Пример #1
 def markPendingItemsAsInstalling(self):
     '''While an install/removal session is happening, mark optional items
     that are being installed/removed with the appropriate status'''
     msclog.debug_log('marking pendingItems as installing')
     install_info = munki.getInstallInfo()
     items_to_be_installed_names = [item['name']
                                    for item in install_info.get('managed_installs', [])]
     items_to_be_removed_names = [item['name']
                                  for item in install_info.get('removals', [])]
     for name in items_to_be_installed_names:
         # remove names for user selections since we are installing
     for name in items_to_be_removed_names:
         # remove names for user selections since we are removing
     for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems():
         new_status = None
         if item['name'] in items_to_be_installed_names:
             msclog.debug_log('Setting status for %s to "installing"' % item['name'])
             new_status = u'installing'
         elif item['name'] in items_to_be_removed_names:
             msclog.debug_log('Setting status for %s to "removing"' % item['name'])
             new_status = u'removing'
         if new_status:
             item['status'] = new_status
Пример #2
def build_categories_page():
    '''Build page showing available categories and some items in each one'''
    all_items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    header = NSLocalizedString(u"Categories", u"Categories label")
    page_name = u'categories.html'
    category_list = []
    for item in all_items:
        if 'category' in item and item['category'] not in category_list:

    item_html = build_category_items_html()

    all_categories_label = NSLocalizedString(u"All Categories",
    categories_html = u'<option selected>%s</option>\n' % all_categories_label
    for item in sorted(category_list):
        categories_html += u'<option>%s</option>\n' % item

    page = {}
    page['list_items'] = item_html
    page['category_items'] = categories_html
    page['header_text'] = header

    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
Пример #3
def build_list_page(category=None, developer=None, filter=None):
    '''Build page listing available optional items'''
    items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()

    header = NSLocalizedString(u"All items", u"AllItemsHeaderText")
    page_name = u'category-all.html'
    if category == 'all':
        category = None
    if category:
        header = category
        page_name = u'category-%s.html' % category
    if developer:
        header = developer
        page_name = u'developer-%s.html' % developer
    if filter:
        header = u'Search results for %s' % filter
        page_name = u'filter-%s.html' % filter

    category_list = []
    for item in items:
        if 'category' in item and item['category'] not in category_list:

    item_html = build_list_page_items_html(
                            category=category, developer=developer, filter=filter)

    # make HTML for Categories pop-up menu
    all_categories_label = NSLocalizedString(u"All Categories", u"AllCategoriesLabel")
    if category:
        categories_html = u'<option>%s</option>\n' % all_categories_label
        categories_html = u'<option selected>%s</option>\n' % all_categories_label

    for item in sorted(category_list):
        if item == category:
            categories_html += u'<option selected>%s</option>\n' % item
            categories_html += u'<option>%s</option>\n' % item

    categories_html_list = ''
    # make HTML for list of categories
    for item in sorted(category_list):
        categories_html_list += (u'<li class="link"><a href="category-%s.html">%s</a></li>\n'
                                 % (quote(item), item))

    page = {}
    page['list_items'] = item_html
    page['category_items'] = categories_html
    page['category_list'] = categories_html_list
    page['header_text'] = header
    if category or filter or developer:
        showcase = ''
        showcase = get_template('showcase_template.html', raw=True)
    sidebar = get_template('sidebar_template.html', raw=True)
    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'list_template.html', page,
                  showcase=showcase, sidebar=sidebar, footer=footer)
Пример #4
def build_category_items_html():
    '''Returns HTML for the items on the Categories page'''
    all_items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    if all_items:
        category_list = []
        for item in all_items:
            if 'category' in item and item['category'] not in category_list:

        item_template = get_template('category_item_template.html')
        item_html = u''
        for category in sorted(category_list):
            category_data = {}
            category_data['category_name_escaped'] = escape_html(category)
            category_data['category_link'] = u'category-%s.html' % quote(category)
            category_items = [item for item in all_items if item.get('category') == category]
            category_data['item1_icon'] = category_items[0]['icon']
            category_data['item1_display_name_escaped'] = escape_html(
            category_data['item1_detail_link'] = category_items[0]['detail_link']
            if len(category_items) > 1:
                category_data['item2_display_name_escaped'] = escape_html(
                category_data['item2_detail_link'] = category_items[1]['detail_link']
                category_data['item2_display_name_escaped'] = u''
                category_data['item2_detail_link'] = u'#'
            if len(category_items) > 2:
                category_data['item3_display_name_escaped'] = escape_html(
                category_data['item3_detail_link'] = category_items[2]['detail_link']
                category_data['item3_display_name_escaped'] = u''
                category_data['item3_detail_link'] = u'#'

            item_html += item_template.safe_substitute(category_data)

