Пример #1
def get_colony_fleets():
    """examines known planets, collects various colonization data, to be later used to send colony fleets"""
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()

    colonization_timer.start("Identify Existing colony/outpost targets")
    colony_targeted_planet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.COLONISATION)
    all_colony_targeted_system_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(colony_targeted_planet_ids)
    colony_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.COLONISATION)
    num_colony_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(colony_fleet_ids))

    outpost_targeted_planet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.OUTPOST)
        FleetUtilsAI.get_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.ORBITAL_OUTPOST)
    all_outpost_targeted_system_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(outpost_targeted_planet_ids)
    outpost_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.OUTPOST)
    num_outpost_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(outpost_fleet_ids))

    debug("Colony Targeted SystemIDs: %s" % all_colony_targeted_system_ids)
    debug("Colony Targeted PlanetIDs: %s" % colony_targeted_planet_ids)
    debug(colony_fleet_ids and "Colony Fleet IDs: %s" % colony_fleet_ids or "Available Colony Fleets: 0")
    debug("Colony Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_colony_fleets)
    debug("Outpost Targeted SystemIDs: %s" % all_outpost_targeted_system_ids)
    debug("Outpost Targeted PlanetIDs: %s" % outpost_targeted_planet_ids)
    debug(outpost_fleet_ids and "Outpost Fleet IDs: %s" % outpost_fleet_ids or "Available Outpost Fleets: 0")
    debug("Outpost Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_outpost_fleets)

    # export targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs = all_colony_targeted_system_ids
    AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs = all_outpost_targeted_system_ids

    colonization_timer.start("Identify colony base targets")
    # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
    available_pp = {tuple(el.key()): el.data() for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP}

    avail_pp_by_sys = {}
    for p_set in available_pp:
        avail_pp_by_sys.update([(sys_id, available_pp[p_set]) for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(p_set))])

    evaluated_colony_planet_ids = list(
        get_unowned_empty_planets().union(get_empire_outposts()) - set(colony_targeted_planet_ids)
    )  # places for possible colonyBase

    aistate = get_aistate()
    outpost_base_manager = aistate.orbital_colonization_manager

    for pid in evaluated_colony_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
        planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
        if not planet:
        sys_id = planet.systemID
        for pid2 in get_colonized_planets_in_system(sys_id):
            planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
            if not (planet2 and can_build_colony_for_species(planet2.speciesName)):
            if planet.unowned:
                outpost_base_manager.create_new_plan(pid, pid2)

    colonization_timer.start("Initiate outpost base construction")

    reserved_outpost_base_targets = outpost_base_manager.get_targets()
    debug("Current qualifyingOutpostBaseTargets: %s" % reserved_outpost_base_targets)
    colonization_timer.start("Evaluate Primary Colony Opportunities")

    evaluated_outpost_planet_ids = list(
        - set(outpost_targeted_planet_ids)
        - set(colony_targeted_planet_ids)
        - set(reserved_outpost_base_targets)

    evaluated_colony_planets = assign_colonisation_values(evaluated_colony_planet_ids, MissionType.COLONISATION, None)
    colonization_timer.stop("Evaluate %d Primary Colony Opportunities" % (len(evaluated_colony_planet_ids)))
    colonization_timer.start("Evaluate All Colony Opportunities")
        assign_colonisation_values(evaluated_colony_planet_ids, MissionType.COLONISATION, None, [], True)
    colonization_timer.start("Evaluate Outpost Opportunities")

    sorted_planets = list(evaluated_colony_planets.items())
    sorted_planets.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

    _print_colony_candidate_table(sorted_planets, show_detail=False)

    sorted_planets = [(planet_id, score[:2]) for planet_id, score in sorted_planets if score[0] > 0]
    # export planets for other AI modules

    evaluated_outpost_planets = assign_colonisation_values(evaluated_outpost_planet_ids, MissionType.OUTPOST, None)
    # if outposted planet would be in supply range, let outpost value be best of outpost value or colonization value
    for pid in set(evaluated_outpost_planets).intersection(evaluated_colony_planets):
        if get_planet_supply(pid, -99) >= 0:
            evaluated_outpost_planets[pid] = (
                max(evaluated_colony_planets[pid][0], evaluated_outpost_planets[pid][0]),


    sorted_outposts = list(evaluated_outpost_planets.items())
    sorted_outposts.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)


    sorted_outposts = [(planet_id, score[:2]) for planet_id, score in sorted_outposts if score[0] > 0]
    # export outposts for other AI modules
Пример #2
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"):
    """Get armed military fleets."""
    global military_allocations, totMilRating, num_milships

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is None:
        homeworld = None
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
    if homeworld:
        home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
        home_system_id = -1

    if mil_fleets_ids is not None:
        all_military_fleet_ids = mil_fleets_ids
        all_military_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY)
    if try_reset and (fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main":
        try_again(all_military_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround + " Reset")

    num_milships = 0
    for fid in all_military_fleet_ids:
        num_milships += foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fid, {}).get('nships', 0)

    enemy_rating = foAI.foAIstate.empire_standard_enemy_rating

    mil_fleets_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids))
    mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True)
    avail_mil_rating = sum(map(lambda x: foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(x).get('overall', 0), mil_fleets_ids))
    if "Main" in thisround:
        print "=================================================="
        print "%s Round Available Military Rating: %d" % (thisround, avail_mil_rating)
        print "---------------------------------"
    remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating
    allocations = []
    allocation_groups = {}

    if not mil_fleets_ids:
        if "Main" in thisround:
            military_allocations = []
        return []

    # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it
    already_assigned_rating = {}
    assigned_attack = {}
    assigned_hp = {}
    systems_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus
    enemy_sup_factor = {}  # enemy supply
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        assigned_attack[sys_id] = 0
        assigned_hp[sys_id] = 0
        enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min(2, len(systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('enemies_nearly_supplied', [])))
    for fleet_id in [fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids]:
        ai_fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
        if not ai_fleet_mission.target:  # shouldn't really be possible
        last_sys = ai_fleet_mission.target.get_system().id  # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list
        assigned_attack[last_sys] += foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleet_id).get('attack', 0)
        assigned_hp[last_sys] += foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleet_id).get('health', 0)
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        mydefenses = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('mydefenses', {})
        mypattack = mydefenses.get('attack', 0)
        myphealth = mydefenses.get('health', 0)
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = (assigned_attack[sys_id] + mypattack) * (assigned_hp[sys_id] + myphealth)
        if verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]:
            print "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" % (
                universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id])

    # get systems to defend
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is not None:
        capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
        capital_planet = None
    # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one!
    if capital_planet:
        capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID
    else:  # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system
        capital_sys_id = None  # unless we can find one to use
        system_dict = {}
        for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids:
            status = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None)
            if status is not None:
                sys_id = status['sysID']
                if not list(universe.getSystem(sys_id).planetIDs):
                system_dict[sys_id] = system_dict.get(sys_id, 0) + status.get('rating', {}).get('overall', 0)
        ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id) for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()])
        if ranked_systems:
            capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1]
                capital_sys_id = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.items()[0][1]['sysID']

    if False:
        if fo.currentTurn() < 20:
            threat_bias = 0
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 40:
            threat_bias = 10
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 60:
            threat_bias = 80
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 80:
            threat_bias = 200
            threat_bias = 400
        threat_bias = 0

    safety_factor = get_safety_factor()

    num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets)
    top_target_planets = ([pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allottedInvasionTargets] if pscore > 20] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > 20] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > 20])
    base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets)
    top_target_systems = []
    for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems:
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems:
            if foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[sys_id]['totalThreat'] > totMilRating:
            top_target_systems.append(sys_id)  # doing this rather than set, to preserve order

    if verbose_mil_reporting:
        print "----------------------------"
    # allocation format: ( sysID, newAllocation, takeAny, maxMultiplier )
    # ================================
    # --------Capital Threat ----------
    if capital_sys_id is not None:
        capital_sys_status = systems_status[capital_sys_id]
        capital_threat = safety_factor*(2 * threat_bias + combine_ratings_list([capital_sys_status[thrt_key] for thrt_key in ['totalThreat', 'neighborThreat']]))
        capital_threat += max(0, enemy_sup_factor[sys_id]*enemy_rating - capital_sys_status.get('my_neighbor_rating', 0))
        local_support = combine_ratings(already_assigned_rating[capital_sys_id], capital_sys_status['my_neighbor_rating'])
        base_needed_rating = rating_needed(capital_sys_status['regional_threat'], local_support)
        needed_rating = max(base_needed_rating, rating_needed(1.4 * capital_threat, already_assigned_rating[capital_sys_id]))
        max_alloc = max(rating_needed(1.5 * capital_sys_status['regional_threat'], already_assigned_rating[capital_sys_id]),
                        rating_needed(2 * capital_threat, already_assigned_rating[capital_sys_id]))
        new_alloc = 0
        if try_reset:
            if needed_rating > 0.5*avail_mil_rating:
        if needed_rating > 0:
            new_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, needed_rating)
            allocations.append((capital_sys_id, new_alloc, True, max_alloc))
            allocation_groups.setdefault('capitol', []).append((capital_sys_id, new_alloc, True, max_alloc))
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                report_format = ("\tAt Capital system %s, local threat %.1f, regional threat %.1f, local support %.1f, "
                                 "base_needed_rating %.1f, needed_rating %.1f, new allocation %.1f")
                print report_format % (universe.getSystem(capital_sys_id), capital_threat,
                                       capital_sys_status['regional_threat'], local_support,
                                       base_needed_rating, needed_rating, new_alloc)
            remaining_mil_rating -= new_alloc
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "Empire Capital System: (%d) %s -- threat : %d, military allocation: existing: %d ; new: %d" % (capital_sys_id, universe.getSystem(capital_sys_id).name, capital_threat, already_assigned_rating[capital_sys_id], new_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    # ================================
    # --------Empire Occupied Systems ----------
    empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    empire_occupied_system_ids = list(set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id})
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Empire-Occupied Systems: %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (eo_sys_id, universe.getSystem(eo_sys_id).name) for eo_sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids])
            print "-----------------"
    new_alloc = 0
    if empire_occupied_system_ids:
        oc_sys_tot_threat_v1 = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor*combine_ratings_list(
                                [systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get(thrt_key, 0) for thrt_key in ['totalThreat', 'neighborThreat']]))
                                                                                            for o_s_id in empire_occupied_system_ids]
        tot_oc_sys_threat = sum([thrt for _, thrt in oc_sys_tot_threat_v1])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, _ in oc_sys_tot_threat_v1])
        # intentionally after tallies, but perhaps should be before
        oc_sys_tot_threat = []
        threat_details = {}
        for sys_id, sys_threat in oc_sys_tot_threat_v1:
            j2_threat = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('jump2_threat', 0)
            local_defenses = combine_ratings_list([systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('my_neighbor_rating', 0),
            threat_details[sys_id] = (sys_threat, enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] * 0.5 * enemy_rating,
                                      j2_threat, local_defenses)
            oc_sys_tot_threat.append((sys_id, sys_threat + max(0,
                                                               enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] * 0.5 * enemy_rating +
                                                               j2_threat - local_defenses

        oc_sys_alloc = 0
        for sid, thrt in oc_sys_tot_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.3 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            max_alloc = rating_needed(2*thrt, cur_alloc)
            if (needed_rating > 0.8 * remaining_mil_rating) and try_reset:
            this_alloc = 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and remaining_mil_rating > 0:
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, 0.5 * avail_mil_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, True, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('occupied', []).append((sid, this_alloc, True, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                oc_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Provincial Occupied system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
                    print "\t base threat was %.1f, supply_threat %.1f, jump2_threat %.1f, and local defenses %.1f" % (
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "Provincial Empire-Occupied Sytems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation: existing %d ; new: %d" % (tot_oc_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, oc_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    # ================================
    # --------Top Targeted Systems ----------
    # TODO: do native invasions highest priority
    other_targeted_system_ids = top_target_systems
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Top Colony and Invasion Targeted Systems : %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids])
            print "-----------------"
    new_alloc = 0
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor * combine_ratings_list([
                                systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('totalThreat', 0),
                                0.75 * systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0),
                                0.5 * systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('jump2_threat', 0)]))
                         for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        # intentionally after tallies, but perhaps should be before
        ot_sys_threat = [(sys_id, sys_threat + enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] * 0.5 * enemy_rating) for sys_id, sys_threat in ot_sys_threat]
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4*thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                max_alloc = rating_needed(3 * thrt, cur_alloc)
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('topTargets', []).append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Top Colony and Invasion Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    # ================================
    # --------Targeted Systems ----------
    # TODO: do native invasions highest priority
    other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Other Invasion Targeted Systems : %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids])
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc local threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor*combine_ratings_list([
                                systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('totalThreat', 0),
                                0.75*systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0),
                                0.5*systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('jump2_threat', 0)]))
                         for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        # intentionally after tallies, but perhaps should be before
        ot_sys_threat = [(sys_id, sys_threat + enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] * 0.5 * enemy_rating) for sys_id, sys_threat in ot_sys_threat]
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = rating_needed(2 * thrt, cur_alloc)
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Invasion Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Other Targeted Systems : %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids])
            print "-----------------"
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor*combine_ratings_list([
                                systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('totalThreat', 0),
                                0.75*systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0),
                                0.5*systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('jump2_threat', 0)]))
                         for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        # intentionally after tallies, but perhaps should be before
        ot_sys_threat = [(sys_id, sys_threat + enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] * 0.5 * enemy_rating) for sys_id, sys_threat in ot_sys_threat]
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        new_alloc = 0
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = rating_needed(3*thrt, cur_alloc)
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    other_targeted_system_ids = []
    # targetable_ids = ColonisationAI.annexableSystemIDs.union(empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs)
    targetable_ids = set(ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(0, []) + ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(1, []))
    for sys_id in AIstate.opponentSystemIDs:
        if sys_id in targetable_ids:
            for nID in universe.getImmediateNeighbors(sys_id, empire_id):
                if nID in targetable_ids:

    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Blockade Targeted Systems : %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids])
            print "-----------------"
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor*combine_ratings_list([
                                systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('totalThreat', 0),
                                0.75*systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0),
                                0.5*systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('jump2_threat', 0)]))
                         for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        # intentionally after tallies, but perhaps should be before
        # this supply threat calc intentionally uses a lower multiplier 0.25
        ot_sys_threat = [(sys_id, sys_threat + enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] * 0.25 * enemy_rating) for sys_id, sys_threat in ot_sys_threat]
        new_alloc = 0
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4*thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = 1.5 * this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Blockade Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Blockade Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, take_any, mm in allocations]
    interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems)
    interior_targets = [sid for sid in interior_targets1 if (
        threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) > 0.8 * already_assigned_rating[sid])]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Other Empire-Proximal Systems : %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in interior_targets1])
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc local threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if interior_targets:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor*(systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('totalThreat', 0))) for o_s_id in interior_targets]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        # do not add enemy supply threat here
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.5 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = 3 * this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Other interior system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Interior Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"
    elif "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "-----------------"
            print "No Other Interior Systems with fleet threat "
            print "-----------------"

    monster_dens = []

    # explo_target_ids, _ = ExplorationAI.get_current_exploration_info(verbose=False)
    explo_target_ids = []
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Exploration-targeted Systems: %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in explo_target_ids])
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if explo_target_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, safety_factor*combine_ratings(systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0), systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('planetThreat', 0))) for o_s_id in explo_target_ids]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([0.8*already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        # intentionally after tallies, but perhaps should be before
        # this supply threat calc intentionally uses a lower multiplier 0.25
        ot_sys_threat = [(sys_id, sys_threat + enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] * 0.25 * enemy_rating) for sys_id, sys_threat in ot_sys_threat]
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = False
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = 2 * this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('exploreTargets', []).append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Exploration-targeted %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Exploration-targeted s under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys() + foAI.foAIstate. visBorderSystemIDs.keys()
    accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)]
    current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, take_any, multiplier in allocations if alloc > 0]
    border_targets1 = [sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems]
    border_targets = [sid for sid in border_targets1 if (threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('planetThreat', 0) > 0.8*already_assigned_rating[sid])]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Empire-Accessible Systems not yet allocated military: %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id) and universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in border_targets1])
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if border_targets:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor*combine_ratings(systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0), systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('planetThreat', 0))) for o_s_id in border_targets]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([0.8*already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        # do not add enemy supply threat here
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.2 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = False
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = safety_factor*2*max(systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('accessibleTargets', []).append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Other Empire-Accessible system %4d ( %10s ) has local biased threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Empire-Accessible Systems under total biased threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"
    elif "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "-----------------"
            print "No Other Empire-Accessible Systems with biased local threat "
            print "-----------------"

    # monster den treatment probably unnecessary now
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Big-Monster Dens: %s" % (["| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name) for sys_id in monster_dens])
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if monster_dens:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(o_s_id, safety_factor * combine_ratings_list([systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0), systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0), systems_status.get(o_s_id, {}).get('planetThreat', 0)])) for o_s_id in monster_dens]
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = 0.8 * already_assigned_rating[sid]
            this_alloc = 0
            if (thrt > cur_alloc) and remaining_mil_rating > 2 * thrt:
                this_alloc = int(0.99999 + (thrt - cur_alloc) * 1.5)
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, False, 5))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Monster Den %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc, this_alloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"

    new_allocations = []
    remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating
    # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available
    for cat in ['capitol', 'occupied', 'topTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc)
            new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, take_any))
            remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc

    base_allocs = set()
    # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            remaining_mil_rating -= alloc
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_groups.get(cat, []):
            if sid not in base_allocs:
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
                new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, take_any))
                new_rating = min(remaining_mil_rating + alloc, max_alloc)
                new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, take_any))
                remaining_mil_rating -= (new_rating - alloc)

    if "Main" in thisround:
        military_allocations = new_allocations
    minMilAllocations.update([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, take_any, mm in allocations])
    if verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround:
        print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (thisround, dict([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations]))
        print "(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" % remaining_mil_rating

    # export military systems for other AI modules
    if "Main" in thisround:
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list(set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations]).union([sid for sid in already_assigned_rating if already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0]))
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list(set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations]).union(AIstate.militarySystemIDs))
    return new_allocations
Пример #3
def _calculate_military_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for military ships by military targeted systems."""
    global unmetThreat

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is None or capital_id == INVALID_ID:
        return 0  # no capitol (not even a capitol-in-the-making), means can't produce any ships

    have_l1_weaps = (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_1_4") or
                     (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_1_3") and tech_is_complete("SHP_MIL_ROBO_CONT")) or
                     tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_1") or
    have_l2_weaps = (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_3") or
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})

    allotted_invasion_targets = 1 + int(fo.currentTurn()/25)
    target_planet_ids = [pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:allotted_invasion_targets]] + [pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:allottedColonyTargets]] + [pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:allottedColonyTargets]]

    my_systems = set(state.get_empire_planets_by_system())
    target_systems = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(target_planet_ids))

    cur_ship_rating = ProductionAI.cur_best_military_design_rating()
    current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
    ships_needed = 0
    defense_ships_needed = 0
    ships_needed_allocation = []
    for sys_id in my_systems.union(target_systems):
        status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
        my_rating = status.get('myFleetRating', 0)
        my_defenses = status.get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
        base_monster_threat = status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        # scale monster threat so that in early - mid game big monsters don't over-drive military production
        monster_threat = base_monster_threat
        if current_turn > 200:
        elif current_turn > 100:
            if base_monster_threat >= 2000:
                monster_threat = 2000 + (current_turn / 100.0 - 1) * (base_monster_threat - 2000)
        elif current_turn > 30:
            if base_monster_threat >= 2000:
                monster_threat = 0
            if base_monster_threat > 200:
                monster_threat = 0
        if sys_id in my_systems:
            threat_root = status.get('fleetThreat', 0)**0.5 + 0.8*status.get('max_neighbor_threat', 0)**0.5 + 0.2*status.get('neighborThreat', 0)**0.5 + monster_threat**0.5 + status.get('planetThreat', 0)**0.5
            threat_root = status.get('fleetThreat', 0)**0.5 + monster_threat**0.5 + status.get('planetThreat', 0)**0.5
        ships_needed_here = math.ceil((max(0, (threat_root - (my_rating ** 0.5 + my_defenses ** 0.5))) ** 2) / cur_ship_rating)
        ships_needed += ships_needed_here
        ships_needed_allocation.append((universe.getSystem(sys_id), ships_needed_here))
        if sys_id in my_systems:
            defense_ships_needed += ships_needed_here

    part1 = min(1 * fo.currentTurn(), 40)
    part2 = max(0, int(75 * ships_needed))
    military_priority = part1 + part2
    if not have_l1_weaps:
        military_priority /= 2.0
    elif not (have_l2_weaps and enemies_sighted):
        military_priority /= 1.5
    fmt_string = "Calculating Military Priority:  min(t,40) + max(0,75 * ships_needed) \n\t  Priority: %d  \t ships_needed: %d \t defense_ships_needed: %d \t curShipRating: %.0f \t l1_weaps: %s \t enemies_sighted: %s"
    print fmt_string % (military_priority, ships_needed, defense_ships_needed, cur_ship_rating, have_l1_weaps, enemies_sighted)
    print "Source of milship demand: ", ships_needed_allocation

    military_priority *= foAI.foAIstate.character.military_priority_scaling()
    return max(military_priority, 0)
Пример #4
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")

    all_invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    AIstate.invasionFleetIDs = FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_invasion_fleet_ids)

    # get suppliable planets
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
    if homeworld:
        home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
        home_system_id = -1

    fleet_suppliable_system_ids = empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs
    fleet_suppliable_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(fleet_suppliable_system_ids)

    prime_invadable_system_ids = set(ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids)
    prime_invadable_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(prime_invadable_system_ids)

    visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys() + foAI.foAIstate. visBorderSystemIDs.keys()

    if home_system_id != -1:
        accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if (sys_id != -1) and universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)]
        print "Invasion Warning: this empire has no identifiable homeworld, will therefor treat all visible planets as accessible."
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids  # TODO: check if any troop ships still owned, use their system as home system
    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(accessible_system_ids)
    print "Accessible Systems: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(accessible_system_ids))

    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # need these for unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # need this for natives
    print "All Visible and accessible Populated PlanetIDs (including this empire's): ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(all_populated_planets))
    print "Prime Invadable Target Systems: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(prime_invadable_system_ids))

    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)

    invadable_planet_ids = set(prime_invadable_planet_ids).intersection(set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids))
    print "Prime Invadable PlanetIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(invadable_planet_ids))

    print "Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs))
    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    invasion_targeted_planet_ids.extend(get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_ORBITAL_INVASION))
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    print "Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    if not invasion_fleet_ids:
        print "Available Invasion Fleets: 0"
        print "Invasion FleetIDs: %s" % FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)

    num_invasion_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(invasion_fleet_ids))
    print "Invasion Fleets Without Missions:    %s" % num_invasion_fleets
    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    # only do base invasions if aggression is typical or above
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.typical:
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet: 
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(pid, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            for pid2 in ColonisationAI.empire_species_systems.get(sys_id,  {}).get('pids', []):
                if available_pp.get(pid2,  0) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2: 
                if pid not in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets and planet2.speciesName in ColonisationAI.empire_ship_builders:
                    foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.setdefault(pid,  [pid2,  -1])

        for pid in list(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)  # TODO: also check that still have a colony in this system that can make troops
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]

        secure_ai_fleet_missions = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types([EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_SECURE])
        for pid in (set(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids)):  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                continue  # already building for here
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sys_id,  {})
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0 and
                    this_sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0) < 0.8 * this_sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0)):
            loc = foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            this_score,  p_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid, empire, secure_ai_fleet_missions, False)
            best_ship, col_design, build_choices = ProductionAI.getBestShipInfo(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)
            if not best_ship:
            n_bases = math.ceil((p_troops+1) / 2)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(best_ship, loc)
            print "Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" % (n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([loc]), PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([pid]))
            if retval != 0:
                foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                fo.issueChangeProductionQuantityOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 0)

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) - set(reserved_troop_base_targets))
    print "Evaluating potential invasions, PlanetIDs: %s" % evaluated_planet_ids

    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, fleet_suppliable_planet_ids, empire)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    if sorted_planets:
        print "Invadable planets:\n%-6s | %-6s | %-16s | %-16s | Troops" % ('ID', 'Score', 'Name', 'Race')
        for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet:
                print "%6d | %6d | %16s | %16s | %d" % (pid, pscore, planet.name, planet.speciesName, ptroops)
                print "%6d | %6d | Error: invalid planet ID" % (pid, pscore)
        print "No Invadable planets identified"

    sorted_planets = filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0, sorted_planets)
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, _, _ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" % (len(evaluated_planet_ids)))
Пример #5
def _calculate_military_priority():
    """Calculates the demand for military ships by military targeted systems."""
    global unmetThreat

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is None or capital_id == INVALID_ID:
        return 0  # no capitol (not even a capitol-in-the-making), means can't produce any ships
    have_l1_weaps = (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_1_4") or
                     (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_1_3") and tech_is_complete("SHP_MIL_ROBO_CONT")) or
                     tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_1") or
    have_l2_weaps = (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_3") or
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})
    allotted_invasion_targets = 1 + int(fo.currentTurn()/25)
    target_planet_ids = [pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:allotted_invasion_targets]] + [pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:allottedColonyTargets]] + [pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:allottedColonyTargets]]

    my_systems = set(AIstate.popCtrSystemIDs).union(AIstate.outpostSystemIDs)
    target_systems = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(target_planet_ids))

    cur_ship_rating = ProductionAI.cur_best_military_design_rating()
    current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
    ships_needed = 0
    defense_ships_needed = 0
    ships_needed_allocation = []
    for sys_id in my_systems.union(target_systems):
        status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
        my_rating = status.get('myFleetRating', 0)
        my_defenses = status.get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
        base_monster_threat = status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        # scale monster threat so that in early - mid game big monsters don't over-drive military production
        monster_threat = base_monster_threat
        if current_turn > 200:
        elif current_turn > 100:
            if base_monster_threat >= 2000:
                monster_threat = 2000 + (current_turn / 100.0 - 1) * (base_monster_threat - 2000)
        elif current_turn > 30:
            if base_monster_threat >= 2000:
                monster_threat = 0
            if base_monster_threat > 200:
                monster_threat = 0
        if sys_id in my_systems:
            threat_root = status.get('fleetThreat', 0)**0.5 + 0.8*status.get('max_neighbor_threat', 0)**0.5 + 0.2*status.get('neighborThreat', 0)**0.5 + monster_threat**0.5 + status.get('planetThreat', 0)**0.5
            threat_root = status.get('fleetThreat', 0)**0.5 + monster_threat**0.5 + status.get('planetThreat', 0)**0.5
        ships_needed_here = math.ceil((max(0, (threat_root - (my_rating ** 0.5 + my_defenses ** 0.5))) ** 2) / cur_ship_rating)
        ships_needed += ships_needed_here
        ships_needed_allocation.append((universe.getSystem(sys_id), ships_needed_here))
        if sys_id in my_systems:
            defense_ships_needed += ships_needed_here

    part1 = min(1 * fo.currentTurn(), 40)
    part2 = max(0, int(75 * ships_needed))
    military_priority = part1 + part2
    if not have_l1_weaps:
        military_priority /= 2.0
    elif not (have_l2_weaps and enemies_sighted):
        military_priority /= 1.5
    fmt_string = "Calculating Military Priority:  min(t,40) + max(0,75 * ships_needed) \n\t  Priority: %d  \t ships_needed: %d \t defense_ships_needed: %d \t curShipRating: %.0f \t l1_weaps: %s \t enemies_sighted: %s"
    print fmt_string % (military_priority, ships_needed, defense_ships_needed, cur_ship_rating, have_l1_weaps, enemies_sighted)
    print "Source of milship demand: ", ships_needed_allocation
    military_priority *= foAI.foAIstate.character.military_priority_scaling()
    return max(military_priority, 0)
Пример #6
def get_military_fleets(milFleetIDs=None, tryReset=True, thisround="Main"):
    """get armed military fleets"""
    global military_allocations, totMilRating, num_milships

