Пример #1
	def FindBaselineSection(xi,xf,xAvg_,uAvg_):
		xi: starting index
		xf: ending index (inclusive)
		Finds the baseline for a section; returns the index for the end of the baseline
		(last index in the baseline)
		If there is no baseline to begin with the current index is returned
		dirn = klm.sign(xf-xi) 					# direction of change
		ip = xi-dirn 								# previous index
		ic = xi 							 	 	# current index
		count = 0
		while(klm.sign(ic-xf)!=dirn): 			  		# find out if we have finished
			# Kalman filter to find baseline (with resets)
			(xf1[ic], uf1[ic]) = klm.KalFilIter(xf1[ip],xAvg_*dirn,xm[ic], uf1[ip],uAvg_,um, 1,1,1)
			# Kalman filtered baseline
			#(xf2[ic], uf2[ic]) = klm.KalFilIter(xf2[ip],xAvg_*dirn,xf1[ic], uf2[ip],uAvg_,uf1[ic], 1,1,1)
			(xf2[ic], uf2[ic]) = (xf1[ic], uf1[ic])
			d_x2x2 = xf2[ic]-xf2[ip]
			# increase count in direction of skew
			dCount = klm.sign(d_x2x2-xAvg_*dirn)
			if (dCount==-klm.sign(count)): 	# reset count if skew has changed
				count = dCount
				count += dCount
			if (abs(count)>=countTN):
				return ic-countTN*dirn
			ip = ic
			ic += dirn
		return ip
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, dataFile, connection, SaveSensorData):
     # Create an instance of the sensor object
     self.sensor = ms5837.MS5837_30BA()
     # Check if we were able to connect to the sensor
     if (self.sensor._bus == None):
         # There is no depth sensor connected
         return None
         # A is the matrix we need to create that converts the last state to the new one, in our case it's just 1 because we get depth measurements directly
         A = numpy.matrix([1])
         # H is the matrix we need to create that converts sensors readings into state variables, since we get the readings directly from the sensor this is 1
         H = numpy.matrix([1])
         # B is the control matrix, since this is a 1D case and because we have no inputs that we can change we can set this to zero.
         B = 0
         # Q is the process covariance, since we want accurate values we set this to a very low value
         Q = numpy.matrix([0.001])
         # R is the measurement covariance, using a conservative estimate of 0.1 is fair
         R = numpy.matrix([0.1])
         # IC is the original prediction of the depth, setting this to normal room conditions makes sense
         IC = self.currentDepth
         # P is the initial prediction of the covariance, setting it to 1 is reasonable
         P = numpy.matrix([1])
         # We must initialize the sensor before reading it
         # Create the filter
         self._filter = KalmanFilter(A, B, H, IC, P, Q, R)
         # Create and start the process
         p = Process(target=self.UpdateValue,
                     args=(connection, dataFile, SaveSensorData))
Пример #3
class SinkKalmanFilter:
    def __init__(self, sensor_id):
        self.cache = []
        self.sensor_id = sensor_id
        self.readings = []
        r_std, q_std = 1., 0.003
        self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1)
        self.kf.x = np.array([[19], [0]])  # position, velocity
        self.kf.F = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]])
        self.kf.R = np.array([[r_std**2]])  # input noise
        self.kf.H = np.array([[1., 0.]])
        self.kf.P = np.diag([0.001**2, 0])
        self.kf.Q = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, 1, q_std**2)
        self.last_est = 0

    def run(self, sensorReading):
        est = []

        est = self.kf.predict()

        if sensorReading is None:
        self.last_est = est[0][0]
        return est[0][0]
def getEstimates():
    #This method goes through, grabs the polls and sends them through the Kalman fitler for each candidate and returns all the arrays of estimates as two dictionaries.
    #First, we initialize our SQLite connection
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    #Next, we make sure that our polls are all up-to-date, and this also gives us a list of candidates for each party
    dems, repubs = PollFetcher.fetchPolls()
    demEstimates = {}
    demUncertainties = {}
    for d in dems:
        #We go through every candidate and first get the poll results from the database
        cursor.execute("SELECT EndDate, `%(cand)s`, Sample FROM DemPrimary;" %{"cand":d})
        polls = cursor.fetchall()
        #Next we send these polls through the KalmanFilter to get the estimates
        dates, estimates, uncertainties = KalmanFilter.kalman(polls)
        demEstimates[d] = [dates, estimates]
        demUncertainties[d] = [dates, uncertainties]
    #We now repeat the process for the Republicans
    repubEstimates = {}
    repubUncertainties = {}
    for r in repubs:
        cursor.execute("SELECT EndDate, `%(cand)s`, Sample FROM RepubPrimary;" %{"cand": r})
        polls = cursor.fetchall()
        dates, estimates, uncertainties = KalmanFilter.kalman(polls)
        repubEstimates[r] = [dates, estimates]
        repubUncertainties[r] = [dates, uncertainties]
    #We now return our estimates and uncertainties
    return demEstimates, demUncertainties, repubEstimates, repubUncertainties
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, ip, port):
        KalmanFinalAgent.__init__(self, ip, port)


        self.kalmanFilter1 = KalmanFilter(self.NOISE)
        self.kalmanFilter2 = KalmanFilter(self.NOISE)
Пример #6
class SubDepthSensor:
    currentDepth = 0
    # Relative to the MSL

