Пример #1
smotif = ud.getSmotif(s1_profile, s2_profile)
rdc_file, ss_seq, cathdb = ud.initData()
cath_entries  = ud.extractCath(smotif, cathdb)
print sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], s1_profile, s2_profile
print smotif
print len(cath_entries)

# Search for needles in the haystack

B0     = 18.8
TinK   = 298.0
Sorder = 1.0
scal = rf.rdcScal(Sorder, B0, TinK)

homologs=[] # specify homologs to exclude from calculation
for domain in cath_entries:
    # ['5gstB02', 'GLU', '90', 'MET', '112', 'ASP', '118', 'LEU', '141']
    if domain[0] in homologs:
    rdcd = ParaData(['rdc', ss_seq, rdc_file])
    rdc_data = rdcd.processParaData()    
    temp_nchi, temp_tensor = [], [] # to store tensor and control datasets
    for i in range(0, len(rdc_data)): # iterate through each RDC data set        
        vector_data, data_error = rf.matchRdcToSmotif(s1_profile, s2_profile, domain, rdc_data[i])        
        if not data_error:
            # [[-0.6490001678466797, -0.3989999294281006, 0.6469993591308594], -7252794860688272.0, -6.593]]
            #             X                  Y                    Z                 gm1*gm2            rdc