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is None:
        homeworld = None
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
    if homeworld:
        home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
        home_system_id = -1

    if milFleetIDs is not None:
        all_military_fleet_ids = milFleetIDs
        all_military_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    if tryReset and (fo.currentTurn() +
                     empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main":
                  thisround=thisround + " Reset")

    num_milships = 0
    for fid in all_military_fleet_ids:
        num_milships += foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fid,
                                                       {}).get('nships', 0)

    this_tot_mil_rating = sum(
        map(lambda x: foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(x).get('overall', 0),
    if "Main" in thisround:
        totMilRating = this_tot_mil_rating
        print "=================================================="
        print "%s Round Total Military Rating: %d" % (thisround, totMilRating)
        print "---------------------------------"
        foAI.foAIstate.militaryRating = totMilRating

    milFleetIDs = list(
    mil_needing_repair_ids, milFleetIDs = avail_mil_needing_repair(
        milFleetIDs, split_ships=True)
    avail_mil_rating = sum(
        map(lambda x: foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(x).get('overall', 0),
    if "Main" in thisround:
        print "=================================================="
        print "%s Round Available Military Rating: %d" % (thisround,
        print "---------------------------------"
    remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating
    allocations = []
    allocation_groups = {}

    if not milFleetIDs:
        if "Main" in thisround:
            military_allocations = []
        return []

    # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it
    already_assigned_rating = {}
    assigned_attack = {}
    assigned_hp = {}
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        assigned_attack[sys_id] = 0
        assigned_hp[sys_id] = 0
    for fleet_id in [
            fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in milFleetIDs
        ai_fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
        sys_targets = []
        for ai_fleet_mission_type in ai_fleet_mission.get_mission_types():
            ai_targets = ai_fleet_mission.get_targets(ai_fleet_mission_type)
            for aiTarget in ai_targets:
        if not sys_targets:  # shouldn't really be possible
        last_sys = sys_targets[
            -1].target_id  # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list
        assigned_attack[last_sys] += foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleet_id).get(
            'attack', 0)
        assigned_hp[last_sys] += foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleet_id).get(
            'health', 0)
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        mydefenses = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sys_id,
                                                     {}).get('mydefenses', {})
        mypattack = mydefenses.get('attack', 0)
        myphealth = mydefenses.get('health', 0)
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = (assigned_attack[sys_id] +
                                           mypattack) * (assigned_hp[sys_id] +

    # get systems to defend
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is not None:
        capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
        capital_planet = None
    # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one!
    if capital_planet:
        capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID
    else:  # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system
        capital_sys_id = None  # unless we can find one to use
        system_dict = {}
        for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids:
            status = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None)
            if status is not None:
                sys_id = status['sysID']
                if not list(universe.getSystem(sys_id).planetIDs):
                system_dict[sys_id] = system_dict.get(sys_id, 0) + status.get(
                    'rating', {}).get('overall', 0)
        ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id)
                                 for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()])
        if ranked_systems:
            capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1]
                capital_sys_id = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.items(

    if False:
        if fo.currentTurn() < 20:
            threat_bias = 0
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 40:
            threat_bias = 10
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 60:
            threat_bias = 80
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 80:
            threat_bias = 200
            threat_bias = 400
        threat_bias = 0

    safety_factor = get_safety_factor()

    top_target_planets = [
        pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.
        invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allottedInvasionTargets] if pscore > 20
    ] + [
        pid for pid, (pscore,
                      spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:10]
        if pscore > 20
    top_target_systems = []
    for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems:
                sys_id)  # doing this rather than set, to preserve order

    # allocation format: ( sysID, newAllocation, takeAny, maxMultiplier )
    # ================================
    # --------Capital Threat ----------
    capital_threat = safety_factor * (2 * threat_bias + sum([
        for thrt_key in ['totalThreat', 'neighborThreat']
    needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4 * capital_threat,
    new_alloc = 0
    if tryReset:
        if needed_rating > 0.5 * avail_mil_rating:
    if needed_rating > 0:
        new_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, needed_rating)
            (capital_sys_id, new_alloc, True, 1.6 * capital_threat))
        allocation_groups.setdefault('capitol', []).append(
            (capital_sys_id, new_alloc, True, 2 * capital_threat))
        remaining_mil_rating -= new_alloc
    if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Empire Capital System: (%d) %s -- threat : %d, military allocation: existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                capital_sys_id, universe.getSystem(capital_sys_id).name,
                capital_threat, already_assigned_rating[capital_sys_id],
            print "-----------------"

    # ================================
    # --------Empire Occupied Systems ----------
    empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(
    empire_occupied_system_ids = list(
        set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id})
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Empire-Occupied Systems: %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (eo_sys_id, universe.getSystem(eo_sys_id).name)
                for eo_sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids
            print "-----------------"
    new_alloc = 0
    if empire_occupied_system_ids:
        oc_sys_tot_threat = [(o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor * sum([
            foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(thrt_key, 0)
            for thrt_key in ['totalThreat', 'neighborThreat']
        ])) for o_s_id in empire_occupied_system_ids]
        totoc_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in oc_sys_tot_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum(
            [already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in oc_sys_tot_threat])
        oc_sys_alloc = 0
        for sid, thrt in oc_sys_tot_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.3 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            if (needed_rating > 0.8 * remaining_mil_rating) and tryReset:
            this_alloc = 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and remaining_mil_rating > 0:
                this_alloc = max(
                    min(needed_rating, 0.5 * avail_mil_rating,
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, True, 1.6 * thrt))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('occupied', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, True, 2 * thrt))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                oc_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Provincial Occupied system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "Provincial Empire-Occupied Sytems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation: existing %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totoc_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, oc_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    # ================================
    # --------Top Targeted Systems ----------
    # TODO: do native invasions highest priority
    other_targeted_system_ids = top_target_systems
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Top Colony and Invasion Targeted Systems : %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc local threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [
            (o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor *
             (foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(
                 'totalThreat', 0) + 0.5 * foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                     o_s_id, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0)))
            for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum(
            [already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating
                                      or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                max_alloc = safety_factor * 3 * max(
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'totalThreat', 0),
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'neightborThreat', 0))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('topTargets', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Top Colony and Invasion Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    # ================================
    # --------Targeted Systems ----------
    # TODO: do native invasions highest priority
    other_targeted_system_ids = [
        for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs))
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Other Invasion Targeted Systems : %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc local threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [
            (o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor *
             (foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(
                 'totalThreat', 0) + 0.5 * foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                     o_s_id, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0)))
            for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum(
            [already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.4 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating
                                      or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = safety_factor * 3 * max(
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'totalThreat', 0),
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Invasion Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    other_targeted_system_ids = [
        sys_id for sys_id in list(
            set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Other Targeted Systems : %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids
            print "-----------------"
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [
            (o_s_id, safety_factor *
             (threat_bias + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(
                 'totalThreat', 0) + 0.5 * foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                     o_s_id, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0)))
            for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum(
            [already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        new_alloc = 0
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.2 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating
                                      or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = safety_factor * 3 * max(
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'totalThreat', 0),
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    other_targeted_system_ids = []
    # targetable_ids = ColonisationAI.annexableSystemIDs.union(empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs)
    targetable_ids = set(
        ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(0, []) +
        ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(1, []))
    for sys_id in AIstate.opponentSystemIDs:
        if sys_id in targetable_ids:
            for nID in universe.getImmediateNeighbors(sys_id, empire_id):
                if nID in targetable_ids:

    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Blockade Targeted Systems : %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids
            print "-----------------"
    if other_targeted_system_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [
            (o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor *
             (foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(
                 'totalThreat', 0) + 0.5 * foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                     o_s_id, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0)))
            for o_s_id in other_targeted_system_ids
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum(
            [already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        new_alloc = 0
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.2 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating
                                      or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = safety_factor * 2 * max(
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'totalThreat', 0),
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Blockade Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Blockade Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, take_any, mm in allocations]
    interior_ids = list(foAI.foAIstate.expInteriorSystemIDs)
    interior_targets1 = (
    interior_targets = [
        sid for sid in interior_targets1
        if (threat_bias +
            foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) >
            0.8 * already_assigned_rating[sid])
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Other Empire-Proximal Systems : %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                for sys_id in interior_targets1
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if interior_targets:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [
             threat_bias + safety_factor * (foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                 o_s_id, {}).get('totalThreat', 0)))
            for o_s_id in interior_targets
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum(
            [already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.2 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating
                                      or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = safety_factor * 2 * max(
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'totalThreat', 0),
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Other interior system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Interior Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"
    elif "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "-----------------"
            print "No Other Interior Systems with fleet threat "
            print "-----------------"

    monster_dens = []

    # explo_target_ids, _ = ExplorationAI.get_current_exploration_info(verbose=False)
    explo_target_ids = []
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Exploration-targeted Systems: %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                for sys_id in explo_target_ids
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if explo_target_ids:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(
            o_s_id, safety_factor *
            (foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0)
             + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(
                 'monsterThreat', 0) + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                     o_s_id, {}).get('planetThreat', 0)))
                         for o_s_id in explo_target_ids]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([
            0.8 * already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.2 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = False
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating
                                      or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = safety_factor * 2 * max(
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'totalThreat', 0),
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('exploreTargets', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Exploration-targeted %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Exploration-targeted s under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"

    visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys(
    ) + foAI.foAIstate.visBorderSystemIDs.keys()
    accessible_system_ids = [
        sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids
        if universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)
    current_mil_systems = [
        sid for sid, alloc, take_any, multiplier in allocations if alloc > 0
    border_targets1 = [
        sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems
    border_targets = [
        sid for sid in border_targets1
        if (threat_bias +
            foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) +
            foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('planetThreat', 0) >
            0.8 * already_assigned_rating[sid])
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Empire-Accessible Systems not yet allocated military: %s" % (
                    "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id)
                                   and universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                    for sys_id in border_targets1
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if border_targets:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(
            o_s_id, threat_bias + safety_factor *
            (foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0)
             + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(
                 'monsterThreat', 0) + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                     o_s_id, {}).get('planetThreat', 0)))
                         for o_s_id in border_targets]
        totot_sys_threat = sum([thrt for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat])
        tot_cur_alloc = sum([
            0.8 * already_assigned_rating[sid] for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = already_assigned_rating[sid]
            needed_rating = rating_needed(1.2 * thrt, cur_alloc)
            this_alloc = 0
            # only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            take_any = False
            if needed_rating > 0 and (remaining_mil_rating > needed_rating
                                      or take_any):
                this_alloc = max(0, min(needed_rating, remaining_mil_rating))
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                max_alloc = safety_factor * 2 * max(
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'totalThreat', 0),
                    foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get(
                        'neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                allocation_groups.setdefault('accessibleTargets', []).append(
                    (sid, this_alloc, take_any, max_alloc))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Other Empire-Accessible system %4d ( %10s ) has local biased threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Empire-Accessible Systems under total biased threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d" % (
                    totot_sys_threat, tot_cur_alloc, ot_sys_alloc)
                print "-----------------"
    elif "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "-----------------"
            print "No Other Empire-Accessible Systems with biased local threat "
            print "-----------------"

    # monster den treatment probably unnecessary now
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verbose_mil_reporting:
            print "Big-Monster Dens: %s" % ([
                "| %d %s |" % (sys_id, universe.getSystem(sys_id).name)
                for sys_id in monster_dens
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    new_alloc = 0
    if monster_dens:
        ot_sys_alloc = 0
        ot_sys_threat = [(
            o_s_id, safety_factor *
            (foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0)
             + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(o_s_id, {}).get(
                 'monsterThreat', 0) + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(
                     o_s_id, {}).get('planetThreat', 0)))
                         for o_s_id in monster_dens]
        for sid, thrt in ot_sys_threat:
            cur_alloc = 0.8 * already_assigned_rating[sid]
            this_alloc = 0
            if (thrt > cur_alloc) and remaining_mil_rating > 2 * thrt:
                this_alloc = int(0.99999 + (thrt - cur_alloc) * 1.5)
                new_alloc += this_alloc
                allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, False, 5))
                remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc
                ot_sys_alloc += this_alloc
            if "Main" in thisround or this_alloc > 0:
                if verbose_mil_reporting:
                    print "Monster Den %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d" % (
                        sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, cur_alloc,
        if "Main" in thisround or new_alloc > 0:
            if verbose_mil_reporting:
                print "-----------------"

    if remaining_mil_rating <= 6:
        new_allocations = [(sid, alc, alc, ta)
                           for (sid, alc, ta, mm) in allocations]
        print "%s Round Remaining military strength allocation %d will be allocated as surplus allocation to top current priorities" % (
            thisround, remaining_mil_rating)
        new_allocations = []
        for cat in [
                'capitol', 'topTargets', 'otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets',
                'occupied', 'exploreTargets'
            for sid, alloc, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_groups.get(
                    cat, []):
                if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
                    new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, take_any))
                    new_rating = min(
                        remaining_mil_rating + alloc,
                    new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, take_any))
                    remaining_mil_rating -= (new_rating - alloc)

    if "Main" in thisround:
        military_allocations = new_allocations
    minMilAllocations.update([(sid, alloc)
                              for sid, alloc, take_any, mm in allocations])
    if verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround:
        print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (
            dict([(sid, alloc)
                  for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations]))

