Пример #1
def choose_templates(templates, age_lim = 20.0, max_nonzero = 5):
	#start out by loading in the template files as a table

	import numpy as np
	import astropy.table as table
	import SPaCT

	ssp_rows = []
	for template in templates:
	    template = template.rstrip('.fits').split('/')[1]
	    spectral_range = template[0]
	    IMF_type = template[1:3]
	    IMF_slope = float(template[3:7])
	    Z = SPaCT.plusminus(template[8])*float(template[9:13])
	    T = float(template[14:])
	    #print template + ':', spectral_range, IMF_type, IMF_slope, Z, T
	    ssp_i = [template, spectral_range, IMF_type, IMF_slope, Z, T]
	ssps = table.Table(map(list, zip(*ssp_rows)), names = ['name', 'spectral range', 'IMF type', 'IMF slope', 'Z', 't'])
	ssps = ssps[ssps['t'] <= age_lim]
	#then pick up to `max_nonzero` number of templates to be nonzero
	nonzero_templates = np.random.choice(ssps['name'], np.random.randint(1, max_nonzero + 1), replace = False)
	template_weights = np.random.rand(len(ssps['name'])) * [1. if i in nonzero_templates else 0. for i in ssps['name']]
	template_weights /= template_weights.sum()
	ssps.add_column(table.Column(name = 'weight', data = template_weights))

	return ssps
Пример #2
def simulate_noise(sparse_spectrum, SNR, n_skyfiber_range = [1, 20, 3]):
	generate synthetic noise spectra for a given input spectrum, and test the required number of sky fibers (with similar noise profiles) to accurately get the SNR

	import numpy as np
	import SPaCT
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

	plt.figure(figsize = (6, 4))

	for n_skyfibers in range(n_skyfiber_range[0], n_skyfiber_range[1] + 1, n_skyfiber_range[2]):
		ifu, galaxy_noise = noisify_ifu(sparse_spectrum, n = n_skyfibers, SNR = SNR)
		fiberlist = range(1, n_skyfibers + 1)
		SNR_calc = ifu[0] / SPaCT.noise_edgefibers(ifu, width = 3, fiberlist = fiberlist, verbose = False)
		bins, edges = np.histogram(SNR_calc, 50, normed = 1)
		left, right = edges[:-1],edges[1:]
		X = np.array([left,right]).T.flatten()
		Y = np.array([bins,bins]).T.flatten()
		plt.plot(X, Y/Y.max(), label = str(n_skyfibers) + ' fibers')

	plt.axvline(SNR, c = 'k', linestyle = ':')
	SNR_annotation = plt.text(SNR, 0.35, '$S/N=' + str(SNR) + '$')
	plt.title('Effect of # of sky fibers on SNR', size = 18)
	plt.ylim([-0.05, 1.05])
	plt.xlabel('SNR', size = 18)
	plt.ylabel('normed fraction', size = 18)
	plt.legend(loc = 'best', prop = {'size':6})