class Main: def __init__(self): print ("start main") self.green_led = Led(GREEN) self.yellow_led = Led(YELLOW) self.red_led = Led(RED) def run(self): if 1 < 2: self.red_led.blink() def blink(self, led): led.blink()
def __init__(self): self.PWM = Motor() self.servo = Servo() self.led = Led() self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic() self.buzzer = Buzzer() self.adc = Adc() self.light = Light() self.infrared = Line_Tracking() self.tcp_Flag = True self.sonic = False self.Light = False self.Mode = 'one' self.endChar = '\n' self.intervalChar = '#'
def __init__(self, gpio, pin, ledPin): # initialize class variables self.gpio = gpio self.pir = pin self.led = Led.Led(gpio, ledPin) self.led.setup()
def __init__(self): self.tcp_flag = False self.led = Led() self.adc = ADS7830() self.servo = Servo() self.buzzer = Buzzer() self.control = Control() self.sonic = Ultrasonic() self.control.Thread_conditiona.start()
def __init__(self): self.headUpDownAngle = 90 self.headLeftRightAngle = 90 self.PWM = Motor() self.servo = Servo() self.horn = Buzzer() self.speed = 1000 # corrected servo positions # adjust these to suit your car # so head is front and centre at start self.headLRcorrect = -3 self.headUDcorrect = 4 self.reset_head() self.selector = DefaultSelector() # set true for mecanum wheels self.mecanum = False self.useLights = True self.led = Led() self.mouse = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event1') self.keybd = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event0') self.readingKeys = False self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) self.brake = False self.reverse = False self.indicating = False self.leftTurn = False self.rightTurn = False self.moving = False self.indi_time = self.indi_off = True self.brake_time = self.brake_off = True atexit.register(self.keybd.ungrab) # Don't forget to ungrab the keyboard on exit! atexit.register(self.mouse.ungrab) self.keybd.grab() # Grab, i.e. prevent the keyboard from emitting original events.# self.mouse.grab() # This works because InputDevice has a `fileno()` method. self.selector.register(self.mouse, EVENT_READ) self.selector.register(self.keybd, EVENT_READ)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('IO_Interface', anonymous=False) # pub = rospy.Publisher('IO_Interface/', String, queue_size=10) #create motors self.motor_1 = Motors.Motor(motorID='t1', pin = 1, pwm_output = 0) self.motor_2 = Motors.Motor(motorID='t2', pin = 2, pwm_output = 0) self.motor_3 = Motors.Motor(motorID='t3', pin = 3, pwm_output = 0) self.motor_4 = Motors.Motor(motorID='t4', pin = 4, pwm_output = 0) #create inu sensors self.mpu = IMU.Inertia_Measurement_Unit('mpu') self.lsm = IMU.Inertia_Measurement_Unit('lsm') #create led output self.led = Led.Navio2_LED()
class Server: def __init__(self): self.PWM = Motor() self.servo = Servo() self.led = Led() self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic() self.buzzer = Buzzer() self.adc = Adc() self.light = Light() self.infrared = Line_Tracking() self.tcp_Flag = True self.sonic = False self.Light = False self.Mode = 'one' self.endChar = '\n' self.intervalChar = '#' def get_interface_ip(self): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return socket.inet_ntoa( fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s', b'wlan0'[:15]))[20:24]) def StartTcpServer(self): HOST = str(self.get_interface_ip()) self.server_socket1 = socket.socket() self.server_socket1.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) self.server_socket1.bind((HOST, 5000)) self.server_socket1.listen(1) self.server_socket = socket.socket() self.server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) self.server_socket.bind((HOST, 8000)) self.server_socket.listen(1) print('Server address: ' + HOST) def StopTcpServer(self): try: self.connection.close() self.connection1.close() except Exception as e: print('\n' + "No client connection") def Reset(self): self.StopTcpServer() self.StartTcpServer() self.SendVideo = Thread(target=self.sendvideo) self.ReadData = Thread(target=self.readdata) self.SendVideo.start() self.ReadData.start() def send(self, data): self.connection1.send(data.encode('utf-8')) def sendvideo(self): try: self.connection, self.client_address = self.server_socket.accept() self.connection = self.connection.makefile('wb') except: pass self.server_socket.close() try: with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (400, 300) # pi camera resolution camera.framerate = 15 # 15 frames/sec time.sleep(2) # give 2 secs for camera to initilize start = time.time() stream = io.BytesIO() # send jpeg format video stream print("Start transmit ... ") for foo in camera.capture_continuous(stream, 'jpeg', use_video_port=True): try: self.connection.flush() b = length = len(b) if length > 5120000: continue lengthBin = struct.pack('L', length) self.connection.write(lengthBin) self.connection.write(b) stream.truncate() except Exception as e: print(e) print("End transmit ... ") break except: #print "Camera unintall" pass def stopMode(self): try: stop_thread(self.infraredRun) self.PWM.setMotorModel(0, 0, 0, 0) except: pass try: stop_thread(self.lightRun) self.PWM.setMotorModel(0, 0, 0, 0) except: pass try: stop_thread(self.ultrasonicRun) self.PWM.setMotorModel(0, 0, 0, 0) self.servo.setServoPwm('0', 90) self.servo.setServoPwm('1', 90) except: pass def readdata(self): try: try: self.connection1, self.client_address1 = self.server_socket1.accept( ) print("Client connection successful ! ---- SURE?") except: print("Client connect failed") restCmd = "" self.server_socket1.close() while True: try: AllData = restCmd + self.connection1.recv(1024).decode( 'utf-8') except: if self.tcp_Flag: self.Reset() break print('AllData is', AllData) if len(AllData) < 5: restCmd = AllData if restCmd == '' and self.tcp_Flag: self.Reset() break restCmd = "" if AllData == '': break else: cmdArray = AllData.split("\n") if (cmdArray[-1] != ""): restCmd = cmdArray[-1] cmdArray = cmdArray[:-1] for oneCmd in cmdArray: data = oneCmd.split("#") if data == None: continue elif cmd.CMD_MODE in data: if data[1] == 'one': self.stopMode() self.Mode = 'one' elif data[1] == 'two': self.stopMode() self.Mode = 'two' self.lightRun = Thread( self.lightRun.start() elif data[1] == 'three': self.stopMode() self.Mode = 'three' self.ultrasonicRun = threading.Thread( self.ultrasonicRun.start() elif data[1] == 'four': self.stopMode() self.Mode = 'four' self.infraredRun = threading.Thread( self.infraredRun.start() elif (cmd.CMD_MOTOR in data) and self.Mode == 'one': print('Data is', data) try: data1 = int(data[1]) data2 = int(data[2]) data3 = int(data[3]) data4 = int(data[4]) if data1 == None or data2 == None or data2 == None or data3 == None: continue self.PWM.setMotorModel(data1, data2, data3, data4) except: pass elif cmd.CMD_SERVO in data: try: data1 = data[1] data2 = int(data[2]) if data1 == None or data2 == None: continue self.servo.setServoPwm(data1, data2) except: pass elif cmd.CMD_LED in data: try: data1 = int(data[1]) data2 = int(data[2]) data3 = int(data[3]) data4 = int(data[4]) if data1 == None or data2 == None or data2 == None or data3 == None: continue self.led.ledIndex(data1, data2, data3, data4) except: pass elif cmd.CMD_LED_MOD in data: self.LedMoD = data[1] if self.LedMoD == '0': try: stop_thread(Led_Mode) except: pass self.led.ledMode(self.LedMoD) time.sleep(0.1) self.led.ledMode(self.LedMoD) else: try: stop_thread(Led_Mode) except: pass time.sleep(0.1) Led_Mode = Thread(target=self.led.ledMode, args=(data[1], )) Led_Mode.start() elif cmd.CMD_SONIC in data: if data[1] == '1': self.sonic = True self.ultrasonicTimer = threading.Timer( 0.5, self.sendUltrasonic) self.ultrasonicTimer.start() else: self.sonic = False elif cmd.CMD_BUZZER in data: try:[1]) except: pass elif cmd.CMD_LIGHT in data: if data[1] == '1': self.Light = True self.lightTimer = threading.Timer( 0.3, self.sendLight) self.lightTimer.start() else: self.Light = False elif cmd.CMD_POWER in data: ADC_Power = self.adc.recvADC(2) * 3 try: self.send(cmd.CMD_POWER + '#' + str(ADC_Power) + '\n') except: pass except Exception as e: print(e) self.StopTcpServer() def sendUltrasonic(self): if self.sonic == True: ADC_Ultrasonic = self.ultrasonic.get_distance() if ADC_Ultrasonic == self.ultrasonic.get_distance(): try: self.send(cmd.CMD_SONIC + "#" + str(ADC_Ultrasonic) + '\n') except: self.sonic = False self.ultrasonicTimer = threading.Timer(0.13, self.sendUltrasonic) self.ultrasonicTimer.start() def sendLight(self): if self.Light == True: ADC_Light1 = self.adc.recvADC(0) ADC_Light2 = self.adc.recvADC(1) try: self.send(cmd.CMD_LIGHT + '#' + str(ADC_Light1) + '#' + str(ADC_Light2) + '\n') except: self.Light = False self.lightTimer = threading.Timer(0.17, self.sendLight) self.lightTimer.start() def Power(self): while True: ADC_Power = self.adc.recvADC(2) * 3 time.sleep(3) if ADC_Power < 6.8: for i in range(4):'1') time.sleep(0.1)'0') time.sleep(0.1) elif ADC_Power < 7: for i in range(2):'1') time.sleep(0.1)'0') time.sleep(0.1) else:'0')
import time from Led import * led=Led() try: led.ledIndex(0x01,255,0,0) #Red led.ledIndex(0x02,255,125,0) #orange led.ledIndex(0x04,255,255,0) #yellow led.ledIndex(0x08,0,255,0) #green led.ledIndex(0x10,0,255,255) #cyan-blue led.ledIndex(0x20,0,0,255) #blue led.ledIndex(0x40,128,0,128) #purple led.ledIndex(0x80,255,255,255) #white''' print ("The LED has been lit, the color is red orange yellow green cyan-blue blue white") time.sleep(10) #wait 3s led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0,0,0)) #turn off the light print ("\nEnd of program") except KeyboardInterrupt: led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0,0,0)) #turn off the light print ("\nEnd of program")
from datetime import datetime import pytz import time #For time.sleep() #Log Data from logData import logData #24Hours Format flag =1 while True: location_india=pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata') timestamp='{:%H:%M}'.format(time_india) if timestamp>=("6:00") && flag=0: led_on=Led.LedOn() air_on=AirPump.AirPumpOn() flag=1 #LED ON #logData() if timestamp==("22:00"): led_off=Led.LedOff() air_off=AirPumpOff() flag=0 #Put if(s) and check time for LED and AirPump #Add a while loop to hit the sensors and get value #Call the Display function from Display_oled with time, to display this data. 5 sec each. 20 Seconds gap between every data update #1 co2ppm=mh_z14.co2() display("CO2 ppm is",co2ppm,5) print("CO2 ppm is",co2ppm)
