Пример #1
def HighFlowSingleInletTwoCompartmentGadoxetateAnd2DSPGRModel(
        xData2DArray, Ve, Kbh, Khe):
        funcName = 'HighFlowSingleInletTwoCompartmentGadoxetateAnd2DSPGRMode'
        t = xData2DArray[:, 0]
        signalAIF = xData2DArray[:, 1]

        # SPGR model parameters
        TR = 3.78 / 1000  # Repetition time of dynamic SPGR sequence in seconds
        dt = 16  #temporal resolution in sec
        t0 = 5 * dt  # Duration of baseline scans
        FA = 15  #degrees
        r1 = 5.9  # Hz/mM
        R10a = 1 / 1.500  # Hz
        R10t = 1 / 0.800  # Hz

        # Precontrast signal
        Sa_baseline = np.mean(signalAIF[0:int(t0 / t[1]) - 1])

        # Convert to concentrations
        R1a = [
                                               args=(FA, TR, R10a, Sa_baseline,
                               for p in np.arange(0, len(t)))
        R1a = np.squeeze(R1a)

        concAIF = (R1a - R10a) / r1

        c_if = concAIF

        Th = (1 - Ve) / kbh

        ce = c_if
        ct = Ve * ce + Khe * Th * tools.expconv(Th, t, ce, funcName)

        # Convert to signal
        St_rel = tools.spgr2d_func_inv(r1, FA, TR, R10t, ct)

        return (
        )  #Returns tissue signal relative to the baseline St/St_baseline
    except ZeroDivisionError as zde:
    except Exception as e:
Пример #2
def DualInletTwoCompartmentGadoxetateAnd2DSPGRModel(xData2DArray, Fa, Ve, Fp,
                                                    Kbh, Khe):
        funcName = 'DualInletTwoCompartmentGadoxetateAnd2DSPGRModel'
        t = xData2DArray[:, 0]
        signalAIF = xData2DArray[:, 1]
        signalVIF = xData2DArray[:, 2]
        fv = 1 - Fa

        # Get SPGR model parameters
        TR = 3.78 / 1000  # Repetition time of dynamic SPGR sequence in seconds
        dt = 16  #temporal resolution in sec
        t0 = 5 * dt  # Duration of baseline scans
        FA = 15  #degrees
        r1 = 5.9  # Hz/mM
        R10a = 1 / 1.500  # Hz
        R10v = 1 / 1.500  # Hz
        R10t = 1 / 0.800  # Hz

        # Precontrast signal
        Sa_baseline = np.mean(signalAIF[0:int(t0 / t[1]) - 1])
        Sv_baseline = np.mean(signalVIF[0:int(t0 / t[1]) - 1])

        # Convert to concentrations
        R1a = [
                                               args=(FA, TR, R10a, Sa_baseline,
                               for p in np.arange(0, len(t)))
        R1v = [
                                               args=(FA, TR, R10v, Sv_baseline,
                               for p in np.arange(0, len(t)))

        R1a = np.squeeze(R1a)
        R1v = np.squeeze(R1v)

        concAIF = (R1a - R10a) / r1
        concVIF = (R1v - R10v) / r1

        c_if = Fp * (Fa * concAIF + fv * concVIF)

        Th = (1 - Ve) / Kbh
        Te = Ve / (Fp + Khe)

        alpha = np.sqrt(((1 / Te + 1 / Th) / 2)**2 - 1 / (Te * Th))
        beta = (1 / Th - 1 / Te) / 2
        gamma = (1 / Th + 1 / Te) / 2

        # conc = (Ve + Khe(1+Kbh/(vh(1/Tb-1/Th)))exp(-t/Th)-kbhkhe/(vh(1/Tb-1/Th))exp(-t/Tb))*exp(-gamma.t)(cosh(alpha.t)+beta/gamma sinh(alpha.t))*Fp/Ve (Fa concAIF(t)+fv concVIF(t))
        # Let ce(t) = exp(-gamma.t)(cosh(alpha.t)+beta/gamma sinh(alpha.t))*c_if(t) then
        # conc = (Ve + Khe(1+Kbh/(vh(1/Tb-1/Th)))exp(-t/Th)-kbhkhe/(vh(1/Tb-1/Th))exp(-t/Tb))*ce(t)
        Tc1 = 1 / (gamma - alpha)
        Tc2 = 1 / (gamma + alpha)

        ce = (1 / (2 * Ve)) * (
            (1 + beta / alpha) * Tc1 * tools.expconv(Tc1, t, c_if, funcName) +
            (1 - beta / alpha) * Tc2 * tools.expconv(Tc2, t, c_if, funcName))
        ct = Ve * ce + Khe * Th * tools.expconv(Th, t, ce, funcName)

