def saveHistograms(self, d_filledHists, t_type, outFile, sample, baseDir, selectOn, t_select): PythonUtils.Info('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') PythonUtils.Info(' SAVING HISTOGRAMS: ' + baseDir + ' ') PythonUtils.Info('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') for bin in t_select: ## Don't have a trainling slash for all - looks messy PythonUtils.Info('Creating Histograms for process: ' + baseDir + ' in bin: ' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1]) if bin[0] == 'all': select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] else: select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] for i in range(len(t_type)): type, typeFile = t_type[i] t_typeFile = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(typeFile, ',') for j in range(len(t_typeFile)): rBranch, tBranch, sName, sLocation, xMin, xMax, nBuns = t_typeFile[ j] location = baseDir + '/' + sample + '/' + select + '/' + sLocation ROOTUtils.saveToFile( d_filledHists[select][type][location + sName], outFile, location, sName)
def twoDprofile(d_ptMean, l_histo, l_corr, l_err): hString,c_x, c_y, yMin, yMax, hBins, saveFile = l_histo cName, cVar, cDir, cColor, cMarker, cSize, cMu, cDir = l_corr l_bin = [] for bin in hBins.split(';'): l_bin.append(float(bin)) arrBin = numpy.asarray(l_bin) h_prof = TH1D('h_prof', cMu, len(l_bin) - 1, arrBin) gROOT.SetBatch(1) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', int(c_x), int(c_y)) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) for k, v in d_ptMean.iteritems(): h_prof.Fill(float(k), float(v)) for b in xrange(0, len(l_bin)): h_prof.SetBinError(b, l_err[b]) h_prof.SetMarkerColor(int(cColor)) h_prof.SetLineColor(int(cColor)) h_prof.SetMarkerStyle(int(cMarker)) if cSize != int(-1): h_prof.SetMarkerSize(float(cSize)) h_prof.Draw('eps') h_prof.SetDirectory(0) if saveFile != '': ROOTUtils.saveToFile(h_prof, saveFile, '', 'PtCorr_' + cMu) l_legend = [h_prof, cName, 'p'] return h_prof, l_legend
def Run(self, processList): len_histoList = len(self.t_histoList) t_tagList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(processList, ',') l_files = [] f = open(processList, 'r') for file in f: l_files.append(file.strip()) for i in xrange(len(t_tagList)): pFile, tagText = t_tagList[i] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(pFile) t_processList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(pFile, ',') for j in xrange(len(self.t_histoList)): t_plot = [] name = self.t_histoList[j][2] for k in xrange(len(t_processList)): histoLocation = t_processList[k][1] + self.t_histoList[j][1] t_plot.append([ ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, histoLocation, name) ]) saveString = self.saveDir + self.t_histoList[j][ 0] + '_' + t_processList[k][7] PlottingUtils.stackHistograms( t_plot, t_processList, self.t_histoList[j], self.t_legendList[j], self.t_textList[j], self.t_axisList[j], self.l_saveAs, self.t_ratioList[j], saveString, tagText)
def Run(self, processList): len_histoList = len(self.t_histoList) t_tagList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(processList, ',') l_files = [] f = open(processList, 'r') for file in f: l_files.append(file.strip()) for i in xrange(len(t_tagList)): pFile, tagText = t_tagList[i] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(pFile) t_processList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(pFile, ',') for j in xrange(len(self.t_histoList)): t_plot = [] name = self.t_histoList[j][2] for k in xrange(len(t_processList)): histoLocation = t_processList[k][1] + self.t_histoList[j][1] t_plot.append([ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, histoLocation, name)]) saveString = self.saveDir + self.t_histoList[j][0] + '_' + t_processList[k][7] PlottingUtils.stackHistograms(t_plot, t_processList, self.t_histoList[j], self.t_legendList[j], self.t_textList[j], self.t_axisList[j], self.l_saveAs, self.t_ratioList[j], saveString, tagText)
def scatterPlot(l_scatter, l_file, l_histo, l_axis, l_text, treeFile, saveDir, l_saveAs): ## De construct the list objects f_str, doSave, outputFile, directory, name = l_file s_str, tree, xBranch, yBranch, option = l_scatter h_str, c_x, c_y, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, nBins = l_histo a_str, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, yOffset, a_labelSize, a_textSize = l_axis t_str, plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_start, t_gap, t_x = l_text ## Read the tree f = TFile(treeFile, 'READ') t = f.Get(tree) v1 = array('d', [0]) v2 = array('d', [0]) t.SetBranchAddress(xBranch, v1) t.SetBranchAddress(yBranch, v2) ## Setup the canvas and fill it! gROOT.SetBatch(1) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', int(c_x), int(c_y)) c.SetTicks(1,1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) hs = TH2D('hs', '', int(nBins), float(xMin), float(xMax), int(nBins), float(yMin), float(yMax)) for i in range(0, t.GetEntries(), 1): t.GetEntry(i) x = v1[0] y = v2[0] hs.Fill(x,y) if int(doSave): hs.Draw() setupAxes(hs, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, yOffset, a_textSize, xMin, xMax, 1) ROOTUtils.saveToFile(hs, outputFile, directory, name) hs.Draw(option) setupAxes(hs, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, yOffset, a_textSize, xMin, xMax, 1) setupTextOnPlot(plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_x, t_start, t_gap) savePlots(c, saveDir + h_str, l_saveAs)
def labels(self): # ATLAS labels and other text if options.prelim: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx, options.atlasy, True, offset=options.atlasdx, energy=8, size=options.lsize) if options.approval: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx, options.atlasy, False, offset=options.atlasdx, isForApproval=True, energy=8, size=options.lsize) if options.published: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx, options.atlasy, False, offset=options.atlasdx, energy=8, size=options.lsize) if options.comment: self.protect( ROOTUtils.drawText(options.commentx, options.commenty, 0.06, options.comment, font=42))
def saveHistograms(self, d_filledHists, t_var, outFile, sDir, t_muon, selectOn, t_select): PythonUtils.Info('Saving Histograms: ' + outFile) for sMu in t_muon: b_mu = 'nMu_' + sMu[0] + sMu[1] for bin in t_select: if bin[1]: select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] else: select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] PythonUtils.Info('Saving Histograms for: ' + selectOn + ' In bin range: ' + bin[0] + ' - ' + bin[1]) for i in xrange(len(t_var)): rBranch, tBranch, sName, sLocation, xMin, xMax, nBins = t_var[i] location = sDir + '/' + b_mu + '/' + select + '/' + sLocation ROOTUtils.saveToFile(d_filledHists[b_mu][select][location + sName], outFile, location, sName)
def saveHistograms(self, d_filledHists, t_type, outFile, sample, baseDir, selectOn, t_select): PythonUtils.Info('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') PythonUtils.Info(' SAVING HISTOGRAMS: ' + baseDir + ' ') PythonUtils.Info('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') for bin in t_select: ## Don't have a trainling slash for all - looks messy PythonUtils.Info('Creating Histograms for process: ' + baseDir + ' in bin: ' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1]) if bin[0] == 'all': select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] else: select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] for i in range(len(t_type)): type, typeFile = t_type[i] t_typeFile = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(typeFile, ',') for j in range(len(t_typeFile)): rBranch, tBranch, sName, sLocation, xMin, xMax, nBuns = t_typeFile[j] location = baseDir + '/' + sample + '/' + select + '/' + sLocation ROOTUtils.saveToFile(d_filledHists[select][type][location + sName], outFile, location, sName)
def saveHistograms(self, d_filledHists, t_var, outFile, sDir, t_muon, selectOn, t_select): PythonUtils.Info('Saving Histograms: ' + outFile) for sMu in t_muon: b_mu = 'nMu_' + sMu[0] + sMu[1] for bin in t_select: if bin[1]: select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] else: select = selectOn + '-' + bin[0] PythonUtils.Info('Saving Histograms for: ' + selectOn + ' In bin range: ' + bin[0] + ' - ' + bin[1]) for i in xrange(len(t_var)): rBranch, tBranch, sName, sLocation, xMin, xMax, nBins = t_var[ i] location = sDir + '/' + b_mu + '/' + select + '/' + sLocation ROOTUtils.saveToFile( d_filledHists[b_mu][select][location + sName], outFile, location, sName)
def hist(self, what): if not what: return if options.hmin is not None or options.hmax is not None or options.hnbins is not None: options.hmin = options.hmin if options.hmin is not None else 0. options.hmax = options.hmax if options.hmax is not None else 1. options.hnbins = options.hnbins if options.hnbins is not None else 40 h = ROOTUtils.protect( ROOT.TH1F('tmp', '%s;%s' % (what, what), options.hnbins, options.hmin, options.hmax)) vtxData.Draw('%s >> tmp' % what) else: vtxData.Draw(what) if options.logy: ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(options.logy)
def legend(self, frame): legendList = [] legendList.append([frame.getObject(0), 'Data', 'P']) legendList.append([frame.getObject(1), 'Fit projection', 'L']) if options.showbs: legendList.append([frame.getObject(2), 'Beam spot', 'L']) legendMinY = max( options.legendy - options.lsize * 1.4 * len(legendList), 0.2) self.protect( ROOTUtils.drawLegend(options.legendx, legendMinY, 0.92, options.legendy, legendList, textSize=options.lsize))
def Run(self): # Create lists from config file info l_saveAs = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.saveAs, ',') ## Check the .list files exist! l_listFile = [ self.axisList, self.histoList, self.legendList, self.overlayList, self.textList, self.histFile ] for file in l_listFile: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Make the tuples from the input files t_axisList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.axisList, ',') t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_legendList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.legendList, ',') t_textList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.textList, ',') ## match the first item to make sure they're compatible l_tuples = [t_histoList, t_legendList, t_textList] for item in l_tuples: PythonUtils.firstItemMatching(t_axisList, item) l_files = [] f = open(self.overlayList, 'r') for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue else: l_files.append(line.strip()) for i in xrange(len(l_files)): PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_files[i]) t_overlayList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(l_files[i], ',') t_plots = [] for j in xrange(len(t_overlayList)): histoLocation = t_overlayList[j][1] + t_histoList[i][1] t_plots.append([ ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, histoLocation, t_overlayList[j][2]) ]) saveString = self.saveDir + t_histoList[i][0] PlottingUtils.overlayHistograms(t_plots, t_overlayList, t_histoList[i], t_legendList[i], t_textList[i], t_axisList[i], l_saveAs, saveString)
def Run(self): # Create lists from config file info l_saveAs = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.saveAs, ',') ## Check the .list files exist! l_listFile = [self.axisList, self.histoList, self.legendList, self.overlayList, self.textList, self.histFile] for file in l_listFile: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Make the tuples from the input files t_axisList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.axisList, ',') t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_legendList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.legendList, ',') t_textList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.textList, ',') ## match the first item to make sure they're compatible l_tuples = [t_histoList, t_legendList, t_textList] for item in l_tuples: PythonUtils.firstItemMatching(t_axisList, item) l_files = [] f = open(self.overlayList, 'r') for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue else: l_files.append(line.strip()) for i in xrange(len(l_files)): PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_files[i]) t_overlayList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(l_files[i], ',') t_plots = [] for j in xrange(len(t_overlayList)): histoLocation = t_overlayList[j][1] + t_histoList[i][1] t_plots.append([ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, histoLocation, t_overlayList[j][2])]) saveString = self.saveDir + t_histoList[i][0] PlottingUtils.overlayHistograms(t_plots, t_overlayList, t_histoList[i], t_legendList[i], t_textList[i], t_axisList[i], l_saveAs, saveString)
def Run(self): ## Create lists from config file options l_saveAs = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.saveAs, ',') ## Check the .list files exist l_listFile = [ self.axisList, self.fitList, self.histoList, self.legendList, self.textList, self.variableList, self.histFile ] for file in l_listFile: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Create the tuples from the .list files t_axisList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.axisList, ',') t_fitList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.fitList, ',') t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_legendList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.legendList, ',') t_textList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.textList, ',') ## Math the first titems l_tuples = [t_fitList, t_histoList, t_legendList, t_textList] for item in l_tuples: PythonUtils.firstItemMatching(t_axisList, item) ## Loop over the variable files to get the relevant info for j in xrange(len(t_axisList)): f_str, vRebin, vdoNorm, vXMin, vXMax, vFit, vXValue, vYValue = t_fitList[ j] l_files = [] f = open(self.variableList, 'r') for file in f: l_files.append(file.strip()) l_twoD = [] t_legend = [] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_files[j]) g = open(l_files[j], 'r') for vFile in g: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(vFile.strip()) vFileParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() ## Options vTitle = vFileParser.get('Options', 'title') vVariable = vFileParser.get('Options', 'variable') vColour = vFileParser.getint('Options', 'colour') vMarker = vFileParser.getint('Options', 'marker') vMarkerSize = vFileParser.getfloat('Options', 'markerSize') vFitMin = vFileParser.get('Options', 'fitMin') vFitMax = vFileParser.get('Options', 'fitMax') ## Create l_statInfo l_statInfo = [ t_histoList[j][1], t_histoList[j][1], float(vRebin), int(vdoNorm), float(vXMin), float(vXMax), vFitMin, vFitMax ] getMean = 0 getRMS = 0 getRES = 0 if vXValue == 'MEAN': getMean = 1 elif vXValue == 'RMS': getRMS = 1 elif vXValue == 'RESOLUTION': getRES = 1 else: getMean = getRMS = getRES = 0 l_xOption = [getMean, getRMS, getRES] getMean = 0 getRMS = 0 getRES = 0 if vYValue == 'MEAN': getMean = 1 elif vYValue == 'RMS': getRMS = 1 elif vYValue == 'RESOLUTION': getRES = 1 else: getMean = getRMS = getRES = 0 l_yOption = [getMean, getRMS, getRES] ## Get the list of stats l_plot = [ ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, t_histoList[j][1], vVariable) ] l_xValue, l_xErr = ROOTUtils.getHistoStat( l_plot, l_statInfo, l_xOption, vFit, vVariable) l_yValue, l_yErr = ROOTUtils.getHistoStat( l_plot, l_statInfo, l_yOption, vFit, vVariable) ## Get the value we want from the list so we can plot it! xValue = -1 for stat in l_xValue: if stat != -1: xValue = stat for stat in l_yValue: if stat != -1: yValue = stat ## Create a 2D plot and save to a list so can overlay them twoDPlot = PlottingUtils.createTwoD(t_histoList[j], xValue, yValue, vMarker, vMarkerSize, vColour) l_twoD.append(twoDPlot) if vTitle: l_legend = [twoDPlot, vTitle, 'p'] t_legend.append(l_legend) ## Overlay our 2D plots onto one canvas PlottingUtils.overlayTwoD(l_twoD, t_legend, t_histoList[j], t_legendList[j], t_textList[j], t_axisList[j], self.saveDir, l_saveAs)
def Run(self, doProfile, createFile): ## Create the lists from the main configFile t_select = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromString(self.selectBins, ',', '?') t_muon = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromString(self.muBins, ',', '?') if createFile: PythonUtils.Info('Creating Histogram File for Profile Plots') ## Check the list files exist l_fList = [self.variableList, self.treeList] for f in l_fList: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(f) ## Make the lists from the list files t_var = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.variableList, ',') t_tree = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.treeList, ',') for i in xrange(len(t_tree)): tFile, tName, sDir = t_tree[i] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(tFile) d_histType = self.createHistograms(t_var, sDir, tFile, t_muon, self.selectOn, t_select) d_filledHists = self.fillHistograms(d_histType, t_var, tFile, tName, sDir, t_muon, t_select, self.selectOn, self.nEvents) self.saveHistograms(d_filledHists, t_var, self.outHist, sDir, t_muon, self.selectOn, t_select) if doProfile: PythonUtils.Info("Creating Profile Plots!") ## Create the Lists from profile cfg l_saveAs = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.plotType, ',') ## Check the list files exist l_pList = [ self.axisList, self.histoList, self.legendList, self.textList, self.varList, self.inFile ] for f in l_pList: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(f) ## Create the list of lists from each list file t_axisList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.axisList, ',') t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_legendList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.legendList, ',') t_textList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.textList, ',') ## Check teh first Item matches: l_tList = [t_histoList, t_legendList, t_textList] for l in l_tList: PythonUtils.firstItemMatching(l, t_axisList) ## Add the var list files to a list l_varList = [] f = open(self.varList, 'r') for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue else: l_varList.append(line) for i in xrange(len(l_varList)): PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_varList[i].strip()) t_varList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile( l_varList[i].strip(), ',') l_prof = [] t_legend = [] for j in xrange(len(t_varList)): d_pTMean = {} l_err = [] for bin in t_select: if bin[0] == 'all' or bin[1] == 'Inf': continue if bin[1]: select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] else: select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] location = t_varList[j][2] + '/' + t_varList[j][ 6] + '/' + select + '/' + t_varList[j][7] pTbin = float( bin[0]) + (float(bin[1]) - float(bin[0])) / 2 pTMean = ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram( self.inFile, location, t_varList[j][1]).GetMean() pTMeanErr = ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram( self.inFile, location, t_varList[j][1]).GetMeanError() l_err.append(pTMeanErr) d_pTMean[pTbin] = pTMean h_prof, l_legend = PlottingUtils.twoDprofile( d_pTMean, t_histoList[i], t_varList[j], l_err) l_prof.append(h_prof) t_legend.append(l_legend) saveString = self.plotDir + t_histoList[i][0] PlottingUtils.overlayProfile(l_prof, t_axisList[i], t_histoList[i], t_legendList[i], t_textList[i], t_legend, l_saveAs, saveString)
def overlayHistograms(t_plots, t_overlayList, l_histo, l_legend, l_text, l_axis, l_saveAs, s_save): ''' PURPOSE: This Function will: * Rebin and alter histograms * Apply a fit to the histograms * Plot them all on the same canvas * Add the aesthetic features ''' # Declare the variables from our lists h_str, location_suf, c_x, c_y, drawGrid, v_rebin, xMin, xMax, fit, doNorm = l_histo l_str, l_x1, l_y1, l_x2, l_y2, l_textSize = l_legend t_str, plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_start, t_gap, t_x = l_text a_str, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, yOffset, a_labelSize, a_textSize, y_scale = l_axis # Setup the canvas before filling gROOT.SetBatch(1) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', int(c_x), int(c_y)) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c.SetTickx(1) c.SetTicky(1) if int(drawGrid): c.SetGridx(1) c.SetGridy(1) c.Update() t_legend = [] for i in xrange(len(t_plots)): f_min = t_overlayList[i][5] f_max = t_overlayList[i][6] colour = int(t_overlayList[i][3]) h = rebin(t_plots[i][0], float(v_rebin)) h.SetLineWidth(1) h.SetLineColor(colour) l_legendLine = [t_plots[i][0], t_overlayList[i][0], t_overlayList[i][4]] t_legend.append(l_legendLine) ## Get the numerical range for SD ranges if 'SIGMA' in str(f_min) or 'SIGMA' in str(f_max): f_min, f_max = ROOTUtils.getSigmaFitRange(h, f_min, f_max) if int(doNorm): scale = 1 / h.Integral() h.Scale(scale) if i == 0: h.Draw() h.SetTitle('') setupAxes(h, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, yOffset, a_textSize, xMin, xMax, y_scale) else: h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(float(xMin), float(xMax)) h.Draw('HIST SAME') if fit == 'BUKIN': fh = ROOTUtils.drawBukin(h, f_min, f_max) fh.SetLineColor(colour) fh.Draw('HISTSAME') setupLegend(t_legend, l_x1, l_y1, l_x2, l_y2, l_textSize) setupTextOnPlot(plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_x, t_start, t_gap) savePlots(c, s_save, l_saveAs)