    # export military systems for other AI modules
    if "Main" in thisround:
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list(
            set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations
                     sid for sid in already_assigned_rating
                     if already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list(
            set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations
    return new_allocations
Пример #7
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")

    all_invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    AIstate.invasionFleetIDs = FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_invasion_fleet_ids)

    # get suppliable planets
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
    if homeworld:
        home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
        home_system_id = -1

    fleet_suppliable_system_ids = empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs
    fleet_suppliable_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(fleet_suppliable_system_ids)

    prime_invadable_system_ids = set(ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids)
    prime_invadable_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(prime_invadable_system_ids)

    visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys() + foAI.foAIstate. visBorderSystemIDs.keys()

    if home_system_id != -1:
        accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if (sys_id != -1) and universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)]
        print "Invasion Warning: this empire has no identifiable homeworld, will therefor treat all visible planets as accessible."
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids  # TODO: check if any troop ships still owned, use their system as home system
    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(accessible_system_ids)
    print "Accessible Systems: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(accessible_system_ids))

    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # need these for unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # need this for natives
    print "All Visible and accessible Populated PlanetIDs (including this empire's): ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(all_populated_planets))
    print "Prime Invadable Target Systems: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(prime_invadable_system_ids))

    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)

    invadable_planet_ids = set(prime_invadable_planet_ids).intersection(set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids))
    print "Prime Invadable PlanetIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(invadable_planet_ids))

    print "Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs))
    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    invasion_targeted_planet_ids.extend(get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_ORBITAL_INVASION))
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    print "Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    if not invasion_fleet_ids:
        print "Available Invasion Fleets: 0"
        print "Invasion FleetIDs: %s" % FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)

    num_invasion_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(invasion_fleet_ids))
    print "Invasion Fleets Without Missions:    %s" % num_invasion_fleets
    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    # only do base invasions if aggression is typical or above
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.typical:
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet: 
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(pid, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            for pid2 in ColonisationAI.empire_species_systems.get(sys_id,  {}).get('pids', []):
                if available_pp.get(pid2,  0) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2: 
                if pid not in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets and planet2.speciesName in ColonisationAI.empire_ship_builders:
                    foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.setdefault(pid,  [pid2,  -1])

        for pid in list(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)  # TODO: also check that still have a colony in this system that can make troops
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]

        secure_ai_fleet_missions = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types([EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_SECURE])
        for pid in (set(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids)):  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                continue  # already building for here
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sys_id,  {})
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0 and
                    this_sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0) < 0.8 * this_sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0)):
            loc = foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            best_base_trooper_here = ProductionAI.getBestShipInfo(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)[1]
            if best_base_trooper_here == None:  # shouldn't be possible at this point, but just to be safe
            # TODO: have TroopShipDesigner give the expected number of troops including species effects
            troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
            if not troops_per_ship:
            this_score,  p_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid, empire, secure_ai_fleet_missions, False)
            best_ship, col_design, build_choices = ProductionAI.getBestShipInfo(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)
            if not best_ship:
            n_bases = math.ceil((p_troops+1) / troops_per_ship)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            print "Invasion base planning, need %d troops at %d pership, will build %d ships." % ((p_troops+1), troops_per_ship, n_bases)
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(best_ship, loc)
            print "Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" % (n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([loc]), PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([pid]))
            if retval != 0:
                foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                fo.issueChangeProductionQuantityOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 0)

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) - set(reserved_troop_base_targets))
    print "Evaluating potential invasions, PlanetIDs: %s" % evaluated_planet_ids

    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, fleet_suppliable_planet_ids, empire)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    if sorted_planets:
        print "Invadable planets:\n%-6s | %-6s | %-16s | %-16s | Troops" % ('ID', 'Score', 'Name', 'Race')
        for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet:
                print "%6d | %6d | %16s | %16s | %d" % (pid, pscore, planet.name, planet.speciesName, ptroops)
                print "%6d | %6d | Error: invalid planet ID" % (pid, pscore)
        print "No Invadable planets identified"

    sorted_planets = filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0, sorted_planets)
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, _, _ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" % (len(evaluated_planet_ids)))
Пример #8
def calculateMilitaryPriority():
    """calculates the demand for military ships by military targeted systems"""
    global unmetThreat

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    capitalID = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capitalID is not None and capitalID != -1:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitalID)
        return 0  # no capitol (not even a capitol-in-the-making), means can't produce any ships

    have_l1_weaps = (
        or (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_1_3") and tech_is_complete("SHP_MIL_ROBO_CONT"))
        or tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_1")
        or tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1")
    have_l2_weaps = tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_3") or tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1")
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get("enemies_sighted", {})

    allottedInvasionTargets = 1 + int(fo.currentTurn() / 25)
    targetPlanetIDs = (
        [pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:allottedInvasionTargets]]
        + [pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:allottedColonyTargets]]
        + [pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:allottedColonyTargets]]

    mySystems = set(AIstate.popCtrSystemIDs).union(AIstate.outpostSystemIDs)
    targetSystems = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(targetPlanetIDs))

    curShipRating = ProductionAI.cur_best_military_design_rating()
    cSRR = curShipRating ** 0.5

    defense_ships_needed = 0
    currentTurn = fo.currentTurn()
    ships_needed = 0
    defense_ships_needed = 0
    ships_needed_allocation = []
    for sysID in mySystems.union(targetSystems):
        status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sysID, {})
        myRating = status.get("myFleetRating", 0)
        my_defenses = status.get("mydefenses", {}).get("overall", 0)
        baseMonsterThreat = status.get("monsterThreat", 0)
        # scale monster threat so that in early - mid game big monsters don't over-drive military production
        monsterThreat = baseMonsterThreat
        if currentTurn > 200:
        elif currentTurn > 100:
            if baseMonsterThreat >= 2000:
                monsterThreat = 2000 + (currentTurn / 100.0 - 1) * (baseMonsterThreat - 2000)
        elif currentTurn > 30:
            if baseMonsterThreat >= 2000:
                monsterThreat = 0
            if baseMonsterThreat > 200:
                monsterThreat = 0
        if sysID in mySystems:
            threatRoot = (
                status.get("fleetThreat", 0) ** 0.5
                + 0.8 * status.get("max_neighbor_threat", 0) ** 0.5
                + 0.2 * status.get("neighborThreat", 0) ** 0.5
                + monsterThreat ** 0.5
                + status.get("planetThreat", 0) ** 0.5
            threatRoot = (
                status.get("fleetThreat", 0) ** 0.5 + monsterThreat ** 0.5 + status.get("planetThreat", 0) ** 0.5
        ships_needed_here = math.ceil(
            (max(0, (threatRoot - (myRating ** 0.5 + my_defenses ** 0.5))) ** 2) / curShipRating
        ships_needed += ships_needed_here
        ships_needed_allocation.append((sysID, ships_needed_here))
        if sysID in mySystems:
            defense_ships_needed += ships_needed_here

    part1 = min(1 * fo.currentTurn(), 40)
    part2 = max(0, int(75 * ships_needed))
    militaryPriority = part1 + part2
    if not have_l1_weaps:
        militaryPriority /= 2.0
    elif not (have_l2_weaps and enemies_sighted):
        militaryPriority /= 1.5
    fmt_string = "Calculating Military Priority:  min(t,40) + max(0,75 * ships_needed) \n\t  Priority: %d  \t ships_needed: %d \t defense_ships_needed: %d \t curShipRating: %.0f \t l1_weaps: %s \t enemies_sighted: %s"
    print fmt_string % (
    print "Source of milship demand: ", ships_needed_allocation

    if foAI.foAIstate.aggression < fo.aggression.typical:
        militaryPriority *= (1.0 + foAI.foAIstate.aggression) / (1.0 + fo.aggression.typical)
    return max(militaryPriority, 0)
Пример #9
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID

    all_invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.INVASION)
    AIstate.invasionFleetIDs = FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_invasion_fleet_ids)

    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()
    visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys() + foAI.foAIstate. visBorderSystemIDs.keys()

    if home_system_id != -1:
        accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids
                                 if (sys_id != -1) and universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)]
        print "Warning: Empire has no identifiable homeworld; will treat all visible planets as accessible."
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids  # TODO: check if any troop ships owned, use their system as home system

    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(accessible_system_ids)
    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unowned natives
    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    invadable_planet_ids = set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids)

    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
    invasion_targeted_planet_ids.extend(get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION))
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.INVASION)
    num_invasion_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(invasion_fleet_ids))

    print "Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: ", PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs)
    print "Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: ", PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(invasion_targeted_planet_ids)
    print invasion_fleet_ids and "Invasion Fleet IDs: %s" % invasion_fleet_ids or "Available Invasion Fleets: 0"
    print "Invasion Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_invasion_fleets

    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    # only do base invasions if aggression is typical or above
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.typical:
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet:
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(pid, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            for pid2 in state.get_empire_inhabited_planets_by_system().get(sys_id, []):
                if available_pp.get(pid2, 0) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2:
                if pid not in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets and planet2.speciesName in ColonisationAI.empire_ship_builders:
                    foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.setdefault(pid, [pid2, -1])

        for pid in list(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)  # TODO: also check that still have a colony in this system that can make troops
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]

        secure_ai_fleet_missions = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types([MissionType.SECURE])
        for pid in (set(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids)):  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                continue  # already building for here
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0 and
                    this_sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0) < 0.8 * this_sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0)):
            loc = foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            best_base_trooper_here = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)[1]
            loc_planet = universe.getPlanet(loc)
            if best_base_trooper_here is None:  # shouldn't be possible at this point, but just to be safe
                print "Could not find a suitable orbital invasion design at %s" % loc_planet
            # TODO: have TroopShipDesigner give the expected number of troops including species effects directly
            troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
            species_troop_grade = CombatRatingsAI.get_species_troops_grade(loc_planet.speciesName)
            troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
            if not troops_per_ship:
                print "The best orbital invasion design at %s seems not to have any troop capacity." % loc_planet
            this_score, p_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid, empire, secure_ai_fleet_missions, False)
            _, col_design, build_choices = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)
            if not col_design:
            if loc not in build_choices:
                    'Best troop design %s can not be produces in at planet with id: %s\d' % (col_design, build_choices)
            n_bases = math.ceil((p_troops + 1) / troops_per_ship)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            print "Invasion base planning, need %d troops at %d pership, will build %d ships." % ((p_troops + 1), troops_per_ship, n_bases)
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(col_design.id, loc)
            print "Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" % (n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([loc]), PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([pid]))
            if retval != 0:
                foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                fo.issueChangeProductionQuantityOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 0)

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) - set(reserved_troop_base_targets))
    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids, empire)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    invasion_table = Table([Text('Planet'), Float('Score'), Text('Species'), Float('Troops')],
                           table_name="Potential Targets for Invasion Turn %d" % fo.currentTurn())

    for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
        planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            planet and planet.speciesName or "unknown",

    sorted_planets = filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0, sorted_planets)
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, _, _ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" % (len(evaluated_planet_ids)))
Пример #10
def get_military_fleets(milFleetIDs=None, tryReset=True, thisround="Main"):
    """get armed military fleets"""
    global MilitaryAllocations, totMilRating, num_milships

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    capitalID = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capitalID is None:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitalID)
    if homeworld:
        homeSystemID = homeworld.systemID

    if milFleetIDs is not None:
        allMilitaryFleetIDs = milFleetIDs
        allMilitaryFleetIDs = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_MILITARY )
    if tryReset and ((fo.currentTurn()+empireID) % 30 ==0) and thisround=="Main": 
        try_again(allMilitaryFleetIDs, try_reset=False, thisround = thisround+" Reset")

    num_milships = 0
    for fid in allMilitaryFleetIDs:
        num_milships += foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fid, {}).get('nships', 0)

    thisTotMilRating = sum( map(lambda x: foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(x).get('overall', 0), allMilitaryFleetIDs )  )
    if "Main" in thisround:
        totMilRating = thisTotMilRating
        print "=================================================="
        print "%s Round Total Military Rating: %d"%(thisround, totMilRating)
        print "---------------------------------"

    milFleetIDs = list( FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(allMilitaryFleetIDs))
    mil_needing_repair_ids, milFleetIDs = avail_mil_needing_repair(milFleetIDs, split_ships=True)
    availMilRating = sum( map(lambda x: foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(x).get('overall', 0), milFleetIDs )  )
    if "Main" in thisround:
        print "=================================================="
        print "%s Round Available Military Rating: %d"%(thisround, availMilRating)
        print "---------------------------------"
    remainingMilRating = availMilRating
    allocations = []

    if not milFleetIDs:
        if "Main" in thisround:
            MilitaryAllocations = []
        return []

    #for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it
    for sysID in universe.systemIDs:
    for fleetID in [fid for fid in allMilitaryFleetIDs if fid not in milFleetIDs]:
        aiFleetMission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleetID)
        sysTargets= []
        for aiFleetMissionType in aiFleetMission.get_mission_types():
            aiTargets = aiFleetMission.get_targets(aiFleetMissionType)
            for aiTarget in aiTargets:
        if not sysTargets: #shouldn't really be possible
        lastSys = sysTargets[-1].target_id # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list
        assignedAttack[lastSys] += foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleetID).get('attack', 0)
        assignedHP[lastSys] += foAI.foAIstate.get_rating(fleetID).get('health', 0)
    for sysID in universe.systemIDs:
        mydefenses = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sysID, {}).get( 'mydefenses', {} )
        mypattack = mydefenses.get('attack', 0)
        myphealth = mydefenses.get('health', 0)
        alreadyAssignedRating[sysID] = ( assignedAttack[sysID] + mypattack ) * ( assignedHP[sysID] + myphealth )

