def updateCrawl(self,givenid): query = PySQLPool.getNewQuery(self._db) #mysql_entry = self._db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) query.Query("update `mc_caching` set `last_crawl`=now() WHERE `id`='"+str(givenid)+"'") PySQLPool.commitPool() return
def commitPool(self): ''' Actively commit all transactions in the entire PySQLPool ''' PySQLPool.commitPool()
def update_data(self): query = PySQLPool.getNewQuery(self._db) query.execute("UPDATE `mc_versioning` SET `aktiv`=0 WHERE `mc_caching_id`=%s", self._entry) PySQLPool.commitPool()
def gotConnection(conn, username, password): #print "Connected to broker." yield conn.authenticate(username, password) print "Authenticated. Ready to receive messages" chan = yield yield chan.channel_open() yield chan.queue_declare(queue="someQueueName") # Bind to* and* routes yield chan.queue_bind(queue="someQueueName", exchange="messaging", routing_key='*') yield chan.queue_bind(queue="someQueueName", exchange="messaging", routing_key='*') yield chan.basic_consume(queue='someQueueName', no_ack=True, consumer_tag="someTag") queue = yield conn.queue("someTag") #Build Mysql connection pool PySQLPool.getNewPool( ).maxActiveConnections = 20 #Set how many reusable conns to buffer in the pool print "Pooling 20 connections" #Connection parameters - Fill this info with your MySQL server connection parameters mysqlconn = PySQLPool.getNewConnection(username='******', password='******', host='server_host', db='database_name') print "Connected to MySQL" queryp = PySQLPool.getNewQuery(mysqlconn) # Wait for messages # This can be done through a callback ... while True: msg = yield queue.get() props = pdu = pickle.loads(msg.content.body) if msg.routing_key[:15] == '': #print 'SubmitSMResp: status: %s, msgid: %s' % (pdu.status, # props['message-id']) #Update a record in mysql according to your own table. This will fire upon receiving a PDU response. #Make sure you already have a matching sms record to update. queryp.Query( "UPDATE table_name SET status='%s' WHERE messageid='%s'" % (pdu.status, props['message-id'])) PySQLPool.commitPool( ) #Very important, always execute a commit, autocommit doesn´t work well here elif msg.routing_key[:10] == '': #print 'SubmitSM: from %s to %s, content: %s, msgid: %s' % (pdu.params['source_addr'], # pdu.params['destination_addr'], # pdu.params['short_message'], # props['message-id']) # This will fire every time a message is sent to the SumbitSM queue. # Create a record with the messagesent msg queryp.Query( "INSERT INTO table_name (messageid,carrier,date,dst,src,status,accountcode,cost,sale,plan_name,amaflags,content) VALUES ('%s','Carrier',NOW(),'%s','%s','8','00000','0.0','0.0','plan_name','some_status','%s') " % (props['message-id'], pdu.params['destination_addr'], pdu.params['source_addr'], pdu.params['short_message'])) """ The previous query works for the following table structure: id INT primary_key auto_increment messageid VARCHAR(128) carrier VARCHAR date DATETIME dst VARCHAR(15) src VARCHAR(15) status VARCHAR(10) accountcode INT cost FLOAT sale FLOAT plan_name VARCHAR(25) amaflags VARCHAR(10) content VARCHAR(160) """ PySQLPool.commitPool() # Remember to Commit else: print 'unknown route' # A clean way to tear down and stop yield chan.basic_cancel("someTag") yield chan.channel_close() chan0 = yield yield chan0.connection_close() reactor.stop()
def insert_data(self): self.update_data() query = PySQLPool.getNewQuery(self._db) query.execute("INSERT INTO `mc_versioning` (`mc_caching_id`, `mc_name`, `mc_skin_path`, `mc_skin_all_uuid`, `mc_skin_all_md5`, `flag_delete`, `aktiv`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (self._entry, self._write_into_db['mc_name'], self._write_into_db['mc_skin_path'], self._write_into_db['mc_skin_all_uuid'], self._write_into_db['mc_skin_all_md5'], 0, 1)) PySQLPool.commitPool()