Пример #1
def iterateStimulus(p):
    for iF in range(p['nFr']):
        QDS.SetObjColor(p['nB'], p['BoxIndList'], p['Frames'][iF])
        QDS.Scene_Render(p['durMarker_s'], p['nB'], p['BoxIndList'],
                         p['BoxPosList'], 1)
        QDS.Scene_Render(p['durStim_s'] - p['durMarker_s'], p['nB'],
                         p['BoxIndList'], p['BoxPosList'], 0)
Пример #2
def myLoop():
    for iT in range(p['nTrials']):
        mixA = random.random()
        perLen_um = random.randint(10, 500)
        QDS.SetShaderParams(1, [perLen_um, perDur_s, minRGBA, maxRGBA, mixA])
        ObjRotList = [random.randint(0, 359)] * nObj
        QDS.Scene_RenderEx(p['dt_s'], ObjIndList, ObjPosList, ObjMagList,
                           ObjRotList, 0)
Пример #3
def iterateStimulus(p):
    for t_pnt in range(p['rand_streams'].shape[1]):
        IND, RGB, POS, MAG, ANG = [], [], [], [], []
        for itx in range(len(p['domain'])):
            IND.append(itx, )
            RGB.append(3 * (int(p['rand_streams'][itx, t_pnt] * p['iFull']), ))
            POS.append((0, 0), )
            MAG.append((1, 1), )
            ANG.append(0, )
            QDS.SetObjColor(itx, [IND[itx]], [RGB[itx]])

        QDS.Scene_RenderEx(1 / p["frameRate"], IND, POS, MAG, ANG, 0)
Пример #4
def myLoop():
  QDS.Start_Movie(1, (-200,-200), [0,39,3,1], (1.0,1.0), 128, 0, _screen=0)
  QDS.Start_Movie(2, (-200,-200), [0,39,3,1], (1.0,1.0), 128, 0, _screen=1)

  for iT in range(p['nTrials']):
    isMark   =  int((iT % 20) == 0)

    # Update colors of sinusoidal+flickering spots
    per        = math.pi*2 *iT*p['dt_s']/Spot_SinPer_s
    iSin       = (math.sin(per) +1)/2
    iCos       = (math.cos(per) +1)/2
    Spots_colL = []
    r          = 0
    g          = 0
    b          = int(255 *iSin)
    u          = int(255 *iSin)
    g          = int(255 *iSin)
    b          = 0
    g          = int(255 *iCos)
    b          = g

    g          = int(255 *(iT % 2))
    b          = g
    u          = int(255 *iCos)
    g          = int(255 *(1- (iT % 2)))
    b          = g

    # Set colors and render
    indL       = Grad_indL +Spots_indL
    magL       = Grad_magL +Spots_magL
    posL       = Grad_posL +Spots_posL
    rotL       = Grad_rotL +Spots_rotL
    indL       = Spots_indL
    magL       = Spots_magL
    posL       = Spots_posL
    rotL       = Spots_rotL

