Пример #1
	def selectIdentity(self, identityObj, limitStart=0, limitDistance=50):
		"""Builds a dynamic query using the identityObject to collect the parameters"""

		# check we get an instance of identityObject
		if not isinstance(identityObj, IdentityObject):
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("Must pass in an identityObject")

		# Check the range parameters are valid
		if limitStart < 0:
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("The start point must be a positive int")

		if limitDistance > 50:
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("You cannot select more than 50 rows at one time")

		if limitDistance < 1:
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("You must select at least one row")

		# =======================================
		# build the query from the identityObject's data
		query = "SELECT * FROM " + self.tableName() + " WHERE "

		params = []													# create a list to store all the parameters in

		# build the WHERE clause of the query
		for field in identityObj.fields:
			first = True
			for comp in identityObj.fields[field].comps:
				if not first:
					query += " OR "											# join clauses for the same column using OR operator
				query += comp['name'] + " " + comp['operator'] + " %s"		# add placeholder for the column name and value
				params.append(comp['value'])								# add the value to a list of params
				first = False

			query += " AND "									# join clauses for different columns using AND operator

		query = query[:-5]											# remove the final AND from the query

		query += " LIMIT %s, %s"

		# finish preparing all the params
		params.append(limitStart)							# add the two limit params to the list
		params.append(limitStart + limitDistance)
		paramsTuple = tuple(params)								# convert the list of params into a tuple for the query exectuion

		# run the query and pull the results into a collection object
		cursor = self.db.getCursor()						# get the database cursor
		rowsAffected = cursor.execute(query, paramsTuple)	# run the query storing the number of rows affected
		data = cursor.fetchall()							# fetch the data from the server
		cursor.close()										# close the cursor to the database

		if rowsAffected > 0:								# check there were results to be returned
			return Collection(data, self)		# return a collection of the objects
			return None										# otherwise return nada
Пример #2
	def update(self, obj):
		"""Updates a given object's records in the database"""
		if not isinstance(obj, DomainObject) :
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("This function expects a DomainObject object as the input parameter")

		if obj.getId() is -1:		# can't update an object that has not been inserted
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("You can only update objects that are in the database, please insert this object first")

		print "Update " + str(type(obj)) + " object " + str(obj.getId())

		return self._doUpdate(obj)
Пример #3
	def delete(self, obj):
		"""Deletes a given object from the database"""
		if not isinstance(obj, DomainObject):
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("This function expects a DomainObject object as the input parameter")

		if obj.getId() is -1:
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("You cannot delete an object that was never in the database. It has no id")

		print "Deleting " + str(type(obj)) + " object " + str(obj.getId())

		query = self._deleteStmt(obj)
		params = (obj.getId(),)

		return self.__executeOperation(query, params)		
Пример #4
def getData(db_obj, table, column="*", conditions=''):

    :param db_obj: 目标数据库对象
    :param table: 来源表
    :param column: select的列
    :param conditions: 筛选条件
    :return: 返回查询的数据 (dictionary形式)
        db = MySQLdb.connect(db_obj.host_ip,
            cursor = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
            cursor.execute("""select %s from %s%s;""" %
                           (column, table, conditions))
            print("""select %s from %s%s;""" % (column, table, conditions))
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            return result
        except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError as e:
            raise MySQLdb.ProgrammingError("ERROR 数据库执行语句出错:" + str(e))
            #raise MySQLdb.ProgrammingError("ERROR 数据库执行语句出错:" + e)
            # 一定关闭数据库连接
    except MySQLdb.OperationalError as e:
        raise MySQLdb.OperationalError("ERROR 数据库连接不上:" + str(e))
Пример #5
    def findByUser(self, user, start=0, number=50):
        if start < 0:
            raise mdb.ProgrammingError(
                "The start point must be a positive int")

        if number > 50:
            raise mdb.ProgrammingError(
                "You cannot select more than 50 rows at one time")

        query = """SELECT g.*, gt.name as game_type_name 
					FROM games g 
					LEFT JOIN game_types gt ON g.game_type_id = gt.id 
					LEFT JOIN players p ON p.game_id = g.id 
					LEFT JOIN users u ON p.user_id = u.id 
					WHERE u.id = %s LIMIT %s, %s"""
        params = (user.getId(), start, start + number)

        return DeferredCollection(self, query, params)
Пример #6
	def _findMany(self, query, start=0, number=50):
		"""Stock stuff for finding multiple records at the same time limited by the limit factors"""
		# check that the limit params are not off the wall
		if start < 0:
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("The start point must be a positive int")

		if number > 50:
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("You cannot select more than 50 rows at one time")

		# run the qurery
		params = (start, start + number)
		cursor = self.db.getCursor()
		rowsAffected = cursor.execute(query, params)
		data = cursor.fetchall()

		if rowsAffected > 0:								# check if there are results to be returned
			return Collection(data, self) 		# create a collection object for the results
			return None
Пример #7
	def insert(self, obj):
		"""Inserts this object into the database as its records"""
		if not isinstance(obj, DomainObject):
			raise mdb.ProgrammingError("This function expects a DomainObject object as the input parameter")

		print "Inserting new " + str(type(obj)) + " object " + str(obj.getId())

		result = self._doInsert(obj)						# do the insertion specifics

		if result:
			self.addToWatcher(obj)							# add the new object to the object watcher

		return result
Пример #8
 def _check_param(self, obj, table):
     model_class = None
     t = table
     is_dict = (type(obj) == dict)
     if not is_dict:
         model_class = obj.table_schema.model_class
         if not table:
             t = obj.table_schema.table_name
     elif isinstance(table, basestring):
         table_schema = DatabaseSchema.tables[table]
         model_class = table_schema.model_class
         msg = 'table is required while obj is dict'
         raise MySQLdb.ProgrammingError(msg)
     return model_class, t
Пример #9
 def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
         result = self._cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
     except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError as e:
         raise MySQLdb.ProgrammingError(
             e.args[0], e.args[1] +
             '.\nSTATEMENT: {}'.format(self._cursor._last_executed))
     except MySQLdb.OperationalError as e:
         # Sometimes a MySQL session times out. In this case, we wish to reconnect, and reissue the query.
         if e[0] == 2006:
             result = self._cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
             raise MySQLdb.OperationalError(
                 e.args[0], e.args[1] +
                 '.\nSTATEMENT: {}'.format(self._cursor._last_executed))
     return result