    def __init__(self, dataFile, connection, SaveSensorData):
        # Create an instance of the sensor object
        self.sensor = ms5837.MS5837_30BA()
        # Check if we were able to connect to the sensor
        if (self.sensor._bus == None):
            # There is no depth sensor connected
            return None
            # A is the matrix we need to create that converts the last state to the new one, in our case it's just 1 because we get depth measurements directly
            A = numpy.matrix([1])
            # H is the matrix we need to create that converts sensors readings into state variables, since we get the readings directly from the sensor this is 1
            H = numpy.matrix([1])
            # B is the control matrix, since this is a 1D case and because we have no inputs that we can change we can set this to zero.
            B = 0
            # Q is the process covariance, since we want accurate values we set this to a very low value
            Q = numpy.matrix([0.001])
            # R is the measurement covariance, using a conservative estimate of 0.1 is fair
            R = numpy.matrix([0.1])
            # IC is the original prediction of the depth, setting this to normal room conditions makes sense
            IC = self.currentDepth
            # P is the initial prediction of the covariance, setting it to 1 is reasonable
            P = numpy.matrix([1])
            # We must initialize the sensor before reading it
            # Create the filter
            self._filter = KalmanFilter(A, B, H, IC, P, Q, R)
            # Create and start the process
            p = Process(target=self.UpdateValue,
                        args=(connection, dataFile, SaveSensorData))

    def UpdateValue(self, connection, dataFile, SaveSensorData):
        # Create a method for the sensor to be turned off
        readSensor = True

        while (readSensor):

            if (self.sensor.read()):

                self.currentDepth = self._filter.GetCurrentState()[0, 0]

                if (SaveSensorData):
                        str(time.time()) + "," + str(self.currentDepth) + "\n")

            if (connection.poll()):
                readSensor = False
Пример #7
class IMU(object):

    DELAY_TIME = 0.02
    GYRO_NOISE = 0.001 / 2
    BIAS_NOISE = 0.003 / 2
    ACCEL_NOISE = 0.01 / 2

    def __init__(self, i2cBus=1):
        self.gyro = Gyroscope(i2cBus, Gyroscope.DPS2000)
        self.accel = Accelerometer(i2cBus, Accelerometer.SCALE_A_8G)
        initOrientation = self.accel.getOrientation()
        self.roll = initOrientation.roll
        self.pitch = initOrientation.pitch
        self.yaw = initOrientation.yaw
        self.kalmanFilter = KalmanFilter(IMU.GYRO_NOISE, IMU.BIAS_NOISE, IMU.ACCEL_NOISE)
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.updateOrientation)
        self.thread.daemon = True

    def zero(self):

    def updateOrientation(self):
        self.elapsedTime = IMU.DELAY_TIME
        while True:
            startTime = time.time()
            gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ = self.gyro.getRawData()
            accelOrientation = self.accel.getOrientation()

            # kalman filter
            self.roll = self.kalmanFilter.filterX(accelOrientation.roll, gyroX, self.elapsedTime)
            self.pitch = self.kalmanFilter.filterY(accelOrientation.pitch, gyroY, self.elapsedTime)

            # if abs(gyroX) > .5:
            #     self.roll = self.roll + (gyroX * self.elapsedTime)
            # if abs(gyroY) > .5:
            #     self.pitch = self.pitch - (gyroY * self.elapsedTime)
            # if abs(gyroZ) > .5:
            #     self.yaw = self.yaw + (gyroZ * self.elapsedTime)

            # # complementary filter
            # self.roll = self.roll * 0.95 + accelOrientation.roll * 0.05
            # self.pitch = self.pitch * 0.95 + accelOrientation.pitch * 0.05

            # # low pass filter
            # self.roll = self.roll*.5 + accelOrientation.roll*.5
            # self.pitch = self.pitch*.5 + accelOrientation.pitch*.5
            # print (time.time() - startTime)
            time.sleep(max(0, IMU.DELAY_TIME - (time.time() - startTime)))
            self.elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime

    def getOrientation(self):
        # print self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw
        return Orientation(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw)
Пример #8
class IMU(object):
    DELAY_TIME = .02
    GYRO_NOISE = .001/2
    BIAS_NOISE = .003/2
    ACCEL_NOISE = .01/2

    def __init__(self, i2cBus = 1):
        self.gyro = Gyroscope(i2cBus, Gyroscope.DPS2000)
        self.accel = Accelerometer(i2cBus, Accelerometer.SCALE_A_8G)
        initOrientation = self.accel.getOrientation()
        self.roll = initOrientation.roll
        self.pitch = initOrientation.pitch
        self.yaw = initOrientation.yaw
        self.kalmanFilter = KalmanFilter(IMU.GYRO_NOISE, IMU.BIAS_NOISE, IMU.ACCEL_NOISE)
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.updateOrientation)
        self.thread.daemon = True
    def zero(self):
    def updateOrientation(self):
        self.elapsedTime = IMU.DELAY_TIME
        while True:
            startTime = time.time()
            gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ = self.gyro.getRawData()
            accelOrientation = self.accel.getOrientation()