        # pad with extra empty items so we have a multiple of 3
        if len(category_list) % 3:
            for x in range(3 - (len(category_list) % 3)):
                item_html += u'<div class="lockup"></div>\n'

        # no items
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"There are no available software items.",
            u"No Items primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"Try again later.",
            u"No Items secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        item_html = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)
    return item_html
Пример #5
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'

    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available'

    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''

    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"Your software is up to date.",
            u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
            u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len(item_list)
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates", u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
Пример #6
def build_category_items_html():
    '''Returns HTML for the items on the Categories page'''
    all_items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    if all_items:
        category_list = []
        for item in all_items:
            if 'category' in item and item['category'] not in category_list:

        item_template = get_template('category_item_template.html')
        item_html = u''
        for category in sorted(category_list):
            category_data = {}
            category_data['category_name_escaped'] = escape_html(category)
            category_data['category_link'] = u'category-%s.html' % quote(category)
            category_items = [item for item in all_items if item.get('category') == category]
            category_data['item1_icon'] = category_items[0]['icon']
            category_data['item1_display_name_escaped'] = escape_html(
            category_data['item1_detail_link'] = category_items[0]['detail_link']
            if len(category_items) > 1:
                category_data['item2_display_name_escaped'] = escape_html(
                category_data['item2_detail_link'] = category_items[1]['detail_link']
                category_data['item2_display_name_escaped'] = u''
                category_data['item2_detail_link'] = u'#'
            if len(category_items) > 2:
                category_data['item3_display_name_escaped'] = escape_html(
                category_data['item3_detail_link'] = category_items[2]['detail_link']
                category_data['item3_display_name_escaped'] = u''
                category_data['item3_detail_link'] = u'#'

            item_html += item_template.safe_substitute(category_data)

        # pad with extra empty items so we have a multiple of 3
        if len(category_list) % 3:
            for x in range(3 - (len(category_list) % 3)):
                item_html += u'<div class="lockup"></div>\n'

        # no items
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"There are no available software items.",
            u"No Items primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"Try again later.",
            u"No Items secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        item_html = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)
    return item_html
Пример #7
def build_detail_page(item_name):
    '''Build page showing detail for a single optional item'''
    msclog.debug_log('build_detail_page for %s' % item_name)
    items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    page_name = u'detail-%s.html' % item_name
    for item in items:
        if item['name'] == item_name:
            page = MunkiItems.OptionalItem(item)
            # make "More in CategoryFoo" list
            page['hide_more_in_category'] = u'hidden'
            more_in_category_html = u''
            more_in_category = []
            if item.get('category'):
                category = item['category']
                page['category_link'] = u'category-%s.html' % quote(category)
                more_in_category = [a for a in items
                                    if a.get('category') == category
                                    and a != item
                                    and a.get('status') != 'installed']
                if more_in_category:
                    page['hide_more_in_category'] = u''
                    page['moreInCategoryLabel'] = page['moreInCategoryLabel'] % page['category']
                    more_template = get_template('detail_more_items_template.html')
                    for more_item in more_in_category[:4]:
                        more_item['second_line'] = more_item.get('developer', '')
                        more_in_category_html += more_template.safe_substitute(more_item)
            page['more_in_category'] = more_in_category_html
            # make "More by DeveloperFoo" list
            page['hide_more_by_developer'] = u'hidden'
            more_by_developer_html = u''
            more_by_developer = []
            if item.get('developer'):
                developer = item['developer']
                page['developer_link'] = u'developer-%s.html' % quote(developer)
                more_by_developer = [a for a in items
                                     if a.get('developer') == developer
                                     and a != item
                                     and a not in more_in_category
                                     and a.get('status') != 'installed']
                if more_by_developer:
                    page['hide_more_by_developer'] = u''
                    page['moreByDeveloperLabel'] = (
                        page['moreByDeveloperLabel'] % developer)
                    more_template = get_template(
                    for more_item in more_by_developer[:4]:
                        more_item['second_line'] = more_item.get('category', '')
                        more_by_developer_html += more_template.safe_substitute(more_item)
            page['more_by_developer'] = more_by_developer_html
            footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
            generate_page(page_name, 'detail_template.html', page, footer=footer)
    msclog.debug_log('No detail found for %s' % item_name)
Пример #8
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'
    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available']