    QDS.SetObjColorEx(Spots_indL, Spots_colL, Spots_alpL)
    #QDS.SetObjColorAlphaByVertex([Spot_ID_sinW], [[(255,0,0,200),(0,55,0,128)]])
    if not(p['useStripes']):
      QDS.SetObjColorAlphaByVertex(Grad_indL, Grad_colL)
    QDS.Scene_RenderEx(p['dt_s'], indL, posL, magL, rotL, isMark)
Пример #5
def iterateStimulus(p):
    Intensity = np.ndarray((p['frequency_map'].shape[0], ))
    for t_pnt in range(p['frequency_map'].shape[0]):
        frequency = np.log(p['frequency_map'][t_pnt])
        contrast = p['contrast_map'][t_pnt]
        Intensity[t_pnt] = np.sin(
            np.pi * frequency * t_pnt) * contrast * p["iHalf"] + p["iHalf"]
        if p['mode'] != 'trace':
            RGB = 3 * (int(Intensity[t_pnt]), )
            QDS.SetObjColor(1, [1], [RGB])
            QDS.Scene_Render(p["durFr_s"], 1, [1], [(0, 0)], 0)
    if p['mode'] is 'trace':
        return Intensity
Пример #6
def buildStimulus(p):
    '''Chirp formula is f(t) = sin( 2pi*F0 + pi*K*t^2)), where:
        F0 is Starting Frequency
        K = Acceleration (Hz / s)
        t = time (s)'''
    p['nPntChirp']       = int(p["chirpDur_s"] /p["durFr_s"])
    p['K_HzPerSec']      = p["chirpMaxFreq_Hz"] /p["chirpDur_s"]  # acceleration in Hz/s
    p['durMarker_s']     = p["durFr_s"]*p["nFrPerMarker"]
    p['RGB_IHalf']       = 3 *(p["IHalf"],)
    p['RGB_IFull']       = 3 *(p["IFull"],)
    # Define stimulus objects
    QDS.DefObj_Box(1, p["dxStim_um"], p["dxStim_um"], 0)
    QDS.DefObj_Ellipse(2, p["dxStim_um"], p["dxStim_um"])
Пример #7
def buildStimulus(p):
    radius = np.linspace(0, p['radius_max'], p['radius_itx'] + 1)
    azimuth = np.linspace(0, p['azimuth_max'], p['azimuth_itx'] + 1)
    rad_to_degree = lambda rad: rad * 180 / np.pi

    domain = []
    for a in range(p['radius_itx']):
        for b in range(p['azimuth_itx']):
            domain.append((radius[a], radius[a + 1], rad_to_degree(azimuth[b]),
                           rad_to_degree(azimuth[b + 1] - azimuth[b])))

    p['domain'] = domain
    p['rand_streams'] = np.random.rand(len(domain),
                                       p['duration'] * p['frameRate'])

    for itx in range(len(domain)):
        print(itx, domain[itx][1], domain[itx][0], domain[itx][2],
Пример #8
def iterateStimulus(p):
    '''Define function for single sine ripple, and conversion function to 
    generate RGB values. Generate timeseries for each value pair instance.
    Iterate over all value pairs, calculating the intensity change at each
    timepoint. Render the intensity change of the ellipse.'''
    for (frequency,contrast) in p['contfreq_pairs']:
        RGB = 3 *(p["iHalf"],)
        QDS.SetObjColor (1, [1], [RGB])
        QDS.Scene_Render(p["tSteadyMID_s"], 1, [1], [(0,0)], 0)
        for t_pnt in range(int(p['durRipple']/p['durFr_s'])):
            Intensity = np.sin(np.pi*frequency*t_pnt)*contrast*p["iHalf"]+p["iHalf"]
            RGB = 3 *(int(Intensity),) 
            QDS.SetObjColor(1, [1], [RGB])
            QDS.Scene_Render(p["durFr_s"], 1, [1], [(0,0)], 0)
Пример #9
def buildStimulus(p):
    p['durMarker_s'] = p["durFr_s"] * p["nFrPerMarker"]
    p['RGB_IHalf'] = 3 * (p["IHalf"], )
    p['RGB_IFull'] = 3 * (p["IFull"], )

    # Define stimulus objects
    QDS.DefObj_Ellipse(1, p["dxStim_um"], p["dxStim_um"])
Пример #10
def buildStimulus(p):
    radius = [
        p['radius_centre'], p['radius_centre'] + 50, p['radius_centre'] + 100
    azimuth = [0, 120, 240, 360]

    domain = []
    for a in range(p['radius_itx']):
        for b in range(p['azimuth_itx']):
            domain.append((radius[a], radius[a + 1], azimuth[b],
                           azimuth[b + 1] - azimuth[b]))

    p['domain'] = domain
    QDS.DefObj_Ellipse(0, p["radius_centre"] * 2, p["radius_centre"] * 2)
    for itx in range(len(domain)):
        QDS.DefObj_Sector(itx + 1, domain[itx][1], domain[itx][0],
                          domain[itx][2], domain[itx][3], 5)
Пример #11
def MoveBarSeq():
    # A function that presents the moving bar in the given number of
    # directions (= moving bar sequence)
    for rot_deg in p["DirList"]:
        # Calculate rotation angle and starting position of bar
        rot_rad = (rot_deg - 90) / 360.0 * 2 * math.pi
        x = math.cos(rot_rad) * (p['moveDist_um'] / 2.0)
        y = math.sin(rot_rad) * (-p['moveDist_um'] / 2.0)

