Пример #1
def classify(images, classes_list, train_set, test_set, pos_fold, descriptor,
    Performs the classification of the test_set according to the train_set.
    Implementation of Support Vector Machine classifier using sklearn.
    print "Classification: MCSVM"
    #Get parameters
    MCSVM_approach = svm_approach(parameters['Approach'])
    temp_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, "..", "..", "temp"))
    model_path = os.path.join(temp_path, "iteration:" + str(iteration) + \
            "-MCSVM_" + str(pos_fold) + ".model")
    #Preprocess each class to a unique value to the classification
    label_encoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
    print "List of classes of this experiment:", label_encoder.classes_
    #Read the train file and save the list of class and the list
    #of feature vectors
    list_class = []
    list_fv = []
    for img in train_set:
    list_train = numpy.array(list_fv)
    list_train_class = numpy.array(list_class)
    #Given a list of classes, transform each value in this list to a integer
    list_train_class = label_encoder.transform(list_train_class)
    #Read the test list and save the list of class and the list
    #of feature vectors
    list_img = test_set
    list_class = []
    list_fv = []
    for img in test_set:
    list_test = numpy.array(list_fv)
    list_test_class = numpy.array(list_class)
    mcsvm = SVM.MCSVM(approach=MCSVM_approach)
    print "\tFit: Beginning"
    mcsvm.fit(list_train, list_train_class)
    print "\tFit: Done!"
    #Save configuration of the SVM
    model_paths = []
    print "\tPredict: Beginning"
    list_predict = mcsvm.classify(list_test)
    print "\tPredict: Done"
    #Mapping the results into integers
    list_predict = map(int, list_predict)
    #Returning the result to strings
    list_predict = label_encoder.inverse_transform(list_predict)
    list_result = []
    for predict in list_predict:
        img_result = [0] * len(label_encoder.classes_)
        #Find all predict in the list label_encoder.classes_ and grab the
        #first index
        pos = label_encoder.classes_.tolist().index(predict)
        img_result[pos] = 1
    return list_img, list_test_class, list_result, label_encoder.classes_, \