Пример #1
def _run_with_pyscf(FileNameXml):
    # read Molpro XML file exported via {put,xml,filename}
    print "\n* Reading: '%s'" % FileNameXml
    XmlData = MolproXml.ReadMolproXml(FileNameXml, SkipVirtual=True)
    # Note, that right now the default value is  SkipVirtual =True, that means that Orbitals COrb include only those,
    # which have non-zero occupation numbers in XML file. If you want virtual orbitals too, change SkipVirtual to False.

    print "Atoms from file [a.u.]:\n%s" % XmlData.Atoms.MakeXyz(
        NumFmt="%20.15f", Scale=1 / wmme.ToAng)

    # convert data from XML file (atom positions, basis sets, MO coeffs) into format compatible
    # with PySCF.
    Atoms, Basis, COrb = MolproXmlToPyscf.ConvertMolproXmlToPyscfInput(XmlData)

    # make pyscf Mole object
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.build(verbose=0, atom=Atoms, basis=Basis, spin=0)

    # compute overlap matrix with PySCF
    S = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_ovlp_sph')
    # compute overlap matrix of MO basis overlap, using the MOs imported from the XML,
    # and the overlap matrix computed with PySCF to check that MO were imported properly.
    SMo = mdot(COrb.T, S, COrb)
    PrintMatrix("MO-Basis overlap (should be unity!)", SMo)
    print "RMSD(SMo-id): %8.2e" % rmsd(SMo - np.eye(SMo.shape[0]))
Пример #2
def get_1e_integrals_in_MOs_from_Molpro_for_SOC(FileNameXml):
    # read Molpro XML file exported via {put,xml,filename}
    print "\n* Reading: '%s'" % FileNameXml
    XmlData = MolproXml.ReadMolproXml(FileNameXml, SkipVirtual=True)
    print "Atoms from file [a.u.]:\n%s" % XmlData.Atoms.MakeXyz(
        NumFmt="%20.15f", Scale=1 / wmme.ToAng)

    # convert data from XML file (atom positions, basis sets, MO coeffs) into format compatible    # with PySCF.
    Atoms, Basis, COrb = MolproXmlToPyscf.ConvertMolproXmlToPyscfInput(XmlData)

    # make pyscf Mole object
    mol = gto.Mole()
        #      symmetry = 'D2h',

    natoms = 1
    norb = 11
    nelec = 10

    all_orbs = len(COrb)
    #  COrb is a list of orbs, you  get the info about orbs in the output  when reading orbs with a scheme above :
    #  # of an orb in COrb list, irrep in the point group used in Molpro calcs, # of orb in a given irrep in Molpro output

    Orblist = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 28]

    ActOrb = np.zeros(shape=(all_orbs, norb))
    ActOrb2 = np.zeros(shape=(all_orbs, norb))

    for o1 in range(all_orbs):
        for o2 in range(norb):
            ActOrb[o1, o2] = COrb[o1, Orblist[o2]]

    print "================================================="
    print " Now print So1e integrals"
    for id in range(natoms):
        chg = mol.atom_charge(id)
            mol.atom_coord(id))  # set the gauge origin to first atom
        h1ao = abs(chg) * mol.intor('cint1e_prinvxp_sph',
                                    comp=3)  # comp=3 for x,y,z directions
        h1 = []
        for i in range(3):
            h1.append(reduce(np.dot, (ActOrb.T, h1ao[i], ActOrb)))
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(h1[i].shape[0]):
                for k in range(h1[i].shape[1]):
                    print id, i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, h1[i][j, k]