Пример #1
 def _get_proposed_sample(self):
     @return: a proposed (sequence_list, distance_matrix) pair that may need to be rejected
     sequence_list = JC69.sample_sequences(self.tree, self.ordered_names, self.sequence_length)
     D = JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(sequence_list)
     return sequence_list, D
Пример #2
 def _get_proposed_sample(self):
     @return: a proposed (sequence_list, distance_matrix) pair that may need to be rejected
     sequence_list = JC69.sample_sequences(self.tree, self.ordered_names,
     D = JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(sequence_list)
     return sequence_list, D
Пример #3
 def gen_samples_or_none(self, count, max_steps):
     Yield (ordered sequence list, distance matrix) pairs or None.
     The generator will stop if it sees that it cannot meet its goal in the allotted number of steps.
     The time between yielded results is bounded.
     @param count: the requested number of distance matrices or None for no bound
     @param max_steps: an upper bound on the number of steps allowed for the computation or None for no bound
     # record the requested number of samples
     self.requested_matrix_count = count
     if self.sequence_length == float('inf'):
         # get the true distance matrix
         distance_matrix = self.tree.get_distance_matrix()
         # if any of the off-diagonal elements are wack then return straight away
         if self.reject_zero is None:
             if matrix_has_zero_off_diagonal(distance_matrix):
                 error_message = 'the true distance matrix has a zero off-diagonal entry'
                 raise DMSamplerError(error_message)
         if self.reject_inf:
             if matrix_has_inf_off_diagonal(distance_matrix):
                 error_message = 'the true distance matrix has an infinite off-diagonal entry'
                 raise DMSamplerError(error_message)
         # yield a bunch of copies of the true distance matrix
         for i in range(count):
             self.accepted_sample_count += 1
             yield (None, distance_matrix)
         # do some rejection sampling
         while True:
             # if we are done sampling then return
             if count is not None:
                 if self.accepted_sample_count >= count:
             # if we are taking too many computrons then bail with an error message
             if max_steps is not None:
                 if self.get_complexity() > max_steps:
                     raise DMSamplerError(self._get_error_message())
             # do the sampling
             sequence_list = JC69.sample_sequences(self.tree,
             # get the estimated distance matrix
             distance_matrix = JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(sequence_list)
             # look for degeneracies
             if self.reject_zero and matrix_has_zero_off_diagonal(
                 self.rejected_zero_sample_count += 1
                 yield None
             elif self.reject_inf and matrix_has_inf_off_diagonal(
                 self.rejected_inf_sample_count += 1
                 yield None
                 self.accepted_sample_count += 1
                 yield sequence_list, distance_matrix
Пример #4
 def gen_samples_or_none(self, count, max_steps):
     Yield (ordered sequence list, distance matrix) pairs or None.
     The generator will stop if it sees that it cannot meet its goal in the allotted number of steps.
     The time between yielded results is bounded.
     @param count: the requested number of distance matrices or None for no bound
     @param max_steps: an upper bound on the number of steps allowed for the computation or None for no bound
     # record the requested number of samples
     self.requested_matrix_count = count
     if self.sequence_length == float('inf'):
         # get the true distance matrix
         distance_matrix = self.tree.get_distance_matrix()
         # if any of the off-diagonal elements are wack then return straight away
         if self.reject_zero is None:
             if matrix_has_zero_off_diagonal(distance_matrix):
                 error_message = 'the true distance matrix has a zero off-diagonal entry'
                 raise DMSamplerError(error_message)
         if self.reject_inf:
             if matrix_has_inf_off_diagonal(distance_matrix):
                 error_message = 'the true distance matrix has an infinite off-diagonal entry'
                 raise DMSamplerError(error_message)
         # yield a bunch of copies of the true distance matrix
         for i in range(count):
             self.accepted_sample_count += 1
             yield (None, distance_matrix)
         # do some rejection sampling
         while True:
             # if we are done sampling then return
             if count is not None:
                 if self.accepted_sample_count >= count:
             # if we are taking too many computrons then bail with an error message
             if max_steps is not None:
                 if self.get_complexity() > max_steps:
                     raise DMSamplerError(self._get_error_message())
             # do the sampling
             sequence_list = JC69.sample_sequences(self.tree, self.ordered_names, self.sequence_length)
             # get the estimated distance matrix
             distance_matrix = JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(sequence_list)
             # look for degeneracies
             if self.reject_zero and matrix_has_zero_off_diagonal(distance_matrix):
                 self.rejected_zero_sample_count += 1
                 yield None
             elif self.reject_inf and matrix_has_inf_off_diagonal(distance_matrix):
                 self.rejected_inf_sample_count += 1
                 yield None
                 self.accepted_sample_count += 1
                 yield sequence_list, distance_matrix
Пример #5
def get_tikz_body(fs):
    out = StringIO()
    # define user variables
    plot_width = fs.plot_width
    plot_height = fs.plot_height
    timescale = fs.t_max
    # create the function objects
    f_a = JC69.IdentitySlopeInformation(fs.a_mu, fs.a_N)
    f_b = JC69.IdentitySlopeInformation(fs.b_mu, fs.b_N)
