Пример #1
 def get_tile(self, pos):
     if self.map[pos][1] is Tile_Status.unopened:
         return Misc.call_tile(None)
     elif self.map[pos][1] is Tile_Status.opened:
         return self.map[pos][0]
     elif self.map[pos][1] is Tile_Status.flagged:
         return Misc.call_tile(-1)
Пример #2
    def predict_round(self, tourney_round, analysis):
        :method: Predict winner of a single round of the tournament.

        :param int tourney_round: round of the tournament to predict.
        :param object analysis: Analysis object
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_slots")

        last_round_id_2digit = "R%02d" % (tourney_round - 1)
        current_round_id_1digit = "R%d" % tourney_round
        current_round_id_2digit = "R%02d" % tourney_round

        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_slots']
        tourney_slots = df[df.season == self.season_id]  # slice of tourney_slots DataFrame for current season
        for _id, row in tourney_slots.iterrows():
            if row.slot[:2] == current_round_id_1digit:
                if tourney_round == 6:
                    strongseed = row.strongseed[-2:]
                    weakseed = row.weakseed[-2:]
                    strongseed = self.zero_pad_seed(row.strongseed)
                    weakseed = self.zero_pad_seed(row.weakseed)
                team_1 = self.bracket[last_round_id_2digit][strongseed]
                team_2 = self.bracket[last_round_id_2digit][weakseed]
                if not team_1 or not team_2:
                    raise Exception("Cannot predict round '%s', do not have results from prior round." % tourney_round)
                winner = analysis.predict_winner(team_1, team_2, self.season_id)

                if tourney_round == 5:
                    slot = row.slot[-2:]
                    slot = self.zero_pad_seed(row.slot[-2:])
                self.bracket[current_round_id_2digit][slot] = winner
Пример #3
    def SelectCell(self, col, row):
        """ Handle the selection of an individual cell in the Grid """
        # If we're in the "Time" column ...
        if col == 0:
            # ... determine the time of the selected item
            times = self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, col).split('-')
            # ... and move to that time
            # Retain the program focus in the Data Window
        # If we're in the "ID" or "Keywords" column ...
            # ... if we have a Clip ...
            if self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 4) == 'Clip':
                # Load the Clip
                # Switched to CallAfter because of crashes on the Mac.
                wx.CallAfter(self.ControlObject.LoadClipByNumber, int(self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 3)))

                # NOTE:  LoadClipByNumber eliminates the DataItemsTab, so no further processing can occur!!
                #        There used to be code here to select the Clip in the Database window, but it stopped
                #        working when I added multiple transcripts, so I moved it to the ControlObject.LoadClipByNumber()
                #        method.

            # ... if we have a Snapshot ...
            elif self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 4) == 'Snapshot':
                tmpSnapshot = Snapshot.Snapshot(int(self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 3)))
                # ... load the Snapshot
                # ... determine the time of the selected item
                times = self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 0).split('-')
                # ... and move to that time
                # ... and set the program focus on the Snapshot
                self.ControlObject.SelectSnapshotWindow(tmpSnapshot.id, tmpSnapshot.number, selectInDataWindow=True)
Пример #4
    def populate_1st_round(self, analysis):
        :method: Populate 1st round of bracket with teams.

        :param object analysis: Analysis object
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_slots")
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds")

        #variable init
        round_1 = "R00"

        # predict winners for play-in games
        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_slots']
        tourney_slots = df[df.season == self.season_id]  # slice of tourney_slots DataFrame for current season
        for _id, row in tourney_slots.iterrows():
            if row.slot[0] != "R":
                # play-in game
                team_1 = self.get_team_by_seed(row.strongseed)
                team_2 = self.get_team_by_seed(row.weakseed)
                winner = analysis.predict_winner(team_1, team_2, self.season_id)

                slot = self.zero_pad_seed(row.slot)
                self.bracket[round_1][slot] = winner

        # populate non-play-in teams
        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_seeds']
        tourney_seeds = df[df.season == self.season_id]  # slice of tourney_seeds DataFrame for current season
        for _id, row in tourney_seeds.iterrows():
            if len(row.seed) == 3:
                self.bracket[round_1][row.seed] = self.get_team_by_seed(row.seed)
Пример #5
    def get_input(self):
        """Custom input routine."""
        # Inherit base input routine
        gen_input = Dialogs.GenForm.get_input(self)
        # If OK ...
        if gen_input:
            # Get main data values from the form, ID, Comment, and Image Filename
            self.obj.id = gen_input[_('Snapshot ID')]
            self.obj.image_filename = gen_input[_('Image Filename')]
            if gen_input[_('Episode Position')] == '':
                self.obj.episode_start = 0.0
                self.obj.episode_start = Misc.time_in_str_to_ms(
                    gen_input[_('Episode Position')])
            if gen_input[_('Duration')] == '':
                self.obj.episode_duration = 0.0
                self.obj.episode_duration = Misc.time_in_str_to_ms(
            self.obj.comment = gen_input[_('Comment')]

            self.obj = None

        return self.obj
Пример #6
 def tryNotify(self, msg:Dispatch):
     """ Implement me! :: To send the message """
     # setup the parameters of the message
     to = msg.to
     message = msg.message
     sender = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, "FROM", '')
     subject = msg.replace_tokens(Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, "SUBJECT", ''))
Пример #7
    def showData(self, data: Data):
        """ To show data if this module start standalone """

        if data.source_name == self.ME_NAME + '/Skeleton':
            person = data.data  #Points of skeleton
            aux = data.strToJSon(data.aux)
            h = int(Misc.hasKey(aux, 'H', self.ME_CONFIG['FRAME_HEIGHT']))
            w = int(Misc.hasKey(aux, 'W', self.ME_CONFIG['FRAME_WIDTH']))
            rgbImage = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.uint8)
            for idj, join in enumerate(person):
                if join[0] != None:
                    cv2.circle(rgbImage, (join[0], join[1]),
        elif data.source_name == self.ME_NAME + '/Person':
            rgbImage = np.zeros((data.data.shape[0], data.data.shape[1], 3),
            rgbImage[:, :, 0] = np.where(data.data[:, :] == 1, 255, 0)
            rgbImage[:, :, 1] = np.where(data.data[:, :] == 1, 255, 0)
            rgbImage[:, :, 2] = np.where(data.data[:, :] == 1, 255, 0)
            rgbImage = data.data  # For capture the image in RGB color space

        # Display the resulting frame
        cv2.imshow(data.source_name + '-' + data.source_item,
                   cv2.cvtColor(rgbImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
Пример #8
    def eval_cost(params01_vec_dst):
        global Cost_best, params_01_vec_best
        global num_iter, success
        num_iter += 1

        params_dict = convert_param_func(params01_vec_dst)

        path_dst          = '{0}/iter_{1:04d}'.format(folder_path, num_iter)
        img_dst_cv2, _, _ = render_and_load(params_dict, path_dst)
        G_dst, _          = get_feature_func(img_dst_cv2)
        Cost_this         = calc_cost_func(G_ref, G_dst)

        img_text = "Cost: {0}\n#iter {1}".format(Cost_this, num_iter)
        Misc.show_text_on_image_cv2(img_dst_cv2, img_text, "find_step")

        ## change the best result
        if  Cost_this < Cost_best:
            Cost_best = Cost_this
            params_01_vec_best = params01_vec_dst[:]
        ## show the progress bar here
        prog = num_iter + 1
        cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=prog)
        if cmds.progressWindow(query=1, isCancelled=1):
            success = False ## [ABORT]
            raise StopIteration

        return Cost_this
Пример #9
 def setStack(self, filename):
     Parse the structure file to set the self.stack.
     The self.stack is a list of material and thickness, [[mat1, d1], [mat2, d2], ...].
     fileObj = open(Misc.getScriptfilename(filename), mode="rt", newline='\n')
     for line in fileObj:
         line = line.strip()
         if((not len(line)) or ("#" in line)):
         line = line.expandtabs(1)
         while(" " * 2 in line):
             line = line.replace(" " * 2, " ")
         layers = line.partition("{")[2].partition("}")[0]
         repeat = line.partition("*")[2].strip()
         # discretize graded layers like [Al60%02%GaAs 120.0 21], if any.
         gradedLayerList = re.findall("\[.*?\]", layers)
         for gradedLayer in gradedLayerList:
             layers = layers.replace(gradedLayer, Misc.discretizeGradedLayer(gradedLayer))
         # parse all the layers, get [[mat, d], ...]
         tmpStack = []
             repeat = int(repeat)
             repeat = 1
         for lay in layers.split(","):
             lay = lay.strip().split(" ")
             lay[1] = float(lay[1])
         for lay in (tmpStack * repeat):
Пример #10
    def SelectCell(self, col, row):
        """ Handle the selection of an individual cell in the Grid """
        # If we're in the "Time" column ...
        if col == 0:
            # ... determine the time of the selected item
            times = self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, col).split('-')
            # ... and move to that time
            # Retain the program focus in the Data Window
        # If we're in the "ID" or "Keywords" column ...
            # ... if we have a Clip ...
            if self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 4) == 'Clip':
                # Load the Clip
                # Switched to CallAfter because of crashes on the Mac.
                wx.CallAfter(self.ControlObject.LoadClipByNumber, int(self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 3)))

                # NOTE:  LoadClipByNumber eliminates the EpisodeClipsTab, so no further processing can occur!!
                #        There used to be code here to select the Clip in the Database window, but it stopped
                #        working when I added multiple transcripts, so I moved it to the ControlObject.LoadClipByNumber()
                #        method.

            # ... if we have a Snapshot ...
            elif self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 4) == 'Snapshot':
                tmpSnapshot = Snapshot.Snapshot(int(self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 3)))
                # ... load the Snapshot
                # ... determine the time of the selected item
                times = self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 0).split('-')
                # ... and move to that time
                # ... and set the program focus on the Snapshot
                self.ControlObject.SelectSnapshotWindow(tmpSnapshot.id, tmpSnapshot.number, selectInDataWindow=True)
    def generateData(self):

        radius = numpy.loadtxt(path + "/arc_circle_fit_parameters.txt",

        with open(path + "/frequency.txt", "w") as f:


            data = numpy.loadtxt(path + "/arc_length.txt", delimiter=",")

            for i in range(0, data.shape[0]):

                freq = Misc.arcLengthToFrequency(data[i, 1], exposure_time,
                s = str(int(data[i, 0])) + "," + str(freq) + "\n"

        with open(path + "/frequency_average.txt", "w") as f:

            length = numpy.loadtxt(path + "/arc_length_average.txt")


            freq = Misc.arcLengthToFrequency(length, exposure_time, radius)
            s = str(freq) + "\n"

            print "Average frequency =", freq
Пример #12
    def toFile(self, path: str = "./"):
        """ Save data into file.
            aux var must have 't', 'ext' values            
            Formats availables:
                image: image captured using cv2 of openCV
        if self.aux == None:
            return ''
        aux = self.strToJSon(self.aux)
        t = Misc.hasKey(aux, 't', '')
        ext = Misc.hasKey(aux, 'ext', '')
        dataType: str = str(type(self.data))
        f = normpath(path + "/attachments/" + str(time()) + str(self.id) +
                     "." + ext)
        if t == 'image_rgb':
            from cv2 import cv2
            cv2.imwrite(f, cv2.cvtColor(self.data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
        elif t == 'image_bgr':
            from cv2 import cv2
            cv2.imwrite(f, self.data)
        elif t == 'image_binary':
            from cv2 import cv2
            img = np.zeros((self.data.shape[0], self.data.shape[1]),
            img[:, :] = np.where(self.data[:, :] == False, 0, 255)
            cv2.imwrite(f, img)
        elif 'numpy' in dataType:
            w = np.squeeze(self.data)
            np.savetxt(f, w, delimiter=",", fmt="%s")
            nf = open(f, "w")

        return f
Пример #13
    def __init__(self):
        selectedColor = Misc.RED
        notSelectedColor = Misc.BLUE

        self.buttons = []

        startButton = Misc.TextButton(Misc.DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2,
                                      Misc.DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 60, 'start',
                                      Misc.font, 20, selectedColor,
                                      notSelectedColor, self.start)
        returnButton = Misc.TextButton(Misc.DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2,
                                       Misc.DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 30, 'return',
                                       Misc.font, 20, selectedColor,
                                       notSelectedColor, self.ret)


        global server
        if server is not None:
        server = Server(Misc.minPlayers, Misc.maxPlayers, Misc.host,

        self.server = server
        print("Server started")
        print("Waiting for players")
Пример #14
 def __repr__(self):
     str = 'Transcript Object:\n'
     str = str + "Number = %s\n" % self.number
     str = str + "ID = %s\n" % self.id
     str = str + "Episode Number = %s\n" % self.episode_num
     str = str + "Source Transcript = %s\n" % self.source_transcript
     str = str + "Clip Number = %s\n" % self.clip_num
     str = str + "Sort Order = %s\n" % self.sort_order
     str = str + "Transcriber = %s\n" % self.transcriber
     str = str + "Clip Start = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(
     str = str + "Clip Stop = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.clip_stop)
     str = str + "Comment = %s\n" % self.comment
     str += "MinTranscriptWidth = %s\n" % self.minTranscriptWidth
     str = str + "LastSaveTime = %s\n" % self.lastsavetime
     #        str += "isLocked = %s\n" % self._isLocked
     #        str += "recordlock = %s\n" % self.recordlock
     #        str += "locktime = %s\n" % self.locktime
     if self.text != None:
         if len(self.text) > 250:
             str = str + "text[:50] = %s\n\n" % self.text[:50]
             str = str + "text = %s\n\n" % self.text
         str += "text = None\n\n"
     if self.plaintext != None:
         if len(self.plaintext) > 250:
             str = str + "plaintext[:50] = %s\n\n" % self.plaintext[:50]
             str = str + "plaintext = %s\n\n" % self.plaintext
         str += "plaintext = None\n\n"
     return str.encode('utf8')
Пример #15
    def preLoad(self):
        """ Load knowledge for pre processing """
        self.getRGB = 'RGB' in self.ME_CONFIG['FORMATS']
        self.getGray = 'Gray' in self.ME_CONFIG['FORMATS']
        self.getObject = 'Object' in self.ME_CONFIG['FORMATS']
        self.getSkeleton = 'Skeleton' in self.ME_CONFIG['FORMATS']

        if self.getObject:
            sys.path.insert(0, self.ME_PATH)
            from mrcnn.CamControllerExtractor import CamControllerExtractor
            cocoH5 = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, 'MODEL_MSK',
            self.cce = CamControllerExtractor(Me_Component_Path=self.ME_PATH,
            self.cce.CLASSES_TO_DETECT = [
                x.lower() for x in self.ME_CONFIG['OBJECTS']
        if self.getSkeleton:
            ModelPath = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, 'MODEL_SKl',
            ModelPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.ME_PATH, ModelPath))
            self.log('Loadding model from {} ...'.format(ModelPath),
            self.joinsBodyNET = load_model(ModelPath)
Пример #16
    def CompileCC(self, source_ppath):
        """Compiles a C++ source file into an object file.