    # get systems to defend
    capitalID = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capitalID is not None:
        capitalPlanet = universe.getPlanet(capitalID)
    #TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one!
    if capitalPlanet:
        capitalSysID = capitalPlanet.systemID
    else: # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system
        capitalSysID=None #unless we can find one to use
        systemDict = {}
        for fleetID in allMilitaryFleetIDs:
            status = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fleetID, None)
            if status is not None:
                sysID = status['sysID']
                if len( list( universe.getSystem(sysID).planetIDs ) ) ==0:
                systemDict[sysID] = systemDict.get( sysID, 0) + status.get('rating', {}).get('overall', 0)
        rankedSystems = sorted( [(val, sysID) for sysID, val in systemDict.items() ]   )
        if rankedSystems:
            capitalSysID = rankedSystems[-1][-1]
                capitalSysID = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.items()[0][1]['sysID']

    if False:
        if fo.currentTurn() < 20:
            threatBias = 0
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 40:
            threatBias = 10
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 60:
            threatBias = 80
        elif fo.currentTurn() < 80:
            threatBias = 200
            threatBias = 400
        threatBias = 0

    safetyFactor = [ 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.2, 1.0 ][foAI.foAIstate.aggression]

    topTargetPlanets = [pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allottedInvasionTargets] if pscore > 20] + [pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs[:10] if pscore > 20]
    topTargetPlanets.extend( foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys() )
    topTargetSystems = []
    for sysID in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems( topTargetPlanets ):
        if sysID not in topTargetSystems:
            topTargetSystems.append(sysID) #doing this rather than set, to preserve order

    # allocation format: ( sysID, newAllocation, takeAny, maxMultiplier )
    #--------Capital Threat ----------
    capitalThreat = safetyFactor*(2* threatBias +sum( [ foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[capitalSysID][thrtKey] for thrtKey in ['totalThreat', 'neighborThreat']] ))
    neededRating = rating_needed(1.4*capitalThreat, alreadyAssignedRating[capitalSysID])
    if tryReset:
        if neededRating > 0.5*availMilRating:
    if neededRating > 0:
        newAlloc = min(remainingMilRating, neededRating )
        allocations.append( ( capitalSysID, newAlloc, True, 1.6*capitalThreat) )
        allocationGroups.setdefault('capitol', []).append( ( capitalSysID, newAlloc, True, 2*capitalThreat) )
        remainingMilRating -= newAlloc
    if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Empire Capital System: (%d) %s -- threat : %d, military allocation: existing: %d ; new: %d"%(capitalSysID, universe.getSystem(capitalSysID).name , capitalThreat, alreadyAssignedRating[capitalSysID], newAlloc)
            print "-----------------"

    #--------Empire Occupied Systems ----------
    empirePlanetIDs = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    empireOccupiedSystemIDs = list(set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empirePlanetIDs)) - {capitalSysID})
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Empire-Occupied Systems: %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(eoSysID, universe.getSystem(eoSysID).name) for eoSysID in empireOccupiedSystemIDs ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    if len( empireOccupiedSystemIDs ) > 0:
        ocSysTotThreat = [ ( oSID, threatBias +safetyFactor*sum( [ foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get(thrtKey, 0) for thrtKey in ['totalThreat', 'neighborThreat']] ))
                                                                                                                                                for oSID in empireOccupiedSystemIDs ]
        totocSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in ocSysTotThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in ocSysTotThreat] )
        allocationFactor = min( 1.5, remainingMilRating /max(0.01, ( totocSysThreat -totCurAlloc) ))
        ocSysAlloc = 0
        for sid, thrt in ocSysTotThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.3*thrt, curAlloc)
            if (neededRating > 0.8* remainingMilRating) and tryReset:
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and remainingMilRating > 0:
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, 0.5*availMilRating, remainingMilRating))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, True, 1.6*thrt) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('occupied', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, True, 2*thrt) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                ocSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Provincial Occupied system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "Provincial Empire-Occupied Sytems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation: existing %d ; new: %d"%(totocSysThreat, totCurAlloc, ocSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"

    #--------Top Targeted Systems ----------
    #TODO: do native invasions highest priority
    otherTargetedSystemIDs = topTargetSystems
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Top Colony and Invasion Targeted Systems : %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc local threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    if len( otherTargetedSystemIDs ) > 0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, threatBias +safetyFactor*(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('totalThreat', 0)+0.5*foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0) )  ) for oSID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.4*thrt, curAlloc)
            #only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            takeAny= alreadyAssignedRating[sid] > 0
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and (remainingMilRating > neededRating or takeAny):
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, remainingMilRating))
                maxAlloc = safetyFactor*3*max( foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('topTargets', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Top Colony and Invasion Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d"%(tototSysThreat, totCurAlloc, otSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"

    #--------Targeted Systems ----------
    #TODO: do native invasions highest priority
    otherTargetedSystemIDs = [sysID for sysID in set( PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if sysID not in topTargetSystems]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Other Invasion Targeted Systems : %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc local threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    if len( otherTargetedSystemIDs ) > 0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, threatBias +safetyFactor*(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('totalThreat', 0)+0.5*foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0) ) ) for oSID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.4*thrt, curAlloc)
            #only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            takeAny= alreadyAssignedRating[sid] > 0
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and (remainingMilRating > neededRating or takeAny):
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, remainingMilRating))
                maxAlloc = safetyFactor*3*max( foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Invasion Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d"%(tototSysThreat, totCurAlloc, otSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"

    otherTargetedSystemIDs = [sysID for sysID in list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if sysID not in topTargetSystems]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Other Targeted Systems : %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    if len( otherTargetedSystemIDs ) > 0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, safetyFactor*(threatBias +foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('totalThreat', 0)+0.5*foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0) ) ) for oSID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.2*thrt, curAlloc)
            #only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            takeAny= alreadyAssignedRating[sid] > 0
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and (remainingMilRating > neededRating or takeAny):
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, remainingMilRating))
                maxAlloc = safetyFactor*3*max( foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d"%(tototSysThreat, totCurAlloc, otSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"

    otherTargetedSystemIDs = []
    #targetableIDs = ColonisationAI.annexableSystemIDs.union( empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs )
    targetableIDs = set(ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(0, []) + ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(1, []))
    for sysID in AIstate.opponentSystemIDs:
        if sysID in targetableIDs:
            for nID in universe.getImmediateNeighbors(sysID, empireID):
                if nID in targetableIDs:

    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Blockade Targeted Systems : %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    if len( otherTargetedSystemIDs ) > 0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, threatBias +safetyFactor*(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('totalThreat', 0)+ 0.5*foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('neighborThreat', 0) ) ) for oSID in otherTargetedSystemIDs ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.2*thrt, curAlloc)
            #only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            takeAny= alreadyAssignedRating[sid] > 0
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and (remainingMilRating > neededRating or takeAny):
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, remainingMilRating))
                maxAlloc = safetyFactor*2*max( foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Blockade Targeted system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Blockade Targeted Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d"%(tototSysThreat, totCurAlloc, otSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"

    currentMilSystems = [sid for sid, alloc, takeAny, mm in allocations ]
    interiorIDs = list( foAI.foAIstate.expInteriorSystemIDs)
    interiorTargets1 = (targetableIDs.union(interiorIDs)).difference( currentMilSystems )
    interiorTargets = [sid for sid in interiorTargets1 if (
		 threatBias + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) >0.8*alreadyAssignedRating[sid] ) ]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Other Empire-Proximal Systems : %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in interiorTargets1 ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    if len(interiorTargets) >0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, threatBias +safetyFactor*(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('totalThreat', 0)) )   for oSID in interiorTargets ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.2*thrt, curAlloc)
            #only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            takeAny= alreadyAssignedRating[sid] > 0
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and (remainingMilRating > neededRating or takeAny):
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, remainingMilRating))
                maxAlloc = safetyFactor*2*max( foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('otherTargets', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Other interior system %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Interior Systems under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d"%(tototSysThreat, totCurAlloc, otSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"
    elif "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "-----------------"
            print "No Other Interior Systems with fleet threat "
            print "-----------------"


    #exploTargetIDs, _ = ExplorationAI.get_current_exploration_info(verbose=False)
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Exploration-targeted Systems: %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in exploTargetIDs ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    if len(exploTargetIDs) > 0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, safetyFactor*(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0)+ foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('planetThreat', 0) )) for oSID in exploTargetIDs ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [0.8*alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        if availMilRating <1125:
            maxMilRating = availMilRating
            maxMilRating = 0.5*availMilRating
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.2*thrt, curAlloc)
            #only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            takeAny= False
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and (remainingMilRating > neededRating or takeAny):
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, remainingMilRating))
                maxAlloc = safetyFactor*2*max( foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('exploreTargets', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Exploration-targeted %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Exploration-targeted s under total threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d"%(tototSysThreat, totCurAlloc, otSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"

    visibleSystemIDs = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys() + foAI.foAIstate. visBorderSystemIDs.keys()
    accessibleSystemIDs = [sysID for sysID in visibleSystemIDs if universe.systemsConnected(sysID, homeSystemID, empireID) ]
    currentMilSystems = [sid for sid, alloc, takeAny, multiplier in allocations if alloc > 0 ]
    borderTargets1 = [sid for sid in accessibleSystemIDs if ( sid not in currentMilSystems) ]
    borderTargets = [sid for sid in borderTargets1 if (threatBias +foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('planetThreat', 0) > 0.8*alreadyAssignedRating[sid]) ]
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Empire-Accessible Systems not yet allocated military: %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID) and universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in borderTargets1 ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    if len(borderTargets) > 0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, threatBias +safetyFactor*(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0)+ foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('planetThreat', 0)) )   for oSID in borderTargets ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [0.8*alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            neededRating = rating_needed( 1.2*thrt, curAlloc)
            #only record more allocation for this invasion if we already started or have enough rating available
            takeAny= False
            if ( neededRating>0 ) and (remainingMilRating > neededRating or takeAny):
                thisAlloc = max(0, min( neededRating, remainingMilRating))
                maxAlloc = safetyFactor*2*max( foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0), foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sid, {}).get('neightborThreat', 0))
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                allocationGroups.setdefault('accessibleTargets', []).append( (sid, thisAlloc, takeAny , maxAlloc) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Other Empire-Accessible system %4d ( %10s ) has local biased threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"
                print "Other Empire-Accessible Systems under total biased threat: %d -- total mil allocation-- existing: %d ; new: %d"%(tototSysThreat, totCurAlloc, otSysAlloc )
                print "-----------------"
    elif "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "-----------------"
            print "No Other Empire-Accessible Systems with biased local threat "
            print "-----------------"

    #monster den treatment probably unnecessary now
    if "Main" in thisround:
        if verboseMilReporting:
            print "Big-Monster Dens: %s"%( [ "| %d %s |"%(sysID, universe.getSystem(sysID).name) for sysID in monsterDens ]  )
            print "-----------------"
    # for these, calc fleet threat only, no neighbor threat, but use a multiplier for fleet safety
    if len(monsterDens) > 0:
        otSysAlloc = 0
        otSysThreat = [ ( oSID, safetyFactor*(foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0)+foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0) + foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(oSID, {}).get('planetThreat', 0) ) ) for oSID in monsterDens ]
        tototSysThreat = sum( [thrt for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        totCurAlloc = sum( [0.8*alreadyAssignedRating[sid] for sid, thrt in otSysThreat] )
        for sid, thrt in otSysThreat:
            if (thrt > curAlloc) and remainingMilRating > 2* thrt:
                thisAlloc = int(0.99999 + (thrt-curAlloc)*1.5)
                allocations.append( (sid, thisAlloc, False, 5) )
                remainingMilRating -= thisAlloc
                otSysAlloc += thisAlloc
            if "Main" in thisround or thisAlloc >0:
                if verboseMilReporting:
                    print "Monster Den %4d ( %10s ) has local threat %8d ; existing military allocation %d and new allocation %8d"%(sid, universe.getSystem(sid).name, thrt, curAlloc, thisAlloc)
        if "Main" in thisround or newAlloc >0:
            if verboseMilReporting:
                print "-----------------"

    if remainingMilRating <=6:
        newAllocations = [ (sid, alc, alc, ta) for (sid, alc, ta, mm) in allocations ]
        #oldAllocations = dict( [ (entry[0], entry ) for entry in allocations ] )
            totAlloc = sum( [alloc for sid, alloc, takeAny, maxAlloc in allocations ] )
            print "error unpacking sid, alloc, takeAny, maxAlloc from ", allocations
        factor =(2.0* remainingMilRating ) / ( totAlloc + 0.1)
        #print "Remaining military strength allocation %d will be allocated as %.1f %% surplus allocation to top current priorities"%(remainingMilRating, 100*factor)
        print "%s Round Remaining military strength allocation %d will be allocated as surplus allocation to top current priorities"%(thisround, remainingMilRating)
        newAllocations = []
        for cat in ['capitol', 'topTargets', 'otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'occupied', 'exploreTargets']:
            for sid, alloc, takeAny, maxAlloc in allocationGroups.get(cat, []):
                if remainingMilRating <= 0 :
                    newAllocations.append( ( sid, alloc, alloc, takeAny ) )
                    newRating = min(remainingMilRating+alloc, max(alloc, rating_needed( maxAlloc, alreadyAssignedRating[sid]) ) )
                    newAllocations.append( ( sid, newRating, alloc, takeAny ) )
                    remainingMilRating -= ( newRating - alloc )

    if "Main" in thisround:
        MilitaryAllocations = newAllocations
    minMilAllocations.update( [ (sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, takeAny, mm in allocations ]   )
    if verboseMilReporting or "Main" in thisround:
        print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------"%(thisround, dict( [ (sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, minalloc, takeAny in newAllocations ]   ) )