            # kalman filter
            self.roll = self.kalmanFilter.filterX(accelOrientation.roll, gyroX, self.elapsedTime)
            self.pitch = self.kalmanFilter.filterY(accelOrientation.pitch, gyroY, self.elapsedTime)

            # if abs(gyroX) > .5:
            #     self.roll = self.roll + (gyroX * self.elapsedTime)
            # if abs(gyroY) > .5:
            #     self.pitch = self.pitch - (gyroY * self.elapsedTime)
            # if abs(gyroZ) > .5:
            #     self.yaw = self.yaw + (gyroZ * self.elapsedTime)
            # # complementary filter
            # self.roll = self.roll * 0.95 + accelOrientation.roll * 0.05
            # self.pitch = self.pitch * 0.95 + accelOrientation.pitch * 0.05
            # # low pass filter
            #self.roll = self.roll*.5 + accelOrientation.roll*.5
            #self.pitch = self.pitch*.5 + accelOrientation.pitch*.5
            #print (time.time() - startTime)
            time.sleep(max(0, IMU.DELAY_TIME - (time.time() - startTime)))
            self.elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime

    def getOrientation(self):
        #print self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw
        return Orientation(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, i2cBus = 1):
     self.gyro = Gyroscope(i2cBus, Gyroscope.DPS2000)
     self.accel = Accelerometer(i2cBus, Accelerometer.SCALE_A_8G)
     initOrientation = self.accel.getOrientation()
     self.roll = initOrientation.roll
     self.pitch = initOrientation.pitch
     self.yaw = initOrientation.yaw
     self.kalmanFilter = KalmanFilter(IMU.GYRO_NOISE, IMU.BIAS_NOISE, IMU.ACCEL_NOISE)
     self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.updateOrientation)
     self.thread.daemon = True
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, ip, port):
        PFFinalAgent.__init__(self, ip, port)

        # world details
        self.SHOT_SPEED = float(self.constants['shotspeed'])

        self.target1 = (0, 0, False)
        self.target2 = (0, 0, False)
        self.delta = 0.0
        self.kalmanFilter1 = KalmanFilter(self.NOISE)
        self.kalmanFilter2 = KalmanFilter(self.NOISE)
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, ip, port):
        PFAgent.__init__(self, ip, port)

        # world details
        self.SHOT_SPEED = float(self.constants['shotspeed'])

        self.target = (0, 0, False)
        self.delta = 0.0
        self.kalmanFilter = KalmanFilter(self.NOISE)

        #visualization init
        init_window(self.worldHalfSize * 2, self.worldHalfSize * 2)
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, sensor_id):
     self.cache = []
     self.sensor_id = sensor_id
     self.readings = []
     r_std, q_std = 1., 0.003
     self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1)
     self.kf.x = np.array([[19], [0]])  # position, velocity
     self.kf.F = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]])
     self.kf.R = np.array([[r_std**2]])  # input noise
     self.kf.H = np.array([[1., 0.]])
     self.kf.P = np.diag([0.001**2, 0])
     self.kf.Q = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, 1, q_std**2)
     self.last_est = 0
Пример #13
def drawData():
    data = pd.read_csv('data_movie5.csv')
    y = np.array(data.cm)
    N = len(data.cm)
    Ts = 0.02
    t = data.time

    x, P = kf.filter(y, N, Ts)

    # Read video
    video = cv2.VideoCapture("movie_movie5.mov")

    # Exit if video not opened.
    if not video.isOpened():
        print("Could not open video")

    # Read first frame.
    ok, frame = video.read()
    if not ok:
        print('Cannot read video file')

    counter = 0
    n = 0
    width = video.get(3)  # float

    while True:
        # Read a new frame
        ok, frame = video.read()
        if not ok:

        # Draw bounding box
        if ok:
            if (n == len(data.cm)):

            if (counter > 445):
                cm = -1 * ((x - 915) / (30 + np.abs(1 - x / 450)))

                cv2.circle(frame, (int(x[n][0] * -(30) + 915), 300), 10,
                           (255, 0, 0), -1)
                cv2.circle(frame, (int(data.cm[n] * -(30) + 915), 277), 10,
                           (0, 0, 255), -1)
                n = n + 1

            counter = counter + 1

            # Tracking failure
            cv2.putText(frame, "Tracking failure detected", (100, 80),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (0, 0, 255), 2)

        # Display result
        cv2.imshow("Tracking", frame)

        # Exit if ESC pressed
        k = cv2.waitKey(15) & 0xff
        if k == 27: break
Пример #14
def simulator_setup(nbr_of_robots, start_positions):
    # Create pose handlers
    # subscribe pose handlers to Rosaria pose
    # give correct offset if several
    # Create KalmanFilters
    # subscribe them to pose handlers
    # Create robot handlers
    # subscribe them to KalmanFilter
    # make robots move towards their startPoint

    robots = [RobotHandler(0), RobotHandler(1)]
    for i in range(0, nbr_of_robots - 1):
        offsetX = 0.0
        offsetY = 0.0
        if i == 1:
            offsetY = 1.0

        h = PoseHandler(i, offsetX, offsetY)
        h_sub = rospy.Subscriber("RosAria" + str(i) + "/pose", Odometry,
        kf = KalmanFilter(i)
        kf_sub = rospy.Subscriber("Sensor" + str(i) + "/measurement", Odometry,
        #robots[i] = RobotHandler(i)
        r_sub = rospy.Subscriber("Filter" + str(i) + "/state", Odometry,

    print len(robots)
    return robots
Пример #15
def compare():
    data = uf.ReadData('data_movie5', False)

    y = np.array(data.cm)
    t = np.array(data.time)
    N = len(y)
    Ts = 0.02

    dataTruth = uf.ReadData('truth_movie5', False)
    s_groundtruth = np.array(dataTruth.cm)
    s_groundtruth = s_groundtruth + 0.6

    v = np.diff(y)/Ts
    a = np.diff(v)/Ts

    v = np.insert(v, 0, 0)
    a = np.insert(a, 0, 0)
    a = np.insert(a, 0, 0)