    # Define some times for evaluation of the curve.
    times = [timescale * 2**-i for i in range(10)]
    # define some more intermediate values
    ymax = max(f_a(min(times)), f_b(min(times))) * 1.2
    plotscale = np.array((plot_width / timescale, plot_height / ymax))
    origin = (0, 0)
    # draw the boundary of the plot
    print >> out, r'\draw[color=gray] %s %s {%s} %s;' % (
        tikz.point_to_tikz(origin), 'edge node[color=black,below]', '$t$',
        tikz.point_to_tikz((plot_width, 0)))
    print >> out, r'\draw[color=gray] ' + get_segment(origin, (0, plot_height))
    # draw the bezier curves hitting the right knots
    for f in (f_a, f_b):
        bchunks = []
        for a, b in iterutils.pairwise(sorted(times)):
            pta = np.array((a, f(a)))
            ptb = np.array((b, f(b)))
            dta = np.array((1, f.deriv(a)))
            dtb = np.array((1, f.deriv(b)))
            bchunk = bezier.create_bchunk_hermite(a, b, pta * plotscale,
                                                  ptb * plotscale,
                                                  dta * plotscale,
                                                  dtb * plotscale)
        print >> out, r'\draw[color=gray] ' + get_tikz_bezier(bchunks)
    # draw filled black dots at some intersections
    dot_points = [origin]
    dot_points.append((0, f_a(0)))
    dot_points.append((0, f_b(0)))
    for p in dot_points:
        print >> out, r'\fill[color=black,inner sep=0pt]',
        print >> out, tikz.point_to_tikz(np.array(p) * plotscale),
        print >> out, 'circle (1pt);'
    # draw some text annotations
    pt_txt_pairs = [
        ((0, 0), '0'),
    for i, (pt, txt) in enumerate(pt_txt_pairs):
        print >> out, r'\node[anchor=east] (%s) at %s {%s};' % (
            'ylabel%d' % i, tikz.point_to_tikz(pt), txt)
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()
Пример #6
def get_response_content(fs):
    # get the tree
    tree = Newick.parse(fs.tree, Newick.NewickTree)
    # get the sequence order if it exists
    ordered_names = Util.get_stripped_lines(fs.order.splitlines())
    if ordered_names:
        observed_name_set = set(ordered_names)
        expected_name_set = set(node.get_name() for node in tree.gen_tips())
        extra_names = observed_name_set - expected_name_set
        missing_names = expected_name_set - observed_name_set
        if extra_names:
            msg_a = 'the list of ordered names includes these names '
            msg_b = 'not found in the tree: %s' % str(tuple(extra_names))
            raise HandlingError(msg_a + msg_b)
        if missing_names:
            msg_a = 'the tree includes these names not found in the list '
            msg_b = 'of ordered names: %s' % str(tuple(missing_names))
            raise HandlingError(msg_a + msg_b)
        ordered_names = list(tip.get_name() for name in tree.gen_tips())
    # do the sampling
    sampled_sequences = JC69.sample_sequences(tree, ordered_names, fs.length)
    alignment = Fasta.create_alignment(ordered_names, sampled_sequences)
    # return the response
    return alignment.to_fasta_string() + '\n'
Пример #7
def get_response_content(fs):
    # get the tree
    tree = Newick.parse(fs.tree, Newick.NewickTree)
    # get the sequence order if it exists
    ordered_names = Util.get_stripped_lines(fs.order.splitlines())
    if ordered_names:
        observed_name_set = set(ordered_names)
        expected_name_set = set(node.get_name() for node in tree.gen_tips())
        extra_names = observed_name_set - expected_name_set
        missing_names = expected_name_set - observed_name_set
        if extra_names:
            msg_a = 'the list of ordered names includes these names '
            msg_b = 'not found in the tree: %s' % str(tuple(extra_names))
            raise HandlingError(msg_a + msg_b)
        if missing_names:
