A wrapper around common objects in Petra db Copyright (C) 2012 Petra Trust ( http://www.petratrust.com ) """ import re import pyodbc import datetime import httplib2 import PySQLObject as psql # Connect to MSSQL and MySQL databases conn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=odbc-petra") cursor = conn.cursor() petra_db = psql.db(host="mysql.petratrust.com", user="******", passwd="sh0wm3th3m0n3y", db="petramembersdb") http = httplib2.Http() class Deal: "Store a deal" def __init__(self, row): self.did,self.dtype,self.fid,self.cid,self.ddate,self.dunits,self.dprice,self.dpayment, self.cancelid = row if self.cancelid is None: self.cancelid = 0 def tosql(self): return "("+str(self.did)+",'"+self.dtype+"','"+str(self.fid)+"','"+str(self.cid)+"','"+str(self.ddate)+"','"+str(self.dunits)+"','"+str(self.dprice)+"','"+str(self.dpayment)+"','"+str(self.cancelid)+"'),"
Copyright (C) 2012 Petra Trust ( http://www.petratrust.com ) """ import re import datetime import httplib2 import PySQLObject as psql import time import sys # Connect to MSSQL and MySQL databases petra_db = psql.db(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="", db="petramembersdb") http = httplib2.Http() def CallBalanceApi(client_id): url = 'http://localhost/members/api/balance_history?params[id]=' + str( client_id) response, content = http.request(url) return content def MYSQLQuery(sql, table=None): regex = re.compile(',$') sql = regex.sub('', sql)
A wrapper around common objects in Petra db Copyright (C) 2012 Petra Trust ( http://www.petratrust.com ) """ import re import datetime import httplib2 import PySQLObject as psql import time import sys # Connect to MSSQL and MySQL databases petra_db = psql.db(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="", db="petramembersdb") http = httplib2.Http() def CallBalanceApi(client_id): url = 'http://localhost/members/api/balance_history?params[id]='+str(client_id) response, content = http.request(url) return content def MYSQLQuery(sql, table=None): regex = re.compile(',$') sql = regex.sub('', sql) if table: petra_db.query("TRUNCATE TABLE `"+table+"`") a = petra_db.query(sql) petra_db.commit()
A wrapper around common objects in Petra db Copyright (C) 2012 Petra Trust ( http://www.petratrust.com ) """ import re import datetime import httplib2 import PySQLObject as psql import time import sys # Connect to MSSQL and MySQL databases petra_db = psql.db(host="mysql.petratrust.com", user="******", passwd="sh0wm3th3m0n3y", db="petramembersdb") http = httplib2.Http() def CallBalanceApi(client_id): url = 'http://www.petratrust.com/members/api/getbh?params[id]='+str(client_id) response, content = http.request(url) return content def MYSQLQuery(sql, table=None): regex = re.compile(',$') sql = regex.sub('', sql) if table: petra_db.query("TRUNCATE TABLE `"+table+"`") a = petra_db.query(sql) petra_db.commit()