      source_ppath: .cc file project path.
        source_apath = self.GetSourceAbsolutePath(source_ppath)
        object_ppath = misc.SwitchSuffix(source_ppath, '.cc', '.o')
        object_apath = os.path.join(self._output_dir, object_ppath)

        source_ppaths = set([source_ppath])
        target_ppaths = [object_ppath]
        if self.IsUpToDate(source_ppaths, target_ppaths):
            logging.info('%s -> %s is up to date', source_ppath, object_ppath)

        command = (self.vars.CXX_COMPILER_COMMAND + self.vars.CXX_FLAGS + [
            '-I' + self._source_dir,
            '-I' + self._output_dir,
        logging.info('Compiling C++: %s', source_ppath)

        self.RecordMetadata(source_ppaths, target_ppaths)
Пример #17
def chain_rule(currentNode, currentValue, dStack):
    currentNode.key = "*"
    power = currentNode.getRightChild().key

    innerTree = currentNode.getLeftChild()
    derInnerTree = BinaryTree(innerTree.key)
    derInnerNode = derInnerTree
    iStack = Stack()
    Misc.build_tree(currentNode.getLeftChild(), dStack, derInnerNode, iStack)

    # building tree based on chain rule that will be inserted into original tree
    chainTree = BinaryTree('*')
    chainNode = chainTree
    chainNode = chainNode.getLeftChild()
    chainNode = chainNode.getRightChild()
    chainNode.insertRight(power - 1)

    # inserting chain tree's first kids into original tree
Пример #18
    def abbreviate(self):
        Try to abbreviate the 'worst' term.
        Return false if we ran out of options
        global MAXREPLACE

        stlist = []
        for t in self.termlist:
            stlist += t.subterms()

        self.subterms = Misc.uniqstr(stlist)
        self.subtermcount = Misc.multiset(stlist)

        candlist = [[self.valAbbrevCandidate(term.replace(self.mapper)), term]
                    for term in self.subterms]
        th = threshold(len(self.abbreviations.keys()))

        ## For debugging only
        #print "Candidate list for threshold %s" % th
        #for [val,term] in candlist:
        #    print "  %s:\t%s" % (val,str(term))

        #print th
        vallist = [[val, term] for [val, term] in candlist if val > th]
        if len(vallist) > 0:
            val = vallist[-1][0]
            bigterm = vallist[-1][1]

            bigtermString = str(bigterm)

            # New string
            abbreviationTerm = Term.TermConstant(self.newName(prefix=" TMP "))
            abbreviationString = str(abbreviationTerm)

            # Store folding
            self.mapper[str(self.termUnfold(bigterm))] = abbreviationTerm
            # Store unfolding
            self.unfold[str(abbreviationTerm)] = bigterm

            # Local replacements
            abbrev = {}
            abbrev[bigtermString] = abbreviationTerm
            # Replace termlist
            ot = self.termlist[:]
            self.termlist = [t.replace(abbrev) for t in ot]
            ## Replace also in abbreviations
            for k in self.abbreviations.keys():
                self.abbreviations[k] = self.abbreviations[k].replace(abbrev)
            self.abbreviations[abbreviationString] = bigterm

            ## Add to termlist too
            #self.termlist += [bigterm]

            return True
            return False
Пример #19
 def initializeDevice(self, device):
     """ Initialize device """
     capture = cv2.VideoCapture(device['id'])
     _width = Misc.hasKey(device, 'width', self.ME_CONFIG['FRAME_WIDTH'])
     _height = Misc.hasKey(device, 'height', self.ME_CONFIG['FRAME_HEIGHT'])
     capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, _width)
     capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, _height)
     return capture
Пример #20
    def data_available(self, season_id):
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds", raise_exception=True)

        tournament_year = Constants.SEASON_ID_TO_YEAR.get(season_id)
        file_name = 'summary%s' % str(tournament_year)[-2:]
        result = Misc.check_input_data("KenPomWithIds", file_name, raise_exception=False)

        return result
Пример #21
    def animated_move(self, row, col): 
	ox, oy=Misc.togridpoint(self.row, self.col)
        if x==ox:
            self.move_a_bit_inner(oy, y, x, 0)
            self.move_a_bit_inner(ox, x, y, 1)
Пример #22
 def loggingConf(self, config):
     """ Prepare configuration of log """
     LOGGINGLEVEL = Misc.hasKey(config, 'LOGGING_LEVEL',
                                None)  # Logging level to write
     LOGGINGFILE = Misc.hasKey(config, 'LOGGING_FILE',
                               None)  # Name of file where write log
     LOGGINGFORMAT = Misc.hasKey(config, 'LOGGING_FORMAT',
                                 None)  # Format to show the log
Пример #23
 def tryNotify(self, msg: Dispatch):
     """ Implement me! :: To send the message """
     # setup the parameters of the message
     Of = Misc.hasKey(self.CONFIG, "OF", '') if msg.of == '' else msg.of
     To = Misc.hasKey(self.CONFIG, "TO", '') if msg.to == '' else msg.to
     Subject = Misc.hasKey(self.CONFIG, "SUBJECT",
                           '') if msg.subject == '' else msg.subject
     Message = Misc.hasKey(self.CONFIG, "MESSAGE",
                           '') if msg.message == '' else msg.message
Пример #24
def postArticle(article, client):
    articleTitle = article['title']
    articleAuthor = article['author']
    articleTags = article['tags']
    articleContent = article['content']

    ######### post #################
    postConent = ''
    for section in articleContent:
        if (section['type'] == 'htag'):
            value = section['value']
            value = value.replace('<', '&lt;')
            postConent = postConent + '<h2>' + value + '</h2>'
        elif (section['type'] == 'ptag'):
            value = section['value']
            value = value.replace('<', '&lt;')
            postConent = postConent + '<p>' + value + '</p>'
        elif (section['type'] == 'codetag'):
            value = section['value']
            value = value.replace('<', '&lt;')
            postConent = postConent + '<pre class="wp-block-code"><code>' + value + '</code></pre>'
        elif (section['type'] == 'tabletag'):
            value = section['value']
            postConent = postConent + '<figure class="wp-block-table">' + value + '</figure>'
        elif (section['type'] == 'litag'):
            value = section['value']
            postConent = postConent + '<li>' + value + '</li>'
        elif (section['type'] == 'separatorTag'):
            #postConent=postConent+'<hr class="wp-block-separator">'
            value = section['value']
            postConent = postConent + '<p>' + value + '</p>'
        elif (section['type'] == 'imgtag'):
            value = Misc.downloadImg(section['value'], 'dnl')
            postConent = postConent + '<p><img style="max-width:100%;" alt="picture" src=' + value + '></p>'
            #postConent=postConent+'<p><img style="max-width:100%;" alt="picture" rel="noreferrer noopener sponsored nofollow" src='+value+'></p>'

    (tags, cats) = guessTagsCats(articleTitle, articleTags)

    newpost = WordPressPost()
    newpost.title = articleTitle + '-' + tags[0]
    newpost.content = postConent
    newpost.terms_names = {'category': cats, 'post_tag': tags}
    #newpost.thumbnail = picResponse['id']
    newpost.post_status = 'publish'
    aritcleId = client.call(posts.NewPost(newpost))
def perimeter_detect(action):
    while True:
            logInfo = ""
            #detect perimeter breach every 2 seconds
            perimeter_status = ""
            plst = zymkey.client.get_perimeter_detect_info()
            now = datetime.now()
            #print warning, date and time of the breach
            print("\nPerimeter event detected at (%s %s):" %
                  (datetime.date(now), datetime.time(now)))
            logInfo += "\nPerimeter event detected at " + str(
                datetime.date(now)) + "  " + str(datetime.time(now))
            #Detect in which loop the perimeter has been detected.
            for z in range(len(plst)):
                p = plst[z]
                if p:
                    #first loop is broken (inner loop)
                    if z == 0:
                        print("  Breach in the inner loop has been detected!")
                        logInfo += "\n  Breach in the inner loop has been detected!"
                    #second loop is broken (outer loop)
                    elif z == 1:
                        print("  Breach in the outer loop has been detected!")
                        logInfo += "\n  Breach in the outer loop has been detected!"
            for j in range(len(plst)):
                p = plst[j]
                #log perimeter detection info
                perimeter_status = "    perimeter[%d] timestamp = %d" % (j, p)
                logInfo += "\n     perimeter[" + str(
                    j) + "] timestamp = " + str(p)
            if action == '1':
                subject = "Security Alert - Perimeter Breach Detected: " + str(
                    datetime.date(now)) + " " + str(datetime.time(now))
                act.send_email(subject, logInfo)
            elif action == '2':
                #add self destruct code here.
        except zymkey.exceptions.ZymkeyTimeoutError:
            logInfo = ""
            now = datetime.now()
            #no perimeter breach has been detected
            print("Nothing going on at (%s %s):" %
                  (datetime.date(now), datetime.time(now)))
            logInfo += "\nNothing going on at " + str(
                datetime.date(now)) + "  " + str(datetime.time(now))
    def analyze(self, data):
        """ Exec analysis of activity """
        d_current = self.Simulated_current_time if self.Simulating else datetime.fromtimestamp(

        # ONLY for test, remove for production
        aux_tmp = Data().strToJSon(data.aux)
        time_tmp = Misc.hasKey(aux_tmp['source_aux'], 'time', '')
        if time_tmp != '':
            d_current = datetime.strptime(time_tmp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            self.Simulated_current_time = d_current
            Simulating_tmp = self.Simulating
            self.Simulating = True

        if self.Last_Cleaning_Day < d_current:
            self.Last_Cleaning_Day = d_current + timedelta(days=1)

        dataReturn = []
        event_name = Misc.hasKey(data.data, 'class', '')
        #if event_name in ['get out of bed',]:
        #    print('atento')

        #print('No event' if event_name == '' else event_name, d_current, end='     \r')

        event_name = '' if event_name.lower() == 'none' else event_name.lower()
        if self.analyze_event(
        ) < self.Threshold or event_name in self.ME_CONFIG['ALWAYS_ABNORMAL']:
            if not event_name in self.ME_CONFIG['ALWAYS_NORMAL']:
                dataInf = self.data_from_event(Event(d_current, event_name))

        backward_event_list = self.backward_events_detect()
        for be in backward_event_list:
            dataInf = self.data_from_event(be, occurred=False)
            dataInf.package = 'backward-' + str(time())

        expected_event_list = self.expected_events_predict()
        for ee in expected_event_list:
            dataInf = self.data_from_event(ee, occurred=False)
            dataInf.package = 'expected-' + str(time())


        # ONLY for test, remove for production
        if time_tmp != '':
            self.Simulating = Simulating_tmp

        return dataReturn
Пример #27
    def data_available(self, season_id):
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds", raise_exception=True)

        tournament_year = Constants.SEASON_ID_TO_YEAR.get(season_id)
        file_name = 'summary%s' % str(tournament_year)[-2:]
        result = Misc.check_input_data("KenPomWithIds",

        return result
Пример #28
    def simulateData(self, dataFilter: Data):
        """ Allows simulate input data """

        _width = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, 'FRAME_WIDTH', 320)
        _height = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, 'FRAME_HEIGHT', 240)

        if str(self.SimulatingPath).index(".csv") > 0:
            if self.simulationStep == 0:
                self.file = np.loadtxt(self.SimulatingPath,
                self.file_length = len(self.file)
                self.simulationStep = 1  #31085

            if self.simulationStep < self.file_length:
                if len(self.file[self.simulationStep, 2]) < 3:
                    self.simulationStep += 1
                    #print(' -- no -- ')
                    return []