        # Convert to signal
        St_rel = tools.spgr2d_func_inv(r1, FA, TR, R10t, ct)

        return (
        )  #Returns tissue signal relative to the baseline St/St_baseline
    except ZeroDivisionError as zde:
    except Exception as e:
Пример #3
def HighFlowSingleInletGadoxetate2DSPGR_Rat(xData2DArray, Ve, Kbh, Khe,
    """This function contains the algorithm for calculating 
       how MR signal from a 2D scan varies with time using the 
       High Flow Single Inlet Two Compartment Gadoxetate Model model.
            Input Parameters
                xData2DArray - time and AIF concentration 1D arrays 
                    stacked into one 2D array.
                Ve - Plasma Volume Fraction (decimal fraction).
                Khe - Hepatocyte Uptake Rate (mL/min/mL)
                Kbh - Biliary Efflux Rate (mL/min/mL) 
                constantsString - String representation of a dictionary 
                of constant name:value pairs used to convert concentrations 
                predicted by this model to MR signal values.

            St_rel - list of calculated MR signals at each of the 
                time points in array 'time'.
        t = xData2DArray[:, 0]
        Sa = xData2DArray[:, 1]

        # Unpack SPGR model constants from
        # a string representation of a dictionary
        # of constants and their values
        constantsDict = eval(constantsString)
        TR, baseline, FA, r1, R10a, R10t = \
        float(constantsDict['TR']), \
        float(constantsDict['FA']), float(constantsDict['r1']), \
        float(constantsDict['R10a']), float(constantsDict['R10t'])

        # Convert to concentrations
        # n_jobs set to 1 to turn off parallel processing
        # because parallel processing caused a segmentation
        # fault in the compiled version of this application.
        # This is not a problem in the uncompiled script
        R1a = [
                                               args=(r1, FA, TR, R10a,
                                                     baseline, Sa[p]))
                               for p in np.arange(0, len(t)))

        R1a = np.squeeze(R1a)

        ca = (R1a - R10a) / r1

        # Correct for spleen Ve
        ve_spleen = 0.43
        ce = ca / ve_spleen

        if Kbh != 0:
            Th = (1 - Ve) / Kbh
            ct = Ve * ce + Khe * Th * tools.expconv(
                Th, t, ce, 'HighFlowSingleInletGadoxetate2DSPGR_Rat')
            ct = Ve * ce + Khe * tools.integrate(ce, t)

        # Convert to signal
        St_rel = tools.spgr2d_func_inv(r1, FA, TR, R10t, ct)

        #Return tissue signal relative to the baseline St/St_baseline
        return (St_rel)

    except ZeroDivisionError as zde:
    except Exception as e:
def Model_Function_Template(xData2DArray, param1, param2, param3, param4,
                            param5, constantsString):
    """This function contains the algorithm for calculating 
       how MR signal varies with time.
            Input Parameters
                xData2DArray - time and AIF signal 
                    (and VIR signal if dual inlet model) 1D arrays 
                    stacked into one 2D array.
                param1 - model parameter.
                param2 - model parameter.
                param3 - model parameter.
                param4 - model parameter.
                param5 - model parameter.
                constantsString - String representation of a dictionary 
                of constant name:value pairs used to convert concentrations 
                predicted by this model to MR signal values.

            St_rel - list of calculated MR signals at each of the 
                time points in array 'time'.
        exceptionHandler.modelFunctionInfoLogger  #please leave

        times = xData2DArray[:, 0]
        signalAIF = xData2DArray[:, 1]
        #Uncheck the next line of code if the model is dual inlet
        #and there is a VIF
        #signalVIF = xData2DArray[:,2]

        # Unpack SPGR model constants from
        # a string representation of a dictionary
        # of constants and their values.
        # If constants are added/removed from the Model Library XML
        # file, this section must be updated accordingly
        constantsDict = eval(constantsString)
        TR, baseline, FA, r1, R10a, R10t = \
        float(constantsDict['TR']), \
        float(constantsDict['FA']), float(constantsDict['r1']), \
        float(constantsDict['R10a']), float(constantsDict['R10t'])

        # Convert AIF MR signals to concentrations
        # n_jobs set to 1 to turn off parallel processing
        # because parallel processing caused a segmentation
        # fault in the compiled version of this application.
        # This is not a problem in the uncompiled script
        R1a = [
                                               args=(r1, FA, TR, R10a,
                                                     baseline, signalAIF[p]))
                               for p in np.arange(0, len(times)))

        R1a = np.squeeze(R1a)

        ca = (R1a - R10a) / r1

        # Add code here to calculate concentration, ct

        # Convert to signal
        St_rel = tools.spgr2d_func_inv(r1, FA, TR, R10t, ct)

        #Return tissue signal relative to the baseline St/St_baseline
        return (St_rel)

    #please leave the next 4 lines of code
    except ZeroDivisionError as zde:
    except Exception as e: