Пример #1
def runMaster(pdb, rmsdcut):
    Master.masterSearch(query=changeExt(pdb, 'pds'),
                        seqOut=changeExt(pdb, 'seq'),
                        matchOut=changeExt(pdb, 'match'),
Пример #2
def main():
	battlesimulator = Master()
	setupPlayers = SetupPlayers()
	battlesimulator.displayStats(Warrior(1, 2, 3), Warrior(4, 5, 6))
	warriorSet = WarriorSet(Warrior(1, 2, 3), Warrior(4, 5, 6))
	simulation = Simulation()
	simulation.setWarriors(Warrior(1, 2, 3), Warrior(4, 5, 6))
Пример #3
def press(btn):
    global text
    global path_to_save
    if btn == "SCAN":
    elif btn == "Done":
        app.hideSubWindow("After Processing")
        app.openPage("Paper Analysis", 4)
    elif btn == "START":
        app.showSubWindow("During Processing")
        path_to_linear = app.getEntry("path_to_black_white")
        path_to_color = app.getEntry("path_to_color")
        spreadsheet = Master.main(path_to_linear + '/', path_to_color + '/')
        app.hideSubWindow("During Processing")
        app.showSubWindow("After Processing")
    elif btn == "Open File":
        os.system("see CheckSheet.xlsx")
    elif btn == "SAVE":
        path_to_save = app.saveBox(title="Save the Record File",
        text = app.getTextArea("Details")
        excel.create_master_sheet(text, path_to_save)
Пример #4
    def launch(self) -> None:
This is a REQUIRED method.\n
Logic to actually begin the analysis.
        self.dbCursor, self.dbConnection = sqlite_database.open_connection(
            self.githubRepo)  # Unsure of what this code does due to lack of knowledge on how the database works
        Master.Logic(username=self.githubUser, repository=self.githubRepo, token=self.githubToken, tokenList=self.githubTokenList, cursor=self.dbCursor, connection=self.dbConnection).program()
Пример #5
def Snapshot(Client, filename, start=8):
    import Tag_Database as Tags

    M.Read(Client, Tags.CU_V)

    variables = vars(Tags)
    variables = np.array(list(variables.items()))
    variables = variables[start:]
    #variables[:,1] = variables[:,1].astype(int)
    #variables = variables[variables[:,1].argsort()]
    Tag_List = []
    for item in variables:
        Tag_List.append([item[1], False])

    temp_list = []
    temp_list.append(M.Gather(Client, Tag_List, count=20, sleep_time=0.010))

    with open(filename,
              'w') as f:  #Opening a file with the current date and time
        for num, line in enumerate(temp_list[0]):
            f.write(variables[num, 0] + ": " + str(line).strip("([])") +
                    '\n')  #Writing each line in that file
        f.close()  #Closing the file to save it
Пример #6
def main():
    battlesimulator = Master()
    setupPlayers = SetupPlayers()
    battlesimulator.displayStats(Warrior(1, 2, 3), Warrior(4, 5, 6))
    warriorSet = WarriorSet(Warrior(1, 2, 3), Warrior(4, 5, 6))
    simulation = Simulation()
    simulation.setWarriors(Warrior(1, 2, 3), Warrior(4, 5, 6))
Пример #7
def start():
    global myMap
    global start
    args = request.args

    if start:
        start = False

    pair = False
    measure = False
    slam = False

    if args.get("pair") == "true":
        pair = True
    if args.get("measure") == "true":
        pair = True
        measure = True
    if args.get("slam") == "true":
        myMap.distances = Master.run(myMap.data)
        pair = True
        measure = True
        slam = True

    return render_template(
        "public/index.html", myMap=myMap, start=True,
        pair=pair, measure=measure, slam=slam
Пример #8
        messagebox.showerror('Closed Browser', e)
    if length:
        runT = Thread(target = narrow.pullOptions)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    i = renderUserInfo()
    username = i[0]
    _pass = i[1]

    browser = Master.createBrowser(url='https://cln.utoronto.ca/home.htm',headless=False,blockImages=False,hideConsole=True)
    except LatencyException as e:
        messagebox.showerror('Internet Issues', e)
    except WebDriverException as e:
        messagebox.showerror('Chrome Closed', e)
Пример #9
		if not os.path.isfile(oseqf):
		olen = sum([1 for x in open(oseqf)])
		if olen >= args.topn:
			omatchf = General.changeExt(oseqf, 'match')
			os.system('ln -s ' + oseqf + ' ' + seqout)
			os.system('ln -s ' + omatchf + ' ' + matchout)

	sub.call(['cp', pdb, ldir])

