Пример #1
def RunMain():
	print '************Welcome to the World of Bayes!***********\n'
	t0 = float(time.clock())

	# # load data, and save as the format under NaiveBayes.
	DIR_RESULT            = "./Result/"
	DIR                   = "./clintontrump-data/"
	FILENAME_BASIC        = "clintontrump."
	[vocList, wordNum]    = ld.LoadData_vocabulary(DIR+FILENAME_BASIC+"vocabulary")
	[trainX, trainDocNum] = ld.LoadData_bagOfWords(DIR+FILENAME_BASIC+"bagofwords.train")
	[devX,  devDocNum]    = ld.LoadData_bagOfWords(DIR+FILENAME_BASIC+"bagofwords.dev")
	[testX,  testDocNum]  = ld.LoadData_bagOfWords(DIR+FILENAME_BASIC+"bagofwords.test")

	str0    = "realDonaldTrump"
	str1    = "HillaryClinton"
	trainY  = ld.LoadData_labels(DIR+FILENAME_BASIC+"labels.train", str0)
	devY   = ld.LoadData_labels(DIR+FILENAME_BASIC+"labels.dev", str0)
	t1 = float(time.clock())
	print 'Loading data File. using time %.4f s, \n' % (t1-t0)

	# # define NaiveBayes instance, and calc prior P(y)
	nbModel = nb.NAIVE_BAYES_MODEL(wordNum, trainDocNum, trainX, trainY)

	# *******part 1: basic implementation
	###### Bernoulli model
	[berAccuracy, berTestHist, berConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Bernoulli")
	od.WritenFile_dev(DIR_RESULT+"Predict.Bernoulli_basic.dev", berTestHist, str0, str1)
	Pwy_b = copy.deepcopy(nbModel.Pwy_c)
	#print 'Bernoulli accuracy is %.4f \nconfuseMatrix is:\n' %(float(berAccuracy)/float(testDocNum)), berConfuseMat
	t2 = float(time.clock())
	print 'Bernoulli Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

	###### Multinomial will go through the similar process.
	[mulAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Multinomial")
	od.WritenFile_dev(DIR_RESULT+"Predict.Multinomial_basic.dev", mulTestHist, str0, str1)
	Pwy_m = copy.deepcopy(nbModel.Pwy_c)
	#print 'Multinomial accuracy is %.4f \nconfuse matrix is:\n' %(float(mulAccuracy)/float(testDocNum)), mulConfuseMat
	t3 = float(time.clock())
	print 'multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t3-t2)

	# ******* part 3: bonus**********since training data will be changed in part2, so part 3 first.
	###### Bernoulli model
	t1 = float(time.clock())
	[berAccuracy, berTestHist, berConfuseMat] = bo.LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Bernoulli")
	od.WritenFile_dev(DIR_RESULT+"Predict.Bernoulli_basic_with_tag.dev", berTestHist, str0, str1)
	#Pwy_b = copy.deepcopy(nbModel.Pwy_c)
	#print 'Bernoulli accuracy is %.4f \nconfuseMatrix is:\n' %(float(berAccuracy)/float(testDocNum)), berConfuseMat
	t2 = float(time.clock())
	print 'Bernoulli Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

	###### Multinomial will go through the similar process.
	t1 = float(time.clock())
	[mulAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = bo.LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Multinomial")
	od.WritenFile_dev(DIR_RESULT+"Predict.Multinomial_basic_with_tag.dev", mulTestHist, str0, str1)
	#Pwy_m = copy.deepcopy(nbModel.Pwy_c)
	#print 'Multinomial accuracy is %.4f \nconfuse matrix is:\n' %(float(mulAccuracy)/float(testDocNum)), mulConfuseMat
	t2 = float(time.clock())
	print 'multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)	 
	#Predict the final
	###### Bernoulli model
	t1 = float(time.clock())
	berTestHist = bo.LearnAndPredict(nbModel, testX, "Bernoulli")
	od.WritenFile_dev(DIR_RESULT+"Predict.Bernoulli_basic_with_tag.test", berTestHist, str0, str1)
	#Pwy_b = copy.deepcopy(nbModel.Pwy_c)
	#print 'Bernoulli accuracy is %.4f \nconfuseMatrix is:\n' %(float(berAccuracy)/float(testDocNum)), berConfuseMat
	t2 = float(time.clock())
	print 'Bernoulli Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