        # Move the bar stepwise across the screen (as smooth as permitted
        # by the refresh frequency)
        QDS.Scene_Clear(p['durMarker_s'], 1)
        for iStep in range(int(p['nFrToMove'])):
            QDS.Scene_RenderEx(p["durFr_s"], [1], [(x, y)], [(1.0, 1.0)],
                               [rot_deg], 0)
            x -= math.cos(rot_rad) * p['umPerFr']
            y += math.sin(rot_rad) * p['umPerFr']
Пример #12
def myLoop():
    for iT in range(nTrials):
        isMark = int((iT % 20) == 0)

        # Update colors of sinusoidal+flickering spots
        per = math.pi * 2 * iT * dt_s / Spot_SinPer_s
        iSin = (math.sin(per) + 1) / 2
        iCos = (math.cos(per) + 1) / 2
        Spots_colL = []
        r = 0
        g = 0
        b = int(255 * iSin)
        Spots_colL.append((r, g, b))
        g = int(255 * iSin)
        b = 0
        Spots_colL.append((r, g, b))
        g = int(255 * iCos)
        b = g
        Spots_colL.append((r, g, b))

        g = int(255 * (iT % 2))
        b = g
        Spots_colL.append((r, g, b))
        g = int(255 * (1 - (iT % 2)))
        b = g
        Spots_colL.append((r, g, b))
        Spots_colL.append((255, 128, 128))

        # Set colors and render
        indL = Grad_indL + Spots_indL
        magL = Grad_magL + Spots_magL
        posL = Grad_posL + Spots_posL
        rotL = Grad_rotL + Spots_rotL
    indL       = Spots_indL
    magL       = Spots_magL
    posL       = Spots_posL
    rotL       = Spots_rotL
        QDS.SetObjColorEx(Spots_indL, Spots_colL, Spots_alpL)
        #QDS.SetObjColorAlphaByVertex([Spot_ID_sinW], [[(255,0,0,200),(0,55,0,128)]])
        if not (useStripes):
            QDS.SetObjColorAlphaByVertex(Grad_indL, Grad_colL)
        QDS.Scene_RenderEx(dt_s, indL, posL, magL, rotL, isMark)
Пример #13
def buildStimulus(p):
    p['fPath'] = QDS.GetStimulusPath()
    p['durMarker_s'] = p['durFr_s'] * p['nFrPerMarker']
    '''Read file with M sequence'''
        f = open(p['fPath'] + '\\' + p['fNameNoise'] + '.txt', 'r')
        iLn = 0
        p['Frames'] = []

        while 1:
            line = f.readline()
            if not line:
            parts = line.split(',')
            if iLn == 0:
                p['nX'], p['nY'], p['nFr'] = int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(
                p['nB'] = p['nX'] * p['nY']
                Frame = []
                for iB in range(1, p['nB'] + 1):
                    r = int(parts[iB - 1]) * p['fIntenW']
                    Frame.append((r, r, r))
            iLn += 1
    '''Define objects
    Create box objects, one for each field of the checkerboard, such that we
    can later just change their color to let them appear or disappear'''

    for iB in range(1, p['nB'] + 1):
        QDS.DefObj_Box(iB, p['boxDx_um'], p['boxDy_um'], 0)
    '''Create two lists, one with the indices of the box objects and one with
    their positions in the checkerboard; these lists later facilitate using
    the Scene_Render() command to display the checkerboard'''