	# run Master, bbrmsd is default
		Master.createPDS(pdb, True)
		if args.gap == None:
			Master.masterSearch(General.changeExt(pdb,'pds'), '/data/scratch/grigoryanlab/localDBs/'+args.db[0]+'/list', header = args.head, topN = args.topn, rmsdcut = rmsdeff, bbrmsd = (not args.carmsd))
			if len(segments) == 1:
			Master.masterSearch(General.changeExt(pdb,'pds'), '/data/scratch/grigoryanlab/localDBs/'+args.db[0]+'/list', header = args.head, topN = args.topn, rmsdcut = rmsdeff, gapLen = args.gap, outType = 'match', bbrmsd = (not args.carmsd))

		if args.minn != None:
			# count lines in the current seq file
			nhit = 0
			with open(seqout) as sf:
				for l in sf:
					nhit += 1
			if nhit < args.minn:
Пример #10
#sites = ['meda']
# loop for each site
for site in sites:
    print ('*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#')
    print (site)
    counter = 1; success = False
    while success == False:
        # create the folder where the month site data are going to be stored
        L0 = os.path.join(path1,site,'L0') 
        if not os.path.exists(L0):
            os.makedirs(L0 + '/stat')
        # the route of each site folder
        route0 = os.path.join(path,site,'raw')
        # merge the data
        appended_data = Master.merge_files(route0, skip_rows = [0,2,3], include = ['Minuto'])
        # name of the columns to be extracted
        cols, _ = Master.col_name(site, appended_data, Timestamp = True, Record = True)
        # re-arrange the columns order
        appended_data = appended_data[cols]    
        # convert the first data column into datetime64
        appended_data['TIMESTAMP'] = pd.to_datetime(appended_data['TIMESTAMP'], dayfirst=False)
        #appended_data['TIMESTAMP'] = pd.to_datetime(appended_data['TIMESTAMP'], dayfirst = False, errors = 'coerce')
        #idx = appended_data[appended_data['TIMESTAMP'].isnull()].index 
        appended_data, oldest, youngest = Master.fill_missing_measurements(appended_data)   
        # get the last data month uploaded 
        # 'site+_RECORD.dat' is file with the record of the upload dates
        Rrd = os.path.join('/home/met/data/',site,'L0',site+'_record.txt')
        # check the record    
        F, R1, FileDate = Master.record(site, Rrd, oldest, youngest)    
        # 'date2' is the string of the first  date to be taken         
Пример #11
from mpi4py import MPI
import time
from Worker import *
from Master import *
from IO import *
from graph import *

rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

if rank == size - 1:  # master process
    master = Master(rank, size - 1, comm)
    worker = Worker("../graph/large.graph", rank, size - 1, comm)
Пример #12
    - Read the Starting current of the Dump
    - At the beginning of each run, check to insure no human intervention has occurred with the write, if it has, kill the loop, continue to produce graphs and txt file
    - Add the appropriate step to each magnet
    - Read the current many times and then take the average of that current and store it alongside the written values for the magnets
    - Every step of the way check if the current has dropped below a specified threshold, if it has, then walk the magnets backs where they came from by the steps taken,
         plus the same amount of read steps going the other way.
    - Repeat the same safety checks, always check each step that the current hasn't reached a lowpoint beyond the threshold
    - When it has, or it reaches the end, turn the magnets back around to walk back to where they started.
    - Repeat for the other set of magnets (Vertical)
    - Plot and produce txt file with Magnet settings in the left column and current readbacks in the right


#Establish a connection to the PLC

Client = M.Make_Client('')