import CmdMessenger import CmdManager import Motors import Gripper import Led import SpeedControl if __name__ == '__main__': cMes = CmdMessenger.CmdMessenger() cMes.start() cMan = CmdManager.CmdManager(cMes) cMotor = Motors.Motors(cMes, 5) cMotor.start() cSpeed = SpeedControl.SpeedControl(cMotor) gripper = Gripper.Gripper(cMes) led = Led.Led(cMes)
def Run_Cart4(self): #------------------------------------------Ultrasonic sensor and Servo Motor Class self.Ultrasonic = Ultrasonic() self.LED = Led() self.Buzzer = Buzzer() self.Junction = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while True: self.Movement_Type = 0 Distance = self.Ultrasonic.get_distance() IR_Left = GPIO.input(IR01) IR_Mid = GPIO.input(IR02) IR_Right = GPIO.input(IR03) if (Distance > 15.0): if ((IR_Left == 0) and (IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Right == 0)): if (self.Moved_Reverse_New != self.Moved_Reverse_Old): self.Movement_Type = 11 #Move Reverse else: self.Movement_Type = 5 #Move Forward self.Junction = 0 #Clear the Junction Variable elif ((IR_Left == 1) and (IR_Mid == 0) and (IR_Right == 0)): self.Movement_Type = 3 #Take Slight Left elif ((IR_Left == 1) and (IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Right == 0)): self.Movement_Type = 3 #Take Slight Left elif ((IR_Left == 0) and (IR_Mid == 0) and (IR_Right == 1)): self.Movement_Type = 7 #Take Slight Right elif ((IR_Left == 0) and (IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Right == 1)): self.Movement_Type = 7 #Take Slight Right elif ((IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Left == 1) and (IR_Right == 1)): if (self.Junction == 0): self.Movement_Type = self.Mov_According_To_Specified_position( ) self.Junction = 1 else: pass else: self.Movement_Type = 0 #Stop Movement self.LED.ledIndex(0x20, 255, 125, 0) #Orange self.LED.ledIndex(0x40, 255, 125, 0) #Orange time.sleep(1) self.LED.ledIndex(0x60, 0, 0, 0) #Actuate the motors to move cart to the specific Coordinate self.Move_Cart(self.Movement_Type) if (self.Is_Intermediate_DestinTion_Reached()): break
#Number of readings to take. If set to 0 then an infinite number of reeds will be taken readsToTake = 0 #Delay between reads (seconds) delay = 60 #get time spamp timeStamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') #open log file for writing #logFile = open("templog-"+timeStamp, "w") logFileName = "templog-continuous" #Live Log Path is the ip address and port where the is running. #Live Log Path is in the format" liveLogPath = "" redLed = Led(23) redLed.ledOff() #####***END CONSTANTS SECTION***##### """ Function used to load webpage that records data. Uses liveLogPath and appends data read in from the sensors. """ def writeLiveData(liveLogPath, sensor1, sensor2): data = "sensor1=" + sensor1 + "&sensor2=" + sensor2 try: urllib2.urlopen(liveLogPath + data) except Exception: return #####***BEGIN PROGRAM***#####
def __init__(self): self.led = Led.Led() self.player = Player2.Player() self.btManager = BluetoothManager.BluetoothManager( self.onConnect, self.onDisconnect, self.player.on_property_changed) self.apds = Apds.Apds()
def test_Led(): led = Led() try: #Red wipe print("\nRed wipe") led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(255, 0, 0)) time.sleep(1) #Green wipe print("\nGreen wipe") led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0, 255, 0)) time.sleep(1) #Blue wipe print("\nBlue wipe") led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0, 0, 255)) time.sleep(1) #White wipe print("\nWhite wipe") led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(255, 255, 255)) time.sleep(1) led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0, 0, 0)) #turn off the light print("\nEnd of program") except KeyboardInterrupt: led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0, 0, 0)) #turn off the light print("\nEnd of program")
def __init__(self): self.led = Led()
def led(): Led.LedLamp(26).flikker_bg(5) return redirect('/')
#Una vez se haya colocado el objeto en el centro, se pulsara el boton para iniciar el escaneo. def makeScan(code): #Aqui ira la logica del movimiento del motor 1/8 de la vuelta y tomara una foto. ThunderBorg_moveStepper.MoveStep(SPR / config.numSteps) #Llama a la libreria de la shield con el controlador de motor y le pasa el parametro de cuanto se tiene que mover. global actualStep #Declara una variable global que es el paso actual en el que va. actualStep += 1 #Suma uno a la variable del paso acutal en el que va. print(actualStep) #Imprime por terminal el paso actual en el que va. takePicture.takePicture(code,config.loc,actualStep) #Toma una foto con la PiCamera, pasandole el codigo para poner nombre a la imagen, la localizacion de guardado y el paso actual. print("Starting...") #Al inicio de todo imprime por terminal que la maquina se esta inicializando... #Aqui inicia el proceso del scanner para detectar el codigo QR Led.setup() while True: if state == 'QR': #Una vez se detecte el QR se encendera una luz para avisar que fue registrado el QR # led 1 on, led 2 off Led.ledOn(1) Led.ledOff(2) Led.ledOff(3) print("Waiting for QR code") # limpia el buffer de input tcflush(sys.stdin, TCIFLUSH) #ESTO HAY QUE CAMBIARLO PARA QUE NO SEA UN NUMERO, SEA UNA URL.