    #y = uf.preFilter(y)
    #y = uf.preFilter2(y)
    x, P = kalman.filter(y, N, Ts)

    outdata = pd.DataFrame(columns=['time', 'truth', 'sensor', 'kalman'])
    for i in range(len(t)):
        outdata = outdata.append({'time': np.round(t[i] * 1000), 
                                  'truth': np.round(s_groundtruth[i], 4),
                                  'sensor': np.round(y[i], 4),
                                  'kalman': np.round(x[i, 0], 4)}, ignore_index = True)

    outdata.to_csv('kalman_results_movie5.csv', index=False, sep=';')

    uf.plot_filterresult(t, y, s_groundtruth, v, a, x, P)
Пример #16
    def KF_demo_run(self):

        model = self.model
        truth_X = self.truth_X
        meas_Z = self.meas_Z
        estimated_X = self.estimated_X
        m_update = self.m_update
        P_update = self.P_update
        targetstate = self.targetstate

        for k in range(self.N_duration):

            # simulate dynamic target state
            # targetstate = model["F"].dot(targetstate) + np.sqrt(model["Q"]).dot(np.random.randn(targetstate.shape[0],targetstate.shape[1]))  # generate ground truth for states of a target
            W = model["sigma_v"] * model["B"].dot(np.random.randn(model["B"].shape[1], targetstate.shape[1])) #  equivalent to 'np.sqrt(model["Q"]).dot(np.random.randn(targetstate.shape[0],targetstate.shape[1])) '
            targetstate = model["F"].dot(targetstate) + W  # generate ground truth for states of a target

            # simulate target measurement
            # np.sqrt(model["R"]).dot(np.random.randn(model["R"].shape[1],1)) meas_zk = model["H"].dot(targetstate) + np.sqrt(model["R"]).dot(np.random.randn(model["R"].shape[1],1))  # generate measurement of a target
            V = model["D"].dot(np.random.randn(model["D"].shape[1], targetstate.shape[1])) # equivalent to 'np.sqrt(model["R"]).dot(np.random.randn(model["R"].shape[1],1)) '
            meas_zk = model["H"].dot(targetstate) + V # generate measurement of a target

            # Call KalmanFilter function
            m_update, P_update = KalmanFilter(meas_zk, model, m_update, P_update)

        return truth_X, meas_Z, estimated_X
Пример #17
def initializeKalmanFilter():
    A = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    B = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    Q = 20 * np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    H = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    R = 10 * np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    return kfilter.KalmanFilter(A, B, Q, H, R)
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, gui=None, title=None):
     super(FilterModule, self).__init__(gui=gui, title=title)
     self.movingAverageModule = MovingAverageFilter(gui=gui,
     self.kalmanFilterToy = KalmanFilterToy(gui=gui, mainModule=self)
     self.kalmanFilter = KalmanFilter(gui=gui, mainModule=self)
     self.font = ('Comic Sans MS', 11)
     self.noisyImage = tk.PhotoImage(file="images/noisy_data.png")
 def add_filter(self, id, site_name, filter_state=None):
     if site_name not in self.filter_map[id].filters:
         if filter_state is None:
                 site_name] = KalmanFilter.KalmanFilter(
                     self.filter_map[id].configuration, site_name)
             self.filter_map[id].filters[site_name] = filter_state
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, init_position, log):
        Initializes the parameters of the ship
        - Parameters to calculate proper turn paths
        - Initial sensor parameters for the control
        - Initial start waypoint
        - Navigation parameters (FollowDistance)
        self.Pos = init_position

        self.retpos = self.Pos

        self.NextSWP = self.Pos

        self.Speed = 0
        self.Sigma_max = 0.5
        self.Kappa_max = 0.5

        self.counter1 = 0

        self.LastWP = 3
        self.SWP = 0
        self.SegmentCoords = 0
        self.Current_SWP = 0

        self.NextSWP_No = 0
        self.NextSWP_validity = 0

        self.FollowDistance = 2

        self.v = 0
        self.omega = 0
        self.Theta = 0

        self.x = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [0]])

        self.mark = 0
        self.EndPath = 0
        self.WPsEnded = 0

        self.Filter = KF.Filter()

        self.correction = 0

        self.log = log
        The control matrices

        self.N = numpy.matrix([[1.2196566e+001, -2.2165773e-016],
                               [2.9639884e-017, 9.6263068e-001]])

        self.F = numpy.matrix(
            [[6.8421661e+000, -2.2165773e-016, -9.5435368e-017],
             [2.9639884e-017, 9.6263068e-001, 1.4310741e+000]])

        self.states = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [0], [0], [0]])
Пример #21
def main():
    data = readFile()
    inputValArray, Gyro_A = generateInput(data)
    timestep = 0.02
    wheelbase = 26

    rob1 = myKalmanFilter.RobotEKF(dt=timestep, wheelbase=wheelbase,
                                   std_acc=50.0, std_steer=np.radians(1))

