Пример #1
def make(src_path, out_path):
    src = Image.open(src_path)
    src = src.copy()
    (srcr, srcg, srcb, srca) = src.split()
    white = ImageChops.constant(src, 255)

    outr = cast_gradation(srcr, 0, 90)
    outg = cast_gradation(srcg, 0, 90)
    outb = cast_gradation(srcb, 0, 90)
    outa = srca.copy()

    outr = ImageChops.composite(srcr, white, srca)
    outg = ImageChops.composite(srcg, white, srca)
    outb = ImageChops.composite(srcb, white, srca)

    (shadow_a, shadow) = make_inset_shadow(srca)
    outr = ImageChops.subtract(outr, shadow, 1, 0)
    outg = ImageChops.subtract(outg, shadow, 1, 0)
    outb = ImageChops.subtract(outb, shadow, 1, 0)
    outa = ImageChops.lighter(outa, shadow_a)

    (highlight_a, highlight) = make_highlight(srca)
    outa = ImageChops.lighter(outa, highlight)

    outa = ImageChops.subtract(outa, ImageChops.constant(outa, 25), 1, 0)

    out = Image.merge('RGBA', (outr, outg, outb, outa))
Пример #2
def make(src_path, out_path):
    src = Image.open(src_path)
    src = src.copy()
    (srcr, srcg, srcb, srca) = src.split()
    white = ImageChops.constant(src, 255)

    outr = cast_gradation(srcr, 0, 90)
    outg = cast_gradation(srcg, 0, 90)
    outb = cast_gradation(srcb, 0, 90)
    outa = srca.copy()

    outr = ImageChops.composite(srcr, white, srca)
    outg = ImageChops.composite(srcg, white, srca)
    outb = ImageChops.composite(srcb, white, srca)

    (shadow_a, shadow) = make_inset_shadow(srca)
    outr = ImageChops.subtract(outr, shadow, 1, 0)
    outg = ImageChops.subtract(outg, shadow, 1, 0)
    outb = ImageChops.subtract(outb, shadow, 1, 0)
    outa = ImageChops.lighter(outa, shadow_a)

    (highlight_a, highlight) = make_highlight(srca)
    outa = ImageChops.lighter(outa, highlight)

    outa = ImageChops.subtract(outa, ImageChops.constant(outa, 25), 1, 0)

    out = Image.merge('RGBA', (outr, outg, outb, outa))
Пример #3
def draw_marker(width, height, offset, filename):
    im = Image.new('L', (128, 256), 255)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    cx = (im.size[0] / 2) + 1.5
    cy = (im.size[1] / 4) + 1.5
    radius = width * 4.0 / 2.0
    offset = int(offset * 4.0)
    for thickness, colour in ((0, 0x60), (4, 0xE0)):
        ol = im.copy()
        r = radius + 0.5 - thickness
        draw.ellipse((cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r), fill=colour)
        x1 = offset + 0.5 - (thickness * 1.5)
        y1 = (height * 4.0) + 0.5 - (width * 2.0) - (thickness * 2.0)
        draw.polygon((cx + 0.5, cy + y1, cx - 0.5, cy + y1, cx - x1, cy + 16.5,
                      cx + x1, cy + 16.5),
    del draw

    im = im.resize((im.size[0] / 4, im.size[1] / 4), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    ol = ol.resize(im.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    mask = Image.eval(ol, lambda x: (0, 255)[x < 210])
    im = Image.composite(im, ImageChops.constant(im, 0), mask)
    im = im.crop(im.getbbox())
    im.save(filename, transparency=0)
Пример #4
def draw_marker(width, height, offset, filename):
    im = Image.new('L', (128, 256), 255)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    cx = (im.size[0] / 2) + 1.5
    cy = (im.size[1] / 4) + 1.5
    radius = width * 4.0 / 2.0
    offset = int(offset * 4.0)
    for thickness, colour in ((0, 0x60), (4, 0xE0)):
        ol = im.copy()
        r = radius + 0.5 - thickness
        draw.ellipse((cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r), fill=colour)
        x1 = offset + 0.5 - (thickness * 1.5)
        y1 = (height * 4.0) + 0.5 - (width * 2.0) - (thickness * 2.0)
        draw.polygon((cx + 0.5, cy + y1, cx - 0.5, cy + y1,
                      cx - x1, cy + 16.5, cx + x1, cy + 16.5),
    del draw

    im = im.resize((im.size[0] / 4, im.size[1] / 4), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    ol = ol.resize(im.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    mask = Image.eval(ol, lambda x: (0, 255)[x < 210])
    im = Image.composite(im, ImageChops.constant(im, 0), mask)
    im = im.crop(im.getbbox())
    im.save(filename, transparency=0)
Пример #5
        view = im.view(0, 0, width, height)  # x,y,width,height
        #print "saving ", map_uri

        #'save' the image in a string
        imgStr = view.tostring('png')

        # reopen the saved image with PIL to count the color
        # if 1, the pic is empty
        #img = Image.open(map_uri)

        # kind of StringIO() for images instead:
        imgParser = ImageFile.Parser()
        img = imgParser.close()

        if len(img.getcolors()) == 1:
            print "empty file not saved", map_uri
            #delete the pic file if empty
            # Crop the file to its smaller extent
            # Cropping the pic allow a much concise html page formatting,
            # use CSS for the rest
            img256 = img.convert('L')
            imgbg = ImageChops.constant(img256, img256.getpixel((0, 0)))
            box = ImageChops.difference(img256, imgbg).getbbox()
            out = img.crop(box)
            print "saving ", map_uri
def renderLegendElement(sourceFile, elementType, tagList, zoom, imageWidth,
    # 'Fake' load a map to use mapnik libxml2 support for large xml files
    mSource = mapnik.Map(1,1)
    # serialize map file with external entities included
    inputstylesheet = etree.tostring(etree.parse(sourceFile))
    # the mapfile (stylesheet made only for legend element rendering
    # is returned as a string, no file is written on disk
    # then use mapnik.load_map_from_string
    mapfile = create_legend_stylesheet(inputstylesheet)

