Пример #1
def crossCorrelateValuesForPlotting(data1, data2, countryIndex, yearOffset):
    # pprint.pprint(data2[countryIndex])
    d1, d2, years = RADS.yearCorrelate(data1[countryIndex], data2[countryIndex], yearOffset=yearOffset)

    d1 = np.array(d1)
    d2 = np.array(d2)
    if (len(d1) > 1) and (len(d2) > 1):
        return d1, d2
        # print 'Country ', countryIndex, ' has no data for given indicator.'
        return d1, d2

def generate_list_of_Countries(data_list):
    countryList = []
    for data in data_list:
        countryList.append( data[0] )
    return countryList

dependent = RADS.ourCountries(dependent, country_list)
independent = RADS.ourCountries(independent, country_list)

## Re-order the countries in the dependent caraible to the order of the independent variable:
for country_set in independent:
    country = country_set[0]
    for country_set_dependent in dependent:
        if country_set_dependent[0] == country:
dependent = dependent_new

## Get a list of countries present in each data set:
dependent_country_list = generate_list_of_Countries(dependent)
independent_country_list = generate_list_of_Countries(independent)
Пример #3
little_plots = True  # :Plot the little plots of the scatter data with different time offsets
axies_scale = "linear"  # :Plot nad compute the values with log/log axies. Options include: 'log_log'

variable_name_plot_dependent = "Improved Water Source (% access)"  #'Improved Sanitation Facilities (% access)'#
variable_name_plot_independent = "% Gross Female Secondary School Enrollment"

# [(Country, indicator, [values],[years]), (Country, indicator, [values],[years]),...]

dependent = pickle.load(open(data_values[variable_name_plot_dependent], "rb"))
independent = pickle.load(open(data_values[variable_name_plot_independent], "rb"))

country_list = RADCL.countryList()

dependent = RADS.ourCountries(dependent, country_list)
independent = RADS.ourCountries(independent, country_list)

def crossCorrelateValuesForPlotting(data1, data2, countryIndex, yearOffset):
    # pprint.pprint(data2[countryIndex])
    d1, d2, years = RADS.yearCorrelate(data1[countryIndex], data2[countryIndex], yearOffset=yearOffset)

    d1 = np.array(d1)
    d2 = np.array(d2)
    if (len(d1) > 1) and (len(d2) > 1):
        return d1, d2
        # print 'Country ', countryIndex, ' has no data for given indicator.'
        return d1, d2