    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''
    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"Your software is up to date.", u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
             u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len(item_list)
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates",
        u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
Пример #9
 def loadInitialView(self):
     '''Called by app delegate from applicationDidFinishLaunching:'''
     optional_items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
     if not optional_items or self.getUpdateCount():
     self.cached_self_service = MunkiItems.SelfService()
Пример #10
 def enableOrDisableSoftwareViewControls(self):
     '''Disable or enable the controls that let us view optional items'''
     optional_items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
     enabled_state = (len(optional_items) > 0)
Пример #11
 def markRequestedItemsAsProcessing(self):
     '''When an update check session is happening, mark optional items
        that have been requested as processing'''
     msclog.debug_log('marking requested items as processing')
     for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems():
         new_status = None
         if item['status'] == 'install-requested':
             msclog.debug_log('Setting status for %s to "downloading"' % item['name'])
             new_status = u'downloading'
         elif item['status'] == 'removal-requested':
             msclog.debug_log('Setting status for %s to "preparing-removal"' % item['name'])
             new_status = u'preparing-removal'
         if new_status:
             item['status'] = new_status
Пример #12
def build_categories_page():
    '''Build page showing available categories and some items in each one'''
    all_items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    header = NSLocalizedString(u"Categories", u"Categories label")
    page_name = u'categories.html'
    category_list = []
    for item in all_items:
        if 'category' in item and item['category'] not in category_list:

    item_html = build_category_items_html()
    all_categories_label = NSLocalizedString(u"All Categories", u"AllCategoriesLabel")
    categories_html = u'<option selected>%s</option>\n' % all_categories_label
    for item in sorted(category_list):
        categories_html += u'<option>%s</option>\n' % item

    page = {}
    page['list_items'] = item_html
    page['category_items'] = categories_html
    page['header_text'] = header
    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'list_template.html', page, showcase=u'', sidebar=u'', footer=footer)
Пример #13
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'

    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    problem_updates = MunkiItems.getProblemItems()
    for item in problem_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'

    # find any optional installs with update available
    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available'

    # find any listed optional install updates that require a higher OS
    # or have insufficient disk space or other blockers (because they have a
    # note)
    blocked_optional_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'installed' and item.get('note')
    for item in blocked_optional_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'


    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_problem_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''

    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    # build pending updates table
    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates and not problem_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"Your software is up to date.",
            u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
            u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len(
        [item for item in item_list if item['status'] != 'problem-item'])
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    # build problem updates table
    page['problem_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Problem updates", u"Problem Updates label")
    page['problem_update_rows'] = u''

    if problem_updates:
        page['hide_problem_updates'] = u''
        for item in problem_updates:
            page['problem_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    # build other available updates table
    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates", u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
Пример #14
def build_list_page_items_html(category=None, developer=None, filter=None):
    '''Returns HTML for the items on the list page'''
    items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    item_html = u''
    if filter:
        # since the filter term came through the filesystem,
        # HFS+ does some unicode character decomposition which can cause issue
        # with comparisons
        # so before we do our comparison, we normalize the unicode string
        # using unicodedata.normalize
        filter = normalize('NFC', filter)
        msclog.debug_log(u'Filtering on %s' % filter)
        items = [
            item for item in items if filter in item['display_name'].lower()
            or filter in item['description'].lower() or filter in
            item['developer'].lower() or filter in item['category'].lower()
    if category:
        items = [
            item for item in items
            if category.lower() == item.get('category', '').lower()
    if developer:
        items = [
            item for item in items
            if developer.lower() == item.get('developer', '').lower()

