elif opt == '-t':
            time_step = float(arg)
        elif opt == '-T':
            temperature = float(arg)
        elif opt == '-v':
            viscosity = float(arg)
    if ndim < 1 or ndim > 3:
        print 'Invalid number of dimensions.'

    # Get a track.
    small_sphere = Particle(ndim, radius, viscosity, temperature)
    small_sphere.generate_motion(nsteps, time_step)

    # Display some results:

    print 'Number of dimensions:', ndim
    print 'Number of steps:', nsteps
    print 'Radius of particles:', radius, 'um'
    print 'Viscosity of solution:', viscosity, 'Ps'
    print 'Temperature of solution:', temperature, 'K'
    print 'Time step:', time_step, 's'
    print 'Theoretical diffusion:', small_sphere.diffusion.theory
    print 'Diffusion:', small_sphere.diffusion.data
    print 'Standard error:', small_sphere.diffusion.std_err
    print 'Absolute error:', small_sphere.diffusion.abs_err
    print 'Theoretical error:',
    print  small_sphere.diffusion.theory / np.sqrt(nsteps * ndim) * np.sqrt(2)
            flow_coefs[0] = float(arg)
        elif opt == '-y':
            flow_coefs[1] = float(arg)
        elif opt == '-z':
            flow_coefs[2] = float(arg)
    if ndim < 1 or ndim > 3:
        print 'Invalid number of dimensions.'

    # Get a track.
    small_sphere = Particle(ndim, radius, viscosity, temperature)
    small_sphere.add_bulk_flow(flow_coefs[:ndim], time_step, nsteps)

    # The flow is computed in get_diffusion when correcting for it.
    # No need to call get_bulk_flow.

    # Display some results:
    print 'Number of dimensions:', ndim
    print 'Number of steps:', nsteps
    print 'Radius of particles:', radius, 'um'
    print 'Viscosity of solution:', viscosity, 'Ps'
    print 'Temperature of solution:', temperature, 'K'
    print 'Time step:', time_step, 's'
    print 'Theoretical diffusion:', small_sphere.diffusion.theory
    print 'Diffusion (flow-corrected):', small_sphere.diffusion.flow_corr
    print 'Diffusion (uncorrected):', small_sphere.diffusion.data
    print 'Standard error:', small_sphere.diffusion.std_err
    print 'Absolute error:', small_sphere.diffusion.abs_err
    print 'Absolute error from corrected diffusion:',