    p['BoxIndList'], p['BoxPosList'] = [], []
    for iX in range(p['nX']):
        for iY in range(p['nY']):
            iB = 1 + iX + iY * p['nX']
            x = iX * p['boxDx_um'] - (p['boxDx_um'] * p['nX'] / 2)
            y = iY * p['boxDy_um'] - (p['boxDy_um'] * p['nY'] / 2)
            p['BoxPosList'].append((x, y))
Пример #14
def myLoop():
    for iT in range(p['nTrials']):
    QDS.SetObjShader(ObjShaList, len(ObjShaList)//2*[1,1])    
    QDS.Scene_RenderEx(p['dt_s'], ObjIndList, ObjPosList, ObjMagList, ObjRotList, 0)
    QDS.SetObjShader(ObjShaList, len(ObjShaList)//2*[-1,-1])    
        QDS.Scene_RenderEx(p['dt_s'], ObjIndList, ObjPosList, ObjMagList,
                           ObjRotList, 0)
Пример #15
def buildStimulus(p):
    p['durMarker_s'] = p["durFr_s"] * p["nFrPerMarker"]
    p['freq_Hz'] = round(1.0 / p["durFr_s"])
    p['umPerFr'] = float(p["vel_umSec"]) / p['freq_Hz']
    p['moveDist_um'] = p["vel_umSec"] * p["tMoveDur_s"]
    p['nFrToMove'] = float(p['moveDist_um']) / p['umPerFr']

    # Define stimulus objects
    QDS.DefObj_Box(1, p["barDx_um"], p["barDy_um"])
Пример #16
def iterateStimulus(p):    
    folderStr = "C:\\Users\\AGEuler\\Documents\\QDSpy\\Stimuli\\Multiplexing\\"
    tableStr = 'sine_conditions.csv' 
    f = open(folderStr+tableStr,'r')
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    conditions = []
    for itx,row in enumerate(reader):
        if itx%2 == 0:
            conditions.append([float(state) for state in row])

    bkg_clr = (0,0,0)

    pause_counter = 0
    for (condition,frequency,contrast) in conditions:
        if pause_counter == 0:
            QDS.Scene_Clear(0.05, 1)
            QDS.Scene_Clear(0.95, 0)
            pause_counter = 16
        pause_counter -=1
        for itx in range(int(p['durRipple']/p['durFr_s'])):
            t_pnt = itx*p['durFr_s']

            # Add marker    
            if (itx%(p['MarkPer_s']/p['durFr_s']) < p['nFrPerMarker']):
                showMarker = 1
                showMarker = 0
            # Calculate stimulus intensity
            Intensity = math.sin(2*math.pi*frequency*t_pnt)*contrast/100*p["iHalf"]+p["iHalf"]
            RGB = (int(Intensity),int(Intensity),int(Intensity))
            # Set object intensity
            obj_colour = {
                0: [RGB,bkg_clr,], # Centre only  
                1: [bkg_clr,RGB,], # Annulus only  
                2: [RGB,RGB,],     # Centre and Annulus

            QDS.SetObjColor(2, [1,2], obj_colour[condition-1])
            QDS.Scene_Render(p["durFr_s"], 2, [1,2], [(0,0),(0,0)], showMarker)    
Пример #17
def buildStimulus(p):
    '''Set random seed. Generate sets of contrast and frequency values. Generate
    all permutations of these sets. Shuffle the order of the permutation set.
    Create single elliptical object, for which the freqeuency is modulated.'''
    contrast_values = np.linspace(p['contrast_min'],p['contrast_max'],p['contrast_n'])
    frequency_values = np.linspace(p['frequency_min'],p['frequency_max'],p['frequency_n'])
    p['contfreq_pairs'] = [(x,y) for x in frequency_values for y in contrast_values]
    # Define stimulus objects
    QDS.DefObj_Ellipse(1, p["dxStim_um"], p["dxStim_um"])
Пример #18
def iterateStimulus(p):
    folderStr = "C:\\Users\\AGEuler\\Documents\\QDSpy\\Stimuli\\Multiplexing\\"
    tableStr = 'grayscale_noise_conditions.csv'
    f = open(folderStr + tableStr, 'r')
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    condition = []
    for itx, row in enumerate(reader):
        if itx % 2 == 0:
            condition.append([float(state) for state in row])

    states = [
        (0, 0, 0),
        (p['iFull'], p['iFull'], p['iFull']),
        (0, 0, p['iFull']),
        (0, p['iFull'], 0),

    for t_pnt in range(p['frameRate'] * p['duration']):
        # Add marker
        if (t_pnt % (p['MarkPer_s'] * p['frameRate']) <
                p['nFrPerMarker']):  # <- Will this work for longer duration?
            showMarker = 1
            showMarker = 0