    if category is None and developer is None and filter is None:
        # this is the default (formerly) "all items" view
        # look for featured items and display those if we have them
        featured_items = [item for item in items if item.get('featured')]
        if featured_items:
            items = featured_items

    if items:
        item_template = get_template('list_item_template.html')
        for item in sorted(items, key=itemgetter('display_name_lower')):
            item['category_and_developer_escaped'] = escape_html(
            item_html += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
        # pad with extra empty items so we have a multiple of 3
        if len(items) % 3:
            for x in range(3 - (len(items) % 3)):
                item_html += u'<div class="lockup"></div>\n'
        # no items; build appropriate alert messages
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        if filter:
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Your search had no results.",
                u"No Search Results primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Try searching again.", u"No Search Results secondary text")
        elif category:
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"There are no items in this category.",
                u"No Category Results primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Try selecting another category.",
                u"No Category Results secondary text")
        elif developer:
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"There are no items from this developer.",
                u"No Developer Results primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Try selecting another developer.",
                u"No Developer Results secondary text")
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"There are no available software items.",
                u"No Items primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Try again later.", u"No Items secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        item_html = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)
    return item_html
Пример #15
def build_list_page(category=None, developer=None, filter=None):
    '''Build page listing available optional items'''
    items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()

    header = NSLocalizedString(u"All items", u"AllItemsHeaderText")
    page_name = u'category-all.html'
    if category == 'all':
        category = None
    if category:
        header = category
        page_name = u'category-%s.html' % category
    if developer:
        header = developer
        page_name = u'developer-%s.html' % developer
    if filter:
        header = u'Search results for %s' % filter
        page_name = u'filter-%s.html' % filter

    featured_items = [item for item in items if item.get('featured')]
    if (featured_items and category is None and developer is None
            and filter is None):
        header = NSLocalizedString(u"Featured items",

    category_list = []
    for item in items:
        if 'category' in item and item['category'] not in category_list:

    item_html = build_list_page_items_html(category=category,

    # make HTML for Categories pop-up menu
    if featured_items:
        all_categories_label = NSLocalizedString(u"Featured", u"FeaturedLabel")
        all_categories_label = NSLocalizedString(u"All Categories",
    if category:
        categories_html = u'<option>%s</option>\n' % all_categories_label
        categories_html = u'<option selected>%s</option>\n' % all_categories_label

    for item in sorted(category_list):
        if item == category:
            categories_html += u'<option selected>%s</option>\n' % item
            categories_html += u'<option>%s</option>\n' % item

    categories_html_list = ''
    # make HTML for list of categories
    for item in sorted(category_list):
        categories_html_list += (
            u'<li class="link"><a href="category-%s.html">%s</a></li>\n' %
            (quote(item), item))