    # export military systems for other AI modules
    if "Main" in thisround:
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list( set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, takeAny in newAllocations]).union( [sid for sid in alreadyAssignedRating if alreadyAssignedRating[sid]>0 ] ))
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list( set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, takeAny in newAllocations]).union( AIstate.militarySystemIDs) )
    return newAllocations
Пример #11
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()

    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()
    aistate = get_aistate()
    visible_system_ids = list(aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs) + list(aistate.visBorderSystemIDs)

    if home_system_id != INVALID_ID:
        accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if
                                 (sys_id != INVALID_ID) and universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id,
        debug("Empire has no identifiable homeworld; will treat all visible planets as accessible.")
        # TODO: check if any troop ships owned, use their system as home system
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids

    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(accessible_system_ids)
    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unowned natives
    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    invadable_planet_ids = set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids)

    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
        get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION))
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.INVASION)
    num_invasion_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(invasion_fleet_ids))

    debug("Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: %s" % PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs))
    debug("Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: %s" % PlanetUtilsAI.planet_string(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))
    debug(invasion_fleet_ids and "Invasion Fleet IDs: %s" % invasion_fleet_ids or "Available Invasion Fleets: 0")
    debug("Invasion Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_invasion_fleets)

    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if aistate.character.may_invade_with_bases():
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        # For planning base trooper invasion targets we have a two-pass system.  (1) In the first pass we consider all
        # the invasion targets and figure out which ones appear to be suitable for using base troopers against (i.e., we
        # already have a populated planet in the same system that could build base troopers) and we have at least a
        # minimal amount of PP available, and (2) in the second pass we go through the reserved base trooper target list
        # and check to make sure that there does not appear to be too much military action still needed before the
        # target is ready to be invaded, we double check that not too many base troopers would be needed, and if things
        # look clear then we queue up the base troopers on the Production Queue and keep track of where we are building
        # them, and how many; we may also disqualify and remove previously qualified targets (in case, for example,
        # we lost our base trooper source planet since it was first added to list).
        # For planning and tracking base troopers under construction, we use a dictionary store in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets, keyed by the invasion target planet ID.  We only store values
        # for invasion targets that appear likely to be suitable for base trooper use, and store a 2-item list.
        # The first item in this list is the ID of the planet where we expect to build the base troopers, and the second
        # entry initially is set to INVALID_ID (-1).  The presence of this entry in qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        # flags this target as being reserved as a base-trooper invasion target.
        # In the second pass, if/when we actually start construction, then we modify the record, replacing that second
        # value with the ID of the planet where the troopers are actually being built.  (Right now that is always the
        # same as the source planet originally identified, but we could consider reevaluating that, or use that second
        # value to instead record how many base troopers have been queued, so that on later turns we can assess if the
        # process got delayed & perhaps more troopers need to be queued).
        secure_ai_fleet_missions = aistate.get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types([MissionType.SECURE,

        # Pass 1: identify qualifying base troop invasion targets
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            if pid in aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet:
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(pid)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            best_base_planet = INVALID_ID
            best_trooper_count = 0
            for pid2 in state.get_empire_planets_by_system(sys_id, include_outposts=False):
                if available_pp.get(pid2, 0) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2 or planet2.speciesName not in ColonisationAI.empire_ship_builders:
                best_base_trooper_here = \
                    ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, pid2)[1]
                if not best_base_trooper_here:
                troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
                if not troops_per_ship:
                species_troop_grade = CombatRatingsAI.get_species_troops_grade(planet2.speciesName)
                troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
                if troops_per_ship > best_trooper_count:
                    best_base_planet = pid2
                    best_trooper_count = troops_per_ship
            if best_base_planet != INVALID_ID:
                aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.setdefault(pid, [best_base_planet, INVALID_ID])

        # Pass 2: for each target previously identified for base troopers, check that still qualifies and
        # check how many base troopers would be needed; if reasonable then queue up the troops and record this in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        for pid in aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys():
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if pid in invasion_targeted_planet_ids:  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            if aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                # TODO: evaluate changes to situation, any more troops needed, etc.
                continue  # already building for here
            _, planet_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid, secure_ai_fleet_missions, True)
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
            troop_tally = 0
            for _fid in this_sys_status.get('myfleets', []):
                troop_tally += FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(_fid)
            if troop_tally > planet_troops:  # base troopers appear unneeded
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0 and
                    (this_sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0) < 0.8 * this_sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0) or
                     this_sys_status.get('myFleetRatingVsPlanets', 0) < this_sys_status.get('planetThreat', 0))):
                # this system not secured, so ruling out invasion base troops for now
                # don't immediately delete from qualifyingTroopBaseTargets or it will be opened up for regular troops
            loc = aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            best_base_trooper_here = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)[1]
            loc_planet = universe.getPlanet(loc)
            if best_base_trooper_here is None:  # shouldn't be possible at this point, but just to be safe
                warn("Could not find a suitable orbital invasion design at %s" % loc_planet)
            # TODO: have TroopShipDesigner give the expected number of troops including species effects directly
            troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
            species_troop_grade = CombatRatingsAI.get_species_troops_grade(loc_planet.speciesName)
            troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
            if not troops_per_ship:
                warn("The best orbital invasion design at %s seems not to have any troop capacity." % loc_planet)
            _, col_design, build_choices = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION,
            if not col_design:
            if loc not in build_choices:
                warn('Best troop design %s can not be produced at planet with id: %s\d' % (col_design, build_choices))
            n_bases = math.ceil((planet_troops + 1) / troops_per_ship)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            # TODO: evaluate cost and time-to-build of best base trooper here versus cost and time-to-build-and-travel
            # for best regular trooper elsewhere
            # For now, we assume what building base troopers is best so long as either (1) we would need no more than
            # MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS base troop ships, or (2) our base troopers have more than 1 trooper per
            # ship and we would need no more than MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS base troop ships
            if (n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS or
                    (troops_per_ship > 1 and n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS)):
                debug("ruling out base invasion troopers for %s due to high number (%d) required." % (planet, n_bases))
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            debug("Invasion base planning, need %d troops at %d per ship, will build %d ships." % (
                (planet_troops + 1), troops_per_ship, n_bases))
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(col_design.id, loc)
            debug("Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" % (n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_string(loc),
            if retval != 0:
                aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                fo.issueChangeProductionQuantityOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 0)

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(
        set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) - set(reserved_troop_base_targets))
    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    invasion_table = Table([Text('Planet'), Float('Score'), Text('Species'), Float('Troops')],
                           table_name="Potential Targets for Invasion Turn %d" % fo.currentTurn())

    for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
        planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            planet and planet.speciesName or "unknown",

    sorted_planets = filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0, sorted_planets)
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, __, __ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" % (len(evaluated_planet_ids)))
Пример #12
def get_invasion_fleets():
    """get invasion fleets"""
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")

    all_invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    AIstate.invasionFleetIDs = FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_invasion_fleet_ids)

    # get supplyable planets
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
    if homeworld:
        home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
        home_system_id = -1

    fleet_supplyable_system_ids = empire.fleetSupplyableSystemIDs
    fleet_supplyable_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(fleet_supplyable_system_ids)

    prime_invadable_system_ids = set(ColonisationAI.annexableSystemIDs)
    prime_invadable_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(prime_invadable_system_ids)

    visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys() + foAI.foAIstate. visBorderSystemIDs.keys()

    if home_system_id != -1:
        accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if (sys_id != -1 ) and universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id) ]
        print "Invasion Warning: this empire has no identifiable homeworld, will therefor treat all visible planets as accessible."
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids #TODO: check if any troop ships still owned, use their system as home system
    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(accessible_system_ids)
    print "Accessible Systems: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(accessible_system_ids))

    #all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(exploredPlanetIDs)
    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)#need these for unpopulated outposts
    # print "All Owned and Populated PlanetIDs: " + str(all_owned_planet_ids)

    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)#need this for natives
    print "All Visible and accessible Populated PlanetIDs (including this empire's): ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(all_populated_planets ))
    print "Prime Invadable Target Systems: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(prime_invadable_system_ids))

    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    # print "Empire Owned PlanetIDs: " + str(empire_owned_planet_ids)

    invadable_planet_ids = set(prime_invadable_planet_ids).intersection(set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(all_populated_planets ) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids))
    print "Prime Invadable PlanetIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(invadable_planet_ids))

    print "Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs))
    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, empire_id)
    invasion_targeted_planet_ids.extend( get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_ORBITAL_INVASION, empire_id))
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    print "Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: ", ", ".join(PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION)
    if not invasion_fleet_ids:
        print "Available Invasion Fleets: 0"
        print "Invasion FleetIDs: " + str(FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION))

    num_invasion_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(invasion_fleet_ids))
    print "Invasion Fleets Without Missions:    " + str(num_invasion_fleets)
    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    # only do base invasions if aggression is typical or above
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.typical:
        available_pp = {}
        for el in  empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  #keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        if len (invadable_planet_ids) > 0:
            #print "Evaluating Troop Bases (SpaceInvaders) for %s"%(invadable_planet_ids)
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids: #TODO: reorganize
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet: 
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = dict_from_map(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID, empire_id)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = dict_from_map(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(pid, empire_id)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
                #print "rejecting %s due to stealth"%planet.name
            for pid2 in ColonisationAI.empireSpeciesSystems.get(sys_id,  {}).get('pids', []):
                if available_pp.get(pid2,  0) < 2: #TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                    #print "rejecting %s due to insufficient avail PP"%planet.name
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2: 
                if (pid not in  foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets) and (planet2.speciesName  in ColonisationAI.empireShipBuilders):
                    #print "Adding %s to Troop Bases (SpaceInvaders) potential target list, from %s"%(planet.name, planet2.name) 
                    foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.setdefault(pid,  [pid2,  -1])

        for pid in list(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid) #TODO: also check that still have a colony in this system that can make troops
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]

        secureAIFleetMissions = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types([EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_SECURE])
        #print "considering possible troop bases at %s" % (foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys())
        for pid in (set(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids)): #TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if  foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1: 
                if planet:
                    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids.add( planet.systemID )
                continue  #already building for here
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get( sys_id,  {} )
            if  ((planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0) and 
                        (this_sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0) < (0.8 * this_sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0)))):
            loc = foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            this_score,  p_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, fleet_supplyable_planet_ids, empire,  secureAIFleetMissions,  False)
            bestShip,  colDesign,  buildChoices = ProductionAI.getBestShipInfo(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION,  loc)
            if not bestShip:
                #print "Error: no troop base can be built at ",  PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([loc])
            #print "selecting  ",  PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([loc]),  " to build Orbital troop bases"
            n_bases = math.ceil((p_troops+1) / 2)#TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            retval  = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(bestShip, loc)
            print "Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s"%( n_bases,  PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([loc]),  PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([pid]))
            if retval !=0:
                all_invasion_targeted_system_ids.add( planet.systemID )
                foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                fo.issueChangeProductionQuantityOrder(empire.productionQueue.size -1,  1,  int(n_bases))
                res=fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size -1,  0)

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    #TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluatedPlanetIDs = list(set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) - set(reserved_troop_base_targets) )
    print "Evaluating potential invasions, PlanetIDs: " + str(evaluatedPlanetIDs)

    evaluatedPlanets = assign_invasion_values(evaluatedPlanetIDs, EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_INVASION, fleet_supplyable_planet_ids, empire)

    sortedPlanets = [(pid, pscore, ptroops) for (pid, (pscore, ptroops)) in evaluatedPlanets.items() ]
    sortedPlanets.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True)
    sortedPlanets = [(pid, pscore%10000, ptroops) for (pid, pscore, ptroops) in sortedPlanets ]

    if sortedPlanets:
        print "Invadable planets\nIDs, ID | Score | Name | Race | Troops"
        for pid, pscore, ptroops in sortedPlanets:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet:
                print "%6d | %6d | %16s | %16s | %d"%(pid, pscore, planet.name, planet.speciesName, ptroops)
                print "%6d | %6d | Error: invalid planet ID"%(pid, pscore)
        print "No Invadable planets identified"

    sortedPlanets = [(pid, pscore, ptroops) for (pid, pscore, ptroops) in sortedPlanets if pscore > 0]
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, pscore, trp in sortedPlanets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sortedPlanets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" % (len(evaluatedPlanetIDs)))
Пример #13
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = empire.empireID

    all_invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    AIstate.invasionFleetIDs = FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(

    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()
    visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys(
    ) + foAI.foAIstate.visBorderSystemIDs.keys()

    if home_system_id != -1:
        accessible_system_ids = [
            sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if (sys_id != -1)
            and universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)
        print "Warning: Empire has no identifiable homeworld; will treat all visible planets as accessible."
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids  # TODO: check if any troop ships owned, use their system as home system

    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(
    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(
        acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(
        acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unowned natives
    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(
    invadable_planet_ids = set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(
        all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids)

    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(
        universe.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    num_invasion_fleets = len(

    print "Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: ", PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(
    print "Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: ", PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(
    print invasion_fleet_ids and "Invasion Fleet IDs: %s" % invasion_fleet_ids or "Available Invasion Fleets: 0"
    print "Invasion Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_invasion_fleets