    X = rob1.x
    # inputAcc = []
    i = 0
    moving = False
    forwardSpeed = 0.0
    speed = -20
    direction = speed/abs(speed)

    for inputV, gyroV in zip(inputValArray, Gyro_A):
        print('Acc', inputV[0, 0]*direction)
        if not moving and inputV[0, 0]*direction > 100:
            forwardSpeed = speed
            moving = True
        elif moving and inputV[0, 0]*direction < -100:
            forwardSpeed = 0.0
            moving = False

        #     rob1.update(np.array([[0.0], [gyroV]]), R=np.matrix([[1**2, 0], [0, 0.0001**2]]))

        rob1.update(np.array([[forwardSpeed], [gyroV]]),
                    R=np.matrix([[2**2, 0], [0, 100**2]]))
        # else:
        #     rob1.update(np.array([[0.0], [gyroV]]), R=np.matrix([[1**2, 0], [0, 0.0001**2]]))
        X_temp = rob1.x
        X = np.concatenate((X, rob1.x), axis=1)
        i += 1
    plt.plot(X[2, :].tolist()[0], '--r')

    plt.plot(X[3, :].tolist()[0], '--r')

    plt.title('Angular velocity')
    plt.plot(X[4, :].tolist()[0], '--r')
    plt.plot(Gyro_A, 'g')
    # print(Gyro_A)
    plt.plot(X[0, :].tolist()[0], X[1, :].tolist()[0], '--r')
Пример #22
    def __init__(self, init_position):
        Initializes the parameters of the ship
        - Parameters to calculate proper turn paths
        - Initial sensor parameters for the control
        - Initial start waypoint
        - Navigation parameters (FollowDistance)
        self.Pos = init_position

        self.retpos = self.Pos

        self.NextSWP = self.Pos

        self.Speed = 0
        self.Sigma_max = 0.3
        self.Kappa_max = 0.3

        self.counter1 = 0

        self.LastWP = 3
        self.SWP = 0
        self.SegmentCoords = 0
        self.Current_SWP = 0

        self.NextSWP_No = 0
        self.NextSWP_validity = 0

        self.FollowDistance = 2

        self.v = 0
        self.omega = 0
        self.Theta = 0

        self.x = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [0]])

        self.mark = 0
        self.EndPath = 0
        self.WPsEnded = 0

        self.Filter = KF.Filter()

        self.correction = 0
        The control matrices

        self.N = numpy.matrix([[2.1366547e+001, 1.5569542e-016],
                               [8.3542070e-016, 2.2764131]])

        self.F = numpy.matrix(
            [[1.6012147e+001, 1.5569542e-016, 3.3824418e-016],
             [8.3542070e-016, 2.2764131e+000, 2.2219859e+000]])

        self.states = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [0], [0], [0]])
Пример #23
 def __init__(self, i2cBus = 1):
     self.gyro = Gyroscope(i2cBus, Gyroscope.DPS2000)
     self.accel = Accelerometer(i2cBus, Accelerometer.SCALE_A_8G)
     initOrientation = self.accel.getOrientation()
     self.roll = initOrientation.roll
     self.pitch = initOrientation.pitch
     self.yaw = initOrientation.yaw
     self.kalmanFilter = KalmanFilter(IMU.GYRO_NOISE, IMU.BIAS_NOISE, IMU.ACCEL_NOISE)
     self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.updateOrientation)
     self.thread.daemon = True
Пример #24
def runSimulation():
    # Daten Erzeugung
    Ts = 0.02  #Abtastrate
    N = 300  #Anzahl der Messungen
    t = np.arange(N) * Ts  #Zeitvektor
    Q = 100000  #Varianz des Rucks
    R = 0.68  #cm^2

    a = np.arange(N)
    a[0:50] = 100
    a[50:60] = 50
    a[60:70] = -50
    a[70:120] = -200
    a[120:140] = -50
    a[140:150] = 50
    a[150:210] = 100
    a[210:220] = 50
    a[220:230] = -50
    a[230:280] = -100
    a[280:290] = -50
    a[290:300] = 50

    b = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 0.25 * t) * 100

    a = np.concatenate((a, b))
    a = np.concatenate((b, a))

    c = np.copy(a)
    c = c * -1
    a = np.concatenate((a, c))
    a = np.concatenate((a, a))