def __init__(self): print("start main") self.green_led = Led(GREEN) self.yellow_led = Led(YELLOW) self.red_led = Led(RED) self.detected = False
class FaceLock: def __init__(self): print("start main") self.green_led = Led(GREEN) self.yellow_led = Led(YELLOW) self.red_led = Led(RED) self.detected = False def run(self): if self.detect() == True: self.unlock() self.green_led.on() else: self.lock() self.red_led.on() def detect(self): return False def failure(self): self.red_led.blink() def pending(self): self.yellow_led.on() def complete(self): def access(self): self.green_led.on() def lock(self): print("Locked") def unlock(self): print("Unlocked")
def __init__(self): print ("start main") self.green_led = Led(GREEN) self.yellow_led = Led(YELLOW) self.red_led = Led(RED) self.detected = False
class FaceLock: def __init__(self): print ("start main") self.green_led = Led(GREEN) self.yellow_led = Led(YELLOW) self.red_led = Led(RED) self.detected = False def run(self): if self.detect() == True: self.unlock() self.green_led.on() else: self.lock() self.red_led.on() def detect(self): return False def failure(self): self.red_led.blink() def pending(self): self.yellow_led.on() def complete(self): def access(self): self.green_led.on() def lock(self): print("Locked") def unlock(self): print("Unlocked")
class LED: def __init__(self): self.led = Led() def LED_on(self, led_ID, Red_Intensity, Blue_Intensity, Green_intensity): """ Parameters ---------- led_ID: This is the ID of leds. It can be from 1 to 8 Red_Intensity: 1 to 255, from dimmest to brightest Blue_Intensity: 1 to 255, from dimmest to brightest Green_intensity: 1 to 255, from dimmest to brightest ------- """ try: self.led.ledIndex(led_ID, Red_Intensity, Blue_Intensity, Green_intensity) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0, 0, 0)) ##This is to turn all leds off/ def test_Led(self): """ This is to test all leds and do several different leds. """ try: self.led.ledIndex(0x01, 255, 0, 0) # Red self.led.ledIndex(0x02, 255, 125, 0) # orange self.led.ledIndex(0x04, 255, 255, 0) # yellow self.led.ledIndex(0x08, 0, 255, 0) # green self.led.ledIndex(0x10, 0, 255, 255) # cyan-blue self.led.ledIndex(0x20, 0, 0, 255) # blue self.led.ledIndex(0x40, 128, 0, 128) # purple self.led.ledIndex(0x80, 255, 255, 255) # white''' print("The LED has been lit, the color is red orange yellow green cyan-blue blue white") time.sleep(3) # wait 3s self.led.colorWipe("", Color(0, 0, 0)) # turn off the light print("\nEnd of program") except KeyboardInterrupt: self.led.colorWipe("", Color(0, 0, 0)) # turn off the light print("\nEnd of program") def leds_off(self): self.led.colorWipe("", Color(0, 0, 0)) ##This is to turn all leds off/
def __init__(self): self.lcd = Lcd.__init__() = Led.__init__() = Led.__init__()
class localKeyboard: def __init__(self): self.headUpDownAngle = 90 self.headLeftRightAngle = 90 self.PWM = Motor() self.servo = Servo() self.horn = Buzzer() self.speed = 1000 # corrected servo positions # adjust these to suit your car # so head is front and centre at start self.headLRcorrect = -3 self.headUDcorrect = 4 self.reset_head() self.selector = DefaultSelector() # set true for mecanum wheels self.mecanum = False self.useLights = True self.led = Led() self.mouse = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event1') self.keybd = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event0') self.readingKeys = False self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) self.brake = False self.reverse = False self.indicating = False self.leftTurn = False self.rightTurn = False self.moving = False self.indi_time = self.indi_off = True self.brake_time = self.brake_off = True atexit.register(self.keybd.ungrab) # Don't forget to ungrab the keyboard on exit! atexit.register(self.mouse.ungrab) self.keybd.grab() # Grab, i.e. prevent the keyboard from emitting original events.# self.mouse.grab() # This works because InputDevice has a `fileno()` method. self.selector.register(self.mouse, EVENT_READ) self.selector.register(self.keybd, EVENT_READ) def read_keys_loop(self): self.readingKeys = True while self.readingKeys: self.read_keys() # only manage lights after a key press so brake lights, if on, # will stay on until next key event if self.useLights: self.manage_lights() def manage_lights(self): # indicators if not self.indicating and not self.reverse: self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) else: if self.indicating: if ( - self.indi_time).microseconds > 250000: self.indi_off = not self.indi_off self.indi_time = if self.indi_off: if self.leftTurn: self.led.strip.setPixelColor(2, Color(125,85,0) ) self.led.strip.setPixelColor(5, Color(125,85,0) ) if self.rightTurn: self.led.strip.setPixelColor(1, Color(125,85,0) ) self.led.strip.setPixelColor(6, Color(125,85,0) ) else: self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) if self.reverse: self.led.strip.setPixelColor(1, Color(255,255,255) ) self.led.strip.setPixelColor(2, Color(255,255,255) ) if self.brake: self.brake = False if self.brake_off: self.brake_off = False self.brake_time = self.led.strip.setPixelColor(1, Color(255,0,0) ) self.led.strip.setPixelColor(2, Color(255,0,0) ) if not self.brake_off: #this is a minimum time on, they stay on until next key press if ( - self.brake_time).microseconds > 250000: self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) self.brake = False self.brake_off = True def read_keys(self): for key, mask in device =key.fileobj for event in if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY: # print("key press") # print(evdev.ecodes.bytype[evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY][event.code]) if event.value == 1 or event.value == 2: self.key_press(event, self.keybd) elif event.value == 0: self.drive_stop() elif event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_REL: if event.code == evdev.ecodes.REL_X: if event.value < 0: self.head_left() else: self.head_right() if event.code == evdev.ecodes.REL_Y: if event.value < 0: self.head_down() else: self.head_up() else: pass #print(event) def key_press(self, ev, kbd): if (ev.value == 1 or ev.value == 2): # 1 PRESS or 2 HOLD # EVENTS CALLED ON PRESS AND ON HOLD # HEAD POSITION if ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_Z: self.head_down() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_A: self.head_left() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_S: self.head_right() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_W: self.head_up() # HORN elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_T: self.toot() # not interested in any other held keys elif ev.value == 2: pass #EVENTS THAT SHOULD ONLY BE CALLED ON PRESS AND NOT HOLD # SPEED SETTING elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_1: self.speed = 1000 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_2: self.speed = 1200 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_3: self.speed = 1400 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_4: self.speed = 1700 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_5: self.speed = 2000 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_6: self.speed = 2400 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_7: self.speed = 2800 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_8: self.speed = 3200 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_9: self.speed = 3600 elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_0: self.speed = 4000 # DRIVE FUNCTIONS elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_UP: self.drive_forward() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_DOWN: self.drive_backward() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_LEFT: self.turn_left() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_RIGHT: self.turn_right() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_COMMA: self.crab_left() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_DOT: self.crab_right() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_SEMICOLON: self.diag_right() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_K: self.diag_left() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_SLASH: self.diag_rev_right() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_M: self.diag_rev_left() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_U: self.curve_right() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_Y: self.curve_left() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_J: self.curve_rev_right() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_H: self.curve_rev_left() # USE OR DONT USE LIGHTS elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_L: self.useLights = not self.useLights if not self.useLights: self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) # RESET TO START STATE elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_HOME: #RESET TO START STATE self.drive_stop() self.servo.setServoPwm('0', int(self.headLeftRightAngle)) self.servo.setServoPwm('1', int(self.headUpDownAngle)) self.speed = 1000 self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) # PROG FUNCTIONS elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_LEFTMETA: self.close() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_END: self.shutdown_pi() elif ev.code == evdev.ecodes.KEY_SYSRQ: self.reboot_pi() else: print("UNUSED KEY CODE") print(evdev.ecodes.bytype[evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY][ev.code]) if ev.value == 0: self.drive_stop() # flush backed up key presses while kbd.read_one() is not None: if ev.value == 0 : self.drive_stop() def close(self): self.readingKeys = False self.selector.unregister(self.mouse) self.selector.unregister(self.keybd) self.led.colorWipe(self.led.strip, Color(0,0,0),0) # kbd should be ungrabbed by atexit # but belt and braces try: self.keybd.ungrab self.mouse.ungrab except: pass sys.exit() def shutdown_pi(self): self.readingKeys = False self.toot() time.sleep(0.2) self.toot() call("sudo nohup shutdown -h now", shell=True) def reboot_pi(self): self.readingKeys = False self.toot() call("sudo nohup reboot", shell=True) def toot(self):'1') time.sleep(0.2)'0') def drive_forward(self): self.moving = True PWM.setMotorModel(self.speed, self.speed, self.speed, self.speed) def turn_left(self): self.moving = True self.indicating = True self.leftTurn = True self.rightTurn = False PWM.setMotorModel(-self.speed, -self.speed, self.speed, self.speed) def drive_backward(self): self.moving = True self.reverse = True PWM.setMotorModel(-self.speed, -self.speed, -self.speed, -self.speed) def turn_right(self): self.moving = True self.indicating = True self.leftTurn = False self.rightTurn = True PWM.setMotorModel(self.speed, self.speed, -self.speed, -self.speed) def curve_left(self, biasPcent=20): self.moving = True PWM.setMotorModel(int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100), int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100), int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100), int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100)) def curve_right(self, biasPcent=20): self.moving = True PWM.setMotorModel(int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100), int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100), int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100), int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100)) def curve_rev_left(self, biasPcent=20): self.moving = True self.reverse = True PWM.setMotorModel(-int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100), -int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100), -int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100), -int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100)) def curve_rev_right(self, biasPcent=20): self.moving = True self.reverse = True PWM.setMotorModel(-int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100), -int(self.speed * (100 + biasPcent) / 100), -int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100), -int(self.speed * (100 - biasPcent) / 100)) def crab_left(self): #REQUIRES MECANUM WHEELS if self.mecanum: self.moving = True self.indicating = True self.leftTurn = True self.rightTurn = False PWM.setMotorModel(-self.speed, self.speed, self.speed, -self.speed) def