Пример #1
    def power_up(self, arena, power_symbol):
        """ Take appropriate actions depending on
        the Power up symbol. """
        if power_symbol == RESET:
            # if the map cell is a bot symbol and not the head of the trail
            # ie, not the current position of the bike itself, delete all the
            map_size = arena.map.size
            for i in range(map_size):
                for j in range(map_size):
                    position = Position(i, j, map_size, map_size)
                    if (arena.map.get_symbol(position)
                            in [BIKE_1_SYMBOL, BIKE_2_SYMBOL]
                            and (arena.bikes[0].curr_posn != position)
                            and (arena.bikes[1].curr_posn != position)):
                        arena.map.set_symbol(position, EMPTY)

        elif power_symbol == TRAVERSER:
            self.bot.traverser_left += TRAVERSER_CAPACITY + 1
            # The + 1 is necessary because later, during this move,
            # it is going to be decreased by 1.

        elif power_symbol == NITRO:
            self.bot.nitro_left += NITRO_QUANTITY + 1
Пример #2
def BuildInitialWindow(grid):
    windowGrid = []
    for i in range(Commons.GAME_ROWS):
        for j in range(Commons.GAME_ROWS):

            if grid[i][j] == 1:
                color = Commons.LIGHT_GREEN
                weight = 1
            elif grid[i][j] == 2:
                color = Commons.LIGHT_BROWN
                weight = 5
            elif grid[i][j] == 3:
                color = Commons.LIGHT_BLUE
                weight = 10
            elif grid[i][j] == 4:
                color = Commons.LIGHT_RED
                weight = 15

            position = Position.Position(i, j, color, weight)

    return windowGrid
Пример #3
 def update_vector_calc(self):
     This method returns a position vector, where;
     - the x and y values are in pixels per second
     - the angle value is in degrees per second
     upd_vec = Position.Position()
     upd_vec.x = (self.new_pos.x - self.start_pos.x) / self.duration
     upd_vec.y = (self.new_pos.y - self.start_pos.y) / self.duration
     if self.new_pos.angle - self.start_pos.angle >= 180.0:
         print("large positive angle change")
         upd_vec.angle = (self.new_pos.angle - 360.0 -
                          self.start_pos.angle) / self.duration
     elif self.new_pos.angle - self.start_pos.angle <= -180.0:
         print("large negative angle change")
         upd_vec.angle = (self.new_pos.angle + 360.0 -
                          self.start_pos.angle) / self.duration
         upd_vec.angle = (self.new_pos.angle -
                          self.start_pos.angle) / self.duration
     print(type(self), self.foot, self.start_pos.print(),
     return upd_vec
Пример #4
    def getNeighbourPaths(self, pos, paths):

        x = pos.getX()
        y = pos.getY()
        z = pos.getZ()

        neighbouringPaths = []

        # look in all directions
        options = [[x + 1, y, z], [x - 1, y, z], [x, y + 1, z], [x, y - 1, z],
                   [x, y, z + 1], [x, y, z - 1]]
        for option in options:
            x = option[0]
            y = option[1]
            z = option[2]
            if x <= self.length - 1 and y <= self.width - 1 and z <= self.height - 1 and x >= 0 and y >= 0 and z >= 0 and self.grid[
                    x][y][z] == 2:
                    self.searchPath(Position.Position(x, y, z), paths))

        if len(neighbouringPaths) == 0:
            return None
        return neighbouringPaths
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, leader=None):
        """ initialize the dancer. """
        # the current position of the dancer's feet
        self.position = [Position.Position(), Position.Position()]

        # the update vector of the dancer's feet. in pixels per second and degrees per second
        self.delta_pos = [Position.Position(), Position.Position()]

        # the position of the dancer's feet at the end of the next step
        self.next_pos = [Position.Position(), Position.Position()]

        # the texture images to draw for the dancer's feet.
        self.free_foot_texture = [None, None]
        self.supporting_foot_texture = [None, None]

        # indicate what foot will move next
        self.free_foot = None

        # a reference to the leader. If this dancer is the leader, the variable is set to None
        self.leader = leader
Пример #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.BlockData = None
     self.Position = Position.Position()
     self.Rotation = 0
     self.EffectData = ()
Пример #7
 def getPrint2(self):
     return [
         Position.Position(1, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(4, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(7, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(10, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(13, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(16, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(1, 4, 0),
         Position.Position(4, 4, 0),
         Position.Position(7, 4, 0),
         Position.Position(10, 4, 0),
         Position.Position(13, 4, 0),
         Position.Position(16, 4, 0),
         Position.Position(1, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(4, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(7, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(10, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(13, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(16, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(1, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(4, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(7, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(10, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(13, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(16, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(8, 12, 0)
Пример #8
    def do_move(self, P_o, P_n, S_i):
        """Move piece from Position Orig (P_o) to Position New (P_n) """

        # Get information about P_o
        R_P_o = self.get_piece(P_o)
        if R_P_o[0]:
            # Get object and color of piece at P_o
            Piece = R_P_o[1]
            white_move = Piece.color
            # Check if P_n is a valid move for Piece at P_o
            if Piece.valid_move(P_n):
                # Check for castling
                if Piece.type == 'P':
                    Piece_t = None
                    R_P_n = self.get_piece(P_n)
                    # Check if there is a piece at P_n
                    take = R_P_n[0]
                    if take:
                        # Get object of piece at P_n
                        Piece_t = R_P_n[1]
                        Piece_t = None
                        # Get information about P_n
                        R_P_n = self.get_piece(P_n)
                        # Check if there is a piece at P_n
                        take = R_P_n[0]
                        if take:
                            # Get object of piece at P_n
                            Piece_t = R_P_n[1]
                        # Make proposed move from P_o to P_n
                        self.set_piece(P_n, Piece)
                        self.set_piece(P_o, None)
                        # Check if the current Player's king is now in check
                        check_status = self.check_any()
                        mate_status = self.mate_any()
                        if (white_move and check_status['w'] or
                                    not white_move and check_status['b']):

                            # Revert move and return false
                            self.set_piece(P_o, Piece)
                            self.set_piece(P_n, None)
                            if take:
                                self.set_piece(P_n, Piece_t)
                            return False
                        if take:
                        checks = True in map(lambda c_s: c_s[1], check_status.items())
                        mates = True in map(lambda m_s: m_s[1], mate_status.items())
                        move = History.Move.Move(white_move, Piece, P_o, P_n, True,
                                                 Piece_t, checks, mates, None)
                        return True
                        ep_check = abs(P_n.y - P_o.y) == 1 and abs(P_n.x - P_o.x) == 1
                        if ep_check:
                            P_ep_p = P(P_n.x, P_o.y)
                            ep_p = self.get_piece(P_ep_p)[1]
                            self.set_piece(P_n, Piece)
                            self.set_piece(P_o, None)
                            self.set_piece(P_ep_p, None)
                            # Check if the current Player's king is now in check
                            check_status = self.check_any()
                            mate_status = self.mate_any()
                            if (white_move and check_status['w'] or
                                        not white_move and check_status['b']):
                                # Revert move and return false
                                self.set_piece(P_o, Piece)
                                self.set_piece(P_n, None)
                                self.set_piece(P_ep_p, ep_p)
                                return False
                            checks = True in map(lambda c_s: c_s[1], check_status.items())
                            mates = True in map(lambda m_s: m_s[1], mate_status.items())
                            move = History.Move.Move(white_move, Piece, P_o, P_n, True,
                                                     ep_p, checks, mates, None)
                            return True
                            Piece_t = None
                            # Get information about P_n
                            R_P_n = self.get_piece(P_n)
                            # Check if there is a piece at P_n
                            take = R_P_n[0]
                            if take:
                                # Get object of piece at P_n
                                Piece_t = R_P_n[1]
                            # Make proposed move from P_o to P_n
                            self.set_piece(P_n, Piece)
                            self.set_piece(P_o, None)
                            # Check if the current Player's king is now in check
                            check_status = self.check_any()
                            mate_status = self.mate_any()
                            if (white_move and check_status['w'] or
                                        not white_move and check_status['b']):

                                # Revert move and return false
                                self.set_piece(P_o, Piece)
                                self.set_piece(P_n, None)
                                if take:
                                    self.set_piece(P_n, Piece_t)
                                return False
                            if take:
                            checks = True in map(lambda c_s: c_s[1], check_status.items())
                            mates = True in map(lambda m_s: m_s[1], mate_status.items())
                            move = History.Move.Move(white_move, Piece, P_o, P_n, True,
                                                     Piece_t, checks, mates, None)
                            return True

                elif Piece.type == 'K':
                    castle_check = abs(P_n.x - P_o.x) == 2
                    if castle_check:
                        # Check if last move was check
                        if self.log.get_last_move().check:
                            return False
                            # Move king
                            self.set_piece(P_n, Piece)
                            self.set_piece(P_o, None)
                            # Compute P_o and P_n for rook, as well as side
                            castle_type = ''
                            if (P_n.x > P_o.x):
                                P_rook_o = Position.Position(7, P_o.y)
                                P_rook_n = Position.Position(4, P_o.y)
                                if white_move:
                                    castle_type = 'Q'
                                    castle_type = 'K'
                                P_rook_o = Position.Position(0, P_o.y)
                                P_rook_n = Position.Position(2, P_o.y)
                                if white_move:
                                    castle_type = 'K'
                                    castle_type = 'Q'
                            # Move rook
                            self.set_piece(P_rook_n, self.get_piece(P_rook_o))
                            self.set_piece(P_rook_o, None)
                            check_status = self.check_any()
                            mate_status = self.check_any()
                            checks = True in map(lambda c_s: c_s[1], check_status.items())
                            mates = True in map(lambda m_s: m_s[1], mate_status.items())
                            if (white_move and check_status['w'] or
                                        not white_move and check_status['b']):
                                # Revert move and return false
                                self.set_piece(P_rook_o, self.get_piece(P_rook_n))
                                self.set_piece(P_o, self.get_piece(P_n))
                                self.set_piece(P_rook_n, None)
                                self.set_piece(P_n, None)
                                return False
                            move = History.Move.Move(white_move, Piece, P_o, P_n, False,
                                                     None, checks, mates, castle_type)
                            return True
                        # Normal move
                        Piece_t = None
                        # Get information about P_n
                        R_P_n = self.get_piece(P_n)
                        # Check if there is a piece at P_n
                        take = R_P_n[0]
                        if take:
                            # Get object of piece at P_n
                            Piece_t = R_P_n[1]
                        # Make proposed move from P_o to P_n
                        self.set_piece(P_n, Piece)
                        self.set_piece(P_o, None)
                        # Check if the current Player's king is now in check
                        check_status = self.check_any()
                        mate_status = self.mate_any()
                        if (white_move and check_status['w'] or
                                    not white_move and check_status['b']):

                            # Revert move and return false
                            self.set_piece(P_o, Piece)
                            self.set_piece(P_n, None)
                            if take:
                                self.set_piece(P_n, Piece_t)
                            return False
                        if take:
                        checks = True in map(lambda c_s: c_s[1], check_status.items())
                        mates = True in map(lambda m_s: m_s[1], mate_status.items())
                        move = History.Move.Move(white_move, Piece, P_o, P_n, take,
                                                 Piece_t, checks, mates, None)
                        return True
                # Run normal moves
                    Piece_t = None
                    # Get information about P_n
                    R_P_n = self.get_piece(P_n)
                    # Check if there is a piece at P_n
                    take = R_P_n[0]
                    if take:
                        # Get object of piece at P_n
                        Piece_t = R_P_n[1]
                    # Make proposed move from P_o to P_n
                    self.set_piece(P_n, Piece)
                    self.set_piece(P_o, None)
                    # Check if the current Player's king is now in check
                    check_status = self.check_any()
                    mate_status = self.mate_any()
                    if (white_move and check_status['w'] or
                                not white_move and check_status['b']):

                        # Revert move and return false
                        self.set_piece(P_o, Piece)
                        self.set_piece(P_n, None)
                        if take:
                            self.set_piece(P_n, Piece_t)
                        return False
                    if take:
                    checks = True in map(lambda c_s: c_s[1], check_status.items())
                    mates = True in map(lambda m_s: m_s[1], mate_status.items())
                    move = History.Move.Move(white_move, Piece, P_o, P_n, True,
                                             Piece_t, checks, mates, None)
                    return True
                return False

            return False
Пример #9
def testPos_devientTouche():
    pos = Position(5, 2)
    return pos.touche()
Пример #10
def testPos_y():
    pos = Position(10, 7)
    return pos.y() == 7
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     self.position = Position.Position(x, y)
     self.walls = [True, True, True, True]  #Left Top Right Bottom
Пример #12
 def getPixelScale(self):
     return Position(self.PPM_X, self.PPM_Y)
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, country):
        # Give each player a unique ID
        # self.id = len(players)

        # Generate a name
        self.forename = country.nameset.gen_forename()
        self.surname = country.nameset.gen_surname()
        self.country = country.nameset.get_country

        # Give our player a height, 'listed height', armspan, and standing reach
        # Height uses our predefined average and standard deviation
        self.height = round(random.normalvariate(avg_height, height_sd), 1)
        # NBA average "ape index" is 1.06, with a minimum of roughly 1.0 and a maximum of roughly 1.12
        self.armspan = round(
            random.normalvariate(self.height * 1.06, (self.height * 0.06) / 3),
        # Standing reach in the NBA has an average of (height+armspan)/1.5477.
        # The divisor of 1.5477 has a sd of 0.02251, due to some of players' heights being above their shoulders.
        self.reach = round((self.height + self.armspan) /
                           random.normalvariate(1.5477, 0.02251), 1)
        # Listed height in basketball is the height in shoes, usually (somewhat randomly) rounded up.
        if self.height < 183:
            short_syndrome = random.random() * 0.4 * (183 - self.height) + 0.1
            short_syndrome = 0
        self.l_height = Imperial.from_metric_round(
            self.height + (random.random() * 5) + 1.27 + short_syndrome, 0)

        # Generate empty dictionaries for the player's skills and tendencies
        self.skills = {}
        self.tendencies = {}
        # For each attribute, generate random number between the minimum and maximum rating
        # The constants 'skills' and 'tendencies' are defined at the beginning of the code.
        for i in skills:
            self.skills[i] = random.randint(min_rating, max_rating)
        for i in tendencies:
            self.tendencies[i] = random.randint(min_rating, max_rating)

        # A player's 'height' (actually based on standing reach) will be one of our strongest indicators of position
        self.skills["ht"] = int(
            (self.reach -
             ((avg_height * 2.06) / 1.5477 - 4 * height_sd) / 8 * height_sd) *

        # If ht is outside the range 0-100, set ht to 0 or 100
        if self.skills["ht"] < 0:
            self.skills["ht"] = 0
        elif self.skills["ht"] > 100:
            self.skills["ht"] = 100

        # Give each player an average value of their ratings
        self.avg = int(BasketballAverages.average(self.skills) + 0.5)

        # Give each player a random pot that is greater than their avg
        self.pot = maths.ceil((random.random() * random.random() *
                               (max_rating - self.avg)) + self.avg)

        # Create an empty list that will contain the players' game stats
        self.game_stats = []

        # Determine the position of the player
        self.pos = Position(self)

        # Assign the player to first available team with an open spot
        valid_team = False
        i = 1
        while not valid_team:
            # If there are less than 5 players on the team, assign the player
            if len(teams[i].players) < 5:
                self.team = i
                valid_team = True
            elif i == len(teams) - 1:
                self.team = 0
                valid_team = True
                i += 1
Пример #14
def create_player(conn, country, team_id=0):
    forename = country.nameset.gen_forename()
    surname = country.nameset.gen_surname()

    # Give our player a height (listed), weight, barefoot height, armspan, and standing reach
    # Height uses our predefined average and standard deviation
    height = round(random.normalvariate(avg_height, height_sd), 1)

    # NBA average "ape index" is 1.06, with a minimum of roughly 1.0 and a maximum of roughly 1.12
    armspan = round(random.normalvariate(height * 1.06, (height * 0.06) / 3),

    # Standing reach in the NBA has an average of (height+armspan)/1.5477.
    # The divisor of 1.5477 has a sd of 0.02251, due to some of a player's height being above their shoulders.
    reach = round((height + armspan) / random.normalvariate(1.5477, 0.02251),

    l_height = maths.floor(height + (random.random() * 5) + 1.27)
    l_height_feet = Imperial.from_metric_round(l_height, 0)

    # NBA average BMI is 24.88 with a sd of 1.6633
    weight = round(random.normalvariate(24.9, 1.6633) * ((height / 100)**2), 1)

    # # Assign the player to first available team with an open spot
    # valid_team = False
    # i = 1
    # while not valid_team:
    #     # If there are less than 5 players on the team, assign the player
    #     if len(teams[i].players) < 5:
    #         teams[i].addplayer(self)
    #         self.team = i
    #         valid_team = True
    #     elif i == len(teams) - 1:
    #         teams[0].addplayer(self)
    #         self.team = 0
    #         valid_team = True
    #     else:
    #         i += 1

    sql = """INSERT INTO players (forename, surname, team_id)
            VALUES(?, ?, ?)"""
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute(sql, (forename, surname, team_id))
    current_id = cur.lastrowid

    data = [
        str(l_height_feet), weight, l_height, height, armspan, reach

    sql = """INSERT INTO physicals (id, height, weight, 'metric height', barefoot, armspan, reach)
            VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"""
    cur.execute(sql, data)

    skill_dict = {}

    for i in skills:
        if i == "3pt":
            sql = "INSERT INTO skills (id, '3pt'"
            skill_dict[i] = (random.randint(min_rating, max_rating))
        elif i == "speed":
            # Speed is related to weight (see Google Sheet)
            sql += ", " + i
            temp_rating = random.randint(min_rating, max_rating)
            if weight >= avg_weight:
                factor = (weight - avg_weight) / 17
                skill_dict[i] = int(factor * random.random() * temp_rating +
                                    (1 - factor) * temp_rating)
                factor = (avg_weight - weight) / 17
                rxn = random.random()
                skill_dict[i] = int(factor * (max_rating -
                                              (rxn * temp_rating)) +
                                    (1 - factor) * (max_rating - temp_rating))
        elif i == "strength":
            # Strength is related to weight
            sql += ", " + i
            temp_rating = random.randint(min_rating, max_rating)
            if weight < avg_weight:
                factor = (avg_weight - weight) / 17
                skill_dict[i] = int(factor * random.random() * temp_rating +
                                    (1 - factor) * temp_rating)
                factor = (weight - avg_weight) / 17
                rxn = random.random()
                skill_dict[i] = int(factor * (max_rating -
                                              (rxn * temp_rating)) +
                                    (1 - factor) * (max_rating - temp_rating))
            sql += ", " + i
            skill_dict[i] = (random.randint(min_rating, max_rating))

    sql += ", avg, ovr, pot, grade)\n"

    skill_dict["avg"] = int(BasketballAverages.average_dict(skill_dict))

    # Overall rating, roughly scaled like 2K
    skill_dict["ovr"] = (int(((skill_dict["avg"] - 55) * 1) + 75.5))

    # Give each player a random pot that is greater than their ovr
    skill_dict["pot"] = (maths.ceil((random.random() * random.random() *
                                     (max_rating - skill_dict["ovr"])) +

    # Give each player a grade based on their ovr and pot
    temp_grade = (skill_dict["pot"] + skill_dict["ovr"]) / 2

    if temp_grade > 90:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "A+"
    elif temp_grade > 87:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "A"
    elif temp_grade > 84:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "A-"
    elif temp_grade > 81:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "B+"
    elif temp_grade > 78:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "B"
    elif temp_grade > 75:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "B-"
    elif temp_grade > 72:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "C+"
    elif temp_grade > 69:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "C"
    elif temp_grade > 66:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "C-"
    elif temp_grade > 63:
        skill_dict["grade"] = "D"
        skill_dict["grade"] = "F"

    # If overall rating outside 1-99, fix that
    for i in "speed", "strength", "avg", "ovr", "pot":
        if skill_dict[i] >= 100:
            skill_dict[i] = 99
        elif skill_dict[i] <= 0:
            skill_dict[i] = 1

    for i in skills:
        if i == "3pt":
            sql += "VALUES(?, ?"
            sql += ", ?"

    sql += ", ?, ?, ?, ?);"

    data = [current_id]
    skill_list = skill_dict.values()
    data = tuple(data)
    cur.execute(sql, data)

    position = (Position.Position(l_height, skill_dict))
    sql = """INSERT INTO positions (id, position)
            VALUES(?, ?)"""
    cur.execute(sql, (current_id, str(position)))

    sql = """INSERT INTO hometowns (player_id, hometown_id)
            VALUES(?, ?)"""
    cur.execute(sql, (current_id, country.cities.gen_hometown()))
    return cur.lastrowid
Пример #15
def main():
    rook = Rook()
    pos = Position(4, 5)

Пример #16
def testFlotte_nbBatCoule2():
    flot = Flotte()
    pos = Position(8, 7)
    bat = Bateau(4, 0, pos)
    return flot.nbBatCoule == 0
Пример #17
def testPos_x():
    pos = Position(3, 7)
    return pos.x() == 3
Пример #18
 def __init__(self):
     self.employees_info = Employee().get_all_db_data()
     self.positions_info = Position().get_all_db_data()
     self.tables_info = Table().get_all_db_data()
Пример #19
def testPos_touche():
    pos = Position(12, 2)
    return not (pos.touche())
Пример #20
def testBat_taille():
    pos = Position(3, 7)
    bat = Bateau(3, 0, pos)
    return bat.taille() == 3
Пример #21
	def __init__(self, fn, text):
		self.fn = fn
		self.text = text
		self.pos = Position(-1, 0, -1, fn, text)
		self.current_char = None
Пример #22
def testBat_positions():
    pos = Position(8, 12)
    bat = Bateau(3, 0, pos)
    # Impossible de tester toutes les valeurs, on en teste deux aléatoires
    return (bat.position(1).x() == 8) and (bat.position(2).y() == 10)
Пример #23
    def __init__(self):
        self.motorSerial = None
        self.position = Position(0, 0)
        self.side = "Left"
        self.dataFile = "SensorData.db"
        self.atomicDataFile = "AtomicSensorData.db"

        self.neutralY = 55
        self.nextPosition = Position(0, 0)
        self.phase = "Wait"
        self.xDirection = 1

        self.speed = 50
        self.frSpeed = self.speed
        self.brSpeed = self.speed
        self.blSpeed = self.speed
        self.flSpeed = self.speed
        self.rotation = 0


        self.taskPositions = [
            Position(30, 15),
            Position(10, 90),
            Position(40, 15),
            Position(20, 90),
            Position(50, 15),
            Position(30, 90),
            Position(60, 15),
            Position(40, 90),
            Position(70, 15),
            Position(50, 90)
        self.taskCount = 0
Пример #24
def testBat_nbPosTouche():
    pos = Position(3, 7)
    bat = Bateau(3, 0, pos)
    return bat.nbPosTouche() == 0
Пример #25
 def getPrint3(self):
     return [
         Position.Position(1, 11, 0),
         Position.Position(3, 2, 0),
         Position.Position(12, 2, 0),
         Position.Position(5, 3, 0),
         Position.Position(6, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(1, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(3, 8, 0),
         Position.Position(3, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(15, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(13, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(8, 4, 0),
         Position.Position(9, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(9, 8, 0),
         Position.Position(1, 9, 0),
         Position.Position(4, 5, 0),
         Position.Position(11, 8, 0),
         Position.Position(15, 10, 0),
         Position.Position(10, 1, 0),
         Position.Position(11, 5, 0),
         Position.Position(12, 11, 0),
         Position.Position(6, 8, 0),
         Position.Position(1, 5, 0),
         Position.Position(14, 2, 0),
         Position.Position(16, 7, 0),
         Position.Position(16, 5, 0)
Пример #26
def testBat_touchePosition():
    pos = Position(9, 7)
    bat = Bateau(4, 0, pos)
    return bat.nbPosTouche() == 1
Пример #27
 def __init__(self):
     self.FeatureBlocks = []
     self.Rotation = 0
     self.Position = Position.Position()
Пример #28
def testFlotte_nbBat2():
    flot = Flotte()
    pos = Position(9, 7)
    bat = Bateau(4, 0, pos)
    return flot.nbBat() == 1
Пример #29
# [email protected]

from Fourmi import *
from Domaine import *
from Position import *

dt = 1.
dx = 1.

# Dimensions du domaine
lx = 10
ly = 10

# Position de la nouriture ...
hg = Position(2,2)
bd = Position(2,3)

# Nid
position_du_nid = Position( 5,5 )

# Objet de gestion du parametre de source
source = SourceSansEffet(0)

# Domaine dans lequel evoluent la fourmi
domaine = Domaine( lx, ly, dx, dt, source, hg, bd, 0.02, 10. )
domaine.n[4][4] = 1
domaine.n[5][4] = 2
domaine.n[6][4] = 3

domaine.n[4][5] = 4
Пример #30
def testFlotte_bateaux():
    flot = Flotte()
    pos = Position(9, 7)
    bat = Bateau(4, 0, pos)
    return flot.bateaux()[0] is bat