Пример #1
    def __init__(self, maxsize=None, expiry=None, default_fail=False):
         - Maxsize specify the maximal size of the cache
         - Expiry specify a maximal living time of an item inside the cache
         - If default_fail is True, the default behavior will be to raise
           an exception if not present in the cache
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.expiry = expiry
        self.values = {}
        self.level = 0
        self.default_fail = default_fail

        # Least Recently Used objects
        self.lru = LRUStock()

        # Lock for synchronization
        self.lock = RLock()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, maxsize = None, expiry = None, default_fail = False):
         - Maxsize specify the maximal size of the cache
         - Expiry specify a maximal living time of an item inside the cache
         - If default_fail is True, the default behavior will be to raise
           an exception if not present in the cache
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.expiry = expiry
        self.values = {}
        self.level = 0
        self.default_fail = default_fail

        # Least Recently Used objects
        self.lru = LRUStock()

        # Lock for synchronization
        self.lock = RLock()
Пример #3
class GenericCache(dict):
    This is a cache.
    def __init__(self, maxsize = None, expiry = None, default_fail = False):
         - Maxsize specify the maximal size of the cache
         - Expiry specify a maximal living time of an item inside the cache
         - If default_fail is True, the default behavior will be to raise
           an exception if not present in the cache
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.expiry = expiry
        self.values = {}
        self.level = 0
        self.default_fail = default_fail

        # Least Recently Used objects
        self.lru = LRUStock()

        # Lock for synchronization
        self.lock = RLock()

    def _has_expired(self, value):
        Internal method checking if a value expired
        if self.expiry and value.__cache_timestamp + self.expiry < time.time():
            return True
            return False

    def _shrink(self, nb = 0):
        Internal method: shrink cache until at least nb objects are free
        if self.maxsize:
            while len(self) + nb > self.maxsize:

    def fetch(self, key, fail = None, onmissing = None):
        Fetch a value
        if fail is None:
            fail = self.default_fail
        key = str(key)
        if not self.values.has_key(key):
            if fail:
                raise KeyError, key
            return onmissing

        value = self.values[key]
        # Test for expiry
        if self._has_expired(value):
            if fail:
                raise KeyError, key
            return onmissing
        return value.value

    def fetch_with_generator(self, key, generator, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch key, calling generator to build if it doesn't exist
        res = self.fetch(key, onmissing = _marker)
        if res is _marker:
            res = generator(*args, **kwargs)
            self[key] = res
        return res
    def remove(self, key):
        Expire a value
        key = str(key)
        if key in self.values:
            value = self.values[key]
            del self.values[key]    

    def reconfigure(self, maxsize = None, expiry = None):
        Reconfigure the cache settings
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.expiry = expiry

    def insert(self, key, value = _marker):
        Insert an object into the cache

        You can provide a CacheNode class, or directly a key and a value
        if value is _marker:
            value = key
        if not isinstance(key, CacheNode):
            node = CacheNode(key, value)
            node = key

        if not key in self:
        node.__cache_timestamp = time.time()
        self.values[node] = node

    def clear(self):
        Clear the whole cache

    def collect(self):
        Collect (remove) all obsoleted items, by default, the removal
        is done lazyly at first access
        for key in self.values.keys():
            value = self.values[key]
            # Test for expiry
            if self._has_expired(value):

    def size(self):
        Get the size of the cache (number of objects stored)
        return len(self.values)
    # Hooks for dictionnary methods
    __getitem__ = fetch
    __setitem__ = insert
    __delitem__ = remove
    __len__ = size

    def keys(self):
        Get stored keys
        return [ key.key for key in self.values.keys() ]

    def has_key(self, key):
        Do we have such key ?
        return self.values.has_key(key)
    __contains__ = has_key
Пример #4
class GenericCache(dict):
    This is a cache.
    def __init__(self, maxsize=None, expiry=None, default_fail=False):
         - Maxsize specify the maximal size of the cache
         - Expiry specify a maximal living time of an item inside the cache
         - If default_fail is True, the default behavior will be to raise
           an exception if not present in the cache
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.expiry = expiry
        self.values = {}
        self.level = 0
        self.default_fail = default_fail

        # Least Recently Used objects
        self.lru = LRUStock()

        # Lock for synchronization
        self.lock = RLock()

    def _has_expired(self, value):
        Internal method checking if a value expired
        if self.expiry and value.__cache_timestamp + self.expiry < time.time():
            return True
            return False

    def _shrink(self, nb=0):
        Internal method: shrink cache until at least nb objects are free
        if self.maxsize:
            while len(self) + nb > self.maxsize:

    def fetch(self, key, fail=None, onmissing=None):
        Fetch a value
        if fail is None:
            fail = self.default_fail

        key = str(key)
        if not self.values.has_key(key):
            if fail:
                raise KeyError, key
            return onmissing

        value = self.values[key]
        # Test for expiry
        if self._has_expired(value):
            if fail:
                raise KeyError, key
            return onmissing
        return value.value

    def fetch_with_generator(self, key, generator, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch key, calling generator to build if it doesn't exist
        res = self.fetch(key, onmissing=_marker)
        if res is _marker:
            res = generator(*args, **kwargs)
            self[key] = res

        return res

    def remove(self, key):
        Expire a value
        key = str(key)
        if key in self.values:
            value = self.values[key]
            del self.values[key]

    def reconfigure(self, maxsize=None, expiry=None):
        Reconfigure the cache settings
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.expiry = expiry

    def insert(self, key, value=_marker):
        Insert an object into the cache

        You can provide a CacheNode class, or directly a key and a value
        if value is _marker:
            value = key

        if not isinstance(key, CacheNode):
            node = CacheNode(key, value)
            node = key

        if not key in self:

        node.__cache_timestamp = time.time()
        self.values[node] = node

    def clear(self):
        Clear the whole cache

    def collect(self):
        Collect (remove) all obsoleted items, by default, the removal
        is done lazyly at first access
        for key in self.values.keys():
            value = self.values[key]
            # Test for expiry
            if self._has_expired(value):

    def size(self):
        Get the size of the cache (number of objects stored)
        return len(self.values)

    # Hooks for dictionnary methods
    __getitem__ = fetch
    __setitem__ = insert
    __delitem__ = remove
    __len__ = size

    def keys(self):
        Get stored keys
        return [key.key for key in self.values.keys()]

    def has_key(self, key):
        Do we have such key ?
        return self.values.has_key(key)

    __contains__ = has_key