                #print(' -- si -- ')
                self.simulationStep += 10
                #t0 = time()
                frame = cv2.imread(self.file[self.simulationStep, 1])
                #print('Imagen', self.simulationStep, time())
                frame = self.image_resize(frame, _width)
                #print('Tiempo cargando imagen', (time() - t0))
                time_event = self.file[self.simulationStep, 3]
                event = self.file[self.simulationStep, 2]
                return self.getData(dataFilter.source_item,
                self.simulationStep = 0
                return self.simulateData(dataFilter)
            if self.simulationStep == 0:
                self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.SimulatingPath)
                self.capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, _width)
                self.capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, _height)
                self.video_length = int(

            if self.capture.isOpened(
            ) and self.simulationStep < self.video_length:
                _, frame = self.capture.read()
                self.simulationStep += 1
                if frame is None:
                    return []
                return self.getData(dataFilter.source_item, frame=frame)
                self.simulationStep = 0
                return self.simulateData(dataFilter)
Пример #29
 def __init__(self, game):
     self.map = {}  # save this
     for pos in game.map.xymap:
         if pos not in game.bomb.mines:
             self.map[pos] = [
                     game.num.calculatepoint(game.num, pos, game.bomb)),
             self.map[pos] = [Misc.call_tile(9), Tile_Status.unopened]
Пример #30
def encodegradecollege():
    while True:
        quarterGrades = []
        i = 0
        while i != 2:
            grade = input()
            if grade.isdigit():
                i += 1
        return quarterGrades
Пример #31
    def start(self, prod=False):
        """ Start api for data pool """

        if prod:
            from os.path import dirname, abspath, exists, split, normpath
            self.CONFIG_FILE = normpath(abspath('.') + "/config.yaml")
            self.CONFIG = Misc.readConfig(self.CONFIG_FILE)

        app = Flask(__name__)
        log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')
        log.setLevel(self.LOGGINGLEVEL + 10)
        app.logger = logging.getLogger()
        api = Api(app)

        if Misc.toBool(Misc.hasKey(self.CONFIG, 'RUN_IN_COLLAB', 'N')):
            from flask_ngrok import run_with_ngrok
            run_with_ngrok(app)  #starts ngrok when the app is run

            def home():
                return "<h1>Running Home-Monitor on Google Colab!</h1>"

        from ApiServices import ApiAlerts, ApiEvents, ApiTickets, ApiLogs

        Binnacle().logFromCore('Starting /api/tickets', LogTypes.INFO,
                         methods=['get', 'post', 'put'])
        Binnacle().logFromCore('Starting /api/events', LogTypes.INFO,
                         methods=['get', 'post', 'put'])
        Binnacle().logFromCore('Starting /api/alerts', LogTypes.INFO,
                         methods=['get', 'post', 'put'])
        Binnacle().logFromCore('Starting /api/logs', LogTypes.INFO,
        api.add_resource(ApiLogs, '/api/logs', methods=['post'])

        if not prod:
            self.app = app

        Binnacle().logFromCore(Messages.pool_stoped, LogTypes.INFO,
Пример #32
def college():
    studentName = str(input("Enter student name: "))
    studentLevel = "College"
    while True:
        subjectslist = []
        subjCount = input("Enter the total number of subjects: ").strip()
        if subjCount in '1234567890':
            subjCount = int(subjCount)
            for i in range(int(subjCount)):
                subjectslist.append(input("Enter subject {}: ".format(i + 1)))
    subjgrades = []
    quarterTotal = []
    quarterAverage = []

    for subjects in subjectslist:
        print("Enter " + subjects + " grades per semester")

    for grades in subjgrades:

    for total in quarterTotal:
        average = total / 2

    quarterAverage = [float("{:.2f}".format(num)) for num in quarterAverage]
    generalTotal = sum(quarterAverage)
    generalAverage = generalTotal / subjCount

    reportCardcollege(studentName, studentLevel, subjgrades, subjectslist,
                      quarterAverage, generalAverage)

    newsubgrades = []
    for i in subjgrades:
        for x in i:

    with open('College.txt', 'a') as col:
        col.write(studentName + '\n')
        for i in subjectslist:
            col.write(i.strip() + ' ')
        for i in newsubgrades:
            col.write(str(i) + ' ')
    input("Report card generated.\nPlease enter any key to continue.")
Пример #33
    def init_standalone(self, path="./", config=None):
        """ Start the component isolated of system """
        self.ME_PATH = path  # Path of current component
        self.ME_STANDALONE = True
        if not Misc.existsFile("config.yaml", self.ME_PATH):
            raise ValueError(Messages.config_no_file)

        self.ME_CONFIG_PATH = normpath(self.ME_PATH + "/config.yaml")
        self.ME_CONFIG = Misc.readConfig(
            self.ME_CONFIG_PATH) if config == None else config
        self.CP = CommPool(self.ME_CONFIG, standAlone=True)

Пример #34
    def tryNotify(self, msg: Dispatch):
        """ To send the message using SMS Channel """
        # setup the parameters of the message
        to = msg.to
        message = msg.message
        sender = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, "FROM", '')
        # Your Account Sid and Auth Token from twilio.com/console
        account_sid = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, "ACCOUNT_SID", '')
        auth_token = Misc.hasKey(self.ME_CONFIG, "AUTH_TOKEN", '')
        client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

        for number in to:
            sms = client.messages.create(to=number, from_=sender, body=message)
Пример #35
 def OnSSLButton(self, event):
     """ Handle the Browse buttons for the SSL Client Certificate and the SSL CLient Key file fields """
     # Define the File Type as *.pem files
     fileType = '*.pem'
     fileTypesString = _("SSL Certificate Files (*.pem)|*.pem|All files (*.*)|*.*")
     if event.GetId() == self.sslClientCertBrowse.GetId():
         prompt = _("Select the SSL Client Certificate file")
         fileName = self.sslClientCert.GetValue()
     elif event.GetId() == self.sslClientKeyBrowse.GetId():
         prompt = _("Select the SSL Client Key file")
         fileName = self.sslClientKey.GetValue()
     elif event.GetId() == self.sslMsgSrvCertBrowse.GetId():
         prompt = _("Select the SSL Message Server Certificate file")
         fileName = self.sslMsgSrvCert.GetValue()
     (path, flnm) = os.path.split(fileName)
     if path != '':
         self.sslDir = path
     # Invoke the File Selector with the proper default directory, filename, file type, and style
     fs = wx.FileSelector(prompt, self.sslDir, fileName, fileType, fileTypesString, wx.OPEN | wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST)
     # If user didn't cancel ..
     if fs != "":
         # Mac Filenames use a different encoding system.  We need to adjust the string returned by the FileSelector.
         # Surely there's an easier way, but I can't figure it out.
         if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             import Misc
             fs = Misc.convertMacFilename(fs)
         if event.GetId() == self.sslClientCertBrowse.GetId():
         elif event.GetId() == self.sslClientKeyBrowse.GetId():
         elif event.GetId() == self.sslMsgSrvCertBrowse.GetId():
         (path, flnm) = os.path.split(fs)
         if path != '':
             self.sslDir = path
Пример #36
    def get_team_by_seed(self, seed):
        :method: Get team object from tournament seed string.

        :param string seed: tournament seed string
        :returns: Team object
        :rtype: object
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds")

        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_seeds']
        team_df = df[(df.season == self.season_id) & (df.seed == seed)]
        if not team_df.empty:
            team_id = team_df.team.iloc[0]
            team = self.team_factory.get_team(team_id)
            team = None

        return team
Пример #37
    def add_all_teams(self):
        """:method: Build objects for all teams from Kaggle data & add them to factory."""
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds")
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "teams")

        df_seeds = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_seeds']
        for _id, row in df_seeds.iterrows():
            # variable init
            season_id = row.season
            team_id = int(row.team)
            tourney_seed = row.seed
            df_teams = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['teams']
            team_name = df_teams[df_teams.id == team_id].name.iloc[0]

            # create Team object
            team = self.get_team(team_id)
            if not team:
                team = self.add_team(team_id, team_name)
            season = team.add_season(season_id)
Пример #38
def testDot(fpath):

        cmd = "%s -V" % (fpath)
        (sts,sout,serr) = Misc.safeCommandOutput(cmd)
        if sts != -1:
            if "version" in sout + serr:
                return True
    return False
Пример #39
    def __repr__(self):
        str = 'Transcript Object:\n'
        str = str + "Number = %s\n" % self.number
        str = str + "ID = %s\n" % self.id
        str = str + "Episode Number = %s\n" % self.episode_num
        str = str + "Source Transcript = %s\n" % self.source_transcript
        str = str + "Clip Number = %s\n" % self.clip_num
        str = str + "Sort Order = %s\n" % self.sort_order
        str = str + "Transcriber = %s\n" % self.transcriber
        str = str + "Clip Start = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.clip_start)
        str = str + "Clip Stop = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.clip_stop)
        str = str + "Comment = %s\n" % self.comment
        str += "MinTranscriptWidth = %s\n" % self.minTranscriptWidth
        str = str + "LastSaveTime = %s\n" % self.lastsavetime
#        str += "isLocked = %s\n" % self._isLocked
#        str += "recordlock = %s\n" % self.recordlock
#        str += "locktime = %s\n" % self.locktime
        if len(self.text) > 250:
            str = str + "text[:50] = %s\n\n" % self.text[:50]
            str = str + "text = %s\n\n" % self.text
        return str.encode('utf8')
Пример #40
def ScytherIcon(window):
        """ Set a nice Scyther icon """
        import os,inspect

        # Determine base directory (taking symbolic links into account)
        cmd_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() )))
        basedir = os.path.split(cmd_file)[0]

        path = os.path.join(basedir,"Images")
        iconfile = Misc.mypath(os.path.join(path,"scyther-gui-32.ico"))
        if os.path.isfile(iconfile):
            icon = wx.Icon(iconfile,wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
Пример #41
def findDot():
    global DOTLOCATION

    # Cache the results
    if DOTLOCATION != None:
        return DOTLOCATION

    DOTLOCATION = scanLocations()
    if DOTLOCATION == None:
Could not find the required 'dot' program, which is part of the Graphviz suite.
Please install it from http://www.graphviz.org/

Ubuntu users: install the 'graphviz' package.

Windows users: make sure that Graphviz is installed and 
   that the location of the 'dot' program is in
   the PATH environment variable.

Restarting your system may be needed for Scyther to locate any newly installed
    return DOTLOCATION
Пример #42
    def get_input(self):
        """Custom input routine."""
        # Inherit base input routine
        gen_input = Dialogs.GenForm.get_input(self)
        # If OK ...
        if gen_input:
            # Get main data values from the form, ID, Comment, and Image Filename
            self.obj.id = gen_input[_('Snapshot ID')]
            self.obj.image_filename = gen_input[_('Image Filename')]
            if gen_input[_('Episode Position')] == '':
                self.obj.episode_start = 0.0
                self.obj.episode_start = Misc.time_in_str_to_ms(gen_input[_('Episode Position')])
            if gen_input[_('Duration')] == '':
                self.obj.episode_duration = 0.0
                self.obj.episode_duration = Misc.time_in_str_to_ms(gen_input[_('Duration')])
            self.obj.comment = gen_input[_('Comment')]

            self.obj = None

        return self.obj
Пример #43
 def _set_keyword(self, keyword):
     # Make sure parenthesis characters are not allowed in Keywords
     if (string.find(keyword, '(') > -1) or (string.find(keyword, ')') > -1):
         keyword = string.replace(keyword, '(', '')
         keyword = string.replace(keyword, ')', '')
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
             prompt = unicode(_('Keywords cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword has been renamed to "%s".'), 'utf8') % keyword
             prompt = _('Keywords cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword has been renamed to "%s".') % keyword
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, prompt)
     self._keyword = Misc.unistrip(keyword)
Пример #44
def BinaryGraph():
    This calculates a graph of the whole binary.
    :return: a graph in NetworkX format
    FG = nx.DiGraph()

    for f_ea in Functions():
        # TODO: Test a bit more the restrictions regarding
        # the types of XRefs
        for xref in XrefsTo(f_ea, 1):
            (s, e) = misc.function_boundaries(xref.frm)
            if s:
                FG.add_edge(s, f_ea)

    return FG
Пример #45
 def _set_keywordGroup(self, keywordGroup):
     # ALSO SEE Dialogs.add_kw_group_ui().  The same errors are caught there.
     # Make sure parenthesis characters are not allowed in Keyword Group.  Remove them if necessary.
     if (string.find(keywordGroup, '(') > -1) or (string.find(keywordGroup, ')') > -1):
         keywordGroup = string.replace(keywordGroup, '(', '')
         keywordGroup = string.replace(keywordGroup, ')', '')
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
             prompt = unicode(_('Keyword Groups cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword Group has been renamed to "%s".'), 'utf8') % keywordGroup
             prompt = _('Keyword Groups cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword Group has been renamed to "%s".') % keywordGroup
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, prompt)
     # Colons are not allowed in Keyword Groups.  Remove them if necessary.
     if keywordGroup.find(":") > -1:
         keywordGroup = keywordGroup.replace(':', '')
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             msg = unicode(_('You may not use a colon (":") in the Keyword Group name.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"'), 'utf8')
             msg = _('You may not use a colon (":") in the Keyword Group name.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"')
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, msg % keywordGroup)
     # Let's make sure we don't exceed the maximum allowed length for a Keyword Group.
     # First, let's see what the max length is.
     maxLen = TransanaGlobal.maxKWGLength
     # Check to see if we've exceeded the max length
     if len(keywordGroup) > maxLen:
         # If so, truncate the Keyword Group
         keywordGroup = keywordGroup[:maxLen]
         # Display a message to the user describing the trunctions
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
             msg = unicode(_('Keyword Group is limited to %d characters.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"'), 'utf8')
             msg = _('Keyword Group is limited to %d characters.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"')
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, msg % (maxLen, keywordGroup))
     # Remove white space from the Keyword Group.
     self._keywordGroup = Misc.unistrip(keywordGroup)
Пример #46
 def __repr__(self):
     str = 'Episode Object:\n'
     str = str + "Number = %s\n" % self.number
     str = str + "id = %s\n" % self.id
     str = str + "comment = %s\n" % self.comment
     str = str + "Media file 1 = %s\n" % self.media_filename
     str = str + "Media File 1 Length = %s\n" % self.tape_length
     str += "Media File 1 Offset = %s\n" % self.offset
     str = str + "Additional media file:\n"
     for addFile in self.additional_media_files:
         str += '  %s  %s %s %s\n' % (addFile['filename'], addFile['offset'], addFile['length'], addFile['audio'])
     str += "Total adjusted Episode Length = %d (%s)\n" % (self.episode_length(), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.episode_length()))
     str = str + "Date = %s\n" % self.tape_date
     str = str + "Series ID = %s\n" % self.series_id
     str = str + "Series Num = %s\n" % self.series_num
     str += "Keywords:\n"
     for kw in self._kwlist:
         str += '  ' + kw.keywordPair + '\n'
     return str.encode('utf8')
Пример #47
def binary_graph():
    This calculates a graph of the whole binary.
    :return: a *DiGraph* in NetworkX format
    fg = nx.DiGraph()

    for f_ea in Functions():
        for xref in XrefsTo(f_ea, True):
            # NOTE: only code xrefs (that is, call sub_xxx or
            # alike but not data refs, mov [eax], sub_xxx
            if not xref.iscode:

