Пример #1
def main(argv=None):
	if argv is None:
		argv = sys.argv
	parser = OptionParser()
	parser.add_option("-i", "--in", dest="in_dir")
	parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="out_dir")
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
	in_dir = options.in_dir
	out_dir = options.out_dir
	critAverage = {}
	critNormalSD = {}
	critTriangSD = {}
	# Creating a list for error messages
	errorList = []
	# If some mandatory input files are missing
	if not os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/alternatives.xml") or not os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/criteria.xml") :
		errorList.append("Some input files are missing")
	else :
		# We parse all the mandatory input files
		xmltree_alternatives = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/alternatives.xml")
		xmltree_criteria = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/criteria.xml")
		# We check if all madatory input files are valid
		if xmltree_alternatives == None :
			errorList.append("The alternatives file can't be validated.")
		if xmltree_criteria == None :
			errorList.append("The criteria file can't be validated.")
		if not errorList :
			alternativesId = PyXMCDA.getAlternativesID(xmltree_alternatives)
			criteriaId = PyXMCDA.getCriteriaID(xmltree_criteria)
			if not alternativesId :
				errorList.append("No alternatives found. Is your alternatives file correct ?")
			if not criteriaId :
				errorList.append("No criteria found. Is your criteria file correct ?")
	if not errorList :
		# We check if parameters for criteria distribution profile have been provided
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/criteriaProfiles.xml") :
			xmltree_CritProfile = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/criteriaProfiles.xml")
			if xmltree_CritProfile == None :
				errorList.append ("criteriaProfiles file can't be validated.")
			else :
				critAverage = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_CritProfile, "distributionAverage")
				critNormalSD = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_CritProfile, "normalDistributionStandardDeviation")
				critTriangSD = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_CritProfile, "triangularDistributionStandardDeviation")
				# ...
	if not errorList :
		# We check if a seed is provided for the random generation
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/seed.xml") :
			xmltree_seed = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/seed.xml")
			if xmltree_seed == None :
				errorList.append ("seed file can't be validated.")
			else :
				seed = PyXMCDA.getParameterByName (xmltree_seed, "seed")
				if not isinstance(seed,int) :
					errorList.append ("seed value should be a strictly positive integer")
				else :
					if seed <= 0 :
						errorList.append ("seed should be a strictly positive integer")
						# We initialize the random generator
	if not errorList :
		for i in range(20):
			print random.random()
		# We recover criteria scale information
		criteriaTypes = PyXMCDA.getCriteriaScalesTypes (xmltree_criteria, criteriaId)
		criteriaDir = PyXMCDA.getCriteriaPreferenceDirections (xmltree_criteria, criteriaId)
		criteriaUB = PyXMCDA.getCriteriaUpperBounds (xmltree_criteria, criteriaId)
		criteriaLB = PyXMCDA.getCriteriaLowerBounds (xmltree_criteria, criteriaId)
		criteriaRL = PyXMCDA.getCriteriaRankedLabel (xmltree_criteria, criteriaId)
		# We add some default lower and upper bounds
		for crit in criteriaId :
			if not criteriaLB.has_key (crit) or criteriaLB[crit] == None :
				if criteriaTypes[crit] == "quantitative" :
					criteriaLB[crit] = 0.0
				else :
					criteriaLB[crit] = 1
			if not criteriaUB.has_key (crit) or criteriaUB[crit] == None :
				if criteriaTypes[crit] == "quantitative" :
					criteriaUB[crit] = 100.0
				else :
					if criteriaRL.has_key(crit) and criteriaRL[crit] != None :
						criteriaUB[crit] = len(criteriaRL[crit])
					else :
						criteriaUB[crit] = 10
		# We construct the performance Tableau
		Tab = {}
		for crit in criteriaId :
			Tab[crit] = {}
			if critNormalSD.has_key(crit) :
				sd = critNormalSD[crit]
				if critAverage.has_key(crit) :
					average = critAverage[crit]
				else :
					average = (criteriaLB[crit] + criteriaUB[crit])/2.0
				for alt in alternativesId :			
					temp = criteriaLB[crit] -1
					while temp < criteriaLB[crit] or temp > criteriaUB[crit] :
						temp = random.gauss (average,sd)
					Tab[crit][alt] = temp
					if criteriaTypes[crit] == "qualitative" :
						Tab[crit][alt] = int(Tab[crit][alt])
			elif critTriangSD.has_key (crit) :
				for alt in alternativesId :