	###### Multinomial will go through the similar process.
	t1 = float(time.clock())
	mulTestHist = bo.LearnAndPredict(nbModel, testX, "Multinomial")
	od.WritenFile_dev(DIR_RESULT+"Predict.Multinomial_basic_with_tag.test", mulTestHist, str0, str1)
	#Pwy_m = copy.deepcopy(nbModel.Pwy_c)
	#print 'Multinomial accuracy is %.4f \nconfuse matrix is:\n' %(float(mulAccuracy)/float(testDocNum)), mulConfuseMat
	t2 = float(time.clock())
	print 'multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)	 
	##### Ranking Top ten features
	topWord_list = [10, 100, 1000, 5000]
	std_threshold = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]
	tfidf_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

	for word_num in topWord_list:
		print '\n * Remove top words based on Bernoulli', word_num
		[removedIdx, labelVec, redFeaNum] = im.find_top_words(nbModel.classNum, wordNum, word_num, Pwy_b)
		nbModel.setFeatureLabel(labelVec, redFeaNum)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[berAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Bernoulli")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Bernoulli Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[mulAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Multinomial")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)
		print '\n * Remove top words based on Mulinomial', word_num
		[removedIdx, labelVec, redFeaNum] = im.find_top_words(nbModel.classNum, wordNum, word_num, Pwy_m)
		nbModel.setFeatureLabel(labelVec, redFeaNum)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[berAccuracy, berTestHist, berConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Bernoulli")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Bernoulli Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[mulAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Multinomial")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

	for std_thre in std_threshold:
		# Find stop words based on STD and doc#
		print '\n * Remove STD words for Bernoulli', std_thre
		[removedIdx, labelVec, redFeaNum] = im.find_std_zero_words(wordNum, std_thre, Pwy_b)
		#showWords(vocList, removedIdx)
		nbModel.setFeatureLabel(labelVec, redFeaNum)
		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[berAccuracy, berTestHist, berConfuseMat]  = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Bernoulli")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Bernoulli Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[mulAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Multinomial")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

		# Find stop words based on STD and word#
		print '\n * Remove STD words for Multinomial', std_thre
		[removedIdx, labelVec, redFeaNum] = im.find_std_zero_words(wordNum, std_thre, Pwy_m)
		nbModel.setFeatureLabel(labelVec, redFeaNum)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[berAccuracy, berTestHist, berConfuseMat]  = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Bernoulli")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Bernoulli Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[mulAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Multinomial")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

	for tfidf_thre in tfidf_threshold:
		# Find stop words based on TF/IDF
		print '\n * Remove low TF/IDF words', tfidf_thre
		[removedIdx, labelVec, redFeaNum] = im.find_low_tfidf_words(wordNum, tfidf_thre, Pwy_b, Pwy_m)
		nbModel.setFeatureLabel(labelVec, redFeaNum)
		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[berAccuracy, berTestHist, berConfuseMat]  = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Bernoulli")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'berAccuracy Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

		t1 = float(time.clock())
		[mulAccuracy, mulTestHist, mulConfuseMat] = LearnAndTest(nbModel, devX, devY, "Multinomial")
		t2 = float(time.clock())
		print 'Multinomial Model learn & test, using time %.4f s, \n' % (t2-t1)

	# ******** part 2: Priors and overfittings
	## different Laplace Smoothing Alpha
	[testAlpha, testAccuracy] = PriorAndFitting_diffLaplace(nbModel, devX, devY, DIR_RESULT, str0, str1)
	testAccuracy = np.array(testAccuracy)/float(testDocNum)
	print testAlpha
	print testAccuracy
	od.Save2Figure_semilogs(DIR_RESULT+'laplaceAlpha', 1, testAlpha, [testAccuracy],['log(laplace_alpha)','accuracy'], [1e-5, 10000,0, 1], 1)