            (s, e) = misc.function_boundaries(xref.frm)
            if s:
                fg.add_edge(s, f_ea)

    return fg
Пример #48
    def killLines(self, rejectLines, killMatches, killBlockKeys, verbose=False):
        """ Delete the matching lines from self.data and return.
@param rejectLines destination for killed lines, if to be saved.
@param killMatches list of matching patterns. matching any pattern kills a line.
@param killBlockKeys well-formed blocks matching any key in this list are killed.
@return nothing.
        if killMatches == None and killBlockKeys == None:
        # first kill block pass
        if not killBlockKeys == None and len(killBlockKeys) > 0:
            for key in killBlockKeys:
                status, span = self.findKeyRanges( key )
                if not status == 0: 
                if len(span) < 2:
                while len(span) > 1:
                    if verbose:
                        print "start span = ", span
                    start = span[len(span)-2]
                    stop = span[len(span)-1]
                    if not rejectLines == None:
                        for dead in self.data[start:stop+1]:
                    del self.data[start:stop+1]
                    span = span[0:len(span)-1]
                    if verbose:
                        print "end span = ", span
        if not killMatches == None and len(killMatches) > 0:
            index = 0
            for k in self.data:
                if Misc.symbolContainsListItem(k, killMatches):
                    del self.data[index]
                    index += 1
Пример #49
    def DisplayCells(self, TimeCode):
        """ Get data from the database and populate the Episode Clips / Selected Clips Grid """
        # Get clip data from the database
        clipData = DBInterface.list_of_clips_by_episode(self.episodeObj.number, TimeCode)
        if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
            # Get the snapshot data from the database
            snapshotData = DBInterface.list_of_snapshots_by_episode(self.episodeObj.number, TimeCode)

        # Combine the two lists
        cellData = {}
        # For each Clip ...
        for clip in clipData:
            # load the Clip
            tmpObj = Clip.Clip(clip['ClipNum'])
            # add the Clip to the cellData
            cellData[(clip['ClipStart'], clip['ClipStop'], tmpObj.GetNodeString(True).upper())] = tmpObj
        if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
            # for each Snapshot ...
            for snapshot in snapshotData:
                # load the Snapshot
                tmpObj = Snapshot.Snapshot(snapshot['SnapshotNum'])
                # add the Snapshot to the cellData
                cellData[(snapshot['SnapshotStart'], snapshot['SnapshotStop'], tmpObj.GetNodeString(True).upper())] = tmpObj

        # Get the Keys for the cellData
        sortedKeys = cellData.keys()
        # Sort the keys for the cellData into the right order
        # Add rows to the Grid to accomodate the amount of data returned, or delete rows if we have too many
        if len(cellData) > self.gridClips.GetNumberRows():
            self.gridClips.AppendRows(len(cellData) - self.gridClips.GetNumberRows(), False)
        elif len(cellData) < self.gridClips.GetNumberRows():
            self.gridClips.DeleteRows(numRows = self.gridClips.GetNumberRows() - len(cellData))

        # Initialize the Row Counter
        loop = 0
        # Add the data to the Grid
        for keyVals in sortedKeys:
            # If we have a Clip ...
            if isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Clip.Clip):
                # ... get the start, stop times and the object type
                startTime = cellData[keyVals].clip_start
                stopTime = cellData[keyVals].clip_stop
                objType = 'Clip'
                # Initialize the string for all the Keywords to blank
                kwString = unicode('', 'utf8')
                # Initialize the prompt for building the keyword string
                kwPrompt = '%s'
            # If we have a Snapshot ...
            elif isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Snapshot.Snapshot):
                # ... get the start, stop times and the object type
                startTime = cellData[keyVals].episode_start
                stopTime = cellData[keyVals].episode_start + cellData[keyVals].episode_duration
                objType = 'Snapshot'
                # if there are whole snapshot keywords ...
                if len(cellData[keyVals].keyword_list) > 0:
                    # ... initialize the string for all the Keywords to indicate this
                    kwString = unicode(_('Whole:'), 'utf8') + '\n'
                # If there are NOT whole snapshot keywords ...
                    # ... initialize the string for all the Keywords to blank
                    kwString = unicode('', 'utf8')
                # Initialize the prompt for building the keyword string
                kwPrompt = '  %s'
            # For each Keyword in the Keyword List ...
            for kws in cellData[keyVals].keyword_list:
                # ... add the Keyword to the Keyword List
                kwString += kwPrompt % kws.keywordPair
                # If we have a Clip ...
                if isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Clip.Clip):
                    # After the first keyword, we need a NewLine in front of the Keywords.  This accompishes that!
                    kwPrompt = '\n%s'
                # If we have a Snapshot ...
                elif isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Snapshot.Snapshot):
                    # After the first keyword, we need a NewLine in front of the Keywords.  This accompishes that!
                    kwPrompt = '\n  %s'

            # If we have a Snapshot, we also want to display CODED Keywords in addition to the WHOLE Snapshot keywords
            # we've already included
            if isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Snapshot.Snapshot):
                # Keep a list of the coded keywords we've already displayed
                codedKeywords = []
                # Modify the template for additional keywords
                kwPrompt = '\n  %s : %s'
                # For each of the Snapshot's Coding Objects ...
                for x in range(len(cellData[keyVals].codingObjects)):
                    # ... if the Coding Object is visible and if it is not already in the codedKeywords list ...
                    if (cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['visible']) and \
                      (not (cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keywordGroup'], cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keyword']) in codedKeywords):
                        # ... if this is the FIRST Coded Keyword ...
                        if len(codedKeywords) == 0:
                            # ... and if there WERE Whole Snapshot Keywords ...
                            if len(kwString) > 0:
                                # ... then add a line break to the Keywords String ...
                                kwString += '\n'
                            # ... add the indicator to the Keywords String that we're starting to show Coded Keywords
                            kwString += unicode(_('Coded:'), 'utf8')
                        # ... add the coded keyword to the Keywords String ...
                        kwString += kwPrompt % (cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keywordGroup'], cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keyword'])
                        # ... add the keyword to the Coded Keywords list
                        codedKeywords.append((cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keywordGroup'], cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keyword']))

            # Insert the data values into the Grid Row
            # Start and Stop time in column 0
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 0, "%s -\n %s" % (Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(startTime), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(stopTime)))
            # Node String (including Item name) in column 1
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 1, cellData[keyVals].GetNodeString(True))
            # make the Collection / Item ID line auto-word-wrap
            self.gridClips.SetCellRenderer(loop, 1, grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer())
            # Keywords in column 2
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 2, kwString)
            # Item Number (hidden) in column 3.  Convert value to a string
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 3, "%s" % cellData[keyVals].number)
            # Item Type (hidden) in column 4
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 4, "%s" % objType)
            # Auto-size THIS row
            self.gridClips.AutoSizeRow(loop, True)
            # Increment the Row Counter
            loop += 1
        # Select the first cell
        self.gridClips.SetGridCursor(0, 0)
Пример #50
    def data_available(self, season_id):
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds", raise_exception=True)

        return True
Пример #51
 def _set_id(self, id):
     self._id = Misc.unistrip(id)
Пример #52
    def OnItemSelected(self, event):
        """ Process the selection of a clip to be merged with the original clip """
        # Identify the selected item
        self.mergeItemIndex = event.GetIndex()
        # Get the Clip Data for the selected item
        mergeClip = Clip.Clip(self.mergeList[self.mergeItemIndex][0])
        # re-initialize the TRANSCRIPT start and stop times
        self.transcript_clip_start = []
        self.transcript_clip_stop = []
        # Merge the clips.
        # First, determine whether the merging clip comes BEFORE or after the original
        if mergeClip.clip_start < self.obj.clip_start:
            # The start value comes from the merge clip
            # Update the merged clip Start Time
            self.clip_start = mergeClip.clip_start
            # The stop value comes from the original clip
            # Update the Clip Length
            self.clip_length_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.clip_stop - mergeClip.clip_start))
            # Update the merged clip Stop Time
            self.clip_stop = self.obj.clip_stop
            # For each of the original clip's Transcripts ...
            for x in range(len(self.obj.transcripts)):
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT start time from the merge clip
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT end time from the original clip
                # If we're using the Rich Text Ctrl ...
                if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:
                    # ... clear the transcript ...
                    self.text_edit[x].ClearDoc(skipUnlock = True)
                    # ... turn off read-only ...
                    # Create the Transana XML to RTC Import Parser.  This is needed so that we can
                    # pull XML transcripts into the existing RTC.  Pass the RTC to be edited.
                    handler = PyXML_RTCImportParser.XMLToRTCHandler(self.text_edit[x])
                    # Parse the merge clip transcript text, adding it to the RTC
                    xml.sax.parseString(mergeClip.transcripts[x].text, handler)
                    # Add a blank line
                    # ... trap exceptions here ...
                        # ... insert a time code at the position of the clip break ...
                    # If there were exceptions (duplicating time codes, for example), just skip it.
                    # Parse the original transcript text, adding it to the RTC
                    xml.sax.parseString(self.obj.transcripts[x].text, handler)
                # If we're using the Styled Text Ctrl
                    # ... clear the transcript ...
                    # ... turn off read-only ...
                    # ... insert the merge clip's text, skipping whitespace at the end ...
                    # ... add a couple of line breaks ...
                    self.text_edit[x].InsertStyledText('\n\n', len('\n\n'))
                    # ... trap exceptions here ...
                        # ... insert a time code at the position of the clip break ...
                    # If there were exceptions (duplicating time codes, for example), just skip it.
                    # ... now add the original clip's text ...

                # ... signal that time codes will be visible, which they always are in the Clip Properties ...
                self.text_edit[x].codes_vis = 0
                # ... scan transcript for Time Codes ...
                # ... display the time codes
        # If the merging clip comes AFTER the original ...
            # The start value comes from the original clip
            # Update the merged clip Start Time
            self.clip_start = self.obj.clip_start
            # The stop value comes from the merge clip
            # Update the Clip Length
            self.clip_length_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(mergeClip.clip_stop - self.obj.clip_start))
            # Update the merged clip Stop Time
            self.clip_stop = mergeClip.clip_stop
            # For each of the original clip's Transcripts ...
            for x in range(len(self.obj.transcripts)):
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT start time from the original clip
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT end time from the merge clip
                # If we're using the Rich Text Ctrl ...
                if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:
                    # ... clear the transcript ...
                    self.text_edit[x].ClearDoc(skipUnlock = True)
                    # ... turn off read-only ...
                    # Create the Transana XML to RTC Import Parser.  This is needed so that we can
                    # pull XML transcripts into the existing RTC.  Pass the RTC in.
                    handler = PyXML_RTCImportParser.XMLToRTCHandler(self.text_edit[x])
                    # Parse the original clip transcript text, adding it to the reportText RTC
                    xml.sax.parseString(self.obj.transcripts[x].text, handler)
                    # Add a blank line
                    # ... trap exceptions here ...
                        # ... insert a time code at the position of the clip break ...
                    # If there were exceptions (duplicating time codes, for example), just skip it.
                    # ... now add the merge clip's text ...
                    # Parse the merge clip transcript text, adding it to the RTC
                    xml.sax.parseString(mergeClip.transcripts[x].text, handler)
                # If we're using the Styled Text Ctrl
                    # ... clear the transcript ...
                    # ... turn off read-only ...
                    # ... insert the original clip's text, skipping whitespace at the end ...
                    # ... add a couple of line breaks ...
                    self.text_edit[x].InsertStyledText('\n\n', len('\n\n'))
                    # ... trap exceptions here ...
                        # ... insert a time code at the position of the clip break ...
                    # If there were exceptions (duplicating time codes, for example), just skip it.
                    # ... now add the merge clip's text ...