#Dog Leg

Target_Tag = Tags.Recirculator_Halfway #Importing the tag value from our Tag Database
Target_Tag_2 = Tags.Recirculator_Bypass
Threshold_Percent = 0 #Float. The percentage of beam that we want to collect in order to turn the Dog Leg around

Zoom_In_Factor = 1 #This is how much we want to zoomn in if we are interested in an artifact at the center of the dog leg or want higher precision in the center

#Starting the loop to read the current collected

#Take the starting value of the Target Tag, use for the threshold

read_steps = 40 #Integer. Number of steps to be taken in the Dog Leg. Must be an integer
count = 10 #Integer. How many points will be recorded at each step and averaged over.
Пример #13
            finish = False

            if first:
                turn = GameRule.PLAYER1
                turn = GameRule.PLAYER2

            # Individual Game
            while not finish:

                if GameControl.whos_turn() == turn:



                finish = GameControl.is_end()

            # For statistics

            # Determine winner
            if GameControl.winner() == GameRule.PLAYER1 and not first or (
                    GameControl.winner() == GameRule.PLAYER2 and first):
                print("**Master wins**")
                m += 1
            elif GameControl.winner() == GameRule.PLAYER2 and not first or (
                    GameControl.winner() == GameRule.PLAYER1 and first):
Пример #14
    - Read Collected current
    - Repeat in ascending order
    - Repeat in descending order until reaching starting value
    - Plot
    - Save plot and txt file w/ snapshot as header


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
import time
import numpy as np
import Master as M
import Tag_Database as Tags

Client = M.Make_Client('')

End_Value = float(input("What is the ending amperage that you want to ramp the magnet to? (Amps)   "))

#Grabbing all of our data for the system snapshot
Pulsing_Status = bool(M.Read(Client, Tags.Pulsing_Output, Bool = True))
Emission_Setpoint = M.Read(Client, Tags.Emission_Set)

if Pulsing_Status:
    Emission_Actual = M.Read(Client, Tags.Emitted_Current, Average = True, count = 50, sleep_time = 0.010)
    Emission_Actual = M.Read(Client, Tags.Emitted_Current, Average = True, count = 20, sleep_time = 0.010)
IR_Temp = M.Read(Client, Tags.IR_Temp)
Пример #15
import GPIB_FUNCS as GPIB #Importing our GPIB communication functions for easier comprehension and use
import pyvisa #import GPIB communication module
import time #imports time to sleep program temporarily
import Master as M
import Tag_Database as Tags

Client = M.Make_Client('') #Connecting to PLC

print(M.Read(Client, Tags.Oscope_Reset, Bool = True))
print(M.Read(Client, Tags.Regulation_Setpoint_Reset, Bool = True))
print(M.Read(Client, Tags.Error_Signal_Regulation, Bool = True))
print(M.Read(Client, Tags.Pulsing_Output, Bool = True))
#for i in range(100):
#    M.Write(Client,55555, i)
#    print(i)
#    time.sleep(0.1)

#Pulsing_Tag = Tags.Pulsing_Output #Assign Modbus address here
Running_Tag = Tags.Error_Signal_Regulation #Assign Modbus address here
#Reset_Tag = Tags.Error_Signal_Reset #Assign Modbus address here
#Regulation_Setpoint_Tag = Tags.Regulation_Setpoint_Reset #Assign Modbus address here

RM = pyvisa.ResourceManager() #pyVISA device manager
Resources = RM.list_resources() #Printing out all detected device IDs
SG = RM.open_resource("GPIB0::10::INSTR")
OS = RM.open_resource("GPIB0::16::INSTR")
Пример #16
    M.Read(Client, Tags.CU_V)

    variables = vars(Tags)
    variables = np.array(list(variables.items()))
    variables = variables[start:]
    #variables[:,1] = variables[:,1].astype(int)
    #variables = variables[variables[:,1].argsort()]
    Tag_List = []
    for item in variables:
        Tag_List.append([item[1], False])

    temp_list = []
    temp_list.append(M.Gather(Client, Tag_List, count=20, sleep_time=0.010))

    with open(filename,
              'w') as f:  #Opening a file with the current date and time
        for num, line in enumerate(temp_list[0]):
            f.write(variables[num, 0] + ": " + str(line).strip("([])") +
                    '\n')  #Writing each line in that file
        f.close()  #Closing the file to save it

now = datetime.today().strftime(
)  #Taking the current time in YYMMDD_HHmm format to save the plot and the txt file
filename = now + '.txt'