def Run(self): ## Make the list from the config file l_range = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.plotRange, ',') t_select = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromString(self.selectBins, ',', '?') ## Check the input and process files exist l_file = [self.processList, self.inputFile] for file in l_file: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Loop over the ProcessList files f = open(self.processList, 'r') for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue l_process = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(line.strip(), ',') PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_process[0]) t_process = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(l_process[0], ',') l_yield = [] ##ll ll_VH = ['VH'] ll_VV = ['VV'] ll_top = ['top'] ll_stop = ['stop'] ll_Wl = ['W+l'] ll_Wcl = ['W+cl'] ll_Whf = ['W+hf'] ll_Zl = ['Z+l'] ll_Zcl = ['Z+cl'] ll_Zhf = ['Z+hf'] ll_MJe = ['MJe'] ll_MJm = ['MJm'] ll_tot = ['Total'] ll_data = ['Data'] for bin in t_select: if bin[0] == 'all': select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] else: select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] ## nEvents nSignal = 0 nTot = 0 nTop = 0 nStop = 0 nWl = 0 nWh = 0 nWcl = 0 nZl = 0 nZh = 0 nZcl = 0 nVV = 0 nMJe = 0 nMJm = 0 nData = 0 ##nEventsErr eSignal = 0 eTot = 0 eTop = 0 eStop = 0 eWl = 0 eWh = 0 eWcl = 0 eZl = 0 eZh = 0 eZcl = 0 eVV = 0 eMJe = 0 eMJm = 0 eData = 0 for i in xrange(len(t_process)): process, sLocation, pType, selection, SF = t_process[i] location = sLocation + '/all/' + select + '/' + self.histLocation hist = ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.inputFile, location, self.histogram) yValue, yErr = ROOTUtils.getYield(hist, l_range[0], l_range[1], t_process[i][4]) if pType == "SIGNAL": nTot += yValue nSignal += yValue eSignal += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "W+H": nTot += yValue nWh += yValue eWh += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "W+CL": nTot += yValue nWcl += yValue eWcl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "W+L": nTot += yValue nWl += yValue eWl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "Z+H": nTot += yValue nZh += yValue eZh += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "Z+CL": nTot += yValue nZcl += yValue eZcl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "Z+L": nTot += yValue nZl += yValue eZl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "TOP": nTot += yValue nTop += yValue eTop += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "STOP": nTot += yValue nStop += yValue nStop += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "VV": nTot += yValue nVV += yValue eVV += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "MJe": nTot += yValue nMJe += yValue nMJe += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "MJm": nTot += yValue nMJm += yValue eMJm += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "DATA": nData += yValue eData += yErr else: PythonUtils.Error('Not a valid selection: ' + t_process[i][2] + '!!!\n') l_VH = [nSignal, eSignal] ll_VH.append(l_VH) l_VV = [nVV, eVV] ll_VV.append(l_VV) l_top = [nTop, eTop] ll_top.append(l_top) l_stop = [nStop, eStop] ll_stop.append(l_stop) l_Wl = [nWl, eWl] ll_Wl.append(l_Wl) l_Wcl = [nWcl, eWcl] ll_Wcl.append(l_Wcl) l_Whf = [nWh, eWh] ll_Whf.append(l_Whf) l_Zl = [nZl, eZl] ll_Zl.append(l_Zl) l_Zcl = [nZcl, eZcl] ll_Zcl.append(l_Zcl) l_Zhf = [nZh, eZh] ll_Zhf.append(l_Zhf) l_MJe = [nMJe, eMJe] ll_MJe.append(l_MJe) l_MJm = [nMJm, eMJm] ll_MJm.append(l_MJm) l_tot = [nTot, eTot] ll_tot.append(l_tot) l_data = [nData, eData] ll_data.append(l_data) l_yield = [ ll_VH, ll_VV, ll_top, ll_stop, ll_Wl, ll_Wcl, ll_Whf, ll_Zl, ll_Zcl, ll_Zhf, ll_MJe, ll_MJm, ll_tot, ll_data ] self.printToScreen(l_yield, select + ' ' + t_process[i][3]) if self.createTex: texFile = self.saveToTex(l_yield, l_process[1], self.outputFile) self.runLatex(self.outputFile, texFile)
if len(args) < 1: parser.error('wrong number of command line arguments') if options.srcNtName and not 'extract' in args: parser.error('must give extract command when using -e or --srcnt') if options.interactive: os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = '1' cmdList = args # Reset DISPLAY if in batch if options.batch: os.unsetenv('DISPLAY') # Place after option parsing to avoid conflict with ROOT option parsing import ROOT import ROOTUtils ROOTUtils.setStyle() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(options.optstat) # # Utilities # def logresult(cmd='', fitresult=None): log = open('%s.txt' %, 'w') if cmd: log.write(cmd) log.write('\n') if fitresult: out = ROOT.std.stringstream() fitresult.printStream(out, fitresult.defaultPrintContents(''), fitresult.defaultPrintStyle(''))
def Run(self): ## Add the trailing slash to the end of latexDir if not self.latexDir.endswith('/'): latexDir = self.latexDir + '/' PythonUtils.doesDirExist(latexDir) else: latexDir = self.latexDir ## Check the .list files exist l_fList = [ self.processList, self.histoList, self.corrList, self.histFile ] for file in l_fList: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Make the lists from the list files t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_corrList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.corrList, ',') t_pList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.processList, ',') ## Create the variable name dictionary compTo = '' d_nameVar = {} for i in xrange(len(t_corrList)): d_nameVar[t_corrList[i][0]] = t_corrList[i][1] if t_corrList[i][2] == '1': compTo = t_corrList[i][0] ## Construct the list of processes for each region l_pFiles = [] f = open(self.processList, 'r') for line in f: if not line.startswith('#'): l_pFiles.append(line.strip()) for i in xrange(len(t_pList)): pFile, tagType = t_pList[i] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(pFile) t_processList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(pFile, ',') ld_sens = [] l_pTV = [] option = '' for k in xrange(len(t_histoList)): l_pTV.append(t_histoList[k][3]) d_sens = {} l_corrName = [] # option = t_histoList[k][2] for name, title in d_nameVar.iteritems(): t_h = [] l_corrName.append(name) for j in xrange(len(t_processList)): option = t_processList[j][0] hLocation = t_processList[j][1] + t_histoList[k][1] t_h.append([ ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram( self.histFile, hLocation, title), t_processList[j][0], t_processList[j][2], t_processList[j][3] ]) sens, sensErr = ROOTUtils.calculateSensitivity( t_h, t_histoList[k], name) d_sens[name] = [sens, sensErr] d_sens[name] = ROOTUtils.calculateSensitivity( t_h, t_histoList[k], name) l_sens = [t_histoList[k][0] + ' ' + tagType, d_sens] ld_sens.append(l_sens) t_sens = PythonUtils.rankByValue(ld_sens, compTo, 'SENSITIVITY') if self.doLatex: latex = self.writeLatex( t_sens, l_corrName, l_pTV, 'Sensitivity_' + tagType + '_' + option, latexDir) PythonUtils.runLatex(latex, latexDir)
def Run(self): ## Create lists from config file options l_saveAs = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.saveAs, ',') ## Check the .list files exist l_listFile = [self.axisList, self.fitList, self.histoList, self.legendList, self.textList, self.variableList, self.histFile] for file in l_listFile: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Create the tuples from the .list files t_axisList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.axisList, ',') t_fitList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.fitList, ',') t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_legendList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.legendList, ',') t_textList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.textList, ',') ## Math the first titems l_tuples = [t_fitList, t_histoList, t_legendList, t_textList] for item in l_tuples: PythonUtils.firstItemMatching(t_axisList, item) ## Loop over the variable files to get the relevant info for j in xrange(len(t_axisList)): f_str, vRebin, vdoNorm, vXMin, vXMax, vFit, vXValue, vYValue = t_fitList[j] l_files = [] f = open(self.variableList, 'r') for file in f: l_files.append(file.strip()) l_twoD = [] t_legend = [] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_files[j]) g = open(l_files[j], 'r') for vFile in g: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(vFile.strip()) vFileParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() ## Options vTitle = vFileParser.get('Options','title') vVariable = vFileParser.get('Options','variable') vColour = vFileParser.getint('Options','colour') vMarker = vFileParser.getint('Options','marker') vMarkerSize = vFileParser.getfloat('Options','markerSize') vFitMin = vFileParser.get('Options','fitMin') vFitMax = vFileParser.get('Options','fitMax') ## Create l_statInfo l_statInfo = [t_histoList[j][1], t_histoList[j][1], float(vRebin), int(vdoNorm), float(vXMin), float(vXMax), vFitMin, vFitMax] getMean = 0 getRMS = 0 getRES = 0 if vXValue == 'MEAN': getMean = 1 elif vXValue == 'RMS': getRMS = 1 elif vXValue == 'RESOLUTION': getRES = 1 else: getMean = getRMS = getRES = 0 l_xOption = [getMean, getRMS, getRES] getMean = 0 getRMS = 0 getRES = 0 if vYValue == 'MEAN': getMean = 1 elif vYValue == 'RMS': getRMS = 1 elif vYValue == 'RESOLUTION': getRES = 1 else: getMean = getRMS = getRES = 0 l_yOption = [getMean, getRMS, getRES] ## Get the list of stats l_plot = [ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, t_histoList[j][1], vVariable)] l_xValue, l_xErr = ROOTUtils.getHistoStat(l_plot, l_statInfo, l_xOption, vFit, vVariable) l_yValue, l_yErr = ROOTUtils.getHistoStat(l_plot, l_statInfo, l_yOption, vFit, vVariable) ## Get the value we want from the list so we can plot it! xValue = -1 for stat in l_xValue: if stat != -1: xValue = stat for stat in l_yValue: if stat != -1: yValue = stat ## Create a 2D plot and save to a list so can overlay them twoDPlot = PlottingUtils.createTwoD(t_histoList[j], xValue, yValue, vMarker, vMarkerSize, vColour) l_twoD.append(twoDPlot) if vTitle: l_legend = [twoDPlot, vTitle, 'p'] t_legend.append(l_legend) ## Overlay our 2D plots onto one canvas PlottingUtils.overlayTwoD(l_twoD, t_legend, t_histoList[j], t_legendList[j], t_textList[j], t_axisList[j], self.saveDir, l_saveAs)
def Run(self, doProfile, createFile): ## Create the lists from the main configFile t_select = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromString(self.selectBins, ',', '?') t_muon = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromString(self.muBins, ',', '?') if createFile: PythonUtils.Info('Creating Histogram File for Profile Plots') ## Check the list files exist l_fList = [self.variableList, self.treeList] for f in l_fList: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(f) ## Make the lists from the list files t_var = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.variableList, ',') t_tree = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.treeList, ',') for i in xrange(len(t_tree)): tFile, tName, sDir = t_tree[i] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(tFile) d_histType = self.createHistograms(t_var, sDir, tFile, t_muon, self.selectOn, t_select) d_filledHists = self.fillHistograms(d_histType, t_var, tFile, tName, sDir, t_muon, t_select, self.selectOn, self.nEvents) self.saveHistograms(d_filledHists, t_var, self.outHist, sDir, t_muon, self.selectOn, t_select) if doProfile: PythonUtils.Info("Creating Profile