        IND, RGB, POS, MAG, ANG, ALP = [], [], [], [], [], []
        # Add stimulus marker
        for itx in range(7):
            IND.append(itx, )
            POS.append((0, 0), )
            MAG.append((1, 1), )
            ANG.append(0, )

        QDS.SetObjColor(7, IND, RGB)
        QDS.Scene_RenderEx(1 / p["frameRate"], IND, POS, MAG, ANG, showMarker)
Пример #19
def buildStimulus(p):
    # http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpherePointPicking.html
    theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(p['pnt_seed'])
    phi = np.arccos(2 * np.random.rand(p['pnt_seed']) - 1)

    dX = np.cos(theta[1:]) * np.sin(phi[1:]) - np.cos(theta[:-1]) * np.sin(
    dY = np.sin(theta[1:]) * np.sin(phi[1:]) - np.sin(theta[:-1]) * np.sin(
    dT = np.cumsum(np.append(
        0, 1 / np.sqrt(dX**2 + dY**2)))  # <- distance correction?

    #    if p['velocity']*p['duration']/p['frameRate'] > dT.shape[0]:
    #        raise ValueError('Target trajectory exceeds seed trajectory')

    coord = np.append(np.expand_dims(theta, axis=1),
                      np.expand_dims(phi, axis=1),
    timepoints = np.linspace(0, p['duration'], p['duration'] * p['frameRate'])
    coord_interp = sp.interpolate.interp1d(dT, coord, kind='cubic',

    spherical_to_cartesian = lambda theta, phi: [
        np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi),
        np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
    coord_xy = np.asarray(
        spherical_to_cartesian(coord_interp[:, 0], coord_interp[:, 1])).T

    coord_to_value = lambda value, parMax, parMin: (value + 1) / 2 * (
        parMax - parMin) + parMin
    frequency = coord_to_value(coord_xy[:, 0], p['frequency_max'],
    contrast = coord_to_value(coord_xy[:, 1], p['contrast_max'],

    intensity = np.zeros((frequency.shape[0]))
    for itx in range(frequency.shape[0]):
        intensity[itx] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency[itx]
                                ) * contrast[itx] * p['iHalf'] + p['iHalf']

    p['intensity'] = intensity
    # Define stimulus objects
    QDS.DefObj_Ellipse(1, p['dot_um'], p['dot_um'])
Пример #20
def iterateStimulus(p):
    for iL in range(p["nTrials"]):
        # Steady steps
        QDS.Scene_Clear(p["tSteadyOFF_s"] - p['durMarker_s'], 0)

        QDS.Scene_Clear(p['durMarker_s'], 1)
        QDS.SetObjColor(1, [
        ], [p['RGB_IFull']])
        QDS.Scene_Render(p["tSteadyON_s"], [
        ], [
        ], [(0, 0)], 0)

        QDS.Scene_Clear(p['durMarker_s'], 1)
        QDS.Scene_Clear(p["tSteadyOFF_s"] - p['durMarker_s'], 0)
Пример #21
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import QDS

QDS.Initialize("RGC_BG_3s", "'B/G' in fingerprinting stimulus set")

# Define global stimulus parameters
p = {"nTrials"         : 3, 
     "dxStim_um"       : 1000,   # Stimulus size
     "durFr_s"         : 1/60.0, # Frame duration
     "nFrPerMarker"    : 3,
     "RGB_green"       : (0,255,0),
     "RGB_blue"        : (0,0,255)}

# Do some calculations
durMarker_s    = p["durFr_s"] *p["nFrPerMarker"]

# Define stimulus objects
QDS.DefObj_Ellipse(1, p["dxStim_um"], p["dxStim_um"])

# Start of stimulus run

for iT in range(p["nTrials"]):
  QDS.SetObjColor (1, [1], [p["RGB_green"]])
Пример #22
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import QDS

QDS.Initialize("video_perlin32", "Perlin noise test")