Client = M.Make_Client('')

Snapshot(Client, filename)
Пример #17
 def test(self):
import GPIB_FUNCS as GPIB #Importing our GPIB communication functions for easier comprehension and use
import pyvisa #import GPIB communication module
import time #imports time to sleep program temporarily
import Master as M
import numpy as np
import Tag_Database as Tags
from datetime import datetime
import os

def flasher(times):
    for _ in range(times):
        os.system('color DF')
        os.system('color 0F')

Client = M.Make_Client('')

Pulsing_Tag = Tags.Pulsing_Output #Assign Modbus address here
Running_Tag = Tags.Error_Signal_Regulation #Assign Modbus address here
Reset_Tag = Tags.Oscope_Reset #Assign Modbus address here
Regulation_Setpoint_Tag = Tags.Regulation_Setpoint_Reset #Assign Modbus address here
Regulation_Entry_Tag = Tags.Regulation_Float #The input tag for this guy

RM = pyvisa.ResourceManager() #pyVISA device manager
Resources = RM.list_resources() #Printing out all detected device IDs
    SG = RM.open_resource(Resources[0]) #Opening the Signal generator as an object
    OS = RM.open_resource(Resources[1]) #Opening the oscilloscope as an object
    Start_Freq = float(SG.query("FREQ:CW?"))
Пример #19
import Master

m = Master.master()
import Master as M
import numpy as np
import Tag_Database as Tags
import os
import time

Client = M.Make_Client("")

M.Read(Client, Tags.CU_V)

start = 134

os.system("Color 8a")
variables = vars(Tags)
variables = np.array(list(variables.items()))
variables = variables[start:]
#variables[:,1] = variables[:,1].astype(int)
#variables = variables[variables[:,1].argsort()]
Tag_List = []
for item in variables:
    if "Emitted_Current" in item[0]:
        Tag_List.append([item[1], True])
        Tag_List.append([item[1], False])

while True:
    temp_list = []
    a = time.time()
    temp_list.append(M.Gather(Client, Tag_List, count=20, sleep_time=0.010))
    print(time.time() - a)
Пример #21
from Master import *
from Worker import *
import random
import sys
import time
Main of the implementation 
execute the Implementation.

# create a Transaction with parameter

if __name__ == '__main__':
    master = Master(name="Master")
    master.start()  # start the Master Thread
    senders_receivers = [
        "Marc", "Luc", "Antoine", "Mathieu", "Jean", "Patrick", "Stephane",
    ]  # list of Person to execute Transactions request
    maxAmount = sys.maxsize  # initial Amount to the biggest interger in the system
    workers = []  # workers initialisations
    failedWorkers = []  # failed or malicious Workers
    workerNumber = 5  # numbers of Workers

    for i in range(1, workerNumber + 1):
        workers.append(StartWorker(name=f"Worker {i}"))
        master.addWorker(workers[i - 1])  # Present Workers to the Master

    for i in range(100):
        indexSender = random.randint(0,
                                     len(senders_receivers) -
Пример #22
        pdb, pos = mut.p, mut.dir
        if not pdb in pdbs:
        if not pos in positions:

# run confind for all structures
for pdb in pdbs:
    pdbf = args.i + '/' + pdb + '.pdb'
    assert os.path.isfile(
        pdbf), 'the pdb file ' + pdbf + ' does not exist; quit...'
    confind_out = changeExt(pdbf, 'conf')
    if os.path.isfile(confind_out):
    else:  # run confind
        Master.confind(p=pdbf, o=confind_out, rLib=PATH_rotLib)

