Пример #1
def cyclePartition(graph):
    a = prt.adj(graph)
    n = graph.nodes()
    r = prt.reach(a)
    l = prt.levels(r,n)
    c = prt.cycles(graph, l)
    return c
Пример #2
def distance(graph): 
    #Must be bettered if more than one cycle, works on Yeast
    adj = prt.adj(graph);
    B = prt.binAddI(adj); D = prt.binSub(B, np.identity(len(adj),float))
    prevS = B
    for i in range(2,len(adj),1):
        curS = prt.binPrd(B, prevS)
        D = D + i*(curS-prevS)
        prevS = curS
    return D
Пример #3
def distance(graph): 
    adj = prt.adj(graph);
    B = prt.binAddI(adj); D = prt.binSub(B, np.identity(len(adj),float))
    prevS = B
    for i in range(2,len(adj),1):
        curS = prt.binPrd(B, prevS)
        D = D + i*(curS-prevS)
        prevS = curS
    return D
Пример #4
def distance(graph):
    #Must be bettered if more than one cycle, works on Yeast
    adj = prt.adj(graph)
    B = prt.binAddI(adj)
    D = prt.binSub(B, np.identity(len(adj), float))
    prevS = B
    for i in range(2, len(adj), 1):
        curS = prt.binPrd(B, prevS)
        D = D + i * (curS - prevS)
        prevS = curS
    return D
Пример #5
def distance(graph): 
    adj = prt.adj(graph);
    B = prt.binary_add_identity(adj)
    D = prt.binary_substraction(B, np.identity(len(adj),float))
    prev_S = B
    for i in range(2,len(adj),1):
        cur_S = prt.binary_product(B, prev_S)
        D = D + i*(cur_S-prev_S)
        prev_S = cur_S
    return D
Пример #6
def SILS(graph):
    A = prt.adj(graph)
    A = np.asarray(A)
    loops = geodetic(graph)
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    #make an adjacency matrix for the loop
    edges = [] #list of adjacency matrices for each loop
    for loop in loops:
        # For every loop, add edges to a matrix in adjacency-style
        l = len(loop)
        E = np.zeros(A.shape)
        for j in range(0,l-1):
            sourceName = loop[j]
            destName = loop[j+1]
            source = nodes.index(sourceName)
            dest = nodes.index(destName)
            E[source,dest] = 1
        firstName = loop[0]
        lastName = loop[l-1]
        first = nodes.index(firstName)
        last = nodes.index(lastName)
        E[last,first] = 1
    B = np.zeros(A.shape);
    S = loops
    SILS = []
    # Here comes the construction of the SILS
    while S:
        #figure out which loops do not contribute any new edges

        copy_s = S[:]
        edges_copy = []
        for j, element in enumerate(edges):
            # Counting the number of contributions the loop can introduce
            entry = S[j]
            test = element - B
            test[test<0] = 0
            new_edges = np.sum(test)
            if new_edges==0:
        S = copy_s
        edges = edges_copy
        #of the remaining loops, determine the contribution of edges
        numberOfNewEdges = []
        for element in edges:
            test = element - B
            test[test<0] = 0
            new_edges = int(np.sum(test))
        if numberOfNewEdges:
            # The loop with minimum contribution should be added
            m = numberOfNewEdges.index(min(numberOfNewEdges))
            # Add edges to the SILS edge collection
            B = B + edges[m]
            # Remove the items from the loop collection

    return SILS
Пример #7
def SILS(graph):
    A = prt.adj(graph)
    A = np.asarray(A)
    loops = geodetic(graph)
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    # Make an adjacency matrix for the loop.
    edges = [] # List of adjacency matrices for each loop.
    for loop in loops:
        # For every loop, add edges to a matrix in adjacency-style.
        l = len(loop)
        E = np.zeros(A.shape)
        for j in range(0,l-1):
            source_name = loop[j]
            dest_name = loop[j+1]
            source = nodes.index(source_name)
            dest = nodes.index(dest_name)
            E[source,dest] = 1
        first_name = loop[0]
        last_name = loop[l-1]
        first = nodes.index(first_name)
        last = nodes.index(last_name)
        E[last,first] = 1
    B = np.zeros(A.shape);
    S = loops
    SILS = []
    # Here comes the construction of the SILS.
    while S:
        # Figure out which loops do not contribute any new edges.

