Пример #1
#	It is better to use module's name with its objects
#	in order to avoid confusion with objects of other
#	modules having the same name.
print('Version of this program: {}'.format(__version__))
print('Version of MyModule: {}'.format(mm.__version__))
print('Version of sys module: {}'.format(sys.version))

#	We can get Program's name via sys module as we get
#	from CLI in C. But we cannot get argc.
print('Name of this program: {}'.format(sys.argv[0]))
print('No. of CLI arguments: {}'.format(len(sys.argv)))

#	Module 'os' has interesting usage specially when
#	we need to deal with multiple files with different
#	naming styles.
#	os.walk() returns dirPath, subdirs and filenames.
dirName = '/home/sangeeta/Programming/TensorFlow/ADCIS/exudates'
for dirPath, subDir, imgFileList in os.walk(dirName):
    for imgFileName in imgFileList:

#	Usage of user-defined module
#	(i.e., my module named MyModule)
print('a + b: {}'.format(mm.add()))
print('a - b: {}'.format(mm.sub()))
print('a * b: {}'.format(mm.mul()))
print('a / b: {}'.format(mm.div()))
import MyModule

while True:
        '1 - Addition ; 2 - Subtraction ; 3 - Multiplication ; 4 - Division ; 5 - To the Power of... ; 0 - Exit '
    code = input('Please enter option:  ')
    if code == '0':
    a = float(input('Please enter first number: '))
    b = float(input('Please enter second number: '))
    if code == '1':
        result = MyModule.add(a, b)
    elif code == '2':
        result = MyModule.sub(a, b)
    elif code == '3':
        result = MyModule.mult(a, b)
    elif code == '4':
        result = MyModule.div(a, b)
    elif code == '5':
        result = MyModule.power(a, b)
    print(f'Result is {result}')