    page = {}
    page['list_items'] = item_html
    page['category_items'] = categories_html
    page['category_list'] = categories_html_list
    page['header_text'] = header
    if category or filter or developer:
        showcase = ''
        showcase = get_template('showcase_template.html', raw=True)
    sidebar = get_template('sidebar_template.html', raw=True)
    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
Пример #16
def build_detail_page(item_name):
    '''Build page showing detail for a single optional item'''
    msclog.debug_log('build_detail_page for %s' % item_name)
    items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    page_name = u'detail-%s.html' % item_name
    for item in items:
        if item['name'] == item_name:
            # make a copy of the item to use to build our page
            page = MunkiItems.OptionalItem(item)
            # make "More in CategoryFoo" list
            page['hide_more_in_category'] = u'hidden'
            more_in_category_html = u''
            more_in_category = []
            if item.get('category'):
                category = item['category']
                page['category_link'] = u'category-%s.html' % quote(category)
                more_in_category = [
                    a for a in items if a.get('category') == category
                    and a != item and a.get('status') != 'installed'
                if more_in_category:
                    page['hide_more_in_category'] = u''
                    page['moreInCategoryLabel'] = page[
                        'moreInCategoryLabel'] % page['category']
                    more_template = get_template(
                    for more_item in more_in_category[:4]:
                        more_item['display_name_escaped'] = escape_html(
                        more_item['second_line'] = more_item.get(
                            'developer', '')
                        more_in_category_html += more_template.safe_substitute(
            page['more_in_category'] = more_in_category_html
            # make "More by DeveloperFoo" list
            page['hide_more_by_developer'] = u'hidden'
            more_by_developer_html = u''
            more_by_developer = []
            if item.get('developer'):
                developer = item['developer']
                page['developer_link'] = u'developer-%s.html' % quote(
                more_by_developer = [
                    a for a in items
                    if a.get('developer') == developer and a != item and a
                    not in more_in_category and a.get('status') != 'installed'
                if more_by_developer:
                    page['hide_more_by_developer'] = u''
                    page['moreByDeveloperLabel'] = (
                        page['moreByDeveloperLabel'] % developer)
                    more_template = get_template(
                    for more_item in more_by_developer[:4]:
                        more_item['second_line'] = more_item.get(
                            'category', '')
                        more_by_developer_html += more_template.safe_substitute(
            page['more_by_developer'] = more_by_developer_html
            footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    msclog.debug_log('No detail found for %s' % item_name)
Пример #17
def build_list_page_items_html(category=None, developer=None, filter=None):
    '''Returns HTML for the items on the list page'''
    items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
    item_html = u''
    if filter:
        # since the filter term came through the filesystem,
        # HFS+ does some unicode character decomposition which can cause issues with comparisons
        # so before we do our comparison, we normalize the unicode string
        # using unicodedata.normalize
        filter = normalize('NFC', filter)
        msclog.debug_log(u'Filtering on %s' % filter)
        items = [item for item in items
                 if filter in item['display_name'].lower()
                 or filter in item['description'].lower()
                 or filter in item['developer'].lower()
                 or filter in item['category'].lower()]
    if category:
        items = [item for item in items
                 if category.lower() in item.get('category', '').lower()]
    if developer:
        items = [item for item in items
                 if developer.lower() in item.get('developer', '').lower()]

    if items:
        item_template = get_template('list_item_template.html')
        for item in sorted(items, key=itemgetter('display_name_lower')):
            item['category_and_developer_escaped'] = escape_html(item['category_and_developer'])
            item_html += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
        # pad with extra empty items so we have a multiple of 3
        if len(items) % 3:
            for x in range(3 - (len(items) % 3)):
                item_html += u'<div class="lockup"></div>\n'
        # no items; build appropriate alert messages
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        if filter:
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Your search had no results.",
                u"No Search Results primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Try searching again.", u"No Search Results secondary text")
        elif category:
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"There are no items in this category.",
                u"No Category Results primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Try selecting another category.",
                u"No Category Results secondary text")
        elif developer:
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"There are no items from this developer.",
                u"No Developer Results primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
                u"Try selecting another developer.",
                u"No Developer Results secondary text")
            alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
               u"There are no available software items.",
               u"No Items primary text")
            alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
               u"Try again later.",
               u"No Items secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        item_html = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)
    return item_html
Пример #18
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'
    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    problem_updates = MunkiItems.getProblemItems()
    for item in problem_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'

    # find any optional installs with update available
    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available']

    # find any listed optional install updates that require a higher OS
    # or have insufficient disk space or other blockers (because they have a
    # note)
    blocked_optional_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'installed' and item.get('note')]
    for item in blocked_optional_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'


    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_problem_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''
    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    # build pending updates table
    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates and not problem_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"Your software is up to date.", u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
             u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len([item for item in item_list if item['status'] != 'problem-item'])
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    # build problem updates table
    page['problem_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Problem updates",
        u"Problem Updates label")
    page['problem_update_rows'] = u''

    if problem_updates:
        page['hide_problem_updates'] = u''
        for item in problem_updates:
            page['problem_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    # build other available updates table
    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates",
        u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
Пример #19
 def windowDidBecomeMain_(self, notification):
     '''Our window was activated, make sure controls enabled as needed'''
     optional_items = MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
     enabled_state = (len(optional_items) > 0)