Пример #1
    def OnTimer1Timer(self, event):
        dataSize = int(self.scPacketSize.GetValue()) * (
        if self.testPacketSize != dataSize:
            self.testPacketSize = dataSize
            self.array = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(self.testPacketSize)

        #Start Timing
        transBytes = 0
        startTime = self.GetTime()

        # Perform R/W
        if self.testRead:
                #(ok, bytesRead) = self.qusb.ReadData(self.array, self.testPacketSize)
                self.array = fptr.read(self.testPacketSize)
                bytesRead = len(self.array)
            except QuickUsb.QuickUsbException:
                    "QuickUsb.ReadData(%d) failed with exception %s!" %
                    "QuickUsb Exception", wx.OK, self)
            transBytes += bytesRead
                #(ok,) = self.qusb.WriteData(self.array, self.testPacketSize)
            except QuickUsb.QuickUsbException:
                    "QuickUsb.WriteData(data, %d) failed with exception %s!" %
                    "QuickUsb Exception", wx.OK, self)
            transBytes += self.testPacketSize

        # Calculate the throughput
        stopTime = self.GetTime()
        duration = stopTime - startTime
        if duration != 0.0:
            self.throughput = float(transBytes) / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * duration)

            msg = "Throughput: %.2f MB/s" % self.throughput
            print msg

            # Allow GUI to update
            self.stThroughput.Label = msg
            self.gThroughput.Value = min(35, int(self.throughput))
            self.throughput = 0.0

        self.timer1.Start(10, True)
Пример #2
# Find modules
(ok, modules) = QuickUsb.QuickUsb.FindModules()
if (len == 0):
    print 'No QuickUSB modules'

# Open QuickUSB module
qusb = QuickUsb.QuickUsb(modules[0])

# Read data from file
infile = open('data.bin', 'rb')
data = infile.read()
size = len(data)
print 'Write data'
wdata = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(size)
i = 0
for x in data:
    wdata[i] = ord(x)
    i += 1
print wdata[:]
print 'Size:', size
(ok, ) = qusb.WriteData(wdata, size)

# Read data
rdata = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(size)
(ok, bytes) = qusb.ReadData(rdata, size)
print 'Read data'
print rdata[:]
print 'Bytes read:', bytes
Пример #3
print '\tTXD_1 - Transmit port 1'

print '\nThis test sets the baud rate to 4800, writes data to port 0, and reads data from port 1.'
print '\tSetRS232BaudRate to 4800'
(ok, ) = qusb.SetRS232BaudRate(4800)
print '\t\tReturn:', ok

print '\tFlushRS232 both ports'
(ok, ) = qusb.FlushRS232(0)
print '\t\tReturn 0:', ok
(ok, ) = qusb.FlushRS232(1)
print '\t\tReturn 1:', ok

print '\tWriteRS232 to port 0'
size = 64
wdata = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(size)
for i in xrange(size):
    wdata[i] = i
(ok, ) = qusb.WriteRS232(0, wdata, size)
print '\t\tReturn:', ok

print '\tGetNumRS232: Number of characters should be 64.'
(ok, numchar) = qusb.GetNumRS232(1)
print '\t\tNumber of characters:', numchar

if numchar > 0:
    print '\tReadRS232: Data should be sequential values from 0 to 63'
    rdata = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(numchar)
    (ok, bytes) = qusb.ReadRS232(1, rdata, numchar)
    print '\t\tData:', rdata[:]
Пример #4
	# Check if FPGA is configured correctly
	print '\tIsFPGAConfigured - Working'
	(ok, r) = q.IsFpgaConfigured()
	print '\t\tConfigured:',r
if r == 1:
	# Reset FPGA logic
	print '\tReset FPGA logic'
	q.WriteSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.PortA,0x8180) # Set port A bit 0 direction as output and value as 0
	q.WriteSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.PortA,0x8181) # Set port A bit 0 value as 1
	(ok, r) = q.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.PortA)
	print '\t\tPort A setting:',hex(r)

	# Set loop back mode
	print '\tSet loop back mode'
	data = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(1)
	data[0] = 0x00
	(ok, r) = q.ReadCommand(0,data,1)
	print '\t\tCommand:',r