# find homologs
H**o = []
if args.homof != None:
    H**o = Analyze.findHomo(args.homof)

# contact identification
pos2cons = {}
pos2pdb = {}

odir = os.getcwd()
for pos in positions:
    if os.path.isdir(pos):
        os.system('rm -rf %s/*' % pos)
Пример #23
#!/usr/bin/env python

from Master import *

master = Master()

    'key1': 'varchar(256)'
}, {
    'key2': 'int'
}, {
    'key3': 'varchar(1)'
}, {
    'key4': 'int'
}, {
    'res': 'int'

params = [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [1, 2, 3, 4], ['x', 'y', 'z'],
          [10, 20, 30, 40]]
Пример #24
import Master as M
from datetime import datetime
import sys 

config_file_path = str(sys.argv[-1])

Tunnel, PLC_IP = M.config_reader(config_file_path, "Snapshot")

Client = M.Make_Client(PLC_IP)

now = datetime.today().strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S') #Taking the current time in YYMMDD_HHmm format to save the plot and the txt file

M.Snapshot(Client, Tunnel, filename = f'.\Output Data\{Tunnel}\Snapshots\{now}_snapshot.txt')
Пример #25
class Painter(Frame):
    total = 1
    mas = Master.Master()
    scaling = 10.0
    intersection_Size = 4

### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### #
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### INITIALIZATION ### ### ### 
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### #
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### #

    def __init__(self, master=None):
        self.after(10, self.update)

    def initializeFrame(self, master):
        Frame.__init__(self, master)

    def initializeMap(self):
        # Draw the intersections and streets
        for inter in self.mas.m.intersections:
            self.drawIntersection(inter, self.scaling * self.mas.m.intersections[inter][0], self.scaling * self.mas.m.intersections[inter][1])
        for street in self.mas.m.streets:
        for car in self.mas.cars:

 ###            stepping function           ###

    def update(self, *args):

        # Let the Master class do a time step
        self.total += 1

        for car in self.mas.cars:
            if car.needsUpdate:
                car.needsUpdate = False
        self.after(70, self.update)

    def updateCar(self, car):
        dx = self.getDX(car)
        dy = self.getDY(car)
        self.draw.move(car.name, dx, dy)
    def drawIntersection(self, label, x, y):
        self.draw.create_rectangle(x-self.intersection_Size, y-self.intersection_Size, x+self.intersection_Size  ,y+self.intersection_Size ,tags=label, fill="blue")

    def drawStreet(self, street):
        x0 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[0]][0] * self.scaling
        y0 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[0]][1] * self.scaling
        x1 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[1]][0] * self.scaling
        y1 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[1]][1] * self.scaling
        #self.draw.create_rectangle(x0-1, y0-1, x1+1, y1)
        self.draw.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill="red",)

    def drawCar(self, car):
        x = self.getXY(car.curPos)[0]
        y = self.getXY(car.curPos)[1]
        self.draw.create_rectangle(x - 3, y - 3, x + 3, y + 3, tags=car.name, fill="green")

    def getXY(self, carPos):
        streetID = carPos[0]
        street = self.mas.m.streets[streetID]
        length = float(street[2])
        x0 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[0]][0] * self.scaling
        y0 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[0]][1] * self.scaling
        x1 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[1]][0] * self.scaling
        y1 = self.mas.m.intersections[street[1]][1] * self.scaling
        direction = [x1 - x0, y1 - y0]
        progress = float(carPos[1])
        return [x0 + progress/length * direction[0], y0 + progress/length * direction[1]] 

    def getDX(self, car):
        return self.getXY(car.curPos)[0] - self.getXY(car.oldPos)[0]

    def getDY(self, car):
        return self.getXY(car.curPos)[1] - self.getXY(car.oldPos)[1]

    def createWidgets(self):
        self.QUIT = Button(self, text='QUIT', foreground='red', command=self.quit)
        self.QUIT.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)
        self.draw = Canvas(self, width="10i", height="10i")
        #self.speed = Scale(self, orient=HORIZONTAL, from_=-100, to=100)
        #self.speed.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)

        # all of these work..
        #self.draw.create_rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10, tags="thing", fill="blue")
Пример #26

#Adjust T scan Parameters
Horizontal_Delta = .1
Vertical_Delta = .1
Resolution = 40

