def checkCfgConfig(self, cfg_params): """ """ self.datasvc_url = cfg_params.get("USER.datasvc_url", self.datasvc_url) self.srm_version = cfg_params.get("USER.srm_version", 'srmv2') self.node = cfg_params.get('USER.storage_element', None) self.usenamespace = cfg_params.get("USER.usenamespace", 0) self.user_remote_dir = cfg_params.get("USER.user_remote_dir", '') self.publish_data = cfg_params.get("USER.publish_data", 0) if int(self.publish_data) == 1: # only accepts valid PhEDEx Node Names import Lexicon try: Lexicon.cmsname(self.node) except Exception, text: msg = "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text, self.node) msg += "\n***************** NOTICE ***************" msg += "\nOnly valid Phexex Node Names can be used as location for published data" msg += "\nPlease fix storage_element or set publish_data=0 in [USER] section of crab.cfg" if 'group' in self.user_remote_dir: msg += '\nIf you are trying to stage out to some /store/group area, you can do like:' msg += '\n storage_element = T2_US_UCSD' msg += '\n user_remote_dir = /store/group/foo/bar' msg += "\n****************************************" raise CrabException(msg)
def checkCfgConfig(self,cfg_params): """ """ self.datasvc_url = cfg_params.get("USER.datasvc_url",self.datasvc_url) self.srm_version = cfg_params.get("USER.srm_version",'srmv2') self.node = cfg_params.get('USER.storage_element',None) self.usenamespace = cfg_params.get("USER.usenamespace",0) self.user_remote_dir = cfg_params.get("USER.user_remote_dir",'') self.publish_data = cfg_params.get("USER.publish_data",0) if int(self.publish_data) == 1: # only accepts valid PhEDEx Node Names import Lexicon try: Lexicon.cmsname(self.node) except Exception, text: msg = "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text,self.node) msg += "\n***************** NOTICE ***************" msg += "\nOnly valid Phexex Node Names can be used as location for published data" msg += "\nPlease fix storage_element or set publish_data=0 in [USER] section of crab.cfg" if 'group' in self.user_remote_dir: msg += '\nIf you are trying to stage out to some /store/group area, you can do like:' msg += '\n storage_element = T2_US_UCSD' msg += '\n user_remote_dir = /store/group/foo/bar' msg += "\n****************************************" raise CrabException(msg)
def expandIntoListOfPhedexNodeNames(location_list): """ take as input a list of locations, returns a list of PNN's raise CrabExceptoin if input is not a valid PNN abbreviation use """ # build API node filter, add wildcards wich are not required by Crab2 args = '' for loc in location_list: phedexNode = loc.strip() try: Lexicon.cmsname(phedexNode) except Exception, text: msg = "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text,phedexNode) raise CrabException(msg) args += "&node=%s*" % phedexNode
def expandIntoListOfPhedexNodeNames(location_list): """ take as input a list of locations, returns a list of PNN's raise CrabExceptoin if input is not a valid PNN abbreviation use """ # build API node filter, add wildcards wich are not required by Crab2 args = '' for loc in location_list: phedexNode = loc.strip() try: Lexicon.cmsname(phedexNode) except Exception, text: msg = "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text, phedexNode) raise CrabException(msg) args += "&node=%s*" % phedexNode
def validateBWLists(cfg_params): # convert to lists for processing. But leave cfg_params # as strings, since this is what Crab2 code expects blackList = cfg_params.get("GRID.se_black_list", []) if type(blackList) == type("string"): blackList = blackList.strip().split(',') whiteList = cfg_params.get("GRID.se_white_list", []) if type(whiteList) == type("string"): whiteList = whiteList.strip().split(',') # make sure each item in the list is a valid cms node name # or possibly a shortcut like T3 for site in blackList: try: Lexicon.cmsname(site) except Exception, text: msg = "ERROR in GRID.se_black_list: %s\n" % blackList msg += "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text, site) raise CrabException(msg)
def validateBWLists(cfg_params): # convert to lists for processing. But leave cfg_params # as strings, since this is what Crab2 code expects blackList = cfg_params.get("GRID.se_black_list", [] ) if type(blackList) == type("string") : blackList = blackList.strip().split(',') whiteList = cfg_params.get("GRID.se_white_list", [] ) if type(whiteList) == type("string") : whiteList = whiteList.strip().split(',') # make sure each item in the list is a valid cms node name # or possibly a shortcut like T3 for site in blackList: try: Lexicon.cmsname(site) except Exception, text: msg = "ERROR in GRID.se_black_list: %s\n" % blackList msg += "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text,site) raise CrabException(msg)
whiteList = whiteList.strip().split(',') # make sure each item in the list is a valid cms node name # or possibly a shortcut like T3 for site in blackList: try: Lexicon.cmsname(site) except Exception, text: msg = "ERROR in GRID.se_black_list: %s\n" % blackList msg += "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text, site) raise CrabException(msg) for site in whiteList: try: Lexicon.cmsname(site) except Exception, text: msg = "ERROR in GRID.se_white_list: %s\n" % whiteList msg += "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text, site) raise CrabException(msg) def parseIntoList(param): """ to be used to make sure that one crab config parameter is usable as a list of strings, eve if it is a string with comma insides in the config. file """ if type(param) == type("string"): list = param.split(',') for item in list: item = item.strip()
whiteList = whiteList.strip().split(',') # make sure each item in the list is a valid cms node name # or possibly a shortcut like T3 for site in blackList: try: Lexicon.cmsname(site) except Exception, text: msg = "ERROR in GRID.se_black_list: %s\n" % blackList msg += "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text,site) raise CrabException(msg) for site in whiteList: try: Lexicon.cmsname(site) except Exception, text: msg = "ERROR in GRID.se_white_list: %s\n" % whiteList msg += "%s\n'%s' is not a valid Phedex Node Name" % (text,site) raise CrabException(msg) def parseIntoList(param): """ to be used to make sure that one crab config parameter is usable as a list of strings, eve if it is a string with comma insides in the config. file """ if type(param) == type("string") : list = param.split(',') for item in list: item = item.strip()
writeUrl = url + 'DBSWriter' readApi = DbsApi(url=readUrl) writeApi = DbsApi(url=writeUrl) dataset = options.dataset if options.new_location: new_location = options.new_location ###sanitize input # dataset name Lexicon.dataset(dataset) # PNN if new_location: Lexicon.cmsname(new_location) # process dataset by blocks blockDicts = readApi.listBlocks(dataset=dataset, detail=True) for block in blockDicts: blName = block['block_name'] location = block['origin_site_name'] logging.debug('block %s at location: %s' % (blName, location)) if new_location: writeApi.updateBlockSiteName(block_name=blName, origin_site_name=new_location) logging.debug('location set to %s' % (new_location))"Done")