                # ... signal that time codes will be visible, which they always are in the Clip Properties ...
                self.text_edit[x].codes_vis = 0
                # ... scan transcript for Time Codes ...
                # ... display the time codes
        # Remember the Merged Clip's Clip Number
        self.obj.mergeNumber = mergeClip.number
        # Create a list object for merging the keywords
        kwList = []
        # Add all the original keywords
        for kws in self.obj.keyword_list:
        # Iterate through the merge clip keywords.
        for kws in mergeClip.keyword_list:
            # If they're not already in the list, add them.
            if not kws.keywordPair in kwList:
        # Sort the keyword list
        # Clear the keyword list box.
        # Add the merged keywords to the list box.
        for kws in kwList:
        # Get the Keyword Examples for the merged clip, if any.
        kwExamples = DBInterface.list_all_keyword_examples_for_a_clip(mergeClip.number)
        # Initialize a variable to hold merged keyword examples.  (This clears the variable if the user changes merge clips.)
        self.mergedKeywordExamples = []
        # Iterate through the keyword examples and add them to the list.
        for kw in kwExamples:
Пример #53
    for i in range(len(kaggle_output_options)):
        prompt += "%s) %s\n" % (i, kaggle_output_options[i])
    user_input = raw_input(prompt)
    # check user input
    if user_input.isdigit() and (int(user_input) in range(num_kaggle_output_options)):
        kaggle_output = kaggle_output_options[int(user_input)]
        raise Exception("Invalid entry '%s', please enter one of following values %s." % (user_input, range(num_kaggle_output_options)))

    # create TeamFactory
    team_factory = Basketball.TeamFactory()

    # analyze each available season
    Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "seasons")
    for _, row in Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['seasons'].iterrows():
        year = Misc.get_tournament_year(row.years)
        print("Predicting %s NCAA Tournament" % year)

        season_id = Constants.SEASON_YEAR_TO_ID[year]
        if analysis.data_available(season_id):
            tournament = Basketball.Tournament(team_factory, season_id)


            tournaments[row.season] = tournament

Пример #54
    def OnSnapshot(self, event):
        """ Handle the Snapshot button press """

        # Just because the media file is showing doesn't mean it's the CURRENT item in the Transana interface.
        # Let's bring the Transcript forward, making the media file part of the CURRENT interface
        # Create the Media Conversion dialog, including Clip Information so we export only the clip segment
        convertDlg = MediaConvert.MediaConvert(self, self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.media_filename,
                                               self.parent.ControlObject.GetVideoPosition(), snapshot=True)
        # Show the Media Conversion Dialog
        # If the user took a snapshop and the image was successfully created ...
        if convertDlg.snapshotSuccess and os.path.exists(convertDlg.txtDestFileName.GetValue() % 1):
            imgFile = convertDlg.txtDestFileName.GetValue() % 1
            # Set the field value to the file name selected
            # If the form's ID field is empty ...
            if self.id_edit.GetValue() == '':
                # ... get the base filename
                tempFilename = os.path.basename(imgFile)
                # ... separate the filename root and extension
                (self.obj.id, tempExt) = os.path.splitext(tempFilename)
                # ... and set the ID to match the base file name
            # If the Snapshot comes from an Episode ...
            if isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Episode.Episode):
                self.obj.series_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.series_num
                self.obj.series_id = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.series_id
                self.obj.episode_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.number
                self.obj.episode_id = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.id
                self.obj.transcript_num = self.parent.ControlObject.TranscriptWindow.dlg.editor.TranscriptObj.number
                self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id)
                tmpTranscript = Transcript.Transcript(self.obj.transcript_num)
                self.obj.episode_start = self.parent.ControlObject.GetVideoPosition()
                self.obj.episode_duration = 10000
            # If the Snapshot comes from a Clip ...
            elif isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Clip.Clip):
                self.obj.episode_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.episode_num
                tmpEpisode = Episode.Episode(self.obj.episode_num)
                self.obj.series_num = tmpEpisode.series_num
                self.obj.series_id = tmpEpisode.series_id
                self.obj.episode_id = tmpEpisode.id
                # We need the Clip's SOURCE TRANSCRIPT for the Active Transcript
                self.obj.transcript_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.transcripts[self.parent.ControlObject.activeTranscript].source_transcript
                self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id)
                tmpTranscript = Transcript.Transcript(self.obj.transcript_num)
                self.obj.episode_start = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_start
                self.obj.episode_duration = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_stop - self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_start - 0.1

        # We need to explicitly Close the conversion dialog here to force cleanup of temp files in some circumstances
        # Destroy the Media Conversion Dialog
Пример #55
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title, snapshot_object):
        # ... use the default Clip Properties Dialog size passed in from the config object.  (This does NOT get saved.)
        size = TransanaGlobal.configData.clipPropertiesSize
        # Define the Help Context
        HelpContext='Snapshot Properties'

        # Make the Keyword Edit List resizable by passing wx.RESIZE_BORDER style.  Signal that Propogation is included.
        Dialogs.GenForm.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=size, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER,
                                 useSizers = True, HelpContext=HelpContext)
        # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the initial size
        minWidth = 750
        minHeight = 570
        # Remember the Parent Window
        self.parent = parent
        # Remember the original Snapshot Object passed in
        self.obj = snapshot_object

        # Create the form's main VERTICAL sizer
        mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the first row
        r1Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Snapshot ID
        self.id_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Snapshot ID"), v1, self.obj.id, maxLen=100)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r1Sizer.Add(v1, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r1Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Update the Snapshot's Collection ID based on the Snapshot's Collection Number

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Collection ID
        collection_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Collection ID"), v2, self.obj.GetNodeString(False))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r1Sizer.Add(v2, 2, wx.EXPAND)
        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r1Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))

        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r2Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # Image Filename
        # If the image filename path is not empty, we should normalize the path specification
        if self.obj.image_filename == '':
            filePath = self.obj.image_filename
            filePath = os.path.normpath(self.obj.image_filename)

        self.fname_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Image Filename"), v3, filePath)
        r2Sizer.Add(v3, 5, wx.EXPAND)

        r2Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Browse button layout
        btnBrowse = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_FILE1, _("Browse"), wx.DefaultPosition)
        r2Sizer.Add(btnBrowse, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 20)
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FILE1, self.OnBrowse)

        # Figure out if the Snapshot Button should be displayed
        if ((isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Episode.Episode)) or \
            (isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Clip.Clip))) and \
           (len(self.parent.ControlObject.VideoWindow.mediaPlayers) == 1):

            # Add a horizontal spacer
            r2Sizer.Add((10, 0))

            # Snapshot button layout
            # Create the Snapshot button
            btnSnapshot = wx.BitmapButton(self.panel, -1, TransanaImages.Snapshot.GetBitmap(), size=(48, 24))
            # Set the Help String
            btnSnapshot.SetToolTipString(_("Capture Snapshot for Coding"))
            r2Sizer.Add(btnSnapshot, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 20)
            # Bind the Snapshot button to its event handler
            btnSnapshot.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSnapshot)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r2Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))

        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r4Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        self.seriesList = DBInterface.list_of_series()
        seriesRecs = ['']
        serDefault = 0
        for (seriesNum, seriesName) in self.seriesList:
            if self.obj.series_num == seriesNum:
                serDefault = len(seriesRecs) - 1

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Library ID
        self.series_cb = self.new_choice_box(_("Library ID"), v4, seriesRecs, default = serDefault)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r4Sizer.Add(v4, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        self.series_cb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnSeriesChoice)

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r4Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode ID
        self.episode_cb = self.new_choice_box(_("Episode ID"), v5, [''])
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r4Sizer.Add(v5, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        self.episode_cb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnEpisodeChoice)

        self.episodeList = []
        if self.obj.series_id != '':

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r4Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r5Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode ID
        self.transcript_cb = self.new_choice_box(_("Transcript ID"), v6, [''])
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r5Sizer.Add(v6, 2, wx.EXPAND)
        self.transcript_cb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnTranscriptChoice)

        self.transcriptList = []
        if self.obj.episode_id != '':
            self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id)

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r5Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v7 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode Time Code.  Convert to HH:MM:SS.mm
        self.episode_start_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Episode Position"), v7, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_start))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r5Sizer.Add(v7, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        if self.episode_cb.GetStringSelection() == '':

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r5Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v8 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode Duration.  Convert to HH:MM:SS.mm
        self.episode_duration_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Duration"), v8, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_duration))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r5Sizer.Add(v8, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        if self.episode_cb.GetStringSelection() == '':

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r5Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r6Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v9 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Comment
        comment_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Comment"), v9, self.obj.comment, maxLen=255)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r6Sizer.Add(v9, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r6Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r7Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v10 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Keyword Group [label]
        txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Keyword Group"))
        v10.Add(txt, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3)

        # Keyword Group [list box]

        # Create an empty Keyword Group List for now.  We'll populate it later (for layout reasons)
        self.kw_groups = []
        self.kw_group_lb = wx.ListBox(self.panel, -1, choices = self.kw_groups)
        v10.Add(self.kw_group_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v10, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Create an empty Keyword List for now.  We'll populate it later (for layout reasons)
        self.kw_list = []
        wx.EVT_LISTBOX(self, self.kw_group_lb.GetId(), self.OnGroupSelect)

        # Add a horizontal spacer
        r7Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v11 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Keyword [label]
        txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Keyword"))
        v11.Add(txt, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3)

        # Keyword [list box]
        self.kw_lb = wx.ListBox(self.panel, -1, choices = self.kw_list, style=wx.LB_EXTENDED)
        v11.Add(self.kw_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(self, self.kw_lb.GetId(), self.OnAddKW)

        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v11, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a horizontal spacer
        r7Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v12 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Keyword transfer buttons
        add_kw = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_FILE2, ">>", wx.DefaultPosition)
        v12.Add(add_kw, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 20)
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FILE2, self.OnAddKW)

        rm_kw = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_FILE3, "<<", wx.DefaultPosition)
        v12.Add(rm_kw, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 10)
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FILE3, self.OnRemoveKW)

        kwm = wx.BitmapButton(self.panel, wx.ID_FILE4, TransanaImages.KWManage.GetBitmap())
        v12.Add(kwm, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 10)
        # Add a spacer to increase the height of the Keywords section
        v12.Add((0, 60))
        kwm.SetToolTipString(_("Keyword Management"))
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FILE4, self.OnKWManage)

        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v12, 0)

        # Add a horizontal spacer
        r7Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v13 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # Whole Snapshot Keywords [label]
        txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Whole Snapshot Keywords"))
        v13.Add(txt, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3)

        # Clip Keywords [list box]
        # Create an empty ListBox.  We'll populate it later for layout reasons.
        self.ekw_lb = wx.ListBox(self.panel, -1, style=wx.LB_EXTENDED)
        v13.Add(self.ekw_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        self.ekw_lb.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeywordKeyDown)

        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v13, 2, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r7Sizer, 5, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a sizer for the buttons
        btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        # Add the buttons
        # Add the button sizer to the main sizer
        mainSizer.Add(btnSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

##        # Because of the way Clips are created (with Drag&Drop / Cut&Paste functions), we have to trap the missing
##        # ID error here.  Therefore, we need to override the EVT_BUTTON for the OK Button.
##        # Since we don't have an object for the OK Button, we use FindWindowById to find it based on its ID.
##        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, self.FindWindowById(wx.ID_OK))
##        # We also need to intercept the Cancel button.
##        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel, self.FindWindowById(wx.ID_CANCEL))
##        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
        # Set the main sizer
        # Tell the panel to auto-layout
        # Lay out the Panel
        # Lay out the form
        # Resize the form to fit the contents

        # Get the new size of the form
        (width, height) = self.GetSizeTuple()
        # Reset the form's size to be at least the specified minimum width
        self.SetSize(wx.Size(max(minWidth, width), max(minHeight, height)))
        # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the current size
        self.SetSizeHints(max(minWidth, width), max(minHeight, height))
        # Center the form on screen

        # We need to set some minimum sizes so the sizers will work right
        self.kw_group_lb.SetSizeHints(minW = 50, minH = 20)
        self.kw_lb.SetSizeHints(minW = 50, minH = 20)
        self.ekw_lb.SetSizeHints(minW = 50, minH = 20)

        # We populate the Keyword Groups, Keywords, and Clip Keywords lists AFTER we determine the Form Size.
        # Long Keywords in the list were making the form too big!

        self.kw_groups = DBInterface.list_of_keyword_groups()
        for keywordGroup in self.kw_groups:

        # Populate the Keywords ListBox
        # Load the parent Collection in order to determine the default Keyword Group
        tempCollection = Collection.Collection(self.obj.collection_num)
        # Select the Collection Default Keyword Group in the Keyword Group list
        if (tempCollection.keyword_group != '') and (self.kw_group_lb.FindString(tempCollection.keyword_group) != wx.NOT_FOUND):
        # If no Default Keyword Group is defined, select the first item in the list
            # but only if there IS a first item.
            if len(self.kw_groups) > 0:
        # If there's a selected keyword group ...
        if self.kw_group_lb.GetSelection() != wx.NOT_FOUND:
            # populate the Keywords list
            self.kw_list = \
            # If not, create a blank one
            self.kw_list = []
        for keyword in self.kw_list:

        # Populate the Snapshot Keywords ListBox
        # If the snapshot object has keywords ... 
        for snapshotKeyword in self.obj.keyword_list:
            # ... add them to the keyword list

        # Set initial focus to the Clip ID
Пример #56
def three_pops(phi, xx, T, nu1=1, nu2=1, nu3=1,
               m12=0, m13=0, m21=0, m23=0, m31=0, m32=0,
               gamma1=0, gamma2=0, gamma3=0, h1=0.5, h2=0.5, h3=0.5,
               theta0=1, initial_t=0, frozen1=False, frozen2=False,
    Integrate a 3-dimensional phi foward.

    phi: Initial 3-dimensional phi
    xx: 1-dimensional grid upon (0,1) overwhich phi is defined. It is assumed
        that this grid is used in all dimensions.

    nu's, gamma's, m's, and theta0 may be functions of time.
    nu1,nu2,nu3: Population sizes
    gamma1,gamma2,gamma3: Selection coefficients on *all* segregating alleles
    h1,h2,h3: Dominance coefficients. h = 0.5 corresponds to genic selection.
    m12,m13,m21,m23,m31,m32: Migration rates. Note that m12 is the rate 
                             *into 1 from 2*.
    theta0: Propotional to ancestral size. Typically constant.

