Пример #1
        AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell + ns, (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform, bcs)
        A, b = CP.Assemble(AA, bb)
        # u = b.duplicate()
        # P = CP.Assemble(PP)

    u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()))
    NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim()))
    M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
        range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim(), W.dim()))
    OuterTol = 1e-5
    InnerTol = 1e-3
    NSits = 0
    Mits = 0
    TotalStart = time.time()
    SolutionTime = 0
    kspMASS = PrecondSetup.Masstest(Lagrange, p0, 1e-6)
    while eps > tol and iter < maxiter:
        iter += 1
        MO.PrintStr("Iter " + str(iter), 7, "=", "\n\n", "\n\n")
        if IterType == "CD":
            bb = assemble((Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform)
            for bc in bcs:
            FF = AA.sparray()[0:dim[0], 0:dim[0]]
            A, b = CP.Assemble(AA, bb)
            # if iter == 1
            if iter == 1:
                u = b.duplicate()
                F = A.getSubMatrix(u_is, u_is)
                kspF = NSprecondSetup.LSCKSPnonlinear(F)
Пример #2
def foo():
    m = 2

    errL2u =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errH1u =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errL2p =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errL2b =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errCurlb =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errL2r =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errH1r =np.zeros((m-1,1))

    l2uorder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    H1uorder =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    l2porder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    l2border =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Curlborder =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    l2rorder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    H1rorder = np.zeros((m-1,1))

    NN = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    DoF = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Velocitydim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Magneticdim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Pressuredim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Lagrangedim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Wdim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    iterations = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    SolTime = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    udiv = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    MU = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    level = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    NSave = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Mave = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    TotalTime = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    nn = 2

    dim = 2
    ShowResultPlots = 'yes'
    split = 'Linear'

    MU[0]= 1e0
    for xx in xrange(1,m):
        print xx
        level[xx-1] = xx+9
        nn = 2**(level[xx-1])

        # Create mesh and define function space
        nn = int(nn)
        NN[xx-1] = nn/2
        # parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 6
        # parameters = CP.ParameterSetup()
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(nn,nn)

        order = 1
        parameters['reorder_dofs_serial'] = False
        Velocity = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
        Pressure = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", order-1)
        Magnetic = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", order)
        Lagrange = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
        W = MixedFunctionSpace([Velocity,Magnetic, Pressure, Lagrange])
        # W = Velocity*Pressure*Magnetic*Lagrange
        Velocitydim[xx-1] = Velocity.dim()
        Pressuredim[xx-1] = Pressure.dim()
        Magneticdim[xx-1] = Magnetic.dim()
        Lagrangedim[xx-1] = Lagrange.dim()
        Wdim[xx-1] = W.dim()
        print "\n\nW:  ",Wdim[xx-1],"Velocity:  ",Velocitydim[xx-1],"Pressure:  ",Pressuredim[xx-1],"Magnetic:  ",Magneticdim[xx-1],"Lagrange:  ",Lagrangedim[xx-1],"\n\n"
        dim = [Velocity.dim(), Magnetic.dim(), Pressure.dim(), Lagrange.dim()]

        def boundary(x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary

        u0, p0,b0, r0, Laplacian, Advection, gradPres,CurlCurl, gradR, NS_Couple, M_Couple = ExactSol.MHD2D(4,1)

        bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),u0, boundary)
        bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(1),b0, boundary)
        bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),r0, boundary)

        # bc = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
        bcs = [bcu,bcb,bcr]
        FSpaces = [Velocity,Pressure,Magnetic,Lagrange]

        (u, b, p, r) = TrialFunctions(W)
        (v, c, q, s) = TestFunctions(W)
        kappa = 1.0
        Mu_m =1e1
        MU = 1.0/1

        HiptmairTol = 1e-4
        CGtol = 1e-4

        IterType = 'Full'

        F_NS = -MU*Laplacian+Advection+gradPres-kappa*NS_Couple
        if kappa == 0:
            F_M = Mu_m*CurlCurl+gradR -kappa*M_Couple
            F_M = Mu_m*kappa*CurlCurl+gradR -kappa*M_Couple
        params = [kappa,Mu_m,MU]

