Пример #1
def loop_tests():
    global test_loop

    def tcheck_func():
        global loop_tchecks, loop_ichecks, verbose, test_loop
        loop_tchecks += 1
        if verbose:
            print "%s: %u" % ('tcheck_func', loop_tchecks)
        if loop_tchecks >= 10 and loop_ichecks >= 100:
        return True  # keep running

    def icheck_func():
        global loop_ichecks, verbose
        loop_ichecks += 1
        if verbose:
            print "%s: %u" % ('icheck_func', loop_ichecks)
        return True  # keep running

    test_loop = Rapicorn.MainLoop()
    ts = test_loop.exec_timer(tcheck_func, 0, 5)
    src = test_loop.exec_idle(icheck_func)
    assert loop_tchecks >= 10 and loop_ichecks >= 100
Пример #2
# Load and import a versioned Rapicorn module into the 'Rapicorn' namespace
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0

import Rapicorn # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python

# Setup the application object, unsing a unique application name.
app = Rapicorn.init_app ("Test Rapicorn Bindings")

# Define the elements of the dialog window to be displayed.
hello_window = """
  <Window id="testbind-py">
    <RapicornIdlTestWidget name="test-widget" string-prop="@bind somestring"/>

app.load_string (hello_window)

window = app.create_window ("testbind-py")

class ObjectModel (object):
  def __init__ (self):
    self.somestring = "initial-somestring"
om = ObjectModel()

window.data_context (om.__aida_relay__)


# sync local state with remote state, because of possible binding
# notification ping-pong we have to do this in 2 phases
Пример #3
  # check for garbage collection interleaved with this script's activity
  startgc = r'TestGC-Release'
  collected = r'GARBAGE_COLLECTED.*?purged=[1-9]'
  released = r'TestGC-Released'
  # the GC cycle executes asynchronously, so collected/released may be printed in any order
  gccycle = startgc + '.*?' + '(' + collected + '.*?' + released + '|' + released + '.*?' + collected + ')'
  gc_matches = re.findall (gccycle, output, re.S | re.M)
  # OK if we find the required number of GC interactions
  assert len (gc_matches) >= N_GC_CYCLES
  print '  %-6s' % 'CHECK', '%-67s' % __file__, 'OK'
  sys.exit (0)

import Rapicorn # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python

# Setup the application object, unsing a unique application name.
app = Rapicorn.init_app ("Test Rapicorn GC")

# Define the elements of the dialog window to be displayed.
hello_window = """
  <Window id="testgc-py">
    <Table name="container"/>
  <RapicornIdlTestWidget id="testwidget"/>

app.load_string (hello_window)

window = app.create_window ("testgc-py")
Пример #4
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
# [HelloRapicorn-EXAMPLE]
import Rapicorn # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python

# Retrieve the global Rapicorn Application object
# and setup a user digestible application name.
app = Rapicorn.init_app ("Hello Rapicorn")

# Define the elements of the dialog window to be displayed.
hello_window = """
  <Window declare="hello-window">
    <Alignment padding="15">
      <VBox spacing="30">
        <Label markup-text="Hello World!"/>
        <Button on-click="CLICK">
          <Label markup-text="Close" />

# Register the 'hello-window' definition for later use, for this we need
# a unique domain string, it's easiest to reuse the application name.
app.load_string (hello_window)

# The above is all that is needed to allow us to create the window object.
window = app.create_window ("hello-window")

# This function is called to handle the command we use for button clicks.
Пример #5
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0

# setup Rapicorn test
import Rapicorn # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python

app = Rapicorn.init_app()

def show_and_display (win): # show and run main loop until the window is fully displayed
  # FIXME: convenience function for app
  assert app
  assert win.closed() == True
  def window_displayed():
    window_displayed.seen_signal = True
  window_displayed.seen_signal = False
  conid = win.sig_displayed.connect (window_displayed)
  while not window_displayed.seen_signal:
    app.main_loop().iterate (True)
  win.sig_displayed.disconnect (conid)

# = SizeGroup Tests =
# create wide and a tall buttons that are resized via size groups
decls = """
<Window declare="SGWindow">
    <Label markup-text="Horizontal SizeGroup:"/>
        <Button id="wide1" hsize-group="HGroupedWidgets">
          <Label markup-text="Wide Button"/></Button>
        <Button id="tall1" hsize-group="HGroupedWidgets">
Пример #6
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
PyRapicorn Loop Test

import Rapicorn # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python
import sys

# initialize application
app = Rapicorn.init_app ("PyRapicorn Loop Test")

verbose = 0
loop_tchecks = 0
loop_ichecks = 0
test_loop = None
def loop_tests():
  global test_loop
  def tcheck_func():
    global loop_tchecks, loop_ichecks, verbose, test_loop
    loop_tchecks += 1
    if verbose:
      print "%s: %u" % ('tcheck_func', loop_tchecks)
    if loop_tchecks >= 10 and loop_ichecks >= 100:
    return True # keep running
  def icheck_func():
    global loop_ichecks, verbose
    loop_ichecks += 1
    if verbose:
      print "%s: %u" % ('icheck_func', loop_ichecks)
    return True # keep running
Пример #7

import Rapicorn  # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python
import sys

# Define main window Widget Tree
simple_window_widgets = """
  <Window declare="simple-window">
    <Button on-click="CLICK">
      <Label markup-text="Hello Simple World!" />

# setup application
app = Rapicorn.init_app("Simple PyRapicorn Test")  # unique application name
app.load_string(simple_window_widgets)  # loads widget tree
window = app.create_window("simple-window")  # creates main window

