently there are no other force fields
            # For most options, can say 'all (Atoms) in' instead of (Atom) an in
            # Can also say 'its initial position' instead of 'Design Group gn2'
            items = line.split()
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                if len(items) != 22:
                    errors += "\nThe following line is not a valid CHARMM "
                    errors += "position restraint specification:\n" + line
            # If the force field isn't supported
                text = "The LOADING position restraints function does not "
                text += "support the " + experiment["Force Field"] + " force "
                text += 'field'
                raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
            # Get the Molecule information
            if items[0].lower() == 'all':
                an = 'all'
                an = items[1]
            if items[3].lower() == 'all':
                rn = 'all'
                rn = items[4]
            if items[6] == 'all':
                mn = 'all'
                mn = items[7]
            if items[9] == 'all':
                gn = 'all'
                    gn = int(items[11][:-1])
                except ValueError:
                    errors += "\nThe following is not a validly formatted "
                    errors += "position restraint:\n" + line
            # Put that in a restraint
            restraint = [gn, mn, rn, an]
            # Have a different method based on force field
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                # Store the force constant
                except ValueError:
                    errors += "\nThe following line doesn't contain a force "
                    errors += "constant:\n" + line
            # Determine if the restraint is to a particular position or its
            # initial position
            if items[19].capitalize() == "Design":
                except ValueError:
                    errors += "\nThe following position restraint isn't "
                    errors += "formatted properly:\n" + line
            # Store the restraint
        # Check the restraints
            CHECK.position_restraints(restraints, experiment)
            # Store the restraint
            if "Restraints" not in experiment:
                experiment["Restraints"] = {}
            experiment["Restraints"]["Position"] = restraints
        # If there was an error checking the restraints, show that
        except FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError as error:
            errors += str(error)
    return errors
Пример #25
def distance_restraints(experiment, data):
    """Load the information about restraints on the distances between Atoms"""
    # Store errors here
    errors = ''
    # There doesn't have to be this information
    if "Distance Restraint" in data:
        # Make sure it is a list
        if isinstance(data["Distance Restraint"], str):
            data["Distance Restraint"] = [data["Distance Restraint"]]
        # Store the restraints in this list
        restraints = []
        # Go through the lines of text
        for line in data["Distance Restraint"]:
            # The formatting is dependent on the force field
            # CHARMM
            # Between Atom an1 in Residue rn1 in Molecule mn1 and Atom an2 in
            # Residue rn2 in Molecule mn2 in Design Group gn KMIN: N1 RMIN: N2
            # KMAX: N3 RMAX: N4 FMAX: N5
            # 0       1    2   3  4       5   6  7        8   9   10   11  12
            # 13      14  15 16       17  18 19     20    21 22    23 24    25
            # 26    27 28    29 30    31
            # There are currently no other force fields
            items = line.split()
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                if len(items) != 32:
                    errors += "\nThe following is not a valid CHARMM distance "
                    errors += "restraint specification:\n" + line
                text = "The LOADING distance restraints function does not "
                text += "support the " + experiment["Force Field"]
                text += " force field."
                raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
            # Start assembling the information
            if items[19].lower() == 'all':
                gn = 'all'
                    gn = int(items[21])
                except ValueError:
                    errors += "\nThe following is not a validly formatted "
                    errors += "distance restraint:\n" + line
            restraint = [gn, [items[8], items[5], items[2]], [items[17], \
                         items[14], items[11]]]
            # Store the remaining information based on the force field
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                problem = False
                for i in [23, 25, 27, 29, 31]:
                    except ValueError:
                        errors += "\nThe following is not a validly formatted "
                        errors += "CHARMM distance restraint:\n" + line
                        problem = True
                if problem:
            # Store the restraint
        # Check the restraints
            CHECK.distance_restraints(restraints, experiment)
            if "Restraints" not in experiment:
                experiment["Restraints"] = {}
            experiment["Restraints"]["Distance"] = restraints
        # If there was an error, store that information
        except FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError as error:
            errors += str(error)
    return errors
Пример #26
def dihedral_restraints(experiment, data):
    """Load the information about dihedral angle restraints"""
    # Store errors here
    errors = ''
    # There doesn't have to be any restraints
    if "Dihedral Restraint" in experiment:
        # Make sure it is a list
        if isinstance(data["Dihedral Restraint"], str):
            data["Dihedral Restraint"] = [data["Dihedral Restraint"]]
        # Store the restraints in this list
        restraints = []
        # Go through the lines
        for line in data["Dihedral Restraint"]:
            # CHARMM formatting (this is long because there are 4 Atom
            # specifications)
            # Between Atom an1 in Residue rn1 in Molecule mn1, Atom an2 in
            # Residue rn2 in Molecule mn2, Atom an3 in Residue rn3 in Molecule
            # mn3, and Atom an4 in Residue rn4 in Molecule mn4 in Design Group
            # gn using a force constant of N1 to a minimum angle of N2
            # 0       1    2   3  4       5   6  7        8    9    10  11
            # 12      13  14 15       16   17   18  19 20      21  22 23
            # 24   25  26   27  28 29      30  31 32       33  34 35     36
            # 37 38    39 40   41       42 43 44 45 46     47    48 49
            items = line.split()
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                if len(items) != 50:
                    errors += "\nThe following is not a validly formatted "
                    errors += "CHARMM Dihedral Restraint:\n" + line
                text = "The LOADING dihedral restraints function does not "
                text += "support the " + experiment["Force Field"]
                text += " force field."
                raise FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError(text)
            # Get the Design Group specification
            if items[35].lower() == 'all':
                gn = 'all'
                    gn = int(items[37])
                except ValueError:
                    errors += "\nThe following is not a validly formatted "
                    errors += "dihedral restraint:\n" + line
            # Store the information
            restraint = [gn, [items[8][:-1], items[5], items[2]], \
                             [items[16][:-1], items[13], items[10]], \
                             [items[24][:-1], items[21], items[18]], \
                             [items[33], items[30], items[27]]]
            # Store the remaining information based on force field
            if experiment["Force Field"] == "CHARMM":
                problem = False
                for i in [43, 49]:
                    except ValueError:
                        errors += "\nThe following is not a validly formatted "
                        errors += "dihedral restraint:\n" + line
                        problem = True
                if problem:
            # Store the restraint
        # Check and store the restraints
            CHECK.dihedral_restraints(restraints, experiment)
            if "Restraints" not in experiment:
                experiment["Restraints"] = {}
            experiment["Restraints"]["Dihedral"] = restraints
        # If there was a problem, store that error
        except FUNCTIONS.IPRO_IOError as error:
            errors += str(error)
    return errors