# Define global stimulus parameters
FrRefr_Hz = QDS.GetDefaultRefreshRate()

p = {
    "nTrials": 1,  # number of stimulus presentations  
    "vidScale": (3.0, 3.0),  # movie scaling (x, y)
    "vidOrient": 0,  # movie orientation
    "vidAlpha": 255,  # transparency of movie
    "MarkPer_s": 1.0,  # number of markers per second
    "durFr_s": 1 / FrRefr_Hz,  # frame duration
    "nFrPerMarker": 3,
    "vidName": "Perlin32.avi"


# Define objects
QDS.DefObj_Video(1, p["vidName"])
vidparams = QDS.GetVideoParameters(1)
p["vidparams"] = vidparams
dFr = 1 / FrRefr_Hz
Пример #23
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import QDS
import os

# Initialize QDS
QDS.Initialize("RGC_Noise", "'noise' in fingerprinting stimulus set")

# Define global stimulus parameters
p = {
    "durStim_s": 0.200,
    "boxDx_um": 40,
    "boxDy_um": 40,
    "fIntenW": 255,  # intensity factor 
    # (pixel value(0,1) x fIntenW)
    "fNameNoise": "RGC_BWNoise_official",
    "durFr_s": 1 / 60.0,  # Frame duration
    "nFrPerMarker": 3


# Do some calculations and preparations
fPath = QDS.GetStimulusPath()
durMarker_s = p["durFr_s"] * p["nFrPerMarker"]

print(os.getcwd(), fPath)
Пример #24
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import QDS

QDS.Initialize("movie_water1", "Water movie test")

# Define global stimulus parameters
FrRefr_Hz = QDS.GetDefaultRefreshRate()

p = {"nTrials"         : 1,           # number of stimulus presentations  
     "movScale"        : (4.0, 4.0),  # movie scaling (x, y)
     "movOrient"       : 0,           # movie orientation
     "movAlpha"        : 255,         # transparency of movie
     "MarkPer_s"       : 1.0,         # number of markers per second
     "durFr_s"         : 1/FrRefr_Hz, # frame duration
     "nFrPerMarker"    : 3,

     "movName"         : "water1_flipped.jpg",
     "rng_seed"        : 1,           # Random seed
     "tex_ydim"        : 90,          # Output resolution, Y dimension
     "tex_xdim"        : 128,         # Output resolution, X dimension
     "duration"        : 180,         # Stimulus duration (seconds)
     "yNodes"          : 6,           # Generator image, Y dimension
     "xNodes"          : 6,           # Generator image, X dimension
     "upFactor"        : 48,          # Upscaling factor
     "tempFreq"        : 2.5,         # Temporal frequency
     "tempKernelLength": 61,          # Length of temporal filter kernel
     "spatialFreq"     : 0.06,        # Spatial frequency [?]
Пример #25
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Stimuilus to calibrate the output power of the lightcrafter.
-full field ellipse that increments intensity in 5 unit steps (0 to 255) every
2 seconds. Runs green by default

Created on Fri Jul  8 14:25:30 2016

@author: andre maia chagas

import QDS

QDS.Initialize("power_calibration", "'G/B'")

# Define global stimulus parameters
minVal = 0
maxVal = 256
step = 5

nsteps = ((maxVal - minVal) / step) * 2  # increase and decrease

p = {
    "nTrials": 1,
    "dxStim_um": 500,  # Stimulus size
    "durFr_s": 1 / 60.0,  # Frame duration
    "nFrPerMarker": 3,
    "RGB_green": (0, 255, 0),
    "RGB_blue": (255, 0, 0)
Пример #26
def buildStimulus(p):
    # Define stimulus objects
    QDS.DefObj_Ellipse(1, 50, 50)
Пример #27
def iterateStimulus(p):
    for iL in range(p["nTrials"]):
        # Steady steps
        QDS.Scene_Clear(p['durMarker_s'], 1)
        QDS.Scene_Clear(p["tSteadyOFF2_s"] - p['durMarker_s'], 0)

        QDS.SetObjColor(1, [p["StimType"]], [p['RGB_IFull']])
        QDS.Scene_Render(p["tSteadyON_s"], 1, [p["StimType"]], [(0, 0)], 0)

        QDS.Scene_Clear(p['durMarker_s'], 1)
        QDS.Scene_Clear(p["tSteadyOFF_s"] - p['durMarker_s'], 0)