        # MO.PrintStr("Preconditioning MHD setup",5,"+","\n\n","\n\n")
        HiptmairMatrices = PrecondSetup.MagneticSetup(Magnetic, Lagrange, b0, r0, CGtol, params)

        MO.PrintStr("Setting up MHD initial guess",5,"+","\n\n","\n\n")
        u_k,p_k,b_k,r_k = common.InitialGuess(FSpaces,[u0,p0,b0,r0],[F_NS,F_M],params,HiptmairMatrices,HiptmairTol,Neumann=Expression(("0","0")),options ="New", FS = "DG")
        #plot(p_k, interactive = True) 
        b_t = TrialFunction(Velocity)
        c_t = TestFunction(Velocity)
        #print assemble(inner(b,c)*dx).array().shape
        #print mat
        #ShiftedMass = assemble(inner(mat*b,c)*dx)

        ones = Function(Pressure)
        # pConst = - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
        p_k.vector()[:] += - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
        x = Iter.u_prev(u_k,b_k,p_k,r_k)

        KSPlinearfluids, MatrixLinearFluids = PrecondSetup.FluidLinearSetup(Pressure, MU)
        kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)

        ns,maxwell,CoupleTerm,Lmaxwell,Lns = forms.MHD2D(mesh, W,F_M,F_NS, u_k,b_k,params,IterType,"DG", SaddlePoint = "Yes")
        RHSform = forms.PicardRHS(mesh, W, u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k, params,"DG",SaddlePoint = "Yes")

        bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundary)
        bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(1),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundary)
        bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),Expression(("0.0")), boundary)
        bcs = [bcu,bcb,bcr]

        eps = 1.0           # error measure ||u-u_k||
        tol = 1.0E-4     # tolerance
        iter = 0            # iteration counter
        maxiter = 40       # max no of iterations allowed
        SolutionTime = 0
        outer = 0
        # parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

        # FSpaces = [Velocity,Magnetic,Pressure,Lagrange]

        if IterType == "CD":
            AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell+ns, (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform,  bcs)
            A,b = CP.Assemble(AA,bb)
            # u = b.duplicate()
            # P = CP.Assemble(PP)

        u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()))
        NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()+Pressure.dim()))
        M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()+Pressure.dim(),W.dim()))
        OuterTol = 1e-5
        InnerTol = 1e-3
        NSits =0
        Mits =0
        TotalStart =time.time()
        SolutionTime = 0

        kspMASS = PrecondSetup.Masstest(Lagrange, p0, CGtol)
        while eps > tol  and iter < maxiter:
            iter += 1
            MO.PrintStr("Iter "+str(iter),7,"=","\n\n","\n\n")
            if IterType == "CD":
                bb = assemble((Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform)
                for bc in bcs:
                FF = AA.sparray()[0:dim[0],0:dim[0]]
                A,b = CP.Assemble(AA,bb)
                # if iter == 1
                if iter == 1:
                    u = b.duplicate()
                    F = A.getSubMatrix(u_is,u_is)
                    kspF = NSprecondSetup.LSCKSPnonlinear(F)
                AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell+ns+CoupleTerm, (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform,  bcs)
                A,b = CP.Assemble(AA,bb)
                del AA, bb
                n = FacetNormal(mesh)
                mat =  as_matrix([[b_k[1]*b_k[1],-b_k[1]*b_k[0]],[-b_k[1]*b_k[0],b_k[0]*b_k[0]]])
                a = params[2]*inner(grad(b_t), grad(c_t))*dx(W.mesh()) + inner((grad(b_t)*u_k),c_t)*dx(W.mesh()) +(1/2)*div(u_k)*inner(c_t,b_t)*dx(W.mesh()) - (1/2)*inner(u_k,n)*inner(c_t,b_t)*ds(W.mesh())+kappa/Mu_m*inner(mat*b_t,c_t)*dx(W.mesh())
                ShiftedMass = assemble(a)