crab_right(self): #REQUIRES MECANUM WHEELS if self.mecanum: self.moving = True self.indicating = True self.leftTurn = False self.rightTurn = True PWM.setMotorModel(self.speed, -self.speed, -self.speed, self.speed) def diag_right(self): #REQUIRES MECANUM WHEELS if self.mecanum: self.moving = True PWM.setMotorModel(self.speed, 0, 0, self.speed) def diag_left(self): #REQUIRES MECANUM WHEELS if self.mecanum: self.moving = True PWM.setMotorModel(0, self.speed, self.speed, 0) def diag_rev_left(self): #REQUIRES MECANUM WHEELS if self.mecanum: self.moving = True self.reverse = True PWM.setMotorModel(-self.speed, 0, 0, -self.speed) def diag_rev_right(self): #REQUIRES MECANUM WHEELS if self.mecanum: self.moving = True self.reverse = True PWM.setMotorModel(0, -self.speed, -self.speed, 0) def drive_stop(self): if self.moving: self.brake = True self.moving = False PWM.setMotorModel(0, 0, 0, 0) self.reverse = False self.indicating = False self.leftTurn = False self.rightTurn = False def head_up(self): self.headUpDownAngle += 1 if self.headUpDownAngle > 180 + self.headUDcorrect: self.headUpDownAngle = 180 + self.headUDcorrect self.servo.setServoPwm('1', self.headUpDownAngle) # print("Up/down " + str(self.headUpDownAngle)) def head_down(self): self.headUpDownAngle -= 1 if self.headUpDownAngle < 80 + self.headUDcorrect: self.headUpDownAngle = 80 + self.headUDcorrect self.servo.setServoPwm('1', self.headUpDownAngle) # print("Up/down " + str(self.headUpDownAngle)) def head_left(self): self.headLeftRightAngle -= 1 if self.headLeftRightAngle < 10 + self.headLRcorrect: self.headLeftRightAngle = 10 + self.headLRcorrect self.servo.setServoPwm('0', self.headLeftRightAngle) # print("Left/Right " + str(self.headLeftRightAngle)) def head_LRpos(self, angle): # print("Move head to " + str(self.headLeftRightAngle)) self.headLeftRightAngle = angle + self.headLRcorrect self.servo.setServoPwm('0', self.headLeftRightAngle) def head_right(self): self.headLeftRightAngle += 1 if self.headLeftRightAngle > 170 + self.headLRcorrect: self.headLeftRightAngle = 170 + self.headLRcorrect self.servo.setServoPwm('0', self.headLeftRightAngle) # print("Left/Right " + str(self.headLeftRightAngle)) def reset_head(self): self.headLeftRightAngle = 90 + self.headLRcorrect self.headUpDownAngle = 90 + self.headUDcorrect self.servo.setServoPwm('0', int(self.headLeftRightAngle)) self.servo.setServoPwm('1', int(self.headUpDownAngle))
test_images = [ ('01.jpg', [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]), ('02.jpg', [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]), # is tail 0,0 or 0,0,1? ('03.jpg', [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]), ('04.jpg', [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]) ] start_time = time.time() print 'Slow algorithm' for test_image in test_images: image_original = cv2.imread('img_in' + os.sep + test_image[0]) led = ll.Led(image_original) counted_array = led.getCode() if cmp(counted_array, test_image[1]) != 0: print 'Error in decoding {}:'.format(test_image[0]) print 'correct:', test_image[1] print 'counted:', counted_array else: print test_image[0] + ' is correct!' print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) # test fast method start_time = time.time() print '\nFast algorithm' for test_image in test_images: img_gray = cv2.imread('img_in' + os.sep + test_image[0], 0) counted_array = ll.Led.getCodeFast(img_gray)
def TurnOn(self,color): L.send(self.findledVal(),color)
class SPUG: def Initialize_Values(self): #Itial position self.x_init = 0 self.y_init = 0 #Product Location Positions self.x_pro_des = 3 #Test Initialization self.y_pro_des = 3 #Test Initialization #Intermediate Destination Positions self.x_inter_des = 3 #Test Initialization self.y_inter_des = 3 #Test Initialization #Local Position of the SPUG self.l_x = 0 self.l_y = 0 #SPUG Starts at Coordinate [0 ,0] facing North self.Orientation = "North" #SPUG Number self.Cart_Number = 4 #Variable to calculate the Position of SPUG after movement self.Moved_Straight_New = 0 self.Moved_Straight_Old = 0 self.Moved_Reverse_New = 0 self.Moved_Reverse_Old = 0 self.Moved_Left_New = 0 self.Moved_Left_Old = 0 self.Moved_Right_New = 0 self.Moved_Right_Old = 0 #Total moves made by SPUG self.Total_Moves = 0 #Intermediate Position Reached by SPUG self.Inter_Target_Reached = 0 #Product Location Reached by SPUG self.Product_Des_Reached = 0 #SPUG presesnt at junction self.Junction = 0 #SPUG at [0 ,0] coordinate: # 0 - Present at [0,0] coordinate # 1 - Not pressent at [0,0] coordinate self.IntialJunction = 0 #Function to set the intermediate coordinates to navigate SPUG def Set_intermediate_destnation_position(self, x_destination, y_destnation): self.x_inter_des = x_destination self.y_inter_des = y_destnation self.Inter_Target_Reached = 0 #Function to set the Product locations to message the server if the product location is reached def Set_product_destnation_position(self, x_destination, y_destnation): self.x_pro_des = x_destination self.y_pro_des = y_destnation self.Product_Des_Reached = 0 #Function to get the current coordinates of SPUG def Get_curent_position(self): return self.l_x, self.l_y #Function to get if Intermediate position is reached def Is_Intermediate_DestinTion_Reached(self): return self.Inter_Target_Reached #Function to get if Product location is reached def Is_Product_DestinTion_Reached(self): return self.Product_Des_Reached #Function to update the coordinates and get the direction to move def Mov_According_To_Specified_position(self): #Intial Position Before Movement self.x_init = self.l_x self.y_init = self.l_y #Do not update the coordinates for the first junction if (self.IntialJunction != 0): Coordinates_Updated = 0 #Code for updating the co-ordinates if (self.Moved_Straight_New != self.Moved_Straight_Old): if (self.Orientation == "North"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y + 1 elif (self.Orientation == "South"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y - 1 elif (self.Orientation == "East"): self.l_x = self.l_x + 1 self.l_y = self.l_y elif (self.Orientation == "West"): self.l_x = self.l_x - 