    N = a.size

    r = np.random.randn(N) * np.sqrt(Q)
    a = a + r.cumsum() * Ts

    t, v, y, s_true = uf.generateData_CAM(a=a, Ts=Ts, N=N, R=R)

    x, P = kalman.filter(y, N, Ts)

    uf.plot_generatedData(t, y, s_true, v, a)
    uf.plot_filterresult(t, y, s_true, v, a, x, P)
Пример #25
def real_world_setup(nbr_of_robots):
    # Create UWBHandlers
    # This is done from the commandline
    # Create KalmanFilters
    # Subscribe to UWBHandlers
    # Create RobotHandlers
    # Suscribe them to KalmanFilters
    # Make them move towards start_positions

    robots = []
    for i in range(0, nbr_of_robots - 1):
        kf = KalmanFilter(i)
        kf_sub = rospy.Subscriber("Sensor" + str(i) + "/measurement", Odometry,
        robots[i] = RobotHandler(i)
        r_sub = rospy.Subscriber("Filter" + str(i) + "/state", Odometry,

    return robots
Пример #26
 def __init__(self, object_id, frame_number, indexes, H, pixelToMeters):
     self.object_id = object_id
     self.indexes = indexes
     self.current_frame = frame_number
     self.frames = [self.current_frame]
     self.top_left = (min(self.indexes[1]), min(self.indexes[0]))
     self.bottom_right = (max(self.indexes[1]), max(self.indexes[0]))
     self.width = self.bottom_right[0] - self.top_left[0]
     self.height = self.bottom_right[1] - self.top_left[1]
     self.current_centroid = (sum(self.indexes[0]) / len(self.indexes[0]),
                              sum(self.indexes[1]) / len(self.indexes[1]))
     self.centroids = [self.current_centroid]
     self.kalman_filter = kf.KalmanFilter(self.object_id,
     self.found = True
     self.speed = 40.0
     self.speeds = [self.speed]
     self.H = H
     self.pixelToMeters = pixelToMeters
Пример #27
    def __init__(self, id, obj_coord, nFrame):

        self.id = id
        self.nFrame = nFrame
        self.visible = True
        self.finished = False

        minx = min(obj_coord[0])
        maxx = max(obj_coord[0])
        miny = min(obj_coord[1])
        maxy = max(obj_coord[1])

        self.bbox = np.array([minx, maxx, miny, maxy])
        self.center = [(self.bbox[1]-self.bbox[0])/2+self.bbox[0], (self.bbox[3]-self.bbox[2])/2+self.bbox[2]]

        self.posList = [self.center]
        self.bboxList = [self.bbox]
        self.framesList = [self.nFrame]
        self.velocities = [50]

        self.kalman = KalmanFilter(self.center)
Пример #28
class DepthSensor:
	currentDepth = 0; # Relative to the MSL
		self.sensor = ms5837.MS5837_30BA()		
		# A is the matrix we need to create that converts the last state to the new one, in our case it's just 1 because we get depth measurements directly
		A = numpy.matrix([1])
		# H is the matrix we need to create that converts sensors readings into state variables, since we get the readings directly from the sensor this is 1
		H = numpy.matrix([1])
		# B is the control matrix, since this is a 1D case and because we have no inputs that we can change we can set this to zero. 
		B = 0
		# Q is the process covariance, since we want accurate values we set this to a very low value
		Q = numpy.matrix([0.00001])
		# R is the measurement covariance, using a conservative estimate of 0.1 is fair
		R = numpy.matrix([0.1])
		# IC is the original prediction of the depth, setting this to normal room conditions makes sense
		IC = self.currentDepth 
		# P is the initial prediction of the covariance, setting it to 1 is reasonable
		P = numpy.matrix([1])
		# We must initialize the sensor before reading it
		# Create the filter
		self._filter = KalmanFilter(A,B,H,IC,P,Q,R)
Пример #29

ppsE_T = [0]*len(ser_T)	 	# expected time of serial arrival
covU_T = [0]*len(ser_T)	 	# expected uncertainty
ardU_t = 0.5				# uncertainty in arduino times
#ardD_t = (ser_T[-1]-ser_T[0])/(len(ser_T)-1)-1000 	# arduino drift per millisecond (from post-analysis)
ardD_t = 0
covU_T[0] = 50
ppsE_T[0] = ser_T[0]-ppsser_xR[qValsR.index(q_T[0])]

for i in range(len(ppsE_T)-1):
	qValiCur = qValsR.index(q_T[i])
	qValiNext = qValsR.index(q_T[1+i])
	ppsE_T[1+i], covU_T[1+i] = klm.KalFilIter(ppsE_T[i], 1000+ardD_t-(ppsser_xR[qValiNext]-ppsser_xR[qValiCur]),
									ser_T[1+i]-ppsser_xR[qValiNext], covU_T[i], ardU_t, ppsser_uR[qValiNext])
	#print(1000+ardD_t-(ppsser_xR[qValiNext]-ppsser_xR[qValiCur]), (ser_T[1+i]-ppsser_xR[qValiNext])-(ser_T[i]-ppsser_xR[qValiCur]))

ppsser_dT = [ser_T[i]-pps_T[i] for i in range(len(ser_T))]

qValsN = [0]*len(qVals)
q_TN = [0]*len(q_T)
qMax = max(qVals)
qMin = min(qVals)
for i in range(len(qVals)):
	qValsN[i] = (qVals[i]-qMin)/(qMax-qMin)
for i in range(len(q_T)):
	q_TN[i] = (q_T[i]-qMin)/(qMax-qMin)

mplt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11,6))
import random

from KalmanFilter import *
from aisettings import *

kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(VAR, EST_VAR)

for i in range(5, 50):
    num = random.randint(-10, 10)

    filtered_value = kalman_filter.get_latest_estimated_measurement()

    print("Estimated:\t%s\t|\tActual:\t%s" % (num, filtered_value))
Пример #31
    SystemCovNoise[1,1] = varDiffPrice
    # Measurement error Covariance Matrix
    # The covariance matrix of the measurement error observed at a given time t.
    # We want to compute both price and return, so we obtain both
    # therefore the noise measurement matrix is a 2x2 covariance matrix
    MeasurCovNoise = np.eye(Nd) # Independent noise. This is not really true I think though. Can we check it ?
    MeasurCovNoise[0,0] = varNoisePrice
    MeasurCovNoise[1,1] = varNoiseDiff