        copy_s = S[:]
        edges_copy = []
        for j, element in enumerate(edges):
            # Counting the number of contributions the loop can introduce.
            entry = S[j]
            test = element - B
            test[test<0] = 0
            new_edges = np.sum(test)
            if new_edges==0:
        S = copy_s
        edges = edges_copy
        # Of the remaining loops, determine the contribution of edges.
        number_of_new_edges = []
        for element in edges:
            test = element - B
            test[test<0] = 0
            new_edges = int(np.sum(test))
        if number_of_new_edges:
            # The loop with minimum contribution should be added
            m = number_of_new_edges.index(min(number_of_new_edges))
            # Add edges to the SILS edge collection
            B = B + edges[m]
            # Remove the items from the loop collection

    return SILS
Пример #8
def uniqueConsEdges(graph, sils):

    # Get graph information needed.
    A = prt.adj(graph)
    A = np.asarray(A)
    nodes = graph.nodes()

    # Make an adjacency matrix for every loop in sils
    edges = []  # List of adjacency-style matrices for each loop

    for loop in sils:
        # For every loop, add unique consecutive edges to a matrix in adjacency-style
        l = len(loop)
        E = np.zeros(A.shape)

        # If length of loop is 2 the else procedure would give problems
        if l == 2:
            for node in loop:
                index = nodes.index(node)
                E[index, index] = 1

            for j in range(0, l - 2):
                sourceName = loop[j]
                destName = loop[j +
                                2]  # This line is different, plus 2 this time.
                source = nodes.index(sourceName)
                dest = nodes.index(destName)
                E[source, dest] = 1

            secondName = loop[1]
            firstName = loop[0]
            lastName = loop[l - 1]
            lastButOneName = loop[l - 2]

            second = nodes.index(secondName)
            first = nodes.index(firstName)
            last = nodes.index(lastName)
            lastButOne = nodes.index(lastButOneName)

            E[lastButOne, first] = 1
            E[last, second] = 1


    # Sum occurrence of consecutive edges in loops.
    sumConsEdges = np.zeros(A.shape)
    for entry in edges:
        sumConsEdges = np.add(sumConsEdges, entry)

    # When sum is one, the edge is in only one loop, so get indices.
    indicesConsEdges = np.where(sumConsEdges == 1)
    uniqueConsLoops = []

    # Construct the loop list and node indices list.
    for i in range(0, int(len(indicesConsEdges[0] - 1))):
        rowNo = int(indicesConsEdges[0][i])
        columnNo = int(indicesConsEdges[1][i])
        j = 0

        for edge in edges:
            if edge[rowNo, columnNo] == 1:
            j = j + 1

    return indicesConsEdges, uniqueConsLoops
Пример #9
def switchChoose(sils, indEdges, uniqLoops, indConsEdges, uniqConsLoops,

    # This function is used to come to a conclusion about which loop to switch off how.
    # First try to switch off as many loops as possible by finding unique edges.
    unique = []
    # Make element of the set uniqLoops unique.
    [unique.append(loop) for loop in uniqLoops if loop not in unique]

    # Get the right loop numbers.
    indSource = []
    indDest = []
    loopNos = []
    for loop in unique:
        loopNo = uniqLoops.index(loop)

    # Construct the indices list with indices for every loop.
    [indSource.append(indEdges[0][loopNo]) for loopNo in loopNos]
    [indDest.append(indEdges[1][loopNo]) for loopNo in loopNos]
    uniqIndices = [indSource, indDest]

    # Now switching node indices for variable names.
    namesUniq = []
    for item in uniqIndices:
        names = prt.nodeNames(item, graph)

    # And reordering them into edge style.
    uniqueEdges = []
    for i in range(0, len(namesUniq[0])):
        uniqueEdge = [namesUniq[0][i], namesUniq[1][i]]

    # Now eliminating loops from the total collection that needs to be turned off.
    SILS = sils
    [SILS.remove(loop) for loop in unique if loop in SILS]

    # Now deleting which loops can be switched off by the method of consecutive edges.
    uniqCons = []
    [uniqCons.append(loop) for loop in uniqConsLoops if loop not in uniqCons]
    # Removing all loops that can already be turned off simpler.
    [uniqCons.remove(loop) for loop in unique if loop in uniqCons]

    # Constructing indices lists for every loop.
    indSource = []
    indDest = []
    loopNos = []
    for loop in uniqCons:
        loopNo = uniqConsLoops.index(loop)

    # List of indices for every loop with two unique cons edges.
    [indSource.append(indConsEdges[0][int(loopNo)]) for loopNo in loopNos]
    [indDest.append(indConsEdges[1][int(loopNo)]) for loopNo in loopNos]
    uniqConsIndices = [indSource, indDest]