1 self.l_y = self.l_y Coordinates_Updated = 1 elif (self.Moved_Reverse_New != self.Moved_Reverse_Old): if (self.Orientation == "North"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y - 1 elif (self.Orientation == "South"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y + 1 elif (self.Orientation == "East"): self.l_x = self.l_x - 1 self.l_y = self.l_y elif (self.Orientation == "West"): self.l_x = self.l_x + 1 self.l_y = self.l_y Coordinates_Updated = 1 elif (self.Moved_Left_New != self.Moved_Left_Old): if (self.Orientation == "North"): self.l_x = self.l_x - 1 self.l_y = self.l_y self.Orientation = 'West' elif (self.Orientation == "South"): self.l_x = self.l_x + 1 self.l_y = self.l_y self.Orientation = 'East' elif (self.Orientation == "East"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y + 1 self.Orientation = 'North' elif (self.Orientation == "West"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y - 1 self.Orientation = 'South' Coordinates_Updated = 1 elif (self.Moved_Right_New != self.Moved_Right_Old): if (self.Orientation == "North"): self.l_x = self.l_x + 1 self.l_y = self.l_y self.Orientation = 'East' elif (self.Orientation == "South"): self.l_x = self.l_x - 1 self.l_y = self.l_y self.Orientation = 'West' elif (self.Orientation == "East"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y - 1 self.Orientation = 'South' elif (self.Orientation == "West"): self.l_x = self.l_x self.l_y = self.l_y + 1 self.Orientation = 'North' Coordinates_Updated = 1 if (Coordinates_Updated != 0): self.Total_Moves = self.Total_Moves + 1 self.Moved_Straight_New = self.Moved_Straight_Old self.Moved_Reverse_New = self.Moved_Reverse_Old self.Moved_Left_New = self.Moved_Left_Old self.Moved_Right_New = self.Moved_Right_Old #Calculate the next move if (self.Orientation == "North"): if ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) > 0): self.Moved_Straight_New = self.Moved_Straight_Old + 1 ret = 5 #Straight elif ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) > 0): self.Moved_Right_New = self.Moved_Right_Old + 1 ret = 9 #Right elif ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) < 0): self.Moved_Left_New = self.Moved_Left_Old + 1 ret = 1 #Left elif ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) < 0): self.Moved_Reverse_New = self.Moved_Reverse_Old + 1 ret = 11 #Reverse elif ((self.y_inter_des == self.l_y) and (self.x_inter_des == self.l_x)): ret = 0 #Stop elif (self.Orientation == "South"): if ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) < 0): self.Moved_Straight_New = self.Moved_Straight_Old + 1 ret = 5 #Straight elif ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) < 0): self.Moved_Right_New = self.Moved_Right_Old + 1 ret = 9 #Right elif ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) > 0): self.Moved_Left_New = self.Moved_Left_Old + 1 ret = 1 #Left elif ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) > 0): self.Moved_Reverse_New = self.Moved_Reverse_Old + 1 ret = 11 #Reverse elif ((self.y_inter_des == self.l_y) and (self.x_inter_des == self.l_x)): ret = 0 #Stop elif (self.Orientation == "East"): if ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) > 0): self.Moved_Straight_New = self.Moved_Straight_Old + 1 ret = 5 #Straight elif ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) < 0): self.Moved_Right_New = self.Moved_Right_Old + 1 ret = 9 #Right elif ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) > 0): self.Moved_Left_New = self.Moved_Left_Old + 1 ret = 1 #Left elif ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) < 0): self.Moved_Reverse_New = self.Moved_Reverse_Old + 1 ret = 11 #Reverse elif ((self.y_inter_des == self.l_y) and (self.x_inter_des == self.l_x)): ret = 0 #Stop elif (self.Orientation == "West"): if ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) < 0): self.Moved_Straight_New = self.Moved_Straight_Old + 1 ret = 5 #Straight elif ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) > 0): self.Moved_Right_New = self.Moved_Right_Old + 1 ret = 9 #Right elif ((self.y_inter_des - self.l_y) < 0): self.Moved_Left_New = self.Moved_Left_Old + 1 ret = 1 #Left elif ((self.x_inter_des - self.l_x) > 0): self.Moved_Reverse_New = self.Moved_Reverse_Old + 1 ret = 11 #Reverse elif ((self.y_inter_des == self.l_y) and (self.x_inter_des == self.l_x)): ret = 0 #Stop #Set the inital junction value to 1 self.IntialJunction = 1 #Update if the intermediate position is reached if ((self.y_inter_des == self.l_y) and (self.x_inter_des == self.l_x)): self.Inter_Target_Reached = 1 else: self.Inter_Target_Reached = 0 #Update if the product location coordinate is reached if ((self.y_pro_des == self.l_y) and (self.x_pro_des == self.l_x)): self.Product_Des_Reached = 1 else: self.Product_Des_Reached = 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--------------------Print data for debugging------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("Orientation - %s" % self.Orientation) print("X Coordinate - %d " % self.l_x) print("Y Coordinate - %d " % self.l_y) print("Intermediate Destination Reached - %d " % self.Inter_Target_Reached) print("Product Destination Reached - %d " % self.Product_Des_Reached) print("Total Moves - %d " % self.Total_Moves) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #----------------------Write data into Google Firebase Cloud Database------------------------------------------------- # Create a dictionary to store the data before sending to the database data_to_upload = { 'Time': time.ctime(), 'Current X Coordinate': self.l_x, 'Current Y Coordinate': self.l_y, 'Intermed Destination X': self.x_inter_des, 'Intermed Destination Y': self.y_inter_des, 'Product Destination X': self.x_pro_des, 'Product Destination Y': self.y_pro_des, 'Movement': ret, 'Orientation': self.Orientation, 'Intermed Destination Reached': self.Inter_Target_Reached, 'Product Destination Reached': self.Product_Des_Reached, 'Total Moves': self.Total_Moves } #Post the data to the appropriate folder/branch within your database result ='/Cart4/SPUG_PI2PC_Coordinates_Data/', data_to_upload) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------------------Send