					# TO BE CHANGED !!!
					Tab[crit][alt] = random.randint (criteriaLB[crit], criteriaUB[crit])
			else :
				for alt in alternativesId :
					if criteriaTypes[crit] == "quantitative" :
						Tab[crit][alt] = float(random.randint (criteriaLB[crit]*100, criteriaUB[crit]*100))/100.0
					else :
						Tab[crit][alt] = random.randint (criteriaLB[crit], criteriaUB[crit])
		# We construct the performanceTable.xml file
		filePerfTable = open(out_dir+"/performanceTable.xml", 'w')
		PyXMCDA.writeHeader (filePerfTable)
		filePerfTable.write ("<performanceTable>\n")
		for alt in alternativesId :
			filePerfTable.write ("\t<alternativePerformances>\n\t\t<alternativeID>" + alt + "</alternativeID>\n")
			for crit in criteriaId :
				if criteriaTypes[crit] == "quantitative" :
					filePerfTable.write ("\t\t<performance>\n\t\t\t<criterionID>" + crit + "</criterionID>\n\t\t\t<value><real>"+ str(Tab[crit][alt]) + "</real></value>\n\t\t</performance>\n")
				else :
					filePerfTable.write ("\t\t<performance>\n\t\t\t<criterionID>" + crit + "</criterionID>\n\t\t\t<value><integer>"+ str(Tab[crit][alt]) + "</integer></value>\n\t\t</performance>\n")
			filePerfTable.write ("\t</alternativePerformances>\n")
		filePerfTable.write ("</performanceTable>\n")
	# Creating log and error file, messages.xml
	fileMessages = open(out_dir+"/messages.xml", 'w')
	PyXMCDA.writeHeader (fileMessages)
	if not errorList :
		PyXMCDA.writeLogMessages (fileMessages, ["Execution ok"])
	else :
		PyXMCDA.writeErrorMessages (fileMessages, errorList)
Пример #2
def main(argv=None):
	if argv is None:
		argv = sys.argv
	parser = OptionParser()
	parser.add_option("-i", "--in", dest="in_dir")
	parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="out_dir")
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
	in_dir = options.in_dir
	out_dir = options.out_dir
	# Initialising a list of dictionaries for the preferences
	prefDir = {}
	critType = {}
	lowerBound = {}
	upperBound = {}
	levelNumber = {}
	thresholds = {}
	# Creating a list for error messages
	errorList = []
	# If some mandatory input files are missing
	if not os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/nbCriteria.xml") and not os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/criteriaNames.xml") :
		errorList.append("No parameter has been provided. You should provide a number of criteria (using nbCriteria.xml file) or a list of criteria names (using criteriaNames.xml file).")
	else :
		# User provides a list of criteria names
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/criteriaNames.xml") :
			# We parse the input file
			xmltree_CritNames = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/criteriaNames.xml")
			if xmltree_CritNames == None :
				errorList.append ("criteriaNames file can't be validated.")
			else :
				# We record the criteria names in critNames
				critNames = PyXMCDA.getParametersByName (xmltree_CritNames, "criteriaNames")
				if not critNames :
					errorList.append ("No criterion name has been found in criteriaNames file. Is your file correct ?")
		# User provides a number of criteria
		else :
			# We parse the input file
			xmltree_nbCrit = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/nbCriteria.xml")
			if xmltree_nbCrit == None :
				errorList.append ("nbCriteria file can't be validated.")
			else :
				nbCrit = PyXMCDA.getParameterByName (xmltree_nbCrit, "nbCriteria")
				# We check the validity of the parameter
				if not nbCrit :
					errorList.append ("nbCriteria parameter not provided. It should be a strict positive integer.")
				if not errorList and not isinstance(nbCrit,int) :
					errorList.append ("nbCriteria value should be a strict positive integer.")
				if not errorList and nbCrit <= 0 :
					errorList.append ("nbCriteria value should be a scrict positive integer.")