    # Now switching node indices for variable names.
    namesCons = []
    for item in uniqConsIndices:
        names2 = prt.nodeNames(item, graph)

    # And reordering them into edge style.
    uniqueConsEdges = []
    for i in range(0, len(namesCons[0])):
        consEdge = [namesCons[0][i], namesCons[1][i]]

    # Eliminating loops again from SILS.
    [SILS.remove(loop) for loop in uniqCons if loop in SILS]

    return (unique, uniqueEdges, uniqCons, uniqueConsEdges, SILS)
Пример #10
def uniqueEdges(graph, sils):

    A = prt.adj(graph)
    A = np.asarray(A)
    nodes = graph.nodes()

    #make an adjacency matrix for every loop in sils
    edges = []  #list of adjacency matrices for each loop

    for loop in sils:

        # For every loop, add edges to a matrix in adjacency-style
        l = len(loop)
        E = np.zeros(A.shape)

        for j in range(0, l - 1):

            sourceName = loop[j]
            destName = loop[j + 1]
            source = nodes.index(sourceName)
            dest = nodes.index(destName)
            E[source, dest] = 1

        firstName = loop[0]
        lastName = loop[l - 1]
        first = nodes.index(firstName)
        last = nodes.index(lastName)
        E[last, first] = 1

    # Sum occurrence of edges in loops
    sumEdges = np.zeros(A.shape)
    for entry in edges:
        # sumEdges += entry

        sumEdges = np.add(sumEdges, entry)

    # When sum is one, the edge is in only one loop, so get indices.

#    a = np.argwhere(sumEdges==1)
#    for entry in a:
#        row, column = entry

    indicesEdges = np.where(sumEdges == 1)

    uniqueLoops = []

    for p in range(int(len(indicesEdges[0] - 1))):
        rowNo = int(indicesEdges[0][p])
        columnNo = int(indicesEdges[1][p])

        for q, edge in enumerate(edges):

            if edge[rowNo, columnNo] == 1:

#    # When sum is two, the edge can be used to switch off two loops
#    extraIndicesEdges = np.where(sumEdges == 2)
#    extraLoops = []
#    for i in range(0,int(len(extraIndicesEdges[0]-1))):
#        twoLoops = []
#        rowNo = int(extraIndicesEdges[0][i])
#        columnNo = int(extraIndicesEdges[1][i])
#        j = 0
#        for edge in edges:
#            if edge[rowNo,columnNo] == 1:
#                twoLoops.append(sils[j])
#            j = j+1
#        extraLoops.append(twoLoops)