    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    # only do base invasions if aggression is typical or above
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.typical:
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet:
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(
                planet.systemID, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(
                pid, empire_id).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            for pid2 in state.get_empire_inhabited_planets_by_system().get(
                    sys_id, []):
                if available_pp.get(
                        pid2, 0
                ) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2:
                if pid not in foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets and planet2.speciesName in ColonisationAI.empire_ship_builders:
                        pid, [pid2, -1])

        for pid in list(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(
            )  # TODO: also check that still have a colony in this system that can make troops
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]

        secure_ai_fleet_missions = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types(
        for pid in (set(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) -
                    ):  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                continue  # already building for here
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0
                    and this_sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0) <
                    0.8 * this_sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0)):
            loc = foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            best_base_trooper_here = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(
                PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)[1]
            loc_planet = universe.getPlanet(loc)
            if best_base_trooper_here is None:  # shouldn't be possible at this point, but just to be safe
                print "Could not find a suitable orbital invasion design at %s" % loc_planet
            # TODO: have TroopShipDesigner give the expected number of troops including species effects directly
            troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
            _, _, species_troop_grade = foAI.foAIstate.get_piloting_grades(
            troops_per_ship = foAI.foAIstate.weight_attack_troops(
                troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
            if not troops_per_ship:
                print "The best orbital invasion design at %s seems not to have any troop capacity." % loc_planet
            this_score, p_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(
                pid, empire, secure_ai_fleet_missions, False)
            _, col_design, build_choices = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(
                PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)
            if not col_design:
            if loc not in build_choices:
                    'Best troop design %s can not be produces in at planet with id: %s\d'
                    % (col_design, build_choices))
            n_bases = math.ceil(
                (p_troops + 1) /
                troops_per_ship)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            print "Invasion base planning, need %d troops at %d pership, will build %d ships." % (
                (p_troops + 1), troops_per_ship, n_bases)
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(col_design.id, loc)
            print "Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" % (
                n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids(
                    [loc]), PlanetUtilsAI.planet_name_ids([pid]))
            if retval != 0:
                foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                    empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1,

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(
        set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) -
    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids, empire)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops)
                      for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops)
                      for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    invasion_table = Table(
        table_name="Potential Targets for Invasion Turn %d" % fo.currentTurn())

    for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
        planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            planet, pscore, planet and planet.speciesName or "unknown", ptroops

    sorted_planets = filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0, sorted_planets)
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, _, _ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" %
Пример #14
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"):
    """Get armed military fleets."""
    global _military_allocations

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()

    all_military_fleet_ids = (mil_fleets_ids if mil_fleets_ids is not None else

    # Todo: This block had been originally added to address situations where fleet missions were not properly
    #  terminating, leaving fleets stuck in stale deployments. Assess if this block is still needed at all; delete
    #  if not, otherwise restructure the following code so that in event a reset is occurring greater priority is given
    #  to providing military support to locations where a necessary Secure mission might have just been released (i.e.,
    #  at invasion and colony/outpost targets where the troopships and colony ships are on their way), or else allow
    #  only a partial reset which does not reset Secure missions.
    enable_periodic_mission_reset = False
    if enable_periodic_mission_reset and try_reset and (
            fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main":
            "Resetting all Military missions as part of an automatic periodic reset to clear stale missions."
                  thisround=thisround + " Reset")

    mil_fleets_ids = list(
    mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(
        mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True)
    avail_mil_rating = combine_ratings(
        get_fleet_rating(x) for x in mil_fleets_ids)

    if not mil_fleets_ids:
        if "Main" in thisround:
            _military_allocations = []
        return []

    # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it
    already_assigned_rating = {}
    already_assigned_rating_vs_planets = {}
    aistate = get_aistate()
    systems_status = aistate.systemStatus
    enemy_sup_factor = {}  # enemy supply
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = 0
        already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[sys_id] = 0
        enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min(
                systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get("enemies_nearly_supplied",
    for fleet_id in [
            fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids
        ai_fleet_mission = aistate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
        if not ai_fleet_mission.target:  # shouldn't really be possible
        last_sys = (
        )  # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list  # TODO last_sys or target sys?
        this_rating = get_fleet_rating(fleet_id)
        this_rating_vs_planets = get_fleet_rating_against_planets(fleet_id)
        already_assigned_rating[last_sys] = combine_ratings(
            already_assigned_rating.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating)
        already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[last_sys] = combine_ratings(
            already_assigned_rating_vs_planets.get(last_sys, 0),
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        my_defense_rating = systems_status.get(sys_id,
                                                       {}).get("overall", 0)
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = combine_ratings(
            my_defense_rating, already_assigned_rating[sys_id])
        if _verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]:
                "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" %
                (universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id]))

    # get systems to defend
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is not None:
        capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
        capital_planet = None
    # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one!
    if capital_planet:
        capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID
    else:  # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system
        capital_sys_id = None  # unless we can find one to use
        system_dict = {}
        for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids:
            status = aistate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None)
            if status is not None:
                system_id = status["sysID"]
                if not list(universe.getSystem(system_id).planetIDs):
                system_dict[system_id] = system_dict.get(
                    system_id, 0) + status.get("rating", 0)
        ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id)
                                 for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()])
        if ranked_systems:
            capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1]
                capital_sys_id = next(iter(
            except:  # noqa: E722

    num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets)
    top_target_planets = ([
        pid for pid, pscore, trp in
        if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE
    ] + [
        for pid, (pscore, spec) in list(aistate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items())
        [:num_targets] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE
    ] + [
        for pid, (pscore, spec) in list(aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items())
        [:num_targets] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE

    base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets)
    top_target_systems = []
    for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems:
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems:
            if aistate.systemStatus[sys_id][
                    "totalThreat"] > get_tot_mil_rating():
                sys_id)  # doing this rather than set, to preserve order

        # capital defense
        allocation_helper = AllocationHelper(
            already_assigned_rating, already_assigned_rating_vs_planets,
            avail_mil_rating, try_reset)
        if capital_sys_id is not None:

        # defend other planets
        empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire()
        empire_occupied_system_ids = list(
            set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) -
        for sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids:
            PlanetDefenseAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # attack / protect high priority targets
        for sys_id in top_target_systems:
            TopTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # enemy planets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [
            sys_id for sys_id in set(
            if sys_id not in top_target_systems
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            TargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # colony / outpost targets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [
            sys_id for sys_id in list(
                set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
            if sys_id not in top_target_systems
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            OutpostTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO blockade enemy systems

        # interior systems
        targetable_ids = set(get_systems_by_supply_tier(0))
        current_mil_systems = [
            sid for sid, _, _, _, _ in allocation_helper.allocations
        interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems)
        interior_targets = [
            sid for sid in interior_targets1
            if (allocation_helper.threat_bias +
                systems_status.get(sid, {}).get("totalThreat", 0) > 0.8 *
        for sys_id in interior_targets:
            InteriorTargetsAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO Exploration targets

        # border protections
        visible_system_ids = aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs | aistate.visBorderSystemIDs
        accessible_system_ids = ([
            sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids
            if systems_connected(sys_id, home_system_id)
        ] if home_system_id != INVALID_ID else [])
        current_mil_systems = [
            for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, _ in allocation_helper.allocations
            if alloc > 0
        border_targets1 = [
            sid for sid in accessible_system_ids
            if sid not in current_mil_systems
        border_targets = [
            sid for sid in border_targets1
            if (allocation_helper.threat_bias +
                systems_status.get(sid, {}).get("fleetThreat", 0) +
                systems_status.get(sid, {}).get("planetThreat", 0) > 0.8 *
        for sys_id in border_targets:
            BorderSecurityAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()
    except ReleaseMilitaryException:

    new_allocations = []
    remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating
    # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available
    for cat in ["capitol", "occupied", "topTargets"]:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(
                cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc)
            new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any))
            remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating,

    base_allocs = set()
    # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available
    for cat in ["otherTargets", "accessibleTargets", "exploreTargets"]:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(
                cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, alloc)
            remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating,
    for cat in ["otherTargets", "accessibleTargets", "exploreTargets"]:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(
                cat, []):
            if sid not in base_allocs:
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
                new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any))
                local_max_avail = combine_ratings(remaining_mil_rating, alloc)
                new_rating = min(local_max_avail, max_alloc)
                new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, rvp, take_any))
                remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(
                    local_max_avail, new_rating)

    if "Main" in thisround:
        _military_allocations = new_allocations
    if _verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround:
            "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------"
            % (thisround,
               dict([(sid, alloc)
                     for sid, alloc, _, _, _ in new_allocations])))
        debug("(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" %

    return new_allocations
Пример #15
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"):
    """Get armed military fleets."""
    global _military_allocations

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()

    all_military_fleet_ids = (mil_fleets_ids if mil_fleets_ids is not None
                              else FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY))

    if try_reset and (fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main":
        try_again(all_military_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround + " Reset")

    mil_fleets_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids))
    mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True)
    avail_mil_rating = sum(map(CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating, mil_fleets_ids))

    if not mil_fleets_ids:
        if "Main" in thisround:
            _military_allocations = []
        return []

    # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it
    already_assigned_rating = {}
    already_assigned_rating_vs_planets = {}
    systems_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus
    enemy_sup_factor = {}  # enemy supply
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = 0
        already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[sys_id] = 0
        enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min(2, len(systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('enemies_nearly_supplied', [])))
    for fleet_id in [fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids]:
        ai_fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
        if not ai_fleet_mission.target:  # shouldn't really be possible
        last_sys = ai_fleet_mission.target.get_system().id  # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list  # TODO last_sys or target sys?
        this_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id)
        this_rating_vs_planets = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating_against_planets(fleet_id)
        already_assigned_rating[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                already_assigned_rating.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating)
        already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                already_assigned_rating_vs_planets.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating_vs_planets)
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        my_defense_rating = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(my_defense_rating, already_assigned_rating[sys_id])
        if _verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]:
            print "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" % (
                universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id])

    # get systems to defend
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is not None:
        capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
        capital_planet = None
    # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one!
    if capital_planet:
        capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID
    else:  # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system
        capital_sys_id = None  # unless we can find one to use
        system_dict = {}
        for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids:
            status = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None)
            if status is not None:
                system_id = status['sysID']
                if not list(universe.getSystem(system_id).planetIDs):
                system_dict[system_id] = system_dict.get(system_id, 0) + status.get('rating', 0)
        ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id) for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()])
        if ranked_systems:
            capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1]
                capital_sys_id = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.items()[0][1]['sysID']

    num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets)
    top_target_planets = ([pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allotted_invasion_targets()]
                           if pscore > MIN_INVASION_SCORE] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:num_targets]
                           if pscore > MIN_INVASION_SCORE] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:num_targets]
                           if pscore > MIN_INVASION_SCORE])
    base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets)
    top_target_systems = []
    for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems:
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems:
            if foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[sys_id]['totalThreat'] > get_tot_mil_rating():
            top_target_systems.append(sys_id)  # doing this rather than set, to preserve order

        # capital defense
        allocation_helper = AllocationHelper(already_assigned_rating, already_assigned_rating_vs_planets, avail_mil_rating, try_reset)
        if capital_sys_id is not None:
            CapitalDefenseAllocator(capital_sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # defend other planets
        empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
        empire_occupied_system_ids = list(set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id})
        for sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids:
            PlanetDefenseAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # attack / protect high priority targets
        for sys_id in top_target_systems:
            TopTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # enemy planets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if
                                     sys_id not in top_target_systems]
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            TargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # colony / outpost targets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in
                                     list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if
                                     sys_id not in top_target_systems]
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            OutpostTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO blockade enemy systems

        # interior systems
        targetable_ids = set(state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(0))
        current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, _, _, _, _ in allocation_helper.allocations]
        interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems)
        interior_targets = [sid for sid in interior_targets1 if (
            allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])]
        for sys_id in interior_targets:
            InteriorTargetsAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO Exploration targets

        # border protections
        visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs | foAI.foAIstate.visBorderSystemIDs
        accessible_system_ids = ([sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if
                                 universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)]
                                 if home_system_id != INVALID_ID else [])
        current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, _ in allocation_helper.allocations if alloc > 0]
        border_targets1 = [sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems]
        border_targets = [sid for sid in border_targets1 if (
            allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get(
                    'planetThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])]
        for sys_id in border_targets:
            BorderSecurityAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()
    except ReleaseMilitaryException:

    new_allocations = []
    remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating
    # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available
    for cat in ['capitol', 'occupied', 'topTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc)
            new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any))
            remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc

    base_allocs = set()
    # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            remaining_mil_rating -= alloc
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []):
            if sid not in base_allocs:
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
                new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any))
                new_rating = min(remaining_mil_rating + alloc, max_alloc)
                new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, rvp, take_any))
                remaining_mil_rating -= (new_rating - alloc)

    if "Main" in thisround:
        _military_allocations = new_allocations
    if _verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround:
        print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (thisround, dict([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, _, _, _ in new_allocations]))
        print "(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" % remaining_mil_rating

    return new_allocations
Пример #16
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"):
    """Get armed military fleets."""
    global _military_allocations

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()

    all_military_fleet_ids = (mil_fleets_ids if mil_fleets_ids is not None
                              else FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY))

    if try_reset and (fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main":
        try_again(all_military_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround + " Reset")

    mil_fleets_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids))
    mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True)
    avail_mil_rating = sum(map(CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating, mil_fleets_ids))

    if not mil_fleets_ids:
        if "Main" in thisround:
            _military_allocations = []
        return []

    # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it
    already_assigned_rating = {}
    systems_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus
    enemy_sup_factor = {}  # enemy supply
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = 0
        enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min(2, len(systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('enemies_nearly_supplied', [])))
    for fleet_id in [fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids]:
        ai_fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
        if not ai_fleet_mission.target:  # shouldn't really be possible
        last_sys = ai_fleet_mission.target.get_system().id  # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list  # TODO last_sys or target sys?
        this_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id)
        already_assigned_rating[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(already_assigned_rating.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating)
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        my_defense_rating = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(my_defense_rating, already_assigned_rating[sys_id])
        if _verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]:
            print "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" % (
                universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id])

