def SimpleSwath(path, file1, axis):

    # make sure names are in correct format
    NewPath = LSDOst.AppendSepToDirectoryPath(path)

    raster_file1 = NewPath + file1

    # get some information about the raster
    NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection, DataType = LSDMap_IO.GetGeoInfo(

    print "NDV is: "
    print NDV

    if NDV == None:
        NDV = -9999
        print "No NDV defined"

    Raster1 = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(raster_file1, raster_band=1)

    #nan_raster = Raster1[Raster1==NDV]=np.nan
    #print nan_raster

    #now mask the nodata
    masked_Raster1 =, NDV)

    means = np.mean(masked_Raster1, axis)
    medians = np.median(masked_Raster1, axis)
    std_deviations = np.std(masked_Raster1, axis)
    twentyfifth_percentile = np.percentile(masked_Raster1, 25, axis)
    seventyfifth_percentile = np.percentile(masked_Raster1, 75, axis)

    # This stuff only works with numpy 1.8 or later, wich we don't have
    #means = np.nanmean(nan_raster, axis)
    #medians = np.nanmedian(nan_raster, axis)
    #std_deviations = np.nanstd(nan_raster, axis)
    #twentyfifth_percentile = np.nanpercentile(nan_raster, 25, axis)
    #seventyfifth_percentile = np.nanpercentile(nan_raster, 75, axis)

    #print means
    #print medians
    #print std_deviations
    #print twentyfifth_percentile
    #print seventyfifth_percentile

    return means, medians, std_deviations, twentyfifth_percentile, seventyfifth_percentile
Пример #2
def GetTicksForUTM(FileName, x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min, n_target_tics):

    CellSize, XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(FileName)
    NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection, DataType = LSDMap_IO.GetGeoInfo(

    xmax_UTM = XMax
    xmin_UTM = XMin

    ymax_UTM = YMax
    ymin_UTM = YMin

    #print "now UTM, xmax: " +str(xmax_UTM)+" x_min: " +str(xmin_UTM)+" y_maxb: " +str(ymax_UTM)+" y_minb: " +str(ymin_UTM)

    dy_fig = ymax_UTM - ymin_UTM
    dx_fig = xmax_UTM - xmin_UTM

    dx_spacing = dx_fig / n_target_tics
    dy_spacing = dy_fig / n_target_tics

    if (dx_spacing > dy_spacing):
        dy_spacing = dx_spacing

    str_dy = str(dy_spacing)
    str_dy = str_dy.split('.')[0]
    n_digits = str_dy.__len__()
    nd = int(n_digits)

    first_digit = float(str_dy[0])

    #print "str_dy: " +str_dy+ " n_digits: " +str(nd)+" first_digit: " + str(first_digit)

    dy_spacing_rounded = first_digit * pow(10, (nd - 1))
    #print "n_digits: "+str(n_digits)+" dy_spacing: " +str(dy_spacing) + " and rounded: "+str(dy_spacing_rounded)

    str_xmin = str(xmin_UTM)
    str_ymin = str(ymin_UTM)
    #print "before split str_xmin: "+ str_xmin + " str ymin: " + str_ymin
    str_xmin = str_xmin.split('.')[0]
    str_ymin = str_ymin.split('.')[0]
    #print "after split str_xmin: "+ str_xmin + " str ymin: " + str_ymin
    xmin_UTM = float(str_xmin)
    ymin_UTM = float(str_ymin)
    #print "UTM: "+ str(xmin_UTM) + " str ymin: " + str(ymin_UTM)

    n_digx = str_xmin.__len__()
    n_digy = str_ymin.__len__()

    #print "n_dig_x: " + str(n_digx)+ " nd: " + str(nd)

    if (n_digx - nd + 1) >= 1:
        front_x = str_xmin[:(n_digx - nd + 1)]
        front_x = str_xmin

    if (n_digy - nd + 1) >= 1:
        front_y = str_ymin[:(n_digy - nd + 1)]
        front_y = str_ymin

    #print "xmin: " + str_xmin + " ymin: " + str_ymin + " n_digx: " + str(n_digx)+ " n_digy: " + str(n_digy)
    #print "frontx: " +front_x+" and fronty: "+ front_y

    round_xmin = float(front_x) * pow(10, nd - 1)
    round_ymin = float(front_y) * pow(10, nd - 1)

    #print "x_min: " +str(xmin_UTM)+ " round xmin: " +str(round_xmin)+ " y_min: " +str(ymin_UTM)+" round y_min: " + str(round_ymin)

    # now we need to figure out where the xllocs and ylocs are
    xUTMlocs = np.zeros(2 * n_target_tics)
    yUTMlocs = np.zeros(2 * n_target_tics)
    xlocs = np.zeros(2 * n_target_tics)
    ylocs = np.zeros(2 * n_target_tics)

    new_x_labels = []
    new_y_labels = []

    round_ymax = round_ymin + dy_spacing_rounded * (2 * n_target_tics - 1)
    #print "n_target_tics: " + str(n_target_tics) + " round_ymax: " +str(round_ymax)

    for i in range(0, 2 * n_target_tics):
        xUTMlocs[i] = round_xmin + (i) * dy_spacing_rounded
        yUTMlocs[i] = round_ymin + (i) * dy_spacing_rounded

        #xlocs[i] = (xUTMlocs[i]-XMin)
        xlocs[i] = xUTMlocs[i]

        # need to account for the rows starting at the upper boundary
        ylocs[i] = round_ymax - (yUTMlocs[i] - round_ymin)

        #print "i: " + str(i) +" yUTM: " + str(yUTMlocs[i])+ " rounded, reversed: " +str( ylocs[i])


    #print xUTMlocs
    #print xlocs
    #print yUTMlocs
    #print ylocs
    #print new_x_labels
    #print new_y_labels

    new_xlocs = []
    new_xUTMlocs = []
    x_labels = []

    # Now loop through these to get rid of those not in range
    for index, xloc in enumerate(xlocs):
        #print xloc
        if (xloc < XMax and xloc > XMin):

    new_ylocs = []
    new_yUTMlocs = []
    y_labels = []

    # Now loop through these to get rid of those not in range
    for index, yloc in enumerate(ylocs):
        #print yloc
        if (yloc < YMax and yloc > YMin):

    #print "======================================="
    #print "I am getting the tick marks now"
    #print "X extent: " + str(XMin)+ " " +str(XMax)
    #print "Y extent: " + str(YMin)+ " " +str(YMax)
    #print "x ticks: "
    #print new_xlocs
    #print "y ticks: "
    #print new_ylocs

    #return xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels
    return new_xlocs, new_ylocs, x_labels, y_labels