            msg_a = 'the tree includes these names not found in the list '
            msg_b = 'of ordered names: %s' % str(tuple(missing_names))
            raise HandlingError(msg_a + msg_b)
        ordered_names = list(tip.get_name() for name in tree.gen_tips())
    # do the sampling
    sampled_sequences = JC69.sample_sequences(tree, ordered_names, fs.length)
    alignment = Fasta.create_alignment(ordered_names, sampled_sequences)
    # return the response
    return alignment.to_fasta_string() + '\n'
Пример #8
def get_zygosity_distribution(ref_length, child_length):
    This is based on the Jukes-Cantor model on a three taxon tree.
    @param ref_length: length of the reference taxon branch
    @param child_length: length of each child taxon branch
    @return: the distribution (RR, RA, AA, AB)
    p_ref_change = JC69.distance_to_probability(ref_length)
    p_child_change = JC69.distance_to_probability(child_length)
    # For now sum over all possibilities of non-reference nodes.
    # This could be done more efficiently using Felsenstein pruning,
    # but I am ignoring this for now.
    p_RR = 0.0
    p_RA = 0.0
    p_AA = 0.0
    p_AB = 0.0
    ref = 0
    for c12 in range(4):
        if c12 == ref:
            p12 = 1.0 - p_ref_change
            p12 = p_ref_change / 3.0
        for c1 in range(4):
            if c1 == c12:
                p1 = p12 * (1.0 - p_child_change)
                p1 = p12 * (p_child_change / 3.0)
            for c2 in range(4):
                if c2 == c12:
                    p2 = p1 * (1.0 - p_child_change)
                    p2 = p1 * (p_child_change / 3.0)
                # Classify the joint distribution
                # and add weight to the appropriate state.
                if c1 == ref and c2 == ref:
                    p_RR += p2
                elif c1 == ref or c2 == ref:
                    p_RA += p2
                elif c1 == c2:
                    p_AA += p2
                    p_AB += p2
    v = (p_RR, p_RA, p_AA, p_AB)
    total = sum(v)
    if abs(total - 1) > 1e-7:
        raise DGRPError('probabilities do not sum to one')
    return v
Пример #9
def get_zygosity_distribution(ref_length, child_length):
    This is based on the Jukes-Cantor model on a three taxon tree.
    @param ref_length: length of the reference taxon branch
    @param child_length: length of each child taxon branch
    @return: the distribution (RR, RA, AA, AB)
    p_ref_change = JC69.distance_to_probability(ref_length)
    p_child_change = JC69.distance_to_probability(child_length)
    # For now sum over all possibilities of non-reference nodes.
    # This could be done more efficiently using Felsenstein pruning,
    # but I am ignoring this for now.
    p_RR = 0.0
    p_RA = 0.0
    p_AA = 0.0
    p_AB = 0.0
    ref = 0
    for c12 in range(4):
        if c12 == ref:
            p12 = 1.0 - p_ref_change
            p12 = p_ref_change / 3.0
        for c1 in range(4):
            if c1 == c12:
                p1 = p12 * (1.0 - p_child_change)
                p1 = p12 * (p_child_change / 3.0)
            for c2 in range(4):
                if c2 == c12:
                    p2 = p1 * (1.0 - p_child_change)
                    p2 = p1 * (p_child_change / 3.0)
                # Classify the joint distribution
                # and add weight to the appropriate state.
                if c1 == ref and c2 == ref:
                    p_RR += p2
                elif c1 == ref or c2 == ref:
                    p_RA += p2
                elif c1 == c2:
                    p_AA += p2
                    p_AB += p2
    v = (p_RR, p_RA, p_AA, p_AB)
    total = sum(v)
    if abs(total - 1) > 1e-7:
        raise DGRPError('probabilities do not sum to one')
    return v
Пример #10
 def gen_distance_matrices(self, count, max_steps):
     Yield (ordered sequence list, distance matrix) pairs .
