Пример #1
def TestListParsing():

    List1 = ['1', '1.1', '2']
    List2 = ['1', '1a', '2']
    List3 = ['1', '2', '3']

    joe1 = LSDost.ParseListToType(List1)
    joe2 = LSDost.ParseListToType(List2)
    joe3 = LSDost.ParseListToType(List3)

    print "Type of 1 is: "
    print type(joe1[0])

    print "Type of 2 is: "
    print type(joe2[0])

    print "Type of 3 is: "
    print type(joe3[0])
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, FileName):

        # This gets the filename without the .csv
        file_prefix = LSDOst.GetFilePrefix(FileName)

        self.FilePrefix = file_prefix
        print "The object file prefix is: " + self.FilePrefix

        #See if the parameter files exist
        if os.access(FileName, os.F_OK):
            this_file = open(FileName, 'r')
            lines = this_file.readlines()

            # get rid of the control characters
            this_line = LSDOst.RemoveEscapeCharacters(lines[0])

            # Now get a list with the names of the parameters
            self.VariableList = []
            TestList = this_line.split(',')

            for name in TestList:
                this_name = LSDOst.RemoveEscapeCharacters(name)

            print "Variable list is: "
            print self.VariableList

            # get rid of the names
            del lines[0]

            # now you need to make a dict that contains a list for each varaible name
            DataDict = {}
            TypeList = []
            for name in self.VariableList:
                DataDict[name] = []

            # now get the data into the dict
            #firstline = True
            for line in lines:
                this_line = LSDOst.RemoveEscapeCharacters(line)
                split_line = this_line.split(',')

                for index, name in enumerate(self.VariableList):
                    this_var = LSDOst.RemoveEscapeCharacters(split_line[index])
                    #this_variable = LSDOst.ParseStringToType(this_var)

            # now go back and get the correct type
            DataDictTyped = {}
            for name in self.VariableList:
                this_list = DataDict[name]
                typed_list = LSDOst.ParseListToType(this_list)
                DataDictTyped[name] = typed_list


            self.PointData = DataDictTyped
            self.DataTypes = TypeList
            print "Uh oh I could not open that file"
            self.VariableList = []
            self.DataTypes = []
            self.PointData = {}

        # now make sure the data has latitude and longitude entries
        if "latitude" not in self.VariableList:
            print "Something has gone wrong, latitude is not in the variable list"
            print "Here is the variable list: "
            print self.VariableList
        if "longitude" not in self.VariableList:
            print "Something has gone wrong, longitude is not in the variable list"
            print "Here is the variable list: "
            print self.VariableList

        # Add the latitude and longitude to their own data members and get rid
        # of those from the VariableList
        self.Latitude = self.PointData["latitude"]
        self.Longitude = self.PointData["longitude"]