Пример #1
def extractContent(rules):

  global contentLogFile

  # Now obtain a list of all the files from the content folder.

  listOfFiles = os.listdir(BASEFILESTORAGEDIR)
  listOfFiles = [BASEFILESTORAGEDIR + l for l in listOfFiles]

  records = []

  # Now loop through the files and apply the rules

  for f in listOfFiles:

    # Read the gzipped file

    g = gzip.open(f, 'rb')
    c = g.read()

    record = []

    # Replace [kastSlash] with '/' when we will store and process data.

    f = string.replace(f, '[kastSlash]', '/')

    # Append the name of the file, because it serves as value for product location


    # Now apply the rules serially and extract content.

    for r in rules:

      # Get a jQuery type $ object for this html page.

      d = pq(c)

      # Apply the CSS selector

      ele = d(r)

      # Store the obtained text in an array.


    # Now append the record to records.


  # Now write all the records to a designated content log file.

  KastGenericFunctionsLib.writeToDisk(contentLogFile, records)