    ############ USE THE KF !! #######
    Ntst = 10
    myKF = KF.KalmanFilter(A = A,B = B,C = C,
                           SystemCovNoise = SystemCovNoise, MeasurCovNoise = MeasurCovNoise)
    Yhat,SigmaXXhatList,Ypred, SigmaXXpredList = myKF.fit(dates, Matrix_tr)
    Ypredtest,SigmaXXpredtestList = myKF.predict(Ntst = Ntst)
    ## Extract the data to plot
    RealPrice = Matrix_tr[:,[0]]
    EstimatedPrice = Yhat[:,[0]]
    PredictedPrice = Ypred[:,[0]]
    sigmaXhatList = ul.fnp([ x[0,0] for x in SigmaXXhatList])
    sigmaXpredList= ul.fnp([ x[0,0] for x in SigmaXXpredList])
    sigmaXhatList = np.sqrt(sigmaXhatList )
    SigmaXpredList = np.sqrt(sigmaXpredList)
    sigmaYhatList = np.sqrt(sigmaXhatList**2 + MeasurCovNoise[0,0])
    def range_of (self, pos):
        """ returns tuple containing noisy range data to A and B
        given a position 'pos'

        ra = sqrt((self.A[0] - pos[0])**2 + (self.A[1] - pos[1])**2)
        rb = sqrt((self.B[0] - pos[0])**2 + (self.B[1] - pos[1])**2)

        return (ra + random.randn()*self.noise_factor,
                rb + random.randn()*self.noise_factor)

pos_a = (100,-20)
pos_b = (-100, -20)

f1 = KalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=2)

f1.F = np.mat ([[0, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
                [0, 0, 0, 0]])

f1.B = 0.

f1.R *= 1.
f1.Q *= .1

f1.x = np.mat([1,0,1,0]).T
f1.P = np.eye(4) * 5.

# initialize storage and other variables for the run
Пример #33
def KalBaseline(xm,up,um,A=1,B=1,H=1, countTY=5, countTN=10):
	""" Input variables
	returns (xf,uf)
	x,u: filter variable and its uncertainty; -f,-m: filtered, measured; _: previous
	A: mixing factor for last measurement contribution; B: mixing factor for dxp; H: convert between measurement, state
	countTN: number of consecutive skewed values before the baseline is ended
	countTY: minimum size of baseline
	""" Working variables
	-t: temporary
	d-: difference
	length = len(xm)
	xf1 = [0]*length 			 	 	 	 	# Kalman filtered value, with resets
	xf2 = [0]*length 			 	 	 	 	# Kalman filtered time 2nd order, with resets
	xb = [0]*length 						 	# stores times for baseline
	uf1 = [0]*length 						 	# uncertainty in filtered time
	uf2 = [0]*length 						 	# uncertainty in filtered time
	ub = [0]*length 							# uncertainty in baseline time
	avg_x = (xm[-1]-xm[0])/(len(xm)-1) 			# average difference
	avg_u = um/(len(xm)-1) 					# uncertainty in average value
#	avg_x = 1000.52
#	avg_u = 0
	uf1[0] = um
	uf2[0] = um
	xf1[0] = xm[0]
	xf2[0] = xm[0]
	xb[0] = xf1[0]
	ib = [] 							  	 	# stores list of indices[x,y] which form range
											# of flat baselines (from x->y inclusive)
	# cycle through data and use Kalman filter.
	# Reset Kalman when there is a jump in the baseline (detected from consistent skew in filtered values)
	# baseline takes average value for the period -- need to register start and end for region
	# problem: not all fall into one region -- there are sometimes drifts between regions
	jCur = 1
	def FindBaselineSection(xi,xf,xAvg_,uAvg_):
		xi: starting index
		xf: ending index (inclusive)
		Finds the baseline for a section; returns the index for the end of the baseline
		(last index in the baseline)
		If there is no baseline to begin with the current index is returned
		dirn = klm.sign(xf-xi) 					# direction of change
		ip = xi-dirn 								# previous index
		ic = xi 							 	 	# current index
		count = 0
		while(klm.sign(ic-xf)!=dirn): 			  		# find out if we have finished
			# Kalman filter to find baseline (with resets)
			(xf1[ic], uf1[ic]) = klm.KalFilIter(xf1[ip],xAvg_*dirn,xm[ic], uf1[ip],uAvg_,um, 1,1,1)
			# Kalman filtered baseline
			#(xf2[ic], uf2[ic]) = klm.KalFilIter(xf2[ip],xAvg_*dirn,xf1[ic], uf2[ip],uAvg_,uf1[ic], 1,1,1)
			(xf2[ic], uf2[ic]) = (xf1[ic], uf1[ic])
			d_x2x2 = xf2[ic]-xf2[ip]
			# increase count in direction of skew
			dCount = klm.sign(d_x2x2-xAvg_*dirn)
			if (dCount==-klm.sign(count)): 	# reset count if skew has changed
				count = dCount
				count += dCount
			if (abs(count)>=countTN):
				return ic-countTN*dirn
			ip = ic
			ic += dirn
		return ip
		jPrev = jCur
		xf1[jCur-1] = (xm[jCur]-avg_x+xm[jCur-1])/2 	 	# set the previous filtered value to avg of last
		xf2[jCur-1] = xf1[jCur-1]
		jCur = FindBaselineSection(jCur, length-1, avg_x, avg_u)# find index of end of current baseline
		if (jCur>jPrev+1): 						 	# check whether there a baseline
			continueOn = True
			ib.append([0,jCur]) 					 	# add the region to list
			if (len(ib)>1): 					 	 	# check whether there is a previous region
				ib[-1][0] = ib[-2][1]+1 				# use previous region to bound the current baseline
			avg_x_ = (xf2[ib[-1][1]]-xf2[ib[-1][0]])/(ib[-1][1]-ib[-1][0])
			d_xf2_ = [xf2[i+1]-xf2[i] for i in range(ib[-1][0],ib[-1][1])]
			avg_u_ = np.std(d_xf2_)
			(avg_x_,avg_u_) = klm.KalFilIter(avg_x,0,avg_x_,avg_u,avg_u,avg_u_,1,1,1)
			jPrev = FindBaselineSection(jCur-1,ib[-1][0], avg_x_, avg_u) 	# work backwards to find start of region
			if (jCur-jPrev<countTY):
				ib = ib[:-1]
				continueOn = False
				for i_ in range(ib[-1][0],ib[-1][1]+1,1): 	# assign baseline values
					xb[i_] = xf2[i_]
					ub[i_] = uf2[i_]
				avg_x_ = (xb[ib[-1][1]]-xb[ib[-1][0]])/(ib[-1][1]-ib[-1][0])
				d_xb_ = [xb[i+1]-xb[i] for i in range(ib[-1][0],ib[-1][1])]
				avg_u_ = np.std(d_xb_)
				(avg_x,avg_u) = klm.KalFilIter(avg_x,0,avg_x_,avg_u,avg_u,avg_u_,1,1,1)
			#jCur += 1 							 	# add one if we have the end of a baseline
		jCur += 2
		if (jCur >= length):
			return (xb,ub,ib,xf1,xf2)
Пример #34
InitialStateError = 9999999999999.0
Proc_Noise_Sigma = 0.002