     The generator will stop if it sees that it cannot meet its goal
     in the allotted number of steps.
     @param count: the requested number of distance matrices
     @param max_steps: an upper bound on the allowed number of steps
     # define the jukes cantor rate matrix
     dictionary_rate_matrix = RateMatrix.get_jukes_cantor_rate_matrix()
     ordered_states = list('ACGT')
     row_major_rate_matrix = MatrixUtil.dict_to_row_major(
         dictionary_rate_matrix, ordered_states, ordered_states)
     model = RateMatrix.RateMatrix(row_major_rate_matrix, ordered_states)
     # record the requested number of samples
     self.requested_matrix_count = count
     # do some rejection sampling
     while True:
         if self.get_complexity() >= max_steps:
         if self.accepted_sample_count >= count:
         # simulate an alignment from the tree
         alignment = PhyLikelihood.simulate_alignment(
             self.tree, model, self.sequence_length)
         # extract the ordered list of sequences from the alignment object
         name_to_sequence = dict(zip(alignment.headers,
         sequence_list = [
             name_to_sequence[name] for name in self.ordered_names
         # get the estimated distance matrix
         distance_matrix = JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(sequence_list)
         # look for degeneracies
         has_zero_off_diagonal = False
         has_inf_off_diagonal = False
         for i, row in enumerate(distance_matrix):
             for j, value in enumerate(row):
                 if i != j:
                     if value == 0.0:
                         has_zero_off_diagonal = True
                     if value == float('inf'):
                         has_inf_off_diagonal = True
         if has_zero_off_diagonal:
             self.rejected_zero_sample_count += 1
         elif has_inf_off_diagonal:
             self.rejected_inf_sample_count += 1
             self.accepted_sample_count += 1
             yield sequence_list, distance_matrix
Пример #11
 def gen_distance_matrices(self, count, max_steps):
     Yield (ordered sequence list, distance matrix) pairs .
     The generator will stop if it sees that it cannot meet its goal
     in the allotted number of steps.
     @param count: the requested number of distance matrices
     @param max_steps: an upper bound on the allowed number of steps
     # define the jukes cantor rate matrix
     dictionary_rate_matrix = RateMatrix.get_jukes_cantor_rate_matrix()
     ordered_states = list('ACGT')
     row_major_rate_matrix = MatrixUtil.dict_to_row_major(
             dictionary_rate_matrix, ordered_states, ordered_states)
     model = RateMatrix.RateMatrix(row_major_rate_matrix, ordered_states)
     # record the requested number of samples
     self.requested_matrix_count = count
     # do some rejection sampling
     while True:
         if self.get_complexity() >= max_steps:
         if self.accepted_sample_count >= count:
         # simulate an alignment from the tree
         alignment = PhyLikelihood.simulate_alignment(
                 self.tree, model, self.sequence_length)
         # extract the ordered list of sequences from the alignment object
         name_to_sequence = dict(zip(alignment.headers, alignment.sequences))
         sequence_list = [name_to_sequence[name]
                 for name in self.ordered_names]
         # get the estimated distance matrix
         distance_matrix = JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(sequence_list)
         # look for degeneracies
         has_zero_off_diagonal = False
         has_inf_off_diagonal = False
         for i, row in enumerate(distance_matrix):
             for j, value in enumerate(row):
                 if i != j:
                     if value == 0.0:
                         has_zero_off_diagonal = True
                     if value == float('inf'):
                         has_inf_off_diagonal = True
         if has_zero_off_diagonal:
             self.rejected_zero_sample_count += 1
         elif has_inf_off_diagonal:
             self.rejected_inf_sample_count += 1
             self.accepted_sample_count += 1
             yield sequence_list, distance_matrix
Пример #12
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the alignment
        alignment = Fasta.Alignment(fs.fasta.splitlines())
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError('fasta alignment error: ' + str(e))
    if alignment.get_sequence_count() < 2:
        raise HandlingError('expected at least two sequences')