    return indicesEdges, uniqueLoops
Пример #11
def unique_edges(graph,sils):
    A = prt.adj(graph)
    A = np.asarray(A)
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    # Make an adjacency matrix for every loop in SILS.
    edges = [] # List of adjacency matrices for each loop
    for loop in sils:
        # For every loop, add edges to a matrix in adjacency-style.
        l = len(loop)
        E = np.zeros(A.shape)
        for j in range(0,l-1):
            source_name = loop[j]
            dest_name = loop[j+1]
            source = nodes.index(source_name)
            dest = nodes.index(dest_name)
            E[source,dest] = 1
        first_name = loop[0]
        last_name = loop[l-1]
        first = nodes.index(first_name)
        last = nodes.index(last_name)
        E[last,first] = 1
    # Sum occurrence of edges in loops.
    sum_edges = np.zeros(A.shape)
    for entry in edges:
        # sumEdges += entry
        sum_edges = np.add(sum_edges,entry)
    # When sum is one, the edge is in only one loop, so get indices.
    indices_edges = np.where(sum_edges == 1)
    unique_loops = []
    for p in range(int(len(indices_edges[0]-1))):
        rowNo = int(indices_edges[0][p])
        columnNo = int(indices_edges[1][p])
        for q,edge in enumerate(edges):
            if edge[rowNo,columnNo] == 1:
#    # When sum is two, the edge can be used to switch off two loops
#    extraIndicesEdges = np.where(sumEdges == 2)
#    extraLoops = []
#    for i in range(0,int(len(extraIndicesEdges[0]-1))):
#        twoLoops = []
#        rowNo = int(extraIndicesEdges[0][i])
#        columnNo = int(extraIndicesEdges[1][i])
#        j = 0
#        for edge in edges:
#            if edge[rowNo,columnNo] == 1:
#                twoLoops.append(sils[j])
#            j = j+1
#        extraLoops.append(twoLoops)
    return indices_edges,unique_loops
Пример #12
def unique_cons_edges(graph,sils):
    # Get graph information needed.
    A = prt.adj(graph)
    A = np.asarray(A)
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    # Make an adjacency matrix for every loop in sils
    edges = [] # List of adjacency-style matrices for each loop
    for loop in sils:
        # For every loop, add unique consecutive edges to a matrix in adjacency-style
        l = len(loop)
        E = np.zeros(A.shape)
        # If length of loop is 2 the else procedure would give problems
        if l == 2:
            for node in loop:
                index = nodes.index(node)
                E[index,index] = 1
            for j in range(0,l-2):
                source_name = loop[j]
                dest_name = loop[j+2] # This line is different, plus 2 this time.
                source = nodes.index(source_name)
                dest = nodes.index(dest_name)
                E[source,dest] = 1
            second_name = loop[1]
            first_name = loop[0]
            last_name = loop[l-1]
            last_but_one_name = loop[l-2]
            second = nodes.index(second_name)
            first = nodes.index(first_name)
            last = nodes.index(last_name)
            last_but_one = nodes.index(last_but_one_name)
            E[last_but_one,first] = 1
            E[last,second] = 1
    # Sum occurrence of consecutive edges in loops.
    sum_cons_edges = np.zeros(A.shape)
    for entry in edges:
        sum_cons_edges = np.add(sum_cons_edges,entry)
    # When sum is one, the edge is in only one loop, so get indices. 
    indices_cons_edges = np.where(sum_cons_edges == 1)
    unique_cons_loops = []
    # Construct the loop list and node indices list.
    for i in range(0,int(len(indices_cons_edges[0]-1))):
        rowNo = int(indices_cons_edges[0][i])
        columnNo = int(indices_cons_edges[1][i])
        j = 0
        for edge in edges:
            if edge[rowNo,columnNo] == 1:
            j = j+1
    return indices_cons_edges,unique_cons_loops
Пример #13
def switchChoose(sils,ind_edges,uniq_loops,ind_cons_edges,uniq_cons_loops,graph):

    # This function is used to come to a conclusion about which loop to switch off how.
    # First try to switch off as many loops as possible by finding unique edges.
    unique = []
    # Make element of the set uniqLoops unique.
    [unique.append(loop) for loop in uniq_loops if loop not in unique]
    # Get the right loop numbers.
    ind_source = []
    ind_dest = []
    loop_nos = []
    for loop in unique:
        loop_no = uniq_loops.index(loop)
    # Construct the indices list with indices for every loop.    
    [ind_source.append(ind_edges[0][loop_no]) for loop_no in loop_nos]
    [ind_dest.append(ind_edges[1][loop_no]) for loop_no in loop_nos]
    uniq_indices = [ind_source,ind_dest]
    # Now switching node indices for variable names.
    names_uniq = []
    for item in uniq_indices:
        names = prt.node_names(item,graph)
    # And reordering them into edge style.
    unique_edges = []
    for i in range(0,len(names_uniq[0])):
        unique_edge = [names_uniq[0][i],names_uniq[1][i]]
    # Now eliminating loops from the total collection that needs to be turned off.
    SILS = sils
    [SILS.remove(loop) for loop in unique if loop in SILS]
    # Now deleting which loops can be switched off by the method of consecutive edges.
    uniq_cons = []
    [uniq_cons.append(loop) for loop in uniq_cons_loops if loop not in uniq_cons]
    # Removing all loops that can already be turned off simpler.
    [uniq_cons.remove(loop) for loop in unique if loop in uniq_cons]
    # Constructing indices lists for every loop.
    ind_source = []
    ind_dest = []
    loop_nos = []
    for loop in uniq_cons:
        loop_no = uniq_cons_loops.index(loop)
    # List of indices for every loop with two unique cons edges.    
    [ind_source.append(ind_cons_edges[0][int(loopNo)]) for loopNo in loop_nos]
    [ind_dest.append(ind_cons_edges[1][int(loopNo)]) for loopNo in loop_nos]
    uniqConsIndices = [ind_source,ind_dest]
    # Now switching node indices for variable names.
    names_cons = []
    for item in uniqConsIndices:
        names2 = prt.node_names(item,graph)
    # And reordering them into edge style.
    unique_cons_edges = []
    for i in range(0,len(names_cons[0])):
        cons_edge = [names_cons[0][i],names_cons[1][i]]
    # Eliminating loops again from SILS.
    [SILS.remove(loop) for loop in uniq_cons if loop in SILS]
    return (unique,unique_edges,uniq_cons,unique_cons_edges,SILS)