    # get systems to defend
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is not None:
        capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
        capital_planet = None
    # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one!
    if capital_planet:
        capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID
    else:  # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system
        capital_sys_id = None  # unless we can find one to use
        system_dict = {}
        for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids:
            status = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None)
            if status is not None:
                sys_id = status['sysID']
                if not list(universe.getSystem(sys_id).planetIDs):
                system_dict[sys_id] = system_dict.get(sys_id, 0) + status.get('rating', 0)
        ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id) for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()])
        if ranked_systems:
            capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1]
                capital_sys_id = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.items()[0][1]['sysID']

    num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets)
    top_target_planets = ([pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allottedInvasionTargets] if pscore > 20] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > 20] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > 20])
    base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets)
    top_target_systems = []
    for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems:
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems:
            if foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[sys_id]['totalThreat'] > get_tot_mil_rating():
            top_target_systems.append(sys_id)  # doing this rather than set, to preserve order

        # capital defense
        allocation_helper = AllocationHelper(already_assigned_rating, avail_mil_rating, try_reset)
        if capital_sys_id is not None:
            CapitalDefenseAllocator(capital_sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # defend other planets
        empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
        empire_occupied_system_ids = list(set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id})
        for sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids:
            PlanetDefenseAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # attack / protect high priority targets
        for sys_id in top_target_systems:
            TopTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # enemy planets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if
                                     sys_id not in top_target_systems]
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            TargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # colony / outpost targets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in
                                     list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if
                                     sys_id not in top_target_systems]
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            OutpostTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO blockade enemy systems

        # interior systems
        targetable_ids = set(ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(0, []) +
                             ColonisationAI.systems_by_supply_tier.get(1, []))
        current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, _, _, _ in allocation_helper.allocations]
        interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems)
        interior_targets = [sid for sid in interior_targets1 if (
            allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])]
        for sys_id in interior_targets:
            InteriorTargetsAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO Exploration targets

        # border protections
        visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs.keys() + foAI.foAIstate.visBorderSystemIDs.keys()
        accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if
                                 universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)]
        current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, take_any, _ in allocation_helper.allocations if alloc > 0]
        border_targets1 = [sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems]
        border_targets = [sid for sid in border_targets1 if (
            allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get(
                    'planetThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])]
        for sys_id in border_targets:
            BorderSecurityAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()
    except ReleaseMilitaryException:

    allocation_groups = allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups
    allocations = allocation_helper.allocations

    new_allocations = []
    remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating
    # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available
    for cat in ['capitol', 'occupied', 'topTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc)
            new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, take_any))
            remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc

    base_allocs = set()
    # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            remaining_mil_rating -= alloc
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_groups.get(cat, []):
            if sid not in base_allocs:
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
                new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, take_any))
                new_rating = min(remaining_mil_rating + alloc, max_alloc)
                new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, take_any))
                remaining_mil_rating -= (new_rating - alloc)

    if "Main" in thisround:
        _military_allocations = new_allocations
    _min_mil_allocations.update([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, take_any, _ in allocations])
    if _verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround:
        print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (thisround, dict([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations]))
        print "(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" % remaining_mil_rating

    # export military systems for other AI modules
    if "Main" in thisround:
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list(set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations]).union(
                [sid for sid in allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating
                 if allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid] > 0]))
        AIstate.militarySystemIDs = list(set([sid for sid, alloc, minalloc, take_any in new_allocations]).union(AIstate.militarySystemIDs))
    return new_allocations
Пример #17
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()

    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()
    aistate = get_aistate()
    visible_system_ids = list(aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs) + list(

    if home_system_id != INVALID_ID:
        accessible_system_ids = [
            sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids
            if systems_connected(sys_id, home_system_id)
            "Empire has no identifiable homeworld; will treat all visible planets as accessible."
        # TODO: check if any troop ships owned, use their system as home system
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids

    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(
    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(
        acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(
        acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unowned natives
    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(
    invadable_planet_ids = set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(
        all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids)

    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(
        universe.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    num_invasion_fleets = len(

    debug("Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: %s" %
    debug("Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: %s" %
    debug(invasion_fleet_ids and "Invasion Fleet IDs: %s" % invasion_fleet_ids
          or "Available Invasion Fleets: 0")
    debug("Invasion Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_invasion_fleets)

    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if aistate.character.may_invade_with_bases():
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        # For planning base trooper invasion targets we have a two-pass system.  (1) In the first pass we consider all
        # the invasion targets and figure out which ones appear to be suitable for using base troopers against (i.e., we
        # already have a populated planet in the same system that could build base troopers) and we have at least a
        # minimal amount of PP available, and (2) in the second pass we go through the reserved base trooper target list
        # and check to make sure that there does not appear to be too much military action still needed before the
        # target is ready to be invaded, we double check that not too many base troopers would be needed, and if things
        # look clear then we queue up the base troopers on the Production Queue and keep track of where we are building
        # them, and how many; we may also disqualify and remove previously qualified targets (in case, for example,
        # we lost our base trooper source planet since it was first added to list).
        # For planning and tracking base troopers under construction, we use a dictionary store in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets, keyed by the invasion target planet ID.  We only store values
        # for invasion targets that appear likely to be suitable for base trooper use, and store a 2-item list.
        # The first item in this list is the ID of the planet where we expect to build the base troopers, and the second
        # entry initially is set to INVALID_ID (-1).  The presence of this entry in qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        # flags this target as being reserved as a base-trooper invasion target.
        # In the second pass, if/when we actually start construction, then we modify the record, replacing that second
        # value with the ID of the planet where the troopers are actually being built.  (Right now that is always the
        # same as the source planet originally identified, but we could consider reevaluating that, or use that second
        # value to instead record how many base troopers have been queued, so that on later turns we can assess if the
        # process got delayed & perhaps more troopers need to be queued).

        # Pass 1: identify qualifying base troop invasion targets
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            if pid in aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet:
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(pid)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            best_base_planet = INVALID_ID
            best_trooper_count = 0
            for pid2 in get_colonized_planets_in_system(sys_id):
                if available_pp.get(
                        pid2, 0
                ) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2 or not can_build_ship_for_species(
                best_base_trooper_here = get_best_ship_info(
                    PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, pid2)[1]
                if not best_base_trooper_here:
                troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
                if not troops_per_ship:
                species_troop_grade = get_species_tag_grade(
                    planet2.speciesName, Tags.ATTACKTROOPS)
                troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(
                    troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
                if troops_per_ship > best_trooper_count:
                    best_base_planet = pid2
                    best_trooper_count = troops_per_ship
            if best_base_planet != INVALID_ID:
                    pid, [best_base_planet, INVALID_ID])

        # Pass 2: for each target previously identified for base troopers, check that still qualifies and
        # check how many base troopers would be needed; if reasonable then queue up the troops and record this in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        for pid in list(aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if pid in invasion_targeted_planet_ids:  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            if aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                # TODO: evaluate changes to situation, any more troops needed, etc.
                continue  # already building for here
            _, planet_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid)
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
            troop_tally = 0
            for _fid in this_sys_status.get("myfleets", []):
                troop_tally += FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(_fid)
            if troop_tally > planet_troops:  # base troopers appear unneeded
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0 and (
                    this_sys_status.get("myFleetRating", 0) <
                    0.8 * this_sys_status.get("totalThreat", 0)
                    or this_sys_status.get("myFleetRatingVsPlanets", 0) <
                    this_sys_status.get("planetThreat", 0)):
                # this system not secured, so ruling out invasion base troops for now
                # don't immediately delete from qualifyingTroopBaseTargets or it will be opened up for regular troops
            loc = aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            best_base_trooper_here = get_best_ship_info(
                PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)[1]
            loc_planet = universe.getPlanet(loc)
            if best_base_trooper_here is None:  # shouldn't be possible at this point, but just to be safe
                    "Could not find a suitable orbital invasion design at %s" %
            # TODO: have TroopShipDesigner give the expected number of troops including species effects directly
            troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
            species_troop_grade = get_species_tag_grade(
                loc_planet.speciesName, Tags.ATTACKTROOPS)
            troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(
                troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
            if not troops_per_ship:
                    "The best orbital invasion design at %s seems not to have any troop capacity."
                    % loc_planet)
            _, col_design, build_choices = get_best_ship_info(
                PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)
            if not col_design:
            if loc not in build_choices:
                    "Best troop design %s can not be produced at planet with id: %s"
                    % (col_design, build_choices))
            n_bases = math.ceil(
                (planet_troops + 1) /
                troops_per_ship)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            # TODO: evaluate cost and time-to-build of best base trooper here versus cost and time-to-build-and-travel
            # for best regular trooper elsewhere
            # For now, we assume what building base troopers is best so long as either (1) we would need no more than
            # MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS base troop ships, or (2) our base troopers have more than 1 trooper per
            # ship and we would need no more than MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS base troop ships
            if n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS or (
                    troops_per_ship > 1
                    and n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS):
                    "ruling out base invasion troopers for %s due to high number (%d) required."
                    % (planet, n_bases))
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
                "Invasion base planning, need %d troops at %d per ship, will build %d ships."
                % ((planet_troops + 1), troops_per_ship, n_bases))
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(col_design.id, loc)
            debug("Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" %
                  (n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_string(loc),
            if retval != 0:
                aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                    empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1,

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(
        set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) -
    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops)
                      for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops)
                      for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    invasion_table = Table(
        table_name="Potential Targets for Invasion Turn %d" % fo.currentTurn(),

    for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
        planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
        invasion_table.add_row(planet, pscore, planet and planet.speciesName
                               or "unknown", ptroops)

    sorted_planets = [x for x in sorted_planets if x[1] > 0]
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, __, __ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" %
Пример #18
def calculateMilitaryPriority():
    """calculates the demand for military ships by military targeted systems"""
    global unmetThreat

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    capitalID = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capitalID is not None and capitalID != -1:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitalID)
        return 0  # no capitol (not even a capitol-in-the-making), means can't produce any ships

    have_l1_weaps = (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_1_4")
                     or (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_1_3")
                         and tech_is_complete("SHP_MIL_ROBO_CONT"))
                     or tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_1")
                     or tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1"))
    have_l2_weaps = (tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_2_3")
                     or tech_is_complete("SHP_WEAPON_4_1"))
    enemies_sighted = foAI.foAIstate.misc.get('enemies_sighted', {})

    allottedInvasionTargets = 1 + int(fo.currentTurn() / 25)
    targetPlanetIDs = [
        pid for pid, pscore, trp in
    ] + [
        pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()
    ] + [
        pid for pid, pscore in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()

    mySystems = set(AIstate.popCtrSystemIDs).union(AIstate.outpostSystemIDs)
    targetSystems = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(targetPlanetIDs))

    curShipRating = ProductionAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    cSRR = curShipRating**0.5

    defense_ships_needed = 0
    currentTurn = fo.currentTurn()
    ships_needed = 0
    defense_ships_needed = 0
    ships_needed_allocation = []
    for sysID in mySystems.union(targetSystems):
        status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(sysID, {})
        myRating = status.get('myFleetRating', 0)
        my_defenses = status.get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
        baseMonsterThreat = status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        #scale monster threat so that in early - mid game big monsters don't over-drive military production
        monsterThreat = baseMonsterThreat
        if currentTurn > 200:
        elif currentTurn > 100:
            if baseMonsterThreat >= 2000:
                monsterThreat = 2000 + (currentTurn / 100.0 -
                                        1) * (baseMonsterThreat - 2000)
        elif currentTurn > 30:
            if baseMonsterThreat >= 2000:
                monsterThreat = 0
            if baseMonsterThreat > 200:
                monsterThreat = 0
        if sysID in mySystems:
            threatRoot = status.get('fleetThreat', 0)**0.5 + 0.8 * status.get(
                'max_neighbor_threat', 0)**0.5 + 0.2 * status.get(
                    0)**0.5 + monsterThreat**0.5 + status.get(
                        'planetThreat', 0)**0.5
            threatRoot = status.get('fleetThreat',
                                    0)**0.5 + monsterThreat**0.5 + status.get(
                                        'planetThreat', 0)**0.5
        ships_needed_here = math.ceil(
            (max(0, (threatRoot -
                     (myRating**0.5 + my_defenses**0.5)))**2) / curShipRating)
        ships_needed += ships_needed_here
        ships_needed_allocation.append((sysID, ships_needed_here))
        if sysID in mySystems:
            defense_ships_needed += ships_needed_here

    scale = (75 + ProductionAI.curBestMilShipCost()) / 2.0
    #militaryPriority = int( 40 + max(0, 75*unmetThreat / curShipRating) )
    part1 = min(1 * fo.currentTurn(), 40)
    part2 = max(0, int(75 * ships_needed))
    militaryPriority = part1 + part2
    #militaryPriority = min(1*fo.currentTurn(), 40) + max(0, int(scale*ships_needed))
    if not have_l1_weaps:
        militaryPriority /= 2.0
    elif not (have_l2_weaps and enemies_sighted):
        militaryPriority /= 1.5
    #print "Calculating Military Priority:  40 + 75 * unmetThreat/curShipRating \n\t  Priority: %d    \t unmetThreat  %.0f        curShipRating: %.0f"%(militaryPriority,  unmetThreat,  curShipRating)
    fmt_string = "Calculating Military Priority:  min(t,40) + %d * ships_needed \n\t  Priority: %d  \t ships_needed: %d \t defense_ships_needed: %d \t curShipRating: %.0f \t l1_weaps: %s \t enemies_sighted: %s"
    print fmt_string % (scale, militaryPriority, ships_needed,
                        defense_ships_needed, curShipRating, have_l1_weaps,
    print "Source of milship demand: ", ships_needed_allocation

    if foAI.foAIstate.aggression < fo.aggression.typical:
        militaryPriority *= (1.0 + foAI.foAIstate.aggression) / (
            1.0 + fo.aggression.typical)
    return max(militaryPriority, 0)