#Adjust Grid Parameters
Grid_Resolution_Horizontal = 4
Grid_Resolution_Vertical = 5

#For the client
IP = ''

Client = M.Make_Client(IP)

WFH_Start = M.Read(Client, WFH_Tag)
WFV_Start = M.Read(Client, WFV_Tag)

#Walking us to our starting point

for i in range(1, Grid_Resolution + 1):
    WFH_Write_Value = WFH_Start - i/2 * (Horizontal_Delta/Grid_Resolution)
    WFV_Write_Value = WFV_Start + i/2 * (Vertical_Delta/Grid_Resolution)
    M.Write(Client, WFH_Tag, WFH_Write_Value)
    M.Write(Client, WFV_Tag, WFV_Write_Value)
Пример #27
# prepare starting conformation
p = parsePDB(args.p, chain = 'A') # assume the receptor is chain A
# parse the range
rangeS = []
for r in args.range:
    r = r.split('-')
    (start, end) = (r[0], r[-1])
    end = str(int(end)+1)
    rangeS.append(start +':'+end)
rangeS = ' '.join(rangeS)
pocket = p.select('resnum '+ rangeS)
writePDB('_pocket.pdb', pocket.copy()) # binding pocket

# use master to create pds files
tem = '_'+General.removePath(args.m)
os.system('cp '+args.m +' '+tem)
Master.createPDS(tem, query= False)
# search pocket in the template
Master.masterSearch('_pocket.pds', str.replace(tem, 'pdb', 'pds'), bbrmsd = False, topN =1, rmsdcut = 5.0)
# generate full match file for the template
Master.matchInFile('_pocket.pds', '__pocket.match', '_match', 'full')

ptem = parsePDB('_match/full1.pdb') # this is the superimposed templated structure
assert ptem.numChains() == 2 
chains = []
for chain in ptem.iterChains():
if chains[0].numResidues() < chains[1].numResidues(): # identify the peptide chain
    pepchain = chains[0]
Пример #28
    - Read Collected current
    - Repeat in ascending order
    - Repeat in descending order until reaching starting value
    - Plot
    - Save plot and txt file


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
import time
import numpy as np
import Master as M
import Tag_Database_East as Tags

Client = M.Make_Client('')

End_Value = float(
        "What is the ending amperage that you want to ramp the magnet to? (Amps)   "

#Uncomment to make variable number of runs
#Runs = int(input("How many runs do you want the Dipole to make?   "))

Runs = 1  #Number of times you want to ramp to the input value and back to the start
Dipole_Tag = Tags.DP1  #Modbus address of the magnet we are writing to
Step_size = .001  #Step Size, in Amps, that we are taking to reach our goal
Read = Tags.DBA_Bypass  #Modbus address of the value we want to read while we scan the magnet
count = 20  #Number of times we want to average the Read Tag value
Пример #29
    Gun_Vac, Gun_Cross, SRF_Cavity_Vac, HE_Sraight_Vac, Insulating_Vac,

Temps = [
    BH_OC_Temp, DBA_Pipe_Temp, Cu_Gun_Temp, HE_Straight_Col, DBA_Dump_CHWR,
    DBA_Dump_CHWS, Tuner_Plate_Temp, Gate_Valve_Downstream_Temp,
    Gate_Valve_Upstream_Temp, Loop_Bypass_CHWS, Loop_Bypass_CHWR, DBA_Coupler,
    Coupler_Shoulder, Solenoid_4_Temp, Solenoid_5_Temp

DST_Conversion = 3
if time.localtime().tm_isdst == 1:
    DST_Conversion = 4

Client = M.Make_Client("")

while True:
    start_time = time.time()

    temp_list = [time.time() * 10**3 - DST_Conversion * 60 * 60 * 1000]

    for Tag in Vacuums:
        temp_list.append(M.Read(Client, Tag))

    file = open("Data.txt", 'a')
    file.write(str(temp_list).strip("[]") + "\n")
    with open("Data.txt", "r+") as file:
        contents = file.readlines()
        if np.shape(contents)[0] > txt_file_length:
Пример #30
    bias harmonic field both on and off to help compensate for change in
    position of the cathode. This data is used to determine the strength 
    of our accelerating fields and to help determine running parameters.
Example of how to use it:
    - Run it

import Master as M
import Tag_Database as Tags
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

time_1 = time.time()
Client = M.Make_Client("")
M.Read(Client, Tags.WF1H
       )  #Arbitrary read to establish trust (I think this part is weird to me)