        QDS.SetObjColor(1, [p["StimType"]], [p['RGB_IHalf']])
        QDS.Scene_Render(p["tSteadyMID_s"], 1, [p["StimType"]], [(0, 0)], 0)

        # Frequency chirp
        for iT in range(p['nPntChirp']):
            t_s = iT * p["durFr_s"]  # in ms
            Intensity = math.sin(
                math.pi * p['K_HzPerSec'] * t_s**2) * p["IHalf"] + p["IHalf"]
            RGB = 3 * (int(Intensity), )  # -> RGB tuple
            QDS.SetObjColor(1, [p["StimType"]], [RGB])
            QDS.Scene_Render(p["durFr_s"], 1, [p["StimType"]], [(0, 0)], 0)

        # Gap between frequency chirp and contrast chirp
        QDS.SetObjColor(1, [p["StimType"]], [p['RGB_IHalf']])
        QDS.Scene_Render(p["tSteadyMID_s"], 1, [p["StimType"]], [(0, 0)], 0)

        # Contrast chirp
        for iPnt in range(p['nPntChirp']):
            t_s = iPnt * p["durFr_s"]
            IRamp = int(p["IHalf"] * t_s / p["chirpDur_s"])

            Intensity = math.sin(
                2 * math.pi * p["ContrastFreq_Hz"] * t_s) * IRamp + p["IHalf"]
            RGB = 3 * (int(Intensity), )
            QDS.SetObjColor(1, [p["StimType"]], [RGB])
            QDS.Scene_Render(p["durFr_s"], 1, [p["StimType"]], [(0, 0)], 0)

        # Gap after contrast chirp
        QDS.SetObjColor(1, [p["StimType"]], [p['RGB_IHalf']])
        QDS.Scene_Render(p["tSteadyMID_s"], 1, [p["StimType"]], [(0, 0)], 0)

        QDS.Scene_Clear(p["tSteadyOFF_s"], 0)
Пример #28
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import random
import QDS

               "Example for random-colored boxes flickering")

# Set random generator seed

# Define global stimulus parameters
p = {}
p['dtFr_s'] = 3 / 60.0  # presentation time per pattern
p['nTrials'] = 50  #  0     # # of repeats
p['nPrMark'] = 20  # present marker every p['nPrMark']*p['dtFr_s']
p['nRows'] = 30  # dimensions of pattern grid
p['nCols'] = 30
p['boxDx'] = 15  # box size in um
p['boxDy'] = 15
p['dRot_step'] = 0  # angle by which boxes are rotated

# Define objects
# Generate one box object per grid position
nB = p['nRows'] * p['nCols']
for iB in range(1, nB + 1):
Пример #29
        # Move the bar stepwise across the screen (as smooth as permitted
        # by the refresh frequency)
        QDS.Scene_Clear(durMarker_s, 1)
        for iStep in range(int(nFrToMove)):
            QDS.Scene_RenderEx(p["durFr_s"], [1], [(x, y)], [(1.0, 1.0)],
                               [rot_deg], iStep < p["nFrPerMarker"])
            x -= math.cos(rot_rad) * umPerFr
            y += math.sin(rot_rad) * umPerFr

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main script
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
QDS.Initialize("RGC_MovingBar", "'moving bar' in fingerprinting stimulus set")

# Define global stimulus parameters
p = {
    "nTrials": 2,
    "DirList": [0, 180, 45, 225, 90, 270, 135, 315],
    "vel_umSec": 1000.0,  # speed of moving bar in um/sec
    "tMoveDur_s": 4.0,  # duration of movement (defines distance
    # the bar travels, not its speed)
    "barDx_um": 300.0,  # bar dimensions in um
    "barDy_um": 1000.0,
    "bkgColor": (0, 0, 0),  # background color
    "barColor": (255, 255, 255),  # bar color
    "durFr_s": 1 / 60.0,  # Frame duration
    "nFrPerMarker": 3
Пример #30
def iterateStimulus(p):
    QDS.SetObjColor(1, [1], [p["barColor"]])
    QDS.Scene_Clear(3.0, 0)
    QDS.Loop(p["nTrials"], MoveBarSeq)