B = np.matrix("0")
H = np.matrix("1.0 0 1.0")
x_init = np.matrix("0 ; 0; 350.0")
P = np.matrix("{0} 0 0 ; 0 {0} 0 ; 0 0 {0}".format(InitialStateError))
Q = Proc_Noise_Sigma**2 * np.matrix("{0} {1} 0; {2} {3} 0 ; 0 0 0".format(Q00, Q10, Q01, Q11))
R = np.matrix(10.0)

N = 3

print("Constructing Filter")

kf = KalmanFilter.CKalmanFilter(N, np.array(A), np.array(P), np.array(Q), np.array(H).flatten(), np.array(x_init).flatten(), float(R))

print("Executing Filtering")

start_time = timeit.default_timer()
ResultData = kf.FilterData(data.signal, len(data.signal))
elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
print("C++ filtering took {}s".format(elapsed))

print("Constructing Python Filter")

KF2 =  KalmanFilterPurePython.KalmanFilterLinear(A, B, H, x_init, P, Q, R)

print("Executing Python Filtering")

start_time = timeit.default_timer()
Пример #35
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import KalmanFilter as kf 
import data.fakeData as fakeData

if __name__ == '__main__':

	accelerations = fakeData.generateCurve((3, 1000))
	true_velocity, noisy_velocity = fakeData.genVelocity((3, 1000))

	dimension = 3
	A = np.identity(dimension)
	P = np.identity(dimension)

	kf = kf.KalmanFilter(A, P, dimension)
	Q = np.zeros((3, 3))
	### TODO ###
	i = 0
	state = []
	while(i < len(noisy_velocity[0])):
		kf.predictState(accelerations[:,i], 1, Q)
		i += 1

	state = np.transpose(np.array(state))

	for x in range(dimension):

Пример #36

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'Testing FilterManager...'
    origin_pos = np.array([200, 0, np.pi/2])
    origin_cov = np.eye(3) * 3 # Initial Covariance
    origin_cov[2,2] = 0.02
    # Need to call this or gtk will never release locks
    fm = FilterManager()
    run_kf = False
    run_pf = False
    #run_kf = True
    run_pf = True
    if run_kf:
        fm.add_filter(KalmanFilter.KalmanFilter(origin_pos, origin_cov))
    if run_pf:
        fm.add_filter(ParticleFilter.ParticleFilter(origin_pos, origin_cov))
    tg = TestGUI(fm.get_draw())
    #tt = TestThread(fm, tg, auto=True)
    tt = TestThread(fm, tg, auto=False)
    tt.quit = True