Пример #1
    def _open(self):

        # read the OLE directory and see if this is a likely
        # to be a Microsoft Image Composer file

            self.ole = OleFileIO(self.fp)
        except IOError:
            raise SyntaxError, "not an MIC file; invalid OLE file"

        # find ACI subfiles with Image members (maybe not the
        # best way to identify MIC files, but what the... ;-)

        self.images = []
        for file in self.ole.listdir():
            if file[1:] and file[0][-4:] == ".ACI" and file[1] == "Image":

        # if we didn't find any images, this is probably not
        # an MIC file.
        if not self.images:
            raise SyntaxError, "not an MIC file; no image entries"

        self.__fp = self.fp
        self.frame = 0

        if len(self.images) > 1:
            self.category = Image.CONTAINER

Пример #2
    def _open(self):
        # read the OLE directory and see if this is a likely
        # to be a FlashPix file

            self.ole = OleFileIO(self.fp)
        except IOError:
            raise SyntaxError, "not an FPX file; invalid OLE file"

        if self.ole.root.clsid != "56616700-C154-11CE-8553-00AA00A1F95B":
            raise SyntaxError, "not an FPX file; bad root CLSID"

--- pyhwp/hwp5/plat/olefileio.py.orig	2014-11-03 13:47:24 UTC
+++ pyhwp/hwp5/plat/olefileio.py
@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ from hwp5.utils import cached_property
 def is_enabled():
-        import OleFileIO_PL
+        import olefile
     except Exception:
         return False
-        OleFileIO_PL
         return True
@@ -62,12 +61,12 @@ class OleStorage(OleStorageItem):
     def __init__(self, olefile, path='', parent=None):
         if not hasattr(olefile, 'openstream'):
-            from OleFileIO_PL import isOleFile
+            from olefile import isOleFile
             if not isOleFile(olefile):
                 from hwp5.errors import InvalidOleStorageError
                 errormsg = 'Not an OLE2 Compound Binary File.'
                 raise InvalidOleStorageError(errormsg)
-            from OleFileIO_PL import OleFileIO
+            from olefile import OleFileIO
             olefile = OleFileIO(olefile)
         OleStorageItem.__init__(self, olefile, path, parent)