                FF = CP.Assemble(ShiftedMass)
                kspF = NSprecondSetup.LSCKSPnonlinear(FF)
            # if iter == 1:
                if iter == 1:
                    u = b.duplicate()
            print ("{:40}").format("MHD assemble, time: "), " ==>  ",("{:4f}").format(toc()),  ("{:9}").format("   time: "), ("{:4}").format(time.strftime('%X %x %Z')[0:5])
            kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)
            print "Inititial guess norm: ", u.norm()

            ksp = PETSc.KSP()
            pc = ksp.getPC()
            # FSpace = [Velocity,Magnetic,Pressure,Lagrange]
            reshist = {}
            def monitor(ksp, its, fgnorm):
                reshist[its] = fgnorm
                print its,"    OUTER:", fgnorm
            # ksp.setMonitor(monitor)
            ksp.max_it = 1000
            FFSS = [Velocity,Magnetic,Pressure,Lagrange]
            pc.setPythonContext(MHDpreconditioner.InnerOuterMAGNETICapprox(FFSS,kspF,KSPlinearfluids[0],KSPlinearfluids[1],Fp, HiptmairMatrices[3],kspMASS, HiptmairMatrices[2], HiptmairMatrices[0], HiptmairMatrices[1], HiptmairMatrices[6],HiptmairTol,FF))
            #pc.setPythonContext(MHDpreconditioner.InnerOuterMAGNETICapprox(FFSS,kspF,KSPlinearfluids[0], KSPlinearfluids[1],Fp, HiptmairMatrices[3], HiptmairMatrices[4], HiptmairMatrices[2], HiptmairMatrices[0], HiptmairMatrices[1], HiptmairMatrices[6],HiptmairTol,FF))
            # OptDB = PETSc.Options()

            # OptDB['pc_factor_mat_solver_package']  = "mumps"
            # OptDB['pc_factor_mat_ordering_type']  = "rcm"
            # ksp.setFromOptions()
            scale = b.norm()
            b = b/scale
            stime = time.time()
            Soltime = time.time()- stime
            NSits += ksp.its
            # Mits +=dodim
            print ("{:40}").format("MHD solve, time: "), " ==>  ",("{:4f}").format(Soltime),  ("{:9}").format("   time: "), ("{:4}").format(time.strftime('%X %x %Z')[0:5])
            u = u*scale
            SolutionTime = SolutionTime +Soltime

            MO.PrintStr("Number of iterations ="+str(ksp.its),60,"+","\n\n","\n\n")
            u1, p1, b1, r1, eps= Iter.PicardToleranceDecouple(u,x,FSpaces,dim,"2",iter, SaddlePoint = "Yes")
            p1.vector()[:] += - assemble(p1*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
            uOld= np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(),b_k.vector().array(),p_k.vector().array(),r_k.vector().array()), axis=0)
            x = IO.arrayToVec(uOld)

        del HiptmairMatrices, KSPlinearfluids

        XX= np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(),p_k.vector().array(),b_k.vector().array(),r_k.vector().array()), axis=0)
        SolTime[xx-1] = SolutionTime/iter
        NSave[xx-1] = (float(NSits)/iter)
        Mave[xx-1] = (float(Mits)/iter)
        iterations[xx-1] = iter
        TotalTime[xx-1] = time.time() - TotalStart

        print SolTime

    import pandas as pd

    print "\n\n   Iteration table"
    if IterType == "Full":
        IterTitles = ["l","DoF","AV solve Time","Total picard time","picard iterations","Av Outer its","Av Inner its",]
        IterTitles = ["l","DoF","AV solve Time","Total picard time","picard iterations","Av NS iters","Av M iters"]
    IterValues = np.concatenate((level,Wdim,SolTime,TotalTime,iterations,NSave,Mave),axis=1)
    IterTable= pd.DataFrame(IterValues, columns = IterTitles)
    if IterType == "Full":
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av Outer its',"%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av Inner its',"%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av NS iters',"%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av M iters',"%2.1f")
    print IterTable.to_latex()
    print " \n  Outer Tol:  ",OuterTol, "Inner Tol:   ", InnerTol

    # # # if (ShowResultPlots == 'yes'):

    # plot(u_k)
    # plot(interpolate(ue,Velocity))

    # plot(p_k)

    # plot(interpolate(pe,Pressure))

    # plot(b_k)
    # plot(interpolate(be,Magnetic))

    # plot(r_k)
    # plot(interpolate(re,Lagrange))

    # interactive()