    # Create the distance matrix,
    # replacing values of None with the representation for infinity.
    row_major_distance_matrix = []
    for row in JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(alignment.sequences):
        corrected_row = [fs.infinity if x == float('inf') else x for x in row]
    # return the response
    return MatrixUtil.m_to_string(row_major_distance_matrix) + '\n'
Пример #13
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the alignment
        alignment = Fasta.Alignment(fs.fasta.splitlines())
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError('fasta alignment error: ' + str(e))
    if alignment.get_sequence_count() < 2:
        raise HandlingError('expected at least two sequences')
    # Create the distance matrix,
    # replacing values of None with the representation for infinity.
    row_major_distance_matrix = []
    for row in JC69.get_ML_distance_matrix(alignment.sequences):
        corrected_row = [fs.infinity if x == float('inf') else x for x in row]
    # return the response
    return MatrixUtil.m_to_string(row_major_distance_matrix) + '\n'
Пример #14
def sample_distance_matrix(xtree_root, sequence_length):
    sequences = JC69.sample_xtree_sequences(xtree_root, sequence_length)
    nsequences = len(sequences)
    pairwise_mismatch_count = np.zeros((nsequences, nsequences))
    for i, sa in enumerate(sequences):
        for j, sb in enumerate(sequences):
            if i < j:
                nmismatches = sum(1 for a, b in zip(sa, sb) if a != b)
                if not nmismatches:
                    raise ZeroDistanceError()
                if nmismatches * 4 >= sequence_length * 3:
                    raise InfiniteDistanceError()
                pairwise_mismatch_count[i][j] = nmismatches
    D = np.zeros_like(pairwise_mismatch_count)
    for i in range(nsequences):
        for j in range(nsequences):
            if i < j:
                d_raw = pairwise_mismatch_count[i][j] / float(sequence_length)
                b = 0.75
                d_mle = -b*math.log(1 - d_raw/b)
                D[i][j] = d_mle
                D[j][i] = d_mle
    return D
Пример #15
def sample_distance_matrix(xtree_root, sequence_length):
    sequences = JC69.sample_xtree_sequences(xtree_root, sequence_length)
    nsequences = len(sequences)
    pairwise_mismatch_count = np.zeros((nsequences, nsequences))
    for i, sa in enumerate(sequences):
        for j, sb in enumerate(sequences):
            if i < j:
                nmismatches = sum(1 for a, b in zip(sa, sb) if a != b)
                if not nmismatches:
                    raise ZeroDistanceError()
                if nmismatches * 4 >= sequence_length * 3:
                    raise InfiniteDistanceError()
                pairwise_mismatch_count[i][j] = nmismatches
    D = np.zeros_like(pairwise_mismatch_count)
    for i in range(nsequences):
        for j in range(nsequences):
            if i < j:
                d_raw = pairwise_mismatch_count[i][j] / float(sequence_length)
                b = 0.75
                d_mle = -b * math.log(1 - d_raw / b)
                D[i][j] = d_mle
                D[j][i] = d_mle
    return D
Пример #16
def get_response_content(fs):
    # get the alignment object
        alignment = Fasta.Alignment(fs.fasta.splitlines())
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError("alignment error: " + str(e))
    # assert that the alignment is of exactly two sequences
    if len(alignment.sequences) != 2:
        raise HandlingError("expected a pair of sequences")
    # assert that the alignment is a gapless unambiguous nucleotide alignment
    old_column_count = alignment.get_column_count()
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError("nucleotide alignment error: " + str(e))
    new_column_count = alignment.get_column_count()
    if old_column_count != new_column_count:
        msg = "expected a gap-free unambiguous nucleotide alignment"
        raise HandlingError(msg)
    # get the maximum likelihood estimate
    sequence_pair = alignment.sequences
