Пример #1
from PyEcom import *
from config import *
from ctypes import *
import time, struct

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ecom = PyEcom('Debug\\ecomcat_api')
    ecom.open_device(1, 37440)

    ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x781, [0x30, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01])


    ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x781, [0x30, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02])

    #read one message (should contain payload of: 0x08)
    #sff = pointer(SFFMessage())
    #ecom.mydll.DbgLineToSFF("IDH: 03, IDL: 44, Len: 08, Data: FF 7F 00 00 00 08 00 D5", sff)

    #ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x781, [0x3E])

    #ecom.mydll.write_messages_from_file(ecom.handle, "input.dat")
    #ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x781, [0x30, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01])

    #ret = ecom.mydll.read_message_by_wid(ecom.handle, 0x039C)
    #ecom.mydll.write_messages_from_file(ecom.handle, "car-startup-trim.dat")

    #ret = ecom.mydll.read_message_by_wid(ecom.handle, 0x039C)
    #ecom.mydll.write_messages_from_file(ecom.handle, "car-startup-trim.dat")
from PyEcom import *
from config import *
import time, struct, sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #print "[*] Starting diagnostics check..."
    ecom = PyEcom('Debug\\ecomcat_api')

    ECU = 0x7E0

    #do security access
    ret = ecom.security_access(ECU)
    if ret == False:
        print "[!] [0x%04X] Security Access: FAILURE" % (ECU)
    print "[*] [0x%04X] Security Access: Success" % (ECU)

    #Unsure but this happens 3x in the capture before diag programming mode
    #I think this may have to do w/ tellin other ECUs the one being reprogrammed
    #is going offline for a while and DO NOT set DTC codes
    for i in range(0, 3):
        ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x720, [0xA0, 0x27])

    #Grequires the to be in half-on state (power on, engine off)
    #Failure to be in the required mode will result in diagnostic session failing
    ret = ecom.diagnostic_session(ECU, [0x10, 0x02])
    if ret == False:
        print "[!] [0x%04X] Programming Mode: Failure" % (ECU)
Пример #3
from PyEcom import *
from config import *
from ctypes import *
import time, struct

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ecom = PyEcom('Debug\\ecomcat_api')

    LOOPER = 0
    SETSPEED = 62
    SFFLINE = "IDH: 07, IDL: C0, Len: 08, Data: 04 30 01 00 02 00 00 00"

    SFFArray = SFFMessage * 1
    SFFS = SFFArray()

    ecom.mydll.DbgLineToSFF(SFFLINE, pointer(SFFS[0]))

    #if(SETSPEED < 200):
    #    SETSPEED = SETSPEED * 161

    #SFFS[0].data[0] = (SETSPEED >> 8) & 0xFF; 
    #SFFS[0].data[1] = SETSPEED & 0xFF;


        ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x7C0, [0x30, 0x01, 0x00, 0x08])
Пример #4
from PyEcom import *
from config import *
import time, struct, sys

if __name__ == "__main__":

    ecom = PyEcom('Debug\\ecomcat_api')
    ecom.open_device(0, 1)

    ECU = 0x7E0

    #Is CPU?
    ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(ECU, [0x09, 0x00])

    #Get Calibration IDs
    ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(ECU, [0x09, 0x04])

    ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(ECU, [0x13, 0x80])

    #Get VIN
    ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(ECU, [0x09, 0x04])

    ret = ecom.security_access(ECU)
    if ret:
        print "[*] [0x%04X] Security Access: Success" % (ECU)

        #Unsure but this happens 3x in the capture before diag programming mode
        #I think this may have to do w/ tellin other ECUs the one being reprogrammed
        #is going offline for a while and DO NOT set DTC codes
        for i in range(0, 3):
Пример #5
ecu_b2 = EcuBlock(0xF7000100, 0xFF001000, None)

blocks = []

#val = ecom.toyota_targetdata_to_dword("424433493A4B4B4D")
#ECM Calibration 34715200
#T-0052-11.cuw 03_TargetData=424433493A4B4B4D
#target_data = 0xBC1F6FEF    
target_data = nbo_int_to_bytearr(0xBC1F6FEF)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #print "[*] Starting diagnostics check..."
    ecom = PyEcom('Debug\\ecomcat_api')

    #Set this to False if flashing fails and the script needs re-run
    PREAMBLE = False

    #flash binary
    f = open("toyota_ecm.bin", "rb")

    if PREAMBLE == True:

        #ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x7E1, [0x09, 0x00])

        #Supported PIDs (Bit Encoded)
        ret = ecom.send_iso_tp_data(ECU, [0x09, 0x00])
Пример #6
from PyEcom import *
from config import *
from ctypes import *
import time, struct

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ecom = PyEcom('Debug\\ecomcat_api')

    #f = open("can2-startup-min-drivers.dat", "r")
    f = open("can2-passenger.dat", "r")
    sff_lines = f.readlines()

    num_of_sffs =  len(sff_lines)
    SFFArray = SFFMessage * num_of_sffs
    sffs = SFFArray()

    for i in range(0, num_of_sffs):
        ecom.mydll.DbgLineToSFF(sff_lines[i], pointer(sffs[i]))

    print "Starting to send msgs"
    #ecom.mydll.write_messages_from_file(ecom.handle, "input.dat")
    #ecom.send_iso_tp_data(0x781, [0x30, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01])

##        for i in range(0, 30):
##            ecom.mydll.write_message(ecom.handle, sff_0024_F9)
##        for i in range(0, 4):
##            ecom.mydll.write_message(ecom.handle, sff_0344)
Пример #7
from PyEcom import *
from config import *
from ctypes import *
import time, struct

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ecom = PyEcom('Debug\\ecomcat_api')

    #SFFLINE = "IDH: 00, IDL: 37, Len: 07, Data: C2 13 52 03 AC 00 14"
    #SFFLINE = "IDH: 00, IDL: 37, Len: 07, Data: C8 FE 58 13 E4 00 53"
    SFFLINE = "IDH: 00, IDL: 37, Len: 07, Data: C6 13 18 0E ED 00 2A"

    SFFArray = SFFMessage * 1
    SFFS = SFFArray()

    ecom.mydll.DbgLineToSFF(SFFLINE, pointer(SFFS[0]))


        ecom.mydll.write_message(ecom.handle, pointer(SFFS[0]))

    NOCHECK = 1


        #read_by_wid = ecom.mydll.read_message_by_wid_with_timeout
        #read_by_wid.restype = POINTER(SFFMessage)
        #sff_resp = ecom.mydll.read_message_by_wid_with_timeout(ecom.handle, 0x0037, 1000)