    # create a new element, which return its bbox and an osm file as
    # a string
    osmStr, bound = createOsmElement(elementType, tagList, zoom)
    # create a named temporary file, mapnik needs a real file
    # we cannot pass a StringIO nor a string, nor a unnammed
    # temporary file
    osmFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
    osmFile.write(osmStr)  #write the osm file
    osmFile.seek(0)  #rewind

    # Set up projection
    # long/lat in degrees, aka ESPG:4326 and "WGS 84"
    lonlat = mapnik.Projection('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')

    #bbbox =(lon,lat,maxlon,maxlat)
    ratio = abs((bound[2] - bound[0]) / (bound[3] - bound[1]))
    width = imageWidth
    height = int(width / ratio * 1)
    # add +1 if highway=path looks blurry FIXME

    m = mapnik.Map(width, height)

    mapnik.load_map_from_string(m, mapfile)

    m.srs = lonlat.params()
    for l in m.layers:
        l.datasource = Osm(file=osmFile.name)
        l.srs = lonlat.params()

    # uncomment this line to save the mapfile on disk, remember to
    # NEVER show this file to a stylesheet maintainer:

    # render the element and save to disk
    bbox =lonlat.forward(mapnik.Envelope(mapnik.Coord(bound[0],bound[1]),\
    im = mapnik.Image(width, height)
    mapnik.render(m, im)
    osmFile.close()  # closing the datasource
    view = im.view(0, 0, width, height)  # x,y,width,height
    #print "saving ", map_uri

    #'save' the image in a string
    imgStr = view.tostring('png')

    # reopen the saved image with PIL to count the color
    # if 1, the pic is empty
    #img = Image.open(map_uri)

    # kind of StringIO() for images instead:
    imgParser = ImageFile.Parser()
    img = imgParser.close()

    if len(img.getcolors()) == 1:
        print "empty file not saved", map_uri
        #delete the pic file if empty
        # Crop the file to its smaller extent
        # Cropping the pic allow a much concise html page formatting,
        # use CSS for the rest
        img256 = img.convert('L')
        imgbg = ImageChops.constant(img256, img256.getpixel((0, 0)))
        box = ImageChops.difference(img256, imgbg).getbbox()
        out = img.crop(box)
        print "saving ", map_uri

    return True
Пример #7
        #'save' the image in a string
        # reopen the saved image with PIL to count the color
        # if 1, the pic is empty 
        #img = Image.open(map_uri)
        # kind of StringIO() for images instead:
        img = imgParser.close()
        if len(img.getcolors()) == 1:
            print "empty file not saved", map_uri
            #delete the pic file if empty
            # Crop the file to its smaller extent
            # Cropping the pic allow a much concise html page formatting,
            # use CSS for the rest
            box=ImageChops.difference(img256, imgbg).getbbox()
            print "saving ", map_uri

Пример #8
def renderLegendElement(sourceFile, elementType, tagList, zoom, imageWidth, map_uri):
    # 'Fake' load a map to use mapnik libxml2 support for large xml files
    mSource = mapnik.Map(1,1)
    # serialize map file with external entities included
    # the mapfile (stylesheet made only for legend element rendering
    # is returned as a string, no file is written on disk
    # then use mapnik.load_map_from_string
    mapfile = create_legend_stylesheet(inputstylesheet)
    # create a new element, which return its bbox and an osm file as
    # a string
    osmStr, bound = createOsmElement(elementType, tagList, zoom)
    # create a named temporary file, mapnik needs a real file 
    # we cannot pass a StringIO nor a string, nor a unnammed
    # temporary file
    osmFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
    osmFile.write(osmStr) #write the osm file
    osmFile.seek(0) #rewind
    # Set up projection
    # long/lat in degrees, aka ESPG:4326 and "WGS 84" 
    lonlat = mapnik.Projection('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')

    #bbbox =(lon,lat,maxlon,maxlat)
    ratio= abs((bound[2]-bound[0])/(bound[3]-bound[1]))
    width = imageWidth
    height = int(width/ratio*1) 
    # add +1 if highway=path looks blurry FIXME
    m = mapnik.Map(width,height)
    m.srs = lonlat.params()
    for l in m.layers:
        l.datasource = Osm(file=osmFile.name)
        l.srs = lonlat.params()
    # uncomment this line to save the mapfile on disk, remember to 
    # NEVER show this file to a stylesheet maintainer:
    # render the element and save to disk
    bbox =lonlat.forward(mapnik.Envelope(mapnik.Coord(bound[0],bound[1]),\
    im = mapnik.Image(width,height)
    mapnik.render(m, im)
    osmFile.close() # closing the datasource
    view = im.view(0,0,width,height) # x,y,width,height
    #print "saving ", map_uri
    #'save' the image in a string
    # reopen the saved image with PIL to count the color
    # if 1, the pic is empty 
    #img = Image.open(map_uri)
    # kind of StringIO() for images instead:
    img = imgParser.close()
    if len(img.getcolors()) == 1:
        print "empty file not saved", map_uri
        #delete the pic file if empty
        # Crop the file to its smaller extent
        # Cropping the pic allow a much concise html page formatting,
        # use CSS for the rest
        box=ImageChops.difference(img256, imgbg).getbbox()
        print "saving ", map_uri
    return True