    T: Time at which to halt integration
    initial_t: Time at which to start integration. (Note that this only matters
               if one of the demographic parameters is a function of time.)

    Note: Generalizing to different grids in different phi directions is
          straightforward. The tricky part will be later doing the extrapolation
    phi = phi.copy()

    if T - initial_t == 0:
        return phi
    elif T - initial_t < 0:
        raise ValueError('Final integration time T (%f) is less than '
                         'intial_time (%f). Integration cannot be run '
                         'backwards.' % (T, initial_t))

    if (frozen1 and (m12 != 0 or m21 != 0 or m13 !=0 or m31 != 0))\
       or (frozen2 and (m12 != 0 or m21 != 0 or m23 !=0 or m32 != 0))\
       or (frozen3 and (m13 != 0 or m31 != 0 or m23 !=0 or m32 != 0)):
        raise ValueError('Population cannot be frozen and have non-zero '
                         'migration to or from it.')

    vars_to_check = [nu1,nu2,nu3,m12,m13,m21,m23,m31,m32,gamma1,gamma2,
    if numpy.all([numpy.isscalar(var) for var in vars_to_check]):
        return _three_pops_const_params(phi, xx, T, nu1, nu2, nu3, 
                                        m12, m13, m21, m23, m31, m32, 
                                        gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, h1, h2, h3,
                                        theta0, initial_t,
                                        frozen1, frozen2, frozen3)
    zz = yy = xx

    nu1_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(nu1)
    nu2_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(nu2)
    nu3_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(nu3)
    m12_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(m12)
    m13_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(m13)
    m21_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(m21)
    m23_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(m23)
    m31_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(m31)
    m32_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(m32)
    gamma1_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(gamma1)
    gamma2_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(gamma2)
    gamma3_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(gamma3)
    h1_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(h1)
    h2_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(h2)
    h3_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(h3)
    theta0_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(theta0)

    current_t = initial_t
    nu1,nu2,nu3 = nu1_f(current_t), nu2_f(current_t), nu3_f(current_t)
    m12,m13 = m12_f(current_t), m13_f(current_t)
    m21,m23 = m21_f(current_t), m23_f(current_t)
    m31,m32 = m31_f(current_t), m32_f(current_t)
    gamma1,gamma2 = gamma1_f(current_t), gamma2_f(current_t)
    gamma3 = gamma3_f(current_t)
    h1,h2,h3 = h1_f(current_t), h2_f(current_t), h3_f(current_t)
    dx,dy,dz = numpy.diff(xx),numpy.diff(yy),numpy.diff(zz)
    dt = min(_compute_dt(dx,nu1,[m12,m13],gamma1,h1),
    steps = 0
    while current_t < T:
        dt = min(_compute_dt(dx,nu1,[m12,m13],gamma1,h1),
        this_dt = min(dt, T - current_t)

        next_t = current_t + this_dt
        steps += 1

        nu1,nu2,nu3 = nu1_f(next_t), nu2_f(next_t), nu3_f(next_t)
        m12,m13 = m12_f(next_t), m13_f(next_t)
        m21,m23 = m21_f(next_t), m23_f(next_t)
        m31,m32 = m31_f(next_t), m32_f(next_t)
        gamma1,gamma2 = gamma1_f(next_t), gamma2_f(next_t)
        gamma3 = gamma3_f(next_t)
        h1,h2,h3 = h1_f(next_t), h2_f(next_t), h3_f(next_t)
        theta0 = theta0_f(next_t)

        if numpy.any(numpy.less([T,nu1,nu2,nu3,m12,m13,m21,m23,m31,m32,theta0],
            raise ValueError('A time, population size, migration rate, or '
                             'theta0 is < 0. Has the model been mis-specified?')
        if numpy.any(numpy.equal([nu1,nu2,nu3], 0)):
            raise ValueError('A population size is 0. Has the model been '

        _inject_mutations_3D(phi, this_dt, xx, yy, zz, theta0,
                             frozen1, frozen2, frozen3)
        if not frozen1:
            phi = int_c.implicit_3Dx(phi, xx, yy, zz, nu1, m12, m13, 
                                     gamma1, h1, this_dt, use_delj_trick)
        if not frozen2:
            phi = int_c.implicit_3Dy(phi, xx, yy, zz, nu2, m21, m23, 
                                     gamma2, h2, this_dt, use_delj_trick)
        if not frozen3:
            phi = int_c.implicit_3Dz(phi, xx, yy, zz, nu3, m31, m32, 
                                     gamma3, h3, this_dt, use_delj_trick)

        current_t = next_t
    return phi
Пример #57
    def Export(self):
        """ Export the Analytic Data to a Tab-delimited file """
        # Initialize values for data structures for this report
        # The Episode List is the list of Episodes to be sent to the Filter Dialog for the Library report
        episodeList = []
        # The Document List is the list of Documents to be sent to the Filter Dialog for the Library report
        documentList = []
        # The Quote List is the list of Quotes to be sent to the Filter Dialog
        quoteList = []
        # The Quote Lookup allows us to find the Quote Number based on the data from the Quote List
        quoteLookup = {}
        # The Clip List is the list of Clips to be sent to the Filter Dialog
        clipList = []
        # The Clip Lookup allows us to find the Clip Number based on the data from the Clip List
        clipLookup = {}
        # The Keyword List is the list of Keywords to be sent to the Filter Dialog
        keywordList = []
        # Show a WAIT cursor.  Assembling the data can take noticable time in some cases.

        # If we have an Library Number, we set up the Library Analytic Data Export
        if self.libraryNum <> 0:
            # Get the Library record
            tempLibrary = Library.Library(self.libraryNum)

            # obtain a list of all Documents in the Library
            tempDocumentList = DBInterface.list_of_documents(tempLibrary.number)
            # initialize the temporary Quote List
            tempQuoteList = []
            # iterate through the Document List ...
            for documentRecord in tempDocumentList:
                # ... and add each Document's Quotes to the Temporary Quote list
                tempQuoteList += DBInterface.list_of_quotes_by_document(documentRecord[0])
                # Add the Document data to the Filter Dialog's Document List
                documentList.append((documentRecord[1], tempLibrary.id, True))
            # For all the Quotes ...
            for quoteRecord in tempQuoteList:
                # ... add the Quote to the Quote List for filtering ...
                quoteList.append((quoteRecord['QuoteID'], quoteRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Quote Number keyed to the Quote ID and Collection Number ...
                quoteLookup[(quoteRecord['QuoteID'], quoteRecord['CollectNum'])] = quoteRecord['QuoteNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Quote ...
                quoteKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(Quote = quoteRecord['QuoteNum'])
                # ... and iterate through the list of Quote keywords.
                for quoteKeyword in quoteKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                        keywordList.append((quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True))

            # obtain a list of all Episodes in that Library
            tempEpisodeList = DBInterface.list_of_episodes_for_series(tempLibrary.id)
            # initialize the temporary clip List
            tempClipList = []
            # iterate through the Episode List ...
            for episodeRecord in tempEpisodeList:
                # ... and add each Episode's Clips to the Temporary clip list
                tempClipList += DBInterface.list_of_clips_by_episode(episodeRecord[0])
                # Add the Episode data to the Filter Dialog's Episode List
                episodeList.append((episodeRecord[1], tempLibrary.id, True))
            # For all the Clips ...
            for clipRecord in tempClipList:
                # ... add the Clip to the Clip List for filtering ...
                clipList.append((clipRecord['ClipID'], clipRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Clip Number keyed to the Clip ID and Collection Number ...
                clipLookup[(clipRecord['ClipID'], clipRecord['CollectNum'])] = clipRecord['ClipNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Clip ...
                clipKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(Clip = clipRecord['ClipNum'])
                # ... and iterate through the list of clip keywords.
                for clipKeyword in clipKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                        keywordList.append((clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True))
        # If we have a Document Number, we set up the Document Analytic Data Export
        elif self.documentNum <> 0:
            # First, we get a list of all the Quotes for the Document specified
            tempQuoteList = DBInterface.list_of_quotes_by_document(self.documentNum)
            # For all the Quotes ...
            for quoteRecord in tempQuoteList:
                # ... add the Quote to the Quote List for filtering ...
                quoteList.append((quoteRecord['QuoteID'], quoteRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Quote Number keyed to the Quote ID and Collection Number ...
                quoteLookup[(quoteRecord['QuoteID'], quoteRecord['CollectNum'])] = quoteRecord['QuoteNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Quote ...
                quoteKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(Quote = quoteRecord['QuoteNum'])
                # ... and iterate through the list of Quote keywords.
                for quoteKeyword in quoteKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                        keywordList.append((quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True))

        # If we have an Episode Number, we set up the Episode Analytic Data Export
        elif self.episodeNum <> 0:
            # First, we get a list of all the Clips for the Episode specified
            tempClipList = DBInterface.list_of_clips_by_episode(self.episodeNum)
            # For all the Clips ...
            for clipRecord in tempClipList:
                # ... add the Clip to the Clip List for filtering ...
                clipList.append((clipRecord['ClipID'], clipRecord['CollectNum'], True))
                # ... retain a pointer to the Clip Number keyed to the Clip ID and Collection Number ...
                clipLookup[(clipRecord['ClipID'], clipRecord['CollectNum'])] = clipRecord['ClipNum']
                # ... now get all the keywords for this Clip ...
                clipKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(Clip = clipRecord['ClipNum'])
                # ... and iterate through the list of clip keywords.
                for clipKeyword in clipKeywordList:
                    # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                    if (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True) not in keywordList:
                        # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                        keywordList.append((clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True))

        # If we don't have Library Number, Document Number, or Episode number, but DO have a Collection Number, we set
        # up the Clips for the Collection specified.  If we have neither, it's the GLOBAL Analytic Data Export,
        # requesting ALL the Quotes and Clips in the database!  We can handle both of these cases together.
            # If we have a specific collection specified ...
            if self.collectionNum <> 0:
                # ... load the specified collection.  We need its data.
                tempCollection = Collection.Collection(self.collectionNum)
                # Put the selected Collection's data into the Collection List as a starting place.
                tempCollectionList = [(tempCollection.number, tempCollection.id, tempCollection.parent)]
            # If we don't have any selected collection ...
                # ... then we should initialise the Collection List with data for all top-level collections, with parent = 0
                tempCollectionList = DBInterface.list_of_collections()
            # Iterate through the Collection List as long as it has entries
            while len(tempCollectionList) > 0:
                # Get the list of Quotes for the current Collection
                tempQuoteList = DBInterface.list_of_quotes_by_collectionnum(tempCollectionList[0][0])
                # For all the Quotes ...
                for (quoteNo, quoteName, collNo, sourceDocNo) in tempQuoteList:
                    # ... add the Quote to the Quote List for filtering ...
                    quoteList.append((quoteName, collNo, True))
                    # ... retain a pointer to the Quote Number keyed to the Quote ID and Collection Number ...
                    quoteLookup[(quoteName, collNo)] = quoteNo
                    # ... now get all the keywords for this Quote ...
                    quoteKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(Quote = quoteNo)
                    # ... and iterate through the list of Quote keywords.
                    for quoteKeyword in quoteKeywordList:
                        # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                        if (quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True) not in keywordList:
                            # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                            keywordList.append((quoteKeyword[0], quoteKeyword[1], True))

                # Get the list of Clips for the current Collection
                tempClipList = DBInterface.list_of_clips_by_collection(tempCollectionList[0][1], tempCollectionList[0][2])
                # For all the Clips ...
                for (clipNo, clipName, collNo) in tempClipList:
                    # ... add the Clip to the Clip List for filtering ...
                    clipList.append((clipName, collNo, True))
                    # ... retain a pointer to the Clip Number keyed to the Clip ID and Collection Number ...
                    clipLookup[(clipName, collNo)] = clipNo
                    # ... now get all the keywords for this Clip ...
                    clipKeywordList = DBInterface.list_of_keywords(Clip = clipNo)
                    # ... and iterate through the list of clip keywords.
                    for clipKeyword in clipKeywordList:
                        # If the keyword isn't already in the Keyword List ...
                        if (clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True) not in keywordList:
                            # ... add the keyword to the keyword list for filtering.
                            keywordList.append((clipKeyword[0], clipKeyword[1], True))

                # Get the nested collections for the current collection and add them to the Collection List
                tempCollectionList += DBInterface.list_of_collections(tempCollectionList[0][0])
                # Remove the current Collection from the list.  We're done with it.