	# Set fifo configuration and word wide
	print '\tWriteSetting - Working'
	(ok, fifo_config) = q.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.FifoConfig)
	t = fifo_config&0xFFFE
	fifo_config = q.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.FifoConfig)
	print '\t\tFifo configuration:',fifo_config
	(ok, word_wide) = q.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.WordWide)
	print '\t\tWord wide:',word_wide
Пример #5

# FPGA Configuration
print 'FPGA Configuration'

print '\nSet wordwide, turn on FPGA power, set to Altera, and configure FPGA'
print '\tWordword should read 0x1.'
print '\tPort setting should read 0x80-- where -- could vary, but at least bit 7 should be high.'
print '\tFPGA type should read 0x0.'
print '\n\tStartFPGAConfiguration'
(ok,) = qusb.WriteSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.WordWide, 1)
(ok, word_wide) = qusb.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.WordWide)
print '\t\tWord wide:', hex(word_wide)
(ok,) = qusb.WritePortDir(0, 0x80) # Set port A bit 7 to output
portval = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(1)
portval[0] = 0x80
(ok,) = qusb.WritePort(0, portval, 1) # Set port A bit 7 to high to turn on FPGA power
(ok, porta) = qusb.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.PortA)
print '\t\tPort A setting:', hex(porta)
mask = 0xFE
(ok, fpga_type) = qusb.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.FpgaType)
(ok,) = qusb.WriteSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.FpgaType, fpga_type & mask) # Set FPGA type to Altera Passive Serial
(ok, fpga_type) = qusb.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.FpgaType)
print '\t\tFpga type:', hex(fpga_type)

# This delay is needed before starting the configuration

(ok,) = qusb.StartFpgaConfiguration()
Пример #6
print '\tCTL3 - nREN'
print '\tCTL4 - nWEN'
print '\tCTL5 - nOE'
print '\tRDY0 - nEMPTY'
print '\tRDY1 - nFULL'

# Check if FPGA is configured
print '\nIs FPGA Configured'
(ok, configured) = qusb.IsFpgaConfigured()
print '\tConfigured:', configured

if configured == 0:
	# Turn on FPGA power and reset FPGA logic
	print 'Reset FPGA logic'
	print '\tPort A setting should read 0x81-- where -- could vary, but at least bit 7 and 0 should be high.'
	val = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(1)
	val = 0x80
	(ok,) = qusb.WritePortDir(0, 0x81) # Set port A bit 7 and 0 as outputs
	(ok,) = qusb.WritePort(0, val, 1) # Set port A bit 7 high and bit 0 low
	val = 0x81
	(ok,) = qusb.WritePort(0, val, 1) # Set port A bit 0 high
	(ok, r) = qusb.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.PortA)
	print '\tPort A setting:', hex(r)

	# Set wordwide
	print 'Set word wide'
	print '\tWord wide should read 0x1.'
	(ok,) = qusb.WriteSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.WordWide, 1)
	(ok, word_wide) = qusb.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.WordWide)
	print '\tWord wide:', hex(word_wide)
Пример #7
print 'General-Purpose I/O'

# If you change the following port number, you must also change the port for ReadSetting.
port = 0

print '\nThe following test sets the port directions as output and toggles the port values'
print '\tWritePortDir'
t = 0xFF
(ok, ) = qusb.WritePortDir(port, t)

print '\tReadPortDir: The port direction should read 0xff'
(ok, portdir) = qusb.ReadPortDir(port)
print '\t\tPort direction:', hex(portdir)

print '\tWritePort'
portval = QuickUsb.CreateByteBuffer(1)
portval[0] = 0xAA
(ok, ) = qusb.WritePort(port, portval, 1)

print '\tReadPort: The port values should read 0xaa'
(ok, r) = qusb.ReadPort(port, portval, 1)
print '\t\tPort values:', hex(portval[0])

print '\tRead port setting: The port setting should read 0xffaa'
(ok, portsetting) = qusb.ReadSetting(QuickUsb.Setting.PortA)
print '\t\tPort setting:', hex(portsetting)

print '\tWritePort'
portval[0] = 0x55
(ok, ) = qusb.WritePort(port, portval, 1)