Пример #1
def unpack_sin(data):
    if len(data) == 6:  # IPv4
        (a, port) = struct.unpack("!IH", data)
        addr = IPy.IPint(a)
    elif len(data) == 18:  #IPv6
        (a, b, port) = struct.unpack("!QQH", data)
        addr = IPy.IPint(a << 64 + b)
    return (str(addr), port)
Пример #2
def check_ip_ascending(start_ip, end_ip):
    # check that IPs are ascending
    if start_ip and end_ip and IPy.IPint(start_ip, 4).int() <= IPy.IPint(
            end_ip, 4).int():
        print "Start IP is: {0}\n".format(start_ip)
        print "End IP is: {0}\n\n".format(end_ip)

        print "Start IP has to be lower or equal to end IP, both IPs have to be filled"
Пример #3
def get_increments(start_ip, end_ip):
    Find how many increments by 255 are in between first and last IP in the range and the rest of the IPs after
    subtracting all the increments
    :param start_ip: first IP in the range
    :type start_ip str
    :param end_ip: last IP in the range
    :type end_ip str
    :return increments, rest
    num_ips = (IPy.IPint(end_ip).int() - IPy.IPint(start_ip).int())
    increments, rest = divmod(num_ips, 255)
    # in case range is lower then 255 return 1
    increments += 1
    return increments, rest
Пример #4
def pack_sin(sin):
    """Takes a sin tuple (addr, port) and packs it into a
    binary form. Resulting size depends on whether addr
    is IPv4 or IPv6."""
    (addr, port) = sin
    addr = IPy.IPint(addr)
    if addr.version() == 4:
        return struct.pack("!IH", addr.int(), port)
        a = addr.int()
        return struct.pack("!QQH", a >> 64, a % 2**64, port)
Пример #5
def increment_range(start_ip, counter):
    Increment IP address by 255 multiple times
    :param start_ip: base IP to be incremented
    :type start_ip: str
    :param counter: how many times do you want to increment the IP by 255
    :return:incremented IP
    incremented_ip_int = IPy.IPint(start_ip).int() + counter * 255
    incremented_ip_str = IPy.intToIp(ip=incremented_ip_int, version=4)
    return incremented_ip_str