Plots!") ## Create the Lists from profile cfg l_saveAs = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.plotType, ',') ## Check the list files exist l_pList = [self.axisList, self.histoList, self.legendList, self.textList, self.varList, self.inFile] for f in l_pList: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(f) ## Create the list of lists from each list file t_axisList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.axisList, ',') t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_legendList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.legendList, ',') t_textList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.textList, ',') ## Check teh first Item matches: l_tList = [t_histoList, t_legendList, t_textList] for l in l_tList: PythonUtils.firstItemMatching(l, t_axisList) ## Add the var list files to a list l_varList = [] f = open(self.varList, 'r') for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue else: l_varList.append(line) for i in xrange(len(l_varList)): PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_varList[i].strip()) t_varList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(l_varList[i].strip(), ',') l_prof = [] t_legend = [] for j in xrange(len(t_varList)): d_pTMean = {} l_err = [] for bin in t_select: if bin[0] == 'all' or bin[1] == 'Inf': continue if bin[1]: select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] else: select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] location = t_varList[j][2] + '/' + t_varList[j][6] + '/' + select + '/' + t_varList[j][7] pTbin = float(bin[0]) + (float(bin[1]) - float(bin[0])) / 2 pTMean = ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.inFile, location, t_varList[j][1]).GetMean() pTMeanErr = ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.inFile, location, t_varList[j][1]).GetMeanError() l_err.append(pTMeanErr) d_pTMean[pTbin] = pTMean h_prof, l_legend= PlottingUtils.twoDprofile(d_pTMean, t_histoList[i], t_varList[j], l_err) l_prof.append(h_prof) t_legend.append(l_legend) saveString = self.plotDir + t_histoList[i][0] PlottingUtils.overlayProfile(l_prof, t_axisList[i], t_histoList[i], t_legendList[i], t_textList[i], t_legend, l_saveAs, saveString)
def Run(self): ## Make the list from the config file l_range = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(self.plotRange, ',') t_select = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromString(self.selectBins, ',','?') ## Check the input and process files exist l_file = [self.processList, self.inputFile] for file in l_file: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Loop over the ProcessList files f = open(self.processList, 'r') for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue l_process = PythonUtils.makeListFromString(line.strip(), ',') PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_process[0]) t_process = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(l_process[0], ',') l_yield = [] ##ll ll_VH = ['VH'] ll_VV = ['VV'] ll_top = ['top'] ll_stop = ['stop'] ll_Wl = ['W+l'] ll_Wcl = ['W+cl'] ll_Whf = ['W+hf'] ll_Zl = ['Z+l'] ll_Zcl = ['Z+cl'] ll_Zhf = ['Z+hf'] ll_MJe = ['MJe'] ll_MJm = ['MJm'] ll_tot = ['Total'] ll_data = ['Data'] for bin in t_select: if bin[0] == 'all': select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] else: select = self.selectOn + '-' + bin[0] + '-' + bin[1] ## nEvents nSignal = 0 nTot = 0 nTop = 0 nStop = 0 nWl = 0 nWh = 0 nWcl = 0 nZl = 0 nZh = 0 nZcl = 0 nVV = 0 nMJe = 0 nMJm = 0 nData = 0 ##nEventsErr eSignal = 0 eTot = 0 eTop = 0 eStop = 0 eWl = 0 eWh = 0 eWcl = 0 eZl = 0 eZh = 0 eZcl = 0 eVV = 0 eMJe = 0 eMJm = 0 eData = 0 for i in xrange(len(t_process)): process, sLocation, pType, selection, SF = t_process[i] location = sLocation + '/all/' + select + '/' + self.histLocation hist = ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.inputFile, location, self.histogram) yValue, yErr = ROOTUtils.getYield(hist, l_range[0], l_range[1], t_process[i][4]) if pType == "SIGNAL": nTot += yValue nSignal += yValue eSignal += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "W+H": nTot += yValue nWh += yValue eWh += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "W+CL": nTot += yValue nWcl += yValue eWcl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "W+L": nTot += yValue nWl += yValue eWl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "Z+H": nTot += yValue nZh += yValue eZh += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "Z+CL": nTot += yValue nZcl += yValue eZcl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "Z+L": nTot += yValue nZl += yValue eZl += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "TOP": nTot += yValue nTop += yValue eTop += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "STOP": nTot += yValue nStop += yValue nStop += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "VV": nTot += yValue nVV += yValue eVV += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "MJe": nTot += yValue nMJe += yValue nMJe += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "MJm": nTot += yValue nMJm += yValue eMJm += yErr eTot += yErr elif pType == "DATA": nData += yValue eData += yErr else: PythonUtils.Error('Not a valid selection: ' + t_process[i][2] + '!!!\n') l_VH = [nSignal, eSignal] ll_VH.append(l_VH) l_VV = [nVV, eVV] ll_VV.append(l_VV) l_top = [nTop, eTop] ll_top.append(l_top) l_stop = [nStop, eStop] ll_stop.append(l_stop) l_Wl = [nWl, eWl] ll_Wl.append(l_Wl) l_Wcl = [nWcl, eWcl] ll_Wcl.append(l_Wcl) l_Whf = [nWh, eWh] ll_Whf.append(l_Whf) l_Zl = [nZl, eZl] ll_Zl.append(l_Zl) l_Zcl = [nZcl, eZcl] ll_Zcl.append(l_Zcl) l_Zhf = [nZh, eZh] ll_Zhf.append(l_Zhf) l_MJe = [nMJe, eMJe] ll_MJe.append(l_MJe) l_MJm = [nMJm, eMJm] ll_MJm.append(l_MJm) l_tot = [nTot, eTot] ll_tot.append(l_tot) l_data = [nData, eData] ll_data.append(l_data) l_yield = [ll_VH, ll_VV, ll_top, ll_stop, ll_Wl, ll_Wcl, ll_Whf, ll_Zl, ll_Zcl, ll_Zhf, ll_MJe, ll_MJm, ll_tot, ll_data] self.printToScreen(l_yield, select + ' ' + t_process[i][3]) if self.createTex: texFile = self.saveToTex(l_yield, l_process[1], self.outputFile) self.runLatex(self.outputFile, texFile)
def Run(self): ## Add the trailing slash to the end of latexDir if not self.latexDir.endswith('/'): latexDir = self.latexDir + '/' PythonUtils.doesDirExist(latexDir) else: latexDir = self.latexDir ## Check the .list files exist l_fList = [self.processList, self.histoList, self.corrList, self.histFile] for file in l_fList: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Make the lists from the list files t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_corrList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.corrList, ',') t_pList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.processList, ',') ## Create the variable name dictionary compTo = '' d_nameVar = {} for i in xrange(len(t_corrList)): d_nameVar[t_corrList[i][0]] = t_corrList[i][1] if t_corrList[i][2] == '1': compTo = t_corrList[i][0] ## Construct the list of processes for each region l_pFiles = [] f = open(self.processList, 'r') for line in f: if not line.startswith('#'): l_pFiles.append(line.strip()) for i in xrange(len(t_pList)): pFile, tagType = t_pList[i] PythonUtils.doesFileExist(pFile) t_processList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(pFile, ',') ld_sens = [] l_pTV = [] option = '' for k in xrange(len(t_histoList)): l_pTV.append(t_histoList[k][3]) d_sens = {} l_corrName = [] # option = t_histoList[k][2] for name, title in d_nameVar.iteritems(): t_h = [] l_corrName.append(name) for j in xrange(len(t_processList)): option = t_processList[j][0] hLocation = t_processList[j][1] + t_histoList[k][1] t_h.append([ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, hLocation, title), t_processList[j][0], t_processList[j][2], t_processList[j][3]]) sens, sensErr = ROOTUtils.calculateSensitivity(t_h, t_histoList[k], name) d_sens[name] = [sens, sensErr] d_sens[name] = ROOTUtils.calculateSensitivity(t_h, t_histoList[k], name) l_sens = [t_histoList[k][0] + ' ' + tagType, d_sens] ld_sens.append(l_sens) t_sens = PythonUtils.rankByValue(ld_sens, compTo, 'SENSITIVITY') if self.doLatex: latex = self.writeLatex(t_sens, l_corrName, l_pTV, 'Sensitivity_' + tagType + '_' + option, latexDir) PythonUtils.runLatex(latex, latexDir)
def Run(self): ## Check the files in the config file exist l_file = [self.histFile, self.correctionList, self.histoList, self.fittingList] for file in l_file: PythonUtils.doesFileExist(file) ## Add the trailing slash to the end of latexDir if not self.latexDir.endswith('/'): latexDir = self.latexDir + '/' PythonUtils.doesDirExist(latexDir) else: latexDir = self.latexDir ## Make tuples from the list files t_histoList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.histoList, ',') t_fittingList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(self.fittingList, ',') ## Loop over the files in correctionsList each one is a new run l_cFiles = [] f = open(self.correctionList, 'r') for file in f: if file.startswith('#'): continue else: l_cFiles.append(file.strip()) for i in xrange(len(l_cFiles)): ld_mean = [] ld_rms = [] ld_res = [] l_getOption = [int(t_fittingList[i][2]), int(t_fittingList[i][3]), int(t_fittingList[i][4])] ## Check the file in the list exists PythonUtils.doesFileExist(l_cFiles[i]) t_corrList = PythonUtils.makeTupleFromFile(l_cFiles[i], ',') d_meanResRMS = {} tagType = '' for j in xrange(len(t_corrList)): h_location = t_corrList[j][1] + t_histoList[i][1] t_histoList[i].append(t_corrList[j][3]) t_histoList[i].append(t_corrList[j][4]) l_hist = [t_histoList[i][0], t_histoList[i][1], t_histoList[i][2], t_histoList[i][3], t_histoList[i][4], t_histoList[i][5], t_corrList[j][3], t_corrList[j][4]] pTVBin = t_histoList[i][6] tagType = t_histoList[i][7] l_h = [ROOTUtils.retrieveHistogram(self.histFile, h_location, t_corrList[j][2])] d_meanResRMS[t_corrList[j][0]] = ROOTUtils.getHistoStat(l_h, l_hist, l_getOption, t_fittingList[i][5], t_corrList[j][0]) ## We now have all the info to calculate the stats from the plots! d_mean = {} d_RMS = {} d_res = {} getMean, getRMS, getResolution = l_getOption compareTo = t_fittingList[i][1] fit = t_fittingList[i][5] l_corrName = [] for k, v in d_meanResRMS.iteritems(): l_corrName.append(k) if getMean: d_mean[k] = [v[0][0], v[1][0]] if getRMS: d_RMS[k] = [v[0][1], v[1][1]] if getResolution: d_res[k] = [v[0][2], v[1][2]] ld_mean.append([t_histoList[i][0], d_mean]) ld_rms.append([t_histoList[i][0], d_RMS]) ld_res.append([t_histoList[i][0], d_res]) t_mRr = [] if getMean: t_mRr.append(PythonUtils.rankByValue(ld_mean, compareTo, fit + ' Mean')) if getRMS: t_mRr.append(PythonUtils.rankByValue(ld_rms, compareTo, fit + ' RMS')) if getResolution: t_mRr.append(PythonUtils.rankByValue(ld_res, compareTo, fit + ' Resolution')) if self.doLatex: latex = self.writeLatex(t_mRr, l_corrName, pTVBin, t_histoList[i][0], latexDir, getMean, getRMS, getResolution) PythonUtils.runLatex(latex, latexDir)