				# We check if a prefix parameter has been provided
				if not errorList :
					if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/criteriaPrefix.xml") :
						xmltree_CritPrefix = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/criteriaPrefix.xml")
						if xmltree_CritPrefix == None :
							errorList.append ("criteriaPrefix file can't be validated.")
						else :
							critPrefix = PyXMCDA.getParameterByName (xmltree_CritPrefix, "criteriaPrefix")
							# We check the validity of the parameter
							if not isinstance(critPrefix,str) :
								errorList.append ("criteriaPrefix parameter should be a label")
					else :
						# If no prefix has been provided, the criteria will be called g1, g2, ...
						critPrefix = "g"
				if not errorList :
					# We create the critNames list
					critNames = []
					for nb in range(nbCrit) :
	if not errorList :
		# We check if a seed is provided for the random generation
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/seed.xml") :
			xmltree_seed = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/seed.xml")
			if xmltree_seed == None :
				errorList.append ("seed file can't be validated.")
			else :
				seed = PyXMCDA.getParameterByName (xmltree_seed, "seed")
				if not isinstance(seed,int) :
					errorList.append ("seed value should be a strictly positive integer")
				else :
					if seed <= 0 :
						errorList.append ("seed should be a strictly positive integer")
						# We initialize the random generator
	if not errorList :
		# We check if a preferenceDirection file has been provided
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/preferenceDirection.xml") :
			xmltree_PrefDir = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/preferenceDirection.xml")
			if xmltree_PrefDir == None :
				errorList.append ("preferenceDirection file can't be validated.")
			else :
				prefDir = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_PrefDir, "preferenceDirection")
				if not prefDir :
					errorList.append("No preference direction found. Is your preferenceDirection file correct ?")
	if not errorList :
		# We check if a criteriaType file has been provided
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/criteriaType.xml") :
			xmltree_CritType = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/criteriaType.xml")
			if xmltree_CritType == None :
				errorList.append ("criteriaType file can't be validated.")
			else :
				critType = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_CritType, "criteriaType")
				if not critType :
					errorList.append("No criterion type found. Is your criteriaType file correct ?")
	if not errorList :
		# We check if a lowerBound file has been provided
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/lowerBounds.xml") :
			xmltree_LowerBound = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/lowerBounds.xml")
			if xmltree_LowerBound == None :
				errorList.append ("lowerBounds file can't be validated.")
			else :
				lowerBound = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_LowerBound, "lowerBounds")
				if not lowerBound :
					errorList.append("No lower bound found. Is your lowerBounds file correct ?")
	if not errorList :
		# We check if an upperBound file has been provided
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/upperBounds.xml") :
			xmltree_UpperBound = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/upperBounds.xml")
			if xmltree_UpperBound == None :
				errorList.append ("upperBounds file can't be validated.")
			else :
				upperBound = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_UpperBound, "upperBounds")
				if not upperBound :
					errorList.append("No upper bound found. Is your upperBounds file correct ?")
	if not errorList :
		# We check if a numberOfLevels parameter has been provided
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/numberOfLevels.xml") :
			xmltree_levelNumber = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/numberOfLevels.xml")
			if xmltree_levelNumber == None :
				errorList.append ("numberOfLevels file can't be validated.")
			else :
				levelNumber = PyXMCDA.getNamedParametersByName (xmltree_levelNumber, "numberOfLevels")
				if not levelNumber :
					errorList.append("No number of levels found. Is your numberOfLevels file correct ?")
	if not errorList :
		# We check if a thresholdsNames file has been provided
		if os.path.isfile (in_dir+"/thresholdsNames.xml") :
			xmltree_Thresholds = PyXMCDA.parseValidate(in_dir+"/thresholdsNames.xml")
			if xmltree_Thresholds == None :
				errorList.append ("thresholdsNames file can't be validated.")
			else :
				thresholds = PyXMCDA.getParametersByName (xmltree_Thresholds, "thresholdsNames")
				if not thresholds :
					errorList.append("No threshold name found. Is your thresholdsNames file correct ?")
	if not errorList :
		# We create the criteria.xml file
		fileCrit = open(out_dir+"/criteria.xml", 'w')
		PyXMCDA.writeHeader (fileCrit)
		fileCrit.write ("<criteria>\n")
		for crit in critNames :
			fileCrit.write ("\t<criterion id='" + crit + "'>\n\t\t<active>true</active>\n\t\t<scale>\n")
			# Opening qualitative or quantitative tag
			if critType.has_key (crit) and critType[crit] == "qualitative" :
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t<qualitative>\n")
				varBoundType = "integer"
				if levelNumber.has_key (crit) :
					numberOfLevels = levelNumber[crit]
					valLB = 1
					valUB = numberOfLevels
				else :
					numberOfLevels = 10
					valLB = 1
					valUB = 10
			else :
				# By default, a criterion is quantitative
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t<quantitative>\n")
				varBoundType = "real"
				if lowerBound.has_key (crit) :
					valLB = lowerBound[crit]
				else :
					valLB = 0.0
				if upperBound.has_key (crit) :
					valUB = upperBound[crit]
				else :
					valUB = 100.0
			# Preference direction information	
			if prefDir.has_key (crit) and prefDir[crit] == "min" :
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t\t<preferenceDirection>min</preferenceDirection>\n")
			else :
				# By default, the preference direction is "max"
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t\t<preferenceDirection>max</preferenceDirection>\n")
			if critType.has_key (crit) and critType[crit] == "qualitative" :
				for nb in range (numberOfLevels) :
					fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t\t<rankedLabel><label>"+str(nb+1)+"</label><rank>"+str(nb+1)+"</rank></rankedLabel>\n")
			else :
				# Writing minimum tag for the lower bound
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t\t<minimum><"+varBoundType+">")
				if lowerBound.has_key (crit) :
					valLB = lowerBound[crit]
				fileCrit.write (str(valLB)+"</"+varBoundType+"></minimum>\n")
				# Writing maximum tag for the upper bound
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t\t<maximum><"+varBoundType+">")
				fileCrit.write (str(valUB)+"</"+varBoundType+"></maximum>\n")
			# Closing quantitative or qualitative tag		
			if critType.has_key (crit) and critType[crit] == "qualitative" :
			else :		
			# Closing scale tag
			# Writing thresholds tag
			if thresholds :
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t<thresholds>\n")
				pos = 0
				for thre in thresholds :
					if critType.has_key (crit) and critType[crit] == "qualitative" :
						# Writing a random integer
						valThre = random.randint(valLB+pos*(valUB-valLB)/len(thresholds),valLB+(pos+1)*(valUB-valLB)/len(thresholds))
					else :
						# Writing a random real
						valThre = float(random.randint(int((valLB+pos*(valUB-valLB)/len(thresholds)))*100,int((valLB+(pos+1)*(valUB-valLB)/len(thresholds)))*100))/100
					fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t<threshold id='"+thre+"'>\n\t\t\t\t<constant><"+varBoundType+">"+str(valThre)+"</"+varBoundType+"></constant>\n")
					fileCrit.write ("\t\t\t</threshold>\n")
					pos += 1
				fileCrit.write ("\t\t</thresholds>\n")
			# Closing criterion tag
		fileCrit.write ("</criteria>\n")
	# Creating log and error file, messages.xml
	fileMessages = open(out_dir+"/messages.xml", 'w')
	PyXMCDA.writeHeader (fileMessages)
	if not errorList :
		PyXMCDA.writeLogMessages (fileMessages, ["Execution ok"])
	else :
		PyXMCDA.writeErrorMessages (fileMessages, errorList)