# signal connection testing
def assert_unreachable(*args):
    assert "code unreachable" == True

cid1 = window.sig_commands.connect(assert_unreachable)
cid2 = window.sig_commands.connect(assert_unreachable)
assert cid1 != 0
assert cid2 != 0
assert cid1 != cid2
disconnected = window.sig_commands.disconnect(cid2)
Пример #8
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0

# setup Rapicorn test
import Rapicorn  # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python

app = Rapicorn.init_app()

def show_and_display(
        win):  # show and run main loop until the window is fully displayed
    # FIXME: convenience function for app
    assert app
    assert win.closed() == True

    def window_displayed():
        window_displayed.seen_signal = True

    window_displayed.seen_signal = False
    conid = win.sig_displayed.connect(window_displayed)
    while not window_displayed.seen_signal:

# = SizeGroup Tests =
# create wide and a tall buttons that are resized via size groups
decls = """
<Window declare="SGWindow">
    <Label markup-text="Horizontal SizeGroup:"/>
Пример #9
def R(w, h):
    return Rapicorn.Requisition(width=w, height=h)
Пример #10
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
import collections

# verify that pycallable() raises Exception
def assert_raises(Exception, pycallable, *args, **kwds):
        pycallable(*args, **kwds)
    except Exception:
    raise AssertionError('%s not raised' % Exception.__name__)

# test MainLoop and EventLoop object identities
ml = Rapicorn.MainLoop()
sl = ml.create_sub_loop()
sm = sl.main_loop()
m3 = Rapicorn.MainLoop()
assert ml == ml and sl == sl and sm == sm and m3 == m3
assert ml != sl and sl != ml and sm != sl and sl != sm
assert ml == sm and sm == ml and ml != m3 and m3 != ml
assert ml.main_loop() == ml and m3.main_loop() == m3

# test exec_callback
ect_counter = 5
ect_value = ""

def bhandler():
    global ect_counter, ect_value
Пример #11
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
PyRapicorn Loop Test

import Rapicorn  # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python
import sys

# initialize application
app = Rapicorn.init_app("PyRapicorn Loop Test")

verbose = 0
loop_tchecks = 0
loop_ichecks = 0
test_loop = None

def loop_tests():
    global test_loop

    def tcheck_func():
        global loop_tchecks, loop_ichecks, verbose, test_loop
        loop_tchecks += 1
        if verbose:
            print "%s: %u" % ('tcheck_func', loop_tchecks)
        if loop_tchecks >= 10 and loop_ichecks >= 100:
        return True  # keep running

    def icheck_func():
        global loop_ichecks, verbose
Пример #12
# Load and import a versioned Rapicorn module into the 'Rapicorn' namespace
# Licensed CC0 Public Domain: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
import Rapicorn  # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python

# Setup the application object, unsing a unique application name.
app = Rapicorn.init_app("Test Rapicorn Bindings")

# Define the elements of the dialog window to be displayed.
hello_window = """
  <Window declare="example-bind-py">
    <Alignment padding="15">
      <VBox spacing="30">
        <HBox id="binding-box">
          <Label markup-text="Editable Text: "/>
          <!-- [bind-title-EXAMPLE] -->
          <TextEditor markup-text="@bind title"/>
          <!-- [bind-title-EXAMPLE] -->
        <HBox homogeneous="true" spacing="15">
          <Button on-click="show" hexpand="1">    <Label markup-text="Show Model"/> </Button>
          <Button id="shuffler" on-click="shuffle"> <Label markup-text="Shuffle Model"/> </Button>


window = app.create_window("example-bind-py")
Пример #13

import Rapicorn # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python
import sys

# Define main window Widget Tree
simple_window_widgets = """
  <Window declare="simple-window">
    <Button on-click="CLICK">
      <Label markup-text="Hello Simple World!" />

# setup application
app = Rapicorn.init_app ("Simple PyRapicorn Test") # unique application name
app.load_string (simple_window_widgets)            # loads widget tree
window = app.create_window ("simple-window")       # creates main window

# signal connection testing
def assert_unreachable (*args):
  assert "code unreachable" == True
cid1 = window.sig_commands.connect (assert_unreachable)
cid2 = window.sig_commands.connect (assert_unreachable)
assert cid1 != 0
assert cid2 != 0
assert cid1 != cid2
disconnected = window.sig_commands.disconnect (cid2)
assert disconnected == True
disconnected = window.sig_commands.disconnect (cid2)
assert disconnected == False
Пример #14
    # check for garbage collection interleaved with this script's activity
    startgc = r'TestGC-Release'
    collected = r'GARBAGE_COLLECTED.*?purged=[1-9]'
    released = r'TestGC-Released'
    # the GC cycle executes asynchronously, so collected/released may be printed in any order
    gccycle = startgc + '.*?' + '(' + collected + '.*?' + released + '|' + released + '.*?' + collected + ')'
    gc_matches = re.findall(gccycle, output, re.S | re.M)
    # OK if we find the required number of GC interactions
    assert len(gc_matches) >= N_GC_CYCLES

import Rapicorn  # Load Rapicorn language bindings for Python

# Setup the application object, unsing a unique application name.
app = Rapicorn.init_app("Test Rapicorn GC")

# Define the elements of the dialog window to be displayed.
hello_window = """
  <Window declare="testgc-py">
    <Table id="container"/>
  <RapicornIdlTestWidget declare="testwidget"/>


window = app.create_window("testgc-py")