MQTT Path Occupy Message------------------------------------------------- client = mqtt.Client("RaspBerry_PI_1") #create new instance client.connect('', 1883, 70) #connect to broker client.loop_start() message1 = { "X": str(self.x_inter_des), "Y": str(str(self.y_inter_des)) } msg1 = json.dumps(message1) client.publish("pointOccupy/", msg1, 2) time.sleep(0.1) print("Point Occupy message Sent from Pi :" + time.ctime() + " " + msg1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------------------Send MQTT Path Un-Occupy Message------------------------------------------------- if (self.Is_Intermediate_DestinTion_Reached()): client = mqtt.Client("RaspBerry_PI_2") #create new instance client.connect('', 1883, 70) #connect to broker client.loop_start() message2 = { "X": str(self.x_inter_des), "Y": str(str(self.y_inter_des)) } msg2 = json.dumps(message2) client.publish("pointUnoccupy/", msg2, 2) time.sleep(0.1) print("Point Un-Occupy message Sent from Pi :" + time.ctime() + " " + msg2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------Send MQTT Item Purchased Message------------------------------------------------- if (self.Is_Product_DestinTion_Reached()): client = mqtt.Client("RaspBerry_PI_3") #create new instance client.connect('', 1883, 70) #connect to broker client.loop_start() message3 = { "itemPurchasedX" : str(self.l_x), "itemPurchasedY" : str(self.l_y), \ "cartName" : "cart"+str(self.Cart_Number)} msg3 = json.dumps(message3) client.publish("item/", msg3, 2) time.sleep(0.1) print("Item Purchased message Sent from Pi :" + time.ctime() + " " + msg3) self.LED.ledIndex(0xFF, 0, 0, 0) # Switch off all LED's'1') time.sleep(0.5)'0') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Return Value from the Calculations return int(ret) def Move_Cart(self, l_Movement_Type): if (l_Movement_Type == 5): self.LED.ledIndex(0xFF, 0, 0, 0) #Turn Off self.LED.ledIndex(0xF0, 0, 255, 0) #Green #PWM.setMotorModel(800,800,800,800) #time.sleep(0.1) #PWM.setMotorModel(0,0,0,0) elif (l_Movement_Type == 1): self.LED.ledIndex(0xFF, 0, 0, 0) #Turn Off self.LED.ledIndex(0x3C, 0, 255, 0) #Green #PWM.setMotorModel(-2000,-2000,4000,4000) #time.sleep(0.2) elif (l_Movement_Type == 3): self.LED.ledIndex(0xFF, 0, 0, 0) #Turn Off self.LED.ledIndex(0x3C, 0, 0, 0) #Green #PWM.setMotorModel(-1200,-1200,2000,2000) #time.sleep(0.2) elif (l_Movement_Type == 7): self.LED.ledIndex(0xFF, 0, 0, 0) #Turn Off self.LED.ledIndex(0xC3, 0, 0, 0) #Green #PWM.setMotorModel(2000,2000,-1200,-1200) #time.sleep(0.2) elif (l_Movement_Type == 9): self.LED.ledIndex(0xFF, 0, 0, 0) #Turn Off self.LED.ledIndex(0xC3, 0, 255, 0) #Green #PWM.setMotorModel(4000,4000,-2000,-2000) #time.sleep(0.5) elif (l_Movement_Type == 11): self.LED.ledIndex(0xFF, 0, 0, 0) #Turn Off self.LED.ledIndex(0x0F, 0, 255, 0) #Green #PWM.setMotorModel(-600,-600,-600,-600) elif (l_Movement_Type == 0): time.sleep(0.001) #PWM.setMotorModel(0,0,0,0) def Run_Cart4(self): #------------------------------------------Ultrasonic sensor and Servo Motor Class self.Ultrasonic = Ultrasonic() self.LED = Led() self.Buzzer = Buzzer() self.Junction = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while True: self.Movement_Type = 0 Distance = self.Ultrasonic.get_distance() IR_Left = GPIO.input(IR01) IR_Mid = GPIO.input(IR02) IR_Right = GPIO.input(IR03) if (Distance > 15.0): if ((IR_Left == 0) and (IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Right == 0)): if (self.Moved_Reverse_New != self.Moved_Reverse_Old): self.Movement_Type = 11 #Move Reverse else: self.Movement_Type = 5 #Move Forward self.Junction = 0 #Clear the Junction Variable elif ((IR_Left == 1) and (IR_Mid == 0) and (IR_Right == 0)): self.Movement_Type = 3 #Take Slight Left elif ((IR_Left == 1) and (IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Right == 0)): self.Movement_Type = 3 #Take Slight Left elif ((IR_Left == 0) and (IR_Mid == 0) and (IR_Right == 1)): self.Movement_Type = 7 #Take Slight Right elif ((IR_Left == 0) and (IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Right == 1)): self.Movement_Type = 7 #Take Slight Right elif ((IR_Mid == 1) and (IR_Left == 1) and (IR_Right == 1)): if (self.Junction == 0): self.Movement_Type = self.Mov_According_To_Specified_position( ) self.Junction = 1 else: pass else: self.Movement_Type = 0 #Stop Movement self.LED.ledIndex(0x20, 255, 125, 0) #Orange self.LED.ledIndex(0x40, 255, 125, 0) #Orange time.sleep(1) self.LED.ledIndex(0x60, 0, 0, 0) #Actuate the motors to move cart to the specific Coordinate self.Move_Cart(self.Movement_Type) if (self.Is_Intermediate_DestinTion_Reached()): break
import time from Led import * from servo import * from Motor import * led = Led() def test_Led(): try: led.ledIndex(0x01, 255, 0, 0) #Red led.ledIndex(0x02, 255, 125, 0) #orange led.ledIndex(0x04, 255, 255, 0) #yellow led.ledIndex(0x08, 0, 255, 0) #green led.ledIndex(0x10, 0, 255, 255) #cyan-blue led.ledIndex(0x20, 0, 0, 255) #blue led.ledIndex(0x40, 128, 0, 128) #purple led.ledIndex(0x80, 255, 255, 255) #white''' print "The LED has been lit, the color is red orange yellow green cyan-blue blue white" time.sleep(3) #wait 3s led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0, 0, 0)) #turn off the light print "\nEnd of program" except KeyboardInterrupt: led.colorWipe(led.strip, Color(0, 0, 0)) #turn off the light print "\nEnd of program" PWM = Motor() def test_Motor():
print('Initialize motor control...') myEngine = Motor.Motor() print('Initialize servo control ... ') myServo = ServoControl(debug = True) print('Initialize Buzzer Driver...') myBuzzer = Buzzer.Buzzer() print('Initialize ADC Driver...') myAdc = ADC.Adc() Thread_Monitor = threading.Thread(target = monitorBattery, args=[myAdc, myBuzzer]) Thread_Monitor.start() print('Initialize LED Driver...') myLed = Led.Led() try: print('Center camera head...') time.sleep(2) print('Enter 50ms control loop...') disableMotor = False while True: # 1st stick controls the wheel motors stick1_hor = myPad.get_axis_scaled(0) stick1_ver = myPad.get_axis_scaled(1) if not disableMotor: process_stick1(stick1_hor, stick1_ver, myEngine) else: