Пример #1
def getGraph():
	stockName = request.args.get('s')
	old_stdout = sys.stdout
	sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
	if var != 'null':					# ONLY PRECEDE IF WE HAVE A COMPANY
			Coefficients = numpy.zeros(shape =(11,1))
			totalDataCurrent=Fetching.fetchDataToday(var,timeBegin) # This gets all the data from the start year to 3 days ago (give or take a work day)

			googData=Fetching.fetchGoogData(var) # Fetch Todays data from google finance
			Prediction_Data=Fetching.fetchDataSpec(var,(datetime.now()+timedelta(days=-45))) # Get the data from just the past month for the prediciton part
			Prediction_Data_Length=len(Prediction_Data.Close) # Lenght of the predictin Data to save the recalc of it

			#if Cache2.Search(var) ==0:
			Coefficients=LinearAlgebra.coefficients_Generator(LinearAlgebra.makeXVals_Matrix(10,timeBegin,Prediction_Data_Length),LinearAlgebra.makeY_Matrix(Prediction_Data.Low)) #coeffcients for prediction fucntion a0-a10		
			#Cache2.Cache_Predictions(var,Coefficients)		# after calculating store the data in cache
				#Coefficients = Cache2.Fetch_Cache(var)		# fetch from cache if the company data is stored and it's recent ( less than 3 days from prediction)
			Prediction_Model=LinearAlgebra.makeOutY(Coefficients,Prediction_Data_Length,timeBegin,totalDataCurrent.High,googData) # Gets Prediciton Model or scatter of predicted points these points are also normalized
			pointY=LinearAlgebra.getPointY(Coefficients,timeBegin,googData[0]['LastTradePrice'],totalDataCurrent.High[len(totalDataCurrent)-1]) #gets Predictiion Point for the next day independently so I can calculate individual days

			pointY=LinearAlgebra.getPointY(Coefficients,timeBegin,googData[0]['LastTradePrice'],totalDataCurrent.Low[len(totalDataCurrent)-1]) #gets Predictiion Point for the next day independently so I can calculate individual days
			url=Graphing.totalTogether(var,totalDataCurrent,googData,Prediction_Model,pointY,R) #Print Final Graph with everything together
			url = url + ".embed?width=640&height=480"
			ret = "<iframe width='640' height='480' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='" + url + "'> </iframe>"
			sys.stdout = old_stdout
			return ret
		sys.stdout = old_stdout
		return "false"
Пример #2
def getRelativeAcc():
	stockName = request.args.get('s')
	old_stdout = sys.stdout
	sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
	if var != 'null':					# ONLY PRECED IF WE HAVE A COMPANY
		Coefficients = numpy.zeros(shape =(11,1))
		totalDataCurrent=Fetching.fetchDataToday(var,timeBegin) # This gets all the data from the start year to 3 days ago (give or take a work day)
		googData=Fetching.fetchGoogData(var) # Fetch Todays data from google finance
		Prediction_Data=Fetching.fetchDataSpec(var,(datetime.now()+timedelta(days=-45))) # Get the data from just the past month for the prediciton part
		Prediction_Data_Length=len(Prediction_Data.High) # Lenght of the predictin Data to save the recalc of it
		#if Cache2.Search(var) ==0:
		Coefficients=LinearAlgebra.coefficients_Generator(LinearAlgebra.makeXVals_Matrix(10,timeBegin,Prediction_Data_Length),LinearAlgebra.makeY_Matrix(Prediction_Data.Low)) #coeffcients for prediction fucntion a0-a10		
		#Cache2.Cache_Predictions(var,Coefficients)		# after calculating store the data in cache
		#Coefficients = Cache2.Fetch_Cache(var)		# fetch from cache if the company data is stored and it's recent ( less than 3 days from prediction)
		Prediction_Model=LinearAlgebra.makeOutY(Coefficients,Prediction_Data_Length,timeBegin,totalDataCurrent.High,googData) # Gets Prediciton Model or scatter of predicted points these points are also normalized
		ret = str(ArrayNCalc.CalculateRelativeACC(Prediction_Model,Prediction_Data.High))
		sys.stdout = old_stdout
		return "The relative error is: " + ret + "%"
		sys.stdout = old_stdout
		return ""