### Initialize #################################################

V0_resolution = 50  #Resolution of steps taken in both cutoff measurements
Num_sawtooths_1 = 1  #number of points taken in the first cutoff
Num_sawtooths_2 = 1  #second cutoff

### Grab the operator input of V0 ranges #######################
Пример #31
    - At the beginning of each write, check to insure no human intervention has occurred with the write, if it has, kill the loop, continue to produce graphs and txt file
    - Add the appropriate step to each magnet
    - Read the current many times and then take the average of that current and store it alongside the written values for the magnets
    - Every step of the way check if the current has dropped below a specified threshold, if it has, then walk the magnets backs where they came from by the steps taken,
         plus the same amount of read steps going the other way.
    - Repeat the same safety checks, always check each step that the current hasn't reached a lowpoint beyond the threshold
    - When it has, or it reaches the end, turn the magnets back around to walk back to where they started.
    - Repeat for the other set of magnets (Vertical)
    - Plot and produce txt file with Magnet settings in the left column and current readbacks in the right
    - Analyze the data and output the middle of the FWHM
    - Give the user the option to ramp to the optimal values

#Establish a connection to the PLC

Client = M.Make_Client('')

start_time = time.time()
#Dog Leg

Move_To_Optimum = False

Target_Tag = Tags.Recirculator_Halfway #Int or Str. Which Tag we are reading, 11109 is Loop bypass dump as of 01/01/2020
Target_Tag_2 = Tags.Recirculator_Bypass
Threshold_Percent = 35 #Float. The percentage of beam that we want to collect in order to turn the Dog Leg around

Zoom_In_Factor = 1 #This is how much we want to zoomn in if we are interested in an artifact at the center of the dog leg or want higher precision in the center

Scale_Factor = 0.91 #This is how much we want to scale off of the excel documents used prior to Dog Legs
#Starting the loop to read the current collected
Пример #32
import xlsxwriter
import glob
import os
import pandas as pd
#import Master as M

import sys
# insert at 1, 0 is the script path (or '' in REPL)
sys.path.insert(1, '..\\')

import Master as M
import Tag_Database_West as Tags

plot_type = 'png'

Tunnel, PLC_IP, os_address, Runs, Step_Size, count, Oscope = M.config_reader(
    'dp1_scan_config.txt', "Dipole Scan")

# print(Tunnel, PLC_IP, os_address, Runs, Step_Size, count, Oscope)
# print(type(Tunnel), type(PLC_IP), type(os_address), type(Runs), type(Step_Size), type(count), type(Oscope))

Client = M.Make_Client(PLC_IP)

End_Value = float(
        "What is the ending amperage that you want to ramp the magnet to? (Amps)   "

now = datetime.today().strftime(
)  #Taking the current time in YYMMDD_HHmm format to save the plot and the txt file
Пример #33
    - Repeat for the other set of magnets (Vertical)
    - Plot and produce txt file with Magnet settings in the left column and current readbacks in the right


import Master as M
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import Tag_Database as Tags

#Establish a connection to the PLC

Client = M.Make_Client('')

start_time = time.time()
#Dog Leg

Target_Tag = Tags.RF_Beam_Mon #Int or Str. Which Tag we are reading, we are interested in the RF Beam monitor currently
Threshold_Percent = 0 #Float. The percentage of beam that we want to collect in order to turn the Dog Leg around

Zoom_In_Factor = 1 #This is how much we want to zoom in if we are interested in an artifact at the center of the dog leg or want higher precision in the center

Scale_Factor = 1 #This is how much we want to scale off of the excel documents used prior to Dog Legs
mm_factor = 1
#Starting the loop to read the current collected

#Take the starting value of the Target Tag, use for the threshold