    mle = JC69.get_ML_distance(*sequence_pair)
    # return the response
    return "ML distance estimate: %f\n" % mle
Пример #17
def get_response_content(fs):
    # get the alignment object
        alignment = Fasta.Alignment(fs.fasta.splitlines())
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError('alignment error: ' + str(e))
    # assert that the alignment is of exactly two sequences
    if len(alignment.sequences) != 2:
        raise HandlingError('expected a pair of sequences')
    # assert that the alignment is a gapless unambiguous nucleotide alignment
    old_column_count = alignment.get_column_count()
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError('nucleotide alignment error: ' + str(e))
    new_column_count = alignment.get_column_count()
    if old_column_count != new_column_count:
        msg = 'expected a gap-free unambiguous nucleotide alignment'
        raise HandlingError(msg)
    # get the maximum likelihood estimate
    sequence_pair = alignment.sequences
    mle = JC69.get_ML_distance(*sequence_pair)
    # return the response
    return 'ML distance estimate: %f\n' % mle
Пример #18
def get_tikz_body(fs):
    out = StringIO()
    # define user variables
    plot_width = fs.plot_width
    plot_height = fs.plot_height
    timescale = fs.t_max
    fast_mu = fs.fast_mu
    slow_mu = fs.slow_mu
    if fs.info_identity_slope:
        f_fast = JC69.IdentitySlopeInformation(fast_mu)
        f_slow = JC69.IdentitySlopeInformation(slow_mu)
    elif fs.info_mi:
        f_fast = JC69.MutualInformation(fast_mu)
        f_slow = JC69.MutualInformation(slow_mu)
    elif fs.info_fi:
        #f_fast = JC69.FisherInformationTheano(fast_mu)
        #f_slow = JC69.FisherInformationTheano(slow_mu)
        f_fast = JC69.FisherInformation(fast_mu)
        f_slow = JC69.FisherInformation(slow_mu)
    # Define some times for evaluation of the curve.
    times = [timescale * 2**-i for i in range(10)]
    if fs.info_identity_slope:
        # Compute the intersection time.
        t_x = math.log(fast_mu / slow_mu) / (fast_mu - slow_mu)
        times.extend([t_x / 2, t_x, (t_x + timescale) / 2])
    # define some more intermediate values
    ymax = max(f_fast(min(times)), f_slow(min(times))) * 1.2
    plotscale = np.array((plot_width / timescale, plot_height / ymax))
    origin = (0, 0)
    # draw the boundary of the plot
    print >> out, r'\draw[color=gray] %s %s {%s} %s;' % (
        tikz.point_to_tikz(origin), 'edge node[color=black,below]', '$t$',
        tikz.point_to_tikz((plot_width, 0)))
    print >> out, r'\draw[color=gray] ' + get_segment(origin, (0, plot_height))
    # draw the bezier curves hitting the right knots
    for f in (f_slow, f_fast):
        bchunks = []
        for a, b in iterutils.pairwise(sorted(times)):
            pta = np.array((a, f(a)))
            ptb = np.array((b, f(b)))
            dta = np.array((1, f.deriv(a)))
            dtb = np.array((1, f.deriv(b)))
            bchunk = bezier.create_bchunk_hermite(a, b, pta * plotscale,
                                                  ptb * plotscale,
                                                  dta * plotscale,
                                                  dtb * plotscale)
        print >> out, r'\draw[color=gray] ' + get_tikz_bezier(bchunks)
    # draw filled black dots at some intersections
    dot_points = [origin]
    if not fs.info_fi:
        dot_points.append((0, f_fast(0)))
        dot_points.append((0, f_slow(0)))
    if fs.info_identity_slope:
        dot_points.append((t_x, f_slow(t_x)))
    for p in dot_points:
        print >> out, r'\fill[color=black,inner sep=0pt]',
        print >> out, tikz.point_to_tikz(np.array(p) * plotscale),
        print >> out, 'circle (1pt);'
    # draw some text annotations
    pt_txt_pairs = [
        ((0, 0), '0'),
    for i, (pt, txt) in enumerate(pt_txt_pairs):
        print >> out, r'\node[anchor=east] (%s) at %s {%s};' % (
            'ylabel%d' % i, tikz.point_to_tikz(pt), txt)
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()