        # Put the Quote List in alphabetical order in preparation for Filtering..
        # Put the Clip List in alphabetical order in preparation for Filtering..
        # Put the Keyword List in alphabetical order in preparation for Filtering.

        # Prepare the Filter Dialog.
        # Set the title for the Filter Dialog
        title = unicode(_("Analytic Data Export Filter Dialog"), 'utf8')
        # If we have a Library-based report ...
        if self.libraryNum != 0:
            # ... reportType 14 indicates Library Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 14
            # ... the reportScope is the Library Number.
            reportScope = self.libraryNum
        # If we have a Document-based report ...
        elif self.documentNum != 0:
            # ... reportType 20 indicates Document Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 20
            # ... the reportScope is the Document Number.
            reportScope = self.documentNum
        # If we have an Episode-based report ...
        elif self.episodeNum != 0:
            # ... reportType 3 indicates Episode Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 3
            # ... the reportScope is the Episode Number.
            reportScope = self.episodeNum
        # If we have a Collection-based report ...
            # ... reportType 4 indicates Collection Analytic Data Export to the Filter Dialog
            reportType = 4
            # ... the reportScope is the Collection Number.
            reportScope = self.collectionNum

        showDocuments = (len(documentList) > 0)
        showEpisodes = (len(episodeList) > 0)
        showQuotes = (len(quoteList) > 0)
        showClips = (len(clipList) > 0)

        # If we are basing the report on a Library ...
        if self.libraryNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We want to include the Episode List
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None, -1, title, reportType=reportType, reportScope=reportScope,
        # If we are basing the report on a Collection (but not the Collection Root) ...
        elif self.collectionNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We want to be able to include Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None, -1, title, reportType=reportType, reportScope=reportScope,
                                                  quoteFilter=showQuotes, clipFilter=showClips, keywordFilter=True,
                                                  reportContents=True, showNestedData=True)
        # If we are basing the report on a Document ...
        elif self.documentNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We DON'T need Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None, -1, title, reportType=reportType, reportScope=reportScope,
                                                  quoteFilter=True, keywordFilter=True)
        # If we are basing the report on an Episode ...
        elif self.episodeNum != 0:
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We DON'T need Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None, -1, title, reportType=reportType, reportScope=reportScope,
                                                  clipFilter=True, keywordFilter=True)
        # If we are doing the report on the Collection Root report, which MUST have nested data) ...
            # ... create a Filter Dialog, passing all the necessary parameters.  We DON'T need Nested Collections
            dlgFilter = FilterDialog.FilterDialog(None, -1, title, reportType=reportType, reportScope=reportScope,
                                                  quoteFilter=showQuotes, clipFilter=showClips, keywordFilter=True)
        # If we have a Library-based report ...
        if self.libraryNum != 0:
            if showDocuments:
                # ... populate the Document Data Structure
            if showEpisodes:
                # ... populate the Episode Data Structure
        # Populate the Quote, Clip and Keyword Data Structures
        if showQuotes:
        if showClips:

        # ... get the list of existing configuration names.
        profileList = dlgFilter.GetConfigNames()
        # If (translated) "Default" is in the list ...
        # (NOTE that the default config name is stored in English, but gets translated by GetConfigNames!)
        if unicode(_('Default'), 'utf8') in profileList:
            # ... set the Filter Dialog to use this filter
            dlgFilter.configName = unicode(_('Default'), TransanaGlobal.encoding)
            # Temporarily set loadDefault to True for the Filter Dialog.  This disables the Filter Load dialog.
            # (We don't use the FilterDialog parameter, as that disables loading other Filters!)
            dlgFilter.loadDefault = True
            # We need to load the config
            # Now we turn loadDefault back off so we can load other filters if we want.
            dlgFilter.loadDefault = False
        # restore the cursor, now that the data is set up for the filter dialog

        # If the user clicks OK ...
        if dlgFilter.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            # Set the WAIT cursor.  It can take a while to build the data file.
            # If we have a Library-based report ...
            if self.libraryNum != 0:
                if showDocuments:
                    documentList = dlgFilter.GetDocuments()
                if showEpisodes:
                    # ... get the revised Episode data from the Filter Dialog
                    episodeList = dlgFilter.GetEpisodes()
            # Get the revised Quote, Clip, and Keyword data from the Filter Dialog
            if showQuotes:
                quoteList = dlgFilter.GetQuotes()
            if showClips:
                clipList = dlgFilter.GetClips()
            keywordList = dlgFilter.GetKeywords()
            # If we have a Collection-based report ...
            if self.collectionNum != 0:
                # ... get the setting for including nested collections (not relevant for other reports)
                showNested = dlgFilter.GetShowNestedData()
            # If we have a report other than based on a Collection ...
                # ... nesting is meaningless, so we can just initialize this variable to False.
                showNested = False

            # Get the user-specified File Name
            fs = self.exportFile.GetValue()
            # Ensure that the file name has the proper extension.
            if fs[-4:].lower() != '.txt':
                fs = fs + '.txt'
            # On the Mac, if no path is specified, the data is exported to a file INSIDE the application bundle, 
            # where no one will be able to find it.  Let's put it in the user's HOME directory instead.
            # I'm okay with not handling this on Windows, where it will be placed in the Program's folder
            # but it CAN be found.  (There's no easy way on Windows to determine the location of "My Documents"
            # especially if the user has moved it.)
            if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # if the specified file has no path specification ...
                if fs.find(os.sep) == -1:
                    # ... then prepend the HOME folder
                    fs = os.getenv("HOME") + os.sep + fs
            # Open the output file for writing.
            f = codecs.open(fs, 'w', 'utf8')    # file(fs, 'w')

            prompt = unicode(_('Collection Name\tItem Type\tItem Name\tSource File\tStart\tStop\tLength'), 'utf8')
            # Write the Header line.  We're creating a tab-delimited file, so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
            # Add keywords to the Header.  Iterate through the Keyword List.
            for keyword in keywordList:
                # See if the user has left the keyword "checked" in the filter dialog.
                if keyword[2]:
                    # Encode and write all "checked" keywords to the Header.
                    kwg = keyword[0]
                    kw = keyword[1]
                    f.write('\t%s : %s' % (kwg, kw))
            # Add a line break to signal the end of the Header line. 

            # Now iterate through the Quote List
            for quoteRec in quoteList:
                # See if the user has left the Quote "checked" in the filter dialog.
                # Also, if we are using a collection report, either Nested Data should be requested OR the current
                # Quote should be from the main collection if it is to be included in the report.
                if quoteRec[2] and ((self.collectionNum == 0) or (showNested) or (quoteRec[1] == self.collectionNum)):
                    # Load the Quote data.  The QuoteLookup dictionary allows this easily.
                    # No need to load the Quote Text, which can be slow to load.
                    quote = Quote.Quote(quoteLookup[quoteRec[0], quoteRec[1]], skipText=True)
                    # Get the collection the Quote is from.
                    collection = Collection.Collection(quote.collection_num)
                    # Encode string values using the Export Encoding
                    collectionID = collection.GetNodeString()
                    quoteID = quote.id
                        document = Document.Document(quote.source_document_num)
                        documentID = document.id
                        quoteSourceFilename = document.imported_file
                        # If we're doing a Library report, we need the Quote's source document and Library for Document Filter comparison.
                        if self.libraryNum != 0:
                            library = Library.Library(document.library_num)
                            libraryID = library.id
                    # If we have an orphaned Quote ...
                    except TransanaExceptions.RecordNotFoundError, e:
                        # ... then we don't know these values!
                        documentID = ''
                        quoteSourceFilename = _('Source Document unknown')
                        libraryID = 0
                    # Implement Document filtering if needed.  If we have a Library Report, we need to confirm that the Source Document
                    # is "checked" in the filter list.  (If we don't have a Library Report, this check isn't needed.)
                    if (self.libraryNum == 0) or ((documentID == '') and (libraryID == '')) or ((documentID, libraryID, True) in documentList):
                        # Write the Quote's data values to the output file.  We're creating a tab-delimited file,
                        # so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
                        f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d' % (collectionID, '1', quoteID, quoteSourceFilename,
                                                            quote.start_char, quote.end_char,
                                                            (quote.end_char - quote.start_char)))

                        # Now we iterate through the keyword list ...
                        for keyword in keywordList:
                            # ... looking only at those keywords the user left "checked" in the filter dialog ...
                            if keyword[2]:
                                # ... and check to see if the Quote HAS the keyword.
                                if quote.has_keyword(keyword[0], keyword[1]):
                                    # If so, we write a "1", indicating True.
                                    # If not, we write a "0", indicating False.
                        # Add a line break to signal the end of the Quote record

            # Now iterate through the Clip List
            for clipRec in clipList:
                # See if the user has left the clip "checked" in the filter dialog.
                # Also, if we are using a collection report, either Nested Data should be requested OR the current
                # clip should be from the main collection if it is to be included in the report.
                if clipRec[2] and ((self.collectionNum == 0) or (showNested) or (clipRec[1] == self.collectionNum)):
                    # Load the Clip data.  The ClipLookup dictionary allows this easily.
                    # No need to load the Clip Transcripts, which can be slow to load.
                    clip = Clip.Clip(clipLookup[clipRec[0], clipRec[1]], skipText=True)
                    # Get the collection the clip is from.
                    collection = Collection.Collection(clip.collection_num)
                    # Encode string values using the Export Encoding
                    collectionID = collection.GetNodeString()
                    clipID = clip.id
                    clipMediaFilename = clip.media_filename
                    # If we're doing a Library report, we need the clip's source episode and Library for Episode Filter comparison.
                    if self.libraryNum != 0:
                        episode = Episode.Episode(clip.episode_num)
                        library = Library.Library(episode.series_num)
                    # Implement Episode filtering if needed.  If we have a Library Report, we need to confirm that the Source Episode
                    # is "checked" in the filter list.  (If we don't have a Library Report, this check isn't needed.)
                    if (self.libraryNum == 0) or ((episode.id, library.id, True) in episodeList):
                        # Write the Clip's data values to the output file.  We're creating a tab-delimited file,
                        # so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
                        f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%10.4f' % (collectionID, '2', clipID, clipMediaFilename,
                                                            Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clip.clip_start), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clip.clip_stop),
                                                            (clip.clip_stop - clip.clip_start) / 1000.0))

                        # Now we iterate through the keyword list ...
                        for keyword in keywordList:
                            # ... looking only at those keywords the user left "checked" in the filter dialog ...
                            if keyword[2]:
                                # ... and check to see if the Clip HAS the keyword.
                                if clip.has_keyword(keyword[0], keyword[1]):
                                    # If so, we write a "1", indicating True.
                                    # If not, we write a "0", indicating False.
                        # Add a line break to signal the end of the Clip record

            # Flush the output file's buffer (probably unnecessary)
            # Close the output file.
            # Restore the cursor when we're done.
            # If so, create a prompt to inform the user and ask to overwrite the file.
            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
                prompt = unicode(_('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".'), 'utf8')
                prompt = _('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".')
            # Create the dialog to inform the user
            dlg2 = Dialogs.InfoDialog(self, prompt % fs)
            # Show the Info dialog.
            # Destroy the Information dialog
Пример #58
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title, clip_object, mergeList=None):
        # If no Merge List is passed in ...
        if mergeList == None:
            # ... use the default Clip Properties Dialog size passed in from the config object.  (This does NOT get saved.)
            size = TransanaGlobal.configData.clipPropertiesSize
            # ... we can enable Clip Change Propagation
            propagateEnabled = True
            HelpContext='Clip Properties'
        # If we DO have a merge list ...
            # ... increase the size of the dialog to allow for the list of mergeable clips.
            size = (TransanaGlobal.configData.clipPropertiesSize[0], TransanaGlobal.configData.clipPropertiesSize[1] + 130)
            # ... and Clip Change Propagation should be disabled
            propagateEnabled = False
            HelpContext='Clip Merge'

        # Make the Keyword Edit List resizable by passing wx.RESIZE_BORDER style.  Signal that Propogation is included.
        Dialogs.GenForm.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=size, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER,
                                 propagateEnabled=propagateEnabled, useSizers = True, HelpContext=HelpContext)
        if mergeList == None:
            # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the initial size
            minWidth = 750
            minHeight = 570
            # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the initial size
            minWidth = 750
            minHeight = 650
        # Remember the Parent Window
        self.parent = parent
        # Remember the original Clip Object passed in
        self.obj = clip_object
        # Add a placeholder to the clip object for the merge clip number
        self.obj.mergeNumber = 0
        # Remember the merge list, if one is passed in
        self.mergeList = mergeList
        # Initialize the merge item as unselected
        self.mergeItemIndex = -1
        # if Keywords that server as Keyword Examples are removed, we will need to remember them.
        # Then, when OK is pressed, the Keyword Example references in the Database Tree can be removed.
        # We can't remove them immediately in case the whole Clip Properties Edit process is cancelled.
        self.keywordExamplesToDelete = []
        # Initialize a variable to hold merged keyword examples.
        self.mergedKeywordExamples = []

        # Create the form's main VERTICAL sizer
        mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # If we're merging Clips ...
        if self.mergeList != None:

            # ... display a label for the Merge Clips ...
            lblMergeClip = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Clip to Merge"))
            mainSizer.Add(lblMergeClip, 0)
            # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
            mainSizer.Add((0, 3))

            # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the merge information
            mergeSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
            # ... display a ListCtrl for the Merge Clips ...
            self.mergeClips = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel, -1, size=(300, 100), style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL)
            # Add the element to the sizer
            mergeSizer.Add(self.mergeClips, 1, wx.EXPAND)
            # ... bind the Item Selected event for the List Control ...
            self.mergeClips.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnItemSelected)

            # ... define the columns for the Merge Clips ...
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(0, _('Clip Name'))
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(1, _('Collection'))
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(2, _('Start Time'))
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(3, _('Stop Time'))
            self.mergeClips.SetColumnWidth(0, 244)
            self.mergeClips.SetColumnWidth(1, 244)
            # ... and populate the Merge Clips list from the mergeList data
            for (ClipNum, ClipID, CollectNum, CollectID, ClipStart, ClipStop, transcriptCount) in self.mergeList:
                index = self.mergeClips.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, ClipID)
                self.mergeClips.SetStringItem(index, 1, CollectID)
                self.mergeClips.SetStringItem(index, 2, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(ClipStart))
                self.mergeClips.SetStringItem(index, 3, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(ClipStop))

            # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
            mainSizer.Add(mergeSizer, 3, wx.EXPAND)

            # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
            mainSizer.Add((0, 10))

        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the first row
        r1Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Clip ID
        self.id_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Clip ID"), v1, self.obj.id, maxLen=100)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r1Sizer.Add(v1, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r1Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Collection ID
        collection_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Collection ID"), v2, self.obj.GetNodeString(False))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r1Sizer.Add(v2, 2, wx.EXPAND)
        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r1Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))

        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r2Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Library ID
        series_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Library ID"), v3, self.obj.series_id)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r2Sizer.Add(v3, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r2Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode ID
        episode_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Episode ID"), v4, self.obj.episode_id)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r2Sizer.Add(v4, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r2Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))

        # Media Filename(s) [label]
        txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Media Filename(s)"))
        mainSizer.Add(txt, 0)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 3))

        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r3Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Media Filename(s)
        # If the media filename path is not empty, we should normalize the path specification
        if self.obj.media_filename == '':
            filePath = self.obj.media_filename
            filePath = os.path.normpath(self.obj.media_filename)
        # Initialize the list of media filenames with the first one.
        self.filenames = [filePath]
        # For each additional Media file ...
        for vid in self.obj.additional_media_files:
            # ... add it to the filename list
        self.fname_lb = wx.ListBox(self.panel, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(180, 60), self.filenames)
        r3Sizer.Add(self.fname_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r3Sizer, 3, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r4Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Clip Start.  Convert to HH:MM:SS.mm
        self.clip_start_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Clip Start"), v5, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.clip_start))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r4Sizer.Add(v5, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        # For merging, we need to remember the merged value of Clip Start
        self.clip_start = self.obj.clip_start

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r4Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Clip Stop.  Convert to HH:MM:SS.mm
        self.clip_stop_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Clip Stop"), v6, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.clip_stop))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r4Sizer.Add(v6, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        # For merging, we need to remember the merged value of Clip Stop
        self.clip_stop = self.obj.clip_stop

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r4Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v7 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Clip Length.  Convert to HH:MM:SS.mm
        self.clip_length_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Clip Length"), v7, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.clip_stop - self.obj.clip_start))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r4Sizer.Add(v7, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r4Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r5Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v8 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Comment
        comment_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Comment"), v8, self.obj.comment, maxLen=255)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r5Sizer.Add(v8, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r5Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r6Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        self.text_edit = []

        # Notebook for holding Transcripts
        # ... we need to display them within a notebook ...
        self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self.panel, -1)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r6Sizer.Add(self.notebook, 2, wx.EXPAND)
        # Initialize a list of notebook pages
        self.notebookPage = []
        # Initialize a counter for notebood pages
        counter = 0
        # Initialize the TRANSCRIPT start and stop time variables
        self.transcript_clip_start = []
        self.transcript_clip_stop = []
        # Iterate through the clip transcripts
        for tr in self.obj.transcripts:
            # Initialize the transcript start and stop time values for the individual transcripts
            # Create a panel for each notebook page

            # Add the notebook page to the notebook ...
            self.notebook.AddPage(self.notebookPage[counter], _('Transcript') + " %d" % (counter + 1))
            # ... and use this page as the transcript object's parent
            transcriptParent = self.notebookPage[counter]
            # Clip Text

            # Load the Transcript into an RTF Control so the RTF Encoding won't show.
            # We use a list of edit controls to handle multiple transcripts.
            if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:

            ##  DKW EXPERIMENT 4/5/2011
            self.text_edit[len(self.text_edit) - 1].load_transcript(self.obj.transcripts[counter])
            self.text_edit[len(self.text_edit) - 1].SetReadOnly(False)
            self.text_edit[len(self.text_edit) - 1].Enable(True)

            # Increment the counter
            counter += 1

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r6Sizer, 6, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r7Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v9 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Keyword Group [label]
        txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Keyword Group"))
        v9.Add(txt, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3)

        # Keyword Group [list box]

        # Create an empty Keyword Group List for now.  We'll populate it later (for layout reasons)
        self.kw_groups = []
        self.kw_group_lb = wx.ListBox(self.panel, -1, choices = self.kw_groups)
        v9.Add(self.kw_group_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v9, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Create an empty Keyword List for now.  We'll populate it later (for layout reasons)
        self.kw_list = []
        wx.EVT_LISTBOX(self, self.kw_group_lb.GetId(), self.OnGroupSelect)

        # Add a horizontal spacer
        r7Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v10 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Keyword [label]
        txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Keyword"))
        v10.Add(txt, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3)

        # Keyword [list box]
        self.kw_lb = wx.ListBox(self.panel, -1, choices = self.kw_list, style=wx.LB_EXTENDED)
        v10.Add(self.kw_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(self, self.kw_lb.GetId(), self.OnAddKW)

        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v10, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a horizontal spacer
        r7Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v11 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Keyword transfer buttons
        add_kw = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_FILE2, ">>", wx.DefaultPosition)
        v11.Add(add_kw, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 20)
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FILE2, self.OnAddKW)

        rm_kw = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_FILE3, "<<", wx.DefaultPosition)
        v11.Add(rm_kw, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 10)
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FILE3, self.OnRemoveKW)

        kwm = wx.BitmapButton(self.panel, wx.ID_FILE4, TransanaImages.KWManage.GetBitmap())
        v11.Add(kwm, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 10)
        # Add a spacer to increase the height of the Keywords section
##        v11.Add((0, 60))
        kwm.SetToolTipString(_("Keyword Management"))
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FILE4, self.OnKWManage)

        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v11, 0)

        # Add a horizontal spacer
        r7Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v12 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # Clip Keywords [label]
        txt = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Clip Keywords"))
        v12.Add(txt, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3)

        # Clip Keywords [list box]
        # Create an empty ListBox.  We'll populate it later for layout reasons.
        self.ekw_lb = wx.ListBox(self.panel, -1, style=wx.LB_EXTENDED)
        v12.Add(self.ekw_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        self.ekw_lb.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeywordKeyDown)

        # Add the element to the sizer
        r7Sizer.Add(v12, 2, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r7Sizer, 8, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a sizer for the buttons
        btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        # Add the buttons
        # Add the button sizer to the main sizer
        mainSizer.Add(btnSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Because of the way Clips are created (with Drag&Drop / Cut&Paste functions), we have to trap the missing
        # ID error here.  Therefore, we need to override the EVT_BUTTON for the OK Button.
        # Since we don't have an object for the OK Button, we use FindWindowById to find it based on its ID.
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, self.FindWindowById(wx.ID_OK))
        # We also need to intercept the Cancel button.
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel, self.FindWindowById(wx.ID_CANCEL))

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)

        # Set the PANEL's main sizer
        # Tell the PANEL to auto-layout
        # Lay out the Panel
        # Lay out the panel on the form
        # Resize the form to fit the contents

        # Get the new size of the form
        (width, height) = self.GetSizeTuple()
        # Determine which monitor to use and get its size and position
        if TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen < wx.Display.GetCount():
            primaryScreen = TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen
            primaryScreen = 0
        rect = wx.Display(primaryScreen).GetClientArea()

        # Reset the form's size to be at least the specified minimum width
        self.SetSize(wx.Size(max(minWidth, width), min(max(minHeight, height), rect[3])))
        # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the current size
        self.SetSizeHints(max(minWidth, width), min(max(minHeight, height), rect[3]))
        # Center the form on screen

        # We need to set some minimum sizes so the sizers will work right
        self.kw_group_lb.SetSizeHints(minW = 50, minH = 20)
        self.kw_lb.SetSizeHints(minW = 50, minH = 20)
        self.ekw_lb.SetSizeHints(minW = 50, minH = 20)

        # We populate the Keyword Groups, Keywords, and Clip Keywords lists AFTER we determine the Form Size.
        # Long Keywords in the list were making the form too big!

        self.kw_groups = DBInterface.list_of_keyword_groups()
        for keywordGroup in self.kw_groups:

        # Populate the Keywords ListBox
        # Load the parent Collection in order to determine the default Keyword Group
        tempCollection = Collection.Collection(self.obj.collection_num)
        # Select the Collection Default Keyword Group in the Keyword Group list
        if (tempCollection.keyword_group != '') and (self.kw_group_lb.FindString(tempCollection.keyword_group) != wx.NOT_FOUND):
        # If no Default Keyword Group is defined, select the first item in the list
            # but only if there IS a first item.
            if len(self.kw_groups) > 0:
        # If there's a selected keyword group ...
        if self.kw_group_lb.GetSelection() != wx.NOT_FOUND:
            # populate the Keywords list
            self.kw_list = \
            # If not, create a blank one
            self.kw_list = []
        for keyword in self.kw_list:

        # Populate the Clip Keywords ListBox
        # If the clip object has keywords ... 
        for clipKeyword in self.obj.keyword_list:
            # ... add them to the keyword list

        # If we have a Notebook of text controls ...
        if self.notebookPage:
            # ... interate through the text controls ...
            for textCtrl in self.text_edit:
                # ... and set them to the size of the notebook page.

        # Set initial focus to the Clip ID
Пример #59
def one_pop(phi, xx, T, nu=1, gamma=0, h=0.5, theta0=1.0, initial_t=0, 
            frozen=False, beta=1):
    Integrate a 1-dimensional phi foward.

    phi: Initial 1-dimensional phi
    xx: Grid upon (0,1) overwhich phi is defined.

    nu, gamma, and theta0 may be functions of time.
    nu: Population size
    gamma: Selection coefficient on *all* segregating alleles
    h: Dominance coefficient. h = 0.5 corresponds to genic selection. 
       Heterozygotes have fitness 1+2sh and homozygotes have fitness 1+2s.
    theta0: Propotional to ancestral size. Typically constant.
    beta: Breeding ratio, beta=Nf/Nm.

    T: Time at which to halt integration
    initial_t: Time at which to start integration. (Note that this only matters
               if one of the demographic parameters is a function of time.)

    frozen: If True, population is 'frozen' so that it does not change.
            In the one_pop case, this is equivalent to not running the
            integration at all.
    phi = phi.copy()

    # For a one population integration, freezing means just not integrating.
    if frozen:
        return phi

    if T - initial_t == 0:
        return phi
    elif T - initial_t < 0:
        raise ValueError('Final integration time T (%f) is less than '
                         'intial_time (%f). Integration cannot be run '
                         'backwards.' % (T, initial_t))

    vars_to_check = (nu, gamma, h, theta0, beta)
    if numpy.all([numpy.isscalar(var) for var in vars_to_check]):
        return _one_pop_const_params(phi, xx, T, nu, gamma, h, theta0, 
                                     initial_t, beta)

    nu_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(nu)
    gamma_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(gamma)
    h_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(h)
    theta0_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(theta0)
    beta_f = Misc.ensure_1arg_func(beta)

    current_t = initial_t
    nu, gamma, h = nu_f(current_t), gamma_f(current_t), h_f(current_t)
    beta = beta_f(current_t)
    dx = numpy.diff(xx)
    while current_t < T:
        dt = _compute_dt(dx,nu,[0],gamma,h)
        this_dt = min(dt, T - current_t)

        # Because this is an implicit method, I need the *next* time's params.
        # So there's a little inconsistency here, in that I'm estimating dt
        # using the last timepoints nu,gamma,h.
        next_t = current_t + this_dt
        nu, gamma, h = nu_f(next_t), gamma_f(next_t), h_f(next_t)
        beta = beta_f(next_t)
        theta0 = theta0_f(next_t)

        if numpy.any(numpy.less([T,nu,theta0], 0)):
            raise ValueError('A time, population size, migration rate, or '
                             'theta0 is < 0. Has the model been mis-specified?')
        if numpy.any(numpy.equal([nu], 0)):
            raise ValueError('A population size is 0. Has the model been '

        _inject_mutations_1D(phi, this_dt, xx, theta0)
        # Do each step in C, since it will be faster to compute the a,b,c
        # matrices there.
        phi = int_c.implicit_1Dx(phi, xx, nu, gamma, h, beta, this_dt, 
        current_t = next_t
    return phi
Пример #60
 def tape_length_str(self):
     """Return a string representation (HH:MM:SS) of tape length."""
     return Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.episode_length())